Fall into Darkness Part Four

by Lelia (romana2@xtn.net)

Archive: Master Apprentice, DMEB, The Fix, Maul Fan Fic Slash, and my site. Anyone else just ask!

Category: Au, First Time, BDSM, Non-Q/O, Pre-Slash?

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: O/M, O/M/P, O/Q, Q/P, P/O, P/M ..hmmm pretty much everyone with everyone!

Warnings: Nonconsensual sex. Lots of torture.. Yeah Baby!

Spoilers: This takes place within and after TPM.

Summary: What if that scene in TPM had gone this way? and beyond.

Feedback: Can I beg?? romana2@xtn.net

Disclaimer: We all know whom they belong to. No profit is being made from this

Notes: Thanks to my betas Robin, Boots, Jedi Silka, Christy, Laura, Lydie. You guys are gods without you I am nothing.
*Any resemblance in the story here on out to a psycho blonde from the village of Cirra is purely intentional*

Spoilers: contains some spoilers for the JA books and for the Darth Maul Journal.

References taken from Heir to the Empire. Credit goes to Terry Brooks and his novels for the inspiration for Palpatine, and a touch of dialogue.

The Story thus far: That scene in TPM. Except...Maul has destroyed the Jedi Temple and overpowers Obi-Wan, taking him prisoner. He taunts a badly wounded Qui-Gon, that he will turn Obi-Wan to the darkside. Maul leaves dragging Obi-Wan with him. Qui-Gon unable to follow passes out. Panaka and his guards find him there and as Panaka leans over him Qui-Gon wakes and begs Panaka not to let him die. Obi-Wan is dragged aboard the Sith's transport, where Maul decides to have a little 'fun' with his new apprentice, and also rips out Obi-Wan's bond with Qui-Gon. A concerned Amidala and Anakin meanwhile watch over an unconscious Qui-Gon back in the med bay on Naboo. Qui-Gon suffers a seizure when the Master/Apprentice bond is severed frightening Ami and Ani who leave the room shortly after. Senator Palpatine taunts the unconscious Qui-Gon telling him he will see more pain very soon. Obi-Wan is taken to a space station. Once there, Maul locks him in a dark cell with all kinds of horrors. Maul will not let him eat or bathe until he cuts his Padawan braid, which of course Obi refuses. Maul then injects him with an unknown drug, which promptly knocks Obi out and causes him to have visions. Obi sees a very different Qui-Gon in his dreamscape - a Qui-Gon that wants to kill him, and never wanted him as an Apprentice. Back in the Med bay on Naboo Qui-Gon awakens briefly and tries to talk to Anakin who mentions the lost apprentice which causes Qui-Gon to go wild and fall back into his comatose-like state. The Queen is informed that he may not survive due to shock and fever. After they leave Senator Palpatine heals Qui-Gon telling him he cannot die yet that he still has plans for the elder Jedi.

Peering through the warm gooey haze that surrounded him, Qui-Gon Jinn awoke to a world of bacta and pain. He tried to speak, but couldn't talk due to the respirator between his lips. He attempted to stretch and get more comfortable when he felt a searing pain in his side. He twisted around trying to get a better look at the cause, hissing in pain for his efforts and momentarily blinding himself when bubbles issued forth in a stream from his respirator. When his vision cleared, he could just make out the ugly red gash along his midriff. At the sight of the wound, his memory came flooding back. He closed his eyes against the onslaught. The mission to Naboo, the fight with the Sith, and the blow to his face that had momentarily stunned him. He remembered the terrible pain as the Sith's blade struck him down.

The vague memory of his Padawan being dragged away from him. Qui-Gon's eyes snapped open. Obi-Wan! His eyes widened as he instinctively reached along their training bond only to be met by silence. What had happened to their bond? He sucked in a deep breath, trying to clear his muddy thoughts. Suddenly he had an overwhelming image of Obi-Wan in terrible pain, and needing his help. The Sith's menacing features flashed before his eyes, laughing at him, mocking him. Qui-Gon saw the black detonator appear in the gloved hand, felt the huge explosion of energy as thousands became one with Force, and remembered the destruction of the Temple. He surged upward in the bacta tank. His white-hot rage a soundless scream within his mind.

Obi-Wan Kenobi awoke from a restless slumber when the droids came to his cell, throwing clothing at his feet, with the exception of boots, and ordered him to dress. He quickly shrugged into the dark colored garments appreciative of the warmth they gave if not for the style. He'd briefly wondered if the Sith was having cold air continuously pumped into the small room on purpose as his hands and feet had both gone numb a long time ago. He rubbed them vigorously trying to restore circulation, watching as the droids left without another word. Taking a deep breath, he settled down to rest and wait for whatever the Sith had in store for him next. It would be so easy to sleep and forget. Forget the aches and pains in his body. Forget muscles cramped beyond reprieve. Forget his stomach which growled almost constantly now....Forget to breathe.

Obi-Wan knew that leaving him in this place and depriving him of food was part of the Sith's plan to break his spirit, but nothing the Sith did could compare to the agony of losing his Master. Qui-Gon was dead and nothing could match that pain. His entire life had changed in a instant. Everything and everyone he'd ever known and loved were dead, destroyed by the Sith Lord. He sighed wearily, drawing his legs up to his chest and cradled his head in the crook of his arm. Could any of the Jedi have escaped such a devastating explosion, was he truly the last Jedi now? He tried to push down the surge of despair that threatened to overwhelm him.

He could no longer fool himself; he'd felt their passing into the force after Maul had pressed the detonator. The people that had taken him as one of their own, making him a part of their family, were gone and there was no going back. Nobody knew where he was; no one would come to his aid. He had to face the fact that he was at the Sith's mercy. There would be no rescue. He had never felt so lost and alone. He was disturbed to find himself yearning for oblivion.

Obi-Wan rolled onto his side and curled up attempting to sleep, but gave up a short time later. Closing his eyes, just made his mind replay the Sith's blade slicing into Qui-Gon's body. He saw Qui-Gon collapse to the floor, a look of shock on his face, realizing he'd been struck. Sleeping brought the horrid visions, so vivid that he didn't want to remember them. He figured they were being caused by whatever drug Darth Maul was giving him. Obi- Wan had always thought dreams were a doorway into the subconscious, something to be revered. Now, he was finding he didn't ever want to dream again. All too soon, his stomach began to protest again in need. Groaning, he sat up and crossed his legs, sinking into a meditative position.

Closing his eyes, he tried to clear his mind, and settled into a light trance. It worked, until his stomach rumbled loudly. Opening his eyes, he cocked a brow and smiled sardonically. One thing was for sure, he was going to be a lot thinner. It was a long time before Darth Maul came for him again. Obi-Wan heard footsteps before the door opened and the Sith entered. Obi-Wan sat up, quickly pulling out of his thoughts, and looked up at his captor warily. Maul leaned against the wall, folding his arms across his chest.

This Sith was an enemy unlike any Obi-Wan had ever encountered. His appearance was as frightening as his power. He was strong not just in body, but also in mind, and he'd demonstrated that power by forcing his way into Obi- Wan's mind, ripping out the bond he 'd shared with Qui-Gon. Eyes from a nightmare stared at him intently. Obi-Wan couldn't help but note the Sith seemed to reek of confidence, almost as if he knew he'd already won. Which, Obi-Wan thought ruefully, he already had. The Jedi no longer stood in the way. What could he do to stop them? Sith and Padawan regarded each other silently. Finally, Obi-Wan could stand it no longer.

"What have you done to me? I can't feel the Force. What are you injecting me with? " The questions came out in a rush. He was tired of feeling out of control and wanted answers.

Unperturbed, Maul straightened and began walking towards him. "So many questions young Jedi. I haven't done anything to you that you haven't done to yourself."

"What? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Obi-Wan glared up at the monster that towered above him like some dark god. The Sith Lord shrugged and did not answer. Another uncomfortable silence settled between them. The Sith's face revealed nothing and the tension in the little room was slowly becoming unbearable.

"Well, my Jedi?" came the sugary whisper.

"Well what? and the hell I'm yours!" Obi-Wan growled, wanting to wipe that smug grin off the Sith's face.

The yellow eyes darkened with anger and Maul's fists clenched tightly at his side. "I would be very careful if I were you," he said in an ominous voice.

Almost dismissively, Obi-Wan said, "Yes, no doubt you would." He wasn't sure what he hoped to gain by taunting the Sith, but he was sick of Maul's games.

"I advise you not to anger me, my Apprentice."

With two large steps the Sith was in front of him, reaching down and grabbing a handful of tunic, jerking Obi-Wan to his feet. Before Obi-Wan could do anything, he felt Maul's hand in the center of his chest and found himself being shoved viciously. He caught himself just before he fell, and turned around glaring indignantly at his tormentor.

"Your Apprentice?" he sneered, his chin in the air in defiance. "If it's the last thing I do, I'm going to be the worst apprentice you've ever seen." His pride and training wouldn't allow for anything less, and he'd be damned if he'd cooperate with this monster in any way. " I'd rather die than be your Apprentice, Sith Lord." Then Maul was on him, wrapping a gloved hand in his Padawan braid, yanking his head back painfully. The tattooed face was inches from his own, and Obi-Wan stared into eyes bright with barely concealed fury.

"You just might, little Padawan...you just might," he hissed softly.

The Sith's breath was hot and foul. Sickened, Obi-Wan turned his head away. "Come." Maul ordered gruffly, and Obi-Wan struggled against him as he was dragged out of the small cell. Obi-Wan steeled himself and pinned his fists to his sides, fighting to keep upright. His legs were numb and weak from the cold, while the pounding in his head made it hard for him to focus on much else. He remained silent as they went down corridor after corridor. The station was obviously still under construction. Workers went about their tasks only pausing briefly as the Sith Lord and his captive went past. They rounded a corner and Maul palmed the door lock bringing him into what appeared to be a training salle. Obi-Wan blinked letting his eyes adjust from days of darkness to the sudden flood of bright light. Maul led him to the mat on the floor and retrieved two long staffs from their holders nearby.

"Do you know how to use one of these?" the Sith inquired throwing one at him.

Obi-Wan gaped at him incredulously as he caught it, licking his lips that were badly cracked from lack of water. "You want to spar? Now?" What madness was this, he wondered. He had expected to be punished for his behavior earlier but like this? He turned the staff over in his hand calculating the weight. He held no illusions. He knew he was too weak to duel the Sith, much less do it and win.

"No time like the present, my Apprentice," Maul taunted him, and crouched into a ready position.

"I'm not your Apprentice," Obi-Wan snapped and mirrored Maul's stance. He should have known better. Maul was playing more mind games. If the Sith wanted a fight, he'd give him one. They began to circle each other slowly.

"Tell me Jedi. Why do you tie yourself to a man who didn't want you in the first place? "

The comment caught Obi-Wan so completely off guard that Maul was able to take advantage of his immobility and Obi-Wan watched his feet fly above his head as the Sith swept him deftly to the floor.

Maul gazed down at him. "You wanted him to be your Master so badly, didn't you?" His tone was nearly placating.

Furious with himself for being taken down so easily, Obi-Wan deftly jumped back up to face his foe. The room spun from his efforts.

"What would you know about it?" He spat, holding a hand to his aching temple. He was disturbed to feel the rage inside him beginning to simmer.

"What would I know about it? You fool!" Maul hissed, clenching his fist. "How soon you forget? I have been inside every inch of your mind. I have seen your thoughts. I own your mind as I will soon own your body and your soul... Come and get me little Jedi," the gloved hand raised, beckoning.

"All you know is hate, and you'll never own me!" Obi-Wan cried, forgetting himself and taking the bait. He lunged forward, swinging viciously at Maul's head.

Maul evaded it easily, laughing at the weak effort. "Surely you can do better than that? Oh and I already own you, little one. You just don't know it yet. But we were talking about you now, weren't we?"

They circled again, each looking for an opening in the other's defense.

"You tried so hard to please him, didn't you? " Maul continued. "All those times you came home exhausted because you were doing something for him. But did he acknowledge all your hard work? Did he care about all the extra hours you put in?"

Obi-Wan could not stop the fresh rush of anger and disbelief that flowed through him. What kind of game was the Sith playing now? He'd gotten over that resentment towards Qui-Gon a long time ago...hadn't he?

"No," Obi-Wan whispered, not knowing why he answered. He gave an involuntary yelp when the Sith's staff slammed into his back, catching him unaware yet again, and dropped him roughly to his knees. Maul made no move to finish him.

"Oh, you thought he cared about you, but you saw it in his behavior. How he avoided you. Wouldn't have anything to do with you outside of your training. Would he?"

"No," the Padawan replied a little louder, getting cautiously to his feet. He wanted desperately to close his eyes and shut out the hateful voice, to be anywhere else but here. What little strength and resistance he had left was slowly draining out of him.

The Sith's eyes were bright with glee as he watched the pained expression on his captive's features. "What about the time you went against the code? Flirting with your Master, you did everything but throw yourself at him, and did he even notice?"

Oh, but Maul had found the perfect bit of information to use against him. Had no part of his mind been left untouched? It made him furious that Maul even had a hint of how he felt about Qui-Gon.

"No!" He shouted, desperately looking to find some foothold, something that would anchor him. The hate swelled within him, and he wanted nothing more than to let it overtake him.

"So you slept with someone else, hoping to make him jealous. You came home reeking of sex, and he didn't care, did he? He didn't care who you fucked!"

"Shut up!" Obi-Wan howled.

Enraged, he rushed the Sith just as Maul was turning to attack. Obi-Wan brought the staff over Maul's head and against his throat. He started to dig into the thing's throat when Maul suddenly stepped back and lurched forward, flipping Obi-Wan through the air and throwing him hard onto the mat. Obi-Wan was beginning to feel very familiar with the ceiling as he glanced at it for the second time, trying to catch his breath. Then Maul was straddling him, throwing the staff out of Obi-Wan's hands. The Sith's staff pressing into his throat, bringing a wave of dizziness with it.

" And you hate him for it." It was not a question. "Don't you?... Don't you?... Don't you?"

The taunting went on and on until Obi-Wan could stand it no longer.

"Yes!! I hate him for it!!" He shrieked, the words out of his mouth before he could stop them. His jaw dropped in shock, eyes widening in surprise. He didn't hate his Master! What had made him say such a thing? He knew his face mirrored the confusion and disbelief he felt.

"No, that's not true! I didn't mean that. I don't hate him...I..."

Maul ignored his struggle for control. "Don't be ashamed of your anger, it will cleanse you," he said dispassionately, sitting back on Obi-Wan's knees. "Cut the braid. Destroy the last tie to a man that didn't want you." He reached into his tunic and pulled out a small knife, holding it inches from Obi-Wan's face.

"Do it," Maul prompted. Obi-Wan stared at the shining blade. His own hand reached up to take the hilt, pulling it from Maul's grasp while his other hand grasped his Padawan braid. The last thing he had left of his Master. The braid which Qui-Gon had woven a piece of his own hair into so long ago, fusing Master and Apprentice as one. Maul threw his head back and laughed.

"I'm your Master now, little Jedi."

Obi-Wan blinked rapidly; the strange spell broken.

"I'll never join you!" he hissed through clenched teeth, bringing the knife up, and slicing through tunic into the Sith's forearm.

Maul gasped with surprise, bringing a hand up to stop the blood which was already flowing freely from the wound. Obi-Wan tried to take advantage of the Sith's distraction to throw Maul off him and get to his feet, but Maul was too quick. The Sith grabbed his wrist, and bent it painfully until the knife fell with a clatter to the floor from his numb fingers.

"You'll pay for that!" Maul growled as he whipped an arm around Obi- Wan's waist and pulled him close, slinging him like a sack of feed over the Sith's shoulder.

"Put me down!" Obi-Wan pummeled the Sith's back to no avail. He was too weak to free himself, and when Maul's hand snaked between his legs, squeezing hard enough to immobilize him and bring tears to his eyes, he ceased struggling. Maul carried the young Padawan back to the dimly lit cell, and deposited his squirming bundle in an ungraceful heap on the floor. Obi-Wan jumped back as quickly as he could when the Sith began to advance on him.

" I am your Master now. You will show me respect! " Maul yelled, fierce in his anger as he forced Obi-Wan's back against the wall. Trying to put as much space between himself and the Sith, Obi-Wan feinted to one side attempting to slip by, but Maul was fast blocking his escape. Obi-Wan knew there was nowhere to go. He flinched as the Sith's protruding horns moved inch by inch closer to his unprotected skull. I can't even run from him. He thought despairingly.

"Respect ! I'll never respect you. You're a Sith and a filthy murderer."

Suddenly, Maul's hand clamped down on the back of the Padawan's neck, pulling Obi-Wan forward, and the Sith's lips crushed over his own, lithe body pressing Obi-Wan into the wall. The Sith's tongue forced entry, tasting of smoke and fire, devouring him while the other hand slid from the wall down to his unprotected groin. Obi-Wan gave a muffled gasp of surprise at the unexpected and revolting touch. Before he could react, Maul broke the kiss and grabbed his arms, twirling him around like a top. A hand cruelly grasped his hair, yanking his head back so far that Obi-Wan wondered if his neck would break. He yelped as he felt the sharp sting of a needle in the tender flesh at the base of his neck. Not again!

"Don't!" Obi-Wan cried frantically, struggling to free himself which was impossible with the Sith crushing him with his body.

"Damn you!"

"I think you need time to reconsider your attitude." Maul said calmly and released him, throwing him to the floor.

"Don't suppose there's any chance of getting a meal while I contemplate that." Obi-Wan muttered obstinately, putting as much distance as he could between himself and the Sith as possible. He wrapped his arms protectively around himself. He didn't really care if he ever ate again or not, preferring to starve to death just to spite the Sith. But he didn't want Maul to know just how shaken he was. The last thing he wanted was to go back to sleep. He shook his head trying to clear it as waves of dizziness washed over him.

"You should have thought of that before." Maul said sourly, standing over him.

"I thought you wanted me alive. You won't be able to torment me if I starve to death!" Obi-Wan protested sarcastically.

He had to keep talking... anything to stay awake. The Sith's features were turning into one encompassing blur.

"Let's see how defiant you are after a couple more days without food. hmmm? Lesson number five, my Apprentice. You respect your Master."

He heard Maul say and listened as without another word the Sith stalked out, the door closing behind him with a soft whoosh. Obi-Wan screamed in frustration, slamming his fist into the wall. As the drug began dragging him into darkness, his last thought was that once again he'd allowed the Sith to goad him into anger.

To Be Continued