
by TJ

Sequel to: Want To Know

Archive: Yes to M-A

Category: Humor

Rating: PG

Feedback: Please!!

Summary: Qui-Gon educates his padawan on the topic of sex.

Qui-Gon spent three exhausting days slowly educating his rather sheltered padawan about sex. Outside of his Trials, he considered it the most difficult thing he had ever done. And if it did not end soon, it would surpass his Trials.

He had gone slowly and patiently, answering the boy's questions as best he could. He tried to deflect the more embarrassing ones, such as had anyone ever eaten him, by saying they were personal. Obi-Wan had nodded and gone on to something else, but Qui-Gon noticed a distinct lessening of questions after that.

Qui-Gon kicked himself. He told Obi-Wan time and again to come to him with any questions he had. But when he did, the Jedi master told him that was too personal. Well, by Obi-Wan's own actions he knew he could not have it both ways.

"Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said gently. "I know you have other questions. Why won't you ask me?"

"I'Ä... I don't want to ask anything too personal, Master," the boy replied honestly.

"Obi-Wan, I regret what I said earlier. I want you to feel you can come to me with anything. And I do mean anything. I am your master and there is nothing I will keep from you as long as it does not damage another." Obi-Wan could tell his master was sincere. He smiled at the man, then turned his thoughts inward. He had a question, all right, but was not quite sure how to phrase it.

"You asked me before if, um, anyone had ever eaten me," Qui-Gon began, his face turning red. He wondered if it happened enough if it would become permanent.

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan replied. "But I figured someone did since you didn't want to answer it."

"Very astute, Padawan," he muttered. If he had any dignity left when this was over it would be a miracle. The only small joy came from knowing he was educating his padawan and the small revenge he planned once the boy turned about 16 or so. Oh, how he was going to make his padawan pay for this.

"I guess that's how you knew it feels really good," Obi-Wan observed. "And that it's sanitary."

"What else did you want to know, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon prompted. He wanted to get this over and done with so he could find a nice quiet rock to crawl under and die.

"How old were you when you first had sex?" The question flowed from the boy as naturally as if he had asked the time of day. Qui-Gon blushed again before answering.


"Wow!" Obi-Wan exclaimed. "That's pretty old. I thought you said most humans began around sixteen or so?"

"While most do, I did not," Qui-Gon said.

"Didn't you want to?" Sparking this boy's curiosity could be a very, very bad thing, Qui-Gon saw.

"Yes, I wanted to. Quite badly, in fact," he said. "I just didn't find the right person until then."

"She must have been somebody very special," the boy said and saw his master flinch. That brought his mind back around to the question he was pondering earlier. Sensing now was the right time, he began.

"Master," Obi-Wan said tentatively. "I do have another question."

"Go on, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon prompted when the boy fell silent. He was both relieved that the prior question was being dropped and worried at the same time.

"Well, you've told me a great deal. And the visual aides helped even more. But I don't understand something. All we've talked about are men and women together. Are two men not able to have sex?"

Qui-Gon wished that the floor would open up and swallow him whole. Or that a Sith would come charging through the door. That would be even better because he was sure his padawan would follow him down any hole he tried to slink through. It was one thing to explain to the boy about sex in a procreation concept. How was he supposed to do it when it was based on pleasure alone?

"I mean, lots of the bonded knights in the temple are both male," the boy continued as his master tried to find a way to escape. "How do they love each other?"

How do they love each other? The question caught Qui-Gon by surprise. Maybe his young padawan grasped things a little better than he thought.

"They love each other the same way a man and a woman do," he said.

"But, Master, they both have penises," the boy interjected. "Where can they put them?"

Qui-Gon went on to explain that two men could still pleasure each with their hands. Obi-Wan seemed to accept that readily enough. He did not even blink an eye when Qui-Gon said they could do so orally, as well. The Jedi master hesitated before continuing. There was such a thing as too much information. But if anything, these last weeks had taught him that once his padawan had a question he did not stop until he got an answer.

"Master," Obi-Wan began when Qui-Gon fell silent. "Is it pleasurable to have a penis in your behind?"

"It can be," Qui-Gon answered truthfully. But if the boy asked him how he knew'...

He felt it then, confusion and a trace of fear coming from his padawan.

"What is it, Padawan?" he asked softly.

"The other day, I was down in the laundry and I heard some noises," he began shyly. "It sounded like someone was hurt. I went to see what it was. The knight had the padawan on the floor and he was putting his penis into the padawan's behind. The padawan was squirming and moaning. I know I should have left but I didn't know if he was hurt or not. Then the knight just kind of shuddered and moaned a bit, too. I was fairly sure they weren't in pain then, but when he pulled his penis out'... there was blood on it."

Qui-Gon regarded his padawan very seriously. He could see the unease the boy felt. He would have to tread very carefully here. Misspoken words could turn the boy off anal penetration entirely. First things first, though.

"Obi-Wan, think very carefully now," he began. "Was the knight holding the padawan down at all?"

"No, he was just holding onto his hips so he could, um, thrust better," the boy answered.

"And did you feel any distress from the padawan? Any cries for help?"


"Good," Qui-Gon said, relieved. "What you saw was another way two men can make love. From what you described, both of them were enjoying it very much. As for the blood, that can happen the first time or two no matter how careful you are. But the pain tends to be slight. I'll get us a holo vid tomorrow that will explain how to do it properly so no one gets hurt."

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan replied, relieved his master was not angry with him for watching something he should not have.

"I'm not upset with you over it, Padawan," he said, reading the boy's thoughts. "You should have left, but I understand why you did not. You were only concerned with the other padawan's well being."

"Thank you, Master," Obi-Wan said. Qui-Gon began gathering up the reference materials they had gone through today. Later he would find out the name of the knight and padawan and have a little talk with them about inappropriate places. He thought about letting Obi-Wan have a talk with them instead and chuckled to himself.

"Master, can I ask one last question?" Obi-Wan said from the doorway of his room.

"Of course, Padawan," Qui-Gon replied without thinking.

"Have you ever had a man's penis in your behind?"