George's Joke Reel -- The Pod Race Part 1

by Tilt (

Archive: master_apprentice

Category: Humor/Parody ...and probably Heresy.

Rating: PG

Warnings: DO NOT read this while eating or drinking!

Spoilers: A rewrite of a scene from TPM

Summary: The *Real* Phantom Menace, as told through outtakes, flub-ups, and Liam and Ewan's last-minute rewrites of their scripts.

Feedback: One can never get enough of a good thing.

Disclaimer: This is a shameless parody of Phantom Menace. I can only hope George has a healthy appreciation for insane comedy. All that is Star Wars belongs to George, he is my hero and my guru and without him the world would be a much Darker place. I submit this rewrite of TPM into evidence as Exhibit 1. I intend to make no profit from this bit of drivel. Stay your mighty wrath, George. I'm just a crazy writer.

Fit the First

The desert of Tatooine, sandstone and sand and not a whole hell of a lot more. In the distance the lights of Mos Espa shimmer on the heat haze. Twilight is falling.

A black ship, a dagger shape with outriggered hyperdrive nacelles on each side. A bumber sticker on the trailing edge of one nacelle says, "How's my driving? 1-800-876-SITH" The ship comes to a motionless hover then drops to the sand behind a big outcrop of rock. The ramp in the round aft end of the ship opens and a figure shrouded in black bounces down the ramp, humming vaguely to the tune of Madonna's "Like a Virgin." Big white floppy ears escape the black hood and spring up like satellite dishes, twisting and swivelling. A long hairless tail flips and curls behind.

DARTH MAUL moves to look out at Mos Espa, brings up a pair of macrobinoculars and scans around the darkening horizon. After a moment he seems to come to some sort of decision.

MAUL -- Narf!

He pushes a button on his digital watch and three flying shapes zip out of the hold of his ship behind him and race to line up in front of him expectantly. One is a black Magic 8 Ball. One is a basketball. One is a giant golf ball. All three have black rubberized antenna and a camera lens in one side.

MAUL -- Uuuhhhmm...Master says find the girl. Where would she be? Where would she go?

The golf ball bobs in place, beeping frantically.

MAUL -- Uhm, oh yeah, right, we're supposed to find the Jedi too. Wowee Zowee! Jedi! (begins spinning around, skipping and clapping happily, and continues in a sing-song voice) I'm gonna fight the Jedi! I'm gonna fight the Jedi!

The Magic 8 Ball bobs and makes a buzzing sound, obviously not approving.

MAUL -- (stops and looks up at the three hovering spy droids) Oh, yeah, right. Hehehe. Narf! Okay. You! (points to the golf ball) Go to the mall! You! (points to the basketball) Go to the ice cream shop! And you! (points to the Magic 8 Ball) Go to the video arcade! No wait! You just go flying around looking for the Jedi!

The three spy droids bob in place, beeping acknowledgment, and zip off over the desert.

MAUL -- (watches the droids go, then tilts his head in a listening pose for a moment attentively) Oh yeah, right! The Force says I should go get a drink and read comic books! Yeah!

He skips back up into his ship, happily singing "I'm gonna fight the Jedi!" in a tuneless mumble.

Fit the Second -- Before the Race

The podrace hangar, the following morning. Vehicles of every size and description are lined up in the open archways of the hangar, pit droids and technicians hurrying to tweak just a few more ergs out of parts that should have been recycled years ago. The roars of engines, the thick smells of grease and coolant and, strangely enough, Turkish taffy. Alien pilots are doing preflight checks and signing their insurance claim forms in advance.

Two eopies are pulling a small yellow and blue pod and it's engines into this chaos. The pod is plastered with sponsorship decals advertising Fisher-Price, Mattel, and Mongoose Bicycles. Atop one eopie, Anakin pops his bubblegum and looks supremely unconcerned that he's about to be flying his home-built suicide sled in a race where people regularly get their spare parts scattered over several miles of desert. Behind him, Padme is trying to maintain her "Serene Face", but the ragged chewed end of one braid kind of ruins the effect. On the other eopie, Anakin's mother Shmi looks like any mother who's about to watch her fool son do something no sane person would even consider unless there was a considerable amount of money involved. As they enter the hangar a tall shadow comes forward to meet them, and resolves into our hero and Jedi pin-up god, Qui-Gon Jinn. Behind the pod, C-3PO and R2-D2 are arguing about the relative merits and failings of Microsoft Windoze versus Linux.

QUI-GON- (helping Shmi off the eopie) Good morning...

SHMI smiles and slides off the hairless packbeast as he takes her hand to help her down. Anakin and Padme slide down and off their eopie and begin to manuever the pod and it's engines into one of the hangar's archways as Anakin's friend Kitster pops out of the woodwork and begins helping them.

KITSTER (to Anakin) Uh, did you remember the duct tape this time?

Anakin reaches into the pod, brings out a huge role of silver duct tape and grins as he rips a length off .

ANAKIN - Yup. Who needs a seat belt? (blows a huge bubble with his bubblegum)

PADME rolls her eyes at this and turns to help the two boys fasten the pod's powerlines to the engines.

Two NASCAR talent scouts stroll by, eyeing Anakin's pod and nodding a greeting. In the hangar archway next to the group waits a Federation shuttle; the name "Galileo" is blazoned along the side and a tall pointy-eared gentleman in a blue shirt and black pants is giving passersby questioning looks. From inside the shuttle's open hatchway come the sounds of clanging and the occassional zap of electrical power, followed directly by bursts of angry Scots Gaelic. In a further archway, a black SR-71 sits dripping fuel slowly into the sand beneath it. A short figure in a yellow and blue costume lounges on the open rampway, puffing on a cigar and picking at the treads of his boots with a long silvery claw extending from the back of one hand. Still further, a black triangular shape hovers humming above the floor of the hangar. Beside it, two Gray aliens stand impassively while a handsome young human male in a long trenchcoat holds a cellphone to his ear, arguing with someone named Scully. Directly across from Anakin and the rest of our heroes, a hot-air balloon is slowly rising from the floor as a purple elephant blows it up with his trunk. Yakko, Wakko and Dot are scurrying around the balloon checking ropes and fastenings as it begins to reveal itself as the Oscar Meyer Weiner.

Bill and Ted walk by, give Anakin's pod the once-over, and say simultaneously, "Excellent!" With an air-guitar riff that would do Eddie Van Halen proud, they saunter away.

As Qui-Gon and Shmi help Anakin and the others attach the engines to the pod, Maul's flying Magic 8 Ball droid zips into the hangar. It spots the group, gives a startled whistle, snaps a few Polaroids, and races back out again.

WATTO approaches as the small group finishes connecting the pod to the engines. The junk dealer is short, brown, furry, and has large canine teeth hanging over his bottom lip. Sharp beady eyes regard the group with predatory eagerness.

WATTO - Me want see your ship soon as race is over.

Qui-Gon spots the junk dealer and walks over to him.

QUI-GON -- Patience, my friend! You'll have your winnings before the suns set. And my friends and I will be far from here.

WATTO -- (scrunches his furry eyebrows together as he thinks, then brightens) Not if ship belongs to me!

QUI-GON -- You don't think Anakin will win?

WATTO -- (eyes the tall Jedi warily, scowling) Uh-uh! (points to Yakko, Wakko and Dot) Betting on them!

QUI-GON -- (thinks a moment) How about a side bet, then?

WATTO -- (eyes fill with suspicion) Uuuuhhh?

QUI-GON -- I'll bet my new racing pod (indicates Anakin's pod) against...say...Anakin and his mother Shmi.

WATTO -- (blinks, then falls over onto the sandy floor laughing, holding his middle as he kicks his feet in the air. Then he jumps up and shakes his head vehemently) No! Uh-uh! No way!

QUI-GON-- (looks around as if making sure no one's listening) It's the fastest pod ever built...

WATTO -- (still shakes his head violently) Uh-uh!

QUI-GON -- I'll throw in a year's supply of Rice-a-Roni.

WATTO -- (blinks, then starts whimpering and snivelling) No pod worth two slaves! You can have mother!

QUI-GON -- Then let fate decide.

WATTO -- (grins hugely and nods, then from out of nowhere produces a large silver coin. On one side is a picture of George Lucas with the words "In George We Trust". The other side is GoGo Dodo.) George, you get Anakin. GoGo, you get Shmi!

QUI-GON -- Fair enough. Toss.

WATTO flips the coin high in the air. Behind his back, Qui-Gon crosses his fingers, then gives the coin a little extra spin with the Force while promising to it that he'll let Obi-Wan go to the Britney Spears concert. Surprisingly, the trick works! When the coin lands, Saint George grins up from the sand-covered floor! Apparently the Force is all in favor of Obi-Wan ogling well-endowed teenage girls!

QUI-GON -- Anakin it is.

WATTO -- (scrunches up his eyebrows suspiciously and gives the Jedi a glare that could be used to make ice cream) Gggrrrrr... You win this time! But Anakin will not win race!

QUI-GON -- (smiles enigmatically) We shall see.

WATTO growls, glares at the Jedi, glares at the Oscar Meyer Weiner balloon and the Warner Brothers, then begins spinning like a tornado and zips down the aisle between the pods and other ships and disappears around a corner.