In Destiny's Hands

by Lokemele (

Rating: NC17

Category: A/U, Style Challenge

Notes: This is my first Qui/Obi story, after months of lurking on this list!! Not betaed, but I did read over it and run it through my spellchecker!!

Summary: During the period known as the Hundred Kingdoms, a wizard is taken hostage by a desperate Lord.

Archive: Yes, please, whoever wants it!! Just let me know where!!


"The snow's getting heavier, Dom Kyro," the leader of his escort said.

"Hmm, yes," Kyro-Gwynn Alliard, Underkeeper at Neskaya Tower, looked thoughtfully through the swirling flakes as if he could see well beyond them -- which was, in fact, the case. "We're nearing a castle; perhaps we can shelter there for the night, or however long this storm lasts."

"Very good, vai dom," the leader replied, "unless our host takes it into his head to detain us, or refuses us shelter altogether."

"We can but try," the laranzu told him.

They continued on and soon came to the castle. The corridom granted them entrance in the name of his master, Benjamin Delleray. Kyro-Gwynn and his escort shook off the snow which thickly covered them, and moved to the large fireplace in the main hall to warm themselves.

"Where are you bound?" asked the corridom, noting Kyro-Gwynn's nearly waist length light brown hair.

"We're returning to Neskaya Tower," Kyro-Gwynn said.

"You're a laranzu?" The corridom was shocked -- most of the vai leroni were either blonde or redheads.

Before anymore could be said, an inner door was thrown open and a young man stormed into the hall. It was easy to tell he was the master of the castle, from both his arrogant bearing and his gingery hair.

"Damn that ridiculous Tyall to Zandru's coldest hell!" he fumed, ignoring both his guests and the customs of hospitality. "Do you know what he wants to cement our alliance?"

The corridom cleared his throat and nodded toward Kyro-Gwynn, indicating his master's lack of courtesy. Their host then made the bare minimum of greetings and offerings, rushing through the ceremonies and dragging the luckless corridom off for further discussions.

Other servants showed Kyro-Gwynn and his escort to rooms. The one who escorted Kyro-Gwynn was very talkative. "Don't worry about Benjy -- since the old dom died a half-year ago, he's been hard-pressed to hold things together, with so many other lords eyeing his lands." He assumed the old woman had once been the young lord's nurse.

She halted in front of a door and opened it. "Here's your room, vai laranzu. Ah, the fire's burning nicely. You can rest and refresh yourself -- I'll be by in an hour to take you down to supper." She closed the door and left.

Kyro-Gwynn sat by the fire and pulled off his boots and stockings, holding his bare feet to the fire to warm and dry them. After they were warm and dry he put on dry socks and low felt house boots. The snow hadn't soaked through to his other clothing so he left them on.

He sat by the fire and thought about his young host and what had been said about him. If it were true, the young lord was in a very precarious position -- and by being here, so was he.

He was drawn from his reverie by a knock on the door. It was the old woman, returned to lead him to supper.

The fare was simple but filling -- it was the atmosphere that garnered the majority of Kyro-Gwynn's attention. Benjamin was surly the entire meal, casting an occasional glance Kyro-Gwynn's direction. His sisters -- there were four -- ate with downcast eyes and little appetite. The only people who were enjoying the meal were his escort and a few of the lesser servants, who didn't need to worry over the dom's mood.

Kyro-Gwynn surreptitiously watched his host. 'He's a handsome fellow -- or he would be if he ever smiled,' the older man thought. 'He shouldn't have a problem getting himself a wife.' Now why should the idea of some young lord bedding a bride bother him so much? He was doubly forbidden from pursuing him. While ombredin bonds were well enough for lads too young to wed, it was strongly discouraged when a man reached marriageable age. There was also the matter of age -- it was taboo for the young man to even see him nude, let alone lie with him.

Benjamin watched his guest, his mind running along similar lines. 'He'd make a valuable ally -- not only a laranzu, but a member of one of the Seven, the oldest ruling families on Darkover. Now which of my sisters should I offer him? Perhaps I should let him choose for himself.' He was as aware of custom as his guest, but the idea of offering himself to the tall, broad-shouldered laranzu simply wouldn't leave his mind. Mentally shaking off the idea, he resolved to keep him here until he agreed to an alliance.

The meal finally ended and Kyro-Gywnn returned to his room for the night. He could hear the hiss of snow blowing against his window and didn't need to open the shutters to know the storm which drove them here continued unabated. He changed into bedclothes and lay down, but before he slept he pulled out his starstone and gazed deeply into its depths, concentrating on the person he knew would be working the relays this night. Making contact, he quickly told them where he was and asked if they knew if the storm would abate quickly. He was told there were too many futures surrounding him at the moment --'Tread warily, for what you decide in the next few days will determine many futures,' he was warned. Not exactly what he needed to hear for a good night's sleep.

Indeed, his sleep was restless, with sensory impressions -- but no images -- of a man in his arms. Not one of the lovers he'd occasionally taken during his years in the tower, but a stranger to whom he'd given his heart. He awoke more than once to find himself covered with his own seed, his heart pounding. He hadn't experienced that since his adolescence and had to wonder why, and why now.

Kyro-Gywnn was awakened in the morning by a knock on his door and the appearance of a servant with hot water for washing. He was told he could have breakfast in his room or join the rest of the household in the dining hall. He opted for the latter, and went down to the hall after his morning ablutions were completed.

During breakfast he learned the storm continued and it was said by one old granny would was known to have Sight it would go on for several more days. After breakfast he was called into the dom's study. Benjamin sat behind an ancient carved desk and offered his guest a hot drink before beginning. "What position do you hold at Neskaya Tower?" "I am an Underkeeper," Kyro-Gywnn replied. "I am laranzu to the Third Circle."

'Powerful, then, if he works as Keeper,' Benjamin thought. "I have a proposition for you. My father's leronis died with him." His eyes closed in momentary grief, then reopened. "I find myself in need of another, and am willing to give you one of my sisters in marriage if you will ally yourself with my house."

A single raised eyebrow indicated Kyro-Gwynn's answer. "Why would I wish an alliance with you? I am pledged to the tower, in any case, and very happy there."

"I would make you and your sons my heirs, after my first-born son."

"Is that what Tyall wanted, in addition to one of your sisters?"

"He offered me a leronis to wife in the bargain."

"Why didn't you accept? A wife with a donas would be an asset; she might pass it along to her sons."

"If I knew I could trust her to be a wife, and not some spy for her kinsman!" 'I wouldn't dare trust a leronis as wife. She would quickly discover my secret and resent me for it. Better to wed one head-blind, even though laying with such a one feels like a perversion, like being with a dumb beast.' What he really wanted he dared not even think about with the laranzu so near. He had to put such desires aside and think of the good of his people, as he would have to wed a woman he could never love to father sons.

It was as if Kyro-Gwynn had indeed read his mind. "You'll need to wed sooner or later to father legitimate sons, unless you intend to name a nedestro your heir."

"I haven't even that option; no woman I've ever been with has produced a child she could honestly call mine."

"You're young yet; you still have time to marry and produce an heir. There are doubtless many possible brides in the area, and wedding to cement an alliance would be the best thing under the circumstances."

"If you were my ally you could help greatly in my choice of bride. Surely one of my sisters would prove suitable, and my offer of making you and yours my heirs is far more than you could have hoped for otherwise." Of all the ruling families the Alliards were unique in that inheritance passed through the female line rather than the male; even if Kyro-Gwynn had been first-born he stood to inherit nothing.

"I shall have to give the matter some thought, and as I cannot leave until the weather clears it would seem we have some time to consider and debate the merits of your proposal."

"Be sure I will do all I can to persuade you to my side." Kyro-Gwynn wished it were so, but doubted the young lord would promise the one thing that might convince him to stay.

They discussed it over lunch, where Kyro-Gwynn was formally introduced to Benjamin's sisters -- Dorilys, 20; Shaya, 18; Callista, 16; and Gisela, who at 14 was considered too young by both Benjamin and Kyro-Gwynn. Dorilys was somewhat misnamed, as her hair was a blazing red instead of the blonde it should have been. She had a strong donas, and had been tower-trained, but her father had called her home after she'd completed the minimum necessary to control her laran. Tall and slender, she would have made a Hastur a good wife. No, Kyro-Gwynn decided, his host should save her for an alliance with his neighbors, if one could be made.

Shaya's hair was red as well, but it was a dark wine color. As tall as her sister, she seemed to lack any laran, and doubtless wouldn't be considered a good marriage prospect. He debated the possibility of wedding her to keep her from growing into a bitter old woman, and placed it in the back of his mind to think on later.

Callista had enough Laran to be trained in a tower, but her gift wasn't especially strong. Tiny and slender with reddish-blonde hair, she barely looked as old as her sister Gisela, and strangers often mistook the girls for twins, much to her annoyance. The laranzu decided she was too small to safely bear his children.

If he had to wed one of the sisters, it would be Shaya, but he'd prefer to return to the tower. Actually he'd prefer to bed his host, but that wasn't really a feasible possibility. He fervently hoped the storm would end soon, before Benjamin discovered what he truly wanted.

The next morning dawned bright and clear, and brought with it a surprise -- an army camped practically at their door step. It was easily identified as Tyall's, with a scattering of Storn banners mixed in. A small party of riders broke from the ranks and rode forward to the gates. Benjamin recognized Tyall, and supposed the other man was a Storn, though he doubted it was the Storn of Storn himself -- probably a younger son trying to make a name and place for himself. He wondered if Kyro-Gwynn had ever entertained ambitions like the young blond lording below. He listened as his once-potential ally spoke.

"Hello the castle! I want to speak to Delleray; I have an offer for him!"

"Say your piece! I'm listening!"

"I'll allow you and any loyal followers safe passage if you surrender the castle and your sisters to me and my allies!"

"Unacceptable!" He turned from the battlements and bespoke his warleader. "How long can we hold against them?"

"It depends on how many leroni he has and what weapons they can throw at us, vai dom," the man replied. There was not much hope in his voice.

Benjamin turned to Kyro-Gwynn. "It's not likely he'll believe you're merely sheltering here from the storm. It seems we're allied whether we like it or not."

"It would seem so," Kyro-Gwynn agreed. "I'll need to gather everyone who has a scrap of laran in one of the upper chambers, well away from others. Depending on what we have we'll defend first and attack if we have any means of doing so. Will you be joining the circle?"

A typical question -- and impossible to answer. By rights he should join the circle; his laran was even stronger than his sisters'. He knew if he did, however, he left himself vulnerable to the circle's Keeper; Kyro-Gwynn could look into his mind and discover his darkest secrets. Still, it was his duty as vai dom and master of the castle, and he would do his duty to his folk irregardless of possible consequences. "I will; we will gather in the chamber my mo -- father's leronis always used for her workings." He strode away and Kyro-Gwynn followed, reviewing in his mind how many workers he would need for which defenses he could raise, and what weapons he could call forth if he had any extra energy.

Within the hour all who had laran were assembled in the chamber: Kyro- Gwynn, Benjamin, Dorilys, Callista, and a handful of others, most of whom had worked with the former leronis. They settled themselves around Kyro- Gwynn in a rough circle, prepared to open their minds to this new Keeper.

The laranzu began by removing the center chair and replacing it with a larger, sturdier one. He settled himself and asked if there was anyone present who could monitor the circle. Callista volunteered, saying her laran wasn't good for much else. Kyro-Gwynn pulled his starstone from its bag and focused on it to begin. His mind reached for Benjamin's --- --- and was nearly overwhelmed by his strength and determination, and something else which was hidden too quickly for him to see. Suppressing his own feelings, he swiftly matched resonances and brought that brilliant mind into synch with his own. The others were matched one by one, joining the group together as a single mind with Kyro-Gwynn controlling their energies.

The Keeper sensed another group gathering to strike and quickly erected defenses around the castle. He gauged the strength of the other group as they struck and was surprised to discover it was less than his own; he could launch a return strike that would probably kill the weaker members and severely disable the rest. After a few test strikes to learn the best way to deliver the blow, he launched the killing strike and watched as it hit home.

The effect was as devastating as he'd predicted; 3/4 of the attacking leroni were killed outright, and the survivors would be a long time recovering, if they ever did. No longer needing to defend, he launched an attack of his own against the army outside their gates; he simply placed the thought of fear into the minds of man and beast, and watched as they retreated in disarray, leaving weapons, armor, and other supplies behind.

Leaving the scattered remnants of the attacking force to more mundane defenders, he began releasing the minds of the others one by one until only Benjamin's remained. It felt so good to be joined with him like this, like finding a part of himself he hadn't known he was missing.

Yes came an answer from the mind remaining so close to his own, not wishing to part. To Zandru's coldest hell with custom -- I want you!

I desire you as well, Kyro-Gwynn sent into Benjamin's mind, but you are too young to bind yourself to me, and you'll need heirs.

Do not say that, bredu. He used the intimate inflection. They say 'Bare is back without brother'. Will you not cover my back?

I cannot. He thrust Benjamin from his mind as swiftly as he could without doing damage, though not without pain, and dashed from the room.

Kyro-Gwynn fled the room, running half-blindly through the corridors until he found his rooms and locked himself in, adding a warding spell only he could release. What in the name of all the gods was he thinking to allow his desires to escape his mind like that?

You were allowing yourself some honest human feelings.

It took him a moment to realize the thought wasn't his own, but Benjamin's.

"HOW DARE YOU!?" he verbally and mentally shrieked. "GET OUT OF MY MIND THIS INSTANT!!" He slammed down his shields, locking his mind as firmly as his door.

He collapsed on the bed and wept, sitting with his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees He hadn't lost control that badly in decades -- not since he'd completed his training as a Keeper. He needed to return to the tower -- but how could he get past his host without another confrontation?


Benjamin opened his eyes to see his sister Dorilys leaning over him.

"What were you thinking," she asked, "goading a laranzu like that? He'd be well within his rights to have killed you!"

He'd never had any secrets from his sister. "Our minds were so close; I -- offered myself to him, in gratitude for his aid."

"Impulsive as always," she sighed. "I suppose he castigated you thoroughly for having such feelings at your age."

"Not at first," he said. "He -- said he desired me, too, but would not allow me to bind myself to him, saying I must marry and have sons."

"You would do well to take such advice," his sister replied, "and as it happens you now have the means within your grasp to do so."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"While you were attempting to get yourself killed annoying our guest," she said, "I was checking with your warleader. Tyall and his Storn ally were both found dead on the field, from the strike launched by our circle. Among the wounded left behind were their leroni -- or what survived of them. Two of them are young women -- Tyall's kinswoman and what we might assume is a daughter of the House of Storn. They're both badly damaged -- likely as not they'll be permanently head-blind -- but they can still bear laran-gifted sons."

"Could you --" He swallowed and began again, "could you ask the laranzu to have a look at them? Tell him he has my word of honor I'll not disturb him or bother him further."

She nodded and left to ask their guest for his assistance once more.


Kyro-Gwynn lifted his head as a knock sounded on his door. "Who is it?"

"Begging your pardon, vai laranzu," Dorilys said through the door, "But we've found some wounded leroni on the battlefield and wish your help for them. My brother has given his word of honor you won't be bothered again. Will you come?"

"Give me a moment," he replied, "and I'll be right out." He splashed some water on his face to conceal he'd been crying and pulled some things from his saddlebags, then opened the door and followed Dorilys to where the injured leroni had been placed.

It was as bad as they'd feared -- the two young women were going to be permanently head-blind. The unknown lady of Storn died in the night, but Tyall's cousin Rohana survived, though she was slow-minded for the rest of her years. It was through her that they learned how Tyall's army had surprised the castle: Magda Storn, the lady who'd died, had been able to control the weather well enough to hold the storm around the castle while holding a corridor open for the army's advance.

"What are you going to do about her?" Kyro-Gwynn asked his host.

"If I don't marry her," Benjamin replied, "someone else will. At least if I wed her she won't be ill-treated."

Lacking any other Comyn representative, Kyro-Gwynn Alliard placed the copper bracelets making them di catenas -- forever bound -- on the arms of Benjamin Delleray and Rohana Tyall before leaving to return to Neskaya Tower.

It was nearly a year before Kyro-Gwynn left the tower again, but this time he knew he wouldn't return. All attempts to forget the young Lord of Delleray were futile, and now he rode to an uncertain reception. Would Benjamin take him back after all this time, or would he be scorned and sent away, to make his way as best he could in a hostile, loveless world?

He approached the gate and heard the guard hailing him, to which he replied by giving his name and asking if Dom Benjamin was within. The guard spoke to someone inside, then called down he had leave to enter as the gate opened. He urged his beast on inside.

He was greeted by the same corridom as the last time he was here, and ushered into the hall as his beast was taken to the stables. The corridom told him the vai dom would be along shortly while offering him mulled spiced wine. He heard a familiar tread as he stood warming himself by the fire, and turned to find Benjamin Delleray confronting him.

"Why are you here?" his host asked. He seemed older and more confident. Perhaps a bride HAD been what he'd needed.

"I -- gave back my oath to the tower," Kyro-Gwynn replied. "I could no longer hold myself to it."

"That only explains why you're no longer at Neskaya," Ben pointed out, "not what you're doing here."

Kyro-Gwynn's nerve failed him then, and he turned back to the fire. "I thought to see how you were getting along after your marriage."

"You'll doubtless be pleased to hear there's a possible heir to my estate on the way," the younger man said. "I've been tossed out of my own bed by my wife's midwife."

"I doubt you sleep cold."

"You'd be surprised." Ben called a servant over and instructed him to show the older man to a room. Kyro-Gwynn finished his wine and followed the man to a room which was in a different part of the castle from where he'd originally stayed. In fact, he thought it might be part of the original keep.

He enjoyed getting reacquainted with Ben's sisters over the evening meal, and learning Dorilys was betrothed to the son of a neighboring lord. The food was more sumptuous than the last meal he'd eaten here, and the mood far more relaxed, with an alliance in the works and an heir on the way. It seemed all was going well at Castle Delleray.

He was led back to his room and left to prepare for bed. He read for a short while and then disrobed and slipped between the covers. Soon after he dropped off to sleep.

He was awakened by someone sliding into the bed beside him. "I told you you'd be surprised," Ben told him before his mouth was claimed in a hard, passionate kiss.

Kyro-Gwynn pulled back as soon as his lips were released. "As I said, you don't sleep cold."

"I had been," Ben replied, "after the midwife threw me out."

"Whatever for? You could surely find any number of willing companions of either gender. The ladies would especially want to share your bed, in hopes of getting a second heir."

"Thank you, but I'd prefer to only produce legitimate heirs."

"Not the best way to ensure the continuance of the line."

"If you don't want me here, just say so and I'll leave."

"The gods know how much I've wanted you this past year. The thought of you invaded my days and nights; it was why I gave back my oath. I couldn't speak of it earlier because I was afraid you'd send me away."

"I'll never send you away -- it would be like sending away my heart."

Ben said no more, preferring to use his lips and tongue on his bedmate's skin. He kissed, licked and nibbled his way around Kyro-Gwynn's face, his tongue playing over the broken nose, his teeth nipping his earlobes, and his lips feasting on his neck below his neatly trimmed beard.

The older man wasn't idle; his hands roamed over his beloved's flesh, tracing contours and learning those places which made the other man shiver and moan with pleasure. Down Ben's well-muscled back, up his sides and across his chest to tease and fondle his nipples. He rolled his soon-to-be lover over on his back and began to feast on him in earnest, lips moving down over chest and belly to the young lord's manhood.

Kyro-Gwynn wrapped one hand around the swollen flesh as the other cradled the sack below it. He drew back the foreskin and teasingly licked the precome from the head. Ben cried out as he was expertly sucked, stroked and fondled to near-madness. The older man drew back as he released his seed and caught it in his hand, using it to open and stretch his most intimate opening.

"Do you understand what I'm about to do?" Kyro asked Ben. "Have you done this before?"

"Never before," Ben whispered, "but I know what men do when they lie together, and I want that from you."

"I'll go slowly, then," he said, touching his lover's mind and finding himself drawn into rapport, "to cause as little pain as possible."

Kyro positioned himself at Ben's opening and gently pushed past the ring of muscle, feeling it as if he were being breached again for the first time himself. There was a little pain, which he soothed with gentle kisses to Ben's mouth. He moved slowly, gauging his progress by what he was feeling from his lover's mind, as he knew Ben was experiencing what he felt through the rapport they shared.

It was far more intense than anything Kyro had experienced with any other lover, male or female, and he tried as best he could to prolong it as much as possible, but Ben was full of the impatience of youth and eventually prevailed. He felt his lover drop over the edge of release and swiftly followed, pumping his seed into his tight channel and howling out as he felt/heard Ben scream and clench around him, splattering them both with semen. It was more than their minds could encompass, and they willingly fell into darkness.

Kyro awoke moments later and pulled himself off his lover, twining his longer limbs around the still-insensate and much-beloved body as he drifted off to a well-deserved sleep. Ben stirred a little while later and snuggled deeper into the older man's embrace before dropping off as well.

They awoke in the darkness just before dawn and made love once again before parting. Ben showed his lover the secret passage leading to the room where Kyro slept, advising him to use discretion in taking the passages -- some were centuries old and no longer safe.

"I must go now," Ben said, "before I'm missed." He gave Kyro a last kiss and slipped away.

They continued to meet semi-clandestinely for the rest of their lives. Kyro's room was cleaned regularly even after he was wed to Shaya -- the servants were aware it was used by the pair, especially if one wife or the other was pregnant. Everyone thought it was a bit unusual, but no more so than keeping a barragana or other type of mistress.

Not that either man neglected his wife; Ben sired four sons and three daughters, and Kyro was father to a similar number of children. Shaya was well aware of the relationship between her husband and brother, and accepted it -- both men seemed to thrive in their closeness, and she had no worries about being set aside or forced to raise another woman's children. Rohana knew her husband sometimes slept elsewhere than their bed, but since he treated her well and gently otherwise she never complained.

Though Delleray Castle suffered occasional attacks over the years -- from catmen as well as human rivals -- Kyro-Gwynn led the defense until Ben's eldest daughter returned from her years as Keeper of Arlinn. By that time his hair was a snowy fall of white, and he looked a great deal like the cheiri who'd shared their blood with his ancestors. His knees and hips were knarled from the bone-ache that had started to set in, restricting his movements.

Still, it didn't restrict his activities in bed. He'd long since moved back into his old room -- with Shaya's full consent -- and Ben had joined him there, Rohana having passed on from a fever the year before. This was their room and their bed -- they'd never made love to each other in either bed they'd shared with a wife.

Kyro-Gwynn looked back on his life and found it had indeed been a good one -- full of love and children, even if he had had to endure battles and hardship. He closed his eyes and snuggled close to his Benjamin -- who in and of himself would have been more than reward enough.

Ben felt his beloved draw him closer and thanked all the gods for Tyall's attack all those years ago -- how else would they ever have found the joy and love they'd shared these past decades, and would continue to share the rest of their lives.