
by Vermillion Flame (flame@slashcity.com)

Title: Ear
Author: Vermilion Flame
Archive: Master-Apprentice, my page (http://flame.slashcity.com)
Series: the long-neglected Anatomy Series
Rating: R to NC-17ish
Warnings: none
Category: PWP
Pairing: Q/O
Disclaimer: The Star Wars characters included in this story are owned by LucasFilm. No profit is made from this story.
Note: This is the first piece I've written in 18 months, and I'm trying to figure out if I still know how to do this. You will tell me to stop if it stinks, won't you? Feedback welcome.

There's something delicious about a secret, made even more delectable when the precious tidbit is shared by lovers. A secret ripe with sex, the foundation for knowing glances amidst strangers, and the slightest fear that the secret might be shared.

But, you won't tell anyone will you?

I know such a thing about my master. I know what above all else makes him writhe on the bed, moaning until he can take no more and he grabs me to claim his release. Like most things about the Jedi Master Qui- Gon Jinn, it is not what you would expect.

It's his ears. My master has such gloriously sensitive ears that a mere touch from my finger will make him shiver with desire. If instead of a finger, I place the tip of my tongue on the soft, pink skin, tracing along the tender edge, his hips will thrust up and I will be treated to such an erotic moan that I must stop to compose myself.

It has happened time and again. We lie next to each other, naked, fingers exploring and arousing as we prepare for a night of love. I wait until the kisses have gone from preliminary to passionate, until each breath is tinged with a whimper of desire. He looks at me then, eyes dark, hair spread across the pillows, wondering if I will, or if I won't.

It is heady stuff, knowing such a thing about one's master, knowing that I have the power to pleasure him with such a simple act. I do not always do so, as denial only makes the next time sweeter. It is so much more fun to pleasure him, though, and to watch him squirm.

I put my head on his shoulder, kissing his neck, feeling him arch his head to the side so that I can more easily reach his most sensitive spot. I move up and nuzzle against his soft beard while my fingers stray across his chest. Brushing against a taut nipple elicits a spark of passion that I reciprocate, the current of arousal flowing between us.

I breathe into his ear and feel him quiver. I touch his ear with my tongue, running it under the lip of the outer edge, following around to the hollow center, where I dart my tongue in quickly. His breath quickens and his whimpers turn to moans. His hand moves over my back, trying to pull me closer, encouraging me to continue.

The lobe is especially sensitive. I take it into my mouth and play with the supple skin, noting the delightful reaction it provokes. I suck and nip, repeating the motions as I hum softly. His hips thrust enthusiastically and his fingers dig into my flesh. My hand travels lower, down his belly toward his cock, but he grabs my wrist, forbidding the touch. He is so excited that the extra stimulation might send him over the edge.

I return to the hollow center of his ear, darting my tongue in once or twice, simulating the motion that this is leading to, and that is the limit of what he can withstand. My master pushes me away so that he can grab my hips and pull me astride his body. "Are you ready, Obi-Wan?" he gasps.

"Yes, Master!" I am eager for the invasion.

His cock fills me, pushes me, throws me into pleasure that I joyously surrender to. His fingers skitter across my legs as he thrusts into me, lighting little fires on my sensitized skin. I lean down, putting my hands on either side of his head as we rock together. I nuzzle his ear and draw the lobe into my mouth, sucking hard. It is all he needs. His body spasms as he thrusts, gasping my name, drawing my climax from me as he tumbles over the brink.

I flop on the bed next to him, delightfully exhausted. He turns and smiles. "You know my secret, don't you Padawan?"

"Mm-hm." I tickle his ear just to watch him shiver. So sensitive.

Which is why every time my Master considers changing his hairstyle, I beg him not to. All those long, boring meetings we endure are made ever so much more interesting when I can see his lovely ears, and fantasize about the night to come.
