by FireCracker (KLee624820@aol.com)

submission dated 9-9-99

Pairing Q/O

A/U - Drama, Angst

Obi is twenty three.

A destiny none could forsee.

Warnings: Sequel to Dark Secrets of the Mind.

Rating: A perverse R

Chapter One: Confrontation

Chapter Two: Turning

Chapter Three: Dark Fate


Dark power gathered aimlessly about the galaxy, unfocused and unaware. Both aspects of the force, light and dark, are relative only to each other. No morality, no judgement, only need. Opposing primal essence, needing conduits with which to continue the eternal battle. Once every few cycles unique individuals of true strength and ability become perfect agents of either side, the so called 'chosen ones'. Through these the balance may tilt one way or the other. Both light and dark seek dominance. The chosen will heed the call.


He would have answers.

Qui-Gon had more revelations recently than in his entire lifetime. His life's love, his son. But there were missing gaps, threads of thought that didn't connect. I first saw Obi-Wan when he was five. When did he arrive at Coruscant!

The object of his ruminations entered the study area. Obi-Wan appeared disconcerted. "Master, you seem distracted."

Qui-Gon turned to face him. "I am. And becoming angry, as well. It concerns why I wasn't told the truth about you."

The young Jedi looked down. "You mean, about me being your son."

Qui-Gon approached him. "Yes. Someone kept you from me, someone knew! I want to know why. And why it was so important to keep it a secret."

The younger man edged closer, his eyes bright. "Does it matter? We always felt it anyway, just like we feel-" his words choked. In distress, he ran his hands along the other man's arms.

Qui-Gon softened a little. "Obi, do not think along those lines, please. We have discussed this. It cannot be."

The ocean eyes narrowed in suspicion. "I sense you aren't telling me the entire truth, Master. You want me."

Qui-Gon sighed, backing off a little. "That may be, but it doesn't change facts. In light of what we know-"

Obi-Wan's hands slipped around his waist. "Just knowing you feel that way is a beginning. Aren't we the only ones that are aware of the truth?"

Ghods, he feels too good. "No, we aren't. Someone had to know. Who brought you here as an infant?!"

Obi-Wan stared up into his face. The morning sunlight shaded the high cheekbones. "Why is that important now? You love me."

Qui-Gon nodded gently. "Of course I love you-"

"Not just as a son" the sensuous lips opened, moving forward.

Unthinking, Qui-Gon leaned into the warm mouth.

Kiss. Promise.

Their lips met, tenderly at first. After the initial contact, tongues slid, teasing. Qui-Gon felt the heat simmering in them both. His arms tightened around Obi-Wan as he plunged his tongue in suddenly.

Obi-Wan moaned. He tugged the taller man toward the bedroom. They nearly made it. Qui-Gon stiffened suddenly, pulled off in shock.

By the pit, what are we doing?! he loosed his hold.

"Obi-Wan, we must stop!"

Disappointment and irritation tinged the reply. "For what. Did you not feel it, just a moment?"

He did. And it worried him. "Listen to me. Our...attraction complicates matters. If we cannot control-"

The younger man snorted. "Attraction? Love, Master. Love and lust. At least be honest, please?"

Qui-Gon looked at him intently. "What concerns me most is why it doesn't bother you."

Obi-Wan sighed, looking away. "It did...at first. But I came to realize that it only matters in our minds. You were going to approach the Council anyway, even before you knew about our relationship."

Qui-Gon was stunned. "You have no reservations?"

The eyes were shining, pleading. "Yes! But what can we do. We still love each other, that hasn't changed. What do you suggest, we pretend it doesn't exist!"

Qui-Gon hugged him. "What am I going to do with you. No, we can't pretend. But we must deal with this, or we won't be able to function. And if that happens..."

"The Council will separate us" Obi-Wan's muffled reply against his neck.

Qui-Gon continued to hold him. He was concerned, and not just about the Council. What happened here?

Yoda was not prone to panic, but recent events gave him the collywobbles. Another vision. One involving his best padawan, with his padawan.

His son, he corrected. He rubbed a knobby hand over his forehead. In his 800 years, seldom had he felt such a seeking of the dark side. But it was here, in the very heart of Coruscant, and that made him nervous. As always with the future, the visions were unclear. But the images were disturbing nontheless. Garbled mostly, but dark all the same: a black force sphere of tremendous power. Two exceptional Jedi at the nexus. Destruction, betrayal. Slain Jedi. Renewal of a dark age.

Yoda padded in circles silently in his chambers. It would be my greatest achievement and greatest failure if you fell in such a manner, Qui-Gon. By the living force, I will not see this happen!

He sighed. Sooner or later he would figure out the truth about the boy. A confrontation would be inevitable. Qui-Gon was not one to let questions remain unanswered. He heard quiet footsteps approach. Mace Windu.

"Yoda. Have you felt it?" it was a statement.

"I have. Not good, Mace. Dark force, seeking is. At epicenter of Jedi here."

The elegant Jedi master nodded. "What concerns me also is that it isn't clear whom it seeks. We may need a preliminary meeting of the Council."

Yoda regarded him a moment. "Vision, had I again. More recent. Extremely disturbing."

Windu was cautious, apprehensive. "Go on."


Mace eyed him widely. "No! that isn't possible. Wait, the boy..."

Yoda looked away. "Also involved. Unclear specifics. Council will meet."

Windu refused to consider his once-lover turning. It would truly be a sign of a universe gone mad.

"You said the vision was unspecific. How?"

The aged Jedi paused a moment. "Mace...know you, I do. Also know feelings for Qui-Gon. Is inconceivable but possible. Ever have his passions dictated his actions."

The deep hued Jedi nodded. "I have warned him many times, but he has become a fine Master. He has overcome much of his lack of control."

"Much, but not all. A being's true nature is consistent. Training but modifies, makes acceptable to rules and tenets."

Windu paced, thinking that over. "The Council meeting will be impromptu. When do you wish it?"

Yoda leaned against his cane, resigned. "Tomorrow, early in the cycle after mealtime."


Obi-Wan was cooling down after a rough training session in the gym. He chatted with a friend and newly received knight, Jason Kravitch.

Jason was a little older than Obi-Wan, about twenty-six, medium athletic build, bronzed brown hair. He had sharp features that always seemed to see to the heart of the matter.

"Man, Obi" he said, drying his hair with a towel, "There must be something BIG going down at the Council Chambers."

Obi-Wan pulled on his fresh tunic. "What do you mean? Some secret calamity we don't know about!"

"No. Hadn't you heard? It's all over the temple. The Jedi Masters are having an impromptu meeting. All the heavy hitters will be there."

Obi-Wan frowned. "Really? My Master didn't mention it..."

Jason eyed him. "That's strange, he would be there, I would think."

"He isn't on the Council. Not officially, anyway."

Jason laughed nervously. "Oh, that's right. I...forgot."

Obi-Wan was slightly annoyed. "No need to pretend, Jason, everyone knows that my Master turned down a seat."

Jason sat on a bench. "Sorry, Obi. But why wouldn't Qui-Gon be invited? Doesn't he have rank among them?"

"He does, but-"

Betrayal. Conspiracy. Beware.

He felt Jason shaking him. "Obi-Wan! Snap out of it."


"What's wrong with you. You suddenly tranced out."

He gulped. "It's, ah...nothing. Just a noise. Why are you looking at me like that!"

Jason didn't know how to answer. How to tell his friend what he saw and sensed in that moment?

"Obi-Wan, tell me something. Have you ever felt the dark side? Head on?"

The younger Jedi stared at him in amazement. "What kind of question is that? Where's this coming from!"

Jason was serious. "Just answer me. A moment ago, you...I felt darkness in you, and..." he paused.

Obi-Wan's throat was dry. "In me? But I haven't communed with it. How could you sense that!"

The gray eyes regarded him soberly. "Ever since I went through my trials, I've gained a greater sensitivity to it. Your eyes. They...changed."

Obi-Wan felt fear creeping in. "Changed? How?"

Another pause. "There was a moment, a flicker-they were bright...yellow. Glowing from within."

He almost wanted to laugh. "Come on! What is this..."

"Something has touched you!"

Obi-Wan cringed. "Jason, I came here for a workout, not a soul reading. Kindly keep your hack theories to yourself!" he stalked out of the gym.

Jason stared after him. "Ignorance is deadly here. I must go to the Council."

In the deepest recesses of the temple, the mightiest Jedi held court, with one notable exception. A preliminary meeting was held to determine the course of an implied threat that could bring about a new age of darkness.

The circular chamber held the fifteen most esteemed Jedi. Yoda, Windu, Adtweer, Gaar, Junre, Kragg, OOni, Ooreth, Wundel, Aidbala, Freesa, Kaddon, IIlun, Bolaris, Nukk.

Yoda stood on the central floor. "Masters, all. Heed my words. Visions have I seen of events coming to Coruscant. Wild, deadly are. Know that this is a preliminary session only. Vision shows black sphere of force, bound to Jedi. Much destruction, betrayal, and chaos ensue."

Adtweer responded first. "Hold, Yoda! I too have sensed an attempted...gathering. But with who is this destruction bound?"

Yoda closed his eyes. "Involves...Qui-Gon and his padawan."

The chamber exploded into noise, everyone talking over each other.

Freesa. "What madness is this, Yoda! Qui-Gon is not evil. And how does this involve Obi-Wan?"

Nukk. "How involved? Do they destroy the menace?"

Adtweer. "Or are they the menace?"

Ooni. "I always suspected Qui-Gon might turn. You know his passions and refusal to follow dictates!"

Windu. "Passion is not evil, Ooni! Has Qui-Gon ever shown betrayal to his own."

Illun. "I can't fathom this. Are we to base everything on a vision?"

Kragg. "I say there isn't any evidence. Let time show the truth."

Aidbala. "He cares for his padawan, also. He'd do nothing to endanger the boy."

Bolaris. "He has ever been a maverick, shunning a Council seat. And he is too close to his padawan, if rumors hold true."

Gaar. "I will hear none of this. Qui-Gon is a mighty warrior and our brightest. Side by side we have adventured together."

Ooreth. "Fellow Masters, we need to know more. The threat has yet to make itself known fully."

Kaddon. "I agree with Bolaris, I know of the rumors. Qui-Gon has always adhered to views that border on heresy, the pure aspect of the living force. No control or discipline, just motion and power. A straight path to the Dark Side, born of excess!"

Wundel. "Is it come to that, Kaddon! You all but have him Sith."

And so the masters argued, pro and con. Impatiently Yoda banged his cane.

"ENOUGH! Is why this is preliminary meeting. No judgement is decided! Know all this. Beginning now, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan to be observed. That is all. Not absolute is vision, and full intent of dark force not known. Unsettling, is. Be advised, be warned. Use thy training and experience. Report any surge showing a seeking. Agreed?"

The chambers quieted. "Agreed."

"So be it. This session is ended for now."

Obi-Wan felt cold. He returned to his shared quarters with Qui-Gon. The conversation with Jason rattled him more than he let on. Qui-Gon was in the study when he approached. He bowed briefly.

Qui-Gon looked up from his desk. "Greetings, padawan. I trust your workout went well."

"It did, Master. Physically, anyway" his voice tailed off. Qui-Gon stared at him a long moment, then went over to him.

"Look at me, Obi-Wan. What occurred?"

The younger Jedi looked at the floor. "Something happened today that frightened me."

Midnight blue eyes bored into him. "Continue."

"After the workout, I was talking with Jason Kravitch about the big Council session this morning. And during the conversation...I had a lapse, I guess. I don't know for sure, Jason told me about it."

"What kind of lapse. What did he say."

Obi-Wan gulped. "We were talking, and then he said I just...tranced out, that my eyes had changed."

Qui-Gon frowned at that. "Your eyes? Explain!"

"He said my eyes were glowing, yellow. Lit from within" he looked away. "I left the gym afterwards."

Qui-Gon gripped his shoulders. "Obi-Wan, sit. There is something I must say to you, and it in part involves something that happened between us. But first I must know. Do you remember anything during your lapse?'

Obi-Wan considered. "Yes, now I remember! A voice. Not speech exactly, more an impression. It was basic, almost non-sentient."

Qui-Gon let out a slow breath. "Sit" he indicated the seat chair across from his study desk.

As Obi-Wan sat, he noticed Qui-Gon's closed look. "Master, why was the Council in preliminary session today? Why weren't you there?"

He steepled his hands over the desk. "I was not invited, padawan, and the session was about me. About us."

"W-What? Why?"

"Obi-Wan, listen to me. The times when we embraced or nearly made love, did you not notice a similarity? A sense of...something dark?"

"Yes! I hadn't made the connection earlier..."

"Silence. This involves the Council session today. There is a...gathering being attempted. The dark force seeks a bond with its chosen. The Council is aware of the threat, but not the specifics. This is why they had a session in the chambers."

Obi-Wan's braid whipped in the air in agitation. "A serious threat to be certain, but what has it to do with us?"

"The threat is more serious than you know. It seeks to strike here, at the heart of the Jedi's power base. Is there anything else Jason told you during the exchange?"

Obi-Wan leaned back, perplexed. "He said that something had 'touched' me. I wasn't sure what he meant."

Qui-Gon looked up a moment, sighed. "Sith! My fears are justified. Now listen. The darkness is here, padawan. Here and seeking us. "

The younger man shook his head. "No...it isn't possible! Why would it seek us. We are Jedi!"

"The chosen always hear. Today, you heard. It was with you, in you. The times we embraced, when our emotion was high, I heard as well. Remember earlier, when you asked me did I 'feel' something for a moment? I did. We are in danger. We are a danger."

Obi-Wan was shaken. "But, if a Jedi can be taken in such a manner, what hope is there?"

Qui-Gon sprang up, embracing the younger man fiercely. "There is nothing lost. Not yet!"

Obi-Wan's eyes stung. "I feel so embarrassed now for my earlier excess, I-am at fault."

Qui-Gon kissed his cheek. "There is no fault, young one! Never be shamed for loving. Speak, warrior. Are you ready for battle?"

Battle later. Strong, both. Come.

"Master!" Obi-Wan was shaking. "Did you hear it?"

Qui-Gon gripped his face in both hands. "Yes. Still your mind, padawan. Never fear the dark, confront it" he stroked across the young man's forehead.

Obi-Wan grew drowsy. "Are you putting me to sleep?"

"Yes. You are stressed from today's events. Rest now."

"I don't think-" he was out. Qui-Gon carried him to bed.

Qui-Gon returned to his study, deep in thought. His padawan, his son, would rest for several hours. This threat would not go unchallenged.

//I fear more for him than for myself.//

No fear. Come, mighty one. Join.

//Out of my head. Begone with you!//

Have heart's desire. Be free.

//Ha! Enslavement to chaos. A false arguement.//

No. Part of, now. Not separate.

//I am not convinced. Try again.//

Merge with love. Power, free.

//I am Jedi. Nor am I tempted.//

Untrue. Ravish sweet need, love join fire.

//Destruction, consumption. I'll hear no more.//

Touching, always touched.

His eyes snapped open. The contact trailed off. A meeting with Yoda is in order.

He made several attempts to contact Yoda during the course of the evening, with little results. He questioned Master Ooreth, whom he encountered in the Coucil Hall. She spoke in riddles and observed him as if he were a lab experiment. Small wonder, after the session today.

He'd had enough. Deciding to try again tomorrow, he returned to his living quarters.

Upon returning, Qui-Gon noticed Obi-Wan had not stirred. Strange. He should be awake by now. He considered. No need to disturb him just yet anyway, I need to form a plan of action. He padded out of the bedroom to the study.

Obi-Wan dreamt an impossible dream. No, reality. A full moon. Starlit sky. Two bodies, entwined in passion on the shoreline of an ocean, the tide washing over them.

Closer, now...pulsing, pounding with the tide, rythmic movements.

Real. Sweet fire, burning free. Join!

Himself, looking up at the face he most loved, underwater. Framed in moonlight through the waves, impossible mane flowing everywhere in the tide. Gentle kisses, smiling promises made.

/Only us two. Yes. This must be, vision so perfect.../

Crying out in release, pain and hurt washed away..blissful agony, fire of the soul.

Qui-Gon sensed something very wrong. An impression of potent eroticism flooded his senses. He abruptly looked at the bedroom. Obi-Wan must be dreamsleeping. But something else drives it. I must interfere.

He approached the sleeping figure, settling down next to him on the mattress. Turning Obi-Wan over, he looked in horror at the rolled back eyes.

Not natural! his mind screamed.

"Obi-Wan! Break it, Break it!" he shook the young Jedi vigorously.

The horror was just beginning. A blink. The eyes that greeted him were alien. Glowing, yellow. The face smiled.

"Hello, father. You are beautiful. Shall we make love?"

Qui-Gon knew instantly what had happened. He gripped Obi-Wan's arms, shaking him again.

"Release him! He isn't yours!"

A part of. Yourself also.

"I will force you out then!" Qui-Gon positioned a hand on the younger man's temple.

The glowing eyes fixed him again. "Look at me, father. See what I see!"

Before Qui-Gon could react, he found himself in another reality, on an ocean shore. Embraced tightly with Obi-Wan, nude. Soothing, rolling water cascading over them with the tide. He pulled loose of the embrace.

"Padawan, hear me. This is not real."

The eyes were normal now. "It is, father. Our reality and ours alone. Did you think I could let you continue to deny the truth?" he reached up.

"Obi-Wan, the dark drives you here. I must pull us out, before-"

"You have no wish to turn this aside. Else you wouldn't be here" he rolled Qui-Gon over on his back, pinning him. He stroked the short beard. "Sometimes I want you so much it drives me mad."

Tell me about it Qui-Gon thought hazily. The dark stroked his mind, teasing his pleasure centers, causing overload. He had to get them out of here. Soon.

He attempted to push up again. The bronzed body didn't budge. Obi-Wan leaned forward, beautiful in the moonlight, eyes pale. Qui-Gon felt his thoughts becoming disordered. "Obi-Wan" he strained. "We must leave here immediately, or we will not know the difference between this reality and the true one."

A soft kiss. Qui-Gon groaned. His body began to throb. A nuzzle and nip on his neck. He gasped, falling back. Must recite mental ildayd, discipline level one!

Sculpted hands roamed his body. He had to act now, while a semblance of rational thought remained. He called forth the light within. A nimbus of energy surrounded them...

and like a flash, they were gone.

Gasping, he collapsed on the bed, exhausted. Obi-Wan was curled in a fetal position beside him, trembling.

Slowly, Qui-Gon steadied his breathing and sat up. He drew the younger man up towards him.

"Obi-Wan, look at me."

He couldn't. He stared down. "Master, forgive me. I...I feel so perverse."

"The dark drove you, Obi-Wan. You were not in control."

"If I weren't so weak-"

"On the contrary. The force, both light and dark, binds with those of strength. But one thing is clear, we cannot handle this alone. Much as I am loathe to do so, I must go to Yoda on this matter."

The young Jedi flashed anger. "Why go to him! You can't even trust him!"

Qui-Gon considered grimly. "In matters of the force...I can. But there are other, unresolved issues that demand answers, and I will have them."

Obi-Wan observed him, pained. "I have conflicting feelings, Master. Part of me knows this is wrong-" he looked down again.

Qui-Gon smiled sympathetically, tilting the cleft chin up. "And part of you doesn't care. I know, my Obi-Wan. I...I have the same dilemma" he said softly. Obi-Wan smiled sadly back.

"What can we do?"

"First things first. Tomorrow, I will meet with Yoda."

"Qui-Gon didn't report this episode?" Windu was shocked.

Yoda nodded. "No. Worrisome, is. Were it not for Knight Kravitch, we would know even less." He circled the floor in his private chambers, thinking. "Is matter of trust here. Ooreth, sense you anything in brief conversation with Qui-Gon?"

Ooreth considered, then spoke. "He wanted an audience with you. It may indeed have been about the episode, but there was something else that gave me pause."

This caught Windu's attention. "Something dangerous?"

Ooreth sighed. "I...am hesitant to say. There is much emotion, internal conflict of an unresolved issue. Anger. And something else, waiting."

Yoda stared at him sharply. "Any surge, yes?"

"No. Nothing."

Mace sighed. "That's a relief, then. The boy can be treated-"

"Mace, I don't know the specifics about Obi-Wan's condition, but I tell you again there is something wrong with both of them. I cannot determine what."

"How so?"

"The internal conflict is tied into another connection, a bond I cannot place."

Windu and Yoda looked at each other. He knows.

"Something I should be aware of?" Ooreth noticed the exchange.

"No" Yoda sounded weary. "It would seem that an audience cannot be denied."

"Master, are you going to confront them about your suspicions?" Obi-Wan asked as they ate breakfast.

Qui-Gon stabbed at his food. "I intend to. Somewhere there are lies, Obi-Wan, and I mean to root them out."

The younger Jedi reached for his hand across the table. "Master, take your own advice. Don't allow your emotions to rule you. Chances are we're being monitored anyway, and if you lose control-"

Qui-Gon kissed the hand. "You are a joy to me. I promise, I'll be on my best Jedi behavior."

"I...how can you say that I'm a joy" Obi-Wan's voice choked, "when I'm tainted. Perverse."

Qui-Gon's smile faded. "How does that explain me, then."

"Could it be...genetic?"

"I know of no 'perversity' gene, Obi-Wan" Qui-Gon seemed irritated suddenly. "Enough of this. It is time I met Yoda."

Obi-Wan stood. "May the force be with you, father."

It is so.

Qui-Gon strode through the Council Hall arena, garnering attention with his clear intent of purpose. They move aside for me anyway, even though they are my peers. he mused. It was out now among the Masters: he and his padawan were being monitored. Murmurs and eyes followed him as he approached the central chamber.

Into the breach, Qui-Gon.

He stood upon the dias. "Greetings, Master Yoda. Thank you for favoring me with this audience."

Yoda was grim. "Necessary, is, I see it now. What say you, Qui-Gon."

Mace approached the chamber. "I too must attend, Qui-Gon. How may we help thee?"

Something rankled him. "The truth will do, Mace" he exploded. "After twenty three years of lies!"

This is going to be bad. Windu knew. "Qui-Gon, control. Such an outburst is unseemly for a Master."

"Oh unseemly, is it? My own son was hidden from me, and I should be composed?!"

Windu steepled his fingers. "Yoda and I...decided it best to not reveal Obi-Wan to you until the time of padawan choosing."

"WHY?!" Qui-Gon thundered, clenching his fists.

Yoda spoke then, in a voice of ice. "Control yourself you will or this audience is ended!"

"I am no longer padawan, Yoda, I will not be dismissed out of hand. I want answers. Why was it so important to hide Obi-Wan from me? And who brought him here!"

"YOU DEMAND MUCH" Yoda replied. "Our own counsel did we keep! Visions I had at the time, of a unique bonding in the force. Bonding of common ancestry."

What?? Qui-Gon pondered. "This was foreseen, you're saying?"

Yoda nodded. "Somewhat. Realize, did not, that it involved you and Obi-Wan. Not until he arrived."

Lies. Treachery. Betrayal.

Qui-Gon's face began to heat. "I first saw Obi-Wan when he was five. Why was I not told."

"Misgivings had about nature of bond. Possible destructive path. Also uncertain if force bond was of light or dark-"

"You know my feelings for Obi-Wan! Had I known, this could have been avoided. We have suffered needlessly!" his voice rose again.

Windu intervened. "Qui-Gon! Your control is abysmal. We thought only of the boy's best interests-"

The world began to haze red. "Or your own, according to dictates. Don't expect me to thank you, 'friend'. "

"ENOUGH" Yoda bellowed in thunder. "You forget yourself and your training!"

Qui-Gon spoke through his teeth. "I-have-been-LIED-to. Should I be grateful, because you had a vision? This is your fault!"

"Is it! Try my patience you do! Ask yourself: why are you so ashamed?"

That stopped him, momentarily. "I...am not ashamed."

"Truth! You are in love with your own son! 'Tis that which causes you the most anguish! It is your secret shame."

"No!" Qui-Gon stepped forward. "You will not turn this around, Yoda. Who brought Obi-Wan here?"

Mace intervened again. "A...woman from Drakkan-"

"Tallandra?!" he yelled in berserker fury. "She lives, and you didn't tell-"

Qui-Gon's mind hazed out. He remembered nothing of what occurred next. Power, rage. Revenge.

Mace Windu saw the ultimate nightmare unfolding before his eyes. He moved as Qui-Gon moved toward Yoda.

Qui-Gon's lightsaber ignited in a blur, arcing toward Yoda, who stood resolute, unmoving. Qui-Gon was lost to mad fury, but the eyes, an unholy glowing yellow, fixed themselves in Mace's mind.

But he too was Master. Reaching out, he sent a bolt of force towards Qui-Gon, intervening before the thrust was complete. The blast knocked him back. Yoda then held out his hands, and tendrils of light expanded around him, filling the chamber. Qui-Gon collapsed, dropping the lightsaber.

He lay sprawled on the dias, as if awakening from a nightmare. His hand covered his eyes. "What...happened here?"

Yoda and Windu were infinitely sad. Yoda approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "My once padawan" he said softly. "We will do what we can for you."

Qui-Gon stared at him, his heart cold. He knew what they meant. "What about Obi-Wan?" he whispered.

Mace nodded, helping him up. "You must both be brought forward for purging while there is still time."

In a fog, Qui-Gon returned to his quarters. In my arrogance I thought only Obi-Wan was affected. What a fool I was. It spoke, I would not hear.

Ashen and exhausted, he stumbled inside the door. Obi-Wan approached him out of the bathroom, concerned. He had just showered and was wearing a plush robe. The sea green eyes observed him keenly.

"Master, how went your meeting. Did you...resolve anything?" his voice had a peculiar tilt Qui-Gon couldn't read.

He collapsed on a corner chair. "It was horrible, padawan. I...made a grevious error. During this entire episode, I assumed you were the only one affected. It appears I am as well."

Pursed lips. "I told you as much before, Master" Obi-Wan chided. He frowned. "They cannot be trusted."

Qui-Gon didn't like the tone. "Listen to me, Obi-Wan. We are tainted. Yoda and Mace are making arrangements for our initial examination. That will determine future treatment."

The eyes flashed an alien glare again, briefly. "So they can correct their mistakes, father! Is their primary concern for us or themselves!"

Qui-Gon stared at him, taking in the lapse. He stood abruptly, fatigue gone. Anger began to course through his veins.

He pushed Obi-Wan against a wall. "You will not give in to this, do you hear me. Never!"

The younger Jedi breathed heavily. "I know what happened in the chamber, I saw it! They betrayed you. The menace they sought to avoid they have brought about. And now we're told to be Jedi! If this is what it means, I don't want any part of it!"

Qui-Gon gripped the younger man in a vise. Unfocused rage boiled within. Rage at the situation they were in. Rage at being out of control.

Fire. Burn bright love. Join.

"You dare speak this way" he hissed. "Years of discipline and control to be discarded so easily-" the midnight blue eyes bored into the younger man.

And were met with emerald defiance. "To hell with it, I say. You want what I want! I am done with pretense, I don't care what anyone thinks anymore. My mind burns, my soul is afire-" he reached up, grabbing Qui-Gon's face, leaning into him. Lips pressed.

/Night after night I ache for thee, father.../

//Insane! Mad one! Were I to doubt this taint, surely we are both gone now.// the lips felt so sweet.

Qui-Gon felt the world dissolve again. It was worse each time, like a craving that fed on itself. His entire body was a raw nerve ending.

//Must...turn away//

/Not this time!/

He buried his face against the spiky hair, inhaling its' fragrance, then tasting an ear. Tongue tracing along the fine jawline, peppering the silky neck with kisses.

//You are...so beautiful, my Obi.//

/Love me. Love me now!/

Qui-Gon lifted the younger man off the floor, carrying him into the bedroom. They continued their ravaging kiss, Obi-Wan's legs wrapped around Qui-Gon's back, his arms around his shoulders.

Obi-Wan was tossed onto the bed. Bouncing up, he all but tore Qui-Gon's robe and shirt off. Biting and kissing the broad chest, he grabbed at Qui-Gon's groin, yanking his pants down. Qui-Gon used the opportunity to return the favor, tearing Obi-Wan's robe off over his head.

There were no words, now. Not tenderness but raging, all consuming fire. Frantic need for completion.

Neither one could wait. Erections already leaking, they had barely touched one another. Unnoticed, a storm began to rage in the room, gathering in intensity. Objects sizzled, fused, and melted down. Walls blistering. Wind, wild tempest about the room, faster and faster.

In the midst of it all, two writhing figures, oblivious to anything save the fire. A nimbus of dark energy formed around the two, growing outward, filling the room, gaining strength.

Qui-Gon pounded Obi-Wan into the mattress. //Come with me, my love, we shall gain the stars//

Arching, screaming. /Yes, eternity, power! Love you, Qui-Gon.../

The bed lifted, spinning in the epicenter of the storm as the two figures climaxed. A keening crash, rolling thunder, and the storm receded into nothingness.

It is done. Good.


Qui-Gon awakened slowly, his mind not functioning immediately. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes, looking out the window Dawn.

He looked at the sleeping figure at his side. Obi-Wan was tousled, satiated, with a slight smile. Lovely.

The first step on the road to hell. It may already be too late for us, but ghods, I cannot say I regretted this.

He stood, silently padding toward the bathroom to clean up. We will have to discuss this. No doubt the Council is aware of the force explosion. I almost fear the examination we will go through.

In the history of the Jedi temple, there had never been panic in the face of a crisis. All that changed with the potent force explosion felt all over Coruscant. Master, Knight, and Padawan all wondered what portents the dark menace held.

The Council had hastily convened again, an emergency gathering this time. Strident voices filled the chambers.

"Bring them forth" Kaddon bellowed. "We must root out the threat. If they've indeed turned, their bond so strong-"

"NO MORE of this, Kaddon!" Gaar shouted back. "No one has established that they have turned. We will follow procedure, they will be examined!"

Ooreth rubbed her temples. "I have monitored this activity all along. I warned you, Yoda, something was wrong with them. And I sense again you still hold back information."

Nukk. "There has never been such an occurrence at Coruscant. Should this herald a new age of darkness it would pose frightening implications."

"Is so" Yoda sighed, resigned. "Not irrevocable yet, but action must be taken quickly."

"About the rumors regarding their closeness. Is there violation of the Code here, as well?" Wundel wanted to know.

"The rumors about the temple indicated a violation of the Code before this occurance" Ooni frowned. "It would speak greatly of an inclination towards corruption."

Aidbala. "We do know of Qui-Gon's passions..."

"I hold no stock in baseless rumors" Kragg insisted. "Qui-Gon cares for his padawan as would any Master of quality."

Freesa. "They have always been the envy of the temple, the way their closeness harmonizes."

"Closeness indeed!" Adtweer inferred.

Windu held his hands out. "Please, Masters. An examination will be held to determine the extent of the taint. If their conscience is intact, we may recover them and the danger averted. If not" he paused uncomfortably, "We will have-other decisions to make."

Yoda took the central dias. He tapped his cane.

"Ooreth correct is. Withheld crucial information that only Windu and myself had knowledge of."

The other Masters stared. Another disaster?

"Obi-Wan is...son to Qui-Gon."

Shocked silence.

Adtweer drew a breath. "So. Now it becomes clear."

Wundel. "The dictates demand a parent not choose a child as padawan!"

"A stunning development" Gaar was amazed.

"Indeed, Yoda. What madness is this?" Nukk asked.

"Circle of light, if they are that close..." Ooni paused. "Perversity!"

"Agreed, Ooni!" Adtweer nodded. "Truly a bond born in the blackest pits of-"

"Path of providence! You'd say he took his son to bed!" Aidbala was shocked.

"I'll hear no more of this!" Windu snapped. "Gather yourselves, and prepare for the examination. There will be no recriminations here! They will be healed, not judged" ghods, haven't I called it perverse as well?

Yoda nodded agreement. "Know all you this. Qui-Gon had no knowledge that his son was padawan. Bond formed. Extent must be known. We will prepare ourselves in the examination chambers. Meditate, still your minds. We battle against the dark itself."

Dismissed, they grimly went about their business.

Obi-Wan awakened slowly, stretching. I got a love hangover. Turning on his side, he saw Qui-Gon watching him, sitting in a chair across the room. The long mane was tousled down across the broad back and chest. He hadn't dressed, wearing sleep pants.

Big yawn. "Good morning."

Lifted eyebrow. "Good morning. I began to think you'd never awaken."

Obi-Wan sat up, smiling brightly. "Well, after last night-" he paused, the smile disappearing, "Wait. What happened?"

Qui-Gon was very still. The deep blue eyes carved into him. "Obi-Wan" very quietly. "We...are bonded to the Dark."

His stomach rolled. Jedi bound to the dark?

"I-how is this possible. We aren't evil!" he stopped, thinking. "Are we?"

Qui-Gon looked away. "I don't know. This is unknown territory for me as well" he turned back. "This is not what I wanted for you. You had all the makings of a great Jedi."

The younger man gulped. "You said had."

"Along this path, you cannot be Jedi. The Council may be the determining factor in our fate."

"You said it wasn't over!" he nearly shouted. Qui-Gon moved quickly to the bed, taking both his hands.

"I concede nothing. But we cannot deny facts. If we can't break the bond, we will change further. Nor will we be able to stay here."

Obi-Wan looked around the room in thought. "I don't feel any different."

"You do. You will. Think. How have your feelings changed since you were touched?"

He considered. "I-feel stronger. Powerful. And I really am beginning to dislike all the controls being imposed by the Jedi, their Codes and Tenets!" he shouted suddenly.

"You see" Qui-Gon said softly. "No Jedi would say those things. Your entire life has been one of discipline and control, harmony with the force. That has all changed."

Obi-Wan cringed. "I don't know why I said that. Maybe it's stress."

Qui-Gon shook his head slowly. "It's not stress. The dark is in you, part of you. I know because I can feel it. I can feel it in me."

Obi-Wan folded his arms over his knees. "What will they do with us?"

"Examination. A soul reaching. Then a determination of healing is made."

The younger man stared. "What if they can't help us?"

Qui-Gon stroked his face. "Isolation, probably. There is a possibility we would be sent to a colony on a fringe planet with force controls."

Obi-Wan's temper flared. Eyes aglow again, bright amber now. "Chained away like mad dogs? Their conceit knows no bounds!"


Qui-Gon felt Obi-Wan's surge ripping through him, calling power forth. He gripped the beloved face with fierce intensity. Had he seen a mirror, his own eyes he would not behold.

"None will chain us. Let them have their examination. It will prove nothing they don't already know."

Shocked, the two men stared at each other, glow diminishing, returning to normal.

The younger Jedi spoke first. "It was different this time. I was aware!"

Qui-Gon was grim. "As was I. We did not resist, so our awareness remained."

Obi-Wan hugged him. Hard. "Are we doomed?"

"I don't wish to consider that possibility."

Ooreth headed across Jedi living quarters, to where Qui-Gon resided with his padawan.

I dread this.

She keyed the buzzer. A pause. Qui-Gon stood in the doorway.

"Greetings, Ooreth. May I be of assistance?"

Ooreth looked about the room, eyes settling on Obi-Wan. The padawan was the picture of propriety, bowing deeply.

"Greetings, Master Ooreth."

Ooreth nodded, spoke to Qui-Gon. "You are to report immediately to the examination chambers."

"We will be along shortly."

Ooreth lifted an eyebrow. "You will come now. I must accompany."

Qui-Gon spared his padawan a brief glance. "So be it. Obi-Wan, come."

Ooreth watched them in silence. It was definite now. A pulsating, simmering darkness. Resonating power. There had been a major change.

They approached the requisite assembly of Jedi Masters in the hallway. The entire Council was there, lining the corridor on both sides. They watched, stared and observed in silence.

As always, Qui-Gon held his head high. He was preeminent among them, despite not accepting a seat.

Obi-Wan on the other hand, wanted to find a corner. Why must they stare like this! I feel like a lab animal.

//To them you are. We are. Show no shame!//

Feeling somewhat strengthened, Obi-Wan straightened his stride. He would show no fear.

They entered a large circular chamber. Yoda awaited them there.

"Masters, all. This gathering is for the purpose of examination, purging and healing of two souls tainted by the Dark Side. Assume your positions and acknowledge."

The Masters took their seats in the chamber. "We are hear to judge and examine. Let it begin."

Arrogant regents of light.

Yoda. "Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan. Be seated at the center."

The two Jedi sat in the center of the chamber, back to back, surrounded by the other Masters. They assumed the lotus position of meditation.

Yoda raised his cane. "The tenets of the Jedi are resolute and inviolate. Contamination and false interpretation leads to chaos and darkness."

Stuff it up your butt, you maggot flashed across Obi-Wan's mind. Qui-Gon stiffened.

//Obi-Wan, cast out these impulses!//

/I...couldn't control it, Master/ sheepishly.

Give them nothing.

Aidbala approached them. "Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan. Still your minds, clear all conscious thought. Meditative stance for the three levels of being."

//Stupid bastard// lanced across Qui-Gon's brain. He opened his eyes, startled at the lapse. Obi-Wan stared at him.

"Duly noted, Qui-Gon" Aidbala stated grimly. "Well do I know the darkness drives this, and am aware of your loss of control."

Qui-Gon eyed him steadily. "I must apologize. It would seem that we are both driven to extreme thoughts now."

And actions. Aidbala suspected. "Prepare. Relax, open thy minds and souls."

The Masters all focused on the pair. A large sphere of golden light solidified around them, brilliant in intensity.

"Level three, superego" Nukk recited. "Training, learned behavior, discipline, control. Morality" he reached out at the sphere. Tiny black tendrils danced along the surface. The two Jedi within trembled slightly, uncomfortable. Nukk Retreated.

"Level two, ego" Ooni was next. "Sense of self, dreams, desires, emotions" she pointed. The sphere showed black bands whirling around.

Obi-Wan began to twitch. /It's too bright, I can't stand it!/

//Stay...stay with me, padawan, concentrate on the examination. Ignore...the pain// Qui-Gon was unsteady himself.

No more light.

Her power withdrew. Next, Adtweer. Her long arm leaned forward.

"Level one, Id. Base instincts, preservation. Reflex, response. Functions" hand waved at sphere.

The two Jedi roiled in pain.

/Make them stop, it hurts!/ Obi-Wan mentally screamed. /Out of my mind, it burns, it burns.../

Qui-Gon gritted his teeth in agony. //They shall...pay for this//

Call forth the power.

Windu winced. This was worse than they could have suspected. Examinations of the soul were never easy, and this could well be the most difficult any would ever face. He could sense their withdrawal from the light, seeking the comfort of darkness. He looked over at Yoda. The Jedi Master never once took his eyes from the two on the center dias. But something else was wrong. Something building, dark...

He never got to finish his thought. Two pair of eerie, alien eyes, glowing, unfocused.

"Yoda! It comes forth, we must-"

"Counterforce, now!!" Yoda shouted, lifting both hands in a gesture.

The other Masters duplicated the gesture. Blinding white threads of force interconnected between them, forming a web of containment.

Qui-Gon stood, hair whipping about in the center of a dark tempest. Obi-Wan crouched next to him in combat stance, staring with unnatural eyes, fixated.

"Foolish Jedi. You think to contain us? I am done with your ridiculous examination. No more of your rules and dictates will I follow. My son and I will live as we see fit!"

Obi-Wan smiled coldly at that last statement.

"Subdue them, father. I too grow annoyed."

"Black force makes thee both insane" Yoda boomed in tones of strength. "This bond must be broken. Extent I see now. Thy souls topple toward the abyss, thy minds show disease. This vile perversion will not be tolerated. Masters!"

At the signal, they redoubled their efforts. Raw power danced about the chamber, both dark and light. The once golden sphere, now black, expanded further from the two transformed Jedi. Bolts of white lightning erupted from the Masters forming a counterforce, attacking the sphere, containing further growth.

/Hard pressed...to maintain shielding, father/ Obi-Wan staggered within the sphere to his feet.

//Our strength is depleted. We cannot continue this battle now// Qui-Gon rubbed his forehead as the black sphere folded back on them.


"Press them!!" Illun shouted. "We have containment now."

The sphere was rapidly returning to it's former yellow hue. Two exhausted Jedi had all but collapsed within.

"Obi-Wan" Qui-Gon gasped. "Hold, hold on to your soul. Bring...it back. They are not the enemy."

"Trying" panted reply. "Don't trust, but...still Jedi, I think. Feel strange, want to hurt someone."

Slowly the glow diminished, and was gone. The Masters all moved toward the center of the dias. They surrounded the two Jedi.

"Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan" Yoda was solemn. "You must be isolated. Your bond is severe, and deep. And you must want to be free from this taint!"

They looked at each other.

Gaar squeezed Qui-Gon's shoulder. "Dark or no, we won't give you up without a fight. Let us heal you, bring you back to us."

"I will...make the attempt" Qui-Gon said softly, even though something in him recoiled.

"As will I" Obi-Wan agreed earnestly. "We are still Jedi, are we not?"

Windu sighed. "Your status is questionable at this time. When you are healed, it will be restored."

Ooreth. "Come with us."

Sparing Obi-Wan another look, Qui-Gon rose to his feet regally. Obi-Wan stood at his side.

The younger Jedi turned toward Mace. "Master Windu. Will we be separated?"

Quick glance to Yoda. "Temporarily, you will be in separate stations. If it is determined that contact is of no consequence, you will be placed together. The Council will deliberate."

Which they did immediately after both Jedi were held in separate force cells. Once again, disagreements held sway as to the next course of action.

"We can wait no longer. A purge must be forced" Kaddon stated. "The darkness must be driven out of their souls."

"At what cost?" Freesa demanded. "The episode earlier today could be a mere precursor of a far worse situation."

Gaar. "I...am loathe to say this. Never would I have thought Qui-Gon and his padawan son capable of turning. But the corruption is clearly there."

Kragg. "Always have I respected Qui-Gon and admired his abilities. But the eyes...I'll never forget the sight."

Wundel. "The maxim holds. All can be turned. Our worst fears are becoming a nightmare. Our power and experience will be tested."

Adtweer shook her head. "Yoda. Is this what your vision held?"

Yoda sighed from the end of the Council chair table. "Not specifically. As said, was not sure if bond was of light or dark. Mistake I may have made could cost galaxy" he looked down.

Windu had never seen Yoda look so defeated. He was taking this personally. Qui-Gon was his best and brightest, and now to see this transformation...it had to be destroying him inside.

"It is not done yet, Yoda" Mace told him quietly. "The dark flows through them, but their conscience still lives..."

Ooni. "For now. But you can see they fight against the tide, and they are losing."

Ooreth. "A deadly and volatile mix. Their souls bound to darkness, their consciences devoted to light. We may indeed have to force a purge, as Kaddon suggested."

Nukk sighed wearily. "Agreed also. But we will need to renew ourselves. Today's events were particularly fatiguing."

Windu rubbed his eyes. "Very well. A vote will be cast for or against a forced purge. Place votes in synthcubes. May the force guide your decisions."

The Masters all deliberated. They voted in a matter of minutes.

Yoda tapped the tabletop. "Results?"

Windu dropped the sythncubes into a transparent cylinder. Aye if the cubes turned orange, Nay if the cubes turned green.

They watched the progression in silence.

Yoda nodded grimly. "Have seven for, seven against."

The Masters sighed at the impasse. A course of action was needed.

Mace eyed Yoda. "You must break the tie."

Yoda steepled his hands, looking into nothingness. "Force indicates" he looked down, "a full purge. Wish with my heart was not so."

Windu cringed inside. Forgive us, my once love, for what we must do.

Obi-Wan sat quietly in his cell. A burly knight, Red Rungoon, stood guard. Barrel chested and thickly muscled, he looked strong enough to toss a Bantha.

Damn, why couldn't they assign me a shrimp.

//His size is irrelevant. How are you, my Obi-Wan?//

/Tired, Master. I miss you./

//I am not far off. I sense a vote is being taken on a purge.//

/Will they do it?/

A pause. //In all probability. Unfortunately, we must prepare for the worst.//

/I asked you this before, but...are we evil? I know it may seem like a childish question./

//It isn't childish. Obi-Wan...how did today's episode make you feel?//

/Feel? Strangely, I'm not all that bothered./

//You can tell me anything.//

Small sigh. /I felt exhilarated, wonderful, high. Like I could sense the entire universe at once, and my body was bursting with power./


/It's not Jedi, I know. But it feels so good./

//I know.//

/Are you angry, disappointed in me?/

//Never. But as I said, we are continuing to change.//

/I still don't feel evil./

//It is not so simple a concept. But the fact that battling Jedi Masters does not bother you proves my point.//

/They are wrong. Anything that doesn't fit their narrow precepts of right and wrong is unacceptable. They claim to be the path of light, yet look at their methods! In the end, tyranny from light is the same as tyranny from the dark./

Amazement. //Pits of perdition! You are my son. My own words, early in my knighthood, when I had a dispute with the Council.//

Obi-Wan felt a surge of pride. /One of many, I would suppose. There is something else.../

//Tell me, I sense it.//

/I want your touch. We have not been close since...that night. I crave it!/

//You hurl yourself into the Abyss so readily?//

/Do you deny you want it too?/ Obi-Wan countered.

Heady pause. //I cannot. But I hold myself back, padawan. I must, while a shred of conscience remains.//

/When souls burn and love runs hot, does conscience matter? If we just give in to it.../

//We will be utterly lost. I have more experience in these matters, Obi-Wan. We would rule the dark, but it would rule us as well. My desire for you is so great that...I fear it. And Yoda spoke truly, I am ashamed of feeling this way. No true father would love a son in such a fashion.//

/No! Don't be ashamed. I'm not. Not anymore! I love you./

//While we still know the difference, we can be recovered.//

Obi-Wan thought a minute. An idea formed in his head.

/Is there any way we could meet? I need to talk to you in person./

//A trick we could try, yes. But dangerous. It would involve using our new abilities.//

/Tell me!/

//Touch our bond, focus on the guard. Visualize the outskirts of Coruscant in the wood. Wait half an hour.//

Obi-Wan broke the mental contact.

Rungoon paced outside the cell, pausing to glare periodically at Obi-Wan.

You don't do anything for me either, brother. If this room weren't force dampened, I'd burn your mind.

Once he would've recoiled at such a thought. Not anymore. There was only one thing he wanted, needed with a desperate urgency. He would have it!

He followed the steps indicated by Qui-Gon. Then an amazing sequence of events happened.

Qui-Gon did his part as well. The Knight guarding his cell was Ceryl Addill. She was tall and wiry with sharp features. He smiled at her pleasantly. She viewed him with suspicion.

As he concentrated, he pictured the outskirts in his mind. Reaching for Obi-Wan, he called forth the power... and vanished in a clap. Addill sprung forward, deactivating the cage.

"Sith! He's escaped! But how??"

She knew her report to the Council wouldn't be a pleasant one.

A similar event happened with Obi-Wan. Rungoon had his lightsaber out, swinging it in frustration. His captive had just...disappeared. And he could sense no direction of escape, no trail.

The Council will have my head.

In a flash of power, Obi-Wan appeared at the edge of a lake in a secluded wood. The night was heady and sensual, fragrant with blooming flowers and sweet water. The moon was full, casting a bright reflection on the water. He stepped along the shoreline on the soft grass, looked up at the top of the meadow.

And saw a familiar and beloved figure standing atop the sloping hill, awaiting him, eyes blue and dark as night. The moonlight framed the overlong mane, planing the strong face in partial shadow. A smile greeted him. Motion to come forward.

Obi-Wan all but raced up the knoll. Going too fast, he collided with Qui-Gon, sending them both tumbling down the grassy hill toward the lake.

Rolling end over end on each other, they landed at the shoreline.

Qui-Gon landed on his back, laughing heartily. Obi-Wan pinned him, landing on top. He is a beautiful sight the younger man thought. The ridiculously long hair tangled with grass and flower petals, the strong, muscled body, hot silky skin. Bottomless blue eyes. Handsome face. The deep velvet voice that gave him shivers. A touch that made him lose his mind.

"Qui-Gon, father, I missed thee" he gasped, face flushed.

"Oh? Did we not speak merely half an hour ago, my Obi-Wan?" he teased.

The younger man buried his face in the powerful neck. "I burn. Let us commit everything to the power, father, and be free!"

The taller man breathed heavily, tightening his hold. He is too beautiful and lush. Mad.

"It was insanity before and is still insanity now."

"No shame, you told me. I have none! Let it be madness, I want it. We want it. You can't lie to me. I feel it in the bond!"

Qui-Gon attempted to push up. "Release me" he grated harshly. His body trembled with desire. He wouldn't trust himself in a minute...

The bright green eyes were wild. Moonlight danced on the lovely cheekbones. "Love me, as you did before, without hesitation or reservation" he said, peppering kisses along the short beard. "Make me feel what I felt that night!"

The eyes began to glow again, pulsating with the power. "Obi-Wan for our soul's sake, turn away now, while we still can!"

Obi-Wan's handsome face was heated with lust. Panting, he stroked the beloved features. His eyes gave a return glow. Power flowed through them both.

"Spare nothing, give everything. We go together! No more playing at being Jedi. Make love to me!"

Qui-Gon could leash himself no longer. With a fierce growl in his throat, he flipped the younger man on his back, demanding submission of the hot mouth with his tongue. No rational thoughts invaded his passion this time. He crushed the lithe form into the grass, smashing the full lips in a dominating kiss. Strong, sculpted hands gripped his back tightly, pulling at his tunic.

Rolling a little to the side, he slid Obi-Wan's shirt off his shoulders with one hand, still pinning the voluptuous body with the other. He would not release the kiss. Obi-Wan shifted underneath and shrugged off the shirt, sliding down in the grass.

Qui-Gon rotated his groin slowly, sensuously into Obi-Wan's. Mounting erections began to rise through straining fabric. Qui-Gon abruptly sat up, stripping off his shirt. Obi-Wan took the opportunity to slide his pants off as well. He was pinned again before he could remove his briefs.

"Let, let me..." he gasped.

"Be still" Qui-Gon commanded. He grabbed both wrists, slamming them down over Obi-Wan's head in the grass. He couldn't move them, they were suddenly held with force bonds.

Satisfied that Obi-Wan was immobile, Qui-Gon leaned back, slowly stripping off his pants, one leg at a time. Obi-Wan twisted helplessly on the ground, moaning in need.

"Father, please, touch me, it hurts!" his navel poked up, stomach clenching.

The feral eyes flashed in the moonlight. "A sweet hurt, my Obi-Wan. Fear not, I will touch you everywhere" having stripped nude, he leaned forward again over the younger man. Long lapping licks over the calves and thighs. Nips and bites along the soft flesh around the groin. Rapid tongue strokes over the taught erection underneath the fabric.

"I want you!" Obi-Wan all but shouted, arching up.

"You have me" Qui-Gon hissed, nibbling the soft sacs through the thin material. His hands stroked the bronzed stomach and chest. Plump nipples stood stiffly.

/Inside me, now!/

"Not done yet" Qui-Gon lifted the briefs off with his teeth, pulling them down. Obi-Wan's erection popped free. Qui-Gon plunged his hot mouth on the velvet head, sucking fiercely.

Despite having his hands pinned above his head, Obi-Wan's thrashing nearly threw Qui-Gon over. Head arched back, his eyes glazed with passion, half closed.

"I'm coming..."

Quickly, Qui-Gon gripped the base, squeezing tightly, forestalling ejaculation. Obi-Wan softened. He fell back, gasping hoarsely.

/Please don't do that again!/

//It will be even better this way. Wait.//

Moving upward, Qui-Gon bit a fat nipple. Hard. Obi-Wan cried out, grimacing. Slowly he traced a tongue to the other one, sucking softly. Back and forth he went, soft touching and hard on the muscled chest. Obi-Wan's erection stiffened again, pressed between their bodies.

Sweating, writhing. /Oh, oh yes.../

Qui-Gon's own groin was stabbing him painfully. I will take this, it is mine.

Facing away from Obi-Wan, he grabbed his ankles, pulling the feet up and back towards his face. Straddling the younger man's torso with his own, he leaned down again, head between the legs, raking teeth over a tight, swollen erection. Tongue snaking over the tight balls and around the puckered opening, seeking entrance. Two fingers slid inside, twisting. A pull, making more room. A tongue slipping over the fingers inside. Higher and higher inside, hitting a certain spot.

The combination of stroking fingers and slithering hot tongue had Obi-Wan's cock leaking. He was lost, bucking and bouncing on the grass, rasping incoherently. The fire raged beyond words, beyond thought now.

Qui-Gon was done. Quickly withdrawing tongue and fingers, he turned around again, flipping Obi-Wan on his stomach. The younger man raised up on all fours, hot, dripping, and ready.

Without hesitation Qui-Gon plunged into the heated depths, hammering with a fury that snapped Obi-Wan's head back. It wouldn't be long now.

Be renewed. Eternity, power!

Flame danced behind Qui-Gon's eyes as he arched over Obi-Wan, hair cascading down like a curtain over the bronzed shoulders, obscuring both their faces. His body, his soul burned with different awareness. He bit down on the side of his lover's neck, possessively.

Underneath him, eyes rolled back, Obi-Wan humped wildly, hissing his own private pledge, tongue curled over his lips. He also saw, felt the flames. Pure Inferno.



//Sweet fire//



They exploded, bodies tightening, screaming the promise.

Both collapsed down in the grass, unconscious. A burbling ripple in the force. Laughter?

Let the light beware.

They would not awaken for hours. A dark cocoon of obscurity surrounded them both, shielding.


"Explain!" Yoda demanded. "What mean you, they disappeared?"

Two flustered Jedi knights stood before the Council.

"I...cannot explain it, Masters. Something obscures them from detection" Rungoon stammered. "My charge was in his cell one moment, then in the next he simply...was gone."

Yoda turned to Ceryl. "Knight Addill. You experienced a similar occurance?"

She ran nervous hands through her hair. "Yes, Master Yoda. I've never experienced the like. It was as if Qui-Gon was gone without a trace. I could sense nothing."

Ooreth burst into the chamber, robes flowing. "Masters attend! Heed my words. You know of my particular sensitivity to the Dark Side. It is here, and in force."

"Continue, Ooreth!" Windu implored.

"In the garden of meditation I was, but hours ago. I felt a tremor in the force of a magnitude never experienced. It was a merging, not a bonding!"

Shouted exclamations rocked the chambers.

Kaddon gasped. "We-we have only one choice now. There are no other options."

"It's war!" Nukk shouted.

Windu looked worriedly at Yoda. //Can even we meet a threat such as this?//

Yoda glanced briefly. //Unknown.//

Knight Rungoon bowed at Ooreth. "Master, what is the distinction? If the bond can be severed-"

Ooreth waved a graceful hand. "Knight Rungoon, hold. This cannot be broken! The difference is significant. Being a part of is one thing, a living extension is another. Yes, a bonding is a joining, but to merge is to become..."

"Like a god" Yoda finished quietly. A hush fell over the chamber.

Addill went ashen. "The knight brigades must be the first line of defense. Preparations must begin now."

Windu was grim. "See to it, knights. The Council prepares it's own defense."

They bowed and left.

The two mightiest beings in the galaxy sprawled lazily along a lake shoreline, the water's edge lapping at their well-built bodies.

Obi-Wan stretched, yawned. "I feel so wonderful. Why did we resist so long? Surely you have no regrets now, father."

"Hmm" Qui-Gon's long frame stretched into the water. He flashed a small smile. "We are together. What else is there?"

Obi-Wan moved closer, nuzzling, stroking over the broad chest, massaging the soft nipples. Long hair trailed, sweeping about in the clear water. Sunlight glistened over the wet forms.

"We can do anything now. The universe is our toy."

Qui-Gon kissed the moist forehead, then the long red eyelashes. "Indeed. I do love thee, beyond reason. We will be opposed however. No doubt the Council is preparing a defense now. Whatever you think of them, they are not fools."

Obi-Wan snuggled under his father's chin. "Who cares about them now. If they want a battle, we'll give it to them."

"Coruscant is but one world" Qui-Gon's mind was already expanding towards future possibilities.

The younger man stroked the strong neck. "How do you want to do this? Stay or go?"

"Much will depend on the outcome of the battle."

Obi-Wan sat up, staring down into the jet blue eyes. "Battle? They would declare hostilities? Against us?!"

Qui-Gon almost chuckled. "You are still young, my Obi-Wan. The Council are the best and brightest in the force. They have knowledge, range, and experience. Never underestimate an opponent because your viewpoint has changed."

The other man considered. "You may have a point. If anything, I almost relish the opportunity for a conflict."

Qui-Gon lifted an eyebrow. "How so?"

"Well, we have been raised and trained as Jedi, to follow the path of light. Now we travel the dark path. Both sides have we experienced. I would test the strength of the other side now as I never could before."

Qui-Gon closed his eyes, face pointed toward the sunlight. "It is...not a conceptual superiority one way or the other. But the balance can tilt. Our path is our own, however. We need not fit any stale preconceptions."

"We aren't Sith."

"Bah! Tin soldier mentality, slaves to the beat. They also suffer from stale dictates and rigid thinking. We are far more than that now. They are merely puppets to the dark. We are the dark."

Light glinted off the sandy red hair, sheening the bronze body. Obi-Wan's desire spiked again. Qui-Gon opened his eyes with equal lust, roaming his view up and down.

The aqua eyes blazed. "When should we face off the Council?" he breathed, clearly thinking of other things.

Qui-Gon plunged his mouth on a plush nipple. "Later" he murmured, grabbing his son.

The word had spread throughout Coruscant quickly. Twenty of the best available knights ringed the Main temple, reaching out with their senses, standing guard. The Council assembled in the lower levels, the last line of defense. As one, they donned their deep green fighting uniforms and lightsabers. They were honed and ready. Even healers with higher sensitivities were required to raise force shields of protection. Padawans were scuttled off planet to be spared the psychic bombardment.

Windu couldn't believe the course of events. Qui-Gon, so long ago, I had visions of us. Now this. I don't know what you've become, but you must be stopped. I knew the moment that child arrived a significant change in you would occur somewhere down the road. I felt the obsession, the willingness to do anything for Obi-Wan. Likewise his obsession with you, feeding back and forth. It was the same with Tallandra, and you never learned the lesson of uncontrolled passion. Perhaps it is just your nature, but thinking so makes my soul cringe. This is as worse a destiny as any could embrace, a madman taking his son for a lover. But I am resolved, I am Jedi. I tell myself you are no longer the Qui-Gon I knew, and I dread your appearance. There will be no quarter asked, none given.

Yoda had similar ruminations. Could be, all my fault. My own arrogance has contributed, yes. Weary I feel, my eight centuries weigh heavy on my spirit. But I must not falter. If I cannot save thee, padawan, I must find a way to destroy thee. And I will destroy myself in process. Forgive, forgive if you can, thy old Master. Would I have known the nature of this merging, my course would have been different. I know not everything. Never my intent, it was, to separate thee from thine. Will galaxy suffer for my mistake if we fail. Stop there, it will not.

"We seem to be garnering a great deal of attention, father" Obi-Wan was sitting under a tree, wearing a light gray v-neck jumpsuit with black boots. He had been psychically 'scanning' the region. So easy now. As easy as transforming their clothes into simple tech uniforms.

Qui-Gon nodded, similarly attired. "Padawans are off planet. Not surprising. Apparently they expect a major confrontation."

Obi-Wan smirked. "Will they get one?"

Return smile. "Well, maybe. We'll play it by ear. I prefer to make a dramatic entrace and scare the shid out of them" he laughed.

Obi-Wan observed him, smiling. We are so different now. The way we freely think, act, feel. They fear us for it.

"Let me braid your hair. It's all loose again."

A chiding look. "I could-"

Obi-Wan patted the ground next to himself. "Let me do it by hand."

Sighing, Qui-Gon humored him, sitting on the grass.

Well, why not indulge here. We won't be lazy beings, relying on the power for everything.

"True, father. Warriors never seek convenience."

Qui-Gon smiled softly, leaning his head back. "Nosy brat."

"Must be inherited" Obi-Wan whispered in his ear, sectioning the long hair.

Qui-Gon did laugh at that.

"Nothing yet" Ooreth stated. "What concerns me most is that we cannot sense them. This makes it difficult to prepare."

Kragg. "They will make themselves known when they are ready. All we can do is stay on alert."

"Some kind of force-damping field, perhaps" Wundel surmised. "Though admittedly, I've never encountered one of such range and power."

Junre. "We will indeed find out how strong the light is."

The Masters nodded in assent. It was unsettling to think ones of their training could be blocked so effortlessly. It supported Ooreth's claims about the transformation.

Illun spoke their fears. "There are unknowns about this entire situation. This may be the ultimate test. Is there any possibility of averting this disaster?"

Yoda shook his head. "Too far gone. Sense and know it. Recent events, completed dark path. Cannot return now."

"Be silent, all" Ooreth interrupted. "A ripple in the force. The shroud lifts. They come."

Two figures stalked through the woods.

"Why not simply appear there?" Obi-Wan asked.

"It wouldn't do to appear in the middle of a trap" Qui-Gon looked ahead. "Besides, it's more fun this way. We get to be dramatic."

Obi-Wan grinned. "Yeah."

"No doubt they will have their best fighters prepared to stop us. However, we have a distinct advantage. While we know of their fighting techniques, they know nothing of us the way we are."

Obi-Wan stopped, stood in front of the taller figure.

"Give me a word, father. What is our method here?"

Qui-Gon considered. "Hmm. We will disappoint them. They will expect us to be raging, out of control. We need not act in haste. No killing unless they force the issue. Outside of that?" he laughed. "Anything goes!"

The once padawan's eyes flashed. He relished this opportunity.

Outside the temple, a fog of gray lifted across the landscape. Twenty sentinels saw and felt the two figures as they approached out of mist.

"Watch now" Qui-Gon told his son. "Let none of them get behind you."

"They won't get the chance" Obi-Wan replied sharply.

They strode upwards toward the temple steps, strutting with casual ease and arrogance. The knights moved forward in formation. A tall female stepped front and center.

"Hold, traitors. Think not to trespass here. If you continue, we will subdue you."

Obi-Wan decided he didn't like her.

"Why, Ceryl" Qui-Gon said sweetly, bowing. "Is that any way to greet an old friend?"

"Save it, renegade. You will be escorted to detention."

"Oh, I don't think so" Qui-Gon moved closer. "We have buisness with the Council."

Twenty lightsabers activated. Obi-Wan stared in fascination. So this is what it's like from the other side.

"Your buisness is with us only."

Qui-Gon looked around, surveying the knights. "You don't appreciate the...gravity of the situation."

Suddenly the knights collapsed, crashing to the ground, lightsabers flying and clattering across the marble steps and halls.

Obi-Wan laughed. "That's so damn funny!"

One of the knights attempted to speak, but couldn't. His face wouldn't leave the ground. An unseen force held him in it's grip.

Qui-Gon advanced up the stairs, Obi-Wan close behind. "You'll have a hard time stopping us now, I think. Oh, I just made the gravity equivalent to 3g's. Not enough to kill, but you'll be mighty sore tomorrow when you get up. If you get up."

Obi-Wan stepped over the distressed knights. "See you later, suckers" he couldn't resist.

They entered the hallway. Shimmer sound. Reacting on pure instinct, they both flipped skyward. A bolt of blue sheared through the corridor. Another knight, carrying a disruptor instead of a lightsaber.

/My turn./ Obi-Wan thought, crouching upside down on the ceiling. Qui-Gon wrapped himself in shadow, indiscernible between marble columns.

"Stay where you are, rogue" a bulky Knight with black hair bellowed. "I won't hesitate to use this."

"Use that...mess??" Obi-Wan mocked, pointing.

The knight shrieked. The disruptor had fused into a rotten smelling ooze, clotting and dripping over his hands and forearms. He jerked, then went limp. A shifting space materialized into Qui-Gon behind him.

Obi-Wan flipped down from the roof. "He'll have one hell of a headache."

Qui-Gon looked at the fallen knight casually. "Sometimes the old methods are best. Come."

"Let them come as they will" Kaddon was in battle stance. "They'll find us ready."

"We assume confrontation is their goal" OOni's saber was at the ready. "There may yet be another course."

"Enough" Windu interrupted. "They are here."

The panelled doors opened. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan glided inside, striding smoothly. They bowed simultaneously.

"Greetings, Masters of everything."

Yoda snorted. Their darkness was like a wall now, gleaning no insight to their motives.

"Keep insolence. Why are you here."

Qui-Gon smiled. "Merely to take our leave. Our new...situation dictates we do so. And we realize we are no longer welcome here."

"That much is true" Kaddon replied. "Were we able to follow through with our plan, this conversation would not exist."

Obi-Wan stepped forward, long braid whipping around. "Are you threatening-"

Windu made a gesture. "Stay thy ground, stripling. Despite your transformation, you have no rank here."

Cold glare. Pompous ass he projected.

"Obi-Wan is a bit anxious" Qui-Gon continued. "The prospect of...travelling the galaxy is most enticing. After that, who knows?"

"Know well do I!" Yoda blasted. "Thy souls are obscured and black, and the power has corrupted thee utterly. You no longer know the difference!"

"I expected this kind of response. Have we attacked anyone here? It would appear that the light needs lessons in control and discipline."

"You dare speak this way" Nukk was angry. "Do not be overly confident in thy power. And do not tempt fate. There may still be a purging."

"Speaking of arrogance-" Obi-Wan started, stopped. Ooreth was staring at him.

"You may not leave here" she stated. "I remember thee, Obi-Wan that was. So much promise, now cast aside-"

The green eyes were cold. "Save your examinations, woman. I don't need them. All I need is-"

"We know of your 'needs'" Windu flared. "That is what has brought you to this pass. If thy soul were scoured clean this moment, what would be left?"

"Judgements! Accusations. It's never any different with any of you, is it?" he looked about the room.

Qui-Gon appeared disinterested. "To spare you any further discomfort, we will leave. Come, Obi-Wan."

Yoda held his hand out. "You will not."

"Why stay here? We are no longer wanted. And I don't remember asking your permission."

"No games, Qui-Gon. Decision made. If cannot be redeemed, then..."

Qui-Gon kneeled, facing Yoda. "Ah. So my former Master plans to destroy me, then. You forget, I am beyond your touch now. And there is still the matter of my son."

"Remains to be seen, is. The brightest always fall furthest. True is always" there was sadness.

Obi-Wan felt wired. Something is wrong here. His body tingled with raw energy, pinpricks on his skin.

Qui-Gon's head snapped away from Yoda. A trap.

Before either of them could react, a swirling net of blue energy encircled them both, speeding in intensity, binding around them. Obi-Wan attempted to spin free, but the energy mesh followed his movements.

White pain laced through him. His thoughts were wild, unfocused.

//Still your mind!//

/Can't! too much pain.../

Tighter and tighter the shimmering energy wove about them, pulling them down towards the floor.

Blinding, unseeing agony. Two former Jedi writhing on the floor, shrieking.

/AAAgh! Stop, the light! I can't bear it, it's worse!/

//It burns, it burns! DAMN this light!//

Suddenly, there was nothing. White noise, silence.

Obi-Wan opened his eyes. Nothing but white. Zone out.

/Where am I?/

Silence. Then, another presence.


/Father! Where are we. What is this!/

//We are...held by the light.//

/What light? Whose?/

//The purest light. That of souls devoted to and part of its' essence.//

Pause. /The Masters are using their own souls./

//Yes. But it also requires use of their life essence.//

/Can we get out of here?/

//Difficult. The light weakens us. If we don't escape soon, we never will. We would also be vulnerable to another attack, probably physical in nature.//

/They will attempt to slay us while we are incapacitated and weakened!/

//They feel they have no choice. I have other ideas.//

/As do I. I wish to punish them for their deceits and falsehoods./

/As do I. I wish to punish them for their deceits and falsehoods./

Pause. //Well said. But we must escape first.//

Slowly, the Jedi Masters approached the immobilized figures, sabers raised for the final stroke.

"It ends" Kaddon whispered grimly. "May the winds favor thee, as life does not."

Windu. "Lost love, lost hope. Be at peace now" his eyes stung.

Ooreth. "The dark must not have thee."

The other masters had no words. Merely purpose, and a need for closure.

//Obi-Wan, we must make haste. Even now I sense an attack coming.//

/Tell me what must be done./

//Concentrate as never before. Think of us, what we were, what we have become. Call forth everything in you and join. We must make a counterforce!//

/So be it./

Deep within they called the power, and it came.

Sabers arced forward. Yoda's eyes went wide. The prone figures began to glimmer. Eyes opened unfocused, glowing, bizarre.

"STAY!!" he shouted, raising both hands. Too late.

All hell broke loose.

Force explosion! Light and dark, dancing madly about the chamber, ripping marble, rending roof and floor. Jedi Masters tossed about in the maelstrom like rag dolls. A loud CRACK! Rending the mesh of light asunder.

Then, having spent it's fury, the storm subsided as quickly as it came.

Qui-Gon shook his head, clearing it. Slowly he stood. The power flowed through him, flooding him with strength.

"Obi-Wan?" he extended a hand.

Alien eyes met their match. The younger man rose, looking about the destruction.

"We are free! It seems our would be captors are in poor condition" he waved about the ruined temple. Many of the Masters were pinned and stunned beneath the rubble. Two prominent ones struggled to get to their feet.

"Not-not victory yet, dark ones" Yoda hissed, scrabbling from under debris. "Still can I-"

Yellow eyes flashed. Qui-Gon smiled icily, folding his arms.

"You'll do nothing, Yoda. Nothing save acknowledge defeat."

"Still have I power! Fall you have! Defeated, you will be! Blackness, Abyss is thine! And perversion with thy own seed seals thy damnation-"

Lips curled in a snarl, Obi-Wan abruptly stalked toward the aged Jedi.

"Stop prattling, you troll. Shut up!" he put a boot on Yoda, pinning him. Wide eyes stared up at the unholy gaze.

Qui-Gon resumed calmly. "It may shock you to know that the universe does not revolve around your judgement. Your power means nothing to us. When you are nothing but flitting ghosts dancing about the force, Obi-Wan and I will endure as you see us now. Not Jedi, not Sith, will stand in our way."

"And what...is your way" another voice gasped. A tall slender form staggered up, coated with fine powder from debris. Mace Windu. "You who once were Jedi, now worse than any Sith."

"Ha! You always called me a Sith in Jedi's clothing. I am of a mind that the galaxy, the universe is large. Within that, there are many sentient beings looking for leaders to guide them. Leaders who can show them alternatives to the conventional norm. Alternatives such as absolute, total freedom. Infinite choices..."

Windu shook his head slowly. "Anarchy, dissolution and chaos."

Yoda was still pinned. "IMMORALITY AND PERVERS-snnnnnn!" Obi-Wan shifted his boot to the throat, choking off any further response.

"We would guide those who seek us out. All would be free. We would train and nuture them..."

"I'll hear no more blasphemies, Qui-Gon!"

In a blur too rapid to be seen, Windu activated his lightsaber. Obi-Wan stepped off Yoda, reached out with equal speed. The saber flew to his hand, to Windu's stunned amazement. Qui-Gon pointed, hurling the Jedi Master to the wall with a bolt of force, pinning him there.

He approached him. "Sweet Mace. That was foolish. In honor of what was between us, I'll do you no harm."

The deep hued Jedi's eyes were ice. "Hell take thee, once Qui-Gon."

Qui-Gon smiled, touched his cheek. "Hmm. Spurned lovers are always bitter. You were good, Mace, but not perfect. And I only want the best. Is that not right, my Obi?"

The weird eyes regarded him steadily. "Of course, my love."

"A place resides for both of thee, well suited for thy degeneracy!" Windu retorted.

Obi-Wan held Windu's lightsaber on Yoda, looking over at Mace with scorn.

"Perhaps I should crack your skulls together and hear what sound they make. You've caused us much grief over the years."

Qui-Gon laughed, leaving off Windu. "We've taken enough of their time, Obi-Wan. Come, the universe awaits."

Obi-Wan smiled coldly, slinging the deactivated saber across the rubble. He joined Qui-Gon on the remnants of the central dias.

Yoda held his throat. He spat. "My curse on thee!"

Obi-Wan laughed contemptuously. "The great Yoda reduced to placing curses. Have a good one, toad!"

Qui-Gon spoke coolly. "I let you live because it amuses me. Because I can. And because I want you to witness and know what we will do to your ordered universe."

Windu collapsed to his knees, freed from the force vise.

"Insanity. You will be opposed."

"We fully expect to be. Not that it will matter. By then we will have enough converts to balance any resistance. Farewell. You no longer interest us."

In a flash of thunder, they were gone.

On a small rim world, two mighty beings lived in secluded splendor. A polished bentonide structure stood alone in the midst of a dense tropical forest. They had created a home on the outskirts of the main counties, choosing to remain somewhat isolated.

Inside the palatial dwelling, two men were indulging in their compulsive pastime, making love.

"Sweet galaxy. Your mouth is so... exquisite, my Obi."

"MMngph" the younger man replied, swallowing greedily.

Languid strokes on the spiky hair. One last lap on a thick cock. Obi-Wan moved up into a tight embrace.

Qui-Gon looked at him with lidded eyes. To think I once believed making love would quell the fire. Since the transformation, it only burns harder. The power drives this, I know. It is ravenous, but oh, so sweet.

His handsome son returned the gaze, softly.

"Something will have to be done about the Jedi."

"Hmm? Perhaps. Time is our ally. We need not act in haste."

The spiky head leaned in, nuzzling, inhaling scent. They drifted off, cuddling.

Evening approached. Through the large bedroom window, moonlight glistened off the two well muscled figures, sheening light dancing along blue satin sheets. Obi-Wan's eyes opened slowly. Something was poking him in the hip.

He smiled at the powerful body next to his own. Well, well, what have we here?

Admiring the impressive endowment was nothing new to him. He wasn't bad himself. Like father, like son.

Softly stroking the strained column of flesh, he got an idea.

Ghods, I'm getting hard myself. Since the transformation, it's impossible to get a complete night's sleep when we're together.

Reaching for Qui-Gon's waist, Obi-Wan flipped him over on his stomach. Soft sleepy noise of protest. He stroked the muscled back, sliding his hands down towards the buttocks, kneading them. He pulled the thick thighs apart.

The sight of that body, prone and yielding, made his blood thump. Panting now, he slid the long tail of hair to the side, peppering soft kisses on the neck, shoulders, down the ridge of the spine. Lower, to the hollow in the back towards the tailbone. Teasing, whetting, sliding tongue slowly going down the crevice of heat, finally to the tight opening. After slicking it thoroughly, he forced his tongue inside, snaking it upward, curling.

I know men who can't get a body like this working out in the gym he thought idly, pressing for a spot.

And reached it. Qui-Gon nearly bucked him off the bed.

"Obi-Wan!" he cried hoarsely, stroking his weeping cock underneath. "Hurry, my love, I can't wait."

Me neither Obi-Wan's mind hazed in response. He slid between the long legs, cock streaming, already starting to come as he entered his lover's body. I want to bang you senseless!

"Do it!!" Qui-Gon shouted. "Give it to me...NOW!"

The bed creaked and shifted as Obi-Wan pounded. The fire raged higher and higher building rapidly to a crescendo.

Qui-Gon grabbed the headstand, eyes partially closed, face set in heated agony. The wild mane was everywhere. Obi-Wan battered him mercilessly, reaching underneath and pinching stiff nipples. Qui-Gon bucked and rocked, gripping the hard cock with his body. Obi-Wan arched over his lover as he felt the hot channel pull and stroke him tighter. Qui-Gon's eyes rolled back in ecstacy.

"Ghods...YES!...hurt me, I'm coming!"

"Yesss!" Obi-Wan hissed, biting his shoulder.

Their bodies clenched, convulsed, and exploded. Wailing their pleasure, they collapsed on the bed, gasping.

Obi-Wan stroked Qui-Gon's sides. "Oh...ghods, that was so good."

Qui-Gon clutched at the satin sheets. "Yes, yes, so sweet, my Obi" he panted dreamily.

They lay quietly a while as their breathing calmed. Obi-Wan smiled in the darkness. I can make him want me anytime.

Suddenly, Qui-Gon flipped over, rolling Obi-Wan off.


He turned to face Obi-Wan. "I might say the same, sweet one" the face was feral, and definitely not satiated.

The aqua eyes shone above the sensual mouth. "Wait, my love, I-"

Qui-Gon slid his tongue out, curling it over his lips. "Before the transformation, I was still Master, you were still padawan."

Before Obi-Wan could respond, his mouth was filled with a wet, slithering tongue. Powerful arms crushed him against the hot chest.

They remained in that position for a few minutes. Qui-Gon held him breathless against his mouth, forcing a reaction. The tongue worked fiercely along his tonsils, the roof of his mouth, under his own tongue, and towards his throat. Obi-Wan's mind fogged in desire. His body trembled with need and his cock popped up again. Qui-Gon grabbed one of Obi-Wan's hands and closed it over his own stiffening cock, guiding the younger man to stroke him in rythym with tongue thrusts.

Galaxy, will this ever end? Obi-Wan wondered dazedly, eyes fluttering closed. He clutched the broad back mindlessly, one-handed.

Held tighter, hips grinding slow. The tongue stroked the entrance to his throat, faster and faster...

He cried out against the burning mouth, shaking and coming, splattering Qui-Gon's stomach with hot cream. Qui-Gon groaned and broke as well, flooding Obi-Wan's pumping fist, covering it.

Only then did Qui-Gon release his mouth. Obi-Wan couldn't talk. His eyes rolled, head back, gasping.

Qui-Gon nuzzled along the fine jaw tenderly, tongueing the cleft in the chin. "I have many tricks to try on thee" he panted. "That was number one."

The younger man's eyes were glazed over. He stroked the broad chest. "How-how many more do you have?"

Dazzling smile. "You'll find out."

A small buzzing sound, a muted flash. Both men looked towards the night stand. The phone sphere was ringing.

"Who would attempt a communique at this time of night?" Obi-Wan wondered, still foggy.

"I have no idea. Let's find out" Qui-Gon reached a long arm out, popping out the receiver disk. He listened to it with keen interest as the message was relayed. He keyed a delay response. Smiling, he slid the disk back into the sphere.

Obi-Wan sat up, curious. "Who was it?"

Qui-Gon lifted an eyebrow, smirking. "Palpatine."

Obi-Wan returned the smile. The galaxy was about to get extremely interesting...


Two water slickened figures lounged in a massive red marble tub. Their obsessive love was all consuming, interrupting their conversation with lustful moments. Obi-Wan's head lay across Qui-Gon's stomach, the rest of the bronzed body stretched out in scented water.

"Father, I have a question about Tallandra."

Qui-Gon opened his eyes slowly. "Go on" he stroked Obi-Wan's golden back.

"Why would the government of Drakkan hunt her down? Surely a priestess alone couldn't cause so much calamity!"

"They feared her."

"But why?"

Qui-Gon took the beautiful face in both hands.

"My son, my love, my other half. Tallandra was not a priestess of light."

Obi-Wan sighed, arched up underneath Qui-Gon's chin, nuzzling and tongueing his throat. "I suspected as much. But surely she would be pleased at our happiness now."

Qui-Gon pulled him into a voracious kiss. "No doubt, my love, no doubt at all."


Because you requested it!