
by quigonspadawan

Feedback: I want it. You know you want to send it!
Archive: M_A...or if you want it let me know.
Category: Angst, first time.
Paring: X/Q at first but not much. This is a Q/O story.
Rating: NC/17 . Hot Jedi monkey sex? Oh yeah!
Summary: Ever heard of an arranged marriage? Well how about an arranged bond?
Disclaimer: George kills all we love, or at least hurts them really bad. He did have sense enough to think them up so he does own them. I own Jack and Shit and Jack left town. So you won't get a thing from me.
Warning: Don't run with scissors.
Authors notes: This story took the better part of a year and a half to write. Thanks to all of you who patiently waited for each installment.
Thanks: to Smegg, who without, this story wouldn't have seen the light of day. Huggles to my Master who inspired me to try a long story in the first place.

Arranged force bonding had been taking place in the jedi temple as long as any jedi could remember. It was up to the force to guide its council members (the twelve esteemed jedi masters) to select the best pairings between their jedi masters, jedi knights, and padawans as well.

Then after the couple bonded, they were sent on missions together to work as a team. If no one had been paired, then they took a padawan or went on smaller missions alone. Some taught at the temple, or were guided to some service, until their lifemate was found.

Qui-Gon Jinn awoke to a warm tickling on his right hip. Opening his eyes and blinking sleep away, he raised his head to gaze at the source of the tickling. Long black hair was cascading over his lower torso. The head of black hair moved from his right hip to stop at his groin. Warm wetness engulfed his cock, sucking him to the root. Laying his head back he gave himself over to the sensations that were assaulting him.

A hand snaked up his chest to pinch his left nipple as that warm mouth moved to lap the underside of his balls. Each one gently laved. Then that warm sucking heat swallowed his cock again. Grunting, he came spurting into that mouth as he clutched the bed sheets. Gulping air into his lungs, he laid back boneless. His eyes were closed as he drifted back to reality.

"Good morning Master". Qui-Gon opened his eyes and found himself staring into ice blue eyes. "Definitely a good morning, Xanatos" he said with a smirk. He reached up to caress the face that had been a part of his life for the last eight years, his apprentice. Only a year ago had the two become lovers.

It had been a slow seduction by his padawan. After fighting it for the last two years Qui-Gon had succumbed. Pulling his face down to his, he slowly kissed Xanatos' jaw working his way to the lips that had given him so much pleasure. Xanatos yielded into the kiss for a moment. Then he raised himself up, putting a hand on each side of Qui-Gon's head.

"Sorry Master I have to get going. A few of us are heading to the training room to work on a new kata, Master Galia came up with". With that, Xanatos bounced off the bed and headed to the fresher. "Perhaps you could show it to me later" said Qui-Gon, as he lay on the bed watching Xanatos head to the fresher.

"Well" he thought to himself, "the day is not going to start on its own, time for me to get up as well". Throwing on his sleep pants and a light tunic he walked into the fresher to relieve himself. Then, he headed into the kitchen. He made himself a cup of tea and sat down at the table. He picked up his data pad and started studying a language he had yet to master.

Several minutes later, Xanatos breezed into the kitchen, grabbed a piece of fruit, kissed Qui-Gon on the cheek and was out the door. "Its good that he is so eager to learn new things" Qui-Gon thought to himself ", and great we have this month off from missions, so Xanatos can catch up on his classes". There had been too little time for them at the temple. Running from mission to mission, it was a nice break to be back, teaching. It also allowed Xantaos much needed time with his age mates.

Obi-Wan Kenobi strode down the landing ramp, looking around as he departed from his transport. Five days, he had been on that tiny little ship, with a crew who had decided that their main goal was to see how intoxicated they could get and for how long.

The journey had been enough to try any Jedi's patience. Turning back to gaze at the ship, he wondered if any of the crew would last much longer, if they stayed on that course. Thank the force he had been able to pilot the ship himself. If he hadn't, none of them would have made it.

"Welcome to Courascant. Knight Kenobi" Obi-Wan turned around and found himself staring at the most legendary jedi in the galaxy. Lowering his head slightly, he bowed. "Thank you Master Yoda" he replied. Straightening himself, he looked around a little, taking in his surroundings. The Jedi Temple was enormous, and compared to the temple he had been raised in, it was quite formidable.

"Judge it by its size, do not," Yoda told him. "Not too different from your own temple this is". Looking back down at Yoda and trying to release his anxiety, he replied, "Yes, Master". Yoda grabbed his sleeve. "Come, come, to your room I will take you," said Yoda "Like it here you will". Obi-Wan picked up his bag and followed.

"Yes, yes, yes, upset he will be, but get over it he must." Yoda said waving his hand about. Mace sighed. He knew Yoda was right, but he wasn't looking forward to the scene that would take place, when all of this went down. Mace turned to Yoda.

"Xanatos has been Qui-Gon's lover for a year now, he loves the boy." "There is no way he is going to stand for this." Mace said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He was getting a headache and he imagined there would be more before this was over.

He knew Qui-Gon better than anyone. They had been best friends; since they had both came to the temple, as children. Qui-Gon went by the Code, not by the council. If someone were to tell him he was going to have to..."

"Master Windu!" Mace snapped back from his thoughts to reality. He turned his attention back to Yoda who was stamping his glimmer stick on the floor. "Xantaos, not the one for him" Yoda said placing his glimmer stick beside him. "Obi-Wan Kenobi, his life mate will be, bring them before the council we will".

Standing in the fresher, Qui-Gon looked at himself in the mirror. He had just taken a shower and was now trying to get his long, silver streaked, brown hair into some semblance of order. Qui-Gon finally got his hair tied back. He strode into the bedroom to get dressed. Putting on his beige tunics, followed by his dark brown pants, he then, sat down to put on his boots. He finished buckling them and stood up glancing at the crono. He was running late. Qui-Gon had to teach a sabre class and it had started ten minutes ago.

"I am going to cut all this hair off," he thought to himself. Grabbing his robe as he went rushing out the door. Struggling to put on his robe he half walked, half jogged down to the temple. Qui-Gon suddenly collided with someone. Pulling his robe the remainder of the way on, he looked to see whom he had run into. Green-grey eyes stared back at him.

"Beautiful eyes" Qui-Gon thought to himself. "Beautiful?", "Where had that come from?" he scowled at the man in front of him. "Excuse me", he barked out and continued on his way. Obi-Wan Kenobi just stood there.

"How rude", he thought to himself as he stooped down to pick up his bag. He turned to see the retreating form of the huge man who had just run him over. "Force, but the man was tall." "And those blue eyes, like sapphires" he thought. "Wait, no... Rude, that's what he was, rude" He chastised himself. Turning away he started back to his quarters.

Unpacking his belongings he looked around at his new home. He had a common room, a small kitchen, a bedroom and a fresher. Placing a holo of himself with his master on the sofa side table, he started unpacking. He had several things he had to get done today before dinner.

Finishing his tasks he noticed how late it had gotten. He decided to take a quick shower, and then he headed toward the dining hall. Master Yoda had insisted Obi-Wan join him at the master's table, in the common dining hall. Obi-Wan grabbed his tray and went through the serving line. He selected a few things he recognized and a few he didn't. Then he moved to where Yoda sat, waiting for him.

"Knight Kenobi" Yoda said, gesturing him to the chair across the table. "Glad I am you came for dinner, not good to eat alone, meet new people you will."

Obi-Wan sat in the seat Yoda had pointed to. "The Temple is impressive my master", Obi Wan told him. "I am excited to meet everyone and get to work." "Will I be teaching, Master Yoda, or is there a mission I am needed for?"

Obi-Wan couldn't hide his excitement about the prospect of a mission. His Master, Anri-Von, one of the best negotiators at their temple, was often requested, by name, to help systems negotiate treaties. Needless to say, they spent most of their time in the field and hardly any time at the temple. Obi-Wan had never really minded, he had always loved traveling. "Well", Obi-Wan thought, "When he was not traveling with an intoxicated crew".

"Teaching assistant you will be", Yoda told him. "Our Sabre Master needs help, very good with your sabre you are". "Help children you will", Yoda said.

"Help teach children", Obi-Wan replied, "That I can do". "I love working with the younger initiates". "I am surprised with how much I learn from them, even though I am the teacher".

Yoda reached out a small claw, gently padding Obi-Wan's hand. "Do fine you will". "Strong in the force you are".

"Careful, you will make his head swell". Obi-Wan looked up to see a tall, bald, dark skinned man smiling down at him. "Hello Knight Kenobi, allow me to introduce myself", the man told him. "Master Mace Windu", he said bowing slightly. Obi-Wan rose from his seat. "It's an honor to meet you, Master Windu", he said while returning the bow. "I've heard great things about you."

He was awestruck from being surrounded by so many living legends. His master had told him many tales of this fearless Jedi Master. "Please be seated", Mace told him. "I'm sure after you've been here awhile, your opinion of us will change as you get to know us".

"Such a pleasant man", Obi-Wan thought to himself. He turned his attention back to his dinner. They talked about the inner workings of the temple, and the contrast of Obi-Wan's old temple and his new home. Mace had just offered to show Obi-Wan where he would be teaching sabre class, when he heard a deep voice coming from behind him.

. "This ones a little old to start learning to wield a sabre isn't he?" Obi-Wan turned to the voice that was behind him. Looking up he thought, "It's him".

It was the same man that tried to run him over earlier in the day. Standing there, oozing confidence, with a stoic expression on his face, Obi-Wan ran his eyes down the length of the man. Long, lean, cloth clad thighs, were right at Obi-Wan's eye level. His eyes roving upward, he could barely make out a glimpse of silver hair peaking out the top of the man's tunic. The tunic was covering a large broad chest and arms, Obi-Wan was sure could reach around him twice.

Drinking in the man's appearance his eyes roamed up to his face. Not a conventional handsome but stunning nonetheless, eyes the color of sapphire topped off with silver-brown brows. His nose appeared to have been broken several times which added an approachable quality to his features.

"Is this a new initiate?" the man said with a slight smirk on his face, jarring Obi-Wan out of his thoughts. "Actually", Mace said, "He is your new assistant".

"Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, meet Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Master Sabre Instructor". Obi-Wan's mouth gaped open. "Work with this rude, impossible man?" Obi-Wan thought to himself, "I don't think so".

Qui-Gon stared down at the knight. He looked small, dwarfed by the robe he was wearing. How could this young, small man help him with sabre training? The Knight looked in need of bulking up and training himself.

Obi Wan stood and did the customary bow before murmuring, "A pleasure to meet you Master Jinn". Qui-Gon responded with "Likewise I'm sure". He could see the defiant gleam in the knight's eyes when he had spoken. "He doesn't like me", Qui-Gon thought to himself, "Works for me".

Obi-Wan sat down and resumed eating his dinner. Everything Master Von had ever told him about Qui-Gon Jinn ran through his mind. His master had spoken of Qui-Gon's defiance of the council.

How Qui-Gon followed his own rules and was often difficult. He didn't work well with others, and most of all he had forced his padawan to become his lover. Such a breach of trust was inconceivable. The man was a rogue Jedi.

Qui-Gon sat down with the dinner tray he had in his hand. "So Knight Kenobi, how did you come to be here at our temple?" Qui-Gon asked. "He probably messed up horribly on some mission, and now they want me to baby-sit him" Qui-Gon thought.

"Expert in sabre's Obi-Wan is", Yoda said. Almost as if he had picked up on what Qui-Gon had been thinking. "Undefeated at his temple he is, will be an asset to this temple" Yoda finished going back to his food.

"Undefeated", Qui-Gon pondered that, "There must not be any competition there", he thought.

"Well Masters", Obi-Wan said rising, "If you will excuse me I think I'll retire to my quarters for the night". "I want to be well rested for my first day tomorrow". "And", he thought to himself, "I'll need a lot of meditation time if I'll be having to deal with Qui-Gon Jinn tomorrow".

"Of course", Mace Windu told him, "If you need anything feel free to let one of us know". "I'll come by in the morning and show you to the training room". Obi-Wan replied, "Thank you Master, that would be a kindness".

"Good night Obi-Wan", Master Yoda said. Obi-Wan bowed and turned to leave. "Don't be late", he heard Qui-Gon say, as he was walking away. Obi-Wan paused and stiffened. Then, without looking back he left the dining hall.

"Don't be late indeed", He thought. "He wasn't the one running through the temple halls, mowing people down like a bantha, early this morning. "Gods, but that man infuriates me". How am I supposed to work with him knowing what I know about Qui-Gon. "I'll do what ever is needed of me", He said to himself.

Qui-Gon entered his quarters slamming his robe onto the kitchen table. Mace and Yoda had given him a hard time about his attitude towards Obi-Wan Kenobi. "Well", he thought to himself, "I don't care what they think". "I'm not going to coddle the knight as if he were some first year padawan".

Qui-Gon heard the door swoosh open. "Xanatos", Qui-Gon said, his brow furrowing, "Where have you been all day?" "I thought you would have at least joined me for dinner".

Xanatos swaggered over to where Qui-Gon was standing. "But Master", he said while pushing Qui-Gon into a kitchen chair then straddling him. "I had four classes today". "I also had extra training with Master Galia which ran late". "I just didn't have time". He stretched his arms around Qui-Gon's neck, kissing and nipping along his left ear.

"I'll make it up to you", he told Qui-Gon while running his hand down the front of the masters tunic. Qui-Gon grabbed his hands stopping him, just as Xanatos reached his waistband. "Xan", Qui-Gon said, "Since you don't have classes tomorrow, why don't you go to class with me?"

"Hang out with you and a bunch of kids, Qui?" Xanatos chuckled and moved off of Qui-Gon's lap. "Not my idea of fun Master, besides I promised Bruck, I'd go with him to pick up a couple of new tunics".

Xanatos strode to the common room, grabbing his robe. "We're all going out tonight Master". "There's a new club I want to check out". Seeing Qui-Gon's fallen expression he said, "You can come, of course, if you want". "I just know how you hate dancing".

Qui-Gon, putting on a neutral face replied, "Now that's not my idea of fun, padawan". "Go ahead", he told him "enjoy yourself". Xanatos smiled. He walked back over to Qui-Gon. "You know how much I love you don't you Master?" Qui-Gon raised his hand cupping Xanatos' cheek. "And I care so much for you", Qui-Gon replied. Xanatos' face darkened. Then he turned and left.

Qui-Gon took a deep breath, let it out and dropped his head in his hands. He never knew quite how to respond to Xanatos' verbal declaration of love. He hated hurting his padawan. How could he say, "I love you", if he wasn't sure if that was what he was feeling or not. He cared deeply for Xantos and loved him as his padawan. Unfortunately that wasn't what Xantos wanted to hear. Qui-Gon was very committed to their relationship. He wanted no one other than Xanatos. Was that love? Until he knew for sure, he couldn't say those words.

To do so and then realize he was mistaken would crush Xan. Other than those three words, the relationship was fine the way it was. Xan had to know how much he meant to him. Sighing, he rose from his chair and headed for bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

Obi-Wan had just finished dressing when he heard a chime at the door. Sensing it was Master Windu, he went to greet him. "Hello Master Windu", he said bowing "Good morning Knight Kenobi". "I trust your first night with us was restful", Mace said lowering his head slightly, acknowledging Obi-Wan's bow.

"Are you ready for the challenge of teaching the children?" the master asked. "I must admit", Obi-Wan said as he closed the door, palming the lock behind him. "I am a bit nervous".

"You'll do fine", Mace reassured him. "Thank you for saying so Master". They walked along in a comfortable silence for a while. Obi-Wan lost in his thoughts. He was worried about how the day, working with Qui-Gon, was going to go.

"Something has upset you Obi-Wan" Mace said eyeing him perceptively. "I can sense it". Obi-Wan strengthened his shields, "Its nothing Master" he told him. "Just jitters I guess".

Mace looked at Obi-Wan. He knew there was something more, troubling the knight, than just jitters. He was obviously distressed over something. Until Obi-Wan was ready to talk about it there was nothing he could do.

Walking around a corner he slowed to an open door. "Here we are", Mace said. Obi-Wan turned to face Master Windu. "Thank you for your help Master", Obi-Wan bowed to Mace. Mace put his hands on Obi Wan' shoulders.

"You will be fine Obi-Wan", Mace said. "Take a deep breath". "They're just children" he said chuckling. "If you'd like, I could come back and pick you up for dinner", Mace told him. "Then you can tell me what's really bothering you." Mace thought to himself. "Very well Master", Obi-Wan replied bowing goodbye.

Obi-Wan walked into the training room and glanced around. No one was here yet. He looked at the chrono and seeing he was a bit early he decided to do a few katas.

Qui-Gon walked down the hall headed for sabre class. He'd woken up way too early, and to an empty bed. "Xanatos must have stayed at a friend's last night", he thought to himself. He reached the training room and abruptly stopped.

Inside the room was Obi-Wan Kenobi. His eyes were closed and his face was the picture of serenity. His was barefoot with a thin tunic and a pair of dark beige pants on.

He was in the closing movements of the Open Aerial Kata. He had crouched low, to the floor, and then somersaulted backwards. He splayed his arms away from his body, twisting at the last moment, before landing in a lotus position. It was an impressive display, as well as a difficult move.

Qui-Gon had never mastered aerial katas because of his large frame. He was more adept in swift grounding motions. Therefore, he could certainly appreciate the kata Obi-Wan had just finished. Opening his eyes Obi-Wan said, "I'm sorry, no one was here so I thought it would be ok if I warmed up a bit".

He had a slight sheen of perspiration covering him. His hair, reddish-blond, was slightly damp and hanging loosely around his face. Qui-Gon's eyes traveled downwards. He could see dusky nipples straining against the damp tunic.

"Whatever", Qui-Gon growled out. "Get dressed and let's go over the lesson plan before the children arrive", he told Obi-Wan.

He stalked to a cabinet on the wall and started pulling out foam sticks with wooden handles. It was something to start the children off with. "How long have you been working with this particular class?" Obi asked, slipping his outer tunic back on. He crossed the room to assist Qui-Gon with the staffs.

"Yesterday was their first day", Qui-Gon told him. Xantos and Qui-Gon had just returned from a mission, two days prior. "Its not often we are at the temple like this".

"I know what you mean ", Obi-Wan said, "When I was with my Master, we were always in the field. "Actually, this is the first break I've had since my knighting". Obi-Wan went to take half the staffs from Qui-Gon. "I'm not complaining mind you", Obi-Wan remarked, "But I am grateful for the break".

A group of children, around the age of five, came running in. "Master Kwi-Jon, Master Kwi-Jon" shouted a little girl, who ran immediately to Qui-Gon's side, clutching at his robe.

"Master Kwi-Jon, Rezel said I was bad and awful wif my sabo staff yesserday, and that I couldn't join in pwatice today". Qui-Gon reached down to stroke the child's head. "Nonsense little one", Qui-Gon soothed, "You were just fine yesterday". "Just as you will be today, I'm sure". The little girl brightened considerably. She turned back to her group with a grin on her face, obviously reassured.

Obi-Wan had watched the exchange between Qui-Gon and the child. It was surprising how comfortable Qui-Gon was with her. Qui-Gon called for class to begin and asked Obi-Wan to lead the children in a few start up exercises. After warming up, they paired the children off, to begin sparring training. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan watched the children for a while. The two jedi corrected the childrens stances.

They advised and generally allowed the children to get a feel for working with someone, as well as against. After being whacked on the side of her head, by her sparring partner, Binx, the little girl who had rushed to Qui-Gon before class raised her hand.

"Master Kwi-Jon, Master Obi-Bon could you show us how you do dis?" Obi-Wan looked up from the child he was currently helping to look at Qui-Gon.

"Master?" he questioned. Qui-Gon looked from Binx to Obi-Wan then back to the little girl. "I think that's an excellent idea", Qui-Gon told her. "Ok class, I want you to go and sit on the mat by the far wall over there". "Sit single file so everyone can see", Qui-Gon instructed. "Knight Kenobi and I are going to give you all a demonstration". The children scrambled to the mat, excited about the unexpected display they were privy to watch.

Qui-Gon removed his robe and outer tunic, noticing Obi-Wan doing the same. They each walked to the center of the room and bowed formally to each other. Powering down their light sabers, to the lowest setting, they began. Qui-Gon started aggressively, a fast hard blow, which Obi-Wan parried immediately, his sabre humming. Obi-Wan crouched, and attempted to knock Qui-Gon's feet out from under him.

Qui-Gon jumped and struck Obi-Wan on the shoulder. Obi-Wan sprung backwards and with a forced push knocked Qui-Gon away from him. He felt the force flowing freely through him. Qui-Gon came back with a downward stroke and Obi-Wan countered with a block. Almost as if he could sense what move Qui-Gon was going to do, before he did it.

The dance continued that way, each striking and countering, for some time. Qui-Gon opened himself fully to the force, hoping for an advantage over the knight. What he felt was surprising. He could feel Obi-Wan strongly through the force, almost like a training bond. He found himself suddenly, and for no reason, aroused. He could also feel the knight was aroused as well. Tamping down on his feelings, he tried to center himself while blocking Obi-Wan's advances.

Obi-Wan, sensing Qui-Gon off kilter moved in for the winning blow. Qui-Gon suddenly found himself flat on his back with the knight's face directly above his. Green-grey eyes staring down at him. The knight had an amused look on his face. He was straddling Qui-Gon's hips, his buttocks pressed firmly against Qui Gon's beginnings of an erection. Qui-Gon couldn't help but notice how right it felt to have Obi-Wan in such close proximity to him. He then heard giggling coming from the children that had been watching their display. It was at that moment he noticed the light sabre up against his throat.

"Do you yield?" Obi-Wan asked. "Yes", Qui-Gon ground out, throwing the knight off of him.

Ignoring the out stretched hand; he stood and walked to where his robe lay. Throwing it on he pondered over his earlier assessment of the knight. When Yoda said how good Obi-Wan was, he had not been exaggerating.

He turned his attention back to the kids, and said, "Pair up and we will try again". Obi-Wan was taken aback by Qui-Gon's attitude. Obi-Wan had been gracious about his winning and he had offered the Master a hand to help him stand. He couldn't fathom the hostility that was rolling off the Master in waves. They were directed at him. He sighed and went to help one of the children.

The last of the children left for the day. Obi-Wan began picking up the foam sabres the children had used. He crossed the room and put the sabres away. Qui-Gon picking up Obi-Wan's robe and tossing it to him said, "The communal showers are to the right, and through those gray doors there". "You might want to use them before going to dinner"; he said walking in that direction, "You smell like a Rancor".

Obi-Wan walked to where his boots lay and gathered them, then headed for the showers. He entered placing his things on a bench. He saw Qui-Gon had already stripped and was currently soaping up his hair. Obi-Wan disrobed and crossed to the adjacent shower nozzle.

"You should be very proud of yourself",Qui-Gon said. Obi-Wan had just picked up soap for his hair. He turned to acknowledge Qui-Gon. "Proud of myself?" Obi-Wan asked, "How so?"

Qui-Gon was attempting to lather his hair. Not looking at Obi-Wan, his eyes closed Qui responded, "You bested me". "That doesn't happen very..." not finishing his sentence Qui-Gon turned his face into the spray.

"Damn", he yelled, soap obviously in his eyes. Reaching for a towel, eyes still closed, his foot connected with a tiled column. His large frame crashing down, as he groped for purchase, finding nothing but air. Obi-Wan immediately went to assist him.

Stooping down, he grabbed Qui-Gon, by his forearms, attempting to help him up. Qui-Gon struggled, but realizing he couldn't see, allowed the help. Obi-Wan lead him back toward the shower. He pushed him gently under the spray but saw there was no way to get the soap out of Qui-Gon's eyes without rinsing his hair first. Turning him, so his back was against the spray, Obi-Wan put his hands into Qui-Gon's hair, gently lifting it to rinse out the soap. He massaged Qui-Gon's scalp moving his fingers in soothing circles.

A moan escaped Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan felt a surge of desire. Qui-Gon turned suddenly and captured Obi-Wan's lips in a bruising kiss. He snaked his tongue across Obi-Wan's lips seeking access. Obi-Wan's lips parted on their own accord. Their tongues dueling for dominance. Obi-Wan pressed himself into Qui-Gon's arms, running his hands across Qui-Gon's back. Qui-Gon moaned as his moved his mouth to circle Obi-Wan's ear with his tongue. His lips trailed downward across the column of Obi-Wan's neck, nibbling down to his collarbone.

He then bent his head to capture Obi-Wan's nipple with his teeth. Worrying the hardened nub until Obi-Wan thought his knees would buckle. Obi-Wan's hands clenched at Qui-Gon's buttocks, then he gripped his hips with a bruising force striving to bring them closer together. His need and desire consuming him. He couldn't get close enough. Qui-Gon, allowing the pull, released Obi-Wan's nipple. Bringing himself upright, their lips meeting once again, as their cocks brushed against each other. Obi-Wan came with a shuddering force.

His knees buckled. Qui-Gon caught the knight in his arms, lowering them down to the floor. He stroked Obi-Wan's back, soothing him, until the intensity of his orgasm subsided. Obi-Wan, coming back to reality, could feel Qui-Gon's still hard erection pressing into his hip.

"You didn't..." Obi-Wan trailed off. "It doesn't matter", Qui-Gon said, and amazingly it didn't. Just watching Obi-Wan's face contort with passion had been enough for Qui-Gon.

"I want you inside me", Obi-Wan said pulling Qui-Gon's head down for another kiss. "Are you sure?" Qui-Gon questioned him.

"I have never been more sure of anything", Obi-Wan replied. He felt his response to be more than true. He had never wanted anyone the way he wanted, this man, right now. He had only met him two days ago and yet, he felt like he had known him forever.

Now" Obi-Wan said, punctuating his demand by latching his lips to one of Qui-Gon's nipples and grasping Qui-Gon's cock in his hand. Pushing up towards Obi-Wan's hand, Qui-Gon hissed, "Yes".

He ran his hand down Obi-Wan's chest stopping at the pool of semen collected on his stomach. Gathering as much as he could he twisted to kneel between the knight's legs. He lowered his head, running his tongue along the underside of Obi-Wan's cock circling the crown and moving downward, placing a kiss at the base. He repeated that motion once more before swallowing him to the root. Obi-Wan gasped then arched upward into Qui-Gon's mouth.

Qui-Gon coated his index finger, with the cum he had in the palm of his hand. Increasing his tempo and limiting his suction just to the head of Obi-Wan's penis, he ran his cum soaked finger around Obi-Wan's anus. Obi-Wan's hands had worked their way into Qui-Gon's hair. He was lying back with his head thrashing from side to side. He could feel his balls tightening as he came closer to releasing his passion again. Sensing his approaching orgasm, Qui-Gon released his penis.

Obi-Wan moaned in displeasure, which turned into a shout of ecstasy, as Qui-Gon dipped his finger into Obi-Wan's puckered opening. Qui-Gon leaned down plundering Obi-Wan's mouth as he gently worked his finger past the first ring of muscle. He pressed his finger in deeper clearing his first knuckle. He opened himself up, dropping his shields, extending himself to make sure he wasn't hurting Obi-Wan. All he could sense from the knight was pure pleasure and a small sense of discomfort.

Feeling the knight was in no real pain, he removed his finger and coated two fingers this time. Slipping them in he gently scissored his fingers back and forth, coaxing the muscles to relax. Obi-Wan felt the mind touch as Qui-Gon's presence reached out to him. He felt himself drawn to it. Extending himself out he felt himself enveloped in all that was Qui-Gon. He opened his mouth to tell Qui-Gon what he was feeling but he was past intelligible words.

He was mumbling nonsense, caught up in the pleasure that was assaulting his body. He felt Qui-Gon's fingers leave his body and felt a moment of emptiness. Then he was being filled. His body stretched to accommodate the large shaft penetrating him. There was a slight burn but then Qui-Gon's cock brushed against his prostate. Sparks of pleasure overshadowing any discomfort he felt. He wrapped his legs around Qui-Gon's hips trying to draw him deeper. They rocked gently finding a slow rhythm they both knew could not last long. Simultaneously they rushed towards each other's minds. Reaching out, trying to become one completely.

They could no longer tell where one began and the other ended. Obi-Wan could feel Qui-Gon penetrating him, but he could also feel what Qui-Gon was experiencing tight, slick, heat engulfing his cock. Screaming out Qui-Gon's name, he came. White ribbons spurting across his chest. Qui-Gon gripping Obi-Wan's hips pumped once more before emptying himself deep within Obi-Wan. He was babbling words of love and passion as he collapsed on top of the knight. His breathing labored.

Sucking in large gulps of air. They lay entwined several moments before Qui-Gon, realizing his heavy weight was pressing down on Obi-Wan, rolled to his side tucking the knight beside him. He pressed a kiss into Obi-Wan's hair and stroked his shoulder.

"Are you ok?" Qui-Gon asked. Obi-Wan, scrambling to stand, while grabbing his things. He threw on his robe. Then he ran.

After dressing Qui-Gon returned to the training room. "What just happened?" he thought to himself. I am with Xanatos, and since I've been with him I haven't even looked at anyone else.

Qui-Gon was flabbergasted. He couldn't believe, not five minutes ago, he had made love to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Worse than that, he had been ready to make a declaration of love. Their lovemaking had been unlike anything he had ever experienced.

Never before had he felt such a connection with someone. He couldn't understand the depth of his emotions. He hardly knew the knight and yet, when they had made love, he knew him. He had seen inside him, the man was pure light. Force, what was he going to tell Xanatos. Maybe he shouldn't. It was never going to happen again.

It had probably meant nothing to the knight. Just sex, but no, he didn't think so. Qui-Gon had felt Obi-Wan reaching for him through the force. Wanting to become one with Qui-Gon. Wanting it, just as much as Qui-Gon had. And that, the way they had joined mentally as well as physically, Qui-Gon had never experienced that even with Xanatos. "Could that mean..."?

"Qui-Gon", someone said. Qui-Gon turned to see Mace at the door. "Hello Mace, what are you doing here?" Qui-Gon asked.

"I told Obi-Wan I'd stop back by and collect him for dinner", Mace said. Qui-Gon sat down on one of the benches, pulling on his boots. "You just missed him", Qui-Gon told him.

"Was there something wrong with him?" Mace asked. "Never mind" he said waving his hand. "He's probably just tired from his first day".

Mace sat down beside of Qui-Gon. "So, my friend, how did it go today?" Mace asked, "Working with Obi-Wan, I mean".

"Fine", Qui-Gon answered. "My first opinion of him was wrong".

"Did I just hear the great, mighty Jinn say he was wrong?" Mace said with a mock expression on his face. "Ha ha" Qui-Gon said giving Mace a dirty look. "I admit, I thought, he was pampered". "But he actually bested me today".

Mace looked at Qui-Gon, his mouth dropping open. "He bested you?" Mace asked. "I can't believe it". "Yoda said he was good, but even I didn't think he would be that good".

"We were demonstrating for the class and I put everything I had into it, and yet he still won", Qui-Gon said. "Who is his Master?"he asked Mace.

"Anri Von was Obi-Wan's Master", Mace answered. Qui-Gon's expression turned sour. "Anri Von", Qui-Gon said, "Now that's a name I haven't heard in years, not that I minded, of course".

Mace looked at Qui-Gon pointedly. "What?" Qui-Gon said. "I've let it go, it's just hard to forget". "I know", Mace said shaking his head.

They had both been crèche mates with Anri Von. He had been cruel as a child, more so to Qui-Gon, than anyone else. Being so tall and not very graceful had left Qui-Gon wide open to Anri's taunts. Qui-Gon had also been better at sabre practice and Anri had more than a little envious. So it was surprising that Anri had passed his trials, even more so, that he had brought such a bright student, as Obi-Wan, to his knighthood.

"He did well with Obi-Wan", Qui-Gon commented. "Yes, I agree", Mace said. Then Mace stood, folding his arms across his chest, "Well", since it appears I've lost my dinner companion, how about you come break my fast with me?"

Qui-Gon stood shaking his head no. "Sorry my old friend, but I'm eating in tonight". "I'm way too tired to face the dining hall". "Not all of us, get to sit in a cozy council chair all day", Qui-Gon teased.

"You're a funny guy", Mace told him. "Fine" he said, "I'll just eat with the little green troll again".

Qui-Gon chuckled, "You could always ask Depa to join you". Mace turned to leave. "Good night, my friend", Mace said with a flushed face. "Good night" Qui-Gon replied.

Obi-Wan stood on his balcony, which overlooked Courascant. He had showered, ate a little something, and then tried to meditate. It was no use. He felt lost and uncentered. He couldn't believe how wanton he had acted with Qui-Gon. "Hell, I can't believe we had made love in the first place".

Obi-Wan had decided to wait to have sex until his life mate was found for him. He had had a few sexual encounters, occasional kisses and a little petting, but no more than that. Now, he had just given himself, to a man, he had just met two days ago. Why had he done that?

He didn't even like the man, but in the heat of the moment, he had felt he couldn't have stopped even if he had wanted to. He had been drawn to Qui-Gon, almost as if against his will. Maybe the Jedi Master had put a mind whammy on him. It was the only way; he could explain the total lack of control, on his part. Had Qui-Gon used the same method on his apprentice? No. When their minds had touched, Obi-Wan had sensed no darkness in the man. Regardless, Qui-Gon had done something to him, and there was no way he was going to work with that man again.

Obi-Wan walked inside and went to the comm terminal. He decided talking to Yoda might help. Yoda appeared before him on the screen.

"Knight Kenobi, something you need, perhaps?" Yoda asked. "Yes, my Master", Obi-Wan replied. "I am troubled and would like to request reassignment".

"Ahhhh", Yoda said leaning forward. "Children too much for you Obi-Wan?" Yoda asked. "No, Master" Obi-Wan replied. "It's not the children, it's something else".

"Having problems with Qui-Gon, are you?" Yoda asked. "My padawan, a great teacher and master he is". "Making friends, good at it, he is not".

Obi-Wan looked down to his hands, which were folded in his lap. "Something happened between you and Qui-Gon?" Yoda asked. "Oh force, what do I tell him?" Obi-Wan thought.

"We just have different teaching styles, Master Yoda", Obi-Wan told him. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either. "I will meditate on this Obi-Wan" Yoda said bowing his head, his ears bending down.

"Come before the council, you will, first thing tomorrow". "Discuss this, we all will". "Yes, my Master" Obi-Wan replied shutting off the comm terminal.

Qui-Gon had returned home and went to the kitchen for some juice. He wasn't really hungry, so he just grabbed a piece of marenia fruit and sat down munching on it. Xantaos emerged from his bedroom. Even though they had became lovers nearly a year ago, Xan had kept his own room. It was rare for him to spend a whole night in Qui-Gon's room.

"Good evening Master", Xan said strolling into the kitchen to sit across from Qui-Gon. "Hello, my padawan, how are you?" Qui-gon asked.

"Very well", Xanatos replied. "I had a great time at my pilot training class". "How was your day?" Xanatos asked him.

"The same old, same old", Qui-Gon responded. "I do have a new assistant". "His name is Obi-Wan Kenobi".

"Obi-Wan Kenobi?" Xanatos said, getting an excited expression on his face. "Bruck and I, saw him yesterday, talking to Master Windu". "That Knight is gorgeous". "Everyone in the temple is talking about him".

"They say he has chosen chastity until his life mate is found for him" Xanatos said, his eyes wide with disbelief. "Can you imagine doing that?"

"Uh humph" Qui-Gon cleared his throat. "Oh force," he thought to himself. The Knight had been a virgin.

"To decide to be chaste is a noble thing" Qui-Gon replied, "and not something to mock". His mind was reeling at this new information.

"I don't think it's noble," Xanatos said wrinkling up his nose. "I think it's weird". Qui-Gon stared at Xanatos a few moments, before replying. "It's not weird Xan, and if you think so, maybe it's something you should meditate on". "Try to see more than one side of things".

Xanatos looked disgruntled but answered "Yes, Master" Qui-Gon finished his piece of fruit and stood saying, "I think I'll go take a shower and head to bed".

"But Master", Xanatos eyed him suspiciously; "Your hair is already wet".

"Yes well..." Qui-Gon struggled for an answer "They were out of soap in the training showers". "Good night, my padawan" he said striding into his own room.

The chirping of his commlink woke Qui-Gon. Pressing a button he activated it. "Qui-Gon" he said into it.

"Hello Qui" Mace's voice drifted out of the commlink. "Sorry to wake you, but your presence is requested in the council chambers, in one hour". Qui-Gon rolled his eyes.

"What's this about Mace?" he asked. "I can't say" Mace told him. "Just wake up and get down here".

"Alright" Qui-Gon said sighing, "I'll be right there".

He deactivated his commlink, throwing it onto the bedside table. Slinging the covers back, he rose, heading for the fresher. He hated spur of the moment council meetings. It usually turned out badly.

He had wanted to find Obi-Wan, first thing, so they could talk. Unfortunately, it looked like it would have to wait until later. He was troubled about what Xan had said, concerning Obi-Wan's choice of chastity. He wished he had known before they had made love. A community shower wasn't the most romantic place for someone's first sexual experience. He had questions he wanted to ask the knight. Foremost was why had he left so suddenly.

Stepping into the shower, he wondered why Obi-Wan, if he had been a virgin, had decided to take Qui-Gon as his first lover. Did he know Qui-Gon already had a lover in Xanatos? No, he didn't think the knight knew. There were so many questions left unanswered. Well, they would have to wait until after the council meeting.

Qui-Gon decided he would explain to Obi Wan, he was already in a relationship with Xan. He would also tell the knight, how special their one time was together was. Then, he would gently explain how it could never happen again. He was committed to Xanatos. One brief encounter, no matter how wonderful it had been, could change that.

Obi-Wan Kenobi strode into the council chambers. Walking to the center of the room, he then bowed to the council members. He was about to address the council, when the chamber doors opened. Qui-Gon Jinn, his face a mask of serenity, walked in. Hiding his surprise, Obi-Wan turned back to the council members, and stared straight ahead. Qui-Gon came to stand directly beside him, and bowed to the council.

"Master Jinn, Knight Kenobi, know you why, you have been brought before the council?" Yoda asked. "No, my Master" was Qui-Gon's reply.

Obi-Wan nervously cleared his throat. "Yes, my Master" he said. Qui-Gon turned to glance at Obi-Wan, and then turned his eyes back to Yoda's.

"You have been brought here because of Knight Kenobi's request for a transfer" Mace stated. "Yes", Yoda said "Troubled he is, with your working together".

Obi Wan tried to calm himself. "How would Qui-Gon react to this?" he thought to himself. He spared a glance at Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon was standing there, looking unconcerned, and giving nothing of his emotions away.

"What says you, Qui-Gon?" Yoda asked. "I don't know the problem", Qui-Gon said "or the reason behind Knight Kenobi's request, therefore, I can't say".

"So, no problem have you with Obi-Wan Kenobi?" Yoda questioned. "No, my Master" was Qui-Gon's reply.

"Knight Kenobi", Mace addressed him. "Why do you seek relocation?" Obi-Wan crossing his arms over his chest and tucking his hands into his sleeves responded.

"Respectfully, Master Qui-Gon and I have very different teaching techniques". "We are too different to work together productively". "I feel, we would be of more help, working with others"

. "So, feel you do, you are too different," Yoda said. "Not agree with you' says the force". Yoda raised his arm and pointed at Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. "Led us to believe, working together, you should be".

Obi-Wan opened his mouth to protest, but was cut off by Qui-Gon. "I will always follow the will of the force, but if Knight Kenobi feels he can not work with me, I admit, I don't know what to do".

"Always follow the will of the force Master Jinn?" Yoda asked. "Of course, my Master" Qui-Gon replied. "Good this is" Yoda said, then he motioned to Mace Windu.

Mace stood. "Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace addressed them. "It is the will of the force that you, who were two, now become one". "You will become life and soul mates", Mace said.

"Esteemed fellow council members", Mace said turning, "Has the force spoken this same intention to you?" All eleven council members, one by one, rose to stand. "Yes", they each spoke one at a time.

"So says the council" Yoda said "Ceremony will be held, one week from today".

"Ceremony?" Qui-Gon yelled, "What are you talking about?"

"I don't even know this man," Qui-Gon said flabbergasted. "He doesn't want to work with me, much less soul bond with me". "And what of Xanatos?" Qui-Gon asked. "Have you thought of him, of what this will do to him, to me?"

"Enough!" Yoda shouted stamping his glimmer stick on the floor, "thought of all of this we have". "Your padawan's training will be finished by Master Ki-Adi-Mundi". "Hurt he will be, unfortunate this is, but in time, heal he will" Yoda said.

"Not your life mate is he, know this you have, feel it you do" Yoda said looking at Qui-Gon inquiringly. "Will of the force this is, my padawan".

"No" Obi-Wan whispered.

"Do you have something to say?" asked Master Plo-Koon. "Yes" Obi-Wan said, still at barely a whisper. "Please, speak up Obi-Wan" Master Depa Billaba encouraged. Her heart was going out to the young knight.

Obi-Wan straightened his stance clasping his hands behind his back. "I will not soul bond with a man who wants, not me, but another" Obi-Wan told them. "Follow the will of the force I always have, but this I can not do".

"Adjourn we will" Yoda said "for now". "Master Jinn, Knight Kenobi, meditations are required of you". "Go to the temple gardens" Yoda told them, "Meditate together". "Listen to the force". "We will call you when it is time to reconvene".

Qui-Gon sat down heavily on the bench. He gestured to the spot beside him. Obi-Wan sat down next to him, while trying to keep as much distance between them as possible.

"I meant what I said back there", Obi-Wan said starting the conversation. "I won't bond with someone who doesn't love me, or with someone I don't love".

"I am sorry", said Qui-Gon. "I didn't mean for all of that to come out the way it did, back there in the council chambers". Qui-Gon rubbed his hand across his face. "You see, I am frustrated because once again the council has decided to run my life".

Obi-Wan, looking straight ahead replied, "I don't think they are trying to run either of our lives". "They are trying to follow the will of the force". He stood and paced back and forth in front of the stone bench Qui-Gon was sitting on.

"Look", Obi-Wan said, "I know you don't like me, and you're in love with Xanatos, but if..." Qui-Gon cut him off "I'm not". Obi-Wan stopped pacing to stand directly in front of Qui-Gon.

"You're not what?" he asked. Qui-Gon looked up, his eyes staring ahead as if seeing nothing. "I'm not in love with Xanatos," he said.

"Then why...Oh, never mind" Obi-Wan exclaimed, obviously frustrated. "You know what?" he said his jaw clenched, his fists balled up at his side. "I don't like you" he stated, matter-of-factly. "I don't like you, your attitude, your manners, or your morals".

Qui-Gon opened his mouth to protest, but stayed silent when Obi-Wan raised a hand to quiet him. "But even I", Obi-Wan continued, "Can feel there is something between us, something other than physical attraction".

Obi-Wan resumed his pacing. "You felt it when we made love" he told Qui-Gon. "From what I can see, you just don't want to mess up the life you have going now". He stopped and pointed a finger at Qui-Gon. "That would mean you'd have to give up your play toy Xanatos".

"Now, hold up a minute", Qui-Gon said standing abruptly, fury radiating off of him. "You don't know anything about me". "What's more, you were the one requesting a reassignment to get away from me", he told Obi-Wan.

"You're a young, spoiled, pampered brat, who is use to getting what he wants", Qui-Gon said, punctuating each word by poking his finger into Obi-Wan's chest.

"Your use to having everything fall into place", Qui-Gon said building up steam. "Well, let me tell you something, my young knight", he said. Qui-Gon stalked closer to Obi-Wan, his face inches from the knights, "Life doesn't work that way".

"What did you expect me to do?" Obi-Wan shouted. "You're sleeping with your padawan!" "Of course, I'd ask for reassignment". He turned his back to Qui-Gon.

Closing his eyes, he said softly, "How could I stay around after what we did and then be forced day after day to see you with Xanatos?" Tears were starting to well up in his eyes. "I can't do that", he choked out."

"Obi-Wan", Qui-Gon soothed placing his hands on the knight's shoulders. "I'm sorry", he said. He reached up to run his hand over Obi-Wan's head, stroking his hair. He turned Obi-Wan around and pulled him into a crushing embrace. Obi-Wan clung to him. Qui-Gon tightened his hold on the knight. He felt an overwhelming desire to comfort Obi-Wan. He wanted to protect him, from nothing and everything at once.

Obi-Wan, lifting his tear-streaked face tilted his head to gaze into Qui-Gon's eyes. Qui-Gon reached to wipe away a tear coursing down Obi-Wan's cheek. He bent his head and brushed his lips over Obi-Wan's forehead. Suddenly, Obi-Wan lips were seeking his.

"I don't care about his past", Obi-Wan thought. "I don't care how this will end, I need this",he told himself. "Let me have him, let him be mine just once more, before he goes back to Xanatos".

Qui-Gon ran his tongue across Obi-Wan's lips, seeking entrance. Obi-Wan's tongue snaked out twining with Qui-Gon's. He grabbed the back of the Master's head as their kiss deepened. He arched his hips crushing them into Qui-Gon's. Qui-Gon's hands ran down the length of Obi-Wan's back, stopping to clench his buttocks. He stumbled pulling Obi-Wan with him, pushing Obi-Wan against the garden wall.

Qui-Gon's mouth left Obi-Wan's, to kiss and suck along the column of his throat. Obi-Wan threw his head back. He arched into Qui-Gon's mouth giving him better access to his throat. He clenched the fabric at Qui-Gon's side, moving his hands up to separate the fold of tunics on his chest. He ran a hand over the Master's chest. His fingers coursing through crisp short hair that sprinkled Qui-Gon's nipples. He tweaked and pinched the nipples, causing them to harden.

Qui-Gon sank to his knees. Unfastening Obi-Wan's utility belt, he opened Obi-Wan's pants, letting them fall to his ankles. He rained kisses along the knight's thighs, removing his boots as he went. He placed a kiss on each ankle, before removing Obi-Wan's pants entirely. Obi-Wan was then pulling him up into another bruising kiss. Obi-Wan flipped their positions to where Qui-Gon's back was against the wall. He then wrapped one arm around Qui-Gon's neck. He twined he legs around Qui-Gon's legs to rest his feet on the back of Qui-Gon's calves.

Qui-Gon cupped Obi-Wan's buttocks to support him. Obi-Wan reached down to undo Qui-Gon's pants. Clasping his hand around Qui-Gon's cock, he positioned the head of the Master's penis to his opening. He impaled himself, hissing at the slight burn. Sliding down the wall, to a sitting position, Qui-Gon held Obi-Wan's hips still to control himself. Obi-Wan wrapped his legs around Qui-Gon's waist and began to rock in a slow motion. Both men stared into each other's eyes.

Qui-Gon raised his hand to Obi-Wan's mouth. Obi-Wan sucked on each digit then laved at his palm. Qui-Gon then, taking the saliva coated hand, grasped Obi-Wan's cock. He pumped his hand in time to the slow rhythm they were building. Opening himself and dropping his shields, Obi-Wan surprisingly found Qui-Gon in the same state. Their minds meshed together. They were one again, body and soul. Obi-Wan felt his impending orgasm and screamed Qui-Gon's name. He came with a blinding force. He heard Qui-Gon scream "My love!" right before he blacked out.

Feeling safe, warm and loved, Obi-Wan returned to consciousness. He struggled to rise but was held down by two strong arms. "Not this time, you don't" he heard the owner of those strong arms say. "We need to deal with this", Qui-Gon said. "No running away".

Xanatos stopped abruptly, Bruck Chung, running into him. "Hey", Bruck started, but was cut off by a hand that covered his mouth. He turned to look to where Xanatos was pointing.

Wrapped up in each other, in a corner nook of the garden, were Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn. Obi-Wan was collapsing on Qui-Gon as Qui-Gon shouted "My love".

"I will kill them", Xanatos said, his voice barely a whisper. "But Xan", Bruck said. "You fuck anything that moves, mainly me". "Why do you care, if your old Master does the same?" Bruck asked.

"The fucking", Xan said, his eyes clenched shut, "I forgive". "The word, love, crossing his lips for someone else, I can't".

"It was just sex, Qui-Gon, nothing more", Obi-Wan said, looking for his pants. "As you said, I know nothing about you, it just happened", Obi-Wan told him.

Obi-Wan reached down to put on his pants. As he pulled them up he said "Go back to Xan". "I'll be gone from the temple, soon enough". Obi-Wan put on his utility belt.

"Is that what you're upset about?" Qui-Gon asked. "I became Xantos' lover, yes". "He pursued me for two years and then it happened". "I don't love him, he knows it and has accepted it". Qui-Gon stood, putting his clothes to right. "Xanatos has other lovers".

Obi-Wan looked up with a surprised expression on his face. "Oh, he thinks I don't know, but I always have", Qui-Gon confided. Qui-Gon walked over to where Obi-Wan was. He was sitting on the bench, putting on his boots. Qui-Gon knelt between Obi Wan's knees.

"Xanatos is young, he needs to have new experiences", Qui-Gon told the knight. "And" he said putting a finger under Obi-Wan's chin, to tilt his face so that their eyes met, "I don't love him".

"Obi-Wan, I can't say I love you", Qui-Gon said. "But I can say, I've never felt this strongly before, for another being". "I think we owe it to ourselves to see what the force is trying to say" Qui-Gon said, looking at Obi-Wan, imploringly.

Obi-Wan looked at Qui-Gon. He could see sincerity all over the man's face. "Is this what I want?" Obi-Wan thought. A life bond was a precious gift, not to be scoffed at or taken lightly.

"Let us meditate before the council reconvenes", Qui-Gon said stretching out his hand. Obi-Wan took it. Qui-Gon helped him up and they walked to a grassy spot to sit. Facing each other, they legs crossed with knees touching, Qui-Gon took Obi-Wan's hand in his. They closed their eyes and began to meditate.

Obi-Wan emerged from his meditation first. He sat there watching the sun reflect onto Qui-Gon's hair. "He is magnificent", he thought to himself.

"Hardly" Qui-Gon said opening his eyes. "Wait" Obi-Wan said, "You heard that?"

"I was coming out of my meditations, but you did say it pretty loud" Qui-Gon answered him. "No, I didn't" Obi-Wan said. Qui-Gon looked at him strangely.

"Yes, you did", Qui-Gon insisted, "I heard you". "No" Obi-Wan said shaking his head. "I didn't say it...I thought it". "What?!" Qui-Gon exclaimed, "but we haven't even had the ceremony".

Obi-Wan half grinned "Uh...Qui? I don't think this bond is requiring a ceremony." Qui-Gon rose. "I am sorry Obi-Wan", he said looking down at the knight; rage rolling off of him in waves. "This is not going to happen", he growled before stalking away.

Qui-Gon walked blindly not caring where he was going. He was angry, at the situation, at the council and himself as well. He had waited his whole life for a bond that would connect him to someone forever. The idea of it was something that he had secretly yearned for, for years. He had started to believe a bond would never happen to him. Qui-Gon wanted it badly, but not like this.

He was attracted to Obi-Wan, unnaturally attracted to him. How could he know if those feelings, the ones that started when the lust was spent, were they his feelings, or manufactured from the bond? How could he be sure the feelings were his own? What was with the council? Why were they so sith bent on this bond? There had to be more to it than they were letting on.

"Master Qui-Gon" someone shouted. Qui-Gon turned to see a padawan jogging towards him. "Master Yoda requests your presence before the council", the padawan said.

"Yes" Qui-Gon replied, "Thank you". He drew his robe around himself and stood a little straighter. "Time to get some real answers" he thought to himself walking back towards the council chambers.

Qui-Gon walked through the council doors, his eyes sweeping the room. Obi-Wan stood in the center of the chambers not acknowledging Qui-Gon's presence. Qui-Gon crossed the room coming to a halt beside Obi-Wan. He looked at the knight, hoping to give Obi-Wan a reassuring look, but the knight stared straight ahead.

"Called back you were, to discuss your bond" Yoda's voice rang out, but more pressing matters have arose.

"Yes, but something more important has come up." Mace Windu said, bringing his hands under his chin, steepling his fingers together. "A distress message has come from the Queen of Naboo" Mace told them. "It seems sometime in the last twenty-four hours, her planet has fallen under attack from someone inside her own government". Placing his hands back into his lap, he sat up straight. "Go to Naboo and see if you can infiltrate the government", Mace said. "Find out who has betrayed the Queen".

"My master" Obi-Wan spoke up "Why is there a need for both of us to go?" "I'm not questioning the council", he told them "I just don't understand why Master Jinn is not sufficient for this mission?"

"Spoken the force has", Yoda said." You both will be needed".

Mace looked at Qui-Gon. He noticed Qui had not spoken yet. "There will be a transport, waiting for you in one hour", Mace told them. "Both of you, as well as Padawan Xanatos, will be briefed in transit."

Qui-Gon's head whipped around to where Mace sat. "My Padawan", he said, fury radiating from him. "How in the hell can you expect me to take Xanatos with me, with everything that is going on"? "It's not fair to give him hope of my staying his master, if when we get back, you just rip him from me."

"Need him you will", Master Yoda said, dismissing them.

Obi-wan put his pack in the overhead storage compartment. He then grabbed his meditation mat off the bunk and spread it down on the floor. Sinking down to the mat he sat crossed legged, and placed his hands, palm up on his knees. He took a deep breath and cleared his mind, reaching for his center. He let his thoughts drift. Obi-Wan was hoping to find some sense of serenity. Maybe find a little peace inside of him. He had been there for only half an hour when he heard others boarding the ship.

He rose, intending to join the others for the briefing. He rolled up his meditation mat and stowed it away. He then headed toward the door. He had only gotten two steps away from his door, when one of the other cabin doors slid open. Qui-Gon emerged from his room. Obi-Wan paused to say something, thought better of it, and continued walking toward the cockpit.

He was glad he would be the one piloting the ship. Not only was it better than the last time he was on a ship, what with the drunken pilot and crew, but it would also occupy most of his time. Three days on a ship with Qui-Gon and his padawan, was going to be hard enough. At least this way, he could avoid them, for most of the trip.

"Obi-Wan!" Qui-Gon called from behind him. Obi-Wan stopped and turned. "Yes Master Jinn?" his face a mask of indifference.

"Master Jinn...hmmm", Qui-Gon said. "I guess were back to formalities". Obi-Wan opened his mouth to speak, but stopped as Qui-Gon lifted his hand.

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok with this mission", Qui-Gon told him lowering his eyes. "Working with Xanatos and me, I mean".

Obi-Wan looked blankly at him. "I will do my duties as a Jedi, Master Jinn".

"I am sure you will", Qui-Gon replied. "Obi-Wan, I don't doubt your commitment as a Jedi", he said placing a hand on Obi-Wan's arm. "I just wanted to make sure that this would not cause you more stress".

"I know it is going to be...", Qui-Gon paused and dropped his hand from Obi-Wan's arm upon hearing one of the cabin doors open. Xanatos was coming out of their cabin.

"Master", Xanatos said bowing his head to both Jedi as he approached. "Yes padawan", Qui-Gon said turning to Xanatos. "I was just wondering my Master," Xanatos practically purred, "which bunk you wanted, or if you thought we would just share one?"

Xanatos turned a pouting look to Obi-Wans direction. "Take which ever one you like Xan," Qui-Gon told him. "Of course Master", Xan replied and slunk back to their room.

Qui-Gon turned back around to Obi-Wan to finish their conversation. The knight had already left.

Obi-Wan finished setting their flight plan. He sat back in his chair once again, thanking the fates for a second time at giving him the piloting job on this mission. His head hurt and though he didn't want to admit it his heart did as well. He had a tight hold on his shields to make sure none of his feelings were leaking out. He just couldn't get over Qui-Gons lack of acceptance of their bond. A bond wasn't something you choose or asked for. It was a gift, and it either existed or it didn't.

There was nothing you could do about it either way. Maybe that's what the problem was. Qui-Gon didn't like not having control. The man also had to be worried about what would become of Xanatos. He must be concerned for his padawans training, as well as their relationship.

Obi-Wan was mystified by that relationship. Qui-Gon had been very vocal about wanting to keep Xanatos as his padawan as well as his lover. He had told the council that he and Xanatos had been a pair for over a year and that he wanted it to remain that way.

But then again, he had also said he didn't love Xanatos. Qui-Gon as a master, he loved his padawan, but not as a lover or mate. Obi-Wan, his self knew many people, who had sex with people they weren't in love with. He himself, had given himself to a man he didn't love, much less know at all. However, living day in, day out with someone with no thoughts of either one finding someone else. Without love there, Obi-Wan didn't see how that could be possible.

Qui-Gon had said he knew Xanatos had other lovers. That, above all else, completely befuddled Obi-Wan. The thought of anyone but Qui-Gon, touching him in that intimate way sickened him. Why would Xanatos want any one, other than Qui-Gon? The stupid little fool has no idea what he has got. Obi-Wan chastised him self for that thought. He felt bad for Xantos. The poor guy was losing not only his lover, but his master as well.

Obi Wan thought of his own Master. His master had been everything to him his whole apprenticeship. They had worked together, laughed together, and even cried together. When one was injured, the other protected and cared for them. They had been a solid support system for each other. They had been a well-oiled machine. Obi-Wan had always felt his master was his family, as well as his closest friend. What would Obi-Wan have possibly done, if for some reason, they had been separated. It was to horrifying to even contemplate. Devastated wouldn't begin to cover it.

Maybe Qui-Gon was right. Maybe this shouldn't happen between them. He cared for Qui-Gon of course, but Xanatos needed his master more than Obi-Wan needed a mate.

"I don't love Qui-Gon", Obi-Wan told him self, "Anymore than he loves me". "So if us being pulled together is just the bond, then it can be put aside until Xanatos is knighted". He knew he was lying to him self.

Obi-Wan stared out into space watching the stars fly by. He was quite proud of his decision. It was the only one he could make and still be able to call himself a Jedi. But there was one thought that was tugging at the back of his mind. Would Qui-Gon and Xanatos continue to be a couple until Xanatos was knighted? Obi-Wan knew he couldn't stay around and watch that. It would eat him alive.

"I can't worry about that now", he thought. "If it comes down to it, I'll transfer to work somewhere else." "Well", he thought, "as soon as I see Qui-Gon I'll tell him my decision, and that will be that."

Qui-Gon walked into his shared quarters with his padawan. "I hope we get to spend some time alone on this mission", Xanatos said. "Before you are taken away from me."He lowered his head but not before Qu-Gon could see the tears brimming in his eyes. Tears that were threatening to fall. Xanatos sat down on the lower bunk and dropped his head into his hands. Qui-Gon crossed the room and sat down beside him. He placed his hand on Xanatos's back, rubbing small circles.

"My padawan", he said." I am so sorry this has caused you so much pain."

Xanatos began to sob." I don't understand Master." Xanatos said." How can you go from being with me, to the council telling you that you should be with Knight Kenobi?"

"I know this is happening so fast my padawan." Qui-Gon said, turning side ways to face Xanatos. He cupped his padawans chin and turned his face toward him. " Look at me young one." he said. Xanatos sniffed and brought his eyes up to meet Qui-Gons. "You will always have your masters love my padawan", Qui-Gon told him. "No matter what", he reiterated.

Xanatos looked him in the eyes searching his face for something. Apparently not finding what he was hopping to see, he stood. His back was to his master and his arms were wrapped around himself. It was almost as if he were hugging himself. He spoke almost in a whisper. "They are separating us, and I won't be your padawan any longer."

Qui-Gon sighed. " No not officially, but I will always be here for you", he said. Qui-Gon rose and placed his hands on Xanatos's shoulders. "Accepting a new master will be hard Xan, I know", he told him. " But I will be here to support you." Qui-Gon squeezed his shoulders." I will do whatever I can to make the transition for you easier."

Xanatos turned in his arms and placed his cheek against Qui-Gons chest."At least I haven't lost you completely", he told Qui-Gon. "Losing you as my master will be one of the hardest things I will ever have to face", he said burrowing closer into Qui's chest. "But at least I'll still have your love." He wrapped his arms around Qui-Gon and rubbed his hands up and down his back. Qui Gon returned the embrace resting his chin on his padawans head.

Qui-Gon sat reading all the material he would need to know for this mission. It was going to be tough trying to figure out who was betraying the queen. At least he was as prepared as he could be. Now he needed to figure out what to do about his personal problems. He truly felt he should finish his padawans training. That should be his first and foremost concern. But try as he might, his mind kept wondering back to Obi-Wan. He wanted the man like no other. Burned for him. Which was the very reason he couldn't continue to train Xanatos. It would be more than a unkindness to Xan. He was also sure that as strong and bright as Xanatos was, it wouldn't take him too long to adjust to a new master. Qui-Gon would be there for him as much as the council would allow.

Now, what was he to do about Obi-Wan? He couldn't keep playing with this mans emotions. Telling him words of endearments in one instance, and then freaking out and going into denial mode the next. He didn't know him well enough to love him. But the thought of not seeing him again was like a kick to the gut. Maybe he just needed to spend some time with the knight while they were on this mission. Then he could get a better grasp on what and who he was dealing with. It was time to find Obi-Wan.

He found Obi-Wan slumped in the flight chair, fast asleep. His briefing material scattered on his lap, some trickling down to the floor. Qui-Gon kneeled to pick up the papers on the floor, and then gathered the ones on the knights lap as well. He placed them on the instrument panel and sank into the co-pilots chair. He studied the face in front of him. It was a thing of great beauty.

He lifted his hand and drew back a reddish blonde tuft of hair that had fallen into the knights face. Green blue eyes shuttered open and looked up at him. There was a faint smile on those sleepy lips that were now slightly parted. Qui-Gon drew in a sharp breath. Those eyes would be his undoing. He dropped to his knees in front of Obi-Wan. Clearing his throat he tried to speak.

"I..." but Obi-Wan drew up a finger and placed it against Qui-Gon's lips. "Don't talk", Obi-Wan whispered. He cupped Qui-Gon's jaw and drew him closer until their foreheads were touching. They stayed that way for a few moments until Obi-Wan drew back.

"I don't know how, but I do love you Qui-Gon Jinn", he told him. Qui-Gon started to respond but once again Obi quieted him.

"I think it is important Xanatos gets settled before we even contemplate what to do next." Obi-Wan said sitting up fully in his chair. "Qui-Gon, what we have isn't going anywhere", he told him. "But Xanatos is." "Everything about his life is changing, and Qui, he is going to need you now more that ever." Obi-Wan took a deep breath and continued. "You go do, what you need to do for your padawan", he said smiling gently. "When it's our time, we will know."

Qui-Gon stood abruptly. "Does this mean you no longer want to see me?" he asked. "I can't agree to that", he said getting angrier by the second. "I have decided Xanatos will not be sharing my quarters with me any longer." He strode to stand directly in front of Obi-Wan's chair. "We will spend time together, I will help Xanatos adjust, and we will finish this mission." "We have to find a reasonable solution to all of this", Qui-Gon said.

Obi-Wan stood and placed his hand in Qui-Gon's. Looking into his eyes he said, "There is no reason in love, Qui, that is something you need to know." He released Qui-Gon's hand and walked out the door.

After arriving on Naboo, they were all shown to their quarters. Qui-Gon and Xanatos had adjoining rooms, Obi-Wan in his own room across the hall. After putting their things away, they were summoned to the throne room to meet with the Queen.

"Thank you so much for agreeing to come Master Jedi", the Queen said addressing Qui-Gon first. Qui-Gon bowed and replied, "We will do whatever we can to help you your highness". "I am Master Jinn, and this is Knight Kenobi, and my padawan Xanatos." The Queen nodded her head to both men as they bowed before her.

"Last night, during late meal, someone tried to poison me," the Queen said. "I've went through three food tasters in the past ten days, I can not allow this to continue". "Do you have any idea who could be doing this, your highness?" Qui-Gon asked. "Who was at attendance at this meal?" Obi-Wan enquired.

"Myself, The Senator of Naboo, My Hand Maidens, and Chief of Security, Captain Panaka," the Queen told them. "Allow us to attend tonight's meal and observe everyone in a casual setting" Qui-Gon said. "Then tomorrow, we will begin our investigation."

"Very well" the Queen said. "Feel free to explore the palace and grounds until tonight." "I'll make sure Captain Panaka is briefed about the investigation." "Until tonight, my lady" Qui-Gon said bowing before turning to leave, Obi-Wan and Xanatos following his lead.

Late meal was a slightly subdued affair. As requested, the Queen had made sure everyone from the previous night, was in attendance. There were also a few dignitaries present as well.

Obi Wan had been seated to the left of the Queen. The Queen having been seated at the head of the table as is proper. The Senator of Naboo was directly across from Obi-Wan, on the Queens right. Next was Qui-Gon to Obi-Wans left, with Xanatos across from him. Her highness handmaidens were spread out among the dignitaries.

While they were eating, the three Jedi tried to keep up conversation, while gently probing each attendants mind. After their meal, the Jedi adjourned to Qui-Gon's quarters.

Obi-Wan sat on the sofa and asked, "So, did either of you get a read on anyone?" Xanatos spoke up, "I really couldn't get much from anyone." "Everyone seemed almost muted."

"I got a read on everyone", Qui-Gon remarked walking to the cooler in the corner of the room. He poured himself a glass of Bespin Port. "Would either of you like a drink?" he asked motioning by lifting his glass. Obi-Wan and Xanatos both declined the offer. Qui-Gon took his glass and settled in a chair across from Obi-Wan. Xanatos remained standing.

"What about you Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon asked, "Did you notice anything while reading them?"

"Yes", Obi-Wan said, nodding his head. "While I was attempting to read Senator Palpatine, I got something similar to a buzzing noise". "It was as if he was blocking me", Obi-Wan told him.

"Which is what I got", Qui-Gon said. "The only way that is possible is if the man is force sensitive." Xanatos looked startled. "Master, if that is true, then he knew what we were doing", Xanatos said turning to his master for conformation. "Yes my padawan", Qui-Gon said. "He is indeed force sensitive and he was blocking us."

Obi-Wan stood up from his seat on the sofa. "We should get some rest", Obi-Wan suggested. "Tomorrow we can start trying to find out what Senator Palpatine is hiding." Qui-Gon nodded his assent. "Your right, we should retire for the night." Qui-Gon rose from his chair. "I'll walk you out Knight Kenobi". Obi-Wan shook his head. "There's no need", he said. "I will see you both tomorrow." He turned and left, before Qui-Gon could protest, and headed for his own quarters.

"Master, may we speak?" Xanatos asked after the knight had left. "Of course", Qui-Gon replied. "Here, come, lets sit on the sofa"' he told his padawan. Xanatos sat down beside Qui-Gon. He turned his body so he could look right at his master. Qui-Gon did the same to insure his padawan he had his undivided attention.

"I have something I want to ask you", Xanatos said. His head was bowed and his eyes were downcast. "I know you and Knight Kenobi are to be bonded as soon as we return to Coruscant." He looked slightly up through his lashes. "Yes", Qui-Gon replied, saying nothing further motioning that his apprentice should continue. "

"I don't quite understand everything that's going on between you", Xanatos told him. "I do know that when we get back, you won't be my master or my lover anymore." "It is killing me to know I am going to lose you so completely." Qui-Gon lifted Xanatos' chin so he could look him in the eye.

"My padawan," he said, "I will always be here for you." "Just because I will no longer be your master doesn't mean that I won't still be here whenever you need me." "I will always care for you, and will always be your friend", Qui-Gon assured him.

Xanatos shifted slightly forward, moving closer to Qui-Gon. "Qui-Gon", he said looking down at his hands, which were laced together in his lap. "What I wanted to ask you, well... if I must give you up to Knight Kenobi, may I have one last night?" Qui-Gon's eyes widened and he drew back slightly. Xanatos hurriedly sped ahead. "I mean, can't we have one more night together so that I might have one last memory to look back upon when you're gone?"

Qui-Gon was undecided. The thought of spending the night with his apprentice, felt somewhat like a betrayal to Obi-Wan. Then again, what would it hurt to grant what his apprentice was asking of him? If giving Xan one more night would help ease his padawan's pain, then isn't that what he should do? He looked at his padawan's face. He could see the pain etched there. Yes, it was the right thing.

He cupped his padawan's face and lightly stroked his thumb over his bottom lip. Xanatos' tongue darted out, flicking over the finger briefly. Qui-Gon dove in tasting his apprentice. Xanatos responded, opening his mouth under the abrupt assault, their tongues, dueling for dominance.

Qui-Gon stood, pulling Xanatos toward his sleep room. Upon entering, Xanatos started ripping off Qui-Gon's tunics. He ran his hand along the broad chest, then, abruptly pulled his masters leggings down. He dropped to his knees and engulfed Qui-Gon's cock in one swift motion. Hollowing out his cheeks, he set a fast rhythm.

Qui-Gon moaned and pulled Xanatos up by his arms, to claim his mouth again. They both proceeded to undress as quickly as possible, never once, breaking the kiss. Qui-Gon was then pushed back onto the bed as Xanatos straddled him. Xanatos, wanting to slow the pace a bit, grabbed Qui-Gon's hands and pushed them above his head, holding them in place. He lowered his head and licked at the juncture between Qui-Gon's neck and shoulder. Xanatos then nibbled his way down to his chest, stopping to circle Qui-Gon's hardened nipple with his tongue.

Qui-Gon was growing dizzy. He was on fire and sweat was pouring out of him. It was too much. He felt as if his senses were overloading. Suddenly, he could feel something tugging at the back of his mind. It was his bond with Obi-Wan. "Oh force!" he said, as he wrenched himself off the bed, Xanatos flung to the side. Qui-Gon dashed to the fresher, one hand flung over his mouth. He sank to his knees and lost the contents of his stomach. When there was nothing left, he stood and shuffled over to the sink to wash up. Finished he leaned back against the fresher wall.

His legs gave out and he slid down to sit on the floor. He pulled his knees against his chest wrapping his arms around them. He couldn't believe what had just happened. Apparently, the bond was adamant about him and Obi-Wan being together. It seemed it would allow no one else.

A sickening thought crossed his mind. Had Obi-Wan been able to feel what had transpired between Qui-Gon and Xanatos? The possibility of it had never entered his mind. He shook his head in denial and self-disgust. How could he have not thought about it? He whimpered, his eyes starting to fill. "Force Obi-Wan", he whispered brokenly, "What have I done?"

Xanatos stood quietly at the fresher door. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. He slowly backed into the sleep room and grabbed his clothing. He dressed hastily, then, ran out the door. He slowed his pace and wondered aimlessly around the palace.

Qui-Gon got to his feet. He walked out of the fresher to find his padawan gone. He would have to find him and they would have to talk. Qui-Gon would have to explain to his padawan what happened and try to get him to understand. In order to do that, he needed to shower and talk to Obi-Wan first. That way he himself would know exactly what had just occurred.

Qui-Gon took his shower, dressed and headed to Obi-Wan's quarters. He pressed the chime and waited. He had only been there a few moments, when the door slid open to reveal a rumpled Obi-Wan. His hair was disheveled, his eyes puffy and red rimmed. He was bare foot and only wearing light sleep pants. Qui-Gon had his answer before even uttering the question. He could tell by the knights appearance he had been subjected to what had transpired between himself and Xanatos.

Qui-Gon swallowed, and asked, "May I come in Obi-Wan?" Obi-Wan took a step back and swung his hand out gesturing for Qui-Gon to enter. Qui-Gon walked to the middle of the room, and stopped. His back to Obi-Wan, his head lowered to his chest, his shoulders slumped.

Obi-Wan took a few steps toward him and stopped. Obi-Wan heard an, "I'm so sorry", whispered. He saw Qui-Gon's frame start to shake. Then he heard sobs. He found himself wrapping his arms around Qui-Gon's back, before he realized he had even crossed the floor.

"I didn't know Obi", Qui-Gon said. "I never would have... I don't" he speech breaking up into fragments as the tears poured out. Obi-Wan took pity on him. "I know", he told Qui-Gon. He turned the master around and embraced him. Rubbing circles on Qui-Gon's back, he tried to soothe him. "We are both new to all of this", Obi-Wan told him. "I even foolishly entertained the idea of stepping aside, so you could finish his training." Qui-Gon pulled away from him slightly, so he could see the knights face.

"You could feel everything that happened couldn't you?", Qui-Gon asked even though he already knew the answer. "Yes", came a muttered reply as Obi-Wan dropped his arms to his side. Qui-Gon stumbled to the couch and dropped down, his head in his hands. It tormented him to think of Obi-Wan being able to feel what had happened. His lust, his want and need.

Knowing what was going through Qui-Gon's head at that moment, Obi-Wan knelt down in front of him. He took the masters hands into his. Looking into his eyes he told him, "I also felt why you were doing it." Qui-Gon turned his head to look away but Obi-Wan grabbed his chin and held fast. "You thought you were doing something that would ease Xanatos' ache a little", Obi-Wan said. "That young man is going through something, no padawan should ever have to go through", he told him. "I couldn't imagine losing my master and having to accept a new one."

Obi-Wan brought up one hand and smoothed the hair back from Qui-Gon's forehead. "Besides", he said his voice getting softer; "I don't know what it would do to me, if I knew I could possibly lose you." He opened his shields slightly so Qui-Gon could feel the truth of his words.

Qui-Gon's eyes grew larger as the truth of what Obi-Wan said sank in. He leaned forward and brushed his lips softly against Obi-Wan's. He placed his forehead against Obi-Wan's and looked deep into his eyes. "Do you have any idea how amazing you are?", he asked.

Obi-Wan smiled and retorted, "Of course I do" he said, trying to lighten the mood. Qui-Gon chuckled and put his arms around him. "Thank you", Qui-Gon said. "From now on just try not to make this a habit," Obi-Wan joked. Qui-Gon chuckled again and leaned back to look at Obi-Wan.

"I have to go find my apprentice", he told him. Obi-Wan ran his hand through Qui-Gon's hair. "Yes you do", he said. Obi-Wan kissed him lightly and stood. "Go find your apprentice and make things right", he told him grabbing Qui-Gon's hand and leading him to the door. At the door, Qui-Gon stopped and put his hands on Obi's shoulders. "We'll talk tomorrow?", he asked him. Obi-Wan kissed him and replied, "Certainly."

Qui-Gon had searched nearly everywhere in the palace. Apparently, his apprentice didn't want to be found right now. "Maybe he just needed some time to himself", Qui-Gon thought. After what had happened, Qui-Gon could definitely understand. He walked back to his quarters and figured he had better get some rest. The next day was going to be a busy one.

Xanatos had wondered around for hours, contemplating everything. He was so confused. He knew what had went wrong. The truth be told, he was thrilled that the knight could feel, what had gone on between him and his master. He was taking Qui-Gon away from him, wasn't he? Then he deserved what he got. He felt the rage building inside when he thought of Qui-Gon. Him flying to the fresher to be sick, all because of his touch, his kisses.

He stopped walking and tried to calm down. He knew he should release his anger but it wasn't happening. He could feel the darkness closing in on him, but he couldn't seem to care that much. The council and Knight Kenobi were taking away his master. They could take away his whole life, but they couldn't make him relinquish his anger. It was all he had left. He wished Bruck were there. Maybe he could have fucked the anger out that he was feeling. He sighed and looked around at where he was, and realized he was under the palace.

He had gone down so many flights of stairs that he had no idea how far down he was. He had not been paying attention to where he was going. He had been too deep in his own thoughts. He was standing in a long corridor that seemed to go on and on. The walls were stone, and they all looked the same, with a biolum torch here and there to light the way. He walked a bit farther and felt a tingle race up his spine. He stopped and looked around.

There, on the right wall, the stone looked different, a bit darker then the rest. He strode to it and raised his hand. He lightly touched it. There was a force signature here. Who's he didn't know, but someone's. He concentrated on the wall and slightly force pushed it. It shuddered and then scraped open. Xan walked in slowly looking around. He was in a large room. There were computers lining each wall and a durasteel door.

"Hello Padawan Xanatos." Xan whirled around to find himself face to face with Senator Palpatine.

Xanatos looked around feeling a bit unnerved. Why was Palpatine down here and what was this place? "This place is my creation", the Senator told him. "You see, the Queen has decided it's time to take a consort." Palpatine walked over to where the durasteel door was. "She had looked favorably on me at one time, until that boy showed up in her life." He placed his palm on the lock by the door and it opened.

"What boy?" Xanatos asked him.

The Senator turned to face him. "The Queen thought that sense we got along so well, and what with my being older and wiser, we would be the perfect match to rule Naboo. His eyes looked as if he were far away, as he spoke. "But then, a few months ago a ship carrying slaves, had their flight computer go out." "They landed here to make the repairs."

Senator Palpatine's eyes hardened. His face was a mask of fury. " That's when the boy first appeared." "The queen spent all of her time with him and when the ship had been repaired, he didn't leave." His fists were clenched at his sides in hot fury. "Queen Amidala came to me and told me that she was in love," he said, his rage making him shake. "So now she and a fifteen year old boy, who is not even from this planet, are going to rule together."

He walked forward and placed his hands on Xanatos' shoulders. "I can't let that happen!" he told the Padawan.

Xanatos felt bad for the Senator. He knew what it was to be cast aside for someone new, who Qui-Gon and himself, did not even know. To have been the one betrayed.

Senator Palpatine turned and walked into the other room. "Come Xanatos, see what I have done, to make things right."

Obi-Wan had just finished his morning shower when he heard the door chime. He grabbed a couple of towels, slinging one around his hips, the other on his head. He walked towards the kitchen to grab his coffeine while yelling out "Enter."

Qui-Gon walked into the outer room just as Obi-Wan was coming out of the kitchen. His mouth grew dry as he took in the Knights appearance. Obi-Wan's towel was slung low on his firm muscled hips. He had a smaller towel in his hand that he was using to dry his hair. In his other hand, he held a cup of steaming liquid. He looked delicious.

Qui-Gon shook his head to clear his lust addled brain. "I'm sorry to bother you so early Obi-Wan," he said once he had himself under control.

"No", Obi-Wan said waving a hand at Qui-Gon, "I'm glad you're here." He sat down on the couch and motioned Qui-Gon to do the same. "I wanted to ask how things went with Xanatos last night." "I was wondering if he was alright."

Qui-Gon sighed. "I wish I knew", he said.

Obi-Wan looked at him, clearly confused. "But I thought...", he started to say until Qui-Gon interrupted him. "I never did find him last night. I searched everywhere and then decided he must not want, to be found. I thought he must need some time alone."

Qui-Gon ran his hand over his face. He looked tired and very troubled. "I went to his room this morning, and he wasn't there," he told the knight. "His bed had not been slept in." "I'm really getting worried."

Obi stood. "I'm going to get dressed," he said walking into his sleep room. He returned a few moments later fully dressed, clipping his lightsaber to his belt. " Alright," he told Qui-Gon, "Lets go search for your missing padawan, then we will see what we can find out about Senator Palpatine."

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had been searching for a while. They had been all over the grounds and were now searching inside the palace. They decided to expand their hunt to include the maintenance quarters, which were located in the sublevel of the palace. After looking there for a brief time, Qui-Gon stopped walking and just stared straight ahead. Obi-Wan noticed and strode over to where he was.

"Qui?" he said attentively, "What is it?"

Qui-Gon closed his eyes and dropped down to his knees. "I can feel him", he told Obi-Wan. The Jedi Master sank into the force, concentrating on his apprentice. Obi placed his hand on Qui's shoulder to lend his support. They remained in that position for a few moments. Suddenly Qui-Gon's eyes snapped open. "I know where he is," he said. "We need to hurry."

Qui-Gon jumped to his feet, and started running, Obi-Wan at his heels. They ran down several flights of stairs, then down a corridor. Qui-Gon came to an abrupt halt, almost causing Obi to crash into his back. Qui looked around briefly then made his way to the right wall of the corridor. Bringing up his hand he force pushed the wall to reveal an opening.

The Jedi exchanged glances, and then went inside. They looked around and seeing no one, headed for the door that was on the opposite side of the room. It was force locked. Moving as one, they reached for their lightsabers, intending on plunging them into the thick steel door. Before either could move, it slid open to reveal Senator Palpatine, waiting for them just inside the door.

"I figured you two would show up eventually," Palpatine told then. "When you could find the time to tear yourselves away from each other." There was a sneer on his face as he spoke. "Your poor padawan seemed to think you would not have even noticed he was gone. That's sad don't you think?"

"Where is he?" Qui-Gon asked, his face a mask of calm. It was then he felt Obi-Wan's hand tugging on his robe. He turned his head to look at the knight and was stunned at Obi-Wan's expression. His eyes were huge, his mouth hanging open. Qui-Gon followed Obi-Wan's gaze and felt a jolt of denial rip through him.

There along the walls of the chamber, were crystasteel-holding tanks. Inside each tank was what looked to be Queen Amidala, Captain Panaka, and a young man who appeared to be in his teens.

Qui-Gon stepped forward whispering, "What have you done?"

Senator Palpatine cackled. "Oh it's not them", he told the jedi. "It's my duplicates of them. You see, once I get rid of the real ones, I just insert my versions."

"Why? Obi-Wan asked, "Why would you do this."

They heard another door sliding open. Xanatos walked into the chamber, looking around. "Ah, I see you found us", Xanatos said. "I'm glad you brought your new flavor with you master." He walked over to stand beside Palpatine. He bowed his head at the senator and said, "I apologize my true master. It just slipped out from habit."

Palpatine just grinned and patted the young man shoulder. "Don't worry, it won't be a mistake you make again my young apprentice." "These two jedi slime will be gone soon enough."

Qui-Gon looked on, confused. Xanatos saw his look and laughed. "Oh yes Qui-Gon, he said. "Let me fill you in on a few developments. You see, I have a new master now." He walked to stand in front of the jedi master. Xanatos drew his lightsaber. "You are dead to me now Qui", his face twisted with hatred.

Qui-Gon stepped back. He couldn't believe what was happing. Xanatos lifted up his lightsaber, bringing it down to slice through Qui-Gon neck. Qui was locked in place by utter disbelief and shock. To him everything was happening in slow motion. He closed his eyes, bracing himself for the blow. It never came. He opened his eyes to find Obi-Wan's back to his front, having just blocked Xanatos' blow.

Qui-Gon ignited his own sabre. The two jedi moved to stand along side each other. Qui-Gon stared deep into Xanatos' eyes. He tried to reach his padawan through their training bond. It was useless. Xanatos had shut down the bond.

"Padawan," he implored, "you must fight this"

Xanatos eyed Qui-Gon with disgust. "You took me from my father Qui-Gon, and now your abandoning me for him", Xan snarled at him motioning towards Obi-Wan. "My new master knows how that feels. He will never leave me", he told him. "We will rule Naboo together." "You can't stop us." Xan launched himself at Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon blocked his thrust and backhanded his apprentice knocking him out cold. He then turned his attention to Palpatine.

"What have you done to my apprentice?" Qui-Gon asked, advancing on the Senator.

Palpatine laughed. "He is no longer your apprentice." "I have shown him what it feels to be enveloped by the dark side."

"No!" Obi-Wan's voice rang out, "That's impossible."

"Did you think we didn't exists jedi?" Palpatine sneered. "You jedi all thought the sith was something that was made up for children, to scare them, didn't you?" "Naboo is just the beginning." "Before I am done, this whole galaxy will be mine!"

Lightning flew from his fingertips, sending Obi-Wan to fly through the air, his body crashing into a wall, falling to loll, slumped in a pile on the floor. Qui-Gon propelled himself towards Palpatine, bringing his lightsaber down to strike. The Sith Lord deflected the strike, with lightning. The Jedi Master was flung through the air, crashing into one of the crystasteel tanks. He righted himself and force hurled a computer into the Sith.

Palpatine came at him again with the lightning. Qui-Gon blocked with his lightsaber, only to once again find him self slowly sinking to his knees. Qui-Gon closed his eyes, putting everything he had, into concentrating on beating back the waves of attack. He didn't know how long he could push back against the darkness that was trying to smother him. Suddenly, there was a hum, and the lightning stopped.

He snapped his eyes open to find his apprentice, standing over Palpatine. The senators head, severed from his body. "Master?" the padawan whispered, as he swayed on his feet. Qui-Gon rushed to his padawan, catching him before he fell unconscious. Qui-Gon gathered him in his arms and stood.

He walked to where Obi-Wan was and sat down, checking the man over as he pulled his comlink from his belt. He called for assistance and waited.

Qui-Gon stood as a medical droid entered the room. They had been back to Coruscant for two days now. Obi-Wan had woken often, but only for a few minutes at a time. The healers had assured Qui-Gon it was normal, but he had refused to leave him anyway. His padawan was in Qui-Gon's old masters care. When they had landed, Qui-Gon had not wanted to leave his padawan, but he also didn't want to be away from his bondmate. Yoda had solved his dilemma for him.

"Xanatos, my padawan will be now", Yoda had told Qui-Gon. "Darkness there still is in him." "Help him I will", the little green master had said. Qui-Gon kneeled down to his masters level.

"Thank you my master" he told him.

Yoda placed a claw on Qui-Gon's head, stroking it with affection. "Your bondmate needs you, yes?" Yoda had asked his former padawan. "Go be with him", he said. "Well, all will be now"

So here he was, waiting for his bondmate to wake up. The medical droid left and Qui-Gon moved to sit in the chair placed by Obi-Wan's bed. He took the knights hand in his and rubbed his fingers over it. The master placed his head on the bed beside of Obi-Wan and closed his eyes.

He awoke a few hours later to the feel of his hair being stroked. He sat up and found himself staring into blue-green eyes. "What happened?" Obi-Wan asked. "'Where's Xanatos?"

Qui-Gon ran a hand over the side of his beloveds face, stopping to run his thumb back and forth over the cleft in Obi's chin. "Xanatos is fine", he told him. "He's with my master. Yoda has decided to finish out his training."

Qui-Gon went on to explain what had happened with Palpatine and why the man had tried to do what he did. He also assured him that the clones had been destroyed, and that Queen Amidala was now safe.

Obi-Wan picked at the corner of his sheet. He raised his eyes and asked Qui-Gon, "What happens now?" Qui-Gon knew exactly what Obi-Wan meant.

"Well first we get you out of here, then we have a bonding ceremony, "Qui-Gon said, moving to sit on the bed beside Obi. "That is, if you still want me." He looked at the knight, hopeful.

"The expression on Obi-Wan's face was indifferent. "I don't know Qui-Gon", he told him. Bowing his head, he looked back up through his eyelashes, and smirked. "Let me see how fast you can get out of those clothes and into this bed with me," he said teasingly. "Then I'll let you know."

Qui-Gon's delighted laughter ran out through the medical wing. He shed his clothing and he took a moment, to look at the knight lying in the bed. "I love you my Obi-Wan." He said. Then he pounced.
