Fun & Games

by Anarah ( )

Rating: PG-13

Characters: O/Bruck, O/Q (kinda)

Category: Humor, Pre-slash

Feedback: Would love it. On or off list at,

Disclaimer: Please Mr. Lucas, don't sue! I have no money, and we all know you're the one who holds the copyrights!

Notes: In this Obi is only 15, but he doesn't get it on with an adult, so don't worry.

Summary: Obi-Wan & friends play a game.

"Ok, Obi, your turn!" Garen said, "Spin the bottle."

Obi-Wan glanced at the eager faces sitting in the circle around him. With their Masters gone for the day due to the annual summit meeting, traditionally the time was spent by the padawans doing things not normally allowed. Tonight a game of Truth or Dare had led the group here, playing Spin the Bottle.

Obi-Wan reached out and spun the glass bottle.

"No using the Force!" squealed Bant, as the bottle was suddenly spun in different directions.

"Who'd want to kiss Oafy-Wan, anyway?" Bruck sneered, rolling his eyes.

"No one said you had to be here, Bruck," Bant shot back at the other padawan, "you could just leave."

"What? And miss you all getting into trouble when someone finds you? Not on your life!"

"You'll get in trouble, too, if we're caught," Garen pointed out.

Silence suddenly fell as the bottle stopped spinning. Pointing right at Bruck. All eyes were fixed on him, as Obi-Wan blushed bright red.

"No way! I'm *not* kissing Kenobi!" Bruck's voice cracked as he stood to flee the room.

Giggling, Bant looked at Bruck, "What's the matter, Chun? Scared you'll like it?" she taunted.

Blushing even more, Obi-Wan spoke up, "I'm not kissing him! No way!"

"You have to! Remember, Obi, if you don't you have to do everyone else's dish duty for a whole rotation!" Garen piped up.

Obi-Wan thought that given the alternative he'd rather do dishes for a whole *year.* Suddenly, he thought of the questions his master would ask when he found out Obi-wan had dish duty every night. No, he couldn't risk Qui-Gon finding out about their game. The same sort of thing must have occurred to Bruck because, when Obi-Wan looked up he said, sitting back down, "Fine- get it over with."

Remembering the rules, Obi-Wan leaned across the circle. The kiss had to last at least five seconds and couldn't be just a peck. Extra points for tongue. He and Bruck leaned in, lightly touching lips. A jolt of electricity ran through Obi-Wan and he pressed against him harder. Suddenly, his kiss was being returned. Bruck deepened the kiss and Obi felt a tongue slip across his lips. Parting his mouth, the tongue invaded his mouth and he sighed.

Suddenly Bruck was pulling away, leaving him panting. Wiping his mouth and settling back into his spot, Bruck said, "You need some practice, Kenobi."

As the game continued, Obi-Wan tried to gather his thoughts. One of the best kisses of his life and Bruck said he needed practice? What was wrong with the way he kissed? Suddenly he was elbowed in the rib by Bant, as she pointed to the bottle. It was already his turn again?

He reached out to spin, as his stomach tied up in nervous knots. What if it landed on Bruck again? What would he do? Suddenly the door was flung open and all eyes whipped to the imposing figure standing in the door way. At that moment the bottle stopped. Pointing directly at the man standing in the door.

"Master!" Obi-Wan exclaimed, leaping to his feet, completely embarrassed.

Gazing at his padawan, and then at the bottle still pointing at him, Qui-Gon said quietly, "I think you should all get going, your masters will be looking for you."

After the stampede to the door had abated, Qui-Gon turned to leave as Obi-Wan followed. As he tried desperately to think of something, anything, to say his thoughts were interrupted by his master's voice.

"You don't have to explain, Obi-Wan. I was once a Padawan, too."

Shocked, Obi-Wan said, "Then I'm not in trouble?"

With a small smile Qui-Gon replied, "I didn't say that, Padawan."

Falling silent, they went back to their quarters. "You'll want to get some rest, Padawan. We'll be starting early tomorrow," Qui-Gon said, mildly. "Yes, Master. Good night," Obi-Wan replied, knowing he was in for it in the morning.

"Good night, Padawan." As Obi-Wan turned to go, Qui-Gon said, "You're lucky Master Yoda or Master Windu did not find your game, they would not have been pleased to see you playing spin the bottle in the Counsel cambers."

Suppressing a blush, Obi-Wan replied, "Yes, Master."

He walked into his room, still embarrassed. As he lay down, trying to fall asleep, Obi-Wan could not stop thinking about the bottle pointing at his master. What would it have been like to kiss Qui- Gon? What would he taste like? How would it feel to be pressed up against his hard body? All at once, Bruck's words came back to him and he realized Bruck was right. He would need more practice before he could ever kiss Qui-Gon Jinn. But when the time came, he'd be ready for it. Oh, yes, he'd be ready.
