Duplicity's Gift

by Robin Serrano (robin@slashcity.com)

Archive: M_A, yes. Any others, if you want it, just ask so I know where it went.

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Q/O

Categories/Content: First time, light bondage, a little toying with D/s; and copious use of my Obi-topping-from-the bottom kink.

Spoilers: Nah, Pre-TPM

Summary: Obi-Wan is permitted to choose their next mission and his selection puzzles Qui-Gon: it involves a world that prizes strict categorization of dominant and submissive individuals.

Feedback: If you are so inclined and can spare the time, absolutely. Constructive criticism included in that welcome, of course.

Disclaimer: I'm already poor, please don't sue me. No copyright infringement intended. The boys have been returned unharmed. I even bathed them. With soap and water this time, I swear it.

"It will be humbling." Obi-Wan grinned and returned to the controls of their transport, his trademark twinkle lighting his eyes.

Qui-Gon snorted softly and let the discussion drop. He couldn't help but regret having left Obi-Wan to deal with the Council when they'd last been on Coruscant. He'd had a number of things to follow-up on with their last mission and Obi-Wan had been entrusted to debrief the Council. As a token of their gratitude for their hard work of late, the Council had allowed Obi-Wan to choose their next assignment from a selection of four possibilities. That little session had led to his Padawan volunteering them for this current mission, though he couldn't fathom why.

The social structure of Frellia was such that Obi-Wan would be treated as a very junior subordinate, a social submissive. The nature of their Master/Padawan relationship and Obi-Wan's supposedly tender age made it inevitable. Men and women on Frellia did not come into their independent status until twenty-five standard years, and even then a great many Frellians voluntarily remained social submissives. Obi-Wan was barely twenty three; his social status would not be by choice. Obi-Wan was not particularly vain, but neither was he atypical of most young men his age in that he craved acceptance as a self governing individual; he could imagine Obi-Wan accepting this mission stoically, but to volunteer?

Besides that, the nature of the mission also gave Qui-Gon reason for suspicion of Obi-Wan's motives for offering themselves. They were to witness the renewal of the Frellian Continental Alliance, an event held every twenty years to solidify the bond between the planet's two independent continents and to celebrate the formation of the new planetary ruling house. A symbolic wedding would take place, a member of the ruling party of the South to a member of the North. Together, they would represent Frellia's interests in the Republic for next twenty year cycle.

The Jedi presence was merely a formality, making sure the Southern continent had no qualm about their representative taking their turn as submissive ruler; the Northern representative had been the submissive ruler last Cycle. This system had been smoothly working on Frellia for centuries, and neither continent had objected to their position in recent history.

Therefore, nothing adventurous would occur on Frellia, and in fact, boring receptions with species physically incompatible with their own promised to be the routine for their five day stay. It could in no way result in a romantic interlude for the young Jedi. No exhilarating escapades, no flirtations with young people and forced social obsequiousness; this was most definitely not the type of mission his Padawan would choose for them, when given that rare opportunity.

Obi-Wan was apparently aware of the conditions of the mission before he volunteered them for the duty, and had in fact briefed Qui-Gon himself over their noon meal that day, indicating that very scant information was provided, as little had been necessary. The good cheer with which Obi-Wan relayed the details caused shivers to ripple down the Master's spine.

Oh, Qui-Gon had a bad feeling about this.

The ceremony was as tedious as he thought it would be, though Qui-Gon had to admit that he was enjoying his Padawan's constant prostrating. Serves the boy right, Qui-Gon chuckled to himself as Obi-Wan once again collapsed at his feet, having brought his master a cup of wine.

"That's sufficient, Obi-Wan, please get up now." Qui-Gon could barely restrain his smirk.

Obi-Wan obediently stood, moving to the left and just behind his Master's shoulder. "So glad you're amused, Master."

Qui-Gon had to give him credit, Obi-Wan was handling it all with good grace and subtle humor. There was still a sense of unease nagging him, though. There was a reason Obi-Wan selected this mission. Oh, he didn't think Obi-Wan would do anything duplicitous exactly... but his Padawan had a definite mischievous streak.

"Will I be as amused when I discover what you are up to, Padawan?"

Obi-Wan's reply died before it left his lips as the Southern Continent's Chief Magistrate approached. "No need to bow again, young man. Your respect of your elders and Master Jinn is quite evident," the magistrate smiled. Though humanoid, the Frellian's skin glowed a subtle hue of pink, their natural skin oils making the species becoming to the eye. But that oil was also toxic to many other humanoid species, making inter-relations deadly for both Jedi. Thus, the magistrate nodded to Qui-Gon rather than shake his ungloved hand.

"Things seem to have gone well, Magister Tev. I trust that it appears so to you as well?" Qui-Gon inquired casually.

"Oh, most definitely. And you, along with your Padawan, have made this Cycle's Renewal even more festive than usual," Tev enthused sincerely. More festive that usual, Qui-Gon groaned to himself. If this was festive...

"And I can tell you that all of Frellia is honored by your Padawan's graciousness and lovely submission to you. Your gift will be most memorable, and will doubly bless this Frellian union... Now if you pardon me, I must speak to Magister Gorn about the details of your performance. We will apprise you of the schedule as soon as possible." Another joyous nod, and the man was off in search of the Chief Magistrate of the Northern Continent.

Qui-Gon slowly turned to face his apparently nefarious Padawan. A series of expressions rapidly skittered across the young man's face, but Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn caught and catalogued each and every one. Guilt, as he had suspected while Tev spoke, was the first. Followed by a quickly hidden triumph, then calculation-- was the boy actually scheming at that very moment? And finally... the tiniest quirk of fear. It too was hidden away and within a mere second, Obi-Wan's face was carefully blank.

"I trust you are going to tell me what this performance will entail-- and I trust that you will do so very quickly, Padawan." He knew his own expression brooked no argument.

"My submission to you during these days here has pleased the Frellians, Master," Obi-Wan began with a hopeful, yet appropriately reticent smile.

"I gathered as much."

"You see... it seems that Frellia is enlightened enough to realize that not all cultures have the same social custom of the young publicly demonstrating their respect. It would seem that they only expect this degree of deference from their own young and the voluntary submissives..."

"And thus your own constant prostrating has led us to what, exactly, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon was quickly losing patience, though only his Padawan would notice the sternness underneath his serene façade.

Obi-Wan was again forestalled, as both Magister Gorn and Magister Tev approached, each wearing a gleeful expression.

"It has been decided," Gorn announced as he clasped his rosy hands together. "Your demonstration will take place tomorrow at dusk in the Royal ceremonial bed chamber, with the new Frellia Ruling Party in attendance. I can't tell you how pleased we are that the Jedi are going to gift us with such a display... The unconditional deference of the submissive and the physical gratitude of his dominant! Performed by Jedi, no less! This datapad lists all of the sensual aids that will be on hand for the performance of your gift. Your generosity deserves a setting fit for this honor you do us. Oh, this Cycle will most assuredly be blessed!"

Obi-Wan took the pad and bowed low, the picture of serenity though Qui-Gon could feel waves of apprehension rolling from him. "Thank you, Magister."

"Ah, Master Jinn," Tev sighed. "A lucky man, you are. Your Padawan is a gem of humility. I look forward to witnessing your bodily acceptance of it."

Qui-Gon exerted inordinate control to keep his jaw from falling to the tiled floor. "Oh yes, a gem and more," Qui-Gon managed, though he could feel his cheeks burn. The Magisters nodded, this time the gesture taking on an almost conspiratorial air, and they walked away together, their pleasure at the Jedi's upcoming 'performance' giving their skin a warm iridescence.

"It's time to retire for the evening, Obi-Wan. We will discuss this in our chambers."

He struggled not to hasten his steps too much; he didn't want the Frellians to suspect his distress... But what in name of everything unholy had his Padawan done?

"I didn't expect a public display, Master!" Obi-Wan insisted, looking up from his knees at Qui-Gon, sincerity in his blue-green gaze.

"But you willingly and knowingly led me into this situation nonetheless." Qui-Gon could barely speak. He was positively stunned that Obi-Wan would manipulate him this way. Simply to get sex from him.

Obi-Wan had fully briefed himself on Frellian culture before accepting and then informing Qui-Gon of his choice in their assignment. He'd known that for offworlders to display such blatant submission to another of their species was an invitation... an invitation for the Frellians to ask to witness the most intimate of submissions. Obi-Wan had not yet reached the age of social independence, but he had surpassed that of sexual independence by two years.

For Obi-Wan to have behaved as such during the festivities of a state wedding, along with Qui-Gon's unknowing complicity, was a symbolic wedding gift from a bonded dominant and submissive; a promise to honor the marriage by demonstrating the total submission of one, and the acceptance and gratitude of the other. To show that the two, each accepting his role, made the whole stronger. It would be a symbolic wish for the union of North and South on Frellia to continue to function the same way.

To refuse would be disastrous and possibly lead to the first planetary incident on Frellia in three hundred years.

Qui-Gon rested his head in his hands and sighed heavily. Only Obi-Wan could have gotten them into this with his wicked little mind.

"It wasn't a prank, Qui-Gon!" Obi-Wan suddenly stood, meek no more.

"I honestly did not realize the demonstration would be public. But I had every intention of making the gesture formally nonetheless."

Qui-Gon stared, dumbstruck.

"I cannot and will not pretend any longer that this bond between us exists only for training. If there is one thing you have taught me, Master, it's that ignoring a truth does not make it an untruth."

Qui-Gon struggled with his anger, it being the only emotion to have control as his mind absorbed what Obi-Wan was saying. "What do you want me to say, that I desire you? I do and you know it. Yes, Padawan, I taught you the dangers of avoiding truths. It is also a truth that some paths are best left not taken. There was a reason that I have not pursued more in my bond with you. Did you think that as a Jedi Master that I was oblivious to this between us? I have been well aware of the physical attraction between us, and I have not ignored it. I have simply chosen not to pursue it. And you, by your machinations, have taken that choice away from me."

Obi-Wan had the most curious expression on his face; realization and calm. Qui-Gon had just told him that they could not pursue a physical, romantic relationship; he had in fact accused him of a violation of the most intimate nature, and yet Obi-Wan was more serene than he'd seen him in months.

"Well, I suppose arguing about it will not solve the problem. Discipline me after this mess is over, but the current truth is that tomorrow at dusk, I am expected to grant you my body and you are expected to take it."

Qui-Gon's throat constricted. Of course he wanted to take that body. He wasn't blind, he wasn't a fool. His Padawan had grown sleek and strong and so bright, so full of goodness... Oh yes, how he wanted him!

But how could he take advantage? A Padawan depends on his Master for guidance. A Master must maintain the power structure between he and his Apprentice if the Padawan is to learn from his teacher and become the best he can be. To add a sexual relationship into that power structure...That type of dominance lends itself too easily for abuse. Obi-Wan was simply too important to him to risk undermining his future.

But now it seemed that he had no choice. It was ironic in the extreme that he would soon be forced to take that which he had most stringently tried to resist.

"Go. Meditate on how your actions have led us to this point. And then get some sleep. Thanks to your deviousness, we have a rather trying day ahead of us tomorrow."

Qui-Gon turned his back, numb. He heard a gentle sigh and then the soft click of the door to Obi-Wan's bedchamber. He turned to stare at it. Ornate relief carvings in the wood, it was solid and strong, just like his Apprentice. And yet...His mind could not grasp just how Obi-Wan could have been so reckless. And it was not like him to be so selfish.

Qui-Gon leaned back on the divan and took a sip from his water goblet. Well, perhaps he'd forgotten that Obi-Wan had his faults. He'd come to accept only perfection from his Padawan, as that was all he'd given him of late. It seemed that he'd not done Obi-Wan any favors by keeping silent about their mutual attraction. He'd assumed that through their bond, Obi-Wan just knew it should remain unspoken.

Obi-Wan must have been reaching a critical point to be so blatantly manipulative. The fact that his actions were so very contrary to his nature was a signal in itself that Obi-Wan must have needed guidance with his feelings before this mission. Guilt crept through Qui-Gon's spine and settled into the back of his skull, fermenting into a pounding headache. Obi-Wan's actions weren't excused, of course, but Qui-Gon had his own actions to deconstruct as well.

Meditation, he decided resolutely.

His body felt physically heavy with his emotional burden as he rose and entered his own bedchamber. As he settled onto his knees, he hoped Obi-Wan was able to find his center and rest; he had the feeling he himself wouldn't be getting much sleep.

They had very little to say to each other the following morning. Qui-Gon promised Obi-Wan that they would have exhaustive discussions about their relationship and Obi-Wan's deceit once they left Frellia, but otherwise he was quiet.

Obi-Wan cautiously asked if he wanted to see the datapad list of 'available items' they would have at their disposal, but Qui-Gon resolutely shook his head no, replying that the Force would guide him when the time came. What he didn't say was that he just couldn't let himself dwell upon it. He couldn't let himself want it so much. It was for the predicament alone that he would be doing this. He had to remember that.

Obi-Wan's serene smile at his internal struggle only exasperated him. How could the boy be so at peace? Knowing what he had forced them into, knowing that he would be humbled and physically taken in front of the new Frellian royals? That Obi-Wan would apparently crave such total domination of his body that he would go to such lengths to get it... It disturbed Qui-Gon as much as his own acknowledgement that he too craved it.

Oh Force, he tried not to anticipate it so damned much.

One hour before dusk, Obi-Wan was taken by royal servants to be prepared for the performance. Qui-Gon had finally spoken to his Apprentice long enough to find out what would be officially required of him, so when Obi-Wan left their rooms, they were prepared for what would come.

Prepared... now that was a laugh, Qui-Gon decided as he paced in the common room of their suite. There were no ritual words to memorize, true enough... and no particular checklist of acts to follow-- the only requirement being that he make love to Obi-Wan, and that to the Frellians it should look as if he cherished his Padawan's submission to him. How they achieved it was up to them.

But knowing what they were required to do, did not make Qui-Gon feel truly prepared. How could he be prepared to be given everything he dreamed but knew was wrong to take?

A rap on the door brought him out of his reverie and starkly into the moment. In a room on the other side of the palace, Obi-Wan was waiting.

His soft boots made little noise as he followed the attendants through the halls. The increasing number of guards on patrol was Qui-Gon's indication that they were getting closer to the royals' personal quarters. A feeling of vulnerability crashed over him; he was wearing only light leggings and his casual boots, with his cloak wrapped protectively around him.

The thought exploded through his mind that very soon he'd be completely naked in front of them, as would Obi-Wan... the reality of what was upon him threatened to weaken his knees.

Finally they stopped at a large, dark door. The guard on duty pushed it open and stepped aside for Qui-Gon. He hesitated only for a second, then took a deep, centering breath and entered. He stopped dead in his place.

Thick-cushioned, but still empty chairs formed a large semi-circle. In front of and curving with the semi-circle was a floor-to-ceiling pane of smoky glass, on the other side of which was a high, four-post bed, adorned with rich blankets and a nearly nude Padawan. "Obi-Wan..."

"He can't hear you, Master Jinn," Magister Tev assured. Startled, Qui-Gon hadn't even known the man was there.

"Pardon me?"

"Padawan Kenobi. He can't hear you. This viewing room is designed so that those presenting an intimate gift can do so without distraction. The royal witnesses will watch through the two-way mirror, and they'll be able to hear you, but you and your Padawan will not have the distraction of seeing or hearing your witnesses."

The Magister spoke with an air of gentle reassurance that frankly confused Qui-Gon. The man chuckled and the Master realized he most definitely had not achieved his center whilst meditating.

"Your Padawan told me that you might be a little nervous. Believe me, Master Jinn, it's perfectly natural. Having an extraordinary young man such as Padawan Kenobi offer you all of himself is quite daunting. So many young ones do not realize that it is a difficult responsibility to take such a gift from a submissive. It's good that our young wait until they are of age to choose whether to take up such a position. But you are a Master Jedi. I'm sure you will show us all how to accept such a responsibility with grace. As I'm sure your Padawan will show us all the beauty and strength in submitting. You'll be our inspiration for continued harmony."

Qui-Gon was not quite sure how to respond to that. How could he turn what was meant to be an intimate act of love into a public display demonstrating grace and a trusting union? Especially when he'd been deceived into the act in the first place?

All he could do was incline a placating nod and murmur his thanks for the Magister's confidence. The flushed humanoid smiled and took his arm, leading him to the mid-point of the semi-circle, to the panel of the two-way mirror that would open and take him to the other side of the glass, to Obi-Wan.

"The royals are waiting. They won't come in here until you are there with your Padawan. On behalf of the new ruling house of Frellia, thank you, Master Jinn." The panel slid open and Qui-Gon was gently nudged inside. The panel closed behind him without a further word.

Qui-Gon turned and met his Apprentice's gaze. Through their bond he felt waves of reassurance. He wanted to throw the emotion back at the younger man for having the audacity to offer it, after having put him in this position...

But he couldn't. The longer he looked, the more he began to realize that the source of his Padawan's serenity came from the young man's center. It was pure, powerful and sought out his Master wholly unconsciously. It was a peace born of the Force, certain in Obi-Wan's belief that all would be well.

Obi-Wan's duplicity aside, he knew what he doing now, and he was asking Qui-Gon to trust him. To let him get them through this. Qui-Gon realized he might not have a choice but to let Obi-Wan guide them through. This predicament was of Obi-Wan's making, and his Padawan was obviously ready to take the lead in seeing it through-- as he was not.

His mind tentatively touched on a dangerously liberating notion: he had no reason for guilt in the pleasures he was about to take. Obi-Wan had gotten them there, and Obi-Wan was ready to take them through it. When choice was taken from him, so was culpability. Qui-Gon was not simply free to taste the indulgence he otherwise would still be denied, it was now his duty.

Qui-Gon's eyes slid from Obi-Wan's down the young man's bared torso. His toned chest rose and fell gently with his breath. His hands were clasped behind his back, and he knelt on the bed, a white cloth wrapped around his groin and clasped at his slim hips. His legs were slightly parted, muscled thighs straining. Qui-Gon's gaze took a leisurely journey back upward, stopping to admire the modest ripples of Obi-Wan's abdomen, and the light curls of reddish-gold hair sprinkled on his chest. Qui-Gon swallowed hard as his attraction flared of its own volition.

When he again reached the self-assured blue eyed gaze, Obi-Wan spoke, softly, but the words were compelling... "Come to me."

It was as if an invisible cord was wrapped around his waist with the other end anchored to Obi-Wan's seductive spirit. The cord gently but insistently tugged until Qui-Gon began to move.

Legs shaking, he approached his Padawan.

"For ten standard years, you've been my Master in all things. I ask of you now, please be the Master of my body as well." The words were a plea, but the bond between them spoke the command.

Mutely, Qui-Gon nodded and knelt on the bed in front of Obi-Wan. For the duration of this time together, Obi-Wan was his to Master. A weight lifted from his shoulders as he drank in the sight of his willing Padawan and the Force whispered to him to take what was offered. At last he yielded to the forces that had carried him to this moment, and glanced about the bed to see what the mysterious items at their disposal were. If he finally felt free to do this, by the Force he'd do it right.

"Dim the lights and light a stick of that incense, Padawan," Qui-Gon said softly.

Obi-Wan's acquiescent nod radiated surety. Qui-Gon's eyes followed his Padawan's movements, watching sleek muscles move and bunch under fair, creamy skin. Seconds later, the nearly bare body was awash in golden light. Then the wafting scent of the aromatic incense drifted about them and Obi-Wan took on an otherworldly presence. The younger man fairly prowled back to the wide, soft bed. The mattress dipped when he crawled upon it and again knelt before him, his eyes fixed on Qui-Gon's with hunger, a hunger that demanded to be tamed as much as satisfied. It was Qui-Gon's duty to see it done.

The Force-- or was it Obi-Wan-- bade him look up to the ceiling. Affixed to horizontal and vertical sliding tracks were numerous restraints, all of a soft-looking rope with padded rings that could be slipped around ankles, wrists, or both. A flick of the Force brought two of the restraints tumbling down to hang on either side of Obi-Wan's shoulders.

Obi-Wan obediently slipped his wrists into them and Qui-Gon tightened them. A light tug on each retracted them until Obi-Wan's arms were lifted over his head, his elbows slightly bent. Qui-Gon moved the ropes horizontally to spread Obi-Wan's arms apart, until they were stretched wide.

There. The younger man's chest was spread before him, a veritable buffet of delectable treats. Approval and lust sang to him from their bond. Qui-Gon pulled his eyes away long enough to examine the silver serving cart next to the bed.

It held a wide selection of gilded glass carafes and jars; oils and creams. He cocked his head thoughtfully as he lifted lids and waved them lightly under his nose to sample their scents. All pleasing, and all enticing.

He settled on a small, red container and placed his fingertip over the narrow top; he tilted it gently then set the bottle aside. Strong spice swirled about, scenting the air with cinnamon.

A predatory grin tugged at his mouth as he leaned close to Obi-Wan's lightly heaving chest. His held his wet fingertip over one rosy, pebbled nipple. The red drop of fluid dangled for second then dropped onto the hard little nub. Obi-Wan gasped. Very lightly, Qui-Gon rubbed the moist nipple, feeling the spiced oil heat up under the touch of his fingertip. Obi-Wan's breathing quickened.

Pleased with himself, Qui-Gon eased back and selected another bottle, a green one. He collected another drop of oil, this one filling their senses with mint. Again he poised a wet fingertip over the already sensitized morsel of flesh, and waited patiently... after a long second, the cool fluid dripped over the hard little nub and Obi-Wan hissed.

Qui-Gon circled it with his finger, teasing the aureole, gradually getting closer to the center.

"Please." It was so soft, Qui-Gon almost didn't hear it. But he did. He looked into Obi-Wan's blazing eyes.

"Not yet." His feathery, fingertip caress spiraled outward again, away from the ache of needy flesh. Qui-Gon finally felt in control, and he liked it. He would avail himself of the growing sense of power that fed his desire.

His free hand began to dance over Obi-Wan's ribs, just enough to feel the smooth skin beneath his palm. His light stroking left goose-bumps in its wake. Obi-Wan shivered deliciously. Qui-Gon could feel it; the younger man wanted to cry out, wanted to beg for a firm touch, to be pressed into the mattress and *felt*. But Obi-Wan kept his silence.

So Qui-Gon rewarded him at last. He bent his head and flicked his tongue over the wet nipple he'd been teasing. Obi-Wan's choked gasp was gratifying. He took the nub between his teeth and gently tugged. When he let it go, it lightly snapped into place, harder and peaked higher than before. His lips closed around it and he began to suck, mint and cinnamon exploding in his mouth.

Obi-Wan's frantic gasps finally coalesced into a coherent plea. "T...t... too much..."

With a final, loving nibble, Qui-Gon eased back again to survey his Padawan's condition.

His bottom lip was puffy and wet from biting it; his torso covered in a fine sheen of sweat; and a bulge filled the flimsy white cloth over his groin. A damp stain spotted the cloth where Obi-Wan's cockhead would be. His eyes were glazed, and yet still imperious.

Through his labored breathing, a cunning smile crept onto Obi-Wan's mouth. The challenge was made. When Qui-Gon felt his cock leap, he knew the challenge was accepted. Take me, take control if you dare... Qui-Gon dared.

The stare-down continued as Qui-Gon reached for the clasps holding Obi-Wan's meager groin covering. A flick of his thumbs and the cloth was removed. Qui-Gon tossed it aside and finally broke eye contact. He tilted his head and looked down, giving Obi-Wan's hard shaft a frank visual inspection. It pointed straight ahead, thick and bobbing slightly, it's crown moist and shiny.

"I'm appreciative of the view, Padawan, but we have quite sometime before we address this particular need of yours." Qui-Gon couldn't keep the promise of torment from his voice.

His Padawan responded with an artful quirk of one eyebrow first, and then a self assured, "I can wait as long it takes, Master."

"I believe you can. But in the meantime, I'd like to keep you busy."

Qui-Gon edged off of the bed and toed off his boots. He shrugged out of his robe and draped it over the footboard, then made short work of dropping his leggings. Obi-Wan's eyes feasted on the sight of him as each new patch of skin was bared. The Padawan's approving gaze made Qui-Gon's erection tremble with his own need.

A wave of his hand, and Qui-Gon loosened the restraints holding Obi-Wan's arms stretched wide. The younger man swayed, but managed to keep himself upright on his knees. "Lie back, Padawan." Obi-Wan obeyed, his arms relaxing above his head, and his legs stretched out full length and slightly apart.

Oh, what a vision... an assortment of delights, any of which would gift his tongue with luscious flavor and sensation. Qui-Gon knelt between Obi-Wan's calves and grazed his hands upward to caress milky inner thighs, stopping just short of the golden-curled groin. He gave a pointed squeeze.

Obi-Wan gasped with anticipation, but Qui-Gon tsked him softly. "I'm sorry, Obi-Wan. But I did warn you that you would have to wait, love."

Qui-Gon then let go of Obi-Wan's trembling legs and straddled his chest. "I have something else in mind for the moment," he whispered as he eased his erection closer to the younger man's mouth.

Obi-Wan licked his lips, parted them, and held his Master's gaze. Do it, Obi-Wan's eyes commanded. Qui-Gon obeyed.

His thick cock eased past the silky pink ribbons of flesh and into heavenly moisture. The soft rasp of Obi-Wan's tongue caressed the sensitive underside of his shaft as he slid inside, and then Obi-Wan's mouth closed, trapping him in wondrous heat, and he began to suck. Glory be, the sensation was dizzying in its intensity; each twinge of pleasure made his heart pound louder and constricted his throat tighter, until his fight for breath left him on a plane where not even air mattered, just the soft slurp of Obi-Wan's mouth over his throbbing cockhead, and the inquisitive tongue that teased his leaking slit with wicked flicks.

His balls drawing up tightly to his body brought him back to himself, just in time to pull back from Obi-Wan's swollen mouth before he could come. His pulse gradually slowed as he watched Obi-Wan's eyes glitter with self-satisfaction. Impudent Padawan, he thought with utter fondness. Time to daze Obi-Wan as much as he had been dazed.

Qui-Gon turned back to the serving tray of luxurious aids. A lazy smile pulled at one corner of his mouth. He reached for his selection. Perfect.

Qui-Gon leaned back against the headboard to turn Obi-Wan over his lap, face down. His Padawan's expression was confused at first as Qui-Gon arranged him so that Obi-Wan's groin pressed into his Master's thighs, the younger man's curvaceous backside presented nicely for easy access. Qui-Gon could play with it at will. Obi-Wan's cheek lay against the soft bedspread, and when he spotted Qui-Gon's jar of lubricating gel, those cheeks flushed with full understanding.

Qui-Gon felt a pang of sympathy for the sudden vulnerability Obi-Wan must have felt. With the backs of his fingers, he fluttered a gentle caress over Obi-Wan's upturned cheekbone.

"It'll be alright." And he meant it. Obi-Wan's grin, though small, returned and he nodded minutely.

Qui-Gon turned his gaze to the prize in his lap. Oh, it was lovely. Creamy skin, lusciously firm, and oh-so pert. He trailed his index finger along the warm crease, and Obi-Wan shivered, then bent his knee to part the ample cheeks, an offering.

The pad of Qui-Gon's fingertip dipped into the crease and brushed over the tightly pursed opening. It twitched as Obi-Wan gasped softly. Qui-Gon chuckled quietly, then bent and placed a tender kiss on one of the warm, pliant cheeks. "Oh, but you are exquisite, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan's reply was a warm smile and a subtle undulation of his hips. Arousal and soul-deep affection rushed over Qui-Gon. Exquisite couldn't begin to cover it, he realized, and began to caress and fondle with tender deference.

He separated the firm mounds with one hand, and scooped some gel onto the forefinger of his other. He teased and swirled around the tightly pinched opening, enjoying the little spasms that wracked it. "Relax, Obi-Wan... Let me in, Padawan..."

Obi-Wan took a deep, calming breath and as he released it, Qui-Gon's fingertip slipped inside.

Heavens, Obi-Wan was so tight! The little ring clamped down on him, but Qui-Gon kept still. After a second, Obi-Wan relaxed and Qui-Gon very slowly wiggled. Obi-Wan moaned quietly. Apparently, this was an act that Obi-Wan hadn't yet added to his sexual repertoire. Gently, Qui-Gon pulled his fingertip out and returned it with another dab of gel. It went in with less cajoling this time, the intimate acceptance warming Qui-Gon's belly with glowing embers of longing.

Qui-Gon slid further inside, slowly, not stopping until he was in to his third knuckle. Obi-Wan's moan was lower and louder than the last. "Do you feel okay?"

"Ohhhh, yes."

Qui-Gon smiled. He left his finger buried, but removed the hand that was keeping Obi-Wan spread apart so he could stroke the younger man's lower back. "I believe I can make it better than okay, though," Qui-Gon whispered.

"Ohh, I believe you can..."

"Just stay relaxed, Padawan, you're doing very well." He began working his finger in and out, the gentle pace lulling them both into a mutual rhythm; Obi-Wan made muted sounds of pleasure to Qui-Gon's steady finger fucking. Soon, Obi-Wan's bottom was subtly wriggling as the little muscle began to loosen. The younger man's erection began to rub against Qui-Gon's thigh, smearing fluid on him with his faint thrusting. Qui-Gon grew hot with want.

Every time Qui-Gon pulled out for more gel, Obi-Wan restively ground his cock into Qui-Gon's leg. But the slow preparation had Obi-Wan deliciously slippery even if still tight. Oh, how amazing it was going to feel when he was sheathed inside him!

Qui-Gon finally had two fingers inside the wet channel, and he tenderly twisted them until he found the sensitive little nugget of nerves... Obi-Wan's hips arched sharply and he gasped harshly, losing his breath for a moment before groaning deeply at last, his lips parted and his eyes clenched shut.

Qui-Gon brushed an errant strand of passion-damp hair from Obi-Wan's temple. The younger man's eyes flashed open. The meekness he expected was nowhere to be found. Instead he was pierced with a silent demand to fulfill the promise of magic his fingers had made.

"You're ready." It was acknowledgement more that statement. Qui-Gon, too, was ready, as his raging erection shouted.

Consciously fighting to keep his heartbeat steady, he rolled Obi-Wan to his back. After a second's thought, he pulled the loose restraints from and then softly kissed Obi-Wan's wrists. Obi-Wan smiled up at him in approval and then stretched his arms behind his head and spread his legs wide, inclining his head in invitation for Qui-Gon to climb between them. He accepted, stroking the strong limbs lovingly as he did.

This time when he reached the juncture of legs and torso, he didn't stop. He gently cupped the velvety pouch of Obi-Wan's warm balls, caressing the soft skin with his thumb. His Padawan sighed blissfully, lifting his hips slightly to greet the soft touch.

With his other hand, Qui-Gon gripped Obi-Wan's hard, straining shaft and began to stroke, firm and slow. Obi-Wan groaned and chewed on his lower lip, his struggle for control eloquent. After a moment of deliberate fondling, Obi-Wan's eyes flashed at him in warning. Qui-Gon could feel the part plea part command tumbling off of the younger man in a desperate mental mantra... _Do it, do it, do it..._

Oh, but Obi-Wan's need was so beguiling, such a gift to him... And his generosity should be rewarded, Qui-Gon decided. He released the leaking erection and soft sac, reaching instead for Obi-Wan's thighs. "Lift them," he ordered, his voice tight.

Obi-Wan bent his legs and pulled them to his chest, his knees practically reaching his arm pits. He held himself open wide, ready to share the most intimate part of himself. Qui-Gon stared, swallowing the lump in his throat as he slicked his hot shaft with more of the slick gel.

He glanced at his Padawan's flushed face and fell into his soulful gaze. Time slowed as he was drawn to Obi-Wan's pliant body and warm spirit. Come to me, fill me, Obi-Wan coaxed with his eyes. Yes, Qui-Gon answered with a moist kiss to Obi-Wan's parted lips.

Oh, it was unbelievable... a slippery glove that molded to his hard flesh, as if made for his body alone. Obi-Wan was all he could have wanted, all he could have dreamed. Devastatingly intense sensation, for him alone, the chance to love him so fiercely that his heart could burst; all with no accountability. It was an act of love so blameless that all need do is cry to the heavens and let the power of it carry him away.

"Yes, Master... love me the way you need to..." rough whispers tickled his ear in a hot, breathy litany. "Oh yes, let yourself feel it... feel me the way you've always desired..." The moist tip of Obi-Wan's tongue danced with his words, completing the irresistible spell.

Heavy thrusts sent Qui-Gon impossibly deep, into the supple body and into the faithful soul. He was welcomed to both with strong, encircling arms and throaty cries of, "Oh please, Master, more."

Qui-Gon buried his nose into Obi-Wan's flushed, sweaty neck. As he panted, he tasted all that his tongue and lips could reach, savoring the salt and tang of aroused Padawan flesh. All the while he rocked and swayed, sheathed far inside his Obi-Wan.

Suddenly, his Padawan stilled. Qui-Gon dragged his lips from Obi-Wan's collarbone to his impertinent chin, needing to see his eyes... Obi-Wan was on a precipice, waiting to fly over, needing to, but waiting.

Qui-Gon skimmed his lips to Obi-Wan's, both of them gasping softly. He pressed in just once more, deeply, powerfully, and gave him the command he'd been waiting for... "Come for me, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan cried out then, his breath warm and sweet on Qui-Gon's lips and his internal muscles contracted wildly around his own pulsing shaft. Obi-Wan had leaped over the edge, grasping Qui-Gon so soundly that he had no choice but follow.

As Qui-Gon sobbed in all-consuming release, he clutched his Padawan desperately, cherishing the selfless gift he'd only just come to understand. He kissed Obi-Wan's parted lips with all the breath he could gather, panting out soft I love you's in between flavorful tastes of his Padawan's succulent mouth.

At last his frenzy began to settle, and his eyes flickered to the smoked glass beyond the bed, but Obi-Wan turned his cheek with a gentle palm. "Shsh. Don't look at them, look at me. They'll leave us peace. We'll be fine."

Another request for trust. Qui-Gon nodded and collapsed into the protective embrace his Padawan offered. Request granted.


Obi-Wan worked the controls of the transport with serenity and surety; both radiated from the younger man in almost palpable waves. Qui-Gon forcibly repressed his obstinate grin.

Obi-Wan had taken the news of his discipline with the acceptance that Qui-Gon had come to accept from the young Padawan. For one standard year, he was denied the freedom to speak to the Council on both their behalf. He would be permitted to make no choices for any incidental perks they might be granted in the course of their assignments. Practically speaking, it meant that Obi-Wan could not choose the flavor of field rations they took with them. And for that duration he'd also be cleaning the dishes from their meals while on Coruscant.

It was left unsaid that Obi-Wan volunteered for that duty on a regular basis anyway. The important thing was that the discipline was official between them.

And official it had to be, or Obi-Wan's gift to him would be incomplete. The point was for the Padawan to take all culpability of Qui-Gon's pleasure from him, freeing him of the responsibility. If Obi-Wan's actions went unpunished, then accountability would be have to be shared, destroying the purity of the Padawan's offering. Obi-Wan had apparently begun this undertaking with just that fact in mind.

Qui-Gon still had nagging doubts about beginning a real, romantic relationship with Obi-Wan, and his Padawan was aware of that. But Qui-Gon was also now acutely aware that he would have to examine those doubts very deeply.

He hadn't realized until the moment he saw Obi-Wan waiting for him on that bed, just how much work it had been of late to sublimate his desire for him.

Obi-Wan had spoken of truths and untruths, and in part the younger man had been right. Qui-Gon had been denying for some time the truth of how deeply he loved and wanted Obi-Wan. And that denial itself had affected their relationship.

Technically, though, the Padawan should have respected his Master's choice not to pursue that path... But since when had he himself been practical? He could hardly blame Obi-Wan for taking action on something that was getting out of hand for both of them, though they would talk much more about Obi-Wan's methods of taking action. Involving an entire world's future was very much an error in judgement. Though Obi-Wan's intent had only been to force Qui-Gon to face their feelings and the true nature of their relationship, his choosing to do so while on a mission could have had a hefty price for a world of innocents.

But they would also talk more about Qui-Gon's habit of finding excuses to detach himself from Obi-Wan's presence whenever they returned from missions, given the fact of the last incident having led to Obi-Wan's brazen deception. Qui-Gon, of course, hadn't consciously realized that he had been distancing himself from his Apprentice at many an opportunity so that he could remove himself from temptation. He'd walked a fine line between consciously choosing not to pursue intimacy with Obi-Wan and subconsciously using that choice to deny the increasing seduction of that intimacy.

For his own lapses in judgement of late, Qui-Gon tasked himself with getting to the root of his reticence for that relationship with Obi-Wan. There was a fear there, a fear that a relationship or Qui-Gon himself, would somehow harm Obi-Wan.

He'd told himself that it was because it would endanger their Master/Padawan power structure. That excuse went out the airlock the second Obi-Wan's eyes trained on him in the ceremonial gifting room-- he'd realized at that moment that Obi-Wan held the ultimate power to either crush or reclaim his very soul, whichever Obi-Wan wished. And being perfectly honest with himself, Qui-Gon admitted that his Padawan had held a tendril of that power for quite some time. It was not, however, a realization that frightened Qui-Gon. It wasn't the trepidation that was holding him back.

Well, whatever that fear was, he wanted it found and destroyed. Nothing could compare to the feeling of utter freedom that crested over him when he made love with Obi-Wan. He wanted that feeling back again.

Qui-Gon snapped out of his reverie to see Obi-Wan carefully arching an eyebrow at him, that slightly brash expression lighting his face. Qui-Gon's groin tightened.

Whatever his fear was, it didn't stand a chance.

The End.