Distress Call

by Storm{X}Padmé

Series: Star Wars: Out of the force
author: Storm{X}Padmé; myself ;)
language: English, but that's not my native language, so please forgive me my mistakes. Betas always welcome! Please contact me at bteena@chello.at
Disclaimer: All Star Wars characters belong to George Lucas, LFL and else. Not mine. I’ll give them back, I promise. I’m just borrowing them. I won’t hurt them... Not much, anyway *G*
Universe: AU; based only on the Star Wars movies (OT + PT)
Timeline: during Star Wars- Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Romance: Anakin/Padmé, Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon (vaguely mentioned)
Rating: none, I think
Summary: A distess call in a crisis...
Feedback: Will not only be appreciated but also hugged, loved, kissed, petted and called George ;)
Thanks to: My German Beta Sol, my dear readers Ani und Visi and to Minzi who always gives EU information! *huggles*

'Incoming intercom-message.'


'Negative. Protected audio message on private channel.'

"Open channel. Whoever you are, I'm not interested."


"Well, well, General Kenobi... How's the fight going?"

'We're losing.'

"Ever since the first day the Jedi went into war for the Republic."

'I didn't call you to argue with you, Master.'

"You wouldn't need a private channel for that, no. Coming here would have been faster."

'My job doesn't leave me time for private journeys, Master. No matter how much I want them.'

"You've become like them, Obi-Wan... Now you learned to lie. Wouldn't it have been a disaster to bring your Padawan to Tatooine... before his mother was killed."

'There was nothing we could do for Shmi.'

"Not by strictly following the rules of the order, that's right. Did you contact me to argue with me after all, Obi-Wan?"

'No, Master. I...'


'Yes, Ma... Qui-Gon.'

"It's been to long."

'I know. Old habit. I need your help.'

"Ah. After all these years you finally admit you can't make it alone?"

'I always was alone. The only one I would have confided in left me after he imposed the training of his so-called chosen one on me.'

"You knew exactly where I was."

'That's not the same.'

"Not for you. For you there never was anything but the order. I never could teach you to question the decisions of your elders. Not even my decisions. Particularly, not my decisions."

'Shouldn't I have trained the boy?'

"That was your decision."

'And your request.'

"Before I returned from the dead."

'You weren't dead.'

"Still sweating the small stuff."

'It's out of control, Qui-Gon. I lost Anakin.'

"What happened?"

'Too much to tell. Palpatine... And Padmé... The Republic is fallen. The Jedi... There are incountable deaths. The order is shattered.'

"It already was years ago. Too bad nobody realized. Perhaps the destruction could have been stopped."

'You already know!?'

"I'm living on Tatooine, Obi-Wan, not in a black hole."

'But why...?'

"Why I didn't come? Perhaps you'll remember that I'm no longer a member of the order. My fighting skills have rusted considerably. If I'm to choose between dying on Tatooine in loneliness or getting shot by the blaster of a malfunctioning clone, I've found my place."

'I don't know you anymore. It's our duty...'

"Don't tell me about duty, Obi-Wan. I've already had a Sith stabbing me for a dying Republic when your knighting was nothing but a sparkle in your eye. They thanked me in taking Anakin from me when I wasn't able to prevent it. Master Yoda has ignored my judgement back then. I very much doubt he wants to come back to it now."

'Master Yoda is trying to stop the Imperator. I don't even know if he's still alive.'

"You don't know? That little I have trained your force skills?"

'He's alive. But I don't know for how long.'

"Shouldn't you be with him then?"

'That's not my mission.'

"No. Your mission is to kill your own pupil."

'He's not my pupil any longer.'

"He's not your Padawan any longer."

'Who's sweating the small stuff now?'

"And now you expect me to help Yoda? I doubt the fight will go that long."

'No, Qui-Gon. I don't expect anything. We've left these times long behind. I'm only asking you, even if I don't have a right to. I'm asking you for help for a last time. We've already faced and destroyed a Sith together in the past. I hope we can do it again- or the galaxy will die.'

"Nothing will ever die in the Force, my old pupil. I wish you would have understood that lesson. Then you could have let me go back then. And I wouldn't be cursed to watch the order take its last breath now."

'Is that a Yes?'

"I'm awaiting your coordinates."

"Only a Sith knows nothing but extremes. I'll do what I have to do."

"You will try."


"Master Qui-Gon!"

"It's not too late, Anakin."

"You're the last person I would have expected on the side of the traitors, Master Qui-Gon. Not after you left the order behind."

"You betrayed yourself, Anakin. What's become of your dreams to travel to the stars?"

"I wish you would have let me die a slave."

"You were the chosen one."

"From your mouth that still sounds like an honor."

"No, Ani. It's a burden that you took upon yourself. I warned you."

"You should have made yourself more clear. Nobody told me that I'd be damned to live without feelings once I'd leave Tatooine."


"You left me alone, just like everyone else, Master Qui-Gon."

"Your hate is making you blind, Anakin. You're not longer able to see those who love you. What is it that Padmé had to pay the price for?"

"Anakin, no!"


"Master.. No..."

"Go, Obi-Wan. Don't make it worse. You've got a mission to complete."

"Don't leave me again, Master!"

"I never left you, Obi-Wan."

"I disappointed you..."

"No, Obi-Wan. It's the prophecy that none of us could foresee. You're the only one who can save us now. Bring it to an end. No matter how. There's still hope."

"Not for Anakin."

"No. Not for... Anakin."


"Go! It's over. Help those... you still can help."

"I can't take this burden again, Master. I'll fail again."

"There's no... failure, Obi-Wan. You can only lead... your... pupils. Bring them... to safety. When the time is right... you'll know."


"Now go. Time's running out."

"I love you, Master."


"Master... No..."

'Master Kenobi! What happened?'

"Nothing that you won't learn from the Holonet-News. I'm calling you with a request."

'I can see.'

"I can't take care of the child myself, Lars."

'Good for the child. My wife will expect you. I guess you'll find the way to our farm. Will you join your Master out there in the dune, Master Kenobi?'

"Master Qui-Gon didn't survive our last fight for the Republic. The Sith were stronger."

'You should have thought of that before you took Anakin away from here.'

"Take care of the child."

'With the only condition that I will never see you again after you brought him here, Master Kenobi. The Jedi have destroyed this galaxy.'

"I'm in no position to contradict you, Lars."