Dark Bonds 1: Boundaries

by Angel ( oatangel@aol.com ) & Orithain ( orithain67@sympatico.ca )

Series: Dark Bonds I

Webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/de3/infinitum

Archive: MA yes; others please ask first

Category: O/Other, AU

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Obi-Wan/Xanatos

Summary: What if Qui-Gon hadn't changed his mind and Obi-Wan decided he didn't like the Agri-Corps?

Disclaimer: Since we're not George Lucas, they aren't ours. And we're not happy about it.

It looked like a typically upscale area of the Telosian capital city of Thani. The elegant streets that passed nearby had patrician looking trees, all neatly trimmed and kept perfect, sophisticated flower arrangements and well manicured green areas. The expensive stonework that made up the architectural marvels of buildings was quarried half a planet away then shipped in at great cost; even the sidewalks had veins of marble running through them.

The area fairly reeked of old money and power both old and new. It was a place to make powerful friends, exert influence and play your cards right. In the timeless restaurants, shops, and nightclubs favors were traded, lives were bought and sold, and politics were manipulated, all without people ever catching a whiff of the corpulence and corruption.

It was, after all, an elegantly appointed area where the rich and the famous went to see and be seen as well as to expose their lily-white selves to the world.

One building blended in with the next and faded into the general tapestry of the neighborhood, and no one could guess at what went on behind the closed, ornately appointed doors.

Many of the buildings didn't even have street numbers; they were simply told apart by the color of their doors.

One particular building had a dark midnight blue door with a shining brass lantern with blue stained glass over its mantle and was situated on an out of the way cobblestone avenue. It seemed harmless enough. Looks, however, could be deceiving.

Such was the case of The House of the Blue Lantern, one of Thani's most decadent brothels.

Once inside, the elegant austerity of the outer world faded behind the decadence and opulence of this den of vice and sin where every perversity was catered to with only the most talented and most beautiful of whores. Anything could be bought for a price - any whore, any act, any pain, any pleasure. It was by far the most successful brothel on the planet.

In one particular room of the establishment a lithe young man, just barely sixteen, glistened with sweat as he rode the huge cock embedded in his ass, undulating and moaning like the houri he was, taking his pleasure as he would even though a dozen people were paying to watch him spitted on the enormous erection by way of two-sided mirrors and discreet and darkened viewing booths.

A strawberry blond braid danced over his chest, tickling his right nipple, and his short hair made him look very much like one of the mysterious Jedi's apprentices, a padawan-learner. In a kinder universe it would have been true, and Obi-Wan Kenobi would have been the apprentice of Qui-Gon Jinn instead of a runaway Agri-corps worker turned rogue Force-user, thief, and whore.

He laughed low in his throat and then let out a sensual moan as he bounced up and down on his current trick's cock - a man not unlike his not-to-be-master with long salt and pepper hair, a huge frame and a scruffy beard. It rather amused him now to be riding this man's 'saber' instead of a man he'd been willing to follow with near blind devotion three years before.

Ahh, but Jinn had rejected him as a padawan and cursed him to a life in the Agri-corps. Even one who'd been so firmly grounded in the light as that younger Obi-Wan could be corrupted when his dreams were crushed and his young heart shattered. And that was precisely what Jinn had done when he'd thrown Obi-Wan to the wolves.

Bitterness and betrayal had invaded a once happy heart, and in the space of a year the laughing child he'd once been was dead, replaced with someone colder, harder and full of anger at the universe at large. He'd watched and waited, and when they'd despaired of him and sent a missive to Yoda that they feared he was turning dark, Obi-Wan had jumped planet and disappeared into the universe.

He'd lived by stealing and selling both his services and his body. Parts pilfered while on Bandomeer and on various worlds had allowed him do something no non-Jedi should have been able to: build a lightsaber. He became 'rogue' and embraced the danger and the knife-edge he walked on - a creature not quite of the dark but no longer of the light.

Eventually he'd drifted his way here, to Telos, the home of Qui-Gon's last apprentice, another who'd turned dark. It made him wonder if the fault was, in fact, the vaunted Jedi's rather than his own. After all, Jinn was now one for three, not the greatest of odds. But that was neither here nor there. Jinn was no longer any concern of his; he had more immediate needs to take care of, like eating and finding work.

Luckily for Kenobi, he fit right in at the Blue Lantern, his proclivities and looks making him popular with the clientele and earning both him and his handlers more than enough money to keep everyone happy. And it left Obi-Wan with time enough on his hands to practice his true craft even if he did have to whore himself in order to make a living. What was a body but another weapon, after all? That was a lesson he'd learned early on in his new life.

A presence in the Force brought the young man back to the present, and he glanced furtively around, trying to figure out if it was friend or foe hidden behind the mirrored glass, watching him as he reached for his pleasure upon this great beast of a man beneath him.

Xanatos sat back in comfort, surrounded by those who, like him, had been drawn to this place by the rumors of a Jedi whore. Unlike the sensation seekers, he'd had a reason for wanting to find out if the rumors were true, and now that he was here, he could feel that the writhing slut in the other room truly was a Force-user.

He glanced over toward the entrance, and the obsequious male who'd been watching him anxiously scurried to his side. "Is he acceptable, Lord Xanatos?" he gabbled, nearly falling to his knees at the dark human's feet.

"Completely. Send him to my home. Payment will be delivered to you when I ascertain his condition." Xanatos stood up and left, ignoring the fellow's wails of protest. He would pay him more than the boy was worth... at least as a whore. As an apprentice... well, that remained to be seen.

Obi-Wan followed the two handlers to the hovercar that would take him to a private party he'd been requested for, his hand casually hovering over his hidden saber. Something just didn't feel right, but his control over his prescience was shaky at best due to his decided lack of training - yet another thing to damn Jinn for.

Obi-Wan sensed a shift coming in his future, for good or ill he didn't know, and he found it unsettling that he couldn't sense the thoughts of these two gorillas, but until he had a better idea of what was going on, he'd play the brainless whore going to a party.

The closer he got to the estate and the further out of the city he went, the more Obi-Wan's Force 'alarms' went off, and they increased in volume until there was a warning klaxon in his mind. He sensed a Force user nearby, a powerful one!

Before he could will the driver to turn around, they were pulling up in front of the estate and he was being manhandled into the main foyer. There was no way he was going deeper into the house; he refused to walk into a trap now that his eyes had been opened.

Suddenly coming truly alive for the first time, Obi-Wan lashed out with both the raw, untrained power of the Force that was his to command and with his fists and body. One behemoth was Force-hurled across the room, slamming into a wall with a loud crash even as the other was flipped over the wiry shoulder of his opponent. Obi-Wan fought with the ferocity of a cornered wild thing; he was not going to let any Force-be-damned Jedi strip him of his abilities, not without a fight that drew blood.

Xanatos stood at the back of the room, watching the young man's efforts. Yes, he really had had some Jedi training, though judging by his very minimal control and age, he'd probably only had the basics given in the creche. A failed candidate perhaps who hadn't enjoyed the alternatives available to those not chosen as padawan learners?

"Enough," he barked, striding forward. "Yes, you'll do just fine," he said, dismissing the others with a wave. "So little not-Jedi, how would you like to learn what they refused to teach you?"

Obi-Wan bit back a sarcastic remark as he spun to face this newest threat... and stopped dead as he felt the Force eddying and surging around the stranger - dark and deadly but so very strong.

"Who are you" he asked, a little in awe and a lot suspicious of this newest person. Too many harsh lessons about the fickleness of so-called masters and how Force-users tended to betray those who sought to learn from them. Too many years of struggling to survive and seeing the darkest corners of the sentient soul, not to mention other species. Obi-Wan was not about to trust again so easily, despite the offer of his heart's desire.

"Xanatos," the dark man replied, smiling coolly. He was well aware that his name was used as an object lesson for young Jedi-hopefuls. "The Sithlord."

The Force-sensitive young whore's reaction would determine his fate: life as his apprentice or death. Xanatos hoped it would be life. After watching him earlier, he had a few other things in mind for the pretty boy.

Obi-Wan blinked. Then stared. Then burst into laughter. He laughed so hard that tears streamed down his cheeks and his sides ached. He laughed until he could only weakly gasp for air.

"Oh, this is too rich!" he snickered, not quite sure how he felt at the moment beyond the fact that he was well and truly the butt of some enormous cosmic joke. "Jinn makes it abundantly clear that I'm not good enough to ever be his apprentice and that he'll never get over the perfect padawan turned bad, and lo and behold but who should offer to teach me the dark arts? The perfect padawan gone bad. The Force really does seem to have it in for me, doesn't it?"

"So Qui-Gonn still hasn't gotten over me?" Xanatos said in tones replete with satisfaction. "What a shame. Someday I'm really going to have to look him up and fuck him the way I wanted to. 'It'll interfere with your training, Xani.' 'We can't before you're knighted, Xanatos.' Bantha poodoo! The man's probably a damned virgin." He turned his attention back to the young man. "Unlike you... What is your name anyways?"

"What's it to you?" Obi-Wan shot back, more than a little jealous that Jinn was obviously so enamored of this, albeit gorgeous, blow-hard of a fop. This was why Jinn had passed him over. The more he thought about it, the more pissed he became.

"Bastard, I'm worth twenty of you, and he sends me to the fucking Agri-corps just 'cause he was afraid to get laid? What a cretin! And to think I wanted to grow up and be just like him when I was in the creche. Pathetic, really pathetic!"

Eyeing the smaller man, Xanatos had to laugh. "Hate to break it to you, kid, but you're never going to grow as big as him. But you're cute." He considered tapping the button nose, but he had a feeling the irritated young man might bite him. "So should I take that to mean that you're not interested in being trained to use the Force?" He shrugged. "There was another one who had potential, though really horrible taste in facial tattoos. Guess I'll see if he's interested..."

"I never said that," Obi-Wan replied quickly, watching the older man carefully, the way you'd eye a Hoth Wampa - admire its sleek lines but watch out for its claws and fangs.

"I'd want to know the price of such a transaction before I strike the bargain. After all, I doubt very much you're doing it out of the altruistic goodness of your pure Jedi heart. Name your price, Xanatos; what part of me do I have to sell in order to become your apprentice? My soul?"

"Your soul is between you and the Force," Xan shrugged, indifferent to the idea. "What I want is your talent and that lush little body in my bed whenever I want it." The pure lust that shone in his eyes as he ran them over the half-naked, Force-gifted whore made it clear that he wasn't kidding. He wanted the pretty boy, and he intended to have him. It would be more pleasant for both if Obi-Wan were willing, but it wasn't essential. Of course, he wasn't going to tell the boy that unless he refused to cooperate.

"So, is your less than virginal ass worth learning to use the Force and spitting in the collective eye of the Jedi Council?"

"That depends on whether or not you make it worth my while," Obi-Wan said after long minutes. "I may be a whore, but I'm a damned expensive one. I'll require a set of rooms to myself where I'll sleep when I don't have to... service you, a new wardrobe so that I can get rid of those gaudy things I'm forced to wear at the brothel, a rather healthy stipend - I've become used to being liberal with my money - and no questions about certain topics, like Jinn, my life at the Temple, my associates or basically anything before I set foot into your little web.

"If you have no problem with that, then I have no problem with you using me as you see fit; after all, it's not like it means anything, and it's not like I really give a damn one way or the other who I fuck to get what I want out of life," the former initiate finished cynically.

Xanatos returned an equally cynical smile. "Deal." Of course, he had no more intention of adhering to the letter of it than the pretty little whore did. He would find out everything there was to know about him before he was done, but for now... "And shall we seal the bargain?" he purred, the hot look in his blue eyes, which now resembled the pure heat at the heart of a blaze, making it clear what he had in mind.

"Are you ever planning to tell me your name, or shall I just call you Apprentice Whore?" he inquired dryly.

"Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi. So, we gonna do this here, or would you rather I spread my cheeks in privacy?" the teen replied, his cultured accent making his crude words that much more obscene. "Like I said, I don't give a shit, but you might."

The so-called richest man on Telos appeared to give the matter some consideration. "We'll have plenty of time to mark the marble over the next years. For tonight, I think the comfort of a bed is called for.

"Follow me." He turned on his heel and strode up the antique, ostentatious stairway, never bothering to see if Obi-Wan did as commanded. If he hadn't, this would be the shortest apprenticeship in the combined history of the Sith and Jedi.

Making sure to stay just out of reach, Obi followed at his own pace, knowing that it was now his place to follow but refusing to let himself be seen as a mindless little braid-boy happy to bounce at his master's feet. Maybe once upon a Sith's moon he would have been but now... no way in any of the hells in the galaxy!

"Nice digs," the youth finally had to admit. "Who'd you kill to afford them?"

"My father." That reply actually silenced the young man behind him for a moment. "Actually, Qui-Gon killed him, right before my eyes, to save his precious peace," Xan snarled, lost in memories of the past. "I branded my cheek with this mark, from Crion's ring, to remind me never to trust anyone else, especially not a Jedi." He practically spit the last word, then turned to eye his newfound apprentice assessingly. "Together, my young apprentice, we'll destroy that smug bastard and the whole damned Jedi Council, and we'll remake the universe for ourselves."

"My young apprentice?" Obi rolled his eyes. "Gimme a break, that sounds like something out of one of those really bad holovids of the return of the Sith. I want you to teach me, true. I'm trading my body for that privilege, yes, but great gods above, don't think this is some fate-bedamned quest for power and immortality. That ain't happening!"

Bursting into laughter, Xanatos grinned at the other man, for the first time since they'd met relaxing and looking his age, which was only a few years older than Obi-Wan. "Okay, no smarmy nicknames," he agreed then waved the young man on. "Last door on the right. Feel free to explore; no one else is here except the servants, and none of them are in this wing. Pick whichever room you want for yourself."

Obi-Wan quirked an eyebrow. "You mean you're not going to tell me I need to be in the room right next to yours so I'm easily accessible day and night?" he asked sarcastically. "Fine then. I want one that has a great view and gets the morning sun so I can meditate. It's one of the things they taught me that I still do and enjoy. And isolated. I've never had a room where I haven't had to share or haven't been surrounded by people. Until I learned how to build mental shields I thought I'd go crazy from the noise in my skull."

Not bothering to wait for an answer from his new owner, he began opening doors at random. Obi would be damned he'd call anyone master ever again, not after what Jinn had done to him. No one deserved that title, and no one would ever truly be the master over him, not if he could help it. Xanatos was using him as surely as he was using the older man, but that was all there was to it as far as he was concerned.

Opening a door that led to an opulent, even decadent room, Obi knew he found Xani's suite and shut it immediately, ignoring the amused gleam in the dark Jedi's eyes. Well, at least now he knew where he was gonna be fucked on a regular basis. Moving on, he entered and discarded a handful of rooms before he found one that called out to him.

It was almost ascetic, done in muted tones of sand and sky and cream. The room was light, airy and earthy all at once. There was a platform bed with a huge mattress and silken coverings with netting hanging over it, a huge bathing area, a balcony that overlooked water gardens and even a meditation mat. It cried out to his ravaged soul and soothed and surrounded him with a peace he had not felt in a very long time. "This one. I want this room," he breathed as he felt some of his shackles loosen and lift away upon finding a place that told him he belonged at last somewhere and to someone.

Xan wondered if the young man would still like it if he told him that this had been Xanatos' own room when he first bought this residence shortly after returning to Telos. Back then, he'd still not rid himself of all the Jedi disciplines Qui-Gon had instilled in him, and this had felt right to him. The fact that Obi-Wan liked it told the dark Jedi that the former Initiate still retained much of what the Jedi had taught him despite his belief that he'd turned his back on them.

"Then it is yours," he said simply. He briefly considered allowing Obi-Wan this first night to get comfortable in his home, but he decided that would not start their relationship out on the right foot. "And now it is time to return to mine."

Shoulders hefting in a silent sigh, Obi-Wan cast one last, hungry look at the room and then turned to face Xanatos. He should have known better. Really he should have. Nothing for free and no kindness without a price. Ah well, he'd made this bargain knowing full well the terms and the cost - namely his body. It was no different than any other deal he'd made the last few year cycles - this one just had prettier wrapping and was tied in a luxurious bow.

Methodically, almost clinically, he stripped his clothes off until he stood naked before his new owner, and then, stepping around the older man, walked out the door, his hips rolling in unconscious seduction as he moved towards Xanatos' bedroom.

Glancing back over his shoulder towards the man who still stood in the room he was about to pay for, Obi-Wan fought the urge to roll his eyes impatiently. "Well? Are we gonna do this or can I get some sleep? It's been a busy day for me considering I've been servicing tricks non-stop since last night."

Rule number one, don't let 'em see your vulnerabilities, or they'll just use them against you, he carefully reminded himself as he turned back and walked the rest of the way to the room and then casually leaned himself against the wood next to the door, waiting.

One dark eyebrow rising nearly to his hairline, Xan followed the young whore to his room and tossed the clothes he'd caught up at him. "Do not walk naked around my home. This is not a whorehouse," he said coldly, moving past to the bed.

"You may use my bathing room to clean yourself. I will not have the sloppy remnants of others in my bed. When you are done, join me." Ignoring the young man after that, he removed his own clothing, briefly displaying a finely sculpted body, then shrugged into a silk robe. That done, he left the clothes where they'd fallen, knowing a servant would take care of them in the morning, and moved over to a chair where he picked up a book and glass of fine liquor.

"Could have fooled me," Obi snarked under his breath. "Oh sure, I've got a fancy title, apprentice, but it doesn't change the fact that you want me to whore myself to you." Having made his point, Obi-Wan disappeared into the bathroom and locked the door securely behind him, trying desperately to regain his lost composure.

So close, the real Obi-Wan, the one that hurt and bled on a daily basis at what he'd become in order to survive, that Obi-Wan had nearly come to the surface.

"Damn your soul to all the hells of the Sith, Qui-Gon Jinn," he whispered, looking at a face that, while aesthetically pleasing to all who bought his services, reflected back to Obi-Wan the darkness that had invaded a soul once filled with nothing but the light. "You did this to me, old man. You consigned me to this hell and your former apprentice when you cast me aside because I wasn't good enough. You made me into a whore and a rogue. I hope you burn for what you did. I can't wait to throw it all back in your face, oh great and glorious Master Jinn, just how thoroughly you can destroy lives with your cowardice."

Wiping his face clean of all emotion, using old meditation tricks to get himself under control and wipe the slate that was the Obi-Wan the universe saw blank once more, the young man stepped into the shower and began to almost ritually clean himself for his new whore master.

Although he'd heard Obi-Wan's response, Xanatos chose to ignore it. It was a small rebellion, after all, and he didn't really want to spend his first night with his pretty new toy/apprentice disciplining him. Besides, while it might not be exactly the norm for a Sithlord, he preferred not to eradicate all traces of independent thought in his apprentice. Hopefully, in time, the boy would become if not an equal partner, at least one who could share the burden.

He was amused when he heard the lock catch, wondering just what Obi-Wan thought that would do against a Force-user. Shaking his head, he mused how true it was that childhood habits never really go away. Laying his book aside, he leaned his head back against the plush covering of the chair and closed his eyes, waiting impatiently for Obi-Wan to rejoin him.

After making sure he was totally clean both outside and in, Obi-Wan toweled off quickly and lubricated his anus thoroughly. No sense wasting time and who knew how Xanatos had planned on taking him. Small doses of pain might be pleasurable, but there was no way Obi-Wan would let himself be taken dry.

Taking a few more moments to lock his true self away inside an impenetrable box in his mind, a trick he learned years ago when he first became a whore in order to survive, Obi-Wan opened the door and stepped out into the bedroom to face his new master.

Midnight blue eyes the exact shade of the silk robe he wore opened and fixed on Obi-Wan the moment he stepped into the room. "Much better," he approved, seeing that the boy truly was beautiful without the heavy cosmetics his former owner had insisted on. Knowing that the young man expected him to act like his former clients, to sit back and expect him to do all the work, Xanatos rose to his feet and paced across the room toward him, much like some wild feline stalking its prey.

Coming to a halt in front of the wary youth, he stroked a finger over one smooth cheek. "Beautiful indeed." Xanatos lowered his head to brush his lips over Obi-Wan's in a whisper soft kiss, then waited to see what his new apprentice would do.

Jerking his head back, Obi-Wan stared at the older man. "What did you do that for?" he asked, shocked. None of his tricks had ever wanted to kiss him before.

"Because I wanted to. Because it is pleasurable." Xanatos was taken aback by that reaction. It seemed that Obi-Wan had been ever more abused than he'd thought if he couldn't even associate kissing with sex. He curled a possessive hand around the nape of the young man's neck, holding him still, and kissed him again, his tongue this time lightly flicking over Obi-Wan's closed lips, seeking entrance.

Not sure if he liked this or not, Obi-Wan stood completely still, going lax in the dark Jedi's hand. When Xanatos' tongue sought entrance into his mouth, the young man hesitantly opened his mouth and let the older man's tongue slide inside. Obi-Wan's eyes stayed wide open, watching Xani's every move like a cornered animal watching its stalker.

Xanatos kissed him passionately, exploring his mouth while making sure not to spook him by moving too fast in areas with which he was unfamiliar. He approached this kiss with Obi-Wan as he would gentling a wild animal he was trying to domesticate... and Xanatos had never failed to tame any creature he had chosen as his own.

The tiny mewling whimper came out of nowhere, and Obi-Wan felt his lips go soft and open a little wider. His body became more pliable, and he felt his penis begin to fill and lengthen, something that hadn't happened without manual stimulus in a very long time. Eyes drifting shut, Obi's hands came up to rest lightly on Xantatos' hips, and his breathing became erratic. Force, was he actually becoming aroused from a kiss?!

Carefully hiding his amusement from his fellow Force-user, Xanatos deepened the kiss when Obi-Wan began to respond, drawing him slightly closer and allowing his hands to slide down to cup Obi's ass, though he kept them otherwise motionless.

Finally pulling his head back, Obi-Wan's tongue darted out to lick at the moisture Xanatos left behind. "No one's ever wanted to kiss me before. They don't kiss whores, or so I got told. Whores were holes to be used.

"Oh, they'd fuck my mouth or my ass, but they'd never kiss me. That was something they saved for people they really wanted or really loved. Figured by not kissing me they weren't really committing a sin or something," the former initiate confessed quietly. "You had to be different, didn't you?"

"I pride myself on it," Xanatos responded with the most open expression he'd worn since Obi-Wan arrived, a wicked, sparkling smile that his age-mates at the Temple would have recognized as Xani at his happiest and most mischievous. "Besides, you're not a whore any more, and eventually I'm going to convince you of that." He ignored the fact that Obi-Wan had no right to say no to him in favor of the reality that no one else would use him.

"A whore for one or a whore for hundreds, doesn't change the fact that I've basically sold myself to you," Obi-Wan replied pragmatically. He had long ago lost the freedom to indulge in illusions and found that it was safer to accept the cold hard truth.

The last illusion he'd harbored was that Qui-Gon Jinn would realize what a fool he'd been and come to collect Obi-Wan. But after a month with those damned earth grubbers he'd known differently and had hopped the first transport he could to a life away from anything Jedi.

No, Obi-Wan was now older, wiser and harder. Dreams and illusions were for the innocent and the foolish; he was neither. "But you're more than welcome to try and convince me to believe a lie; after all, isn't that what makes you Sith? The ability to make lies seem like the truth? Maybe if you teach me long enough, I'll believe that, and who knows, maybe I'll believe that love really does exist, and hey, I know, I'll even believe that that bastard Jinn really did want me as his padawan; it was just all one big, ugly mistake!" the younger man laughed bitterly.

"I find myself supremely indifferent to what Qui-Gon did or did not want," Xanatos replied almost sharply before regaining control. "And whether he changed his mind or not, he is elsewhere, and you and I are here." He shrugged free of the expensive silk, leaving him as naked as Obi-Wan, and he drew the younger man back against him, silencing him with another kiss.

This time, however, he allowed himself to begin to explore the lithe body in his arms, stroking the long muscles of his back and lightly scraping his nails over sensitive flesh.

Obi-Wan couldn't help but appreciate the perfect body in front of him. And Xanatos was perfection. Hard, lean, lithe and quite beautiful. Only the crescent-shaped scar on his cheek stood out as being different, and even that didn't detract from his appearance. If anything, it only added to his appeal; it made him more masculine in his beauty. "Are all Sith as beautiful as you?" Obi-Wan asked, drawing in a shivery breath as Xanatos' nails threw him off balance.

The question startled a laugh out of Xan as he remembered the weirdly tattooed young man he'd defeated to become Sideous' apprentice... and the way Palpatine had looked when he'd thrust his lightsaber through his heart. "No, you and I appear to be the exceptions... although since I've only known two others, perhaps they were the exceptions." He shrugged.

"Who... I probably don't even want to know," Obi replied, shaking his head in response to his own question. Xanatos' finger slid between the cheeks of his ass at that particular moment, forcing a full-throated moan of need from the younger man before he could tamp the sound down.

Obi-Wan blushed to the roots of his sandy hair. The only noises he ever made during sex anymore were the standard sounds that every customer expected to hear, certainly not the sound that just managed to break free from him. Dark gods, what was happening to him?

concluded in next part