Deus Ex Machina


Title – Deus Ex Machina
Author – MAS*MAS
Archive — Only on M/A
Category – Qui-Obi, Plot-What-Plot
Rating - NC-17
Warnings – Hot, Eager Jedi Love. One or two swear words.
Spoilers – ROTS, TPM
Summary – Immediately Post-ROTS. Desperate excuse for a reunion scene. Obi rants and raves emotionally.
Feedback — Yes! Feedback is craved as much as Jedi-Love! Feed the happy plot-bunny.
Disclaimer — Naturally the following characters are from the mind of one Mr. Lucas. Also, not sure where it comes from precisely, but I learned the name of the ship from the published version of ROTS, by Matthew Woodring Stover. No money being made. Only fantasies. *_^

"Concentrate," Yoda commanded in a gentle and patient voice.

Obi-Wan Kenobi kneeled on the floor with his usual fine posture, except for the fact that his eyes were screwed shut in his over-exertion of trying to channel whatever link he was supposed to find. To his massive disappointment, he could not seem to find any type of link in the Force that would allow him to commune with Qui-Gon. His frustration grew apparent and anyone could see this was going nowhere.

"Perhaps busy he is." Suggested Yoda.

At that moment Obi-Wan's entire concentration shattered, "Busy? With what?!"

"Broken the link you have."

"I never found it in the first place!" Snapped Obi-Wan. He regretted his manner as soon as the words escaped him, "Forgive me, Master Yoda. I am so very tired. The idea of moving to that desolate planet for what could be the remainder of my life is very taxing on my mind and body," Obi-Wan confessed before he ran his right hand up and down his face in a sad attempt to rouse himself into a more awakened state; he was truly exhausted by the limitless events in the past several months. Fighting in endless battles, discovering lies and deceit after every turn, and at the end having his best friend and only student turn to the Dark Side have all taken quite the toll on Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Fear not," Said Master Yoda as he walked to the window in the calm emptiness of the sterile, white meeting room aboard the Tantive IV, "Keep up with your attempts. Soon will you be in communiqué with your old master."

"As you say, Master."

Detecting Obi-Wan's continuing troubled emotions, Yoda put his clawed hand on his knee and said, "Perhaps in the solitude of exile, comfort we will find."

"Perhaps, my friend." Obi-Wan looked up and was not entirely surprised to meet an equally aged and tired look in Yoda's eyes. After a brief and sincere exchange of good-byes, Obi-Wan and Yoda parted. The older master remained in the room while Obi-Wan donned his robe and strode quickly down to the aircraft bay at the other end of the spaceship.

Obi-Wan entered the humble dwelling in the lonely patch of desert on Tatooine that would be his home for the next epoch of his life. He set his few belongings near the entrance, looked around the single story home and took in the numerous windows and random shelves in the walls. Scattered in a corner were some places to sit, and in an adjacent room further back lie the sleeping room.

"Coat of paint, a couple of throw pillows...this place could be home," Obi-Wan said sarcastically. After stowing away his clothing, he decided to attempt communing with Qui-Gon, as Yoda had previously instructed. The trouble was almost equivalent to making a call on a cellular communication device when there were no signal bars on the screen. If anything, one receives a static-filled message or no message at all. Obi-Wan kneeled on the cold hard floor and focused his mind on the task at hand. Two sore knees and two clenched fists later, he decided that this was going nowhere. After several fruitless attempts, he fixed on the fact that Yoda may have been mistaken about Qui-Gon's supposed discovery of immortality. Trying to find a single voice in the limitless expanse of the Force was not a task easily done. He would not give up, but for now he intended to take a prolonged break.

Finally having settled in and found a place for everything except for himself, Obi-Wan decided it was time to seek the sleep he so desired and lacked for as long as he could remember. After pulling out just a pair of simple drawstring pajamas and slipping into them, he climbed into bed. He drew a deep meditative breath and attempted to withdraw all of his stress and negative thoughts with its exhalation. When that obviously failed, he snuggled closer to his one pillow and curled into a tighter fetal position. When he could curl himself no further, he grunted and tossed and turned. After nearly an hour of pretending he could finally fall asleep, he flung his pillow and sheet off the bed. He lay there on his back, glaring at the ceiling with all four limbs dangling off the bed. He thoroughly harrumphed and got out of bed.

"Food. I haven't eaten in...well, I can't remember the last time..." Obi-Wan mumbled and rationalized to himself as he strolled back into the living quarters and rubbed his eyes with clenched fists. He figured food might settle his tightly strung nerves. As soon as his vision cleared he howled in utter shock. Quickly he gathered his nerves and summoned his saber from the sleeping room and in the blink of an eye had it activated. Though, he faced no enemy. Standing close to the couch, was the blue holographic form of his beloved Master, Qui-Gon Jinn.

"Obi-Wan." He simply spoke. He looked as he always had. He stood and appeared as Obi-Wan had chosen to remember him. He stood serene and composed, as if the last decade and a half had not occurred. He stood stoically in his Jedi panoply of robes and tunics and gazed longingly at Obi-Wan.

Since he did not know how to react, Obi-Wan did not. He simply remained in his ready-to-attack stance and stared incredulously with ragged breaths at the figure before him.

"Are you going to say hello?" Qui-Gon smiled warmly, as if there were no ethereal boundary between him and Obi-Wan.

"Hello? Hello," Obi-Wan disengaged the lightsaber and placed it on the table nearest to him, "Hello to someone who hasn't spoken a word to me in years... Not one guiding word. You never tried to contact me from...wherever it was or is that you...For Goodness sake! I needed you! I-" as Obi-Wan attempted to spill forth what conflicting feelings have been brewing in him. He wanted to tell Qui-Gon how elated he was to see his beloved Master again. Obi-Wan also desired to vent his anger and frustration at never having heard from his master after his death. Most of all, he expected and craved a corporeal Qui-Gon: one to whom he could run and seek comfort. He would have kept fuming his rage, but he had to shield his eyes and was baffled when the form of Qui-Gon grew brighter and brighter. Soon a supernova of white light erupted in the living quarters and Obi-Wan was forced to cover his face with his arms and turn away. When he could finally see again, he realized he had been launched across the room by some mysterious blast. If his eyes were not betraying him, there lain a crumpled heap of a human form across the room from him. He blinked in disbelief a few times then crawled on hands and knees across the floor. To his continued disbelief, he saw that this heap lying on its side was indeed Qui-Gon Jinn. To him, the silvered brown hair and broad shoulders were a dead give-away. He continued to stare and hover skeptically about the supposed body of Qui-Gon. Still not convinced, he poked him in the shoulder a few times. It took Qui-Gon a minute or two to respond to the incessant jabbing of his finger.

"Obi-wan..." He repeated, "Is that you?" He sat up a bit and gazed softly into Obi-Wan's disbelieving eyes.

"Is that me? Look who is asking!" Obi-Wan stood and paced to and fro as far as he could.

"Are you not happy to see me, my love?" Qui-Gon attempted to stand in his corporeal form for the first time again, but found he was relying heavily on the couch next to him. Once he steadied himself, he examined his clothes, his hands and his body as if he hadn't seen them in years. Truth be told, he hadn't.

"Happy to see you? Let us get some things straight, here. Master Yoda told me that I would be able to simply commune with you...but this! How can you possibly be here?! Your was burned...I haven't seen you in so long..." Obi-Wan continued to pace and vent his thoughts ceaselessly.

"I am here now. Please Obi-Wan, come he-" Qui-Gon advanced and attempted to embrace his former Padawan, but instead Obi-Wan shoved him back and slammed his fists onto his chest angrily. He could not handle all of this as reality on top of everything else that would not cease to brew in his mind.

"Where were you when I needed you!" Obi-Wan fumed and then faced the physical form of Qui-Gon for the first time in what felt to him like a lifetime, "I needed you so many times. Do you know what I have gone through? Don't answer; I'm not finished. I had done research long ago and know that it is not unheard of, for a master to contact from beyond, or the netherworld, or whatever it is called, so why? Not one guiding word. Why did I never hear from you? I was so alone," It was at those spoken words that Obi-Wan dropped his gaze and let the withheld tears of so much pain and sadness fall, "I needed you. Your touch. Your smile," He looked back up and truly saw the loving face of the master he so adored and wanted now nothing more than to accept the previously offered embrace, "Master?" Obi-Wan sniffled and opened his eyes wide and at the earliest sign that Qui-Gon was opening his arms again, he raced into the warm and soothing embrace of the one he loved.

"I've missed you, my Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said softly as he held the trembling man before him, "Hush, my love, you've experienced more turmoil than anyone should." He began stroking Obi-Wan's hair and rubbing his bare back. Obi-Wan hung this arms tightly around Qui-Gon's neck and buried his face in the crook of his shoulder, still muttering all that has been brooding inside of him and trembling more violently than he ever has.

"I failed everyone, Qui-Gon. I failed the council. Anakin. Where did I go wrong with Anakin? Did I forget something along the way? How could he have given in to darkness? And most of all," Obi-Wan lifted his head and gazed deeply into the penetratingly blue eyes before him and said, "I failed you-"

"Hush. Now you know that isn't true." Qui-Gon insisted and gently wiped the tears falling down Obi-Wan's face. He gazed lovingly and sympathetically into Obi-Wan's sadness-clouded eyes.

"But it is! I-" Obi-Wan was silenced by the soft placement of Qui-Gon's lips against his. He nibbled at Obi-Wan's bottom lip with both of his, urging him to relax, just like he used to. Obi-Wan moaned in gratitude and relief. He would have never in his wildest dreams imagined kissing this man again, at least not in this lifetime. Still, he needed this. He also needed confirmation. He broke the kiss while still clinging to Qui-Gon, "How is this possible? How can you actually be here? It's not the way of things...I have never read of this possibility after- after death... Is there just a closet full of Qui-Gon suits somewhere in the netherworld?" Even now, Obi-Wan's sarcasm drips through.

"All that time, spent away from you, not contacting you, it was spent trying to get to you. I knew, given our love, the ‘blue ghost' trend would never please you. You're quite fussy and difficult to please," That earned him a rare smile from Obi-Wan, "During all that time I was figuring out my way to you. That is all I know now. And truly, I do not wish to remember much more."

With that, Qui-Gon held him around the waist and pulled him closer, "You know, the beard is quite a different look for you. It will take some getting used to," He teased, tenderly stroking Obi-Wan's jaw line and studying the features that have dramatically changed over the years.

Obi-Wan laughed. He sincerely laughed and enjoyed it. It was a cathartic feeling to be held again and to smile and laugh. After seemingly endless death and destruction, he felt he would never smile again, "Your hair has gotten a bit longer too..." Qui-Gon playfully carded his hands through his hair.

"You haven't changed a day..." Obi-Wan said with a tear-soaked voice, staring at the beautiful features before him.

"Come sit with me, my Obi," Qui-Gon suggested and tugged him towards the couch.

There was a delayed response before Obi-Wan composed himself and spoke confidently, "No. I've got a better idea," Obi-Wan grinned wickedly and rather anxiously pulled Qui-Gon back into the direction of his sleeping quarters.

"Obi-Wan, I am not sure I am ready for that, seeing as how this is a little new for me again after some time of inactivit-" Obi-Wan ceased his words and elicited a gasp of surprise and pleasure from his love by running his hand down his abdomen and along the inside of his thigh.

"Inactivity, Master?" Obi-Wan said in a sultry tone, almost purring in Qui-Gon's ear and beginning to run his other hand roughly through his hair.

Before he knew it, his Obi-Wan had managed to pull both of them down onto the small bed and was hungrily seeking skin-to-skin contact, but Qui-Gon was a trifle bit unsure of this.

"Obi-Wan, you have been through so much, I am not sure this is what you need right now..." His plea was met with pleasure. Ob-Wan ravished the skin on Qui-Gon's neck while pulling and tearing at the robes covering his body.

"I am certain this is what I need," Obi-Wan growled as he proceeded to insert his hands into the folds of the clothing still modestly covering up the body of his timid partner laying underneath him.

"If you insist, my darling..." Qui-Gon threateningly spoke and suddenly flipped the two of them into reverse positions, ending with himself being on top and a very anxious and surprised Obi-Wan beneath him. With that, they fell back into their original song and dance. Qui-Gon knew where and how to pleasure Obi-Wan by barely touching him. A gentle bite on the neck here or a simple kiss on the collarbone there would bring out the most orgasmic sounding gasps from Obi-Wan.

When his head cleared enough to resume his earlier task, Obi-Wan continued with the removal of Qui-Gon's seemingly endless robes, "Shouldn't you return to me unclothed, or something?" He asked jokingly and he peeled layer after layer off his body.

Qui-Gon had to chuckle at that, but breathed near his neck and replied with, "No, but you would like that, wouldn't you?" He received an enthusiastic moan of agreement. Obi-Wan finally managed to rid Qui-Gon of the bothersome upper garments and gaped at Qui-Gon's upper body like a hungry teenager with a dirty publication, "Please Obi, you're making me blush," He teased briefly, before laying a trail of kisses down the center of Obi-Wan's chest and carrying on downwards, even past his naval. Obi-Wan panted fervently, while Qui-Gon took his sweet time teasing and untying the drawstring on Obi-Wan's pajama pants, "Are you certain you want this?" Qui-Gon asked. He obviously knew the answer, he simply enjoyed driving Obi-Wan mad in bed.

"Nnnnmmah!" was the wordless, yet clear and impatient response he received. He could not help but smile at the fact that he had just physically walked back into Obi-Wan's life, and within minutes had the ability to reduce him to a moaning and panting mass of a very aroused man. With Obi-Wan's hands grasping at his shoulders and occasionally running his fingers through his hair, Qui-Gon roughly slid his pajama bottoms below his hips and further down his legs. Obi-Wan kicked them the rest of the way off and fixed his eyes onto Qui-Gon's. That moment quickly passed into the next where Obi-Wan was capable of no rational thought. In fact, he was capable of no thoughts: only sensations. The one sensation he focused on was the wet heat of Qui-Gon's mouth all over his cock for the first time in years. Obi-Wan cried out in unadulterated pleasure. It didn't matter how or what he was doing with his mouth, it was simply bliss for him. Soon the bliss ended and was replaced with another one. Qui-Gon had snaked upward to face him with a shit-eating grin of pure self-amusement.

Despite the former pleasure being denied to him, Obi-Wan still smiled and stroked his face while stating the obvious, "You stopped..."

"Very fine observation, my dear," Qui-Gon replied before latching his lips onto Obi-Wan's neck and ghosting his fingers over Obi-Wan's still very aroused phallus.

After a series of moans and almost whimpering sounds, Obi-Wan pleaded, "Mm-make me yours again...Qui-Gon..." He made sure that Qui-Gon heard him by placing his hand on the back of his head and turning it so that he spoke directly into his ear. Qui-Gon's eyes shot open a bit wider and he ceased his movements for a brief period before responding with a serious, "Of course, my love, if you're certa-"

He was stopped by the look Obi-Wan gave him that spoke with a loud, don't you dare ask if I am certain, but he replied calmly with, "Yes. Positive. Please..." he emphasized his desire by reaching for Qui-Gon's own half-aroused cock and nuzzling his face against Qui-Gon's. The intense craving for physical completion almost tore Obi-Wan apart. Years of denial and suppression of his own desires burst forth in these moments.

After a glance of trust shared between the two men, Obi-Wan turned over and placed himself on his hands and knees, waiting expectantly. After an awkward pause, Obi-Wan realized what was missing from this activity, "Oh, dear," He said and then Force-assistedly reached under a table near the bed and into his hands flung a small container.

From Qui-Gon's perspective, he saw a sexy back with prominent shoulder blades, and a head hanging down and after a few moments, that head flung up, as if he remembered he had the gas on, "Everything under control?" He inquired.

"Totally." Obi-Wan replied as he tossed the vile in the air over his head. Qui-Gon deftly caught it in his left hand and prepared Obi-Wan quickly, but still taking the time to tease, stroking his inner thigh with his warm and long fingers. Within moments Obi-Wan was squirming in front of him, but Qui-Gon always had a possessive grasp on his hips. Qui-Gon nimbly undid the front of his trousers and prepared himself as well.

Obi-Wan panted and swayed back and forth anxiously, never once looking back at Qui-Gon. He could feel the love, reverence, and desire all exuding from Qui-Gon. As soon as he regained the ability to form such thoughtful observations, he lost it again the moment Qui-Gon chose to penetrate and make Obi-Wan his, just as he had asked. He buried himself as far as physically possible and Obi-Wan cried out in absolute ecstasy. He tried to slam himself back further onto Qui-Gon, but his hips were still under complete control of the other man. Within seconds Qui-Gon settled the two of them into a fluid rhythm, driving Obi-Wan mad with pleasure. As soon as he almost entirely pulled out of Obi-Wan, he would glide back into him completely, practically guiding his hips, even though he did not entirely need to. Obi-Wan's body almost went limp with his enthusiasm to become entirely Qui-Gon's. He molded perfectly into his every touch and his rhythm. Qui-Gon was continually panting and occasionally groaned in pleasure. Right when Obi-Wan's arms began to tire, Qui-Gon bent forward and wrapped his arms around his torso and carried Obi-Wan with him when he straightened up again. Obi-Wan twined his fingers with Qui-Gon's and leaned his head back on his shoulder.

"My love," Qui-Gon purred into his ear before gently kissing the length of his neck. He also began to vigorously stroke Obi-Wan's since neglected penis once again. He received one startled gasp after another. Obi-Wan placed his hand on the back of Qui-Gon's head and threaded his fingers through his hair, gasping and moaning relentlessly. By this point, he had begun to simply slam rapid-fire into Obi-Wan. He panted hot breath onto his shoulder and focused entirely on giving Obi-Wan his release. Even though at any given moment Obi-Wan could let himself cave in, he chose to hang on, until after several minutes, he had to let go. He released everything inside of him. For the first time since he could remember, he had not a care in the world. He would have collapsed if Qui-Gon still had not been holding onto him. Within four or five more thrusts, Qui-Gon emptied himself into Obi-Wan. With their collective climaxes and exhaustion met, they both collapsed onto the bed. Several minutes were spent unmoving and heavily panting.

Finally, Qui-Gon opened his eyes and whispered possessively into his ear, "You're mine," He withdrew himself from Obi-Wan and threw his left leg over both of his, "and I love you."

That was the voice and the words that Obi-Wan longed to hear. He hardly knew how to respond because it still seemed to take him by surprise, "Oh...and...I love you,"Obi-Wan would have finished his statement, but the certain set of circumstances was perfect for him to actually fall asleep. If one takes into account his aforementioned exhaustion, adds the presence of his beloved, multiplies it by the number of sleepless and action-less nights, one would end up with a result that includes the sleeping form of one Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.