From Her to Obi-Wane

by Nansi Alexander (

Disclaimer: Whatever it is, George Lucas owns it.
Rating: Adult
Summary: Surely you jest. It's Bad!Fic, written for the Bad!Fic Contest.

Obi-Wan Kenobi, young yet incredibly handsome and yet sturdy - but also fragile - padawan of the August Master Qui-Gon Jinn, rolled over on his hard pallet of a bed, tears rolling down his pale cheeks. In spite of all his hard work, all his hopes, Qui-Gon had publically disavowed him. In front of the entire Jedi Council no less! And for what!

Clutching his pillow in a death grip, he screamed softly "I hate you Anakin Skywalker."

"I'm worried about you, Padawan."

Qui-Gon was very worried about his Padawan. The semi-tall young man had not uttered two words that were unnecessary since the somewhat round ship had left Coruscant's gleaming spires and crowded atmosphere behind in the viewscreen. A mere twinkling of civilization against a velvet backdrop of cold, relentless, uncaring, SPACE!!!!!!!!!! "Yes, I'm worried. What is wrong?"

Obi-Wan's lower lip trembled with the force of his emotions. Serenity was overrated and what did Yoda know anyway! He willed the tears hovering over his eyes to not fall down his face. There was NO WAY he was going to brake and cry in front of Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Just because the man was tall, handsome, distinguished, gorgeous - not to mention incredibly mesmerizingly sexy, he, Obi-Wan Kenobi, was not going to let him lull him into relenting. "Nothing."

"You are trembling with the sheer force of your emotions, Padawan, that cannot not be nothing." Qui-Gon took a brief moment to congratulate himself on the pun...heh...force of your emotions...and Yoda said he had no sense of humor. The little Green Impish Elvish Troll would have to retract THOSE words!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obi-Wan faught the urge to stamp one shapely foot shod in even more shapely shiny boots. "I'm fine and I am no longer your...Padawan!" The tears were getting harder to hold back.

Qui-Gon folded his arms and studied the delicate beauty before him. Obi-Wan's eyes swirled with a motly crew of emotions, a drumming haze of sensuality crossed with anger, a volatile vortex of FEELING, a dizzying whorl of intensity spat at him, a veritable maelstrom of conflicting color schemes. He admired the somewhat tall young man's ability to change eye colors in such a rapid succession. It was breathtaking. HE was breathtaking. Indeed, Qui-Gon was having trouble drawing his next breath from the sheer incredible force of it all!

Either that, or Master Healer Teflon was right - Master Jinn needed to cut out the extra desserts. "And I made another pun," Qui thought, "I should write these things down."

Allowed he said, "You will always be my...Padawan, Padawan. Even when you are not my Padawan. Even when you are not my Padawan and you have a Padawan of your own. Even when..."

"You cast me out!" Obi-Wan burst forth, cheeks flaming, eyes shooting out fantasmagoric sparks of unquantifiable streaky rage. "In front of everyone! For that. . .CHOSEN ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The last two words were a scream of transcendenta fury.

"I did no such thing! And you know he is truly the Chosen One!" Qui-Gon's masterful voice rose in volume thus betraying the depths of his turbid feelings on the subject.

"I will fulfill my duties on this mission to Naboo, but I am not your Padawan and I will not behave as such!" This time one delicately shod, yet beautifully shaped foot stomped the deck of the ship they were currently on. He turned in a swirling blur of voluminous emotions and was gone before Qui-Gon could answer.

"You left before I could answer you," Qui-Gon said to the large and echoing void where Obi-Wan's willowly yet delicate but still sturdy frame had just recently existed.

A preeminence of vision overcame the Jedi Master and he cried out "OH OBI-WAN! WHAT SHALL I DO TO FIX THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

There was no answer, the Force wasn't listening.


Author's Note: So, OK, this is like, my first ever fanfic, and I haven't actually seen The Phantom Menace, but my friend Cheryl did, and she says Ewan McGregor rocks. So I had to write this. Please send lots and lots of feedback, I'm begging you! In fact, if you don't send me feedback I wont rite anymore. The more feedback I get, the more I will write, so you have to send me feedback and then I will write the rest of the story.

So, yes, send me feedback or there won't be anymore story.

Hurry up.

NOT the end