Five Years

by The Rose (

Title: Five Years (A challenge response)
Author: The Rose
Archive: M/A and my web site,
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Q/O
Category: Plot-What-Plot
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Nope
Feedback: You WILL send feedback. Ah, come on! You know you want to! Either on-list or off to:
Disclaimers: George Lucas owns all things Star Wars and makes a fortune off of them. Me, I write for the fun of it and give it away for free.
Summary: Master-Apprentice celebrates its fifth anniversary!

Notes: Dedicated to the wonderful admins, archivist, writers, and readers of the Master Apprentice archive and mailing list. Thanks! You've given me many, many hours of enjoyment, and I hope that will continue for a very long time.

Somewhere, in a galaxy far, far away:

"Five years," Obi-Wan said as he stepped up behind his master and slid his arms around warm, naked shoulders. "Can you believe it's been five years?"

Qui-Gon studied the computer screen. "Yes, actually, I can," he said, weariness making his voice heavy.

Concerned, Obi-Wan slipped around beside him, tilting his lover's face so that their eyes met. Qui-Gon's were moist with unshed tears. "What's wrong, Qui?"

"It's these people," he said, thrusting his chin briefly at the computer. "These slashers. They've killed me off so many times, and you, too, love -" He slid one arm around Obi-Wan's waist and drew him close. "They've hurt us, tortured us, they've made us cry. They've gotten us pregnant, they've turned us into Sith. They've done all sorts of unimaginable things to both of us. Still, they're the ones responsible for us being here, like this."

He took one of Obi-Wan's nipples into his mouth, sucking it hard, and the younger man arched into the touch, moaning. But, it was quickly gone, as Qui-Gon sat back to click on the link to the archive.

"I've never met a group of people who can be so funny one minute, so angsty the next, and so inventive and creative all the time." Qui-Gon said wistfully. He waved a hand at the screen. "Look at that. Over 3,500 stories. Can you believe it? And they started just five years ago, right after -"

Obi-Wan shuddered. "Please don't say it, Master." He dropped to his knees and pressed his head into Qui-Gon's lap, feeling the hardness already growing there. "It hurts so much to even think about you dying on Naboo. At least the people at M-A had the sense to fix things."

Qui-Gon's hand stroked Obi-Wan hair then reached to tug on the braid behind his left ear. "They fixed a lot of things, my own. If they hadn't, I'd never have been able to do this . . ." With that, he drew Obi-Wan into his lap and captured his mouth in a long, deep, lingering kiss.

When it finally broke off, Obi-Wan was flushed and completely aroused. He got to his feet and extended a hand down to his master. "Well, then, shall we give them something else to write about?"

Qui-Gon's brilliant smile was nearly blinding. "Oh, I think we could do that." He let himself be pulled out of his chair and led into the bedroom.

The End, or it is just the beginning?