A Gift For Qui-Gon

by The Rose

Title: A Gift For Qui-Gon
Author: The Rose
Archive: M/A and my web site, http://www.sockiipress.org/~rose
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Q/O
Category: Point of View, Romance, Qui/Obi
Warnings: No
Spoilers: Nope
Series: This is the third installment in the "Glimpses" series, co-written by The Rose and Kalujinn. This follows immediately behind my "Qui-Gon's Treasure" and Kalujinn's "A Slow Healing."
Feedback: <waves hand slowly in air> You WILL send feedback. Ah, come on! You know you want to! Either on-list or off to: rosarocaminis@yahoo.com
Disclaimers: George Lucas owns all things Star Wars and makes a fortune off of them. Me, I write for the fun of it and give it away for free.
Summary: Qui-Gon gets a present from his bondmate.

It's been a rough day. I swear by the Force that if I have to endure one more physical therapy session like today's, I'll strangle someone. Preferably, Healer Vortrella. How she can be so sweet and gentle and so callously unfeeling at the same time is a mystery to me. And, I don't see how it can go on much longer. It's been nearly a year since my injury, after all. Though I'm not yet back at my former strength, I'm surely no longer in need of coddling.

I settle back into bed, letting the softness of the mattress and comforter enfold me. I'm on my last nerve, I think, and feeling very trapped and boxed in. Just as sleep is about to overtake me, I feel Obi-Wan approaching.

My beloved is like a beacon of light in the darkness, reaching out to illuminate all the shadowy places in my heart, and I sense him even before he opens the door to our quarters. Breathlessly, I await him. When he finally appears, silhouetted and backlit by the common room lamp, I take a few moments to enjoy his nearly perfect form.

I can't really see his face, but somehow I know that he's wearing that sly, snug little smile that he gets when he's feeling especially proud of himself. He's holding one hand behind his back, and finally my curiosity gets the better of me.

"What do you have there?" I ask.

"A gift," he answers softly, stepping further into the room.

I hold my arms up toward him. "You're the only gift I want."

He chuckles, the sound warm and inviting like the feeling of coming home after a long absence, and he begins to remove his clothing. "You might change your mind when you see what I've brought."

He settles in beside me, as naked as I am, and the heat of him is nearly my undoing. I feel my cock swell and tent the blanket. Obi-Wan sees it, of course, and chuckles again.

"Miss me?"

"Always." I lean in to kiss him, and he allows it for a few precious seconds before pulling away. "Don't you want your present?"

I growl, low in my throat. "I want you."

I straddle him, pushing his hands into the mattress and grinding my cock against his answering hardness. He moans deeply and thrusts up against me. I revel in my position of power, of control, and soon he is as desperate as I, and struggling toward completion. We come almost immediately, within seconds of each other, without any penetration or even a kiss. I let myself drop limply to the bed beside him, one leg still draped across his hips.

"Good," I mumble with the help of the few brain cells that haven't melted completely away.

"Mmmm," he says. Then, recovering a little, he pushes up onto one elbow. There's that smug little grin again. "But, you still haven't opened your gift."

He hands me a small envelope and I tear open the flap. Inside is . . .

"A travel voucher?" I question. Then I look closer. It's a voucher, all right, for two. And the destination is one of my favorite places in all the galaxy.

Obi-Wan's smile widens. "The Council has put us both on temporary reassignment to Devinnar 3."

I feel my face stretch into a huge grin, the muscles protesting as if I haven't done it in a long time. "Who did you have to threaten to get this?"

He laughs, a sweet sound that makes me want him all over again. "No one. Yoda knows how helpless you've felt lately. Since you're not yet in shape for a real mission, he thought this might satisfy you for awhile."

I reach up and pull Obi-Wan down for a kiss, tangling our tongues and tasting deeply of him. When I break free at last, I gaze into his eyes.

"Thank you."

He traces my lips with one fingertip, and smiles again. "You're welcome. Now, let's sleep. Our transport leaves tomorrow just after noon meal, and I want you well rested for the trip."

I nod and sigh as he snuggles up against me. My beloved is in my arms, and the future looks bright indeed.