Field Trip

by Angelica ( )

Pairing: Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon

Archive: Yes to m_a and Anne's Sandbox. All others please ask.

Category: pre-slash, AU

Rating: PG

Warnings: None. If you consider the Jedi Apprentice series canon, then you will consider this AU.

Spoilers: None

Series: Part of Anne Higgin's Bonding Universe Series

Summary: Four year-old Obi-Wan goes on his first field trip. Qui-Gon finds the roles reversed, as he waits for Obi-Wan to come home. But nothing ever goes as planned.

Feedback: Loved and adored

Notes: Many thanks to Anne Higgins for allowing other's to play in her universe. Her stories were the first slash I'd read, and what inspired me to try it myself. This is my very first slash, well pre-slash, story. Hope you enjoy! Also: special thanks go out to my wonderful Master, Jenn Kenobi, who helped beta this for me and gave me lots of cuddles along the way.

Qui-Gon stood on the transport platform holding his four year-old bondmate in his arms protectively, studying the boy's face and ingraining it in to memory. Since Obi-Wan had come to the temple last year they had been seperated only when Qui-Gon was needed for a mission. The Jedi Master had never had to let Obi-Wan be the one to leave, and Qui-Gon found himself not wanting to be apart from the little boy who was the other half of his soul. He was growing up so quickly; who knew how much he would change in the short time he'd be gone?

"Qui-Gon, the ship is departing. It's time for Obi-Wan to leave." Master Aronna's voice was quiet, as not to startle the two. The crèche Master had seen many tearful farewells in her time, and knew that this one, in particular, would be painful for both child and adult. Being bondmates, their natural place was at each other's side. To be separated felt wrong, and left a longing in both their hearts.

Qui-Gon nodded, brushing a hand gently through the boy's short auburn hair.

"I'll miss you, little one. Have fun, and mind Master Aronna."

"OK, Quigee," the little voice said between sniffles. "Miss you too."

"I will, little one," Qui-Gon corrected without thought.

"I know, me too."

Qui-Gon laughed and pulled Obi-Wan close again, feeling the boy's little heart beating against his chest, and knowing he wouldn't feel it again for a week. The large Jedi knelt on the ground, placing the little boy in front of him and straightening out his little tunic.

"Go on now. I'll see you next week."

Obi-Wan nodded and let Master Aronna take his hand. "Bye, Quigee."

Qui-Gon watched as the most important person in his life boarded the transport. He knew that Obi-Wan would be all right. He was only going to be gone a week, and nothing dangerous would happen to him. But as a bondmate, he ached inside at the thought of not being able to see Obi-Wan for even this short amount of time.

Watching as the transport took off, Qui-Gon realized that this was how Obi-Wan felt every time they were separated by Qui-Gon's missions. This time, Qui-Gon would be left behind, waiting for Obi-Wan to return, hoping that his bondmate was all right. It would be an interesting week.

Obi-Wan sat in his seat onboard the transport, watching the stars streak by through the small window in the bulkhead. He'd seen hyperspace before, when he'd sat in the back of Quigee's mind, but he'd never seen it himself. The darkness of space and the bright blues and white of the stars rushing by made the little boy smile.

//Quigee?// he questioned through the mental bond he shared with his the older Master.

//Yes, my Imp?//

//Is this what it always looks like when you fly in space?//

Obi-Wan could feel his bondmate's smile, though he was parcecs away. //Yes. Are you enjoying yourself?//

Obi-Wan nodded, not thinking about the fact that Qui-Gon couldn't see the motion.

//It's fun. They gave us a snack, and Bant and I played draigons for a little while, until Master Aronna asked us to sit down.//

//That sounds like great fun, Obi-Wan. Have you tried meditating while watching the stars yet?//

//I can do that?//

//Yes, my Obi-Wan. Just watch the stars go by and relax into the Force around you. Let go of everything, like you would when you meditate, and just watch the stars go by.//

//Ok Quigee, I'll try.//

//Qui-Gon, little one.// Obi wan could hear the sigh through the bond he shared with the older man and laughed.

//Qui-Gon. Bye Quigee..// With a giggle Obi-Wan sent his bondmate a mental hug and pulled out of the active link.

Taking a deep breath, Obi-Wan sat still and stared out the window. He'd mediated before, with Quigee, and sometimes with Master Aronna. They said it was good for him, and though it was boring, he liked the feeling. It was like he was floating in a pool of the Force and nothing could hurt him, like when he slept in Quigee's bed. Slowly he felt his mind clear and his body relax.

Obi-Wan sat like that for a few minutes, which seemed to the energetic youth to be hours. He was suddenly pulled from his meditation by the sense that something was horribly wrong. He opened his eyes to see two men carrying blasters entering the room.

Before the boy had a chance to warn someone, Master Aronna was whirling around to face the assailants, lightsaber in hand.

"N'bara, get the children out of here," she called to the other Master over her shoulder as she stepped forward to engage the enemy. Though she rarely used the weapon, Aronna was still a Jedi Master, and the lightsaber in her hand moved with the speed and grace of a warrior half her age.

"I will not let you harm these children," the crèche Master called out as her first strike sliced through the blaster one man carried. She quickly followed through with the attack and Force-shoved another enemy against a nearby wall, his body slumping to the ground.

Obi-Wan was ushered into the hallway with the other children, Master N'bara sending calming feelings through the Force in the hopes of keeping the children from panicking. If they could just get to the shuttle bay they could leave the ship and they'd be safe.

As the group rounded the corner, Master N'bara stopped suddenly and drew her lightsaber. "Children, stay here. Don't be afraid, everything will be all right. I'll be right back."

Stepping around the corner, the woman quickly blocked two laser blasts, sending them back towards her attackers. Her blade moved in quick motions to divert any other attacks, and as quickly as the fight had begun, it was ended. The attackers lying on the ground beneath her, the Jedi Master looked around thinking this had been too easy. Surely nobody would assume that six men with blasters could overcome two Jedi Masters, even crèche Masters. Then N'bara realized the mistake she'd made. She turned the corner to find five more armed men holding blasters towards the children.

"Don't worry," one the attacker's said. "If you cooperate nobody will be hurt. Of course if you decided to fight us..." the man grabbed the back of Obi-Wan's tunic and hoisted him in the air "...I'll start the killing with this one."

Qui-Gon felt the chill of fear run through his body, and more importantly, through his bond with Obi-Wan.

//Obi-Wan? What's wrong?// he asked nervously.

//Men with blasters, Quigee. They're everywhere. Master Aronna's hurt and everyone's scared.//

Qui-Gon tried to reason why armed men would take over a ship full of children, but didn't have time. His concern right now had to be Obi-Wan. If he wanted to find out more about what was happening, he needed his bondmate calm.

//Obi-Wan, I need you to concentrate on me for a minute. Is anyone around you?//

//No. They locked me in a room, all alone.//

//Never alone, my precious Imp. I'm always here with you. I need you to do something for me. I need you to remember exactly what happened and show me, all right?//

//OK, Quigee.//

Suddenly the Master's mind was filled with images of stars in hyperspace, then the sense of something wrong broke through the peace and tranquility. Two men with blasters...Master Aronna drawing her 'saber and protecting the children while the other Master tried to get them to the shuttle bay...fear, almost palpable from the children around him...another battle, but only being led into a trap. A man grabbing him by the back of his tunic and saying he'd kill him...being thrown into the small bedroom and told not to cause any trouble.

Qui-Gon processed the information quickly. Why had Obi-Wan been separated? What was the point in capturing children? 'No, not just children,' Qui-Gon had to remind himself, 'Jedi children.' But why?

//Obi-Wan. I need you to stay calm. Try not to be afraid. If you get scared, I'm right here, all right?//

//I'll be brave, Quigee. Promise. You're going to come rescue me, right?//

Qui-Gon couldn't help but smile, despite the circumstances. //Of course I am, my brave little Imp.//

//OK then,// the little voice said as it pulled out of the link.

No one stopped the Jedi as he strode through the halls towards the council chambers. In fact, they seemed to make way for him, sensing his need for haste and the worry he felt. Even the guards at the door parted to let the man into the Council's chambers, not wishing a confrontation with Master Jinn.

"Forgive me my rudeness, but this is a matter of some urgency," he said with a hurried bow.

"We are aware of the circumstances, Master Jinn."

Qui-Gon looked to Master Mace Windu in shock. "How could you know? It only just happened?"

"We've received demands from the captors. They were sent to the Chancellor and he relayed them to us."

"Demands?" The words left Qui-Gon's mouth like venom. "What are they demanding? They're holding the children hostage?"

"They are demanding the immediate release of Ulan Beck of Malisdare, and a full pardon from the Chancellor himself for Beck and anyone involved in the kidnapping."

"Ulan Beck slaughtered hundreds of innocent people!"

"On the grounds of religious right," Master Windu added. "That is exactly why the Chancellor will not release him."

Qui-Gon took a deep breath. "I want to be a part of the rescue mission."

Qui-Gon felt it then, the deep sorrow coming from his old friend and former lover.

"There will be no rescue. The Chancellor has ordered that we are to take no action in this matter. I'm sorry."

"You're not serious, Mace. These are Jedi Initiates we're talking about, and two Jedi Masters! Is this Council willing to let them die, when they could just as easily send a covert team to save them?"

"The Council will abide by the Chancellor's demands, Master Jinn."

Qui-Gon took a step back, unable to believe what he was hearing.

"We expect you to act in accordance with these orders as well."

"You want me to let my bondmate die because the Chancellor doesn't want to deal with terrorists before elections? He doesn't want this to be the last thing voters remember, incase something goes wrong?"

"We want you to uphold the Jedi's vows and abide by the Senate's decision. We know it won't be easy, and we will continue to negotiate with the kidnappers, but you must not take any actions that will lead to a physical confrontation."

Qui-Gon looked to Master Yoda pleadingly, but the diminutive Master would not meet his former Padawan's gaze.

//Please, Master. You can't ask this of me,// he implored through their old training bond.

//Made the decision is. Help you in this I can not.// The sorrow in the Master's thought was the only thing that kept Qui-Gon from screaming his frustration aloud. //Go now. Much to discuss the Council has. Yes...MUCH to discuss.//

With a bow and a last glare towards Master Windu, Qui-Gon took two steps back and turned quickly to leave the Council chambers.

He couldn't let this happen. He wouldn't abandon fellow Jedi. He *couldn't* abandon his bondmate. The thought of little Obi-Wan with a blaster to his head made Qui-Gon shudder. Knowing he could not give in to the emotion, he released it into the Force and concentrated on the task at hand. He knew the Council would not believe that he'd sit by and let this happen. They had to know he would take some sort of action. This meant he'd have to be careful, and that he would need help. He couldn't do this alone. But with Mace so determined to follow orders, there was only one other person he could turn to.

Arriving at his intended location, he was not surprised when he found the door already open, and the Twi'lk woman standing against the doorframe.

"Why do I get the feeling you're planning something that will get us both into trouble?" Staucha asked with a knowing grin.

"Because you know me too well. It's important, or I wouldn't involve you."

"I know that too. Come inside and tell me what's happened."

Qui-Gon entered the room and immediately collapsed into a chair, his head in his hands. When he felt the warm hand rubbing circles on his back he leaned back and sighed heavily, trying to release his flurry of emotions into the Force.

"Tell me what happened." Staucha's voice was soft and understanding, and Qui-Gon found himself telling her everything that had happened since Obi-Wan had left Courascant.

Sitting across from him now, Staucha shook her head in disbelief. "Of course I'll help you, but you wouldn't have come if you didn't know that. I can't believe that Mace would be so heartless as to abandon those children. And what about Masters Aronna and N'bara? We grew up with Aronna, she raised us for Force sake. How could he do this?"

"He doesn't want to. I know he feels horrible at having to turn his back like this, but he doesn't feel that he has a choice in the matter."

"Still though..."

"No," Qui-Gon interrupted. "We can't dwell on Mace's feelings. We have to concentrate on how to find that missing ship. I can find Obi-Wan, through our bond. But the last time I spoke with him he was separated from the others, and I don't know if they are still nearby. I'd assume so, but we need something definite."

Staucha nodded. "OK. So let's head towards Obi-Wan and go from there. The sooner we leave the better."

"Agreed. I think the Council is still in session. I have a feeling that my former Master is going to give us a head start by tying up the Council for a while in a mess of bureaucracy."

"We'll need it. You realize that as soon as we leave they'll send someone after us. If they catch us they'll drag us back here and we'll be put under disciplinary action. They could throw us out of the Order for this."

"I know. Staucha, I don't want you doing this if you're not sure. I didn't complete your training only to get you kicked out later on."

"Hey, you let me deal with that. I know what I'm getting myself into, I always have. I'm the one who took on the maverick Knight Jinn as my Master, remember? I knew then I was asking for trouble." Leaning over and giving Qui-Gon a soft kiss, Staucha began collecting a few things and putting them into a pile.

"Well? Get going! We haven't got all day."

Qui-Gon smiled fondly and kissed the back of the woman's neck. "Thank you. I'll meet you on the southern landing platform in one hour."

Obi-Wan sat curled into the far corner of the room, eyeing the door suspiciously. He knew there were men outside the door, he could feel them, but he couldn't feel Bant or any of his other friends anymore. He wondered what happened to them, and hoped they hadn't been hurt. He remembered seeing Master Aronna when they'd all been thrown into a room together, right before they'd dragged him away. She'd been hurt very badly, her gray hair slicked back with a bloody gash on her head. She had told him she'd be all right, and that he shouldn't worry, but Obi-Wan knew she wasn't telling him the truth. Her eyes looked funny, and Master N'bara kept telling her to stay awake. He might be little, but Obi-Wan knew she wasn't OK. Quigee had to get here soon, or she could get a lot sicker.

Just then the door flew open and a large light-haired man came in the room. He carried a blaster on his hip, and had a scar running from his right ear to the left side of his throat. Obi-Wan instinctively tried to pull further back into the corner, but found he had nowhere to go.

"What's your name?" The man's gruff voice made Obi-Wan cringe.

"I'm not telling. I don't talk to strangers."

The man laughed. "Well, that's a very good idea. You never know what could happen. It could be dangerous, after all."

"I'm not afraid of you." Obi-Wan declared in a not so sure voice.

"Really. Well, that can change." With a pause, the man turned around and closed the door behind him. "I'm gonna guess that you're Obi-Wan Kenobi. Am I right?"

Obi-Wan shrugged. "Maybe."

"Right. Well, if you're Obi-Wan, then you're quite the special little kid. I know all about you. Your mommy's an Ambassador, and you just happen to have a special bond with a Jedi Knight named Jinn. He can feel what you feel, right?"

He waited, but got no response.

"Alright kid, we'll do this your way. But you know what? If you die, so does your Jedi Jinn. So you'd better behave, or I might have to cause you both some harm."

Obi-Wan's eyes widened at the thought of causing Quigee to be hurt, but Obi-Wan stayed quiet. He didn't know why this man wanted to know about him, but he didn't think it was a good idea to talk to him.

"Listen up, little Obi. Tell Master Jinn that he'd better convince the Chancellor to do what we say. Tell him if he doesn't I'm going to make his little boy-toy bleed for it. Can you do that for me?"

Obi-Wan's heartbeat a little faster and he looked around him for a way out of the room. He didn't understand the word boy-toy, but he understood that this man was angry and was going to hurt him. He stopped looking as a rough hand came down upon his face.

"Tell him. Now."

Tears filled the blue-green eyes, but the boy wouldn't let even one tear fall, not for this man.

//Quigee?// his mental voice trembled.

//Obi-Wan. What is it? What's happened?//

//He says you have to do what he says. He's mean Quigee. I'm scared.//

Obi-Wan could feel the love and support of his bondmate flowing through their link. //I'm here, my Imp. Just stay strong. Obi-Wan, can you tell me who this man is?//

//I don't know. He didn't tell me, but he knows who I am. He knows about mommy and about you.//

"Are you telling him boy?" The harsh voice made Obi-Wan loose his concentration for a split second, but nodded.

"Good." This time Obi-Wan was prepared as the blow landed, harder this time than the last.

//Obi-Wan! Obi-Wan, are you all right?//

//Hurts Quigee. I want to go home now,// he cried through the bond, filling it with all his fear, sadness and pain.

Obi-Wan felt himself wrapped in warmth, and knew it was Quigee holding him with the Force. It took away the pain and some of the fear.

//Why did he hit you, Obi-Wan. Did he say?// Qui-Gon's voice was calm and concerned.

//Said I had to tell you to do what they want. Said if you didn't he was going to make your little boy-toy bleed for it.// Obi-Wan felt his bondmate's shock and anger, and it made him cringe. //I'm sorry, Quigee. It's what he said. Please don't be mad.//

//Oh my Imp, I'm not upset with you. I'm upset at the man and what he said. Never at you.//

//Oh. Quigee? Did he mean me?//

There was a long pause, then, //No Obi-Wan. What he said...he's trying to make me upset, that's all. Don't think on it, little one.//

//OK. It worked though, Quigee. You got mad. It scared me.//

Obi-Wan thought he heard Quigee cry, but didn't believe it until he felt the Force hug get a little tighter and a burst of love fill him. //Forgive me, my precious Obi-Wan. I didn't mean to frighten you. I...//

//It's OK, Quigee. But please come get me soon.//

//I'll be there soon. Try not to be scared. I love you, Imp.//

//Love you too, Quigee.//

Qui-Gon's mental anguish turned physical as his body was wracked by sobs. He felt a hand lightly on his own and looked through tear-filled eyes to see Staucha sit beside him.

"They're hurting him, Staucha. They're hurting him because they know I can feel it."

No words were said as the other Jedi pulled her former Master into her arms. They had been lovers and friends for more years than she could remember, and through it all, she'd never seen Qui-Gon Jinn break down in tears as he had now.

"Oh Qui..." She started to try to say something, but knew that words could offer little to the man in her arms. Instead, she rubbed her hand across his back in soothing circles, offering what love and support she could. After several minutes she felt him still and draw back from the embrace.

"I'm sorry, Staucha. I didn't..." A finger on his lips stopped him.

"Don't Qui. This can't be easy for you. You're feeling what he's going through, and knowing you, you're probably trying to take as much of it as you can from him." Seeing the acceptance of the words, she knew she'd been right. "You have to think of yourself too. You won't be any good to that cute little boy if you break down and give into the feelings he's sending your way."

Qui-Gon nodded and drew himself up. "I know you're right. It's all so overwhelming. Obi-Wan has never been so scared before, and never once had a hand raised to him in anger."

"He'll be all right. We'll find him. Right now we have to figure out how they knew about your bond."

Qui-Gon's brows knitted in thought. "He knew more than that. This was planned, I'm sure of it. Obi-Wan said he knew about his mother, and about me. I'm assuming that he knew of her standing as an Ambassador, and I'm sure he knew of the soul-bond. He's using it as a bargaining chip to get what he wants."

"But Initiates records are sealed when they arrive at the temple. Only their Masters and the Council can give permission to view them. How could they know?"

"That's the problem, isn't it. That's the clue we'll need to find out who's behind this. How did they know? They could have hacked into the files. Though it's difficult, nothing is impossible."

"True, but it would be dangerous, and it would take a top-level hacker to do it. That's a lot of money to pay for information on a little boy. What about the Senates files? Would they list Obi-Wan as Wenshele's son?"

"I suppose they would, but I don't think they'd tie him back to the Jedi. Even if they did, why would they go looking for information on Obi-Wan?"

"I don't know, Qui. It doesn't make much sense. The only thing I know for sure as that they think they'll get the Chancellor to meet their demands by having Obi-Wan as leverage."

With a sigh, Qui-Gon stood and walked to the bulkhead window. He could still feel Obi-Wan's fear, but it had begun to subside. The boy was out of danger, for now, and Qui-Gon knew he had to concentrate on the here and now. Releasing his own feelings into the Force surrounding him, he turned back to Staucha.

"Thank you."

The Twi'lk smiled, and knew no other words were needed. "I'm going to go make sure we're not being followed. You never know who the Council will send to drag us back to Coruscant."

With a knowing grin, Qui-Gon lowered himself to the floor and began his mediations, knowing that his emotions were going to come under more trials until he had Obi-Wan safe in his arms.

The door to Obi-Wan's roomed opened slowly, the guard looking around suspiciously for the Jedi boy. Putting the tray of food down on the floor, he began to back up, as if he were feeding a caged animal. He never expected the attack from behind him.

Obi-Wan jumped on the guard's back, digging his little fingers around his neck and kicking at his blaster. The weapon skittered across the floor and landed somewhere under the small bunk the boy had occupied a few minutes earlier. The bigger man backed up against the wall and heard a loud grunt from the form wrapped around him. Turning, he found the boy on the floor looking up at him in defiance.

"You need to take me outside now," he said with a little wave of his fingers. He'd seen Quigee do this before, but didn't know if he could make it work. Drawing the Force around him, he gave the command again, pushing into the man's mind as he'd felt his bondmate do.

"I should take you outside."

Obi-Wan smiled. "You need to sneak me out, or you'll get in trouble."

"I'd better be careful and sneak you out. Come on kid." The Guard took the blanket of the nearby bed and wrapped it around Obi-Wan until the boy couldn't be seen.

A few minutes later, Obi-Wan was placed on the ground. He was just outside of the ship, in a hanger bay from the looks of it. They'd landed somewhere, and he didn't know where. Looking up he smiled and made his last command. "Now let the other Jedi go, and be nice to them. You shouldn't be mean anymore."

The man's eyes squinted, obviously having difficulty with the suggestion. Obi-Wan took a few steps back.

"Go back and forget about this." He gave a little sigh of relief when the man turned around and headed back to the ship.

Though Obi-Wan was suddenly very tired, he knew it wasn't safe where he was. Moving as quickly as he could, he made his way out of the hanger bay and found himself in an alleyway. Taking a deep breath, he walked quickly, reaching out like he'd been taught to look for people. Sure that he wasn't being followed, Obi-Wan turned a corner and found himself on a city street. It was dark, and there were no people that he could see or feel. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but he kept moving. He finally found an abandoned vehicle on a side street, climbing inside he closed his eyes, succumbing to his need for sleep.

"Qui-Gon, look at this."

The Jedi Master looked up from his meditation and took the datapad offered to him. Skimming over the information, his eyes went wide. "Are you sure of this?"

Staucha nodded. "I checked and double checked. The last person to access Wenshele Kenobi's Senate file was Senator Boto Malikin, of Malisdare. He also accessed an official complaint filed by Ambassador Kenobi shortly after Obi-Wan's birth." The Twi'lk woman reached over and pressed a button on the pad, pulling up the report. "Did you know she wanted you investigated because of your bond with her son?"

Qui-Gon shook his head and put the datapad in his lap. "I didn't, but it doesn't surprise me. She was his mother, and I took away so much that should have been hers."

"The Force brought you together. It's not like you formed the bond on purpose. You weren't asking for an infant bondmate, Qui."

"We knew that, but she didn't. She wouldn't be the first person to accuse me of trying to raise the perfect mate." He picked up the pad again and looked over the rest of the information presented there. "This shows that Malikin had been a member of the Senate's expense committee, and had opposed the Senate's funding of the Jedi Order. He had access to most of the order's files at the time."

"I looked into what files he pulled while accessing Jedi files. He examined the crèche expenses, especially those dealing with any trips they made off of Coruscant. Qui, he knew all the details of the trip, right down to the ship they'd take. He's the one who approved the expense."

"Why would a Senator who's known to disagree with funding the Jedi Order agree to sign off on the expense of a field trip for Jedi Initiates?"

"Because he wanted them off-planet."

Qui-Gon sat quietly, collecting his thoughts. "Where is Malikin now?"

Staucha grinned. "It just so happens that the esteemed Senator from Malisdare is taking a trip to the war-torn planet of Harlisk this week. His wife's family was from the planet, and he's going to show Malisdare's support to the Harliskian government in the rebuilding efforts."

"Harlisk? How far are we..."

"About an hour. I've already set course."

Qui-Gon gave his friend a little smile. "Have I told you how incredible you are?"

Staucha rolled her eyes and laughed. "I know. Now let's go get your boy."

Obi-Wan rolled over and stretched his arms above his head. The smell of burning metal brought him back to the reality around him. Peaking up over the door to the hovercar, he could clearly see a fire burning in a nearby building. Realizing someone might come to put it out, he carefully got out of the vehicle and crawled into the alley he'd come from earlier. He didn't know if the people here were bad or not, but he wasn't taking any chances.


//Obi-Wan. Are you all right?//

//Kinda. I'm lost though.//

//Lost, little one? Obi-Wan, when did you leave the room?//

//A little while ago.// The little boy thought better of telling his bondmate about how he'd gotten out of his room. He could feel Qui-Gon's familiar touch in his mind, and knew that his bondmate was looking to see what had happened. Sighing, he resigned himself to the fact that he'd been caught.

//Imp, I don't know how you did that, but it was very dangerous. Thank the Force you're all right.//

//I'm OK, really. Just tired, but I took a nap and feel a lot better now.//

//All right Imp. I want you to find someplace to hide. We're almost to where you are. Don't come out for anyone except Staucha, or me all right?//

//Staucha's with you?//

//Yes, Obi-Wan. Do you understand?//

//"Yes, I understand.// Obi-Wan repeated the words, sounding very much like his bondmate.

//Good. I'll be there soon. Stay safe.//

//I will. Quigee?//

Obi-Wan heard a sigh through their link. Quigee did that a lot. //Yes, my curious little Imp?//

//Where are Master Aronna and Bant?//

//I'm not sure, but I think they're near you. We'll find them too, don't worry.//

//OK. I'll stay right here and wait for you.//

//Thank you, Obi-Wan. I'll be there soon.//

The Jedi's ship had landed without incident. With no interplanetary communications system, no permission was needed to land, and nobody would know that they had arrived. The perfect place for kidnappers to hide a ship full of Jedi children.

It was easy for the two Jedi to make their way through the city's streets. Residents had long ago fled the fighting and turmoil, and now only a handful of people wandered the city, looking for food and shelter, and Obi-Wan was among them. The thought made Qui-Gon's stomach churn; his little Obi-Wan, asleep in an abandoned hovercar, cold and hungry. The Master picked up his pace, knowing from experience that Stauncha would keep up.

As they approached one of the most heavily destroyed sections of the city, Qui-Gon stopped, centering himself in the Force. He could feel Obi-Wan nearby. Looking around him, Qui-Gon got the impression that something was not quite right. Before he could place the feeling, he heard the sound of blaster-fire and tumbled to avoid it. Igniting his lightsaber, the Jedi Master took a defensive stance and looked for the assailant. He could feel Staucha at his back, her own weapon in hand.

"Do you see them?"

"No," Staucha replied. "But why do I feel like we've been led into a trap?"

It was then that both Jedi realized the truth to those words. Dozens of armed men surrounded them in an instant, blaster rifles prepared to shoot the first person to move.

"Because we have." Qui-Gon said matter-of-factly.

Obi-Wan heard the blaster fire and pulled back further into the shadows. Qui-Gon had told him to stay here, and that was exactly what he was going to do. He'd almost accepted that, but then he felt his bondmate.


Qui-Gon was in trouble. Obi-Wan couldn't possibly stay put any longer, not when the person he loved most in the world was in trouble. Pulling himself off the ground, Obi-Wan made his way through the alleyway and into the street.

//No, Obi-Wan. You must run from here. Quickly now!//

//I can't Quigee. You're in trouble.//

//And you will be too if you come any further. Please, Obi-Wan. You must leave!//

Obi-Wan was torn. He didn't want to upset Quigee, but he had to do what he felt was right. Everyone always told him to follow his heart, and to let the Force guide him, so why not now?

None of the men with blasters had seen him yet, but Quigee had. He had that look on his face that the Master only had when Obi-Wan did something he shouldn't have and got himself hurt; like climbing a tree and falling out of it. But what could he do to help Quigee and Staucha? Taking a deep breath, Obi-Wan stood as tall as he could.

"Let them go," he yelled with all of his 4 year-old might.

Most of the men turned at the sound of the little voice, laughing when they saw Obi-Wan.

"I mean it. I'm a Jedi, and if you don't let them go you'll be sorry."

Laughing amongst themselves, the men didn't realize when Qui-Gon and Staucha began to move. Before they knew it, several of their captors were disarmed. Slashing and weaving through the crowd, Qui-Gon made his way to his bondmate, nothing else mattering at the moment. In an instant, Obi-Wan found himself wrapped in Qui-Gon's arms, being held tight against his chest.

"Hold on, Imp, we've got to get out of here."

Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around the Jedi Master's neck tightly and closed his eyes, knowing everything would be all right now that Quigee was here with him.

Qui-Gon continued to block and dodge the blaster fire raining down around him, never doubting that Staucha would cover his back. The Force sang around them, connecting them as it had when they were Master and Padawan.

More armed men appeared around them, and Qui-Gon realized that there was no way to escape. Turning to see Staucha, he noticed she had several small wounds, and would not make it much further. Hugging Obi-Wan as close as possible, Qui-Gon stopped fighting. He refused to risk his bondmate's life by attempting any heroics. If they lived, they had a chance for escape.

The blaster fire subsided quickly, Staucha making her way to Qui-Gon's side and touching a hand to Obi-Wan's head.

"He's as stubborn as you are, Qui-Gon."

There was no time for a reply, however. Learning from their mistake, the Jedi's lightsabers were taken from them and given to a tall man with a scar across his face. Qui-Gon knew instantly that this was the man who had harmed Obi-Wan. As the man approached, Qui-Gon let his eye's meet his enemies, refusing to look away.

"Well, well. What do we have here? Two more Jedi come to join our party! Hello Master Jinn, we've been expecting you." The man's grin made Qui-Gon's blood boil. "You're so predictable, really. Little Obi gets in trouble, Qui-Gon Jinn comes running to the rescue. It doesn't matter what you're told to do, you do what you want, damn your superiors. What do they know, after all?"

"I do what the Force bids of me, Senator, nothing more." Qui-Gon answered calmly, guessing at the man's identity.

The pale man glared at Qui-Gon, confirming that he'd been correct in his assumption. "Right. You're so full of it. You follow the Code when it suits you, and everyone knows that's not often. Especially when it comes to your precious little boy-toy."

Qui-Gon could feel the anger boil up inside of him, seeking release. It would be so easy to reach out and squeeze the life from this man. Who would miss him? He was a corrupt politician, and he had taken a group of innocent children hostage to free a convicted murderer. He had hurt Obi-Wan, sweet innocent Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon felt Staucha's hand on his arm, trying to warn him not to do anything rash. The Jedi Master shook from the cold as it grew inside of him. Qui-Gon didn't even notice when Obi-Wan raised his head. It wasn't until he felt the little hand on his cheek that he looked down to see his bondmate.

"It's OK Quigee. It's just mean words, remember?"

Within the span of the next heartbeat Qui-Gon felt all his frustration and anger flow away like the ebb of the tide. The warmth of his bondmate's love filled him and fought away the cold of the Darkness that threatened to consume him. Smiling down, Qui-Gon kissed Obi-Wan's forehead.

"Yes, my Imp. Thank You," he said softly. Looking to his captor, Qui-Gon looked the very essence of a Jedi Master, calm, in control, and very determined. He was amused to see the man flinch.

"Do what you will, but you will not harm this child again, and I will not strike out against you in anger."

Without a word, the man lifted his hand and motioned for the guards to move in. As the space closed, Qui-Gon found himself wondering if surrender had been a very good idea.

Just then several of the armed men fell to the ground. Qui-Gon looked up to see the dark form of Mace Windu, his purple lightsaber already moving in another direction though their eyes stayed locked.

"Didn't we tell you to stay put?" he asked with a small smile.

"I never listen very well. Just ask Master Yoda."

With a laugh, Mace made small work of his current opponent and tossed Qui-Gon a lightsaber.

"Are you going to help, or let Adi and I do all the work?"

Qui-Gon ignited the extra 'saber and put a hand on Obi-Wan's back.

With all four Jedi fighting back to back the remaining attackers fell in minutes. Qui-Gon looked and finally found the scarred man who had been the source of his earlier anger. Striding purposefully to where the man sat, his leg wounded in the battle, Qui-Gon reached out and called his lightsaber from the man's belt, igniting it.

"Where are the rest of the hostages?" he asked flatly, sensing the man's fear.

"I won't tell you," the man growled back.

Qui-Gon felt Obi-Wan shift in his arms and eased his hold up on him. The little boy turned to face the scarred man. "Tell me where my friends are," he said with a wave of his hand that left no doubt that he was using a Force command. Though Qui-Gon wanted to discipline Obi-Wan for the action, he found himself unable to do so at the moment. He could do it later, when they were safe on Coruscant.

"South end of town. Hanger 19."

Qui-Gon paused a second, staring at the man who had struck his bondmate. Without knowing, this man had taken something from Obi-Wan, a child who had never before been hit in anger or hatred. Obi-Wan would never know such innocence again. His grip on his lightsaber tightened.

"Quigee? Can we go get Bant now?"

Brought back suddenly to the moment, Qui-Gon looked into the boy's shining eyes. He realized in that instant that Obi-Wan was still the same loving child he always had been. Nothing had been taken from him. He loved and gave his love as if nothing had ever changed.

"Yes. I think we should. We can leave this to Mace." With a look towards the other Jedi, Mace came forward and took the man's arm, pulling him to his feet forcefully. Qui-Gon turned and headed towards the hanger bay, thankful for the light and love of his bondmate.

Master Qui-Gon Jinn stood before the Jedi Council as he had for the last hour. He had explained to them his reasons for leaving the temple against their direct orders, and had given a full report of his activities on Harlisk. He had also managed to convince the Council to allow him to take full responsibility for Staucha's actions in going with him. They allowed this, accepting that Qui-Gon had used his place as her former Master to gain the knight's support. Now he could only wait to hear their decision on his punishment.

"We understand why you felt the need to rescue your bondmate, Master Jinn," Ki Adi Mundi replied to the latest round of questions. "But you must understand that we can not condone your actions. To do so would undermine every order this Council gives."

Qui-Gon bowed before the Knight. "I understand, and submit myself to the will of the Council."

"A first time for everything there is," Master Yoda laughed.

"My Master, I know that I often disagree with the Council's decisions, but I always follow the will of the Force. I mean no disrespect to this Council, or to those who sit upon it."

A thoughtful silence filled the room. Then Mace straightened his tunic and pulled himself up in his chair.

"Though in the end you were able to rescue the captives and put an end to the corruption of Senator Boto Malikin, we can not allow your blatant disregard for our orders to go unpunished. It is the decision of this Council that you should be removed from active duty for the period of six months time."

Qui-Gon was shocked at the length of time, but knew that he should be relieved that he had not been removed from the Order completely.

"I understand," he said simply.

"During this time you will aid your fellow Jedi here at the temple, and spend much time meditating on why you feel that you read the will of the Force so much more clearly than this Council."

"I understand," Qui-Gon answered again.

"Good, you will report to Master Aronna tomorrow morning."

Qui-Gon's face lifted in confusion. "Master Aronna? Am I being sent back to the Crèche?"

"A good idea, that is. Control you Master Aronna always could."

Qui-Gon sighed at his Master's retort.

Mace's eyes danced in amusement. "You will aid Master Aronna in her day-to-day care of the Initiates. Though she will not admit it, she is still weak from her injuries, and requires additional help. It will give you an opportunity to be of service to the Order, and hopefully to stay out of trouble."

Qui-Gon hid his smile as he bowed again. "I understand, and accept the will of the Council in my punishment."

"May the Force be with you," Mace said in reply, his intonation leaving no question as to the fact that the Council was dismissing Qui-Gon, or that his old friend had helped to arrange him "punishment".

The next morning, Qui-Gon arrived early and sat next to Obi-Wan's bed, watching the boy as he slept. He found peace and contentment in watching his bondmate rest, his chest rising and falling with each breath. A sliver of light from the rising sun had landed on the boy, accenting the blonde hair, giving him an almost ethereal look.

"He's a beautiful child," Master Aronna's voice whispered from behind the Jedi Master.

"He is that," Qui-Gon replied without turning to face the older woman. He felt her hands on his shoulders and leaned back into the touch, finding comfort in her presence.

"You worry for him, Qui-Gon. I can feel it radiating off of you."

"I'm worried that the next time I let him go he won't come back."

"Of course you do! You're his bondmate, you'll always worry for him, as he worries for you when you go on missions. It's the way of things, even for adults."

"How do you deal with it, Master? You raised us all, then sent us off into the world. How do you keep from worrying for us?"

Master Aronna's hand lifted to run through Qui-Gon's hair.

"I never stop worrying, my little Sprout," the older woman laughed gently, recalling Qui-Gon's childhood nickname. "I worry for every Initiate who leaves this crèche. But I have faith that they will follow the path of light, and stay true to what I've taught them. I know that they will face danger, and they will over come some of these threats and become stronger for them. If the Force wills that they should fall, either to Darkness or danger, there is little I can do to change that. I give each child all the love and knowledge I can and, after that, pray that it will be enough."

Qui-Gon reached up and took one of the woman's hands in his own, kissing it reverently.

"You never cease to teach me, Master. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I have some things to attend to. Why don't you stay here for a little while, then meet me in the nursery for feeding time?"

"Yes, Master. Though I must warn you, I don't have very much experience with infants."

"I'm not worried, Qui-Gon," the woman laughed as she left the room. "All you truly need to care for any child is love in your heart, and you have that in abundance."