
by kaly (razrbkr@juno.com)


Series: IS: Missing Moments # 14
Rating: G
Archive: m_a
Classification: short story, series story
Warnings: AU (compared to JA), knowledge of Inner Strength series will help.
Spoilers: none
Summary: Qui-Gon helps Obi-Wan with his homework.

Feedback: I always appreciate it :)

Notes: Just keep in mind that Jedi five years olds aren't your typical five year olds. ;)

Thank Yous: to Marzilla for reading it over for me :) and my roommate for her... insightful (if not all helpful) title suggestions.

Disclaimer: the only thing that belongs to me in the following story is a dislike for spelling tests - I was a total terror as a child when I had to learn spelling lists. Alas, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon aren't mine - they're the underutilized property of George Lucas.


"No, no. That's not how you spell it." Qui-Gon corrected, holding the lightslate where Obi-Wan could see it. "G-n-o-m-e."

The little boy looked up at him with wide eyes. "But that's not how it sounds."

Qui-Gon shook his head. "I'm sorry, Obi-Wan. But it's how it's spelled."

"I don't understand why I have to know anyway." Making a frustrated noise, Obi-Wan crossed his arms over his chest and fell back onto the couch. "I've never even seen one, are they even real? Besides, I hate spelling. It's boring."

"Boring or not, you need to know. And you never know when you might chance upon one." The Jedi master didn't smile at the pout forming on Obi-Wan's face. He had many years of experience of not smiling even when part of him wanted to do nothing but. "Now, try again."

The child shook his head, staring straight ahead. "No."

Qui-Gon blinked. It was the last response he had expected from the usually cooperative little boy. Usually he wasn't quite so stubborn. However, if there was something Qui-Gon excelled at, it was winning a battle of wills with anyone -- even a five year old.

"Obi-Wan . . ."

"No," he repeated, again shaking his head.

Taking on his best Jedi master pose, Qui-Gon shook his head. "Obi-Wan, that's a very poor attitude to take."

He looked up at him through his bangs, making him look even younger than his five years. "Attitude?"

Somehow Qui-Gon didn't sigh. Almost, but not quite. "Sitting there all puffed up like you're being forced to eat a bowl of Yuris pudding." At that, Obi-Wan's face did screw up into a grimace. "There now, spelling doesn't seem so bad, no?"

"Still boring," Obi-Wan continued to protest. He looked at Qui-Gon, worry etched around his eyes. "Being a Jedi isn't all boring, is it?"

"No, it's not all boring, little one." Qui-Gon settled back into the couch next to Obi-Wan. Holding up his arm, he waited until Obi-Wan was settled in next to his side. "But we do not become Jedi for adventure."

Obi-Wan thumbed the lightslate that was glowing with his spelling list. "Then why? I mean, who wants to just spell stupid words?"

"We don't just spell, Obi-Wan. And words aren't stupid." He added the latter as an afterthought.

Qui-Gon rubbed a hand over his face. He had faced armies and kings. Neither were as tiring as a five year old who didn't want to do his homework. Something was beginning to make him think that Elyzabe had lied when she said this would be no trouble. For her maybe, a part of his subconscious added.

After a long moment of silence he added, "The Jedi help others, little one. It's our duty."

His eyes not leaving the lightslate, Obi-Wan laid his head on Qui-Gon's chest. "Duty? But I'm a little boy."

Qui-Gon's eyes sparkled as he realized his opportunity. He'd hate to think how close his reputation as a negotiator was to being ruined by a child. "You too have a special duty, little one."

Surprise flooded their bond as the boy turned to look at Qui-Gon. "I have a duty? Really? Like a Jedi?"

"Yes, like a Jedi." Qui-Gon did smile at that. "Because you are a Jedi, even now."

Excited, Obi-Wan dropped the slate on the couch and crawled up on Qui-Gon's lap. "What? What is it?"

Hiding the humor from his voice, Qui-Gon replied in a level tone. "Your spelling words. It's the duty of all young initiates to know how to spell the word gnome."

Somehow, Obi-Wan managed to look deflated and annoyed at the same time. He had recognized the shine in Qui-Gon's eyes a moment too late. His lower lip sticking out in a pout, Obi-Wan shook his head. "You don't play fair."

"I'm a Jedi," Qui-Gon replied, ruffling Obi-Wan's hair with one hand. "I always play fair."

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, almost smiling but not quite. "Tell that to someone who'll fall for it, Master Qui-Gon."

"Not you?" Qui-Gon asked, trying to look hurt.

Shaking his head, Obi-Wan laughed. "Nope."

"Well then, spell Yuris pudding."

"What?" Obi-Wan's laughter-bright eyes widened. "That's not on my list."

Making a show of looking confused, Qui-Gon tilted his head to the side. After a moment of pretending to think, he nodded. "So it is. Well then, how about gnome?"

The little boy groaned and dropped his head onto Qui-Gon's chest. "Didn't we already do this one?" the words were muffled by the dark cloak.

"Do or do not, little one," he said to the top of Obi-Wan's head.

Obi-Wan peeked up at Qui-Gon through his bangs. "Is it my bed time yet?" Faking a yawn, he made a show of stretching his arms up over his head. "I'm so tired."

"Somehow I doubt that." The Jedi master smiled, "But if you want me to take you back to the sleep rooms, I will."

His bluff called, Obi-Wan sighed. "Okay, okay. Gnome. Let me think for a minute."

Qui-Gon nodded, well aware that minute could quickly turn into an hour if he wasn't careful. Mentally he shrugged and hid a wicked smile. It would serve Elyzabe right, after all.

After a long silence, he pushed the thought away. "Okay, little one. You've stalled long enough."

"But I'm still thinking," Obi-Wan insisted.

"About a particular kitten in the Animal Gardens maybe," Qui-Gon replied with a knowing smile. "But somehow I doubt spelling was very high on the list."

A pink blush colored Obi-Wan's cheeks at being caught. "But I haven't seen him in forever, Master Qui-Gon. Ages and ages."


When Obi-Wan nodded, he settled on a new course of action. Where reasoning failed, let bribery work. Elyzabe was going to have his hide.

"Well, how about if we finish these spelling words in the next half hour," rather than the next three days, he added silently. "I'll take you to see Fyre before bedtime."

He knew he was onto something when Obi-Wan's face lit up and he threw his arms around Qui-Gon's neck. "You mean it? You promise?"

"Of course." Qui-Gon wrapped an arm around the boy, to keep him from tumbling onto the floor. "But you have to finish your words."

Suddenly encouraged, Obi-Wan all but jumped onto the couch in search of the lightslate, which had fallen between the cushions. Handing the slate to Qui-Gon, he sat back down beside him. "Okay, ask."

Qui-Gon smiled. Maybe he would keep his reputation intact after all.
