Doubts - Missing Scene from TPM

by Padawan-SaSch


Archive: M_A, any one else wants it - please ask

Pairing: Q/O

Rating: Just to be on the safe side I would rate it NC-17 for the last scene, rest of the story R

Category: First time

Warnings: TPM, and some minor spoilers for the Jedi Apprentice Books

Disclaimer: Characters portrayed within this story belong to George Lucas and LucasFilm. No copyright infringement is intended and no money was made off this story.

Summary: Read it and find out

Author's notes: Feedback good or bad (if it is constructive) welcome at Note: Flames are cheerfully ignored.

I'm no native speaker, this is my first story in the SW-Universe and my first slash story ever - keep that in mind before you hit me ;-)

Credits: Many, many thanks to my wonderfull betas {{{HUGS}}} Amber, Leigh and Jennifer ..... believe me - they probably saved me from embarassing myself :-)

".... and now get on board !", had been the last words from his Master. Swallowing his anger, Obi-Wan-Kenobi turned around and strode up the walkway into the Naboo Spacecraft. He heard the rustle as his Master kneeled down to talk to Anakin. Ignoring the hurt that tried to tear his heart apart he walked on.

Reaching the quarters he shared with his Master he flung himself down on one of the small cots. Sitting back against the cold metal wall, he hugged his knees to his chest and closed his eyes, intending to meditate to clear his mind.

Meditation was one of the most important techniques a Padawan had to Master before he was to be allowed to become a Jedi Knight.

Normally Obi-Wan had no trouble achieving a meditative state in which he was able to let go of everything and just let his being join with the Force. Not this time, too much had happened over the course of the last few days.

When had everything started to go wrong ?

He was about to quench the thought. "Wrong" was not the word a Jedi should use, everything that happened was connected to the force. But wrong was exactly the way he felt right now - his Master was about to exchange him for Anakin.


When Qui-Gon had asked him to analyze the blood sample he'd taken from the boy for the midi-chlorian count and the readings had been off the chart, a slightly uneasy feeling entered his mind.

Then his Master had returned from Mos Espa bringing the parts he needed to fix the hyperdrive generator on the spacecraft. He'd watched Qui-Gon mounting the eopie again. "Start getting this hyperdrive generator installed. I'm going back...some unfinished business. I won't be long", he'd said and the uneasy feeling spread further.

The first look he'd gotten at the boy that he believed was soon going to replace him at his Masters side was when Anakin burst into the ship yelling that Qui-Gon was in trouble. Focusing on the desert landscape that covered Tatooine, he spotted his Master fighting some thing a few hundred yards away from the ship.

He'd ordered the pilot to take off and fly low. Somehow Qui-Gon had managed to get on the still extended walkway. Fear had spiked through him when he'd arrived and found Qui-Gon lying on the floor. He'd not registered that Anakin had also run to his Master's side. Qui-Gon assured them that he was okay, but Obi-Wan had seen his Master fight before, and he'd never looked so beaten afterwards. There was no time to ponder his thoughts, "What are we going to do about it?" the boy had asked.


And then Qui-Gon had introduced them. He' d even managed a small grin.


Was he jealous of Anakin? Jealous about the way his Master looked at the youth?


They'd landed on Coruscant, and Obi-Wan had been relieved when the boy had gone with Jar Jar and Queen Amidala while he had gone with Qui-Gon to the Jedi Council

Qui-Gon'd related to the council what'd happened on Tatooine and had also informed them of his conclusion that the being he'd fought had been a Sith.

Since the Sith had been extinct for over a millennia, the council did not believe that they'd returned. However they had agreed that Queen Amidala was in grave danger and had to be protected. He'd then turned to go, but his Master had continued to face the Council telling them about the boy. It had been decided that the boy was going to be tested.

Later on he'd faced his Master while they stood on a balcony overlooking Coruscant telling him that the boy would not pass the Council's tests because of his age. Qui-Gon had promised that Anakin would become a Jedi, no matter what. Even though he'd tried to convince Qui-Gon to follow the code just for once, his Master had ended the conversation with the words "You still have much to learn, my young apprentice".


The Padawan opened his eyes and looked around the cabin, he felt cold, his body was numb. The next memory was the one that Obi-Wan dreaded the most, but he knew that he had to go through it again to try to understand why his Master had pushed him away.

Again they'd faced the council. This time the boy had been with them. The council members had tested Anakin and they'd agreed that there was something special with the boy. But when Qui-Gon asked if Anakin was to be trained they refused.

At first his Master had seemed shocked and Obi-Wan had felt, as hard as it was to admit, relieved. Then the nightmare had begun. Qui-Gon requested to take Anakin as his Padawan learner, and he'd felt as if someone had pulled the ground out from under his feet.

The Council had told his Master that it was impossible to take on a second apprentice. Instead of accepting their verdict Qui-Gon had told them that his Padawan was ready to take the trials. Even though he'd felt like something inside him was dying, he'd stepped forward and confirmed his Master's words. The Council would have none of it and had, dismissed them with the order to return with the Queen to Naboo. Anakin was allowed to stay with Master Jinn, but not as a trainee.

He'd left the Council room ahead of his Master too hurt to face him at the moment.

There was something about the boy that alarmed him. Something dark, just out of reach of his conscious thoughts. Walking towards the Nubian Ship on the Senate's landing platform this night he had tried again, tried to convince his Master that Anakin was dangerous - this time Qui-Gon had almost angrily sent him on board.


Swallowing against the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat, Obi-Wan opened his eyes. He was still alone in the cabin. The vibrations in the wall he leaned against and the slight hum he heard signalled to him that the ship was about to take off.

It would be a few hours before they'd reach Naboo. He felt a bone deep weariness spread through his body. Normally he would be at his Master's side, but that place was not his any longer, despite what the council said.

For the first time since Qui-Gon Jinn had taken him as his apprentice just a few weeks before his 13th birthday he felt hopeless.

Yes, he wanted to become a Jedi Knight more than any-thing else, but not at such cost.

His Master had always informed him of important decisions before he told anyone else. Why did Qui-Gon not tell him beforehand that he thought his apprentice was ready to take the trials, and that he intended to take Anakin as his new Padawan?

"Anakin will become a Jedi...I promise you", a part of the conversation with his Master on the balcony drifted back into his conscious thoughts. Had that been a warning? Should he have known then what his Master was about to do?

Had the years they had spend together as Master and Padawan really meant so little to Qui-Gon that he pushed him away without second thoughts?

While trying to come up with a reason to explain what had happened, self-doubts began creeping into his mind.

When he'd first met Qui-Gon Jinn at the Temple, the Jedi Master had refused to take him as a Padawan learner, and Obi-Wan was well on his way to join Agri-Corps on Bandomeer. On his way there he'd blamed himself for being not good enough to be a Jedi. Fate however had other ideas and he'd ended up as Qui-Gon's Padawan despite being rejected earlier. They made a good team and a deep friendship soon developed between them, but Obi-Wan never really shed his fear of being abandoned by his Master - and now it had happened.

As he continued to ponder, sleep claimed Obi-Wan, but it was not restful.

Images flared through his mind, too fast to fully grasp, but they all contained him standing alone somewhere And watching his Master teaching Anakin. Voices were taunting him, "You are nothing, not worthy to be a Jedi..." and there was something else, something dark and evil hidden in the whirling shadows that surrounded him, slowly growing bigger and stretching its deadly tendrils towards him.

Gasping he awoke not even half an hour after he'd drifted off. Cold sweat beaded on his forehead, and he had a feeling that he was being watched.

Slowly turning towards the door, he saw his Master standing there, a concerned look on his face.

Qui-Gon had tried to reach Obi-Wan through the mental bond they shared just after he'd talked to Anakin outside the Nubian spacecraft, but the younger man had erected strong mental shields intended to keep everyone out. The Jedi knew full well that he had hurt his pupil deeply, but he also knew that if Anakin was not to be trained as a Jedi he would be very dangerous.

Maybe he should have warned Obi-Wan that he thought the young man was ready to take the trials that would make him one of the finest Jedi Knights ever, but everything had happened so quickly, maybe too quickly.

Knowing that Obi-Wan needed a little time to himself, he kept out of their shared quarter.

He'd just left Padme's quarters where he'd left the boy when he had felt a wave of great anguish along the bond that linked him to his padawan. The mental shields had crashed, and the disturbing images of Obi-Wan's dreams flooded into his mind.

Hurrying along the corridor, he reached the cabin and opened the door, Obi-Wan was writhing on the small cot, caught in his nightmarish visions.

Then suddenly as if the young man was aware of his presence, the struggles ceased and he awoke with a gasp.

Quickly composing himself and pasting a blank expression over his face the young man sat up, "Master".

Qui-Gon sighed as he saw the flash of pain pass over his apprentice's face before he was able to school his features into a blank expression. He pressed a button on the wall and with a soft noise the door slid shut. Then he walked over, "Obi-Wan, I think we need to talk".

Obi-Wan did not answer.

"I'm truly sorry that you had to go through all that happened during this last day", the Jedi Master addressed his Padawan.

Still the young man did not answer, his eyes firmly fixed on the floor.

Stepping closer the Jedi Master reached out and gently cupped Obi-Wan's chin with one hand, forcing him to look up, "Please, listen to what I have to say, Obi-Wan. You can despise me all you want later, but please listen to me.."

What had his Master said? Despise him?, "I could never despise you, Master", he said out loud before Qui-Gon was able to finish his request.

Qui-Gon let go of his apprentice, knowing now that he had the young man's attention. "Don't be so sure, my young apprentice. What I did to you in front of the council is inexcusable. I should have spoken to you first".

Making sure that he still looked into the younger man's eyes, he continued. "I want you to know, that everything I said is true. You are ready to take the trials, there isn't really much more I can teach you, Obi Wan. You must know that I never intended to hurt you. I don't want to let you go, but every teacher has to give his pupil a chance to fly on his own someday and I'm afraid that time has come faster then both of us realized. I should have talked to you about this before we started on our mission."

"I understand, Master. I'm sorry about my earlier behavior. I..", he trailed off.

"No need to be sorry, Padawan. You were acting according to your feelings.Even though we are Jedi, we are not machines. Know this Obi-Wan, you mean more to me than a son. After Xanatos I was devastated. I thought about giving up. Then there was the mission to Bandomeer and you know about the rest."

For the first time in years, Obi-Wan allowed himself to really look at his Master, not as a teacher but as the man he was. What he saw took his breath away.

He'd felt a deep love for his Master since the day he had taken him in, but it has always been a kind of love someone had for a father or a good friend. When he'd turned 18 he'd discovered that there was more to it - he discovered that he really loved his Master. He'd spent nights fantasizing about the Jedi.came rushing back to him.

When his Master stopped speaking, Obi-Wan realized that he was staring at his Master's body, unable to suppress the desire he felt spreading through him. Afraid of the reaction he would receive from the other man he tried to force his feelings back. Closing his eyes, he tried frantically to erect mental shields to hide his thoughts from his mentor.

Afraid that Qui-Gon would find out and send him away, he had buried the feelings deep inside, but they'd never really vanished. Now, that Qui-Gon stood before him he allowed the feelings to resurface.

While he talked to his Padawan, Qui-Gon noticed just how much the young man had changed over the years. He had grown from a lanky teenage boy to a beautiful adult, his body no longer that of the child he once was.

Obi-Wan was not tall, but he was not too small either, with a well-muscled frame. His eyes were the color of an emerald forest.

The Jedi Master had always tried to ignore the beautiful man his padawan had grown into, trying to focus solely on their friendship and teacher/pupil-relationship. He had to admit that since he had just told Obi-Wan that he could no longer be a teacher to him, the feelings he had always suppressed

It was to no avail. Qui-Gon had easily picked up on the younger man's desire, not through his thoughts but through the look in his eyes. It did not shock him to find his own feelings matching those of his apprentice.

However he felt Obi-Wan try to reign his emotions in, and for a second time he reached out. While he gently forced the young man's face up, he opened their mental link and sent a single command, "Don't".

Obi-Wan opened his eyes and was instantly mesmerized when he saw his own desire mirrored in the intense blue eyes of his Master.

Blinking his eyes in an attempt to clear what he was sure was a vision from his mind, he was not prepared when he suddenly felt soft lips touching his own. His surprise only lasted a second before he responded to the kiss.

Each of the men savored the feeling of the other's lips on their own and soon the intensity changed from a soft kiss to inviting each other's tongue to join in a dance.

Panting, they had to withdraw after a while, facing each other. Qui-Gon was the first one able to get himself enough under control to be able to form a question that would determine the outcome of their lives. "Are you really sure about this, Obi-Wan?", his voice husky with passion.

Unable to form a sentence, Obi-Wan opened the mind-link. A tear spilled over his eyelash and rolled down his cheek, "Yes, Master. This is all I have ever dreamed of. I love you with every- thing that I am. Please, don't deny me this".

"Oh my Obi-Wan, I would never deny you something like this. I love you, too", with that he hugged the younger man to his chest.

Obi-Wan relaxed and returned the embrance, still not quite believing what was happening. The older Jedi's hands started moving along his shoulders, back and forth, soothing and relaxing, trying to calm the ragged breathing.

They kissed again, this time with an urgency entered their movements which had not been there before.

Soon, clothes were shed.

Nipples hardened when hands, driven by lust, stroked over them.

Hearing his apprentice moan in delight at the action, Qui-Gon swept his hands across the touch sensitive tips of the nipples again.

They followed their passion, nibbling earlobes and licking across throats.

The last clothing barrier disappeared, allowing hard cocks to spring free of their confinements.

Not longer able to stand, Qui-Gon pushed Obi-Wan down on the small cot before sinking down himself.

Obi-Wan seized each of his Master's nipples between his teeth, giving them a light bite.

Escaping his apprentice's torturing hot mouth, Qui-Gon turned his head downward to lightly lick the younger man's belly, enjoying the rippling muscles he felt as result.

Head thrown back in a silent cry of passion, Obi-Wan did not resist when hands descended further to nuzzle his stiff cock. Not even realizing what he was doing, he began to mirror his Master's movements.

Within moments, they were not able to hold back any longer and both came with a silent cry of the other's name on their lips.

Sinking back down on the small cot they'd used for their lovemaking they tried to grasp what'd just happened.

Shivers wracked Obi-Wan's body. He was not sure if it was from the relative cold air that circled through the spacecraft, or the strong emotions he still felt rushing through their mental bond. Qui-Gon pulled him close, pressing a kiss to Obi-Wan's forehead as he whispered words of comfort into the younger man's ear.

Slowly the shivers dissipated, letting the Padawan relax once more into the warmth of the body besides him. The two stayed like that for awhile, feeling content just to lie there.

Untangling himself from the now boneless heap that was a sleeping Obi-Wan proved to be quite a task, but Qui-Gon mastered it without waking the younger man up.

He tenderly stroked the sleeping Padawan's cheek before grabbing his clothes and dressed.

After cleaning up the result of their lovemaking, he stood before the cot, watching the man that for now still was his Padawan, but also so much more.

Examining his feelings, he was glad that he found nothing more than acceptance for this new form of their relationship.

Aware that they'd soon had to meet the Queen to discuss their further actions, he carefully woke up Obi-Wan.

The End