Theme and Timbre: Grand Pause

by RavenD (

Archive: master_apprentice, anyone else, pls. ask

Author's web page:

Category: PWP

Series: Part of the "Theme and Timbre" Series

Rating: G

Warnings None

Spoilers: none

Summary: The Jedi wait and watch

Notes: For Ghostie

Feedback: Waited for with bated breath.

Disclaimers: Lucas owns it all. I don't have enough money to pay attention.

Grand Pause: Indicates all to remain silent

He must be nervous, tense. He crouches, waiting after stalking me for days -- coiled inside like a spring on some child's wind up toy.

I haven't moved, haven't altered my position on the floor, kneeling here silent, barely breathing. Once, in my youth, I could meditate for days. What I do now is a pale reflection of that, a mere exercise of will. My hair weighs heavy down my back, my nape damp and sticky. The air smells of stale tea and day-old bread and waiting.

He's waiting for me to move, to speak, to stop this long-grown old game and touch him.

It is the perversity within us that keeps me still, which makes him wait. I am the elder, the master. It is enough that my will is broken enough that I yearn for him, need to touch him, capture his breath within my lungs. It is enough that I long to hold his love within my hands as he holds mine.

He cannot have my control.

His feet are bare, curled beside him. When he was younger, he would clench his toes while he waited. I can still hear them somehow, scraping against the fabric of the sofa, loud in the silence. So restless, my padawan, so impatient. A bright spirit in constant motion, spinning in an inconsistent orbit around me.

I wonder what this new stillness means.

He woke this morning, sauntered into our common room, sat down and looked at me, looked into me and in that second my world shifted. Now we wait to see who will break first.

I thought I had reached the end of his patience.

Perhaps I have simply reached the beginning of his need.

The End