
by Master Rose

Title: Experimenting
Author: Master Rose
Archive: If you wish.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Q/O
Category: Pre-slash
Feedback: Either on-list or off to: rosarocaminis@yahoo.com
Disclaimers: George Lucas owns all things Star Wars and makes a fortune off of them. Me, I write for the fun of it and give it away for free.
Summary: A series of ficlets, set throughout Obi-Wan's apprenticeship, utilizing the first line challenge. There were going to be more of these, but my muse abandoned me.

AGE 14 –

"I can explain," Obi-Wan said, his cheeks blushing brightly enough th match the livid red color of his lips. His eyelids were smeared with blue and green kohl and his eyelashes caked black.

Qui-Gon, standing outside their 'fresher door, resisted the urge to sigh. "I'm listening."

If anything Obi-Wan's blush deepened. "Well, Bant showed me some holos of Neel Ribenstein –"

The Jedi Master's eyebrows rose. "Who?"

"Neel Ribenstein. You've never heard of him? He's a singer, Master. Makes billions of credits at every performance."

"I see. And what does he have to do with this?" A sweep of his hand indicated Obi-Wan's gaudily painted face.

"Well, he wears kohl and lip paint like this, and all the females think he's burning."

"Burning? As in 'on fire'?"

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. "No. As in hot. Sexy." The color in his cheeks, which had started to fade, rose again to bright pink.

"And?" Qui-Gon prompted.

"And, I was experimenting."

"I see." Qui-Gon pinched the bridge of his nose to ward off the headache he sensed was coming. "Well, I suggest you wash all of that off. We're expected in the Council chamber soon, and I doubt you wish to appear before Master Yoda and Master Windu that way."

AGE 15 –

Qui-Gon glanced toward the door to Obi-Wan's room. The boy had been in there quite awhile and their dinner with the Senarian High Ruler and his party was scheduled for half an hour from now. Their escort, a stunning, dark-skinned South-clan female with emerald green hair and lavender eyes, would be there soon to collect them.

Setting aside the data pad on which he'd been composing his mission report, the Jedi Master rose and crossed the room to tap on the closed door.


There was a moment of silence, then, "Um, yes, Master?"

"What is taking you so long?"

"Ummm . . ."

Qui-Gon frowned. Whatever the boy was up to, it didn't sound good. "Obi-Wan, open this door."

There was another long pause before a meek, "Yes, Master," answered him.

The door whished open and a blast of floral fragrance hit Qui-Gon in the face with enough force to send him staggering backwards.

"I can explain, Master."

When the tears cleared his eyes enough for him to see, Qui-Gon glared at his apprentice. "Let me guess. You were experimenting?" he asked, trying desperately not to inhale.

"Yes, Master." Obi-Wan shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other and back again. "They left all these bottles of scented soap and hair rinse and body splash for us, and I thought I'd try them."

"And, what happened, exactly?"

Obi-Wan lowered his gaze hurriedly. "Um, I didn't read the bottles first, so I didn't know that they were all super-concentrated. I was only supposed to use a drop or two of one, not a handful of each. I've already tried three times to wash it off."

Qui-Gon shook his head wearily. "I suggest you take another shower and try again." Immediately!"

"Yes, Master."

AGE 16 –

When Obi-Wan emerged from his room, Qui-Gon nearly choked on the tea he was sipping.

"Padawan, you cannot go out dressed like that."

Obi-Wan stopped and glanced down at himself as if he had no idea what he was wearing. The oversized teal green shirt draped in soft folds across his chest. Open to the waist, it left both nipples and his bellybutton uncovered. The white pants, which sat entirely too low on his hips and stopped at mid-calf, were indecently tight. Qui-Gon found his eyes drawn to the large bulge at the boy's groin. He'd seen Obi-Wan naked many times – in the communal showers after a workout, in the healer's ward, and on the frequent occasions that boy apparently forgot to take clean clothes with him to the 'fresher – and he knew that Obi-Wan wasn't THAT well endowed.

Obi-Wan followed the direction of his gaze and blushed. "Um, I can explain."

"No explanation is needed. Go and change. Now."

"But, Master, none of my friends will be dressed as Jedi."

"Nor do I require you to be. But I do require that you dress appropriately, even for an evening out at a club with your agemates."

"This IS appropriate for a club!"

"Not for MY apprentice."

Obi-Wan sighed deeply. "Yes, Master," he muttered as he turned back toward his room.

Age 18 –

Qui-Gon Jinn sighed quietly at the door to his quarters. After a three hour grilling by the Council over a particularly sticky situation that had developed on his last mission, all he wanted was a long, hot soak in the tub. As the door opened, though, he heard the sound of moaning coming from his bedroom.

That sounded like Obi-Wan! Concerned, he hurried over.

Yes, it was indeed his padawan. But the boy was not injured. Instead, he was lying naked on his back in the center of Qui-Gon's large bed, his engorged cock in his hand and Qui-Gon's pillow over his face.

The Jedi Master cleared his throat and the young man sat bolt upright, sending the pillow flying. His face flushed beat red as he grabbed for the blanket to cover himself.

"Master, I can explain."