Gee's Story

by Kat >^..^< (

Archive: M/A

Rating: NC-17 for sex

Category: AU

Series: Terri Hamill's "Wheel of If"

Gee is first introduced in Wheel of If, Episode 22.

Pairing: Gee/Other

Warnings: Consentual sex with a mentally handicapped person.

Spoilers: None

Feedback: Sure! Any and all. On list or off.

Summary: Can a handicapped man find love?

Disclaimers: Yeah, yeah. King George owns all...

Acknowledgements: Thank you Terri for letting me play in your universe. Thank you to Terri, Master Rose, and Majilique for the betas. You are all truly incredible. Any errors are totally mine.

Dedication: To my son. May you always have fair winds and following seas. Oh yeah, you can get off the ship now!

The infirmary doors opened and a man slowly emerged, leaning heavily on a gimer stick similar to the one carried by Master Yoda. He was lean but well muscled, standing just under six foot tall and he was dressed in standard Jedi uniform, cream tunics with dark brown leggings and knee-high leather boots. Knight Mikhail Karadis looked about him, brushed his dark blonde hair out of his eyes and heaved a sigh. Normally, after spending time in a bacta tank, his bondmate Kalinda escorted him home, but this was not normal. Things would never be the same again.

He had returned to the temple ten days earlier gravely injured during their last mission. They had been working as engineers on the small planet of Caldon, helping with the relief effort after earthquakes had devastated the northern continent. His bondmate, Kalinda Sejen, was helping evacuate a building when a strong aftershock hit.

Mikhail was unable to do anything to stop the building from collapsing, it all happened too quickly. He had rushed back into the building to find Kalinda and had just spotted her when a pillar collapsed, killing her instantly and bringing the rest of the building down on them. The rescue workers were able to pull their battered bodies out and put them on an emergency transport to Coruscant, but there was nothing to be done for Kalinda.

It was now two years later and Mikhail had gotten used to the idea that he would never go out in the field again, after that disastrous mission. The healers had worked miracles with him but were unable to completely repair his left knee. After the fifth surgery, the healers had finally given up. His knee would never be able to take the punishment that a field assignment would impose. Yoda had come to see him shortly after the last surgery and asked him to give up working as a field engineer and consider teaching. Mikhail took the offer with a feeling of sadness that one part of his life was over, and now his life was filled with young initiates and padawans seeking to learn the secrets of higher math and physics.

His personal life could not be reconciled so easily. The first year after the accident was filled with an unbearable loneliness. He had always known the risk of losing Kaly, but had never truly believed that it would happen. He spent the first months in a mind numbing grief, unable to adjust to the fact that his bondmate had joined the Force.

Soon, he was afforded another visit from his mentor, Yoda. This time, Yoda was accompanied by a Soul-healer by the name of Tel-Bek. After many months of grueling sessions that Mikhail felt were ripping his soul apart rather than healing it, he finally came to terms with the knowledge that Kaly was gone. He spent the first anniversary of Kaly joining the Force in a deep Remembrance Meditation.

During the next six months, Tel-Bek enlisted the aid of his friends and began to reintroduce Mikhail to the world. One friend in particular, Obi-Wan Kenobi, took him under his wing and made him join in group activities, knowing that Mikhail would probably shut himself away in his quarters and brood if given the chance. Obi-Wan was almost ten years younger than Mikhail, but they had worked together on field missions at various times and had become friends over the years.

Finally, after a session in which Mikhail detailed his latest outing to the Soul-healer, Tel-Bek pronounced him mentally fit. He cautioned Mikhail that while he would always miss and love Kaly, he had progressed far enough in the healing process that he would begin to open up to new experiences and new relationships. His life began to settle into a routine. He taught his classes during the day and at night if one of his friends didn't invite him out for a holovid or dinner, he would go to his quarters and grade data slates for the next days classes. On the second anniversary, after coming out of his Remembrance Meditation, he realized that he was lonely.

Classes were over for the day and Mikhail was hurrying to set his classroom back to rights and get the stacks of old textbooks back to the library before his supper date with Obi-Wan. However, this group dinner had a different feel to it. Mikhail wondered if Obi-Wan and Knight A'Dell were ready to make an announcement.

Mikhail hit the door buzzer of Obi-Wan's apartment, a bottle of Coruscant's finest white wine in his hand. The door opened to reveal a smiling Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Mik!" Obi-Wan grasped his friend's hand. "Come in! How are you? I'm so glad you were able to join us!" He slung an arm companionably around Mik's shoulders and drew him into the room where Knight Lanita A'Dell and Obi-Wan's padawan, Anakin Skywalker, were deep in conversation. Standing off by himself, was Obi-Wan's mentally handicapped ward, Gee. Gee had come to the temple with a deficiency in his forebrain and while he could never become a Jedi Knight, he was Force sensitive and was allowed to stay with Obi-Wan and do small odd jobs at the temple. Obi-Wan had taken over his care when his Master, Mace Windu died. Mace and Gee had been lovers and Gee still missed the closeness that he and Mace had shared.

"We only have to wait for Master Yoda, then we can sit down and eat. Gee, open the wine that Mik brought and pour us all a glass. We're celebrating tonight!" As if on cue the door buzzer sounded, Obi-Wan released the door with a wave of his hand and it opened to admit Master Yoda. "Good, we're all here now. Let's sit down at the table and eat."

Master Yoda claimed the head of the table, as was his due, with Obi-Wan to his left and Gee on his right. Lanita seated herself next to Obi-Wan and Mikhail sat next to Gee. Anakin found himself at the foot of the table. They were about to start passing the serving dishes around when Obi-Wan stood up with a crooked grin on his face.

"Well, now that I have you all here, I would like to make an announcement. Or rather Lanita and I would." His grin broadened into a wide smile.

"We, that is, Lanita and I, would like you all to share in our happiness and be honored guests at our Bonding Ceremony. Master Yoda, if you will, we would like you to officiate."

"About time it is," grumbled the old Master.

After accepting congratulations from everyone, Obi-Wan sat down and kissed Lanita, much to the enjoyment of all assembled, with the exception of Gee. The big man ducked his head and started to play with his silverware. The lapse went unnoticed by everyone except Mikhail who kept an eye on Gee throughout the rest of the dinner.

Later, back in his own quarters; Mikhail smiled when he thought of the most recent turn of events. Obi and Lanita were to be bonded in ten days time. The timing was relatively fortunate because while Obi and Lanita were away on their bonding trip, Anakin would be on a field trip with a group of younger padawans to Dantooine.

That only left the problem of Gee. Mikhail had gladly volunteered to have the handicapped man stay with him until Obi and Lanita got back. Since Gee was familiar with Mikhail, the thought of staying a ten day with the teacher didn't seem to bother him. Mikhail knew Gee as Obi-Wan's ward but really hadn't had many dealings with him. He hoped that Gee wouldn't be too lonely without Obi-Wan and Anakin and that he could keep him busy until they returned. The only times he had dealt with handicapped people was on missions, and then not very often. He looked forward to getting to know Gee and had decided that the company would be good for him. His quarters had been silent for too long.

The day of the bonding ceremony dawned bright and clear. Mikhail hung his lightsaber from the belt of his formal uniform and smiled. He was happy for his friend and was looking forward to the ceremony. He hoped that Obi-Wan and Lanita would find the same happiness that he and Kaly had had. He straightened his shoulders and headed for the Garden of a Thousand Fountains where the ceremony was to be held.

The garden was beautiful, the flowers in full bloom. The blues, lavenders, and pinks of nature contrasting wonderfully with the new bondmates in their white formal uniforms. Yoda officiated next to a small babbling fountain and the wedding party was surrounded by almost the entire Temple wishing the popular couple well. Love and happiness permeated the Force.

After the bonding feast, Mikhail, Gee, and Anakin escorted the pair to the hanger to catch their flight out. Anakin was scheduled to leave shortly after. As Anakin's ship lifted off from the landing pad, Mikhail glanced at Gee who was looking forlornly at the ship speeding away.

"Everything all right, Gee?" Mikhail put his arm around the big man's shoulders in a comforting gesture.

"Are they going to come back?" Gee asked quietly.

"Of course they will. Obi-Wan and Anakin will both be back in ten days. I'll keep you so busy between now and then; you won't have time to miss them. Come on, let's go get your gear and check out the room you'll be staying in." He urged Gee forward.

After showing Gee his quarters, he made a light supper of breads and cheeses. Then the two new roommates settled down to watch a light adventure on the holovid. When it was over, Mikhail glanced over and noticed Gee yawning.

"Off to bed now, tomorrow's going to be a busy day." Mikhail got up and stretched.

He settled Gee into the bed in the spare room and closed the door behind him after shutting off the light. As he got into his own bed, he thought that it might not be so bad having a roommate for awhile.

Mikhail woke with a start. There, he heard it again; a slight sob. He turned on the light with a touch of the Force and got out of bed. The sound had come from the bedroom where Gee was sleeping. He tapped on the door and called quietly, "Gee, is everything all right?"

"No, I-I'm scared." The big man's voice stuttered slightly and shook with another sob.

Mikhail quickly opened the door and sat down on the edge of the bed. Gee grasped on to him like a drowning man.

"Shhh, it will be fine. Can you tell me what scared you?"

Gee gulped down a sob. "It's too dark and lonely in here. Would you stay with me?"

"Sure, move over a bit." Mikhail tried to slide into the bed beside the larger man and almost fell out on his rump.

"Uh, on second thought, Gee. Why don't we go to my room? The bed is bigger."

Gee slowly climbed out of bed, rubbing his head. "Y-yes, m-my head hurts too."

"How bad is it? Do you need to see the healers?" Healing was not on the list of things that Mikhail did well. He hoped the big man wasn't going to get sick on him. He didn't deal well with sickness.

"No, but Master Obi-Wan would rub my temples when my head hurts," Gee said hesitantly. "Could you do that for me?"

"Yeah, come on."

He led the big man into his bedroom and tucked him in. Soon Gee was leaning against his chest while Mikhail slowly massaged his temples and did his best to transfer healing energy to the handicapped man.

The next morning, Mikhail awoke with his arms around Gee who was smiling gently up at him.

"My head doesn't hurt anymore."

"That's good. Are you ready to get up and help me with my classes today?"

"Yes, what do I get to do?" asked Gee with a puzzled look on his face.

"Well, you can help collect papers and help me clean up after class. Does that sound good?"

"Yeah, I guess so..."

The day passed quickly, Mikhail had no trouble keeping Gee busy in the classroom. All of his students were familiar with the mentally challenged man and were happy to give him small errands to run. By the time Mikhail and Gee were in the cafeteria eating last meal, Mikhail was feeling pretty confident that he could handle anything that came up.

That assumption proved horribly wrong when it was time to go to bed. Mikhail sent Gee to the spare room hoping that he was comfortable enough now with Mikhail that he would be able to sleep the night through in his own bed. Unfortunately, when he looked up, there was Gee with his pillow tucked under his arm with a hopeful look on his face.

"Gee, don't you want to sleep in your own bed?"

"No, I'd rather snuggle up with you," Gee said slowly, the hopeful look on his face turning into disappointment. Then he blurted out suddenly, "And I could suck you. Maybe you wouldn't roll all over the bed if I did."

Mikhail turned a bright shade of red and gulped. "Gee, I don't think Obi-Wan would want you to do that."

"Why not? I would do it for him." Gee's voice had a note of confusion in it.

"You would?" Mikhail squeaked.

"Yes, it would make him feel better." The confusion in Gee's voice was becoming more evident.

"Uh, Gee. I don't think that you should offer to suck people just because it would make them feel better. You really should save that for people you care about."

"But I care about Master Obi-Wan and you. So does that mean I can suck you?"

"But you don't care for me the way Master Obi-Wan feels about Knight A'Dell."

"Oh, I know what you mean now." Gee's face turned hopeful again. "So I shouldn't suck anyone unless I'm going to bond with them."

"Well, I wouldn't go THAT far. You don't have to bond with someone just because you had sex with them, but I really think you should have a little bit deeper feelings for them than just liking them."

"Oh, all right. Well, can I just sleep with you tonight and in the morning I'll see if I like you better?"

With that Gee crawled into bed and pulled the blankets up to his chin. Mikhail groaned mentally and started to count the days until Obi-Wan would be back.

The next morning Mikhail woke to an empty bed and the smells of cooking coming from the kitchen. He surmised that Gee had decided that he didn't like him any better this morning and the embarrassing questions would stop for a while. He thought wrong.

"I made eggs! Well, I tried but when I tried to flip them over the yolks broke so if you don't want to eat them, I'll understand." Gee smiled hesitantly at Mikhail.

It was rather disconcerting seeing the big man standing nude in his kitchen with nothing but a spatula and a large flour sack towel being used as an apron wrapped around his waist.

"Uh, well, I'm sure the eggs are fine but, don't you think you should put some clothes on?" Mikhail asked, almost afraid to hear what Gee would say.

"Well, I thought since I was going to start sucking you, it didn't matter if I wore clothes or not." The puzzlement that had been evident in Gee's voice the night before had crept back.

"You're WHAT?"

"When I woke up this morning I decided that I liked you a lot more so it would be all right. Like you said last night."

"What I meant was that before one person becomes intimate with another person, they should get to know each other a bit better. And make sure that its what both people want. I don't even know if I want to have sex with another man. I've never done that before and I wouldn't know what to do!"

"I could teach you," Gee assured him softly.

"I'm sure you could." Mikhail mumbled under his breath. "Be that as it may, I think we shouldn't do anything until Obi-Wan gets back. He is your guardian and he may not approve."

"Oh. I suppose you're right. And if you don't want to, I guess we won't."

With a disappointed sigh, Gee turned and went into the spare room. Mikhail hoped it was to put some clothes on. He wasn't disappointed when a few minutes later Gee emerged fully clothed. In the meantime Mikhail had set the table and got juice from the chiller and poured it into glasses.

"Come. Sit down and we'll eat those eggs you worked so hard on."

Gee shuffled to the table, his head hanging down in utter dejection and flopped into the waiting chair.

Mikhail sighed. It was going to be a long wait until Obi-Wan came home.

The following days seemed to blend together. In the mornings after a light breakfast, Gee and Mikhail would head to the classroom. They ate mid meal together during Mikhail's midday break and then Gee would head off to be with Yoda or to help some other Knight or Master with an odd job or two. Gee usually returned to the classroom in time to help Mikhail clean the room or shortly thereafter. After late meal they would go back to Mikhail's quarters and Gee would watch holovids while Mikhail would grade data slates. If Mikhail were working at his desk, Gee would pull up a chair and sit close to him. If Mikhail were doing his work while sitting on the couch, Gee would sit on the floor in front of him between his legs. At bedtime, Gee would crawl into Mikhail's bed, pull the blankets up to his chin, smile angelically at Mikhail, and promptly fall asleep.

Mikhail sat at the edge of the bed watching Gee sleep. Tomorrow Obi-Wan would be home. He wasn't sure how he felt about that. He'd gotten used to having Gee around and would miss his company, but he wasn't sure if he'd miss the sidelong glances that he was getting from Gee. Sooner or later, he was going to have to find someone to talk to about this. Perhaps he needed another session with Tel-Bek.

The next morning, Mikhail got Gee up shortly after dawn. Gee blinked and yawned widely.

"Good Morning, Gee." Mikhail grinned. "This is our last day together, and I thought that you might want to do something special as we don't have classes today. Do you have something you'd like to do before its time to meet Obi-Wan at the transport this evening?"

"Could we go to the Waterpark? They have some great slides there!" Gee scrambled out of bed and put on the robe that Mikhail insisted that he wear when not in his regular clothes. "Master Obi used to take me but he doesn't have a lot of time anymore. And could we have a picnic?" Gee's words tumbled over each other. It was the most animated that Mikhail had ever seen him.

"Yes, that sounds fine. Why don't you use the 'fresher and get dressed. I'll gather what we'll need together and pack us a lunch."

Mikhail found a canvas carryall and packed it full of towels, sunscreen, and bottled water. Next, he commed the commissary and ordered two picnic lunches for Gee and himself. After that, he contacted the hanger to arrange transportation for the day. He then headed for the bedroom to find his swim trunks. The last time he'd used those was when he was in rehab for his knee. He still couldn't put a lot of weight on it and when he was tired, he limped slightly.

Just as he was coming out of the bedroom, he met Gee coming out of the spare room with his trunks in his hand.

"Ready? Here give me those and I'll put them in the bag with the towels."

Confident that they had everything, they headed out the door. It was going to be a great day.

When they got to the Waterpark, the gates hadn't opened yet so they joined the queue that was forming to get in. Fortunately, it wasn't a long line, so they didn't have to wait long. After paying their credits to the gatekeeper, they headed for the changing/shower rooms.

This wasn't the place for those who were modestly inclined. The changing room featured lockers with benches to sit on and little else. The shower room was large with ten showerheads spaced around the room with a drain in the middle.

Mikhail shrugged and began to strip out of his clothes, hanging them in a locker. When he was dressed in his trunks, he turned to gather Gee's clothes and hang them up also. He stopped, and stared. Gee was wearing the tightest pair of swim trunks Mik had ever seen. Absolutely nothing was left to the imagination. The trunks outlined every curve of Gee's buttocks and in the front, Mik could see every bit of Gee's manhood. He was beyond terrified to see what would happen when they got wet.

"Uh, Gee? Uh, aren't those uncomfortable?" Mikhail was practically stuttering.

"Um, a little. Master Mace gave them to me a long time ago. He liked them."

*I'm sure he did!* Mik thought to himself. "Well, I'm sure they're just fine for private swimming but I don't know that you should wear them here. They're a little revealing. How about if I go get you a new pair from the swim shop here?" Mik was beginning to sweat. And he was starting to get a distinctly warm feeling in his lower regions.

"Oh. I'll come with you."

"No! I mean... well, just stay here. I'll be right back. And put this on." Mik tossed him a towel from the bag. He grabbed another towel and wrapped it around his waist tucking it in securely. His own trunks were starting to feel tighter than was strictly comfortable.

Mikhail grabbed his credit stick and headed to the swim shop trying to figure out when he had lost control. Behind him in the locker room, Gee was smiling.

Mikhail came back a few minutes later with a pair of royal blue swim trunks. "Here," he said as he handed them to Gee, "I hope you like them. They match your eyes." *Now, where did THAT come from?* Mik wondered.

The rest of the day went much smoother. It had been a long time since Mikhail had just let himself relax and have fun. He didn't even mind that Gee kept giving him little unexpected hugs.

It was finally time that they headed back to the Temple. The water slides had been great fun and the picnic lunch was perfect. Mikhail loaded everything into the speeder and crawled in beside Gee who was almost half asleep. They would have enough time to get Gee packed and head back to the hanger to meet Obi-Wan's ship. Mikhail promised himself that if Gee were willing, they'd do this again sometime.

The ship carrying Obi-Wan and his new bondmate Lanita landed softly on the pad. A few minutes later the ramp came down and Obi-Wan and Lanita disembarked arm in arm.

"Master Obi!" Gee gave a yell and headed full speed to his guardian, throwing his arms around him and giving him a big hug.

"Oooff, Gee, wait, too tight!" Obi-Wan was starting to turn red. "It's good to see you too, now loosen up a bit!"

"Yes, Master." Gee let go of Obi-Wan and turned to give Lanita a big hug also. This one was not as overpowering though. He let go and smiled at them both. "We had so much fun while you were gone. Did you miss me? I helped Knight Mikhail and everything!" Gee was so excited, he was practically dancing.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down. You can tell us tonight all about your adventures. Right now I need to speak to Mik for a bit and then we can go home, all right?" He clapped Gee on the shoulder then headed over to where Mikhail was standing. "Everything go well?" he asked in a lowered voice.

"Yes, just fine. We've become great friends." Mikhail smiled at his friend. "But there are a few things I'd like to talk to you about. Maybe after you get settled in we could have lunch."

"Yes, of course. How about tomorrow? I'm sure I'll need a break by then." Obi-Wan glanced over his shoulder where Gee was dancing around Lanita regaling her with stories.

"That would be wonderful. I'll see you then." Mikhail stepped forward and touched Gee's shoulder to get his attention. "Gee, it's been great having you with me. You're a great roommate."

Gee turned and gave Mikhail a big hug. He ducked his head into Mikhail's shoulder and held on for a few seconds. "I miss you already." He said softly and let the other man go.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here if you need me. You can always stay with me, if Obi-Wan goes on a mission. Or if you want to go to the Waterpark again. See you later." Mikhail smiled at all of them and headed out of the hanger.

As Mikhail entered his quarters, the first thing he noticed was the silence. How could ten days make so much difference? He felt as though something was horribly missing. He turned and walked into the kitchen area and made himself a small snack, not really hungry after their busy day at the Waterpark. He tried watching a holovid but the plot seemed inane and the characters plastic, so he turned it off and headed to bed.

He spent the night tossing and turning; his dreams were full of large hands and a soft mouth. He kissed the mouth, pushing his tongue into its warm depths. So silky, so sweet, so hot. The hands moved across his body, sliding along his ribs, flicking at a nipple. He felt his cock harden and begin to leak fluids. Then his eyes snapped open and he sat up in bed, realizing that what he had just experienced was an erotic dream.

He lay back on the bed and let his hand slide down his body to his waiting erection. His thumb rubbed the tip spreading the liquid that had collected there. Moving his hand lightly down his shaft to the heavy sack below, he rolled his balls in his hand. A groan escaped his lips. Gods, it had been so long since he'd done this. Letting his hand move back up his cock, he used a firmer grip and was soon bucking his hips up in time with his hand. With a final thrust, he groaned again and shot his seed over his stomach.

Mikhail let his heartbeat slow down to normal, totally relaxed now for the first time in months. He thought back on his dream and realized that the person that he was dreaming about was Gee. He covered his face with his hands and groaned. This was so wrong. Wasn't it? Now he really needed to speak with Obi-Wan.

The morning dragged on endlessly. His students all seemed restless and he couldn't keep his mind on the assigned lessons. Finally, the bell rang signaling the end of the morning classes. With a sigh, Mikhail straightened his tunic and headed for the commissary and his lunch with Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan was there before Mikhail and waved at him cheerfully as Mikhail got his food. As Mikhail sat down at the table, Obi-Wan grinned at him and said, "All right, spill. What did Gee do to make you so jumpy?"

"Obi, before I tell you anything, I need your solemn promise that none of this goes beyond you and me. In return, I promise that I will heed whatever advice you can give me."

Obi-Wan looked long and hard at his friend. "Of course. This sounds serious. I promise. Now, what gives?"

Mikhail heaved a long sigh. Gods, this was hard. Deciding the best thing to do was just plunge in, he stared down at his hands clasped in his lap and started. "Well, Gee decided that he wants to suck me. We never did anything, honestly. But, I've found myself attracted to him. I know you probably think I'm horrible, after all I've never been with a man and I'd never take advantage of anyone that was mentally handicapped and if you decide I need to see Tel-Bek . . ." Realizing that he heard what sounded like a snort coming from Obi-Wan's direction, he stopped his rambling and looked up at his friend and confidant.

Obi-Wan had one hand firmly clapped over his mouth and his whole body was shaking. The part of his face that Mikhail could see was turning red and his eyes had a suspicious twinkle in them.

"You're laughing at me!" Mikhail was aghast, his deep green eyes blazing. "You think this is funny! Do you really think this is a joke?"

"No, no, calm down, Mik. Really, I'm not laughing at you, well, I am, but not how you think I am. I should have known that Gee would take a shine to you and I really should have warned you. You see, Gee knows how enjoyable sex can be and even though he can't orgasm, he really enjoys giving this pleasure to people he likes. And from what I heard last night, he really likes you. Every sentence out of his mouth was Master Mik this and Master Mik that. " Obi-Wan smiled at Mikhail.

"Gee has felt that he has no one he can give his affections to since I started seeing Lanita and Anakin has been mooning over Amidala. It seems as though he's decided that he can trust you." Obi-Wan grinned cheekily at Mikhail. "If I were you, and you are attracted to Gee like you say you are, just let things happen naturally. Gee won't ask you to do anything that you don't want to. And if things get uncomfortable, I can explain things to Gee so that he won't get hurt. Be assured that Gee won't let you do anything that he doesn't want you to." Obi-Wan clapped Mikhail on the shoulder. "I trust you not to do anything to deliberately hurt Gee in any way. Take your time and make sure that this is what you want. If it is, then you have my approval and support to pursue a relationship with my ward."

Mikhail grinned at Obi-Wan. "So, you think there might be a future in this?"

"Well, that depends on you. You have to realize that Gee is never going to be more than what he is. There is no magical cure for his deficiency. He will always have the mind of a young child. But the one thing that he has in abundance is the ability to love. So, if you start a relationship with him, you could hurt him terribly if you decide that you don't want to continue it. So, I repeat. Be very, very sure what you want."

"I understand." Mikhail stabbed at a vegetable on his plate. "Do you suppose we could start out by my taking Gee to a holovid tonight?"

"I think that would be a wonderful idea. I'll let Gee know that you'll pick him up this evening."

"Great. Now, how was the honeymoon?" Mikhail grinned and began eating his lunch in earnest.

The rest of the day sped by with lightning speed. Before he knew it, Mikhail was standing in front of Obi-Wan's suite with his hand on the door buzzer.

Gee opened the door with a smile on his face. He was wearing a pair of gray leggings with a satiny royal blue tunic. His long hair was loose, flowing around his face. "Master Mik, I am ready. Let's go."

"Midnight!" Obi-Wan's voice came from the suite. "I want him home by midnight."

"Yes, sir!" Mikhail laughed.

"But, Master Obi-Wan . . ."

"Midnight, Gee. And that's my final word."

"Come on, Gee. Before he makes it earlier." Mikhail grabbed Gee's hand and tugged him out of the suite. "Later Obi, Bye!"

The holovid turned out to be a great success. It was an action adventure that both the men enjoyed. As they were leaving the theater, Mikhail reached out and captured Gee's hand. "Well, what would you like to do next? We still have an hour before I have to get you home."

Gee hesitated for a moment before he answered. "Could we go to the Garden of Serenity at the temple? I always liked it there. There's so much life in that garden. I can feel the Force better there."

"Yes, I'd like that. I've always been able to center myself better there too."

A short while later, they found themselves sitting on a stone bench in front of a small trickling brook. Mikhail turned to Gee and captured one of his big hands in his. "Gee, I want you to know that I'm going to take things slow. That way if I change my mind and decide that it isn't working for me or you change your mind and decide you don't like me as much as you think you do, we can still back out without getting hurt."

"I know. Master Obi-Wan explained it to me. He said you weren't sure if you wanted to be best friends with me because I'm a man and I'm not very smart."

Mikhail smiled. Leave it to Obi-Wan to come up with "best friend" as a euphemism for "lover". "Well, that's not entirely right. You may not be the smartest man, but you certainly are the kindest, gentlest person I know." Mikhail rubbed his fingers through his hair in a fidgety gesture. A faraway look came to his eyes as he continued. "I had a very wonderful relationship with my bondmate and I'm not sure I'm ready to have that kind of relationship with anyone, not just you. It hurt me very much when she joined the Force."

"Oh." Gee leaned forward a placed a very soft kiss on Mikhail's lips. Mikhail dropped Gee's hand and threaded his fingers through Gee's hair and pulled him in for another kiss.

His lips brushed softly against Gee's and his tongue gently licked at them asking for entrance. Gee opened his mouth slightly and Mikhail tasted the inside of Gee's mouth. Soon, the kiss became like the one in his dream. Sweet and incredibly hot. Reluctantly, he pulled back. Gee made a small noise of disappointment but allowed Mikhail to move away.

"Oh yeah. That was nice. That was very nice." Mikhail gently brushed Gee's hair back from his face.

Gee smiled at him. "You liked that? We could do more."

"Not tonight. I've got to get you back before midnight. Remember? If we leave now, we'll just make it. Will you have late meal with me tomorrow?"

"Oh, yes. I'd like that." Gee got up from the bench pulling Mikhail along with him.

Outside Obi-Wan's suite door, Mikhail placed another soft kiss on Gee's lips. "I'll see you at my quarters tomorrow for late meal. All right?"

"Yes, I'll be there." Gee watched as Mikhail turned and walked off down the hallway.

The next few weeks flew by as Mikhail and Gee got to know each other better. Mikhail discovered that while Gee was willing to go anywhere that he suggested, the large man was more comfortable when they stayed in the Temple. When Mikhail asked why, Gee responded by saying slowly, "I know the Temple, I can't get lost here. People look at me funny when we go out."

Even though Gee kept suggesting more, Mikhail was not willing to do anything more than give him a few kisses at the end of a date, not wanting to push their relationship too fast. He thought Gee was fine with the way he wanted it. Gee seemed to be content just putting his head on Mikhail's shoulder and having his arms around him. The only thing that spoiled it for them was when Gee got one of his headaches. They seemed to come more often lately and when he got one, Mikhail would take him back to Obi-Wan's suite and rub his temples until he fell asleep.

Mikhail waited impatiently for the final bell to ring, in a hurry to get home and make last meal. He wanted everything prepared by the time Gee got there. Tonight was going to be special. He'd finally realized that Gee was very important to him and that he was willing to commit to a relationship with him. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but it felt so right. He had Obi-Wan's permission to keep Gee with him overnight and he planned to make it a night that Gee would enjoy.

The bell finally rang and for once Mikhail didn't bother to straighten up his classroom. He headed straight for his quarters and began to prepare Gee's favorite foods. It was simple fare and easy to prepare, so it really didn't take much time. As soon as the food was ready, he set about making sure everything else was prepared.

He went to the bedroom and changed into a pair of black leggings with a loose flowing emerald green tunic that matched his eyes. Checking his reflection in the mirror, he shrugged and bent to turn down the bed, making sure that there was a tube of lubricant on the bedside table. He then set candles strategically around the room. He went back out to the living area and turned on the music system; soft romantic music began flowing through the room. Next, he turned the lights down low and lit the candles that he had placed in various spots. There, he was ready. All he had to do was wait for Gee to arrive.

When the door buzzer sounded a few minutes later, Mikhail nearly jumped out of his skin. His stomach had started to do queer fluttery things and he felt like he should throw up. "Get a grip, man." He muttered, and went to open the door.

Gee stood at the door, dressed in the gray leggings and royal blue tunic he had worn on their first date. His long hair was pulled back away from his eyes with the balance left to flow on his shoulders. Mikhail was absolutely stunned. He was sure he'd never seen a more beautiful man than this large, raw-boned specimen in front of him.

"Please, come in." Mikhail practically tripped over his own tongue.

As Gee stepped into the apartment, he gazed around him looking confused. "Is there something wrong with your lights?"

"Uh, no Gee. I just thought it would be nice like this. It's supposed to be romantic."

"Oh. Is supper ready? I'm hungry."

"Yes, it's ready." Mikhail grinned. He should have known that Gee would bring him back to reality. "Come, sit down and I'll serve the food."

As they ate, they talked about what Gee had been doing during the day. Yoda had needed to trim some trees in one of the smaller gardens and had asked him for his help. Gee always liked spending time with the little green Master. Sometimes Yoda would help him do some of the simplest katas. Something that Gee always enjoyed even though he could never remember some of the moves. Yoda always praised him and gave him some of the home baked cookies that he liked so well, making for a very satisfying afternoon.

After the meal was over, Mikhail cleared the dishes from the table. Walking over to Gee, he took his hand and pulled him out of the chair. "What would you like to do now, Gee?" He asked quietly.

"Could we sit on the couch and hug? I like that. Maybe you could kiss me if you want. I really like that." Gee ducked his head and looked at Mikhail from under his incredibly long eyelashes.

"You don't want to watch a holovid or have me read to you?" Mikhail teased gently.

"No, I just want you to hold me." Gee voice was almost pleading with him.

"No problem, come here." Mikhail held out his arms to the big man.

They settled on the couch with Gee snuggled in close to Mikhail. He gently rubbed Gee's back with one hand; with the other he loosened the hair tie in Gee's hair and let the silvery-brown locks fall. He tilted Gee's head up and leaned down and caressed his mouth with a searching kiss. Gee responded by opening his mouth slightly and allowing Mikhail to enter that warm, wet cavity with his tongue.

Mikhail's hands stroked Gee's hair, threading his fingers through the silky length. Breaking away from Gee's mouth, he moved his lips across his face and started to lick one of his ears. He moved his tongue around the shell and nibbled on the lobe.

Gee squirmed in his lap and moved to lift Mikhail's tunic. His slid his large hands up Mikhail's body and stopped when he came to the nipples that were already becoming taut. He moved his mouth to join his hands and sucked one nipple into his mouth. Mikhail groaned and arched into the sweet pressure. As Gee moved his mouth to give attention to the other nipple, his hands moved down to rub the material covering Mikhail's erection.

Mikhail groaned again and pulled Gee's head up from his chest. Capturing Gee's mouth again in a wet kiss, he thrust his lower body up into the hands that were massaging him. Gee broke away from the kiss and murmured, "Please, let me suck you. I want to so much."

"Yes, oh yes. The bedroom, we'll be more comfortable there." Mikhail rose shakily from the couch, his thoroughly aroused erection leaving a damp spot on the front of his leggings. He pulled Gee up and shepherded him into the bedroom.

In the flickering light of the candles, he reached for Gee's tunic and pulled it up over the large man's head. He ran his hands down the rugged body and stopped at the tie to his leggings. Slowly, he moved them both closer to the bed and pushed Gee down to sit on the edge. He knelt and pulled off Gee's boots, taking time to caress and kiss each foot as he removed the socks. He urged Gee to stand again and untied the lacing of his trousers and slid them down over the impossibly long legs. Gee stood there in the candlelight wearing nothing but a pair of undershorts that did nothing to hide his masculinity.

Mikhail stood back and drew in a deep breath. This was it; there was no turning back now. He realized that he wanted Gee now just as much as he had ever wanted his beloved Kaly. The fact that Gee was a man didn't seem to make any difference at all. In fact, it seemed to make it all the more exciting.

Mikhail quickly drew off his own clothing and soon his body was bared before Gee. He stepped forward again, reaching for Gee's undershorts and pulled them down. Gee's erection bobbed before him and he sucked in his breath with amazement. The man was truly built like a god. The thick strong erection was a thing of beauty.

As Mikhail admired Gee's body, the big man moved closer, leaned down and picked Mikhail up. Gee gently laid him on the bed and began to move his hands across Mikhail's body. He used his mouth to suck on one of Mikhail's nipples while one hand went lower to stroke the soft skin between his thighs. As his hand moved higher up Mikhail's thigh, it moved inward to cup the heavy sack between his legs.

Without warning, Mikhail's thick erection was engulfed in a hot, wet mouth. His hips rose from the bed trying to get more of that wonderful pressure. Gee's hands came over his hipbones and held him down while he used his mouth to slide down Mikhail's cock. Gee sucked hard and let the silken length slide through his mouth using his tongue to circle the tip and dip underneath the head. He took Mikhail's cock firmly between his lips and went down again, burying his nose in the crisp curls at the base, the tip of Mikhail's cock deep in his throat.

Mikhail shuddered, his hands clutching the sheets. All coherent thought had fled at the touch of that mouth on his cock. He was dimly aware that someone was groaning and he knew he couldn't last much longer. Gee's mouth sucked down on his cock again and he felt a finger rubbing gently on his anus. He screamed and felt his orgasm rip through him, white light dancing before his eyes.

Gee moved up the bed and wrapped his arms around him. Mikhail reached for Gee's mouth and tasted the salty bitterness that was his own essence. Moving his hands restlessly over Gee's chest, he whispered softly, "That was amazing. Can I do that to you?"

"Do you want to?" Gee whispered back. "I like it, but it feels better if you put your fingers up me."

Mikhail understood what Gee was trying to say. He'd had a long talk with Tel-Bek about the mechanics of sex with the handicapped man. While Gee could sustain an erection, he couldn't orgasm. Stimulating the prostate directly would give him pleasure, but he would never feel what Mikhail just had. But that didn't mean Mikhail couldn't try to give him some measure of release.

Sliding down Gee's long body, Mikhail was once again astounded by the sheer size of the man. He gently stroked the huge member with one hand while the other reached for the lube he'd placed on the nightstand. Replacing his hand with his tongue, Mikhail licked Gee's cock, marveling at his first taste of another man.

Slowly, he placed his mouth over the tip and tried to go down like Gee had done to him. He found that he could only go so far before the tip hitting the back of his mouth made him start to gag. Not wanting to admit to defeat this early in the game, he remembered that one of the books he'd read on sexuality said that humming stopped the gag reflex. Sliding his mouth back up, he took a deep breath and hummed on the way back down and was rewarded with the tickle of curly hairs touching his nose.

Deciding that this wasn't half bad, he continued to work Gee's cock with his mouth, while he opened the lubed and warmed some in his hands. Taking one finger and coating it generously, he slowly inserted it into Gee's ass. After working the rings of muscle and feeling them loosen around his finger, he removed it and coated two fingers with lube. Inserting them, he felt for the bump that would signal he'd found Gee's prostate.

There, he'd found it. Rubbing gently over the prostate, he felt Gee shudder.

"Yes! Mik! Harder, please!" Gee was starting to shake, his hands combing wildly through Mikhail's hair.

Mikhail rubbed more firmly over the nugget, careful not to press too hard. Finally, Gee's hips thrust up, pushing his cock deeper into Mikhail's sucking mouth and gave a long shudder. His cock began to soften and Mikhail gently released it and removed his fingers from Gee's ass.

"Was that all right?" Mikhail crawled up the bed to hold the big man.

"Oh yes. That was nice. I liked it." Gee looked at Mikhail through sleepy eyes and curled up around the other man. "Can we go to sleep now?"

"Yes, I think that would be acceptable." Mikhail grinned and reached around pulling the blankets over them both. Yawning widely, he used a touch of the Force to extinguish the candles and tucked his head on Gee's shoulder and went to sleep.

Sometime later in the night, Mikhail awoke. At first, he couldn't understand what was wrong but as awareness came to him, he realized that Gee was sitting up in bed and rocking back and forth, holding his head in his hands.

"Mik, make it stop. It hurts so bad. I can't stand it." Tears were running down his face.

"What is it? Your headaches?" Mikhail scrambled on the bed to hold the crying man.

"Yes, hurts really, really bad."

"All right, that's it. We're going to the healers." Mikhail got out of bed and hurriedly got dressed. He helped Gee up and was just starting to reach for the big man's clothing when Gee slid to the floor unconscious.

Mikhail grabbed his comm and called the healers, telling them that Gee had been complaining of another headache and had passed out. After being assured that they would be there shortly, he commed Obi-Wan and told him to meet them at the medical ward.

Obi-Wan found Mikhail sitting in the waiting room of the medical ward. Looking dazed and rumpled; Mikhail shot him a grateful look when he entered.

"What happened? What are the healers doing to him?"

"They won't tell me anything, Obi-Wan. They said they can only talk to you."

Obi-Wan went to the desk and started talking to the apprentice healer that was stationed there. Soon a door opened and Bant, one of Obi-Wan's oldest friends and a newly knighted healer, came out and sat down with the two men.

"Here's what's happening. After we brought Gee in, we ran various brain scans on him, all of which we've run before, at one time or another. Comparing the old scans with the new, we think we've discovered something. There seems to be a tumor hiding behind his pituitary gland. We think that this is the cause of his headaches. The reason they've been getting more severe lately is that the tumor is growing." Bant paused, letting the information sink in to the two stunned men.

"We'd like to try to remove the tumor, but we need your permission Obi-Wan. Without the surgery, the tumor will continue to grow and press on his brain, causing severe pain and eventual death. The surgery contains risks also. We might not be able to remove it all and it could come back, the growth rate in this case will probably increase dramatically and the end result would be the same. Also, the chance of him not coming through the surgery itself is great. He could die on the operating table."

Obi-Wan looked at Mikhail and nodded to Bant. "Go ahead then. I think we both agree that we have to try."

"Yes, absolutely. We can't just let him die in pain. I can't lose him. I just can't." Mikhail gripped Obi-Wan's arm. "Can I see him before you operate?"

"Yes, that would be good. He's awake now and asking for you both." Bant got up and led the way through the door to a room where Gee was lying on an examination bed.

Mikhail moved to the bed and took Gee's hand. "How are you doing? The healers told us they're going to try to help you."

Gee looked at both of them and started crying. "They're going to cut my hair off! Then they're going to make me sleep and when I wake up, I'll have a scar on my head!"

Mikhail smiled down at him and rubbed his shoulder. "It's fine. Your hair will grow back and it will cover the scar. In a little while you won't even notice it."

"We'll stay with you until you go to sleep. Will that make you feel better?" Obi-Wan asked him gently.

"I guess so."

The healers moved in and began to cut his hair, long locks of chestnut brown with silvered strands falling to the floor. After the majority had been cut, they shaved his head, preparing for the surgery. Bant came up to him and pressed an inoculator to his neck and Gee's eyes began to close.

"I'm sorry. You'll have to go back to the waiting room now. We're ready to take him to surgery."

As they wheeled Gee out of the room, Mikhail reached down and picked up a long strand of chestnut hair.

It seemed like an eternity had passed in the waiting room. Mikhail and Obi-Wan were joined in their vigil by Yoda, Anakin, and Lanita. Mikhail spent most of the time wearing the carpet thin, only stopping when his knee began to give out. He flopped in a chair, holding his head in his hands.

"Mik, listen, it's only been a couple of hours. I'm sure that's a good sign." Obi-Wan tried comforting his friend.

"Good sign, yes." Yoda put in. "Force, kind will be. See Gee in your future, I do."

"I certainly hope so. Now, that I've found him, it's hard to imagine not having him around. He's so gentle and kind. He trusts me so much."

"Given to you all his affections, he has. Consider bonding you should."

Mikhail looked at the little green Master, his chin coming close to hitting his chest.

"Perfect solution it is. Obi-Wan and Anakin on many field missions will go soon. Need someone to take care of him, Gee will. Decisions for him, only a guardian or bondmate can make."

Mikhail was saved from replying when Bant came in the room. "Good news everyone, Gee made it through the surgery and it looks like we got it all. He'll be in recovery for a bit yet. When we move him to his regular room, Obi-Wan and Mikhail may go in for a short visit. He'll be very confused and probably won't remember why he's here, so try not to frighten him and be reassuring. The rest of you go home. Get some sleep." Bant left the happy group and went to give instructions to the young apprentice behind the desk.

"Hmph, told you I did, Force would be kind. Think on what I said, you should." Yoda scrambled down from his chair and with a wave of his gimer stick, he herded Lanita and Anakin out of the waiting room.

Knowing that Gee was going to recover made waiting until he was moved to a regular room much easier. Mikhail and Obi-Wan spent the time cleaning up the mess that the waiting room had become. Disposable teacups were everywhere. Mikhail thought he'd drunk enough tea to keep him up for a year. Soon, an apprentice healer came to show them the way to Gee's room.

The large man lay silently on the bed; bacta soaked bandages covering most of his head, and his eyes focused on the ceiling. When Mikhail reached for his hand, he looked over at him, his blue eyes looking at him with a puzzled expression. "Did I hurt myself? I don't remember."

"No, Gee. The doctors had to remove a tumor that was causing your headaches. You won't have them anymore." Mikhail grinned down at him.

"Oh, can I go home now?" He looked over at Obi-Wan, pleading with his eyes.

"No, you're going to have to stay here and let the healers look after you for awhile. Mik and I will come visit you until you can come home. Do you want me to bring you anything?" Obi-Wan rubbed his shoulder consolingly.

"Could you bring me my stuffed wookie? I call him Mik." He looked at Mikhail shyly.

Obi-Wan smiled, "Yes, I'll bring him when I see you next. But we have to go now. The healers want you to sleep, so you'll get better, faster."

"Will you come back when I wake up?" Gee looked at Mikhail, misery shining in his eyes.

"Yes, I will. I plan on spending a lot of time here with you. I'll bring some of the books you like so I can read to you."

"Great." Gee yawned and closed his eyes, asleep already.

The next week went quickly. Mikhail spent all of his free time in the medical ward with Gee, reading to him and playing simple electronic games with him. When Mikhail was teaching his classes, Bant and her team of healers kept Gee busy with scans, physical therapy, and mental tests.

Mikhail came down the hallway, a book tucked under his arm, intent on his destination when Bant stepped out of another room and stopped him. "I'd like to talk to you about Gee's condition." She smiled gently at him.

Mikhail immediately became agitated. "What? Is something wrong? He's doing so well."

"No, no. Nothing like that. Come, let's talk in my office." Bant led the way and waited until Mikhail had taken a seat. "I've already talked to Obi-Wan about this and he gave me his permission to talk to you. We've done a lot of scans and tests since the surgery. I want to assure you that Gee's mental condition is the same as before. The tumor didn't cause any additional damage in that area. His physical tests have all been positive as well. Force tests show that there hasn't been any diminished ability in that area either."

"But?" Mikhail was sure that there was bad news yet to come.

Bant smiled at him. "This is good news, relax. One of the tests we did was on his hormone levels. We're not totally sure but we think there is a good chance that Gee may be able to function normally during sex. We think that his sexual dysfunction was caused by the tumor. It probably was formed during puberty and has been hindering his development in that area."

Mikhail was ecstatic. "This is great! Can I tell him?"

"No, we don't think you should yet in case we're wrong. We don't want to build up his hopes and then disappoint him. If he had normal mental functions we would, but we're not sure how he might react if nothing happened. We're telling you so that if he is able to orgasm, you won't think there's something wrong and you can explain it to him. You can make it a pleasant experience and not an anxiety filled one. We'll be sending him home tomorrow but we want you to wait at least a week before you resume sexual activities."

"Wow, great! Thank you, thank you!" Mikhail grabbed Bant in a bone-crushing hug.

"Now, go see Gee." Bant laughed.

One week later, Mikhail was in his quarters waiting for Gee to arrive. He had prepared a light supper consisting of finger foods, breads, and cheeses. Right on time, the buzzer sounded. As Mikhail opened the door, he noticed the change in Gee's appearance. Gee was wearing a pair of light gray leggings and a silky black tunic. The healer's had removed all of the bandages from his head and had used the Force to increase the growth rate of his hair. His hair was a chestnut-silvered cap on his head, reaching just below his ears and hanging down near his eyes. The scar on his head was not evident.

Mikhail pulled Gee into his arms and kissed him soundly on his mouth. "I missed you."

Gee looked at him, puzzlement in his eyes. "What do you mean? You've seen me every day. I haven't gone anywhere and neither have you."

"I mean, I miss kissing you." Mikhail replied with a silly grin on his face.

"Oh, me too." Gee smiled softly back at him. "Can we eat now? We can kiss later."

"Promise?" Mikhail teased. His heart felt light. The last time he'd kissed Gee, his life had been turned upside down. He had almost lost someone he cared for deeply. Tonight he was hoping for only good things. But first, he had to feed Gee.

Picking up the last piece of cheese from the plate, Mikhail brought it slowly to Gee's lips. Gee opened his mouth to accept it, his eyes closing and a look of pleasure on his face. Mikhail's fingers lingered on Gee's mouth, then leaned in closer and replaced his fingers with his mouth.

His hands reached up to tangle in Gee's hair. So soft, so silky. He broke his mouth away from Gee's and kissed the pulse point on his neck, suckling tenderly.

"Wait! Not here." Gee moved away from the sweet lips. "Come here." Gee stood up pulling Mikhail with him. Reaching down, he picked Mikhail up and carried him to the bedroom. He lay Mikhail down on the bed and proceeded to strip his clothes from him.

When he was finished removing Mikhail's clothing, he stepped back from the bed and began to remove his own. Mikhail watched from the bed, enjoying the large man's graceful movements. When Gee was finished, he came back to the bed and lay down beside Mikhail, taking him in his arms.

"No, wait. Me first." Mikhail murmured into his mouth. His mouth moved back to the pulse point on Gee's neck that he'd found earlier. He nuzzled into Gee's neck then moved further on down his chest to the taut nipples. Using his tongue, he licked wet circles around one, then drew it into his mouth, sucking hard.

Gee gasped and arched his body up into the mouth that was creating such havoc on his chest. Mikhail smiled and moved slightly to assault the other nipple. After a minute, he brought his tongue into play again and licked a wet trail down Gee's stomach to the tip of his cock, where he used his tongue to lick the fluid that was beginning to gather there.

He broke away and moved to the base of Gee's cock, using his mouth and teeth, he nibbled gently up the hard length. When he got back to the tip, he opened his mouth and swallowed Gee, not stopping until his nose was buried into the crisp curls at the base. Sucking hard, he came back up Gee's cock then plunged down again. His hand cupped Gee's sack, feeling it begin to tighten. He sucked down again on Gee's cock and felt his lover explode filling his mouth with semen.

Looking up quickly, he caught the look on Gee's face. There was an expression of total shock there. Gee's mouth opened in a scream that hurt Mikhail's ears. "What did you do to me? Am I bleeding? I felt something come out." The shouted words tumbled over one another. He sat up and grabbed his cock, turning it to inspect any damages. He looked down at Mikhail and glared at him. "What was that?"

"Oh, Gee! Don't you know what happened? Did it feel good?" Mikhail was practically giggling.

"Well, it did feel really good. But I still want to know what you did to me." Gee frowned at him.

"Gee, you came." Mikhail smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him.

Gee frowned again and looked puzzled. "I thought I couldn't do that?"

"Well when they took your tumor, they fixed the problem that wouldn't allow you to come." Mikhail leaned in for another kiss. This one was deeper and allowed Gee to taste himself.

"Is that what I taste like?" Gee asked.

"Yes, absolutely, incredibly, wonderful." Mikhail couldn't seem to stop grinning. "I'd like to try something else now. May I?"

"Yes, please!"

"I need you to roll over." When Gee complied, Mikhail reached for the lube on the nightstand. He stroked his hand down Gee's back and reached under and lifted him to his knees. He laid the tube of lube on the bed beside him and used his hands to spread the cheeks of Gee's ass. He brought his mouth in close and used his tongue to lick the rosy bud. He felt Gee shudder under his hands and he penetrated him with his tongue, relishing the salty, sour taste.

Loosening Gee with his tongue, he took the lube and spread it on his fingers. First one finger pushed inside the warmth of Gee's body then a second. Feeling the muscles loosen, Mikhail withdrew his fingers and reaching forward, whispered in Gee's ear. "Does this feel good? Do you want me to stop?

"No, please don't stop. I want to feel this. No one else has ever wanted me like this." Gee pushed his ass back, touching Mikhail's hardness.

Positioning himself carefully, Mikhail slowly pushed inside. The tightness and heat that was Gee was almost too much to bear. Soon his balls rested on Gee's ass; waiting a bit for his lover to get used to the feeling, he withdrew slowly and plunged back in. Gee pushed back to meet his thrust, groaning.

Realizing that it couldn't last much longer, Mikhail reached underneath Gee to stroke the big man's renewed erection. Establishing a rhythm, he increased the speed and power of his strokes with each thrust. He felt Gee stiffen beneath him and felt his orgasm shoot over his fingers. With a last hard thrust, he cried out Gee's name and felt himself come, harder than he could ever remember.

Both of the men collapsed, Mikhail being careful to fall to the side, slipping out of Gee's body as he did. Holding Gee in his arms, he began to kiss him softly on his neck and shoulders. Suddenly, he realized that Gee was sobbing. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

Turning in his arms, Gee looked at him, tears flowing down his face. "No, you didn't hurt me. I'm just happy. I never knew this is what it felt like."

"You've made me very happy too." Mikhail replied, gently wiping the tears from Gee's face. "In fact, if you don't mind, in a little while, I'd like to try it with you in me."

"Really?" Shyly Gee tucked his head into Mikhail's shoulder. "I think I'd like to try that."

One month later, Mikhail was in his bedroom getting dressed. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. He smiled at his reflection in the mirror, brushed his hair out of his eyes and hung his lightsaber on his belt, confident that he looked his best. In a few minutes, he would go down to the Garden of a Thousand Fountains and take Gee as his bondmate.

Gee would always be simple minded but that was something that they could deal with. The love he had for Mikhail made up for any mental deficiency. And Mikhail had discovered that he loved Gee with a deep, steadfast devotion.

Yes, the Force had been kind.