Hand in Glove

by Gloriana

ARCHIVE: Yes to Master_Apprentice only



WARNINGS: m/m sex, leather...

NOTES: An answer to Sithlawyer (ChatNoir)'s challenge, which is repeated at the end (just to maintain some element of suspense).

DISCLAIMER: Hi, George, if you want to sue someone over this try Sithlawyer: it's all her fault and she might put up a better defence. After all, she may get some satisfaction out of this story, but I sure ain't getting any money. And I don't think I get the guys either, since they belong to you.

SPOILERS: TPM (but full-scale denial is going on here...)

FEEDBACK: Well, hmmm, oh if you really want to. To: Gloriana.Reginata@virgin.net

SUMMARY: A year after his Knighting, Obi-Wan wonders why he still hasn't bedded Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan looked critically at his reflection in the mirror. The Layotian uniform was too snug across his shoulders: he must have put on some extra muscle since it was issued to him last year. But at least the dress trousers still fit. They even made him look taller, with the high waistband and long slashes of gold on black from hip to ankle. Oiled black ankle boots shone in the evening light. He had spent the last half hour cleaning them up, and was quite pleased with the result.

The gold frogging on the jacket was just ridiculous, though; he took it off and laid it carefully on the stool, together with the gold-braided cap. He was warm enough in the crisp cotton shirt, and it would never do to get a spot of oil on the cuffs of the silly thing. He picked up the black gloves he would be expected to wear to complete the ensemble and slipped them on. Thin fine leather, they should have been soft against his skin, but it had been a long time since he last wore them, and their texture was somewhat papery. A bit more oil needed there.

He poured some from the bottle into the cup of one palm, then stood there working it into the leather. Strange, that this was the last time he would wear the uniform. A full year out on the Rim, but in some ways it seemed like only a few months. Of course, the pace had been incredibly frenetic, and he had learnt so much...every day bringing fresh challenges. The young man who looked back at him from the mirror had a few lines of his own, now, to challenge his master's formidable collection.

He smiled briefly, thinking of Qui-Gon, but the smile soon became a frown. He'd been back from the Outer Rim for nearly a fortnight, but he was no closer to resolving the tension between them than he had been for the six months previously. Qui-Gon hadn't helped, using Ani's constant presence as an excuse not to touch him, not to take him...

Obi-Wan shook his head in frustration, loose tendrils of hair tumbling round his shoulders. He still missed the swing of his Padawan braid sometimes, but at least the rest was now long enough to pull into a semblance of a tail at the back, even if bangs of hair were always falling into his eyes. He was changing, the man he saw in the mirror told him that, but his master still treated him as a sexless young boy. Was that what Qui-Gon wanted? For him to stay the young padawan?

No, he couldn't accept that. His master was nothing if not adaptable, absorbing new situations, new experiences and constantly learning from them. For a man of fifty-three, he had the most curious, inquiring mind Obi-Wan knew. He had taken three padawans towards knighthood: the change from teacher to equal probably held less surprises for him than Obi-Wan had encountered as he, too, changed: from student to lover.

Lover. Hah! What good was the title without the reality? Unconsciously Obi-Wan began to pace in front of the window, ignoring the setting of Coruscant's sun as it painted the sky gold. He could almost think that Qui-Gon was content at the lack of physical contact between them. Perhaps he simply did not feel desire for Obi-Wan: loved his heart, his soul, but not his body. Or didn't need to demonstrate that love on a sexual level.

The thought was a hard one, but Obi-Wan had to face it. Ever since puberty, when he became explosively aware of his master's strong sexual allure, he had never known Qui-Gon to exploit it. To the best of his knowledge the man had no lovers at the Temple, no lovers while they were on missions together. And had never had, since Bandomeer. At one time he'd just accepted that his master was celibate, vowed to the Force alone as some Jedi were. The incredible sexual energy Qui-Gon exuded, almost unawares, was fed back into his work, his enthusiasms, his mastery of the Force. Did he now assume that Obi-Wan would take the same path, and that they would live together in a chaste monastic ideal?

He twisted his hands nervously together, still rubbing oil between the fingers of the gloves. That made no sense either. Obi-Wan had spent quite a few years demonstrating that he was no monk to his yearmates. Qui-Gon had dispensed avuncular advice when it was called for, sympathetic understanding otherwise - but with never a hint that he expected Obi-Wan to stop bed-hopping. Even after the disastrous incident on Naboo made their feelings for each other clearer, Qui-Gon had made no demands of exclusivity; had even hinted that, with Obi-Wan so far away, the young knight was free to indulge the needs of his body without guilt. At least that was what Obi-Wan had assumed from the guarded words on the page.

It was so hard conducting an affair over thousands of miles! They'd given up holographic communications almost immediately, both dismayed by the absence of the mental bond they shared before. Instead they had resorted to writing long letters, as regularly as other duties permitted. The first few had been stilted, difficult, concerned more with the new routines of life apart from each other. Slowly they had warmed, thoughts and feelings emerging, intimations of love, of caring, of missing, of loneliness smuggled into the details of daily life.

But when Obi-Wan had started to hint at the physical passion he felt for his master, Qui-Gon ... simply ignored him. No mention that he felt the same things, or even that Obi-Wan was wrong to talk about them. Only once, that ambiguous comment, "You, Obi-Wan, have always been free to take decisions about your own body, and have always made the right ones. Nothing you do could be worthy of my censure."

By the Force, the words were engraved in his mind, but what did they mean?! One read so much into every precious communication, worrying at the meanings behind the words, knotted together like tangled threads. Perhaps Qui-Gon had been trying to say he wanted Obi-Wan to find physical release elsewhere. Perhaps he had been saying he had no passion to give with his love.

At any rate, they had immediately brought to a halt any attempt on his part to greater explicitness. How could he write about desire if Qui-Gon thought he would quench his desire elsewhere? Or did his master take his silence on the matter to indicate that he had done exactly that? Obi-Wan had tiptoed around the issue from then on, resigning himself to patience. After all, he would not be on the Rim forever, and maybe it was more frustrating to write about what he could not yet have, just as it was more frustrating to see an untouchable holographic image than to keep the image of his love in his mind's eye.

Well, his tour of duty was over. Tomorrow's ceremonial procession into the Senate building, when he would form one of the guard of honour escorting the Layotian ambassador, marked the end of it. And now to a new life, but of what would it consist? Out on the Rim, he had pondered whether Qui-Gon had any passion to give him, and decided he could live without it as long as he had the man's love. Back here, it was all different.

For one thing, he was realising that he had learnt to live without Qui-Gon: not happily, not well, but he had coped over the last year. Once upon a time, Qui-Gon had been his sun, his centre of gravity. Now he was a man grown, and had defined a centre within himself. He had learnt much that his master could not teach him, of strategy and war, and had earned a rank in the Layotian army through his own actions, rather than as a Jedi representative. He had led men into battle, devised the strategies under which they fought. He could contemplate a path in the Jedi order separate from Qui-Gon's.

The second thing, which he had realised in an instant of seeing his old master, was how much he had underestimated his own lust. It was easy, light years of distance away, to forget the intense physical presense of the man, how his big body dominated anyone near him, how hot his blue blue eyes shone. Enfolded in that warm embrace as he stepped from his shuttle, he had to hide his face in the curve of his lover's neck, in case everyone around him saw the raw desire there. But a moment later broad hands were gripping his shoulders, holding him at arm's length ostensibly to look him over. He had managed to bring himself back under control, barely; but he had been kept at arm's length ever since.

Yet it was neither of those issues that left him pacing in the fading light of dusk. Despite the lack of a training bond between them now, despite the awkwardness that inevitably had cropped up between them in the first few days of his arrival, he was increasingly sure of one last thing: Qui-Gon did want him.

Oh, he tried to hide it. And a Jedi Master, trained ambassador, diplomat and warrior could hide most things when he wanted. But not this. It was the sideways glances, when Obi-Wan was caught up admiring Ani's latest achievement. It was the odd intake of breath, when he innocently licked his lips, or stretched in a yawn. It was the way Qui-Gon would walk around a piece of furniture, not to brush past his former padawan. It was the way the older man refused to meet his gaze, if their hands touched passing plates at mealtimes. His lover wanted him.

So why, why, WHY wouldn't the man just take him! Obi-Wan's fist slammed into his palm. He had tried going slowly: after all, they both had a lot to adjust to. Then he had tried waiting it out: surely Qui-Gon would finally act, as he had never failed to in any situation before? But now he was getting angry - and very frustrated. Qui-Gon was as slippery as a damp Gungan, avoiding every effort Obi-Wan made to engage him in frank discussion as agilely as he avoided Obi-Wan's hands. Well, Ani was out tonight. Obi-Wan's mouth took on a grim set: it was time to pin Qui-Gon down.

His eyes narrowed as he heard the door to the common room open. Qui-Gon closed it again; then came the rustle of cloth as he hung his cloak, and the thump of boots discarded onto the floor. "Obi-Wan?" the deep tones travelled easily down the hall to him.

"Here, Qui-Gon." He tried to keep his own voice level, banking the anger that was building up inside him.

He heard footsteps coming down the hall, heard them slow as if Qui-Gon were reluctant to come too close.

"I'm just getting this wretched uniform ready for tomorrow. What do you think?" he turned back to the mirror and pretended to stare at his reflection in the glass, but surreptitiously checked Qui-Gon's progress from beneath his lashes. The man was in the doorway now, leaning on the frame and staring at him. Obi-Wan was reminded of nothing so much as a great grey wolf, predator hungry to devour - but this predator kept his fangs muzzled.

He turned quickly and Qui-Gon immediately averted his gaze. "It's fine, if a trifle gaudy." The pretended nonchalance bit at Obi-Wan's heart. "Do you want to change? I thought we could dine in hall tonight."

Obi-Wan reached for the bottle of oil, poured some more onto the gloves, then started to rub it in. "Hmmm, it's an idea." It was hard to hide his anger now: so this was how Qui-Gon planned to avoid any intimacy with him this evening.

"Can you hang the jacket up for me? I don't want to get any of this stuff on it."

"You could just take off the gloves," Qui-Gon said mildly, but he walked into the room and picked up the discarded jacket anyway, turning to hang it in the bare cupboard by the bed. The plain browns and creams of his customary tunic and leggings, with bare feet protruding below, made the fancy garment seem even more ridiculous in contrast.

"No, my hands are too rough. I keep fraying the braid: it's all the calluses from handling the z-z guns. These army uniforms may be old-fashioned, but Layotian weaponry is cutting edge - literally."

Qui-Gon gave a wry smile at Obi-Wan's dry quip, but it was wiped out when he continued, "See, you can even feel them through these gloves," and held out his hands to the bigger man.

At first he thought Qui-Gon would refuse, but then he reached out and traced one fingertip along Obi-Wan's palm. The thin leather was no barrier between them: he felt the pressure of Qui-Gon's finger as it traced the raised ridges overlaying old calluses from 'sabre practice. Obi-Wan closed his hand around Qui-Gon's.

"Perhaps we could eat here instead?"

Qui-Gon snatched his hand away and began to talk quickly, "Don't you want to see some of your old friends? I hear Bant is ba-"

"No!" Obi-Wan roared, finally losing his temper. Qui-Gon stared back at him, surprise overcoming his reluctance to look fully at Obi-Wan.

"No, I do not want to see my friends," he hissed through his teeth, advancing on Qui-Gon. "I want to see my lover." He poked a finger at Qui-Gon's chest, as the other man took an instinctive step backwards. "I want to see the person who swore his love to me a year ago."

Qui-Gon's back was against the wall now, and Obi-Wan took the advantage to block his escape. "I want to eat with him, drink with him, make love to him. So what do you want, Qui-Gon?"

He saw Qui-Gon's face tighten, and thought he had lost. But then the big man closed his eyes, leant his head back against the wall in a gesture of surrender, long throat bare and vulnerable.

"Obi-Wan," the voice was urgent, desperate, "think before you push this. You have made a name for yourself amongst the young knights: I know the Council would willingly give you more authority, while I am tied here with Ani. You have no binding commitment to me." He swallowed convulsively before saying, "And there are any number of others who would welcome you to their beds."

"But what about you, Qui-Gon?" Obi-Wan shot back at him. "Would you welcome me to your bed?" He pressed his full length against that long body, seeking its response. "Damn you, look at me!" He framed Qui-Gon's face with his hands, feeling the prickle of beard even through the thin leather, and pulled it down towards him. Azure eyes met his, burning with unknown emotions. Obi-Wan could feel patterns of Force lines swirl around the pair of them, but he could not interpret them. Never had he wished so desperately for the resumption of their training bond.

"Do you want me? Have you ever wanted me?"

"Yes!" Qui-Gon's fierce affirmation was spat back at him. "I have always wanted you! Since you were sixteen, I wanted you."

Obi-Wan's jaw dropped. He had steeled himself for whatever Qui-Gon would say - but not, apparently, for that.

Questions flooded his brain, vying to be uttered. How on Coruscant had his master hidden this, even in the closeness of their training bond? Why had he said nothing before, after Naboo? What did the man think, that Obi-Wan was such a baby he couldn't handle Qui-Gon's needs? Had he been planning to mention it at all? Indignation allied with the remnants of his earlier anger to swamp all other emotions.

"You weren't going to tell me, were you?"

Qui-Gon sighed and leant back out off Obi-Wan's grasp, staring at the ceiling. He was calm and measured once more. "Obi-Wan, this decision is yours to make. My wants are not material here. I have lived with this for a long time; I would not rush you into - "

"Rush me?" Obi-Wan interrupted incredulously. "Qui-Gon, I know you are always saying I should be patient, but even you cannot think we haven't waited enough."


But Obi-Wan had heard enough. "Shut up. Just shut up," he growled, putting his mouth against Qui-Gon's throat to still the words forming there, then following through with all the weight of his body to pin him against the wall. The hot flesh burned against his lips, as he plundered down the vee of the tunic. When the cloth got in his way, he summarily ripped it open, knocking away Qui-Gon's hands as they sought to interfere.

Brusque fingers stripped belt and undertunic from him, Obi-Wan none too gentle as the gloves slightly hampered his nimble fingers. Qui-Gon made no move to stop him after that initial resistance, but his breathing quickened, the movements of his chest drawing Obi-Wan's attention to the hardening nipples bared from the tunic's cover. He bent his head to suck at one swiftly, red-gold hair tumbling to hide his face. Qui-Gon gasped, then again as Obi-Wan stroked a thumb across the other nipple, leather leaving an oily smear. The hands at his side became fists.

Obi-Wan pushed himself away slightly, using the distance between them to haul Qui-Gon's leggings down his hips. His penis was revealed, impressive even in its semi-flaccid state. After one long look, Obi-Wan returned his attention to Qui-Gon's face. Its expression was almost dazed, but Obi-Wan was having no mercy tonight.

"You are going to do exactly what I tell you. Do you understand?" His tone would have been recognised by any of the junior officers who had tried his patience too far in the last year.

Qui-Gon visibly gathered his wits together. "Obi-Wan," he began, "listen to me - "

"No. Now, shut up, lie down, and get hard."

Qui-Gon shook his head and half-smiled, half-sighed in capitulation, but his body was obeying even more quickly, his cock rising up against the cloth of Obi-Wan's shirt. He stepped out of the puddle of clothes at his feet and lowered himself onto the bed beside them, watching Obi-Wan as Obi-Wan watched him.

The young knight was beginning to tremble a little himself, lust and the adrenaline of anger combining to bring everything into sharp focus. The astounding sight of his master, stretching out naked on the bed before him, his to touch, to take, was almost more than he could cope with. But he wanted more.

"Touch yourself. I want to see you stroke yourself." Qui-Gon hesitated for a moment, then brought one of those big hands down over his cock, smoothing it up the shaft in a practiced gesture, round the blunt purple head then back down again. Obi-Wan crouched down beside him in fascination, captivated by the slow movements.

"Obi-Wan, please." Qui-Gon's voice was a hoarse rasp.

"What, my love? What do you want?" Obi-Wan tore his gaze from the spectacle, to meet his lover's eyes. He was shaken by the eager hunger he saw there.

"Touch me."

"Yes, oh yes." He reached out and stilled Qui-Gon's hand, replaced it with his own. The gloves bothered him, but as he thought to pull them off he remembered the roughness of his hands, calloused by the heavy fieldguns. He would tear at Qui-Gon's flesh if he removed the soft leather. So he left them on.

A slow stroke up, and the oil from the glove glistened over Qui-Gon's cock. The man reared up below him, moaning quietly. Obi-Wan pushed his hips back down with his other hand, then smoothed the flesh of belly and chest, leather stark black against the pale skin. Delicately he slid back down the newly-slicked member. Through the leather he felt the ridges of veins and loose skin shifting beneath his hand. As he repeated the caress, Qui-Gon began to speak in a voice so low Obi-Wan could hardly register it.

"I used to watch you - you have no idea. You were so beautiful, so innocent. I didn't think you could become more beautiful, but you have, my Obi-Wan, you have. So beautiful, standing there tonight with the last rays of the sun behind you - aah!" He gripped the bedclothes with his fists as Obi-Wan's mouth found the tip of his cock. A sobbing breath later he continued,

"You used to do that kata - do you remember, when you were twenty? The Gliding Bird. You would spread your legs and fly through the air above me, and I wished, how I wished I could freeze that moment, you suspended there, so much grace and power, and please please Obi-Wan, go lower..."

In obedience, he took his mouth from the head of his master's penis, moved down to envelop his scrotum with his lips, then licked the delicate flesh below. Qui-Gon twisted on the sheets, raising his legs to give Obi-Wan easier access.

"Put your fingers inside me, love, I need that so badly." Qui-Gon's brogue was stronger now, more pronounced than Obi-Wan had ever heard it. He brushed the tip of his gloved fingers against the puckered opening below, heard the short sob the movement elicited.

"Wait, wait," he soothed the older man. "Just a bit more oil - I don't want to hurt you." The intensity of Qui-Gon's response, after his elusive behaviour of the last two weeks, was a little unnerving. Obi-Wan fumbled as he reached for the bottle he'd left beside the bed, spilling some on the sheets before he could coat the fingers of the glove with it. "There, now," he crooned as he smoothed the oil around the sensitive ring, and began to push in with one finger.

"Gods!" But Qui-Gon didn't pull away: if anything, he pushed his body down onto Obi-Wan's hand, until Obi-Wan stopped him with a touch to his belly. Then he lay quiescent, breathing harshly, until Obi-Wan breached that first ring. "Yes, love, not so slow," but Obi-Wan ignored him, pushing in very gradually till one knuckle had entered.

"Oh, Obi-Wan, you are so good to me, yes my young one. I knew you would be amazing at this. When you came home those nights you were seeing Felixia - that ambassador's daughter, the one from Nigera. You would smell of sex, and in the corridors next day she always looked so satisfied...Please, another one, don't stop now." Qui-Gon's body was tight round his finger, but he slipped the tip of another in beside it, feeling the muscle spasm briefly, then relax again. After a moment the voice continued, dry and strained now.

"And that evening before we went to Naboo, the hurt on your face when I told you to get on board the shuttle. I am so sorry, my love, I can't forget how you looked then -"

"Hush, we've talked about that, Master," Obi-Wan hastened to say, rattled by the mention of those terrible weeks. Watching Qui-Gon fall to the Sith's blade, fighting to close the gaping wound...he still flinched from the memory. This was no time for such thoughts. To divert Qui-Gon he twisted his fingers inside, found the prostate and flicked a fingertip against it. The results were gratifying.

"Are you ready for another, Qui-Gon?" But he already knew the answer, from the loosening of the muscles around his fingers and the rocking of Qui-Gon's hips. A long groan of pleasure filled the room as he inserted a third finger, the thickness of the gloves adding to the width of his own fingers. Obi-Wan began to move in and out, stroking the prostate as he went. His own groin was now uncomfortably constrained by the tightness of his trousers, but he didn't want to break into this rhythm to free himself.

"Ah, ah, again." Qui-Gon brought his knees up towards his chest, a gesture so vulnerable and trusting that Obi-Wan felt tears prick at his eyes. "Whuh. And that day on Malastare, when you won the swimming competition, and your body was shining with water in the sunlight, and I could only wonder when you had developed all those muscles, and everyone was looking at you. I wanted to say, he's mine, he's mine, he's mine," Qui-Gon's voice had faded to a whisper, as he repeated the litany on each thrust in of Obi-Wan's fingers, but then he stopped, drew a great breath. "The fourth, Padawan."

"Are you sure? I know you are not a small man, but that's a lot to take..." Obi-Wan's brows knitted in consternation, but Qui-Gon gave a soft laugh.

"And you are no small man either, love. I would rather be prepared for you. Please."

Now Obi-Wan began to shudder in earnest. He hadn't been sure quite where they were going, content to satisfy Qui-Gon's hunger before his own. Now he knew, and his own stomach tightened unbearably. But there was this to complete first. Slowly he pushed a fourth finger in, the tip only, and felt everything clench around him again. "oh" Qui-Gon's reaction was virtually wordless. They stayed frozen like that for a long moment, and then Qui-Gon said, "Enough." He withdrew his fingers with equal care, then sat back, sucking air into tortured lungs.

/Hurry./ The shock of Qui-Gon's voice, echoing in his mind after so long bereft of it, robbed Obi-Wan of thought, but his body responded to the urgency emanating from his bondmate. No time to strip off his clothing: he undid the trousers and freed his aching erection, kicking the restrictive garment down to his ankles.

Grabbing at the bottle of oil, he poured a generous amount along the length of his cock, then spread it with one hand. The unaccustomed sensation of the soft leather made him start: he had almost forgotten the gloves, they were so like a second skin. But on his own flesh, he felt the slight roughness of the seams, the smooth warmth that was like but unlike the touch of human skin. He thought of that within his master, and nearly came in his own hand.

/Obi-Wan!/ The command startled him, and he looked up into Qui-Gon's piercing gaze. //Yes, Master.// his response came instintively. Crouching between Qui-Gon's legs, he put his oiled cock against the tight anus. Qui-Gon reached down to spread himself wider with his own long fingers. Slowly Obi-Wan began to push in, and felt the incredible heat envelop him as he breached the first ring.

/More, Padawan! Fuck me now./ The unexpected profanity sent such a jolt of arousal through Obi-Wan that he lost control and surged into Qui-Gon, pushing all the way in with one powerful thrust rather than the gentle penetration he had intended. His lover cried out, a deep reverberating cry that tore into Obi-Wan. //Oh no, I didn't mean to hurt you!// But Qui-Gon was wrapping long legs round his waist, stopping his retreat.

/No, stay with me, stay./ Again they were still, until Obi-Wan felt the painful tightness around his cock ease. His master's hands were stroking his hips now, wordlessly asking for his movement. Slowly he obeyed, stretching down to kiss his master first. A gentle withdrawal, a tortuously slow re-entry. Qui-Gon hissed with impatience, and swivelled his hips higher, hooking one leg over Obi-Wan's shoulder.

/I said, fuck me, Padawan! I'm not a china doll./ The irritability of that mental tone almost made Obi-Wan laugh: it was so like the Qui-Gon of old. His breath caught in his throat and he started to move faster, picking up a punishing pace at his lover's urging. He couldn't spare a hand to reach down between them and touch his master, but he felt the hard flesh rubbing against his belly on each downward thrust. Qui-Gon groaned beneath him, hands clutching at the pillows above his head as every sinew in his body strained up to meet Obi-Wan.

His body opened to allow Obi-Wan's cock to plunge deeper, then closed again around him as he withdrew, reluctant to let him go. This couldn't last, Obi-Wan was so close now, sobbing in frustration when he pulled out too far once and had to breach the entry to Qui-Gon's body anew. The spiralling sensation in him was more than he could control, but a moment later he felt Qui-Gon spasm around him, felt the deep voice like a gong echoing around him. Giving up of himself, he thrust one more time into his master, and let his own release take him at last.

It seemed like hours later, that they lay in the gloaming watching the reflection of passing airship lights move across the window. Obi-Wan had finally shed his clothing in a careless pile by the bed, and crawled back into his master's arms. He had been shaken to see traces of blood on his softening cock, but Qui-Gon had shushed him.

"Don't worry, love, it's just been a long time."

Now Qui-Gon's fingers traced lazy spirals on Obi-Wan's back, soothing, but Obi-Wan did not want to sleep just yet.

"How long, Qui-Gon?" His tentative question stilled the moving hand.

Qui-Gon kissed his brow, stirring the soft locks of hair. "Since a day, ten years ago, when I looked at you and saw the man in the boy." Soft, husky tones, his throat still raw from his earlier cries. They must have woken up everyone within the tower, Obi-Wan thought muzzily.

"Why didn't you say? You knew I was totally infatuated with you then."

"You've just answered your own question, my Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon chuckled, much as he had at the end of many lessons when he brought Obi-Wan round to finding his own answers by patient, guiding questions. "And anyway, what would your reaction have been, hmm?"

Obi-Wan stretched, smiling ruefully. "I would have been terrified. You know that."


"But later? When I was twenty?"

"When you were twenty, young Padawan, you had discovered the delights of half the young Knights in the Temple. How could your hoary old master hope to compete?" Qui-Gon's tone was drier now, and Obi-Wan glimpsed underneath traces of an old pain.

"Qui-Gon, Force knows I never meant to hurt you." Obi-Wan raised himself up on one elbow, straining to make out his bondmate's features in the gathering dark. "They were just games, you knew that. No-one ever took my heart," he added fiercely. "It was always with you."

"Ah, I knew, love." Qui-Gon reached up to stroke his hair, obviously still unaccustomed to the longer tresses. Soon Obi-Wan would be wearing a tail as long as his own. "There were just days when it seemed - less secure."

He moved to pull the young man's body up onto his own, rolling him till he lay flat on Qui-Gon's chest.

"Oomph. You weigh a bit more than you did when we used to sleep like this on missions."

"I was only thirteen then, Master. I had a lot of growing to do," Obi-Wan reminded him cheekily.

"Yes, and certain other - ah, attributes - have grown as well." They shared a grin of remembered pleasure, before Obi-Wan sobered again.

"And when I was twentyfour? I loved you so deeply then, and it seemed as if, when I finally got the goal of my life and became a Jedi Knight, I would lose the only thing worth living for. Why did you hide it from me then?"

Qui-Gon's answer was slow and considered. "You were so near your knighthood, Obi-Wan. To distract you from it, for my own selfish gratification, would have been anything but the action of a loving master. We seemed to have reached a good balance, too. You weren't sobbing into your pillow every night, as you did at fifteen, or sleeping on someone else's, the way you had at twenty."

He stroked down Obi-Wan's spine, smoothing out unseen knots. "And I suppose," he continued after a hesitation, "I was beginning to realise that your knighthood would not change our situation. I still couldn't charge into your life, demand your devotion. You needed time and space away from me. Time to become your own man."

"You weren't going to tell me, were you?" It was the second time this evening he had made that accusation, but now it was laced with empathy and gentle regret. "Until Naboo. You'd have let me wander off across half the galaxy, not knowing."

"Yes. Or, at least until you'd had a chance to build a life of your own. But Naboo changed all that."

Together they lay, letting memories of that dark time occupy their thoughts. After death had come so close, and Obi-Wan had shown so much of his heart to Qui-Gon in his desperate struggle to pull him back into the world of the living, they had had to acknowledge the love that lay between them. But Qui-Gon had been three months in the infirmary, at first too weak to even speak. And as he grew stronger he had urged his bondmate to take up the duties of knighthood, even if it meant they were separated. After all, Qui-Gon would be recuperating for a long time, and Ani would need his undivided attention.

So Obi-Wan had gone, against his wishes but respecting his master's wisdom. And Qui-Gon had been right: he was more mature, more capable of standing beside Qui-Gon as an equal now. Thank the Force he had not realised the older man's willingness to let him go: he would have been on the next shuttle back!

Qui-Gon chuckled again. /Stubborn, you are, I always said it./

//Contrary, you are, I always knew it.// They repeated the old refrain from missions past.

/So - you will stay?/

//Do you need to ask?//

Qui-Gon's face took on a smugness it usually only wore when he beat Master Yoda in a debate of logic.

/Not so. But, my Obi-Wan/ and there he paused, and the tips of his ears went a little pink. /When you give back the rest of that uniform after tomorrow, do try and keep the gloves./

*The End*