In Your Darkest Dreams

by by Emma Woodhouse (

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Warnings: Some of the festivities herein might squick the faint of heart. Some stuff is sort of non-con-ish. Sort of A/U-ish. Some characters may appear to be behaving in uncharacteristic ways.

Disclaimer: All the usual disclaimers. Don't own them, never will. George Lucas does, but one fervently hopes he's not reading this, because I think the dear soul would be simply too shocked for words.

Introduction: This is the first fanfic I've posted in, let's see now. Goodness, has it really been almost two years? For those of you familiar with my Voyager work, this will be quite a departure. As discussed on the mailing list, this seems to me to be a very lengthy PWP. Seek, if you wish, a theme or a moral, but this story came straight from the Id.

So without further ado, from my Id to yours. . . .

Posted: September 28, 1999

Part I

Waking up was a surprise, because it meant that he was still alive.

The young knight opened his eyes, but could see nothing in the dimness. He was lying on a soft surface. He tried to move his arms and legs. They met resistance. He was bound.

So his memory was correct. He had lost the battle. Surprising, though, to still be alive.

Obi-Wan took a deep breath, and reached out with the Force. He encountered nothing but massive, adamant Force shields. Very well, then, what could his more mundane senses tell him about the situation?

Sight told him very little. While not fully dark, the chamber was dim enough that nothing but vague shapes met his eyes. A faint hum and even fainter vibration told him that he was on a ship and the ship was travelling through space.

If this was a dungeon, it was not an uncomfortable one. No noxious odors or cold drafts or dankness or rustling of rats.

He would escape somehow.

Obi-Wan centered himself and sought calm. He thought back, seeking the memories of how he got into this predicament.

The Sith. That legendary villainy from the dimly remembered past had resurfaced to trouble the peace of the Republic. Many Jedi had faced the new Sith Lord, and none of them had succeeded. Singly and in force of numbers, they had all uniformly failed.

Why Master Yoda had thought that a new-minted knight with limited experience could succeed where so many others had failed was a mystery. But Obi-Wan's faith in the little Jedi Master was so absolute that when Yoda told him that he must face the new Sith Lord, he had taken the assignment without question.

A battle. He remembered the battle now, a lightsaber duel with the premier swordsman of the galaxy. It had been an epic affair, long and arduous, and all of Obi-Wan's athletic ability had been brought to bear. He could still feel the sense of fatalistic despair as his saber was wrested from his grasp, and then the blow to the head.

And that should have been the end of it. One more Jedi up against the Dark Lord, defeated and destroyed. But it seemed that he still lived. For the moment.

When he awoke again, there was more light. He saw now that he was lying on a large bed. His arms and legs were tied to the bedposts and he was naked.

Obi-Wan tried the Force again, hoping that the head blow had temporarily damaged his Jedi abilities, but once again the knots remained. He tried pulling, but the cords that bound him were too strong.

Interesting that the cording was of a soft material, and the bindings not tight enough to damage his hands and feet. It was a consideration that surprised him. Was he to be held as a hostage? But none of the other Jedi had been offered in trade.

He could raise his head a bit and look around. The chamber was large and well-furnished, the bed comfortable. He did wish he wasn't naked, though.

And what was the purpose of these pillows? One pillow supported Obi-Wan's head in the usual manner, but several more were under his hips, causing his nether regions to be elevated in a manner that was really rather embarrassing.

A faint swishing sound and the movement of air told Obi-Wan that a door had opened. Booted footsteps sounded, coming nearer, and he craned his head around to see. The Dark Lord approached.

Hooded and cloaked in black, tall and broad. Familiar, of course.

The figure moved to the side of the bed, and the hood was thrown back. "Good evening, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan steeled himself to show no dismay. There was very little change to see in the villain standing before him. The hair was perhaps a bit more silvered and a trifle longer, but the severe beauty of the well-known features had not altered in the slightest. The eyes were still as blue, the nose as crooked, the voice as serene.

"Hello, Qui-Gon," Obi-Wan said at last. "Long time."

"Yes, it has been a long time," Qui-Gon agreed. He slipped off his black robe and flung it over a chair, sitting down on the bed beside Obi-Wan. He was dressed as he had always been, in tunic, leggings and boots, but the brown and cream of the Jedi order had been replaced with solid black. "I've missed you," he said.

"I didn't know Dark Lords of the Sith missed people," Obi-Wan said, trying to sound defiant.

"This one does." The large hand approached his face and stroked his cheek gently. Obi-Wan pulled his head back. It was too familiar, the same stroke a concerned Master had bestowed on a young boy waking from a nightmare.

Qui-Gon pulled his hand back, but smiled.

"What are you going to do with me?" Obi-Wan asked, hoping he didn't sound too concerned about the answer. "I was surprised to find myself still alive."

"Oh, I'm not going to kill you, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon assured him. "I'm not even going to hurt you."

Oh, right!" Obi-Wan said sarcastically. "I'm just a guest, right? That must be why I'm tied up."

"Not a guest, exactly," Qui-Gon admitted. "But I do hope the binding will be temporary. It all depends on you, my Padawan."

"I'm not your Padawan anymore!" Obi-Wan snarled.

"But you are," Qui-Gon insisted. "Not still, but again. You'll find the curriculum a bit different this time."

"If you think I can be turned --" Obi-Wan began, but Qui-Gon's fingers covered his mouth impatiently.

"Hush, Padawan, it doesn't matter whether you turn or not. Dark side, light side, either will do fine."

Obi-Wan was about to demand an explanation, but just then Qui-Gon leaned down and covered Obi-Wan's mouth with his own. He tried to pull away but his head was held firmly, as his lips were explored and then his mouth invaded by a questing tongue.

'Bite him!' he mentally instructed himself, but the sensation was so intensely pleasurable that he surrendered to the fulfillment of a young Padawan's long-held fantasy. He'd always wondered what it would feel like to kiss and be kissed by Qui-Gon. It felt spectacular.

Qui-Gon kissed him again and again, and it shamed Obi-Wan to realize that he was kissing back.

After a lengthy exploration, Qui-Gon sat up and gave a satisfied sigh. "I always wondered what that would be like," he said. Seeing Obi-Wan's start of surprise, he nodded. "Oh, yes. Did you think I didn't notice what a beautiful young Padawan I had? Did you believe me so made of stone?"

"You never showed it," Obi-Wan managed to croak.

"Of course not," Qui-Gon said. "I was a Jedi Master. We don't show those things, do we? No, we live in utter serenity, unperturbed by the gorgeous young men sharing our living quarters, flashing through the living area almost naked on the way to and from the shower. Our calm is utterly unbreachable when the young Padawans stay out till all hours, returning home reeking of sex."

"I - uh - didn't do a lot of that," Obi-Wan protested weakly.

"True," Qui-Gon admitted. "You weren't one of the total sluts, were you? But you did have your experiences, with women and men both."

"So? So what?"

"Just --interesting to note," Qui-Gon said. His hand moved over Obi-Wan now, just the fingertips skimming the young man's chest. Obi-Wan couldn't repress a shiver.

Qui-Gon looked at him curiously. "You like that?"


"I think you're lying."

Both hands were roaming now, caressing arms and shoulders, sides and hips. "I think you do like it," Qui-Gon said softly. "I think you like it a lot."

Obi-Wan didn't say anything, just clenched his jaw and stared off into space, trying to ignore the subtle caresses that truly felt more wonderful than he could describe.

The hands moved down his arms now, and began petting his armpits. Too firm to be ticklish, the touches gave nothing but sheer pleasure. It surprised Obi-Wan, who had experienced both men and women, as Qui-Gon said. But no one seemed to have paid any attention to his armpits, and now that he knew how good it felt, he wondered why.

"Nice," Qui-Gon said thoughtfully. "I always thought this would be nice. So soft." He buried his face in one of Obi-Wan's armpits and nuzzled luxuriously. Obi-Wan gasped. The beard! Right there. Too good.

Now the caress was expanding, as large thumbs skimmed lightly over his nipples.

Qui-Gon raised his head, watching Obi-Wan's reaction. "Something else I've always wondered," he said. "How sensitive are your nipples?"

Forefingers lightly flicked the erect nipples, and Obi-Wan hissed sharply. Qui-Gon smiled. "Oh, very sensitive indeed!"

"S-so?" Obi-Wan said. "So what?" He hoped to keep Qui-Gon's attention focused above his waist and away from further down, where Obi-Wan's cock was beginning to register interest in the proceedings.

"So, that's good," Qui-Gon told him. "Because I'm going to fuck you, and I do hope you'll enjoy it."

Obi-Wan closed his eyes, trying to ignore the fact that his cock had just given a twitch of delight at Qui-Gon's words. "You can't be Qui-Gon," he said wearily. "Qui-Gon would never have done such a thing."

"Oh, but he thought about it," Qui-Gon assured him. "You wouldn't believe the sleep your Master lost to fantasies about you. I've never stopped thinking about you, Obi-Wan. And now that I have you I'm going to keep you, and I'm going to fulfill every one of those fantasies. You had fantasies too, didn't you?"

"No!" Obi-Wan almost screamed.

Qui-Gon laughed. "You're lying again," he said positively. "Whatever would Master Yoda say?"

Obi-Wan opened his mouth to retort, but the big hand covered his mouth. "You're talking far too much, Padawan," Qui-Gon told him reproachfully. Now he lowered his head again, and resumed his exploration of Obi-Wan's mouth, kisses hard and soft, long and short. Obi-Wan felt his tongue sucked into Qui-Gon's mouth, and moaned low in his throat.

He felt a hand move down his abdomen and grasp his cock warmly. He was now fully erect, and hiding his arousal was impossible.

The lips moved to his ear, the tongue tracing delicately, and the earlobe was sucked and nipped, and then the mouth moved down his throat to his chest. The hand abandoned his cock and he moaned at the loss, and moaned again as fingers lightly pinched one nipple while the other was being vigorously sucked.

Qui-Gon spent a long time with Obi-Wan's chest, kissing, sucking and licking, giving thorough attention to the nipples and armpits, until Obi-Wan was writhing on the bed, moaning continuously.

And then the touch was gone. Obi-Wan opened his eyes, and didn't know whether to be disappointed or relieved to see that Qui-Gon was still there. The Dark Lord was removing his boots, and then stood and shed the rest of his clothing.

Obi-Wan couldn't help gasping. Throughout the years of his apprenticeship, he'd seen Qui-Gon naked many times, and his Master's organ was quite impressive even in its unaroused state. But erect! Obi-Wan shivered, and only partly from fear. It was possible that huge thing would simply kill him outright. But if not - , oh, if not!

Trying to hide his excitement, he closed his eyes and consciously relaxed his body with a fatalistic sigh. "Well, hurry up and get it over with," he said.

"No," Qui-Gon replied.

Obi-Wan opened his eyes again. "No?"

"Oh, I'm going to fuck you, make no mistake about that," Qui-Gon explained. "But no, I'm not going to hurry, and I'm not going to get it over with."

He stretched out beside Obi-Wan, pressing his naked body against the bound young man. Stroking the muscular body possessively, Qui-Gon whispered into his ear, "You see, my Padawan, this is NEVER going to be over with."

Hands and lips began to roam Obi-Wan's body again, and Obi-Wan closed his eyes, trying to disassociate himself from the proceedings, trying to pretend he wasn't really enjoying this. He had certainly had sexual experiences in the past, and they had certainly been enjoyable. But nothing he'd ever experienced felt like this. And the pleasure was being administered by the very man he'd spent his entire adolescence dreaming about. It was hard to even pretend to be aloof.

Qui-Gon was leaning over him now, using that enticing fingertip stroke on his cock. One hand moved further down to cradle his balls. So warm and exciting. Obi-Wan bit his lip.

Now Qui-Gon moved around and knelt between Obi-Wan's legs, stroking his thighs. Obi-Wan looked down at Qui-Gon, and oh, the size of him. He tried to speak, but all that came out was a strangled squeak.

Qui-Gon looked up and met his eyes. "Yes, Padawan?" he asked.

"Don't you have to, well, you know, um, prepare? Down there, I mean," Obi-Wan asked, feeling himself redden to be speaking of what was about to happen to him.

Qui-Gon stroked his hips reassuringly. "My housedroids are quite efficient and well-programmed," he told the young knight. "You were prepared while you were still unconscious."

Obi-Wan shivered, experiencing the strangest mixture of embarrassment and excitement. It didn't seem possible, but it felt like his cock hardened further. The mental image of his unconscious body being impersonally probed and prepared for the Dark Lord's use was just so humiliating and yet so intensely arousing.

"I told you I don't intend to hurt you, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said reproachfully.

"Oh," Obi-Wan said weakly, unable to think of an appropriate comment.

Qui-Gon returned to his exploration of Obi-Wan's genitals, a delighted smile on his face as he stroked and grasped and pulled gently. Now he leaned down and began to lick and suck, drawing the soft ball sack gently into his mouth and bathing thoroughly with his tongue. Obi-Wan was sweating now, his breath coming in gasps.

When was he going to just go ahead and DO it? Obi-Wan was writhing on the bed, moaning, ready and willing, but the delightfully torturous foreplay continued. Qui-Gon seemed prepared to play with Obi-Wan indefinitely.

Finally, Obi-Wan had to speak. Through gritted teeth, he asked, "Well, what are you waiting for?"

Qui-Gon stopped his thrilling assault and looked up again, affecting mild surprise. "I'm waiting for you to ask, of course," he said gently.

"Okay, then, I'm asking."

"What are you asking?" Qui-Gon asked, lightly tickling Obi-Wan's cock.

"You KNOW, dammit!" Obi-Wan snapped, thrusting his hips toward the hand.

"You have to say it," Qui-Gon answered serenely.

"Alright, then! Fuck me!"


"No?!" Obi-Wan screamed. "Then what's all this been about?"

"No, not yet," Qui-Gon amplified. "You don't sound sincere enough."

Obi-Wan moaned and flung his head back on the pillow. Qui-Gon watched him for a moment, and then continued his stroking and licking.

How long did it continue? Minutes or hours? It felt like hours, anyway. Finally, Obi-Wan whispered pathetically, "Please?"

The blue eyes met his, the intensity almost burning him. "Please what?"

"Please fuck me. Fuck me, please, please! Qui-Gon, please! Do it! Fuck me, use me, come on! You know you're going to, do it now!" Obi-Wan babbled on, alternating between demanding and begging, while Qui-Gon listened with a satisfied smile.

Finally, he nodded his head. "Yes," he said thoughtfully. "That certainly sounds sincere."

Obi-Wan closed his eyes, the relief was so great. But he opened them again to watch what was happening. Qui-Gon positioned himself on his knees and lifted Obi-Wan's hips, scooting his own thighs under so that Obi-Wan's spread legs rested on them. The large hard cock brushed against Obi-Wan's tight and aching balls, and he hissed with pleasure. "Yes," he whispered. "Do it! Inside me, now!"

And then he felt a pressure, a push, and a long sliding entry, as Qui-Gon pushed his way into his body. And a pause, the two men joined in the most intimate fashion. Qui-Gon was sweating now too, his eyes half-closed, and a groan escaped his throat.

"Yeah, you like that," Obi-Wan said.

"Oh, my Padawan! So tight, so hot. So GOOD!" Qui-Gon pulled most of the way out, and held position for a moment as Obi-Wan whimpered at the retreat, and then thrust back in with such force that Obi-Wan could not hold back the shouted, "YES!"

"I knew you'd like it," Qui-Gon gasped, and began a steady thrusting, and Obi-Wan matched his rhythm, thrusting his hips up to meet the welcome intruder. The circumstances no longer seemed to matter. He was having sex with his old Master, and it felt so good, so perfect, impossible to resist.

The tempo grew wild, both men gasping for breath, and sweat rained down on Obi-Wan, mingling with his own and trickling down his sides in rapid rivulets. He was thrusting his hips at a speed and height that would have seemed impossible to him before today, and the pressure and pleasure inside him were igniting an inferno, which he fed back to his captor until both men were screaming at each thrust, until Obi-Wan erupted into the most intense orgasm of his life, spraying his cream all over Qui-Gon's chest and neck, and Qui-Gon froze in a rictus of ecstasy before pumping his release into his captive's willing body.

Qui-Gon collapsed onto the body below him and held Obi-Wan tightly as the two men gasped for breath. As he began to regain control, he kissed the throat before him, mumbling something that Obi-Wan sensed was both complimentary and pre-verbal.

Finally Qui-Gon sat up and pushed his sweaty hair off his forehead. "Even better than I imagined it would be," he said, and Obi-Wan couldn't help but feel a flash of pride.

Qui-Gon backed up and gave Obi-Wan a comprehensive visual overview. "So beautiful, and so passionate," he murmured. He leaned down and kissed Obi-Wan's balls possessively, and then reached beneath them, returning with fingers covered with a slick white liquid. "The sight of my come seeping from your tight little hole is just too enticing," he said sentimentally, and brought his fingers close to Obi-Wan's face.

Instinctively, Obi-Wan covered the fingers with his mouth, sucking them and circling them with his tongue. Qui-Gon watched the action with astonished delight. "Oh, so you like the concept of eating my come?" he said. "That will be part of tomorrow's lesson. For now, sleep, my Padawan, and think of all you have learned."

He leaned over Obi-Wan and gave him a deep and lengthy kiss with significant tongue involvement. Obi-Wan couldn't suppress a moan when the mouth finally retreated.

"Sleep," Qui-Gon repeated. "Tomorrow will be a very busy day."

The Dark Lord departed and the lights dimmed, leaving the captive young Jedi alone with his thoughts. It made for quite a crowd.

'Escape,' Obi-Wan reminded himself. 'Find out more about the ship and crew, search for vulnerabilities -- that mouth! That tongue! No fortress is impregnable --oh, Force, that huge cock, inside me! Someone of the crew might be susceptible to bribery --the taste of his come! Tomorrow's lesson? PART of tomorrow's lesson? Use the Force, Master Yoda said, but that hasn't been working, and oh, those beautiful eyes, the thigh muscles. What about the Force shielding? Could keep me from using any mind tricks on the crew. I wonder if I'll still be tied up tomorrow? If not, maybe I could play with his nipples, the way he played with mine. Maybe I could kiss and lick and do all those things. Except I should be thinking about escape. But escape could take a while. He's going to do lots of things to me. Lots of things. Lots.'

And finally, the exhausted and thoroughly used young Jedi knight drifted off to sleep.

Part II

"Sir Obi-Wan? Sir?" The voice was soft, fluid and female.

"Huh? Wha - ?" Still more asleep than awake, Obi-Wan scratched his head. Then it registered that he was able to scratch his head, and he opened one eye, just a crack.

He was lying in bed, and his arms were free. At the foot of the bed, a small featureless droid was busily unbinding his legs, while a silver-toned protocol droid was leaning over him.

Seeing that he was awake, the droid straightened up. "Good morning, sir," she said. "I've brought your breakfast and am just about to prepare your bath."

Now he saw the tray on the bedside table, and dived into it without further ado. Several types of bread and fruit were rapidly consumed, and then he settled back with a cup of excellent coffee and looked around. The silver droid returned through a doorway, and asked politely, "Are you ready for your bath, sir?"

A bath sounded too marvelous for words. Obi-Wan scrambled out of bed and followed the droid into the inner room, which he now saw was a bathroom with a scale of luxury he'd never before encountered. The step-in bathtub was steaming with fragrantly oiled water, and the droid was standing by with soaps and sponges.

Obi-Wan settled himself happily into the tub, but was surprised when the droid began to scrub his shoulders. "Oh, you needn't trouble - " he began.

"No trouble at all, sir, it's my function," the droid said placidly. That made sense, he supposed. Obi-Wan had never had a servant droid before, nor did any Jedi, though he understood them to be common in the upper reaches of Republic society. He settled back, willing to experience being pampered. "I'm KT27J, at your service," the droid said.

"Well, uh, KayTee, pleased to meet you."

"The pleasure is certainly mine, sir," she replied smoothly.

Within minutes, Obi-Wan was scrubbed pink and sweet-smelling. It felt wonderful, though the thoroughness and scope of KayTee's cleansing of his body was a bit disconcerting. He reminded himself that she was a droid after all, and tried not to feel too embarrassed.

Now he stepped out of the tub and was tenderly dried with the largest and fluffiest towel he'd ever seen. Believing KayTee was finished with her work, Obi-Wan was looking about for clothing, but KayTee said smoothly, "If you'd just bend over for me, sir?"

He turned back to the droid with surprise. "Bend over? Why? And what's that?"

The droid was holding two objects, one that resembled a large blunt syringe and one that seemed to be an odd-shaped piece of rubber.

"Your lubricant, sir, and your butt plug," KayTee said.

Obi-Wan could feel the heat under his skin and knew that he was flushing a deep scarlet. "Oh, uh - "

"Bend over, please," KayTee repeated.

"Uh, sure." Flustered, Obi-Wan turned away from the droid, and bent over, hands on his knees. He felt the tip of the syringe enter his anus, and then a cool slickness as the lubricant was applied. "I guess I know what's on the menu for today," he murmured.

He'd been talking to himself, but KayTee responded. "Oh, it's Master's orders, sir. You are always to be maintained in a state of readiness for his use."

Obi-Wan shivered and felt his cock twitch at the words. Now he felt the butt plug being eased into his anus, and KayTee continued serenely, "Master Qui-Gon is well aware that his penis is significantly larger than average, and I am instructed to insure that you come to no harm."

"That's, uh, very thoughtful of him," Obi-Wan managed to say.

Now they seemed to be done, and left the bathroom. The small droid was still there, holding four buckled loops of leather. It rolled over to Obi-Wan and fastened a loop around each ankle, as KayTee was fastening the two smaller loops around his wrists.

Obi-Wan looked at the loops curiously. Bracelets? Anklets? Each of them had a small metal ring attached to the leather.

"KayTee? What are these? What are they for?"

"They're restraints, sir. For when the Master desires to attach you to something. They will be your usual attire."

There went that cock twitch again. Obi-Wan tried to tell himself that this was humiliating and not at all arousing, but his penis wasn't listening.

"If you would follow me, sir," KayTee said, and led Obi-Wan through another door.

To his surprise, he found himself in a corridor. KayTee was proceeding down the hall, but turned when she realized Obi-Wan was not with her, but was still hovering by the door. "Sir?"

"Uh, KayTee --I'm not dressed!"

"This way, please."

Red-faced and half-erect, Obi-Wan followed the silver droid. The ship was huge, apparently. They passed numerous droids in their journey, and Obi-Wan was beginning to think the entire crew were droids. But at a corridor junction, he and his escort encountered two biological lifeforms. Humans, in fact.

Obi-Wan considered the possibility of appealing to them for help, but quickly discarded the notion. The lascivious way they looked at him reminded him that humans who would enter the employ of a Sith Lord were probably going to be the dregs of the galaxy.

After they'd passed, Obi-Wan faintly heard one say to the other, "The Lord's new toy. Hands off that one, boy, if you don't want to lose your dick."

Obi-Wan's flush deepened, and dammit, his cock was getting harder.

Now KayTee was buzzing at a door, and the familiar voice called, "Enter."

Obi-Wan entered the room behind KayTee, and found himself in a large room that resembled a small gym. Well, perhaps not, with the large bed in a niche on one wall.

"Sir Obi-Wan, my lord," KayTee announced.

Qui-Gon turned in his chair and smiled. "Thank you, KayTee. That will be all for now."

The droid bowed herself out of the room, and Obi-Wan stood in the center of it, trying to scowl defiantly.

Qui-Gon approached him. He was dressed again in the black tunic and leggings, though his feet were bare. "Good morning, my Obi-Wan," he said cheerfully. "I'm giving myself the day off, in order to celebrate your capture."

"How nice for you," Obi-Wan said sourly. "But I don't think much of your droid's training. Where are my clothes?"

Qui-Gon laughed out loud. "Clothes?" He pulled Obi-Wan to him and kissed him deeply. "KayTee knows exactly what she's doing, which is following my orders." His hand was between Obi-Wan's legs now, fondling enticingly. "My darling Padawan, consider your situation. You're my sex slave. Why in the galaxy would you need clothes?"

Obi-Wan gulped. "You mean I'm not to have clothes, at all?"

"Oh, certainly if we visit a planet which features inclement weather, I would allow you clothing for comfort," Qui-Gon assured him. "But here on a climate controlled ship? What's the need?" He was running his hands over Obi-Wan's body, and Obi-Wan was now fully erect. Qui-Gon grasped his erection and gave it a slight tug. "I suppose I'm a minimalist," he added. "Because I certainly can't think of any article of clothing which would enhance the beauty of a plain, bare Obi-Wan."

Qui-Gon stepped back and rubbed his hands together briskly. "Now," he said brightly, "what do you said to a quickie, a good hard and fast fuck to take the edge off, eh?"

"You're the boss," Obi-Wan said weakly. He was rationalizing madly, telling himself that his intent was to play along with the Sith Lord, gain his confidence and lull him into a false sense of security. Maybe he could eventually be given the run of the ship, and be able to steal a shuttle. 'Not to mention some clothing,' he thought savagely.

But the truth was that a good hard and fast fuck sounded like just the way to start the day.

Qui-Gon was rummaging in a large chest, and turned back to Obi-Wan with a length of silk cord in his hand. "Here we go," he said, and fastened the ends of the cord to the metal rings on Obi-Wan's wrist restraints. Obi-Wan watched the proceeding curiously and a bit fearfully. Qui-Gon paused and gave him a quick kiss. "Don't worry, Padawan," he whispered. "I think you're going to enjoy this."

Then he positioned Obi-Wan under a large hook which depended from the ceiling of the chamber, and lifted Obi-Wan's arms so that the cord passed over the hook. Obi-Wan's feet touched the floor, but just barely; he couldn't put his heels down, but stood on the balls of his feet. "Uh, Qui-Gon? Isn't this cord a bit short?" he asked hesitantly.

"It's just right," Qui-Gon assured him. He was standing in front of his captive now, stroking him, long sweeping strokes from shoulder to thighs. "Oh, if I simply left you there, the position could quickly become quite uncomfortable, but you won't be there long enough for that to be a concern."

Obi-Wan decided to stop questioning and just accept what was happening to him. What was happening now was Qui-Gon's mouth on his chest, sucking and biting softly at his nipples while caressing his armpits and sides. It was a promising beginning.

Then Qui-Gon stepped back and unbelted his tunic and pulled off his leggings. He was quite erect. Obi-Wan shuddered with delicious anticipation.

Qui-Gon moved around behind Obi-Wan, and there was a small pop as the butt plug was removed. Then he parted Obi-Wan's legs with his knees, and bent his knees slightly. A pressure at his entrance, and Obi-Wan felt the warm tightness of the intruder entering his body. Spirals of pleasure began inside him, and he moaned softly and whispered, "Yes."

And then Qui-Gon straightened his legs, standing up straight. Significantly taller than Obi-Wan, the move brought Obi-Wan's entire weight into the task of driving the hard cock deep inside him. Obi-Wan shrieked with pleasure.

His feet were off the floor now and he was suspended in the air, impaled on his captor, and he writhed in ecstasy, wrapping his legs back around Qui-Gon's. Lost to every consideration but the incredible pleasure, he sobbed aloud and begged Qui-Gon to fuck him.

And Qui-Gon fucked him. Hard and fast, as promised, an act of wild coupling almost savage in its intensity, until Obi-Wan bucked up in a backbending arc, shooting his come like a fountain, and Qui-Gon groaned and bit the soft shoulder before him, driving his completion into the squirming body held tightly in his arms.

Before he collapsed, Qui-Gon reached up and released Obi-Wan's arms, so that the two men could fall together into a heap on the floor.

After a moment of gasping, Qui-Gon stood and hauled Obi-Wan to his feet. Pulling him into a comprehensive embrace, he nuzzled the young man's ear, and whispered, "Enjoy that?"

"You know I did," Obi-Wan admitted.

Qui-Gon removed the cord from the restraints and moved the two of them to the large bed. Pulling Obi-Wan down beside him, he suggested, "Now we rest a bit."

Obi-Wan snuggled against Qui-Gon's side and slipped his arm around him. He told himself he wasn't really a willing captive, he was pretending. He was just an incredibly good actor, that's all.

"Let's have some entertainment," Qui-Gon said, and did something to a control panel on the wall. Obi-Wan now noticed that the wall at the foot of the bed was a large vid screen, which lit up and began showing a program. The young man on the screen was tied to a bed, in a state of almost intolerable arousal as his cock and balls were being licked, stroked and fondled.

A porn vid? Qui-Gon was showing him porn vids? Obi-Wan was just thinking how tacky that was, when he realized there was something familiar about the young man writhing on the bed. Oh, Force, it was HIM! Now the young man was speaking, and Obi-Wan listened to his own voice, saying things he could never have imagined saying. "Please fuck me. Fuck me, please, please! Qui-Gon, please! Do it! Fuck me, use me, come on! You know you're going to, do it now!"

Obi-Wan couldn't look away, but stared in fascination at the screen, watching himself begging, and being fucked.

"You like it?" Qui-Gon asked. Obi-Wan opened his mouth, but just croaked. Qui-Gon frowned critically at the screen. "The lighting is a bit off, and the camera angle could use some work, but otherwise I think it's quite satisfactory." He pulled Obi-Wan on top of him, back to Qui-Gon's chest, so they could both watch the unfolding drama, as Qui-Gon began to stroke Obi-Wan's chest and belly. "I do hope you like it," Qui-Gon added, "because I sent a copy to the Council."

"You WHAT?!" Obi-Wan tried to turn to face Qui-Gon but was held firmly in place. "Qui-Gon, WHY?"

"It seemed a common courtesy," Qui-Gon said, still that maddening serenity. "Just think, young Padawan, you'd been sent off to face the Dark Lord, and that's the last the Jedi Council has heard of you. Think how worried they must all be, and all your friends at the Temple. How nice for them to know that you're alive and safe."

Obi-Wan knew he was blushing fiercely, but the idea of the Jedi Council learning of his survival through this particular video was appalling. "You couldn't just have me record a short statement?" he asked bitterly.

"Oh, I could, but I liked this idea better," Qui-Gon said. "I suspect there's an element of gloating involved."

Obi-Wan stopped trying to wriggle from Qui-Gon's grasp, realizing that the big former Jedi had always outmatched him in sheer muscle power. He leaned his head back on Qui-Gon's shoulder. "I suppose I should be glad it's just the Council," he said.

Qui-Gon kissed him on the forehead, and said soothingly, "And from my knowledge of the Temple, it should be several days at least before bootleg copies are in general circulation."

Obi-Wan said nothing. He knew Qui-Gon was probably right. If that vid was at the Temple, sooner or later, everyone would see it. Not just Yoda and Mace and Mundi, but Bant, and, oh Force, Bruck as well. Somehow the idea of escaping and making his way back to the Coruscant and the Temple had just become a bit less attractive.

Qui-Gon chuckled as if he could read Obi-Wan's thoughts. In fact, he probably could. "You're MINE, Obi-Wan," he said triumphantly. "The entire Jedi Order knows it now, or will know it soon, and you will eventually come to accept it as well."

Obi-Wan could feel Qui-Gon's erection pressed against his spine, and he was becoming aroused again himself. Qui-Gon seemed to take delight in playing with Obi-Wan's genitals. After several more moments of fondling, Qui-Gon suddenly sat up, pushing Obi-Wan face down on the bed. He placed himself on top of the young man and kissed the nape of his neck before whispering, "Round two."

And once again Obi-Wan felt his body being entered. He put his head down on his forearms and luxuriated in the driving possession. When Qui-Gon finally rolled off to lie beside him, Obi-Wan was panting and trembling. "You came, didn't you?" Qui-Gon asked breathlessly. Obi-Wan nodded. "That's good," Qui-Gon said. "You will always have permission to come when I'm fucking you."

"Huh? Permission?"

Qui-Gon was stroking his back. "Your body is mine, Padawan, and so are your orgasms. You come with my permission." Feeling Obi-Wan's shiver, Qui-Gon kissed him gently on the shoulder. "Don't worry, my Obi-Wan, I am quite generous. I want you to come frequently. But with my permission."

Obi-Wan nodded, not knowing what to say. Qui-Gon was reaching into a bedside drawer, and Obi-Wan started to sit up, but was pushed back down. "Stay there," Qui-Gon told him firmly.

Now he felt something pressing into his anus. He tried to look over his shoulder to see what was going on. "What's that?" he asked.

"I told you I planned to fulfill every fantasy I ever had about you, didn't I?" Qui-Gon asked. "Well, one of those fantasies involves pushing a dildo into your soft little ass."

"Feels weird," Obi-Wan said.

"Simply lovely," Qui-Gon said, and gently worked the dildo in and out of Obi-Wan's anus. Now, THAT felt good.

Obi-Wan sighed. It was becoming harder and harder to pretend he was playing along with Qui-Gon to earn his trust in order to escape. This was good. He liked it. He liked everything that Qui-Gon was doing to him.

Qui-Gon rolled off the bed now, and pulled Obi-Wan to his feet. "How about some tea?" he asked.

Obi-Wan blinked stupidly at the sudden change of subject, and ventured, "Tea would be good."

Qui-Gon gestured to a countertop on the far wall. "There are the makings, Padawan. Fix us some tea like a good boy."

It was just like back at the Temple, Obi-Wan thought, making tea for his Master. The tea leaves were unfamiliar, though. He turned back to Qui-Gon, asking, "How many scoops should I put in?"

"Two will do nicely," Qui-Gon told him. He had moved to a broad chaise, and was watching Obi-Wan with a smile that was almost feral.

As the tea steeped, Obi-Wan sniffed the steam. While not his usual blend, the odor was familiar. He'd smelled it once before, in a very exclusive eatery on Coruscant. "Hey, isn't this wavala?" he asked suspiciously.

"Exactly," Qui-Gon told him.

Obi-Wan stared at the tea canister. Wavala was a famous herb with two primary effects; it both enhanced the tactile senses and increased stamina. As such, it was highly prized by wealthy sensualists, but was so expensive that the amount in this container would have cost over a year's salary for the average worker on Coruscant. Being a Sith Lord must be a lucrative profession.

He looked over at Qui-Gon, who smiled again. "I've told you, Padawan, I'm taking the day to celebrate your captivity. We'll need the assistance if I'm to use you as many times as I plan."

"I see," Obi-Wan said, and brought the tea tray to the table beside the chaise. Qui-Gon watched him avidly.

With the tea tray safely deposited, Qui-Gon pulled Obi-Wan to him, and kissed his belly. "I suppose I could have had the droids fix the tea," he murmured. "But I do love watching the way you walk with a dildo up your ass. It's so marvelously obscene."

Obi-Wan flushed, and turned to the table to serve the tea. "Two cups," Qui-Gon said generously. "You must certainly have some as well."

The tea poured, Obi-Wan decorously sipped his tea. With the dildo in place, he was unable to sit down, so he knelt beside his captor and sat back on his heels.

Qui-Gon's eyes widened. "You must have read my mind, Padawan," he said, swinging his legs off the chaise and sitting sideways on it. He opened his tunic, and motioned Obi-Wan to move closer. Obi-Wan obediently scooted closer, and felt his face being stroked by Qui-Gon's penis, once again erect. He closed his eyes and shivered, the wavala working its way through his bloodstream. This felt so marvelous. He opened his mouth, and accepted Qui-Gon's cock.

Qui-Gon was stroking his hair soothingly. "Oh, wonderful! You needn't take it all, my Obi-Wan. You may use your hands for assistance."

Obi-Wan was entranced by his master's cock, and the heavy ball sack that felt so velvety to his exploring fingers. He stroked and licked and felt great pride at the sound of Qui-Gon's groan.

Dimly, he heard a bell ring and a buzz a moment later. "Enter," his master called, and the door opened.

The rush of new air on his bare skin was an intense caress to his wavala-enhanced senses. Obi-Wan raised his head, to see KayTee entering. "You rang, my lord?"

"Yes, KayTee," Qui-Gon said, and Obi-Wan noted with satisfaction that he was having trouble speaking normally. "New linens for the bed, if you please."

"Yes, sir." KayTee bustled to perform her assignment, and Obi-Wan realized that Qui-Gon was staring down at him. "Why did you stop?" the Dark Lord asked sternly. Obi-Wan blushed and returned to his task. He tried not to think about what he must look like, naked and kneeling with a dildo up his ass and his master's cock in his mouth.

But listening to Qui-Gon's groans made him forget his embarrassment, and eventually his master was coming, spurting a thick and slightly bitter liquid down his throat. He tried to be neat and swallow it all, but Qui-Gon pulled out before completion, and the last several spurts landed on Obi-Wan's face.

He reached up to wipe his face, but Qui-Gon stopped him, taking his hands and kissing them. "Not yet, my dear," he whispered. "Indulge me for a moment. My come on your face --another of the fantasies."

Obi-Wan swallowed and nodded, and sat back on his heels, staring up at Qui-Gon avidly.

"What?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Please, Master, may I come?"

"Why of course, poor boy, how selfish of me! Of course you may. Wait a minute! What did you call me?"

Obi-Wan thought back with difficulty. "Uh, Master?"

Qui-Gon gave a shout of delight. "Master! Perfect. Yes, love, I AM your master, and I'm glad you've remembered that."

He leaned down and kissed Obi-Wan passionately, pulling Obi-Wan's tongue into his mouth and sucking ravenously. He pulled Obi-Wan's body up against his and whispered into his ear. "It was always so arousing the way you called me Master, my Padawan. And to hear it NOW, like this, while you're naked, come-spattered, and hot with your arousal - ! Well!"

Just the feel of Qui-Gon's breath in his ear was almost enough to make Obi-Wan come. Qui-Gon released him, and Obi-Wan fell back on the floor, panting.

"Come for me, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon urged, and Obi-Wan grasped his erection eagerly, spreading his legs wide so that his Master could watch as he masturbated furiously.

And when he came, Qui-Gon was there, diving to the floor and between his legs, lapping up Obi-Wan's come like a starving man.

Part III

Obi-Wan completely lost track of how many times he came that day. In his memory, one sex act merged into another in a wild confusion of cocks and mouths and tongues and hands. It was about midday and he was sprawled across Qui-Gon's lap, face down, kissing his Master's hip, when he heard Qui-Gon buzz the intercom for KayTee and order lunch to be served in the playroom.

Obi-Wan rolled over, laughing wildly. Of course, the playroom! That's what this was! He'd never had so much fun in his life. He barely noticed KayTee's arrival with a tray, but the lunch turned out to be bite sized cubes of meat and vegetables. Qui-Gon fed him by hand, and Obi-Wan eagerly returned the favor.

There was one wild fucking on the floor, and another with Obi-Wan leaning over the back of the chaise. When they weren't in the actual act of sex, Obi-Wan was being fondled, fondling back, arousing his Master and being aroused. His lips were swollen from kissing. He had long since stopped telling himself that he was looking for a way to escape.

Sitting up in bed, Qui-Gon pulled Obi-Wan to him, and murmured, "It grows late, Padawan. Do you wish to return to your room?"

Obi-Wan moaned softly.

Qui-Gon suggested, "Or would you rather sleep with me tonight?"

At this Obi-Wan nodded vigorously, twining his arms around his Master's neck. "With you, Master, please."

Qui-Gon nodded with satisfaction. "It shall be as you wish." Getting out of bed, he found his tunic and shrugged into it, belting it closed. The leggings were left discarded on the floor as Qui-Gon held out his hand. Obi-Wan took the hand and was led from the room.

Down several corridors, and the two men entered a large suite of incomparable luxury. The efficient KayTee was waiting for them. "A bath, please," Qui-Gon told her politely, and the droid bustled into the bathroom.

Obi-Wan was standing patiently, feeling his Master's large hand caressing his ass, as KayTee returned in a billow of fragrant steam. "You needn't assist with the bath, KayTee," Qui-Gon told her. "Obi-Wan and I will assist one another, and I'm afraid we left rather a mess in the playroom."

KayTee departed and left the two men to their own devices.

The huge tub was more than ample for the two of them, and they sank gratefully into its depths. Qui-Gon pulled Obi-Wan onto his lap facing him and Obi-Wan wrapped his legs around Qui-Gon's hips, leaning forward into a lengthy and thorough kiss.

He felt Qui-Gon growing hard again and laughed recklessly, raising himself up and then back down with Qui-Gon held securely inside him. They clung to one another tightly, mouths locked together as Qui-Gon thrust up into Obi-Wan with increasing urgency until they came together, shouting their release into one another's mouths.

Eventually, they moved apart just enough to find the sponges, and succeeded in cleaning each other off.

Warm and dry, they adjourned to Qui-Gon's huge bed. Qui-Gon slipped into the bed and pulled Obi-Wan to him on his side, and they spooned together, Qui-Gon's chest against Obi-Wan's back. Qui-Gon shifted a bit until his cock was snuggled between Obi-Wan's ass cheeks, and then reached around the young man's hip to take and cradle Obi-Wan's cock.

Obi-Wan sighed in happy exhaustion. His cock in Qui-Gon's hand, Qui-Gon's cock against his ass, he felt more secure than he'd ever felt in his life. Before he could finish murmuring his good-night, the young man was asleep.

When he awoke the next morning he was alone in the bed, and KayTee was depositing a breakfast tray on the bedside table. "Good morning, sir," the droid said brightly.

Obi-Wan looked around. No Qui-Gon. KayTee went on, "The Master had business to conduct, but wished for you to sleep in. You are invited to join him in the office when you've completed your breakfast."

Obi-Wan sat up quickly at that, and tucked into breakfast eagerly. The beverage this morning was wavala, which seemed promising. In a matter of moments Obi-Wan had completed breakfast, and was allowing KayTee to fasten his restraints on his wrists and ankles. Without being asked, he turned and bent over, to receive his lubricant and butt plug. Then he followed KayTee from the bedroom.

He tried to remember the turns they took, but the ship was large and confusing. Several times they passed human crewmembers, but Obi-Wan barely noticed, so eager was he to be with Qui-Gon again. The wavala was having its effect now, so that merely moving through the air caressed his body all over. He was fully erect by the time they reached a door where KayTee stopped and buzzed.

Qui-Gon's voice called absently, "Enter," and KayTee preceded Obi-Wan into the office, announcing him and silently departing.

Obi-Wan moved into the center of the room. Qui-Gon sat at a large desk, working at a computer screen. Without looking up, he said, "Make yourself comfortable, Padawan, I have some catching up to do."

Feeling lost and a bit let down, Obi-Wan roamed the room. There was one wall covered with bookshelves, a comfortable couch, and numerous luxuries that Qui-Gon certainly didn't develop a taste for in the Jedi Order.

And there were four vid screens in various locations about the room, and every one of them was showing Obi-Wan performing a different sex act.

Obi-Wan sat down on the sofa nervously, twiddling his thumbs.

Time passed. Obi-Wan stood up and approached the desk diffidently. "Uh, Master?"

Qui-Gon turned to him, and drew his naked body close. He kissed and licked Obi-Wan's chest for a moment, and Obi-Wan brightened. Things were looking up. But then Qui-Gon pulled back. "Patience, my dear," he said, slipping his hand down Obi-Wan's belly to his cock, wrapping his large fingers securely around it and giving it several sharp, exciting tugs. Obi-Wan instinctively thrust with his hips, wanting so badly to be used, but then the hand retreated.

"This needs to get finished, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said. "Find some way to amuse yourself, and I'll be ready for you shortly. Have some tea."

Obi-Wan wandered sadly over to the teapot and poured himself a cup. It was wavala. He sipped it anyway. He drifted from one video screen to another, like an aesthete at an art gallery, watching himself being fucked, sucking his Master's cock, masturbating, and being fucked again.

What a difference a day makes! Less than 24 hours ago, Obi-Wan would have found these vids almost excruciatingly embarrassing, but now all he felt was the sharpest envy for the young man on the screen. When was his Master going to do him?

After a time he approached Qui-Gon again. And again Qui-Gon fondled him enticingly and then sent him away.

In a temper, Obi-Wan flung himself onto the couch. After a few moments his hand slid down his belly to his cock, and he began to fondle himself. Well, if Qui-Gon wasn't going to do it -

He closed his eyes and enjoyed his own body and increasing pleasure, until suddenly he was jerked upright by a rough hand on his arm. He looked up to see Qui-Gon scowling down at him. "Did you ask permission, Obi-Wan?" he asked, in a low, dangerous voice.

"Uh, no," Obi-Wan admitted. He'd entirely forgotten about his orgasms belonging to Qui-Gon. Eager to rectify the situation, he added, "May I come, Master?"

"NO!" Qui-Gon snapped, and returned to his desk.

Obi-Wan sat up, eyes narrowing, and stared at Qui-Gon's back. It was beginning to dawn on him that Qui-Gon was perhaps not all that incredibly busy. He'd certainly been paying enough attention to be aware of what his Padawan was doing behind his back. And now that he thought of it, he recalled Qui-Gon earlier pressing his lips together as if to suppress a smile. Then there was the wavala in the teapot, and all these erotic vids. It was some sort of game the Lord was playing.

How could he retaliate?

Obi-Wan stood and began to examine the bookshelves, choosing the ones that would bring him into Qui-Gon's line of sight. He hummed thoughtfully and struck artless poses, wiggling his hips a bit as he moved from one shelf to another, occasionally bending down to examine the lower shelves, making sure his ass was pointed in Qui-Gon's direction.

Occasionally he would stroke himself, as if absentminded, cupping his balls for a brief instant or wetting a forefinger in his mouth and tickling an erect nipple. Several times he thought he heard a sharp hiss from the direction of the desk, and once when he looked over he caught Qui-Gon watching from the corner of his eye.

He moved over to one of the vid monitors and watched eagerly, licking his lips and moaning theatrically as the Obi-Wan on the video came screaming and spurting. "Oh, yes," he murmured, as if talking to himself. "THAT was a good one."

The battle of nerves continued for quite some time, as Obi-Wan's posturing became more and more blatant. Still Qui-Gon didn't crack.

Finally, Obi-Wan did. Moving impetuously to the desk, he flung himself to his knees, grabbing Qui-Gon's hand and pressing frantic kisses on the palm. "Master, PLEASE!"

Qui-Gon looked at him with raised brows, saying nothing.

"Please, Master, I'm so ready, and I want you so much. Feel how hard." He moved Qui-Gon's hand down to his erection and closed the fingers over it. "I'm just so hot and hard, and I'm all ready, I've got the lube and the plug, and I need you so bad, love you so much --"

Qui-Gon grasped Obi-Wan by the arm, and pulled him up against him, pressing their bodies together as his tongue invaded Obi-Wan's mouth. The kiss was rough and plundering, and went on until Obi-Wan wondered if he would pass out.

Still not speaking, Qui-Gon turned Obi-Wan around and bent him over the desk. The butt plug was wrenched from its place, and Obi-Wan sobbed with relief, and then Qui-Gon was entering him. "Yes, oh yes, my Master. Take me, do me, HARD!"

Qui-Gon complied, thrusting with force into Obi-Wan's body, and Obi-Wan pushed back eagerly, crying aloud with every thrust until he was coming convulsively all over Qui-Gon's desk. Qui-Gon laughed out loud, and then Obi-Wan felt himself filled with his Master's come.

He half-reclined on the desk, gasping for breath, wondering if he was going to get in trouble for messing up the Lord's paperwork, but Qui-Gon pulled him back and picked him up tenderly, moving them to the sofa.

Obi-Wan pushed his face into Qui-Gon's neck, nuzzling thankfully.

Qui-Gon stroked his Padawan's hair and said, "Amazing the things people will say when they need sex badly enough."

Obi-Wan was puzzled and thought back to what he'd said when he'd still been able to speak. Oh, that. He kissed Qui-Gon on the throat and whispered, "That was no lie, Master. I do love you. I always have."

Qui-Gon's arms tightened around him, and his voice sounded a bit tight as he attempted a laugh and said, "Oh, Padawan, what a weapon you've just given me to use against you, my poor young man."

Obi-Wan looked up at Qui-Gon, eyes shining with adoration. "Use whatever weapon you wish, my Master."

Qui-Gon gave a sound like a sob, and pulled Obi-Wan once more into a ravishing kiss.

Eventually, Obi-Wan wriggled out of his Master's arms to kneel on the floor. He leaned forward and kissed Qui-Gon's cock with great reverence, and then began to lick and suck diligently. Qui-Gon stroked his hair and made encouraging noises. But before Obi-Wan could give him release, Qui-Gon said simply, "Stop."

Obediently, Obi-Wan stopped. He sat back on his heels and looked up questioningly.

"Turn around," Qui-Gon said hoarsely. Obi-Wan complied. "Hands and knees," Qui-Gon said. Obi-Wan positioned himself on his hands and knees, and heard his Master move off the sofa to kneel behind him. Hands moved over his hips and ass, as Qui-Gon said, "Say it."

Obi-Wan wasn't sure of this guidance, but said hesitantly, "Fuck me?"

"No! You know what I want - say it."

Oh, of course. "I love you," Obi-Wan breathed.

Qui-Gon groaned, and Obi-Wan felt the big hard cock pressing at the entrance to his body. "Yes!" Qui-Gon said. "Again!"

"I love you!" Obi-Wan repeated, and then louder, "I love you, my Master!"

Qui-Gon was entering him now, pressing strongly inside, and the pleasure was building within him. Obi-Wan chanted his love with every thrust, delirious with love and pleasure, adoration and desire, until the two men collapsed in a sweaty heap on the floor.

Qui-Gon kissed Obi-Wan's neck, and whispered, "Want to know a secret? I love you too."

Obi-Wan felt like purring.

It seemed that business hours were over. Qui-Gon led his Padawan back to the playroom, and spent the rest of the day taking his pleasure in the young knight's body.

Spread-eagle on the big bed in the playroom, Obi-Wan wriggled sensuously against the restraints. He smiled up at his Master, who was straddling his body, and asked, "Since I'm not resisting, why are I restrained?"

Qui-Gon drew tight circles around Obi-Wan's nipples with his fingertips. "Honestly? Because it excites me to see you so completely helpless. Why do you ask? Does it bother you?"

"Not really," Obi-Wan told him. "I was just curious. Truth is, I sort of like it."

Qui-Gon smiled. "I thought you would. We are truly well matched, love."

Obi-Wan shivered with delight to hear 'love' in Qui-Gon's beloved voice. And shivered again as knowing fingers entered his anus, moving skillfully to send sharp jolts of pleasure through his body.

"Oh, you're so good at that!" he moaned happily.

Qui-Gon took Obi-Wan's cock in the other hand, and began to slide his hand up and down. Obi-Wan was thrusting with his hips now, up into the hand and then down onto the fingers, and it was impossible to say which motion produced the most pleasure. Qui-Gon now held perfectly still, watching Obi-Wan's face intently, as his willing captive set his own pace.

Obi-Wan was on the edge, almost delirious with pleasure, when he suddenly remembered, and gasped, "Master, may I?"

"Yes, my Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon answered smoothly. "Come as soon as you like, as often as you like. I want you to come many times today."

Obi-Wan was coming now, howling as he shot up through Qui-Gon's hand. Falling back to the bed and panting harshly, he looked up at his lover. "Master? When are you going to come?"

"In a while, love," Qui-Gon assured him. "For now, I want to watch you. You are so beautiful when you come, and when I'm involved as well, I don't really appreciate it. So just let me watch."

Obi-Wan felt quite desirable at these words, and pleased that his Master enjoyed watching him. A thought occurred to him, and he whispered, "Master? Are we being filmed now?"

"Of course we are," Qui-Gon told him, pushing his fingers back into Obi-Wan's body and beginning to arouse him again. "I film you all the time. Every encounter we have is being immortalized."

Another delighted shiver from Obi-Wan and his cock was hardening again, and once again Qui-Gon brought him to orgasm with his fingers and hands, watching intently. And yet again.

Finally Obi-Wan protested. "Please fuck me, Master, I'm feeling so greedy."

Qui-Gon laughed and complied, unfastening Obi-Wan from the bedposts and turning him over to receive a hard pounding. Obi-Wan cried with pleasure.

When Qui-Gon had rolled off his back, Obi-Wan rose to his knees and looked himself over critically. "Look at me," he said. "I'm a come-covered mess!"

"I prefer to think of it as come-enhanced," Qui-Gon told him. "I'm told it's good for the skin." He pushed Obi-Wan back onto the bed and refastened the restraints and proceeded to lick his Padawan all over. Very slowly.

Obi-Wan was laughing at first, but the laughter soon turned to moans, and then to begging. Qui-Gon raised his hips, took position, and thrust into Obi-Wan again. This time when he was finished, he unfastened Obi-Wan and turned him over, spread his ass cheeks and began to lick Obi-Wan's anus.

"Oh, you're not really going to lick me THERE!" Obi-Wan protested.

"You were complaining about cleanliness," Qui-Gon replied, and returned to his task.

Obi-Wan gasped. "Oh, but this feels GOOD!" he said in astonishment.

"You do have so much to learn," Qui-Gon said, and then said nothing more for a time, putting his lips and tongue to another use.

Much later, resting in Qui-Gon's arms, Obi-Wan asked, "Master? Have you fulfilled all your fantasies yet?"

"Not yet, dear one," Qui-Gon answered, kissing him tenderly on the temple. "Some of them will take a bit of arranging."

"Like what?"

"Oh, like a zero-gee chamber for one thing. And eventually I intend to take you to Ronazhon."

Obi-Wan's eyes widened. "Ronazhon!" He'd heard others at the Temple talk of that famed and sybaritic colony.

"Yes, I want to take you to the Casino."

"The Casino!" While gambling took place at the Ronazhon Casino, it was much better known for its private nooks, its scandalous stage show, and the followers of interesting lifestyles who congregated there. "Will I be allowed clothing for this visit?" he asked.

"Perhaps a mask if you wish," Qui-Gon said thoughtfully, "but certainly nothing else. The purpose of taking you there would be to show you off, love, and clothing would merely get in the way."

Obi-Wan tightened his arms around Qui-Gon and turned to kiss his Master's broad chest. He could almost see himself, being led naked onto the floor of the Ronazhon Casino, and the image was incredibly exciting.

"I'll go anywhere with you, Master," he said drowsily, and fell asleep.

Qui-Gon watched him with a fond smile for a moment, and then carried his young lover back to their suite and to bed.

Part IV

"Can't we go to the playroom?" Obi-Wan asked. He had the feeling he was probably whining, but he didn't care. He wanted to be tied down and played with.

"Not just yet, love," Qui-Gon told him, running his tongue around Obi-Wan's nipple. They were in Qui-Gon's office, Qui-Gon seated at the desk chair, and Obi-Wan standing beside him. Qui-Gon was exploring Obi-Wan's chest, stroking, licking and sucking. "I have an appointment in a bit."

"Oh," Obi-Wan said, trying not to pout. "Should I leave, then?" He tried to back up, but was pulled firmly back into place.

"By no means," Qui-Gon said. "You just keep me company, there's a dear." One hand slid down Obi-Wan's back to his buttocks, and one finger began to stroke Obi-Wan's anus lightly.

Obi-Wan pressed a bit closer, and said submissively, "Yes, Master." He was hard, of course. He always was when he was with Qui-Gon. For an indefinite period, Obi-Wan stood beside his Master, feeling the gentle, knowing touch visit his nipples, his navel, the tip of his cock.

He closed his eyes and gave a dreamy sigh. He loved this, what Qui-Gon did to him. He stroked Qui-Gon's hair and whispered, "I belong to you."

A buzz at the door, and Qui-Gon called, "Enter."

Obi-Wan again tried to pull away, but was held firmly in place.

He couldn't see who had entered behind him, but heard KayTee announce, "Yif Dronan and Foluda The Hutt, my lord."

"Thank you, KayTee," Qui-Gon said. He looked around his lover's hip, and waved a greeting. "Take seats, gentlemen."

A human voice said, "If this is a bad time - "

"Oh, not at all," Qui-Gon assured him. "I was just passing the time while waiting for our visit."

He pulled Obi-Wan down onto his lap. Obi-Wan gave a massive gasp. Qui-Gon had pulled him down in such a way that his finger slid entirely into Obi-Wan's anus. He tried to ignore the sensation and take note of his surroundings.

The newcomers were a smallish Hutt who'd taken a seat on the low table, and a rough-looking human dressed primarily in leather, with a blaster at his side.

Obi-Wan didn't like the way the human was looking at him. The man was smiling in a rather nasty fashion. Obi-Wan tried to arrange himself in a more dignified posture, but Qui-Gon gave him a light slap and he subsided. He was sprawled back against Qui-Gon's shoulder, his legs spread on either side of Qui-Gon's. He tried mightily to will his erection to subside, but the tiny motions of the finger up his ass assured that he was unsuccessful. He didn't know whether the visitors could see there was a finger up his ass, but he had the uneasy feeling they could. And even if they couldn't, Qui-Gon was using the other hand to pinch at his nipples and tickle his balls. Obi-Wan knew he was bright red, but there didn't seem to be any help for it.

Qui-Gon and the two visitors began a conversation about payment for a weapons shipment. Two shiploads of outlawed weapons were what Qui-Gon was offering, and the price eventually agreed on was astronomical. The Hutt seemed to be the buyer, though Yif did the translation and appeared to be Foluda's assistant.

Then speaking on his own behalf, Yif gestured at Obi-Wan and asked casually, "Don't suppose the boy's for sale."

"Not in a million years," Qui-Gon said calmly.

The talk then turned to arrangements for delivery. Qui-Gon had a plan all worked out. Foluda said something, and Yif nodded and turned back to Qui-Gon. "Foluda wonders if there's a possibility of the Jedi coming after you and if you're at all worried about that."

Qui-Gon threw back his head and laughed loudly. The vibration almost made Obi-Wan come, but he bit his lip and held it off.

"The Jedi have already come after me," Qui-Gon said, when he had regained his composure. "You know what I did with the last Jedi they sent?"

"Something horrible, I'd imagine," Yif answered.

Qui-Gon kissed Obi-Wan on the side of his neck, and took his erect cock in his hand. He looked up at his visitors and said triumphantly, "This is him."

Foluda gave a squawk of surprise, and Yif's eyes widened. "No, seriously?"

Qui-Gon nodded, and began to lightly pump Obi-Wan's cock. Obi-Wan moaned low in his throat and couldn't help squirming on his Master's lap.

Yif gave a low whistle. "Well, that's just doubled the price right there," he said. "You sure you don't want to sell? He'd get you a fortune, and not a small fortune either, but a real fortune."

"I'm sure," Qui-Gon told him, moving his hand to Obi-Wan's nipples. "Partly a matter of pride, I suppose, not wanting to surrender my trophy, but mostly a matter of sheer economics."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, tell me this," Qui-Gon suggested. "What if I did sell my Jedi for this fortune you speak of? What could I possibly BUY with that fortune that would give me more pleasure than I could gain from him?"

Yif stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I see your point," he admitted.

"Oh, you only see part of the point," Qui-Gon assured him. "Because you've only seen Obi-Wan aroused. You should see him when he comes, and then you'd understand that he is truly priceless."

Yif licked his lips and shifted uncomfortably, as if his pants were suddenly too tight. "I'll guess I'll have to take your word for it," he said.

Qui-Gon slapped the desk. "Well, actually, you don't. I'll show you." He stood up suddenly, and Obi-Wan almost fell over, but his Master caught him securely. With a sudden sweep of his arm, Qui-Gon cleared off his desk, and picked up Obi-Wan and sat him on it. He turned him so that he was sitting sideways to the visitors, and then pushed him onto his back, his butt at the edge of the desk.

Obi-Wan held his breath for a moment. Was he really going to? He WAS! Qui-Gon was unfastening his pants. He really was going to fuck Obi-Wan in front of a pirate and a Hutt! Obi-Wan threw his arm over his face, but Qui-Gon gently removed it. "How can we watch you come that way, love?" he asked reasonably. Obi-Wan frowned at him, wondering how Qui-Gon could humiliate him like this, but Qui-Gon was smiling down at him so fondly that the shame became excitement.

Qui-Gon placed Obi-Wan's legs over his shoulders, and began to stroke his chest and belly, and Obi-Wan gave an excited wriggle. Maybe he was a slave, but he was a priceless slave and not for sale! That weaselly little Yif wanted him, but wasn't going to get him, and Obi-Wan had the sudden urge to rub it in.

He reached up and stroked Qui-Gon's chest, whispering imploringly, "Oh, yes, Master! Fuck me!" Out of the corner of his eye he saw the pirate leaning forward, his hand to his crotch. Obi-Wan stroked Qui-Gon's cock and continued his throaty plea. "Fuck me, Master, use me! I'm yours, I love what you do to me, fuck me hard, fuck me rough, please, fuck me!"

Qui-Gon was pressing into him, and Obi-Wan gave a loud groan of pleasure. Qui-Gon was thrusting now, and Obi-Wan was thrusting back, pressing his hips up urgently to meet the welcome intruder, babbling words of encouragement and extravagant praise. He forgot their audience now, his eyes locked on his beloved Qui-Gon, joining him in ecstatic union. This was the man he belonged to, belonged with, for the rest of his life and even beyond. Their movements became faster, wilder, as Qui-Gon thrust deeper and faster, until Obi-Wan threw back his head and howled his intolerable pleasure as he came spurting all over his Master and himself. He heard Qui-Gon's grunt of satisfaction and felt Qui-Gon coming inside him.

They clung to one another for long moments, gasping for breath and quieting their pounding hearts. Obi-Wan smiled brilliantly at his Master and kissed him fervently.

The sound of a throat clearing drew their attention back to their visitors. "Okay, I guess now I can say I know what you mean," Yif said.

Qui-Gon sat back in his chair, pulling Obi-Wan onto his lap. He stroked his Padawan possessively and said smugly, "I guess so."

The Hutt and the human made getting ready to leave motions, and Yif said, "Well, remember, if you ever have a sudden need for cash, there's your answer. A wild Jedi whore, man, there'd be nothing like it in the galaxy!"

Qui-Gon said, "Oh, I doubt if Obi-Wan would be quite so wild and whorish for anyone else."

Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around Qui-Gon and said positively, "I wouldn't. I LOVE my Master." He pressed an open-mouthed kiss on his lover's lips, sucking greedily.

Qui-Gon eventually broke the kiss, and said to his guests proudly, "There you see? Mine, and only mine. Forever."

The two criminals took their leave, and Qui-Gon looked down at Obi-Wan with a smile. "You little exhibitionist," he said fondly. "What an act!"

"What act?" Obi-Wan said innocently. "I do love you, and I do love to be fucked by you."

Qui-Gon hugged him fiercely. "Oh, I think you're going to love the Casino," he told him.

Some days later, Obi-Wan was on the bed in the playroom. He was on his stomach, enjoying the dildo being pumped lazily in and out of his anus. His cock was hardening, and he was looking forward to a nice hard fuck. His tongue snaked out of his mouth, catching the drops of his Master's come that had dribbled out a few moments ago, when his beloved had come in his mouth.

He felt the dildo being removed, and then a heavy weight as Qui-Gon pressed himself up against his back, and lips roved his shoulders. "I've received payment for the weapons shipment, love," Qui-Gon whispered. "Do you want to go to the Casino?"

"Mmmm!" Obi-wan said happily. "I'm ready any time. Will you fuck me in the Gallery? Where everyone can watch?"

"I will," Qui-Gon promised. "We'll make history, my Padawan."

Obi-Wan laughed. He wiggled his ass and suggested coyly, "Perhaps we should rehearse."

Just then a siren blared throughout the ship. Qui-Gon jumped up and carelessly threw on his clothing. Obi-Wan sat up and looked around in bewilderment. "What is it?"

"We're under attack," Qui-Gon said tersely, and ran out of the room. Obi-Wan hurried after him.

As they raced down the corridor, they listened to the voice on the loudspeaker. "Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Intruders have boarded the ship. All hands arm yourselves and prepare to repel boarders. Intruders in the cargo bay."

Qui-Gon stopped at a computer monitor and called up a viewscreen of the ship's exterior. "The Defender!" He pounded the bulkhead in frustration. "The Jedi are attacking."

He hurried to his suite, Obi-Wan behind him. When Obi-Wan entered, he found Qui-Gon with a lightsaber in his hand. His Master had a wall safe open, and was removing another lightsaber, which Obi-Wan was surprised to recognize as his own.

He was even more surprised when his Master tossed the lightsaber to him. Then he was pulled to Qui-Gon's chest, and kissed possessively. "You can stay here if you want," Qui-Gon said hurriedly, "and just wait for whoever wins. If it's the Jedi, remember, you've been a slave, you're not to blame for anything I've done."

And without another word, Qui-Gon whirled out of the room. Obi-Wan stared after him for a moment. Everything was happening so fast. He left the suite, and stared down the corridor after Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan hefted his lightsaber, and looked at it curiously. Then he ignited it and, ignoring the fact that he was still naked and erect, raced down the corridor to fight the Jedi at his Master's side.

Part V

Obi-Wan sat up with a start, staring wildly into the darkness. Under attack! Intruders in the cargo hold! Where was his lightsaber?

His heart pounding, he wondered what had happened. Had they hit the power generator? And why was he lying down, when he'd just been running down the hall?

Where WAS he, exactly? He felt the surface beneath him give slightly under his movement, and reached down curiously. He was --in bed. As he turned to feel the bed, he felt something swinging over his shoulder. Reaching up, his fingers encountered - a Padawan braid.

Now his eyes were adjusting to the dimness, and he recognized his surroundings. He was in his small room at the Temple, the one adjoining his Master's.

So he was still at the Temple, and still a Padawan. Which meant - Obi-Wan flopped back down onto the pillow. Which meant it had all been a dream and none of those wonderful, awful things had really happened.

'Good news bad news situation,' Obi-Wan thought wryly. 'The good news is that Qui-Gon didn't go over to the Dark Side. The bad news is that he's not my lover, and isn't going to tie me to the bed and fuck me till I scream.'

He tried to tell himself that the good outweighed the bad, but it was a hard sell.

And oh, yuck, but the sheets were a mess! Obi-Wan shifted to one side, trying to escape the wet spot. Only to encounter another wet spot. He tried the other side, and wasn't too surprised to find yet another wet spot.

'Man, but that was the wet dream of all times,' he thought, unwillingly impressed by his creative subconscious. He wondered what had caused this now. He'd had this unrequited thing for his beautiful Master for as long as he could remember, and he'd had some amazing dreams in the past. But the duration and intensity of this one was taking things to a whole new level.

Now he heard footsteps, and a sliver of light entered the room as the door opened, and an adored voice asked, "Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan pulled the blanket up higher to cover the wreckage of the bed, and called back, "Yes, Master?"

Qui-Gon entered, turning the lights on their lowest setting. "Are you alright?"

Obi-Wan rubbed his face and tried to sound sleepy. "Weird dream," he said evasively. "Why do you ask?"

"I sensed some distress," Qui-Gon said softly. "I'm just back from midnight service, my turn to lead the drumming, and you seemed to be in considerable turmoil."

Obi-Wan shivered. The midnight service was usually for Masters only, but several times a year at holidays, Knights and Padawans were allowed to attend, so he had some familiarity with them. Enough familiarity to form a mental image of his Master, his bare chest glistening with sweat as he led the group on the big drum. An interesting image, but not one conducive to calm. "Well, turmoil was pretty much what the dream was about," he said.

Qui-Gon drew nearly, and placed his hand on Obi-Wan's throat. Obi-Wan felt a wild urge to seize the large hand and kiss it, but Qui-Gon was simply feeling for his pulse.

Withdrawing the hand, Qui-Gon said judiciously, "You won't be getting back to sleep any time soon, I'd guess. I'll make us some tea."

Qui-Gon left the room, leaving Obi-Wan staring after him with hopeless longing. Then Obi-Wan leaped out of the bed and rummaged for his clean sleep pants. He changed rapidly, stuffing his soiled pants deep into the clothes hamper. He would wait until he was sure Qui-Gon was asleep and very quietly change the sheets.

Throwing on a robe, he joined his Master in the main living area, smiled his thanks on being handed a cup of tea, and sat down on the sofa. Qui-Gon sat beside him with his own cup.

"This dream," Qui-Gon began. "Did you have any sense that it was prophetic?" Something that had to be considered when dealing with Force-sensitives.

Obi-Wan almost choked, but shook his head vigorously.

"Do you want to speak with the mind healers about it?"


"It's alright, Padawan," Qui-Gon soothed. "No one will force you to do so if you don't wish to. Was the dream a nightmare?"

Was it? Obi-Wan shook his head doubtfully. "Parts of it were pretty scary, I guess, but I don't know."

"What was it about?" Qui-Gon asked gently. "If you want to talk about it."

"I was a knight," Obi-Wan said. "And there was a new Sith Lord, and I battled him and lost."

Qui-Gon couldn't help smiling a bit. "You know, when I caught you and Bant with those horror-adventure vids, I said they would give you nightmares, but that was, what, five years ago!"

"Actually, that part was the very beginning of the dream."


"He didn't kill me," Obi-Wan continued. "I was captured."

"Oh," Qui-Gon said again. "Was it - a painful experience?"

"Actually, no. But the Dark Lord did - things - to me."

A long listening silence. Obi-Wan stared into his teacup and finally added, "Sexual - things."

"I see," Qui-Gon said. "But these - things - were not painful."

"No," Obi-Wan whispered. "I liked them. Parts of it were sort of humiliating, but that just made it more exciting."

He dared to glance up at Qui-Gon, but his Master didn't seem to be disturbed at all, but was smiling kindly at him. "Don't let it concern you, Padawan," he said. "Rape fantasies are very common."

"They are?" Obi-Wan asked in surprise.

"Oh, extremely," Qui-Gon assured him. "Let me see, I do recall us having the wet dreams talk, but I'm not sure rape fantasies were discussed."

"I sure don't remember anything about that," Obi-Wan said.

"Well, let me rectify that omission right now," Qui-Gon said in a bracing voice. "Rape fantasies are not a sign of any sort of mental disorder and most certainly don't mean that you really wish to be raped. The scenario you've described is classic. You are captured and forced against your will to do things that are not at all painful but in fact extremely pleasurable. Very different from actual rape, and only a sign that you would like to have sex without the responsibility of making the decision about having sex."

"Oh," Obi-Wan said. "Is that what it means?"

"Roughly," Qui-Gon told him.

Obi-Wan sipped his tea, enjoying the smoky flavor and the nearness of his Master.

"So, was that it?" Qui-Gon asked. "Captured by a Sith and forced to have extremely pleasurable sex?"

Obi-Wan shifted nervously. "Well, there was one element to the dream that you might consider significant."


"The Sith Lord?" Obi-Wan concentrated on the cup he was turning in his hands. "He was you."

A long silence. Then Qui-Gon said, "Ah." Still another silence, and Qui-Gon asked, "Was this the first time you've dreamed about me?"

"No," Obi-Wan whispered.

Qui-Gon's voice was much less assured now. "And - when you're awake, how do these dreams seem to you? Alarming, silly, disgusting?"

Not knowing how to respond, Obi-Wan looked up into Qui-Gon's eyes. For a long, long moment, they simply stared at one another. Then Qui-Gon reached out with an incoherent sound, and pulled Obi-Wan into his arms and they were kissing.

The teacups fell unnoticed to the floor as the kiss went on and on, asking, answering, questing and finding. When it ended, the two men were prone on the sofa, Qui-Gon lying atop Obi-Wan, holding his face as he kissed his eyes, forehead, chin, throat, and then back to his lips.

Qui-Gon raised himself to his elbows, and gently traced Obi-Wan's lips with a fingertip. "Not disgusting, then?"

"Not hardly!" Obi-Wan said, and pulled his Master's head down eagerly to kiss him again.

A long interval later, Qui-Gon reluctantly detached his mouth from Obi-Wan's and suggested, "Perhaps it would be best if this were continued in a bed?"

Obi-Wan nodded enthusiastically. "Your bed," he said. "Mine's a mess."

Qui-Gon gave him a frown of mock reproof. "How unfair of you to start without me, Padawan."

"I think I can probably find some way to make it up to you," Obi-Wan assured him.

Qui-Gon laughed and got to his feet, taking Obi-Wan's hand and hauling him upright. Obi-Wan raced into Qui-Gon's room, towing his Master behind him, and soon the two men were naked and wrapped in one another's arms in Qui-Gon's bed.

Obi-Wan gave Qui-Gon a quick kiss and asked worriedly, "Uh, Master? Do you love me? Because I sure love you."

Qui-Gon groaned and pulled Obi-Wan closer. "Oh, Padawan, how could I help but love you?" He kissed Obi-Wan comprehensively, and then asked, "How would you like me to prove it to you?"

"Ooh, I know!" Obi-Wan said excitedly. "You could fuck me!" He rolled over eagerly and lifted his ass in the air.

Qui-Gon chuckled and leaned down to plant a soft kiss on the nearest ass cheek. "I can already tell, you're going to be one of those pushy, demanding little bottoms, aren't you?"

"Uh-huh," Obi-Wan said happily. He looked over his shoulder and watched with increasing interest as his Master fetched a tube of lubricant. Soon a large slick finger was probing his opening, and he gave a deep, satisfied sigh, and lay his head down on his crossed arms.

"Y'know," he said, "as a Sith Lord, you had your housedroid prep me every morning with lube and a butt plug, so anytime you wanted to fuck me, I was all ready."

The finger froze for a moment, and then Qui-Gon said unsteadily, "What a compelling notion! And how efficient."

"Wasn't it?" Obi-Wan said. Then he gave a sharp hiss as the probing finger found the spot that triggered waves of pleasure. He wriggled under Qui-Gon's touch as the finger was joined by a second and a third. And then the bed shifted as Qui-Gon moved between Obi-Wan's legs, and he was being slowly entered.

If felt even better than the dream had, because it was real. Obi-Wan groaned with pleasure to feel his beloved Master on his back, warm breath tickling the back of his neck. He pushed back eagerly, and was lost in the wild dance of love and desire.

Much later, nestled securely in Qui-Gon's arms, Obi-Wan complained with a yawn, "I've barely begun to tell you the whole story, but I'm just about to fall asleep."

"That's alright, love," Qui-Gon told him, kissing him gently on the temple. "Save some for tomorrow night. I think we'll find the narrative quite inspiring, and it will no doubt give us some ideas."

"No doubt," Obi-Wan slurred sleepily. "But this time, no Hutts, okay?"

Qui-Gon stared down at his beloved, and said, "I think I can safely promise that. No Hutts."

But Obi-Wan was already asleep.