Crossed Customs - Take II

by grimalkin (

Archive: MA

Category: Humour, PWP, Qui/Obi

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimers: George's

Summary: Obi-Wan is once more studying diligently. Will he get it right this time? Will Qui-Gon reap the benefits again?

Feedback: Oh, please...

Notes: On this fun day of the year (Halloween), I thought I would attempt to follow up a fic I did a long time ago. I'm so very slow I barely made the deadline. Unbetaed, (spouse's read through doesn't count) so all mistakes are my own.

Qui-Gon Jinn strode the wide corridor, his long legs rapidly covering distance. The Council meeting had been long and tedious, the Councilors as irascible as ever, and he knew it was probably unbecoming in a Jedi, yet nothing it seemed could keep the jaunty spring out of his step. It was a truly wonderful day.

"Qui-Gon, I am even so sorry to hear about your latest incident with the new Temple speeder." Knight Kethos-ma bowed to the master as they met in the corridor, his bulk ensuring that Qui-Gon had to squeeze against the opposing wall while attempting to pass the Macdorian. "I was speaking to Master Windu, and he thought you might be relegated to the bottom of the Vehicle Usage Rotation. Most unfortunate."

Qui-Gon smiled charmingly at the rotund knight, and dismissed his concerns with an airy wave of his left hand. "All exaggeration, I assure you Kath. You know how the Temple rumour mill works. Master Yoda is quite aware that accidents will happen. Must run; I'll see you soon at the next monthly sabacc tournament."

Ignoring the skeptical rise of his friend's bushy blue eyebrow, Qui-Gon slipped past the large knight and, after a last cheery wave, hurried on down the corridor.

"Master Jinn, how is Obi-Wan feeling today? I was attending a conference on Murdos Prime concerning new bacta developments, and didn't hear about the speeder misfortune until I returned. Healer Tzusan informed me your poor padawan was quite shaken up and in a great deal of pain. If there is anything I can do..."

"No, no, I assure you Healer Tibblos, that entire incident has been blown out of all proportion. Just a simple ankle injury, at most. Easily mended. Obi-Wan is fine, just fine. Positively blooming. He's waiting for me now, in fact, so must dash. See you soon."

The last was said as Qui-Gon continued backward down the hallway, leaving the portly healer with his mouth open and a concerned expression evident on his handsome, kindly features.

Still smiling at the healer as he reached the end of the corridor, Qui-Gon turned to continue down the adjoining passage, and collided heavily with a petite young knight.

"Oh stars, Knight Parta, please forgive me. I'm afraid I had my head in the clouds while the rest of me remained planetside. Here, let me help you up. Nothing bruised or broken, I hope?"

Qui-Gon effortlessly pulled the diminutive Twi'lek to her feet, gallantly ignoring the darker blue blush that spread across her lovely features. The colour deepened as he clumsily tried to straighten her rumpled tunics.

"That's quite alright, Master Jinn. Please don't fuss. No lasting damage done. But I was concerned to hear about your most recent mishap with the Temple speeder. I was only speaking with Bant over firstmeal this morning, and she..."

Qui-Gon rejected the young knight's distress with a quick shake of his head, and felt for the first time that day a brief flare of impatience. As well meaning as they were, the line of fellow Jedi proving to be obstacles in his return to his quarters seemed endless.

"No need for worry, Knight Parta. None of the rumours you have heard are true. The speeder survived. I am fine. Obi-Wan has recovered nicely. Master Windu has not cancelled our pilots' certificates. The council is not planning to exile us to the outer rim. Now I really must be on my way. Tell Master Qtzla I said hello."

"Please tell Obi-Wan we expect him at the next meeting of the Padawans' Astrophysics Club." Knight Parta's soft voice trailed away, as she realized she was only talking to herself. Master Jinn was already out of sight around the next corner, his great strides rapidly reducing the long temple corridors to a few paces.

As he neared the quarters he shared with his padawan, Qui-Gon felt his enthusiasm begin to build once more. Even the unpleasant and seemingly endless hours with the Council weren't going to spoil the rest of his afternoon and evening. Today began the last series of Obi-Wan's classes in his Ceremonies and Customs of Ancient Cultures course, and Qui-Gon knew what that meant. Food. Wondrous food, prepared only like his padawan could cook it. Food fit for royalty. No doubt with a delicious complementary wine. Followed by sex. Lots and lots of hot sex.

As Qui-Gon palmed the identiprint on the door, he could already taste the sauteed carlia shoots. Or perhaps it would be braised nerf steak with marinated mingol roots. Obi-Wan knew all his favourites. Trying to be as soundless as possible he slipped into his quarters and closed the door quietly behind him. Unable to keep the broad smile from his face, Qui-Gon closed his eyes and took a deep breath, savouring the intoxicating scent of...

Absolutely nothing.

Puzzled, Qui-Gon opened his eyes and looked about the quiet common room. He took another tentative sniff, but it only confirmed that there was no trace of lastmeal in the air. Temporarily unwilling to believe his nose, he crossed the room and looked into the small kitchen. It was completely empty. Not a sizzling frying pan or a bubbling pot. A quick glance into the cooker found it bare as well. And no sign of his padawan, either.

Ignoring the sharp stab of disappointment, Qui-Gon tentatively probed the training bond he shared with Obi-Wan. His padawan was close, and veritably bubbling with enthusiasm. Such good humour was infectious, and Qui-Gon found his smile returning as he glanced about the common room once more. Still finding no Obi-Wan, he turned down the narrow hallway between the kitchen and the ‘fresher and checked the small padawan's room. It had not been occupied for nearly two years now, but Obi-Wan still stored extra clothing, books and games in there. Just as Qui-Gon ascertained that this room was also empty, a dull thud and muttered imprecation from the direction of the master bedroom betrayed his padawan's location.

"Obi-Wan, what are you doing in here? It's much too early in the evening to think about... Obi-Wan?"

Qui-Gon stood in the doorway of the bedroom and looked about the room in puzzlement. His padawan was nowhere to be seen.

"Down here, Master. Sithspawn! I know it's here somewhere."

Guided by Obi-Wan's voice, Qui-Gon approached the foot of the bed. Looking down over the far side of the bed, he spied a pair of dark brown boots sticking out from the bottom of the large closet they shared. Intrigued by what his padawan could possibly be doing on his hands and knees, surrounded by a pile of footwear, clothing and miscellaneous mission equipment, Qui-Gon leaned over for a closer look. Only his connection to the force and quick reflexes saved him as a primitive stone water carrier, souvenir from a particularly difficult assignment on Ardun1, sailed past his left ear.

"Obi-Wan, what are you looking for? Perhaps I can help..." Qui-Gon broke off as he ducked once more to avoid, in rapid succession, an old utility belt, a pair of white, fuzzy rabbit ears, and a much chewed and threadbare stuffed wookie.

"Master, you keep the strangest things in here," came Obi-Wan's muffled voice from the depths of the closet. "Ha! I found it!" he exclaimed triumphantly, and the volley of discarded items ceased.

Resigned to waiting, Qui-Gon was rewarded when the boots began to shuffle backwards. Next in view came Obi-Wan's magnificent, upturned rump, and Qui-Gon felt a frisson of desire as the robes hanging in the closet caught at his padawan's clothing, pulling the young man's tunic upward over his back. In an attempt to free himself, Obi-Wan wriggled his buttocks energetically, and Qui-Gon felt a minor increase in his heart rate and a major tightness in his leggings.

"Here it is, Master." Obi-Wan's beaming face came into view as he finished backing out of the closet and sat on the floor among the pile of discarded clothing. His usually neat padawan cut was in disarray, and several dust bunnies clung to his braid. "It was right at the back of the closet," he grinned, proudly waving a well-worn travel bag. Catching sight of Qui-Gon's expression, his smile faltered slightly. "Master, were you ogling my ass again?"

Flustered, Qui-Gon sat abruptly on the edge of the bed and folded his large hands in his lap. "Of course not," he replied primly. "I was merely trying to see if I could help you. Find whatever you were looking for, that is."

Obi-Wan looked skeptical for a fleeting moment, then his sunny smile broke though once more. "Good, because we don't have any time for fooling around. I'm ready to go; now we just have to get your things packed."

"Packed?" Qui-Gon furrowed his brow in puzzlement. He was torn between the slight hurt at having his plans for the evening blithely dismissed as ‘fooling around', and confusion as to where his padawan was planning to go. "Why do I have to get packed?"

"Master!" exclaimed Obi-Wan, his voice filled with affectionate exasperation. "I told you that my final assignment for my Ceremonies and Customs of Ancient Cultures class was taking place in the next few days."

"" Qui-Gon drew out the word while frantically trying to remember anything his padawan might have told him concerning his course assignments. Absolutely nothing came to mind. "And this prompted the raiding of the closet why?"

Shaking his head and speaking slowly, as though to a backward child, Obi-Wan continued, "We will only be gone a couple of days, Master, so I needed to find your overnight bag. All you need to do is change, and then put in an extra set of clothing. My bag is packed, and I can have our toiletries and sleeping bags gathered by the time you are ready to go."

"Isn't the morning time enough for that?"

"No, Master!" A tiny tendril of frustration began to creep into Obi-Wan's voice. "We are leaving in an hour. The speeder is ready and I already have the clearance codes."

"Speeder? Er..., I hate to tell you this, padawan, but I'm not certain the Council would be too keen on us taking a Temple speeder anywhere right now."

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. "It's fine, Master. I've spoken to Master Windu and Master Yoda. They said it was perfectly all right. Um, providing I do all the piloting. Here's your bag, Master." Obi-Wan thrust the lightweight, cotton carryall into Qui-Gon's hands. "Now get packing, or we will miss our scheduled departure time."

With a mounting feeling of disappointment, Qui-Gon moved to obey his padawan. It looked like his planned evening of gourmet foods and delicious sex was bound for Sith's hell in a Temple regulation kitbag. Sighing, he took a clean folded tunic and leggings from the bottom drawer of his dresser, and spare small clothes from the top drawer, stuffing it all in the worn carryall. After a moment's consideration, he stepped over the debris his padawan had left on the floor and took a warm robe from the closet, adding it to the meager pile on the bed.

"Have I time for a quick shower, Obi-Wan?"

"I'll give you five minutes, Master. That will give us only a two or three minute leeway to get to the landing bay. It will also give me time to reply to the last of the messages on the com."

Qui-Gon picked out another clean set of tunics and headed for the ‘fresher. As an afterthought, he stuck his head back around the door. "Are you allowed to tell me our destination, padawan?"

"Sure," replied Obi-Wan, only a little distracted as he rapidly typed a message to Garen. "We're going to Hesperidium."

Qui-Gon blinked, stunned into silence. He quickly removed his clothes and stepped into the shower. Mindful of the time constrictions, he flipped the switch to sonics. Two minutes later he was slipping into clean clothing, his mind buzzing with possibilities. Hesperidium. A moon devoted almost entirely to the entertainment of those who could afford to pay. The local pleasure centre, where resorts were so luxurious that even the wealthiest of Coruscant's citizens went there to relax and play. As much as he tried to hide it, a wicked grin crept over his face. He couldn't begin to guess what his padawan had planned for them, but things were definitely looking up. Perhaps he had discounted a night of food and pleasure far too soon.

Hastily smoothing his tunic into neatness, Qui-Gon strode back to the bedroom to retrieve his carryall and his robe. "Finish that message, Obi-Wan, we're leaving. We wouldn't want to miss that departure time, would we?"


"For star's sake, Obi-Wan, where in nine hells are you taking us? There are no resorts, or even hotels way out in this sector."

"I know, Master. We aren't going to any of the resort areas. This is Subsector 4 of the Misan Division."

"The Misan Division? But Obi-Wan, all that's out here are..."

"Plants. Yes, I know, Master. We are headed for the Garden Zone."

"The Gar...Obi-Wan, what on earth are we doing way out here? There is no permanent housing out here and no food supplies, unless you plan for us to munch on raw vegetables. The workers fly in daily from the outpost settlement in Subsector 2. There's not another soul out here at this time of the evening."

"I know. Wonderful, isn't it?"

Qui-Gon opened his mouth, thought better of it, and shut it once again. He certainly didn't want to discourage his padawan, who was positively beaming, and besides, he really couldn't think of a thing to say.

"You will have to trust me, Master." Obi-Wan turned his attention from the control panel long enough to smile at Qui-Gon. "I've been planning this for a long time, and I've consulted with Master Tuplu. I'm really quite excited about this last assignment for my Ceremonies and Customs of Ancient Cultures class. And it won't be too long now before we're there."

Qui-Gon sighed, leaning back in the co-pilot's chair for the remainder of the trip. There was still a little daylight left, but the sun was rapidly approaching the horizon, signaling nightfall in little than an hour. After entering Hesperidium's atmosphere, Obi-Wan had brought the little modified Scout speeder close enough to the surface of the moon to enable Qui-Gon to see each individual hectare of this agricultural sector, although they were not close enough to identify what was growing in each parcel of land.

"Soon be there, Master," and Obi-Wan dropped the speeder a little closer to the surface. Qui-Gon could now distinguish the individual rows of plantings, and observe the occasional splash of colour as they flew over hectares that were in bloom. No more than five minutes later Qui-Gon spied in the distance the flat opening in the fields that denoted the landing strip used by the local workers who were flown into the fields each day. At this late hour of the evening it was as deserted as everything else in the area.

"This is it, Master. Buckle in." Obi-Wan's warning was needless as he carefully brought the craft lower still, carefully avoiding the rows of grappa trees that delineated each field, then landed the little Scout with nary a bump. He cut the engines, and silence descended.

"Come on, Master, don't just sit there. Get your gear and let's go." Obi-Wan flicked a switch and the narrow landing ramp engaged. Unbuckling, he reached for his backpack and the little bundle of sleeping gear, then bounded down the ramp. Unwilling to be left behind, Qui-Gon loosened the safety harness, grabbed his travel bag, and followed his padawan outside.

Obi-Wan was standing at the foot of the ramp, breathing deeply of the evening air. As Qui-Gon drew abreast, he looked up and smiled contentedly. "Isn't is wonderful, Master?"

Qui-Gon looked about. There was still enough light to see everything for a great distance in each direction. Beyond the row of grappa trees, planted for the aesthetic appeal of their deep maroon leaves as well as their utility in controlling wind erosion, he could see the first of the garden hectares. From the top of one of the trees a lutta bird sang, his sweet song a promise of the darkness that would soon be upon them. Crickets chirped in harmony, and somewhere far off came the resonant bass of a bullfrog. Qui-Gon smelled that unique scent of the earth, and smiled. "Yes, Obi-Wan. It certainly is."

A little less than an hour later, Qui-Gon was beginning to doubt that statement. They had been walking constantly since leaving their speeder, and although he didn't mind the exercise, he was beginning to wonder if Obi-Wan really knew where he was going. So far they had passed through at least sixteen fields, and Obi-Wan's behaviour in each was exactly the same. He would walk to the middle of the field, stand there with his eyes closed and his face turned toward the darkening sky, and meditate. After a few minutes he would sigh, shrug, and then continue through the row of grappa trees to the next field.

After the first couple of fields Qui-Gon asked his padawan what he was searching for, but Obi-Wan merely hushed him to silence. He could tell the boy was accessing the force in his search, but what he could be looking for out in the middle of nowhere, Qui-Gon hadn't a clue. So far they had passed though fields of cassa melons, white asparagus, curly cucumbers, and several different root vegetables with bushy, healthy tops. Under other circumstances Qui-Gon would have admired the superb condition of the fields and the peace of their isolation, but they had missed evening meal and his stomach was beginning to feel very empty. Finally, even his fabled serenity had reached its limit.

"Obi-Wan, could you at least give me a hint what we are searching for?"

"I'm sorry, Master, but I have to ask you to trust me. I'll just know when I find it." Obi-Wan turned pleading eyes upward, and didn't quite flutter his eyelashes. Qui-Gon knew he was doomed.

They trekked through another field of melons without success, and passing by the next line of grappa trees brought them to a field of squash. Obi-Wan halted so abruptly in the gathering gloom that Qui-Gon stumbled into him.

"I'm sorry, padawan," he apologized, but Obi-Wan didn't seem to hear him. He had his eyes closed again, and this time he raised both arms to shoulder height and appeared to be concentrating for all he was worth.

"This is it, Master. This is the right field. I'm sure of it." Obi-Wan lowered his arms, opened his eyes, and turned to Qui-Gon with a beatific smile.

"The right field for what, Obi-Wan? This ground doesn't appear to be any different than any other we've covered tonight." But his padawan was ignoring him; having dropped his knapsack on the ground, he was unrolling his sleeping bag and placing it in the bare area between the grappa trees and the first row of squash.

"Shall I put them side by side, or would you like me to attach them together?" Obi-Wan looked at him sideways, and Qui-Gon was certain he could just see a sly smile on his padawan's face in the gathering darkness.

"It's a little chilly, Obi-Wan. Perhaps it would be best if we shared." Qui-Gon always looked forward to snuggling his padawan's firm young body in the double sleeping bag, but tonight he was being practical, too. The sun had finally dipped below the horizon, and the darkness brought a definite nip in the air.

"I agree," murmured Obi-Wan softly, and in a moment he had both bags opened and fastened together. Unlacing his boots only took a few moments, and after laying them to one side he climbed into the bag. Qui-Gon quickly removed his own boots and placed them next to Obi-Wan's. Unfastening his warm robe he spread it over the top of the sleeping bag before slipping inside next to his padawan. He had barely settled when Obi-Wan moved into his waiting arms.

"Comfortable, my padawan?"

"Uh hmm." Obi-Wan wriggled a little closer.

"Good. Now, maybe you can tell me what all of this is about. And no half measures, I want to know why we have traveled to the middle of nowhere without any warning at all."

"Well, we're here to wait for the Giant Gourd."

"The Giant... Gourd?"

"Uh huh. It's in the text for my Ceremonies and Customs of Ancient Cultures class. On this hallowed night of the year, legend says the Giant Gourd will visit the field where the Force appears the strongest. When he appears he will bring the gift of food, and grant peace, serenity and love to those he deems worthy."

"I see. And what does this Giant... Gourd look like? I mean, I want to know what to expect when he arrives. I would hate not to recognize him."

"Are you laughing at me, Master?"

"Of course not, Obi-Wan. I take all your course work very seriously."

"Hmph. Well, the textbook didn't have a very clear reproduction, so I had to use my imagination a little. He's a little short, I think, without a lot of hair. And he has quite a round head, but a really nice smile. He seems like he'd be a kind person."

"Does Master Tuplu approve of the assignment you've chosen?"

"Well...," Obi-Wan hesitated a moment. "She wasn't entirely certain about my interpretation of the ancient texts, but she said if you were willing to supervise me, then she would have no objection to my assignment choice."

"I see." Qui-Gon reached for his travel bag and Obi-Wan's knapsack, placing them under the top of the sleeping back to simulate pillows, then pulled his padawan into his arms once more. "I guess there's nothing to do but await the Giant Gourd's arrival, then. Let's hope he doesn't take too long, I'm well nigh starving."

Obi-Wan relaxed in his Master's arms, his head tucked in the join of shoulder and broad chest. "Look at the stars, Master. They are magnificent out here. There's no place to see anything like this on Coruscant."

"You're right, Obi Wan, and on missions we never seem to get the time to just lie back and look at the night sky. There, over to the right, a shooting star. Did you see it?"

"Mmm. Lovely. And there's the Rhinnal Nebula. It seems so close you could almost reach out and touch it. This is wonderful, Master. I'm going to suggest to Master Bar-hanka that he bring his advanced astronomy class to Hesperidium. You can see forever from here."

Qui-Gon chuckled and ruffled his padawan's short hair. It felt good to lie there doing nothing. Of late it always seemed like they were deep in studies or lecturing, pushing their physical boundaries in sabre practice, or rushing from planet to planet trying to save a world. For the first time in months they had time to themselves, and as he listened to Obi-Wan's enthusiastic chatter, he felt himself relaxing, and after a while his eyes began to close.

Qui-Gon was unaware he had fallen asleep until he awoke abruptly. Years of forced alertness on dangerous missions assured his immediate awareness of his surroundings, so he was momentarily puzzled as to his feelings of unease. Then he realized his padawan was shaking in his arms, while trying to muffle his weeping.

"Obi-Wan, whatever is the matter? Are you feeling ill?"

"Oh, Master, I have made a complete mess of everything. How could I have been so wrong?"

"Wrong? What could possibly be wrong?" Qui-Gon held Obi-Wan a little tighter, kissing his forehead.

"Master Tuplu was right, I completely misinterpreted the ancient texts. We've been here for hours, and there's no sign of the Giant Gourd. He's not coming, I just know he isn't!" Obi-Wan broke off with a broken wail that rapidly progressed to hiccupping sobs.

"Oh, my padawan. Don't cry." Qui-Gon checked his internal chronometer. "There are still several hours of darkness left. Don't give up yet."

Continuing to trail feather-light kisses across his padawan's forehead, Qui-Gon began to stroke Obi-Wan's back with gentle, soothing circles. He kissed the damp cheeks, then the tip of Obi-Wan's nose in an effort to get him to laugh. When he felt his padawan begin to relax in his arms, he kissed his soft mouth. The kiss was light at first, but at the first sign of Obi-Wan returning the pressure, he deepened it.

For long moments they were content to lie next to each other and simply kiss, then Obi-Wan slid his left arm around him, pulling their lower bodies close enough for Qui-Gon to feel his padawan's growing arousal. A low moan escaped Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon, quick to take advantage, slipped his tongue into the warm welcome of his padawan's mouth. Obi-Wan stroked his tongue with his own, and began to rub his erection against Qui-Gon's thigh in the same rhythm.

Qui-Gon paused in his kissing, ignored the querulous objection, and murmured in his padawan's ear, "I think you have too many clothes on. I'd prefer you naked in my arms."

"Oh yes, Master." Obi-Wan's reply was a breathy moan, and Qui-Gon gave silent thanks for the ease with which he could distract a twenty-year old who possessed the strongest libido in the Temple. He couldn't think on it long, however, as Obi-Wan had already removed his own breeches and small clothes, kicking them to the bottom of the sleeping bag. He was now trying to free Qui-Gon from his, a process Qui-Gon happily hastened by raising his lower body so Obi-Wan could pull breeches and underwear off together in his eagerness. Qui-Gon's engorged cock sprang free, and Obi-Wan quickly pressed his own against it, both men sighing with delight at the warmth of the familiar contact.

Obi-Wan returned to kissing Qui-Gon with renewed vigour, his hips how thrusting against his master in earnest. Warm hands slipped inside Qui-Gon's tunics, seemingly everywhere at once, nails lightly scratching his ribs and fingertips firmly pinching his sensitive nipples. To seven hells with his vaunted serenity, he felt like he was going to explode at any moment.

As though reading his mind, Obi-Wan released his lips long enough to gasp, "Did you bring anything, Master?" The question prompted him to release his padawan long enough to pull his carryall from underneath the sleeping bag and begin to frantically paw though its contents.

"Found it!" he crowed triumphantly, waving the small tube of lubricant on high, and Obi-Wan's smile was brilliant under the stars.

"Roll over," he commanded, and Obi-Wan hastened to comply, although Qui-Gon stopped him before he could settle on his stomach. "No, side by side, my love."

Obi-Wan lay on his side facing away from his master, his firm ass happy to rub against Qui-Gon's large cock. Qui-Gon struggled a moment, his large fingers fumbling with the small cap, then his slick index finger was probing between Obi-Wan's ass cheeks, searching for the opening to his padawan's body. First one finger, then two found entrance, and Obi-Wan was quickly writhing with impatience.

"That's enough, Master. Please, I'm ready, take me now... ow!"

Obi-Wan broke off as the head of Qui-Gon's large cock breached his arse. Ignoring Obi-Wan's squirming, Qui-Gon held him firmly until his body relaxed and accepted the intrusion. Only when his padawan had stilled did Qui-Gon wrap his long arm about Obi-Wan's hips and slowly began to pull him backwards, an inexorable drawing in that impaled his beloved upon his cock an inch at a time, until finally Obi-Wan's firm ass was cradled against his master's groin. Obi-Wan shuddered in his arms.

"Love you," he whispered in Obi-Wan's ear.

"Love me," Obi-Wan replied, and tightened his ass on his master's cock. Qui-Gon chuckled, and slowly withdrew, then began the long glide back inside his padawan's body. Groaning, Obi-Wan frantically tried to move, but his master's powerful arm held him motionless. Qui-Gon couldn't maintain his cruelly slow pace, however, and before long he was thrusting hard and fast into Obi-Wan's tight arse, his padawan moaning encouragement. A few more lunges, and he released Obi-Wan's hips, grasping the frantically bobbing cock instead. Obi-Wan yelped his pleasure, and with only a few firm strokes he spurted warm and wet in Qui-Gon's big hand. The feel of his padawan's seed was enough to trigger his own release, pumping into the tight channel until he felt semen trickling out about his cock. Exhausted, he collapsed against Obi-Wan's warm back.

It was several minutes before Qui-Gon recovered from the delightful lassitude always felt after loving his padawan. He opened his eyes, and had to blink several times at the sight before him.

"Obi-Wan!" he hissed, gently nudging his padawan. "Are you awake?"


"Open your eyes, Obi-Wan. It's wonderful."

There was silence for several moments, then a soft, "Oh, Qui-Gon. It's so... so beautiful."

Another moon of Coruscant was rising, the disk already halfway over the horizon. Huge, round, and glowing a brilliant yellow-orange, it filled nearly a quarter of the night sky. As they watched in silence, it rose higher and higher, until finally it seemed to pull free of the horizon's hold, and floated serenely among the stars.

"I've never seen anything quite like it, Master."

"Nor I, my love. And I thank the Force I am able to share it with you."

They watched together for a long time, until the stillness was broken by a prolonged gurgle from Obi-Wan's stomach.

"Hungry, padawan?" Qui-Gon chuckled, nuzzling Obi-Wan's sweaty hair.

"Sorry, Master."

"Don't be. Would you like to share some ration bars with me?"

"You have food?"

"Of course." He released his padawan long enough to search his carryall once more, coming up with a large handful of foil wrapped ration bars. Obi-Wan seized on the prize gleefully, tearing away the wrapper and sinking his teeth into a protein bar.

"Mmm. You take such good care of me, Master."

"Nothing too good for my Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon replied softly, unwrapping his own bar a little more sedately. "Come here and lie in my arms, I want to hold you again."

Much later, with Obi-Wan curled by his side, wrapped in Qui-Gon's robe and contentedly munching his second ration bar, they watched the moon continue to rise. Filled with such enormous peace and love, Qui-Gon couldn't help but wonder if Obi-Wan hadn't been right all along.
