Coming Home

by Jayde Amali

Pairing: Non-Q/O, Q/O

Rating: R/NC-17

Spoilers: YES! For TPM!

Warnings: There are spoilers, yes. Character death.

Catagory: AU, Angst, touch of Drama

Archive: M/A if sockii wants it. Anywhere else, ask first please.

Disclaimers: The usual. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan and the whole Star Wars Universe is Lucas's. I only own Andrin.

Feedback: Yes! Please!

Summary: Just who was Qui-Gon's first apprentice, and can he stop disaster from occuring.

Side Notes: If anyone wants to write in this AU, using Andrin, feel free. I just only ask that I beta the story to confirm Andrin's personality.

It was the festival of Drah'thur on a far outlying system when it started. The sacred festival would mark the passage of time through one baby's life.

The baby cooed in his mother's arms, his already jade colored eyes peering up at her intently. He recognised the voice that babbled incoherently at him. Slowly he started to make sense out of them.

"Andrin. That is your name. Andrin. Andrin Amali." She told him softly. She watched as the baby yawned, then started to drift to sleep. She knew that her baby had not been born injured. It was a doctor's careless grip that had caused the injury. Young Andrin Amali would never walk. He would be forced to rely on others. Others like herself.

Upon the next festival, Alejahndra Amali was killed in what appeared to be an accident. Falling from the balcony of her home, three stories up, she was killed upon impact of the ground below. Her son, Andrin, was taken from the crib he slept peacefully in by hands that promised further injury to him should he resist.

Sensing that the hands meant danger, the one year old Andrin kept quiet. He knew enough to know when to cry and when to shut up. Catching a glimpse of the man that held him, he recognised him.

"Unca? Whey we goin'?" Andrin's ability to speak was highly irregular and advanced. He knew it too. He could sense the differences in him and the other children he spent time with.

"Your mother is dead. You're coming with me." The scruffy man that was Andrin's uncle had a sharpness to his tone that kept Andrin from crying.


Andrin skipped around the smoky room that his uncle called work and home. It was little more than an illegal bar and brothel. Most of the visitors were men, though a few women sat around tables, involved in a game of chance.

The boy watched as pleasure men and women were being gambled in games, some won and some lost. He wrinkled his nose as he watched one woman start bawling at being lost from her owner. He yelped softly as an elder man gripped his wrist.

"Hey kid, what you doing in here?" The man seemed more concerned about Andrin's welfare. Andrin jerked his arm away from the man, his lower lip sticking out.

"Han's off! My Unca owns this place!" Andrin's thumb went in his mouth as he skipped away from the stunned man.

Andrin stopped at one table, tugging on a man's sleeve. He was picked up and cradled against the man's chest, then whispered to softly. He nodded, then returned the whisper. After a moment of restlessness, he was set free. The boy watched from two tables over as his uncle won another round of sabacc.


A week later, Andrin's uncle was visited by a group of men and women. They started poking about in the bar's off hours, but found no evidence of any child living there. They had left with a stern warning of what would happen if there was a child here being used in any illegal way. His uncle had laughed it off and assured them that no child was being used as a pleasure boy.


The disheveled two year old sat on the small cot that was his bed. His eyes were closed, his useless leg curled underneath him. It was at times like this that he could feel things around him. He concentrated a moment, then opened his eyes and reached for his pillow. It was just out of reach and he couldn't get up to get it. Tossing his dark hair out of his eyes, he squinted at the pillow, chewing his lip.

He growled allowing a moment of anger to come over him, then forced himself to a calm. The trick worked much better if he was calm. He knew that much. He may not have understood it, but he accepted that. He reached again, taking a deep breath and willed the pillow to come to his hand. He watched as it did so, although jerkily and awkwardly. He smiled to himself, feeling that satisfaction that can only come with the knowledge that he could do things his friends couldn't. Laying down, he straightened out his limbs, trying to get comfortable.


Two beings were concerned with only one thing, getting through this town alive. They both knew it was a gamblers town. They both felt the danger. The younger of the two stopped a moment, closing his eyes. He crouched down to the elder, as well as the smaller.

"Did you feel that, Master?" He asked quietly, not wanting to draw attention.

The other nodded. "Hmm. Feel it I did." The elder closed his eyes, then glanced toward a tavern. "From there. Come, we must investigate. Young Jedi we may find."

The two headed toward the tavern, entering silently. The younger was shocked at the sights that hit his eyes. One man was in the corner with both a man and woman crawling over him. A small group huddled at table playing Sabacc.

The elder hobbled over to the bar and asked about the owner. As it turned out, the owner was, fortunately, the bartender.

"Anythin' ya like, ya'll find here." A lopsided grin showed the man's arrogance.

"A boy, maybe two or three? Someone who could act as servant?" The younger watched the owner as he spoke.

"I don' deal in those ages. Only legal." The man shook his head, a disgusted look in his eyes.

"Did not mean those services. Mean for cleaning up. Someone to train as servant." The elder mentioned. "Have you someone?"

The elder nodded, understanding coming to him. "You gotta promise that he ain't gonna be hurt. And that you don't sell him until he's legal."

The younger nodded. "Of course."

"All right. I got a few to choose from. C'm'on." The owner led the two to a back room with several young boys. All ranging from four to eight in age. He left the two with the boys to choose.

The younger noticed a small door in the wall.

"Master?" The elder turned to him as he spoke. The younger motioned to the door.

"Come. The one, this is." The two slipped through the door.


Andrin Amali woke moments later to be faced with two beings over his bed. He screamed briefly before a hand came down over his mouth, belonging to the younger of the two. The younger watched him a moment, his blue eyes soft. A moment of realisation came over Andrin and he calmed. Jedi, these were Jedi! They must have come for him. He thought maybe if he'd called out loud enough, they'd come! He'd so wanted to be free of his Uncle. He knew that the Jedi might care for him if he'd found them. He was planning to wait until he was older, then go find them.

The elder frowned slightly at the boy, then nodded to the younger. The two helped Andrin up without a word, the younger taking over the full burden, carrying the boy in his arms to shield him from anything that might happen. Quickly, they made their way toward the door, the elder stepping through first. Andrin expected resistance. He wasn't disappointed.

"Oi! And just where do yousa think yousa takin' him? Thata one is not for sale!" A scruffy man stood up seeing Andrin being carried. Andrin peered out at his Uncle. Oh no. This wasn't good. The Jedi were toast now.

"Taking him to Coruscant, we are." The elder's voice was rather calm and sure, as well as a bit funny sounding to Andrin's ears.

"Oh no yousa ain't. That boy isa stayin' here. Now puts him down." Andrin looked between the two men who planned on taking him.

"Coming with us, he is." Andrin thought he saw a slight hand motion from the elder.

"He isa goin' with yous." The scruffy one nodded slowly, then backed off.

Andrin blinked. The Jedi Mind Trick. He'd heard about that. He swallowed as he was carried off. He kept quiet during the travel to Coruscant, not asking about why they were going there. He kept to himself, sitting alone in the room they had placed him in. The younger of the two had stayed with him for a time, also remaining silent. Andrin watched him with little emotion as the man meditated. Although he kept himself dispassionate on the outside, he was shaking inside. He'd just been taken away from everything he knew and loved and was used to. A slight tremble passed through him as he pushed it away. He tried to convince himself that he wasn't scared. Slipping over to sit next to the young man, he managed to recreate the position and tried to maintain the calm that the other had. He had no way now to know how old he was. The festival had been his only knowledge of the day of his birth.

The young man watched him for a moment out of the corner of his eye. He smiled gently when he realised the boy was asleep. He stood up and picked the boy up, carrying him to the bed and laying him down. Pulling a blanket over the boy, he left the room, in search of his master.

"Master?" He stepped cautiously into the darkened room.

"Hmm?" came the response.

"May I ask a question?"

"Want the answer, do you?"

"I think so. What will happen to the boy?" He moved over and sat down in front of the Jedi Master.

"Be trained, he will. Such potential in him." He tapped his cane on the floor as he sat down. "The right age he will be when gone from me, you are."

The Padawan raised a brow. "You think I should train him, Master? Is that what you are saying?"

The Master shook his head slightly. "Perhaps, Padawan. Perhaps."

The young Apprentice watched the Master carefully. "If the Force wills me to train him, I will, Master Yoda."

Yoda nodded. "Many years before decide, you must, Padawan. Time to decide. Yes, time to decide. Now, time to rest." The Jedi Master stood and made his way over to the bed to lay down, dismissing his apprentice with little more than a glance.

The apprentice stood, glancing one last time at his Master, and stepped out. Wandering aimlessly through the ship, he found himself back at the boy's room. Slipping inside, he sat next to Andrin's bed, watching \par over the boy.

"I will train you." He whispered. "But you have to meet me half way."


Upon the return to Coruscant, Master Yoda handed the boy over to the care of the Creche. He was immediately tested, his midichlorians showing a relatively high count. He was taken to the healers to interpret the depth of the injury to the boy's leg.

As the boy sat on the examination table, allowing the healers to prod at him, he kept quiet, not answering their questions. He didn't notice as a young man came to sit beside him.

"What is your name?" The question was soft, asked by the dark young man.

"A-- Andrin." The boy stammered out. It was clear that by speaking he had allowed his fear loose. He started trembling, trying to control it.

"Andrin. I am Knight Mace Windu." A smile accompanied the words, causing the boy to calm down somewhat.

"Oh." The reply was barely a whisper. Andrin sucked his lower lip into his mouth and chewed on it a moment.

A moment later, out came the lip, replaced by his thumb. He recieved smiles from the healers. Andrin winced.

//They just think I'm cute. Ugh.//

//I'm sure they do.//

Andrin blinked and stared up at Mace for a moment. \par \par "I... I just... I mean. Did you talk to me?"

"Yes." Mace grinned, reaching a hand out to ruffle Andrin's hair playfully. "Besides, they're right. You are cute."

Andrin swatted the hand away with a grin of his own.




"But /why/?" Andrin pouted, his lower lip sticking out. He frowned, trying to appear menacing to the man before him.

"I know the healers aren't your favorite people, Andrin, but they only want to help you." Knight Mace Windu stood before the small child. He knew it was coming.

//Two immovable forces. He really hates them. Who can blame him.// Mace sighed inwardly, resisting an urge to pat the boy on his head and then proceed to drag him to the healers.

"Andrin, you /must/ go to them."

Andrin looked down at his leg, then grimaced. He leaned on the stick he had been using to walk, as he still couldn't walk without a horrid limp. He sighed, then nodded, his thumb going to his mouth and disappearing inside.

//Victory!// came the unbidden cry in Mace's mind. He allowed a small smile to the boy, then offered his hand. Yup. He was right. Even after all the counselling, Andrin still hadn't conquered his thumb-sucking habit. \par \par Andrin took the offered hand, clutching tightly as he started hobbling along, keeping step with the Jedi Knight.

//Too bad Master Yoda wants someone else to train him.// Mace watched the child walk, allowing a small bit of emotion slip through in his eyes. He felt for the boy. He knew how frightening it could be. He glanced at his free hand, reminded only a moment of the injury he had once had. If it hadn't been for the healers and Master Yoda, he would have been rendered useless.

Keeping a slow step, Mace led Andrin to the healers, not leaving him even for a minute while the healers mediated over Andrin. He stayed by the boy, joining in on the meditation, leading Andrin in it as well.

//Just a few more sessions and he'll be walking.// Mace waited patiently until the healers were finished, then took the boy home, noting that he was relying less and less on the walking stick. //That's a good thing for him. Don't think I haven't noticed how the others have teased him. It must be doubly hard for him. I never got teased. Only pampered. Come to think of it, that wasn't all that bad.//

Andrin squinted up at him. "What are you thinking, Mace?"

Silence greeted the child for a long moment before the Knight answered. A flash of surprise hit him at how casually the boy had adressed him. He sighed inwardly realising that it should be expected. He'd been the boy's mentor for two years now. "I have noticed how the others treated you." He caught Andrin's flinch. "It won't last. You will be able to walk and play with them soon. I promise you that. Possibly by the next Drah'thur festival." He spoke of the marking of Andrin's birth lightly.

Andrin shook his head. "No, I won't. They don't like me." His lower lip stuck out again, but this time it trembled as his eyes filled with tears. "They all hate me!"

Mace frowned and sat down, offering for Andrin to sit beside him. The boy flopped down, pulling his bad leg up to sit on it. "Andrin, they don't hate you. They have noticed that you are different, but they do not hate. I have watched how they treat you. It is something that you will experience through out your life. You must set it aside."

"I don't know how. I'm scared." Andrin curled up and sniffled.

Mace sighed inwardly. He hoped that they, the Council, had not made a mistake in allowing this boy to be trained.


Upon the next festival, Mace Windu's prediction had been right. Andrin was walking without the stick, although he fell a few times. Sometimes with the help of the other children.

Andrin had taken to his thumb-sucking more furiously than before. More often than not, the teachers would find him in the gardens, staring at the plants and sucking on his thumb.

The other children teased him endlessly about it, only making the problem worse. The teachers recognised this and felt that counselling wouldn't work as well as they thought. They knew he needed help, but they didn't know where to get it from.

As Andrin sat in the gardens, observing the time of the festival, he failed to notice the appearance of someone else. When he stopped chewing on his thumb long enough to look up, he jumped, a yelp sounding, at the sight of the other boy sitting there.

"Hi." The boy smiled slightly.

"Hullo." Andrin sulked, sighing at the silence being suddenly broken.

"Whatcha doing?" The boy moved to scoot over beside Andrin.

"Nuthin'." Andrin started chewing on his thumb again.

"Looks to me like you're doing something. You're staring at those plants. That's something." The boy grinned at Andrin. "I'm Davin."

"Andrin." He stopped chewing long enough to get his name out from around his thumb.

"You know, if you don't stop that, your thumb is gonna look funny." Davin got up and ran off at the sound of the chimes indicating classes were starting again.

Andrin took his thumb out of his mouth to stare at it for a moment. He wrinkled his nose then stood up, slowly padding back to the classroom.

Andrin stopped a moment and looked behind him. He pretended not to notice the cloaked figure that moved back out of sight. He marked it in his mind for later thought when he realised he was late for his class. He hadn't noticed until years later that a comment made by another young boy had stopped his thumb sucking habit.







Love lost.

Love gained.




Opening his eyes, a twelve year old Andrin nearly screamed. It was the first time he had succeeded in sensing the future. Gathering his wits and crushing the fear down, he stood up and hurried from his room, giving silent thanks to the time he had spent with the healers, allowing him use of his left leg. Perhaps he could catch one of the Masters before they retired for the evening. Coming upon the Council, he waited outside the doors patiently, sitting down against the wall. He closed his eyes to meditate and wait.

Andrin was disrupted from his meditations to find Mace Windu sitting next to him. He stared at the Master for a moment, then averted his eyes, blushing. He hadn't realised he had meditated so long. He glanced back up at the Master. He was glad it was this one and not Master Yoda. He was tired of Yoda's constant babbling, even though there was wisdom in it.

"Something troubles you, young Andrin?" He watched the boy, his brows raised. He moved to rest his arms across his knees, making him seem casual. It had the desired effect. Andrin seemed more at ease.

Andrin nodded. "Yes, Master. I was meditating earlier and I saw something. The future I think. A darkness. I don't know what it meant." He chewed on his lip, seeming much younger than twelve.

"I see. We have not foreseen anything of /danger/ in your future, Andrin. Perhaps it was someone else's future you saw?" The Master sounded sure, but Andrin wasn't convinced. A brief stab of guilt passed in the Master's mind. Why had he just told Andrin that? He had seen the darkness himself. He passed it off as he had not sensed *danger* in the boy. Had his eyes given him away?

"I considered that. I felt it again here." He sighed. "It scares me."

"No fear, Andrin. Accept what you must, but do not fear it." The elder's features resolved to a deep sincerity.

"I'll try." Andrin bit his tongue after realising what he had just said.

"No. Do or do not. There is no try." The two repeated Master Yoda's instruction together. They had both heard it so often it was blazed in their minds. Sharing a light amusement for a brief second, Mace Windu sent Andrin off to sleep, staying silent against the wall for a moment. Yes, he had seen the darkness in Andrin's future as well. The entire of the Council had. They had hoped to fend it off somehow.

Andrin lay in bed for a time before sleeping. He reflected on the talk earlier. Master Windu had seen the darkness and lied about it. No, he had said there was no danger, not a darkness. Why? Was the Council scared of it? No, they couldn't be. Not the Council. They had to know he wouldn't turn.

Mace sat there for a moment, watching after Andrin. He stood up and started down the corridor. He turned the corner and stopped two feet short of running into a young Knight. Raising a brow at the young man, the Knight seemed flustered, then stammered out an apology.

"Do not be apologetic. No harm done." Mace watched the Knight a moment.

"Yes, Master. I'm sorry."

Mace repressed a grin. "I hear you are going to visit the temple tomorrow."

The Knight nodded. "I am."

"Are you planning on taking a Padawan?" There was sudden concern in the Master's voice which made the Knight look up.

"I was. Master Yoda has told me which boy to look for."

"Andrin Amali?"

"Yes, Master."

"Don't. Just don't."

That made the Knight tremble slightly. "But I was told by Master Yoda that I should train him."

"He isn't ready." Mace clenched his jaw, knowing that if the Knight took this to Yoda, he'd lose.

"I will train him. I am ready."

"You may be, but he isn't. Do him a favor. Take another."

"Why? So you can train him yourself?"

//Perceptive. Damn him to the Sith!//

"I will train him. There is a darkness in his future. Are you /certain/ that you can handle that?"

The Knight nodded. "I can. I will take this to Master Yoda if I must. He told me once that he had forseen my training him."

Mace cursed silently. Without saying another word, he left the Knight in the corridor, continuing on his way. //Stubborn little..... Defiant ... Bastard!// After that thought, he shook his head. //What did I do with the soap this time.//


Andrin stood still, waiting his turn to fight for the Jedi Knight that would be choosing a Padawan today. His eyes strayed over those in the seats, trying to pick out the Knight. His eyes rested upon a young man, one that was about the right age to have been set loose from his Master not long ago. The man was dressed correctly for a Jedi Knight, however, his hair was already starting to grow long. The beginnings of a beard and moustache were upon him. He was obviously going to be a rebel in later life. His eyes were gentle as he glanced upon Andrin with curiousity that faded into acceptance with a light smile. Andrin glanced away from the Knight, blushing. He glanced again at the man a moment later, only to find that the Knight was leaving the area. He bit his lip, knowing deep down that he had spoiled his chance.

Andrin was called to the mat and handed a practice 'saber. He activated it and stood steady. He watched his opponent for a moment, allowing the Force to flow around him. Suddenly, much to the surprise of the spectators, Andrin stepped off of the mat. He turned to the Master refereeing the fight and turned off the 'saber.

"I can't fight him. He's too upset." Andrin clipped the 'saber on his belt. "I would appreciate if both of us were given time to meditate prior to fighting today."

The Master nodded, a brow raised. She dismissed both students and sent them off to mediate. She watched Andrin leave, recognising the way the Force flowed around him. Rare this was to have one so young in so strong contact with the Force. He would make a brilliant Jedi Knight, if the Knight present hadn't left when he did.


Upon arriving at the path to the Council chambers, Andrin knelt in the center of an alcove overlooking the western part of Coruscant. Becoming aware of someone behind him, he jumped up to his feet, lightsaber in hand as he turned to face the Jedi he had seen earlier. The other was on his guard as well, lightsaber out and active. Andrin lowered his weapon, placing it back on his belt and lowered his head. Had he attacked with that 'saber, he'd only have ended up dead himself.

"My apologies, sir. I was startled." He admitted, a flush creeping into his cheeks.

"None needed. Next time, keep aware of what is about you. It may save your life someday. I was watching you for quite some time. Had I been an enemy, you would be dead." The Jedi moved to the ledge, resting his arms on the edge and trained his eyes out over the city.

Andrin nodded, then looked at the Jedi. "I saw you earlier. At the fight. You didn't stay." He couldn't help but keep his disappointment out of his voice.

The elder nodded. "I was, and no, I didn't stay." He glanced at Andrin. "However, you have seen me before, Andrin. Think back." He moved to kneel on the ground, taking up the same meditative stance that Andrin used.

Andrin watched him a moment, then swallowed in realisation. He stepped over to the Jedi and knelt down next to him. "You. That was you?" He studied the Jedi's profile.

The man nodded. "It was. I wasn't much older than you are now. I was just a Padawan myself at that time. We had identified you as having the potential and had to bring you here to be trained. I am Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Knight." He smiled at Andrin. "And you are to be my Padawan." He reached over, resting a hand on Andrin's shoulder.

Andrin gasped silently, his jaw dropping. "I thought... I mean... Padawan's are supposed to be chosen from their abilities. You don't even know mine!" He blurted out, eliciting a chuckle from the Jedi.

"True, but I have watched you for some time now." He took a breath, then turned to Andrin. "I have watched you fight. You spotting me was a test. When you looked at me, Andrin, I knew you were ready. Had you not seen me in the crowd, I would not have chosen you." He pulled himself to his feet. "We will have to go shortly. There are some things I must do." He offered his hand to Andrin, surprised at the soft touch as the boy took his hand. He felt something in the boy, something that alarmed him. Was this going to be a mistake? He winced inwardly as he realised that Andrin was attracted to him. This was going to be a long twelve years. He was determined to do nothing more for the boy other than train him. He swore he would not get involved any deeper than that.




Andrin stood waiting for any movement from any point in the room. He crouched down, lightsaber out, but not ignited. Closing his eyes, he reached out with the force. He was ready.

Something sprung out, but failed to catch the boy by surprise. Andrin pushed out with the Force, knocking his would be assailant away. Back on his feet in a matter of seconds, the lightsaber was out, arching forward in a swift movement. Another 'saber met it and a battle was underway.

Andrin was quickly taken down, staring up at the ceiling, then at his Master's features.

"Well done, Padawan," came the soft comment. \par \par Andrin winced, then stood up. "No, it wasn't. I want to do it again." He grumbled, then stood ready for another attack.

Qui-Gon shook his head. "No. Not today." He turned away from Andrin, starting to leave the training room.

"Why not?" The fourteen year old whined and stomped his foot on the ground. "I want to do it again! Now!"

"Andrin." Qui-Gon turned around to face his Padawan. "I said no. I meant no. You are tired. You cannot be expected to do your best when you are tired. We will continue this tomorrow."

Andrin pouted, his lower lip sticking out. "Now!" He stomped his foot again, this time throwing the 'saber down.

Qui-Gon raised a brow. "I do not understand why you insist on acting like a spoiled child. Do not force me to regret my decision, Andrin. You will return to our quarters and meditate. Immediately." He pointed toward the door sharply.

Andrin sulked a moment, his foot ready to stamp down again. He watched his Master a moment, then sighed and took to the door, although stomping along the way, his arms folded over his chest in defiance.

Qui-Gon watched him leave, then shook his head. "What have I gotten myself into?"




Andrin and Qui-Gon were sent away from Coruscant for the first time since the two were together. For Qui-Gon it was a repeat of the times he was with his Master. For Andrin, it was his first time off planet that he could remember.

The mission was supposed to be a simple one. Escort a diplomat from his home planet back to Coruscant. Andrin was bouncing in his seat as they neared the planet. A sharp look from Qui-Gon stilled him as he wrinkled his nose in response.

Andrin closed his eyes a moment, taking a brief moment of meditation to calm his sense of adventure. He could feel Qui-Gon's eyes on him, approving silently of the boy's sense of control.

Pride swept over Andrin for a moment, quickly replaced by a sense of fear. He opened his eyes, biting his lip. Reaching out, he tugged on Qui-Gon's cloak sleeve.


"Yes, Padawan?"

"Can I talk to you alone a moment please?" He swallowed hard, then dashed toward a safe haven on the shuttle.

Qui-Gon followed, having to rely on his training bond with Andrin to find the boy.

"What is it, Andrin?"

"Trouble. I can't put my finger on it, but there's trouble."

Qui-Gon shook his head. "Keep your mind on the here and now, Andrin."

"But there's trouble. Nearby. Or there will be." Andrin's jaw set, his teeth clamped together.

Qui-Gon sighed mentally. "Do not let it worry you. I am certain it is nothing. It will not interfere with what we must do here."

Andrin nodded, only to allow Qui-Gon the satisfaction that he was right. For a time. Andrin couldn't shake the feeling.

When they had arrived on the planet, both Master and Padawan discovered the sense of Andrin's 'trouble'. Civil war had broken out. Blaster shots were being fired around them. One shot almost hit Qui-Gon, but was deflected through Andrin's movements and lightsaber.

"Not a word, Padawan." Qui-Gon warned as Andrin had started to say something. Andrin nodded, turned off his 'saber, and fell into line, following Qui-Gon as the elder made his way toward the designated meeting place.

The two Jedi had quickly removed the diplomat, making it back to Coruscant without any other major disasters befalling them.

Qui-Gon watched as Andrin unpacked his bag, putting his clothing away methodically.

//It appears I underestimated his abilities. It is clear to me now what Master Windu had been talking about. Maybe I'm not ready to train him.//

Qui-Gon stood up and left the room without a word. Without knowing where he was going, he arrived at the door to his former master's quarters. Knocking once, the door opened to admit him. He stepped in, his head bowed, staring at the floor.

"Forgive my intrusion, my Master, but I seek your guidance." Qui-Gon's words were whispered.

"Come. Sit." The words were little more than orders. "Wish my guidance, do you? A problem Andrin has become? Hmm?"

Qui-Gon sat down across from Master Yoda, tucking his legs underneath him. "No, he's not the problem. I am. I wasn't ready."

"Ahh. Ready you weren't." Yoda nodded slowly, then rapped Qui-Gon's knee with his walking stick. "Ready you were!" He hit the floor with the end of his stick. "Ready the boy was. Believe it you should."

Qui-Gon winced, then rubbed his knee. "Yes, my master. I apologise, but I think Master Windu was right. I can't handle him."

Yoda's eyes widened slightly. "Handle him you can. I have forseen it." He leaned back, small hands resting on the top of his walking stick.

"Yes, my master. I will try." Qui-Gon winced as he realised what he had just said.

Yoda looked pensive a moment, watching Qui-Gon. The walking stick lashed out, catching Qui-Gon's knee again. "No! Do! Or do not! This know you!"

Qui-Gon managed to bite back the yelp that threatened to erupt from him as he rubbed his knee again. "Yes, Master." He stood up, inching away from the Jedi Master and his stick.

"Go. Train the boy." Yoda settled back down, setting his stick to one side.

Qui-Gon bowed to Master Yoda, then quietly left the room. He limped back to his quarters, only to find Andrin sound asleep. In his bed. Qui-Gon groaned, but couldn't find it in his heart to move the boy to his own bed. Sighing, the Knight settled down beside Andrin and slept.




Andrin stood ready for the trials. He had been separated from Qui-Gon for two days already and he was beginning to feel a pain in his heart. He reached out along the link they shared.


//Yes, Padawan?//

//Why did they separate us?// A brief stab of despair flooded through the boy.

//Because I cannot help you. You know that. When a Padawan is ready, there is little more that I can do to help you.// A gentle mental touch caressed Andrin's mind to try and offset the despair.

Clamping down on the image that sprang to mind so suddenly, Andrin sighed. He didn't want Qui-Gon to see that.

//Will I see you after the trials?//

//Yes, Andrin. You will.//

Andrin could feel Qui-Gon smiling gently at him, as well as a flash of something else. Something personal? It was gone before it really started. In frustration, he sighed. Glancing up, he caught sight of Master Windu enter the room.

"It is time. Come with me." The Master waited as Andrin stood up. Stepping through the doors, the two walked into a combat ring. There in the ring stood Ki-Adi-Mundi. Andrin was handed a practice 'saber. There was no need for real combat, he was reassured. A simple sparring match would work.

Andrin felt that he could win this match easily. He knew his talent with the 'saber was better than most. He was caught by surprise as his opponent attacked first. Thrown into a defensive stance, he only tried to keep himself from being 'killed' in the match. Managing to hold his own, he lasted for several minutes against the furious onslaught of the Knight.

Suddenly, it was over. He glanced around him, trying to discern how he did. Upon the faces of the others, he saw nothing that would give him the slightest clue.

He was led to another room. Upon a chair sat Yarael Poof, the Quermian Jedi Master. He was instructed to sit down before the Master and wait. Doing so, he watched the Master with interest.

"Take a drink," suggested the Master, a hand passing slightly before Andrin.

Andrin picked up the glass offered, raising it to his lips without a thought. Stopping short, he looked at the glass for the first time, and sniffed of the liquid. Grimacing, he realised that it was a poison. Not lethal, but one that would make the recipient sick for a few days.

"No thank you, Master." Setting the glass down, Andrin turned his attention to the Quermian.

"Have something to eat?" The suggestion was accented by the Force.

Ready this time, Andrin warded it off. "No thank you, Master."

The Master sat back, then motioned to the door. Andrin stood and bowed before walking toward the door.

Stepping through to the other side, he felt a shiver pass through him. Narrowing his eyes, he couldn't tell whether this was an illusion, or reality. His hand moving to his belt, he realised he didn't have his weapons with him. Shuddering, he pressed forward.

With a start, Andrin realised that this area was strong with the Force, but it wasn't what he usually felt. Biting his lip, he knew what he was feeling now. The Dark Side. This had to be the final test. He stopped as he watched a mirror image of himself step forward.

Taking a deep breath, Andrin pushed away all fear and pressed onward. Through the mirror image. Coming through another door he didn't realise was there, he was met by the twelve of the Council, and Qui-Gon.

Immediately, Qui-Gon stepped forward, hugging Andrin close. "I knew you would make it."

Andrin smiled lightly as he rested his head on his Master's shoulder briefly. He caught the glance given from some of the Council members.

Qui-Gon stepped out as soon as the Council had placed the title on Andrin's shoulders and he had cut the braid Andrin wore. As he did, he felt an emptiness inside him. One that he knew Andrin would be feeling as well. Not looking back, he continued on his way. He only wanted Andrin out of his mind and his heart.

Andrin glanced at the doors as he noticed Qui-Gon had left. A sadness took him and he almost felt afraid. Pushing that down inside him, he caught the glance of Mace Windu. The Master had raised a brow to watch him for a moment. Andrin ignored the look and left. He retreated to one of his favorite locations to sit and watch the city life go about him. He half glanced at Master Windu as the ebony man made his way over to Andrin.

"You knew that you would part ways one day. It was inevitable. Don't feel sorrow or upset over it." Mace rested a hand on Andrin's shoulder. The boy was special, Mace couldn't deny that. He'd watched Andrin grow up, hoping to avoid pain in the future.

"It is hard, Master. I felt more than friendship for him. I doubt he ever knew it." He glanced at the hand on his shoulder, then out at the traffic in the sky.

"I believe he did know. Did you not feel his sadness when he left? The empty spot inside him? His love for you might not be what you wished it to be, but it was there." Mace removed his hand from Andrin's shoulder. "He needs to hear it from you, Andrin. He may never be what you want him to be, but he can ease the suffering of the parting."

Andrin turned to speak, but was faced only with empty space about him. He sighed then conceded the point to himself. He would tell Qui-Gon, but he would make the decision later about when it was time. He'd already been given an assignment. His first one alone. He didn't want to go alone. He swallowed his pride and went to find Qui-Gon to ask for his company on the mission. He was thrilled when Qui-Gon agreed to go with him, but not to help him unless help was truly needed. He had faith in Andrin's abilities. Andrin would have to trust himself. Secretly, Qui-Gon admitted to himself that he wanted to be with Andrin. He thought this was going to be bad for both of them should either of them admit their feelings.

Andrin and Qui-Gon worked as equals during this first mission of Andrin's. The Council had willingly allowed Qui-Gon to travel with Andrin, which had come as a surprise to both of them.

Master Windu's words came back to him again and again. Maybe he should just tell Qui-Gon how he felt. Each time he came close, he just couldn't bring himself to tell the other Knight. Once he had come close, but the look in the other man's eyes scared him.

//He doesn't see me as a possible lover. Only a son.//

Dismissing the thought that he could ever have a lover of Qui-Gon, he turned his attention to the mission, completing it with speed and accuracy. On the travel back, he meditated quietly by himself.




"Qui-Gon, why won't you listen to me. I'm telling you, he's going to be trouble." Andrin paced quite furiously, while an amused Qui-Gon watched.

"Why do you think that?" The Jedi mused to himself, letting his eyes follow the younger Knight.

"I sense it." Andrin sat down on a chair, hard. He groaned softly as he resisted the urge to stand and rub his rear.

Qui-Gon tried to keep a straight face. "Andrin, Xanatos is young still. He will become a Jedi." \par \par Andrin sighed quite vocally. "Don't come crying to me when he screws up." He stood and started to leave.

"Don't leave." The words came quickly as the elder stood up. Stepping over to Andrin, Qui-Gon watched him for a moment, then looked down at his feet. "Andrin, I know you mean well. But Xanatos is my Padawan. He won't fail. I /know/ he won't."

Andrin bit his tongue, then shook his head to clear it. //Don't need to think about /that/ right now, Andi.// "And are you gifted with seeing the future, Master?" He smirked, then turned for the door again.

"Not clearly, no. Only when I'm close to someone." He didn't try and stop Andrin this time, not moving.

"Then don't say he won't fail. I /know/ he will." He was half way out the door when the answer was shot back at him.

"You're just jealous!"

A wave hit Andrin, knocking him out of the doorway before it was slammed shut. He blinked whirling to face the door, then swallowed hard. //Am I jealous?//




//Damn him! Damn him to the Sith Hells!// Qui-Gon was furious. Xanatos had betrayed him. Andrin had known he would. He had locked himself in his room at the Temple, keeping away from everyone, especially Andrin.

Andrin. Now that was a different problem of its own. The Knight had been named a Master after training his own padawan. A smile quirked at Qui-Gon's mouth as he remembered Andrin's pride at seeing Keran knighted. He remembered how Andrin had managed to keep his childish tendencies in check for twelve years to train the boy. He remembered how proud he, himself, was when Andrin had been elevated to Master status.

A soft knock at the door disrupted his thoughts. "What?" he growled.

"Qui-Gon?" came the muffled reply.

"Go away, Master Windu." He tried to keep his voice schooled to a calm and rational tone.

"Let me in, please."

With a sigh, Qui-Gon stood up and unlocked the door, letting it open. He stared at Windu for a moment, then stepped aside to let the Master in.

"We were worried about you. Master Yoda would have come, but he thought I would be the better choice." Mace studied the man before him skeptically. "What is wrong?"

"Nothing." Qui-Gon sat back down. "Everything. Andrin /knew/. He /knew/."

"Of course he knew, Qui-Gon. The boy has the ability to see the future. He always has."

"Man. Not boy." Qui-Gon sighed softly, then slumped in a chair rather unceremoniously.

"Sorry, you are right." Mace watched the younger Jedi a moment. "You really care about him, don't you." His voice was soft.

Qui-Gon looked up in half shock, half denial. "What do you mean?"

"You love him." Mace smirked lightly, trying not to burst out laughing by the expression on the other man's face.

"I do /not/ love him!" Qui-Gon shook his head, answering quickly.

"Oh? Then why is it every time you are around him you look like all you can think about is dragging him off somewhere and..." He coughed, leaving the thought unsaid. By the way Qui-Gon started blushing, he knew he had hit the mark.

"That is /not/ true!" Qui-Gon stood up and flailed briefly before pacing.

"Yes, it is."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is."

"Mace?" Qui-Gon looked at him, his expression wilting.

"Hmm?" Mace raised a brow.

"Shut up." Qui-Gon practically stormed into his bedroom, leaving the baffled master behind.




As Andrin arrived before the Council, he noticed that Qui-Gon was there. Andrin smiled upon seeing his old Master and lifelong friend. Walking over, he greeted Qui-Gon first.

"Master." He grinned, bowing lightly from the waist. Turning to the Council, he repeated the guesture. "Masters. I have come as I have been called."

Qui-Gon couldn't help but smile as he was greeted. He defered to the Council,letting them speak.

"The Council has decided that a place will be given to you among us." Adi Gallia glanced between the two Knights, her eyes settling on Andrin.

Andrin had to remember to breathe and to keep his head clear. His thoughts were a jumble and they were also surprised. He took a deep breath and turned to the Council. "I am honoured that you feel I would do so well to be given this challenge. I will not fail you." His glance shifted to Mace Windu, a serious look in his eyes. He knew that Master Windu would know of what he spoke.

Mace Windu nodded. "Very well, Master Andrin. The place has been reserved for you." He motioned to an empty seat next to himself.

Andrin started toward the seat, then stopped. "I can't sit there. Not yet. I would ask that you allow me more time before asking me to join the Council. I have things I wish to do first. I wish to remain in the field for a time." He bit his lip, a tremble in his mind that he had asked the wrong thing. He was surprised as both Masters Yoda and Windu grinned at him.

"Of course, young Jedi Master. If missions you wish, missions you have." It was the small Master who spoke. Yoda stood from his seat, moving to Andrin. "Padawan you must take. Many young wish a Master."

Andrin smiled at Yoda and nodded in agreement. "I will visit them and see if there are any that I could train. However, I have been asked by the Senate privately to do one thing first." He frowned slightly, replaying the message in his mind.

The Council exchanged glances. "Who asked you to do this and what did they ask you to do?" It was Ki-Adi-Mundi who spoke this time.

"I was asked to do a routine trade negotiation for the Naboo by Senator Palpatine. He felt I was the best for the job. The Naboo wish to trade with Alderaan and asked for me to work out the details. Why they needed a Jedi, I'm not sure." He shrugged, then fell silent.

The Council seemed concerned for the moment, then nodded. "Be careful and mindful, Master Andrin." This was the voice of Master Windu speaking.

Andrin nodded. "I will be." He smiled lightly, then stepped out backward, waiting for Qui-Gon to catch up with him.

"Why do I sense so much unease from the Council about this?" asked the teacher.

"I'm not sure," answered the student. /How easily the roles are reversed/, thought Andrin. He turned to his friend. "When I was young, I once forsaw a darkness in my future. I asked Master Windu about it then. Its there even now, yet stronger. I may not return, Qui-Gon." How easily did he accept this now. He felt no fear about the situation.

Qui-Gon nodded slightly. "You'd better come back, Andrin." He raised a hand to Andrin's cheek, lightly stroking the younger's face.

Andrin bit his lip, then nodded. "I can't promise that." He turned away, leaving Qui-Gon alone on the path. Once alone, he stopped and lightly touched his cheek.

//He does care for me.//

His thoughts turned to darkness.

//But only as a son.//


Andrin arrived on the ship that was designated for the negotiations. He felt nothing at all, which should have alerted him. It didn't. The minute that it did, he was too late. Faced by a dark figure, he watched the figure for a time, cautious.

"Who are you?" He asked quietly, remaining calm, keeping his fear down.

The figure didn't answer, only stayed steady, returning the gaze.

"Answer me." He pushed down all doubt.

"Who are /you/, my young friend?" The voice itself was dark, as though a deep hatred was held there.

"Jedi Master Andrin Amali." Andrin had hesitated, remembering he was no longer a Knight.

"Ahh, a promotion for you then? I am pleased. I had expected a Knight. This will do better than I had planned." A low chuckle ensued from the figure's direction.

"What do you want?" Andrin was quickly becoming frustrated, unable to hide the fear and anger that was starting in him.

"You are doing well, young Jedi." A laugh came from his area, knowing that Andrin wasn't going to last much longer.

"There were no negotiations, were there? This was a trap for me. Wasn't it? It came from Palpatine, so either Palpatine is dead, or he is in league with you. Which is it!" Andrin growled, clenching his jaw. He could feel the need to fight clawing in him. He tried to shove it down, to regain his calm.

"Let the anger out, young Andrin Amali. Let it take you. Let it control you." The figure rolled something across the floor to Andrin.

Without thinking, Andrin picked it up, looking down at it. A lightsaber. He lit one end the way he would have before, yet something was odd about it. He turned it carefully, holding it parallel to his waist, and switched hands. The other end lit up. A double bladed lightsaber. He gasped, then looked at the figure in front of him.

"Take it, Andrin. It is yours. All you must do is allow me to train you to completion. I will show you how to fight with that weapon." The figure stepped closer to Andrin, offering a hand to the young man. "Come with me."

Andrin looked at the lightsaber in his hands. Oh how he wanted this weapon. He knew that taking it would mean a life of hatred and anger. A life in the Sith. Being an apprentice again. He looked up at the figure before him. "Who are you?"

"I am Sith. I offer you the chance to become Sith. To hold the power."

"Why should I?" Andrin felt the Sith in his thoughts. He tried to block.

"Ahh. You wish another. You fear you won't have him."

"What do you know about it."

"More than you think, my young apprentice."

"I'm not your apprentice. I am a Jedi."

The figure scowled darkly. "Consider your words, young Andrin. He will /never/ love you. You'll see him each day and never be able to touch him."

"Oh, and I suppose this is where I say 'sure, I join you and I get all the men'?" He deactiveated the lightsaber and dropped it. "No thanks." He started to turn away.

"Wait!" The tone stopped the Jedi in his path. "You may find that he will be no match for you. You can charm him into your arms. I can teach you how."

//By the Force, why did he just tell me that?//

A tremble went through Andrin. "I don't know what you mean."

"But you do. I believe his name is Qui-Gon? Yes, I see it so clearly in your thoughts."

//No. I can't accept this.//

Andrin felt a sudden dread run through him. This was the darkness. This was the betrayal. He was going to lose because of an attraction?

"Not just an attraction, my apprentice. You desire this man so deeply that you can taste it."

Andrin turned to face the Sith lord. The last thing that Andrin heard was the cackling of the Dark Lord. He lost consciousness from the power that the elder held, slipping to the ground.





Darkness closing in.

Can't breathe.

Can't move.



Qui-Gon woke up that night screaming. He had sensed the disturbance and the loss of a close friend. Dressing quickly, he left to see the Council. Upon arrival, he realised that each of them had been roused as well, most likely from the same dream he himself had had. Judging by expressions, it wasn't just a dream. The Jedi Master Andrin Amali had been lost. But whether dead or to the Dark Side was something unknown.


Andrin woke up panting. He glanced around him, then rubbed his eyes. It hadn't been a dream as he had hoped. He had really done it. He had betrayed the Council. He had gone to the Sith. Standing up, he dressed slowly, choosing black and tan for his colors. He couldn't leave the tan behind, but he didn't feel it right to wear it anymore. Upon leaving, he caught sight of Senator Palpatine in the residence that he was in. It had been Palpatine that had summoned him, hadn't it? Oh Sith, he couldn't remember.

Turning toward him, the Senator caught his eye. "Good, you are up. I realise you may be somewhat confused. I found you wandering about last night and decided to bring you here." A smile graced the Senator's face.

"Thank you, I suppose." Andrin half smiled. "I apologise for my behaviour."

"None needed. You should smile more often. It suits you."

Andrin felt himself blushing, then watching the Senator a moment. "Do I know you?" He watched the mouth and nose more than the eyes. Something familiar.

"I've been in the public many years now. Senator Palpatine of Naboo." Another smile was given to Andrin.

The Jedi, now Sith, nodded lightly. "Ahh, I see. Well, if you'll excuse me, I have some things I need to do."

"Of course." Andrin stepped out, not noticing the dark gaze that followed him from the Senator.


Feeling a pull, he headed toward his old 'resting place'. He somehow knew that the one person he would want to see would be there. He could feel the power that Sidious had talked about previously. The power to possibly enchant the man that he loved.

Qui-Gon stood at Andrin's favorite place, watching the crowds. He closed his eyes for a moment, then turned quickly, sensing a familiar feeling behind him. He came face to face with Andrin.

"Andrin?" He stammered, then shook his head. "Why?"

"Because I had to." He didn't allow the lightsaber to be seen, nor did he allow Qui-Gon into his mind or thoughts. "If you are smart, you'll take to the ground and stay there." He turned and left, giving what warning he could without risking his life. He glanced behind him once, watching Qui-Gon turn back to the sky. He knew the pain that the elder had to be in and he shared that.

"What did they offer you? What was it? What could have made you turn from us? From me?" The strangled sound of the elders voice almost tore Andrin's heart into pieces.

"Master, please don't ask me to answer that." He closed his eyes a brief moment, taking a deep breath.

"I am asking." Qui-Gon turned to face Andrin. "What upset you so much that you wouldn't trust yourself?"

"You." His eyes opened. "You never saw it did you." He flailed briefly. "Even if you had seen it there was no chance."

"Of what? Us becoming lovers? I knew, Andrin. I always knew. You don't know how I would have reacted had you just told me." It was Qui-Gon's turn to calm himself. He kept his look on Andrin for a moment, then turned away. He tensed when he heard the sound of a lightsaber being unclipped from its place, but didn't turn back. "I won't fight you, Andrin." His voice trembled,his emotions laid bare. He was in pain. He was suffering.

//Yoda was right. Pain does lead to suffering. For both the light and dark.//

"You knew and you didn't tell me you knew?" He shook his head. "You asked what I was offered." He walked over and set the lightsaber down on the ledge next to Qui-Gon. "This." He wasn't about to admit what had truly won him over. He knew that he'd only lose whatever shred of hope there might be. He didn't want this anymore. He only wanted to be in Qui-Gon's arms. He only wanted to be back with the Jedi.

Qui-Gon rested a hand on the lightsaber, a brow raised. "Double bladed." He turned to look at Andrin. "But is it worth the pain and loss, Andrin? It isn't to me." He moved his hand from the lightsaber to reach for Andrin. "Come back to me, Andrin."

Andrin pulled away. "No." He took the lightsaber. "I.. I can't."

"Why not? You haven't a strong tie to the Dark Side. Not yet. You /can/ return." He reached out and clasped Andrin's hand in his own. "Andrin, please. Come back to /me/."

Andrin tried to jerk away but found himself held tight. "Let me go, Master." His voice had changed to that of a scared child.

"Why do you bother calling me Master still? I'm not. I haven't been in a long time.." He refused to let go of Andrin.

"You always were." His voice was soft, scared.

"Then honor that relationship and come back." His voice was beckoning. "To me if not to the Jedi." His eyes began to betray the pain he felt.

"Master." The word was a bare whisper.


The Council had been in emergency session that morning to discuss the dream they had shared. They had allowed Qui-Gon to be on his own that morning. They knew he was suffering more than they were. However, even they did not foresee the next event that would occur. The doors opened and Andrin stepped in, much to the shock of the council, Qui-Gon at his heels.

"I believe my walk on the Dark Side was short. The rumours were true, for a time." He bowed lightly to them. "I do not ask for the position that was set aside, but rather it be given to someone more deserving. I have personal issues to work out before I would be ready to accept any other responsibility." He glanced at Qui-Gon for a moment, then back to the council.

"Understood. You will keep your title, but perhaps take no Padawan for a while." Master Windu was serious about this as his features were emotionless.

Andrin nodded to him. "Of course, Master. I had intended on no Padawan." A slight smile touched at his lips. "I would prefer a time to reflect by myself."

Mace Windu shook his head. "No. You will not be alone during this time. A Jedi Master will remain with you." He glanced at Qui-Gon, eliciting a look of surprise from the man.

One of the Council spoke up. "Master Jinn shall stay with you." Both Andrin and Qui-Gon turned to look at the woman who spoke. "He has no Padawan to watch after at the moment. We understand that this is not the best of circumstances for this, but each of us believes it to be prudent for you both to have time together. Take this time." Depa Billaba had been offered the seat that Andrin had turned down, and taken it.

Andrin turned to look at Qui-Gon for a long moment, a smile touching at his lips. "Of course." He turned to the Council. "I defer to your judgement." He bowed, then turned, stepping out of the door.

Qui-Gon, however, had stayed behind for a moment. "Masters, is this really a good idea?"

"Perhaps. Perhaps not. Watch him. Make sure he does not lie." Master Yoda had answered Qui-Gon, remaining in a pensive position. "Guard him, you will."

Qui-Gon nodded, then bowed. "I will." He turned and headed out of the room, catching up with Andrin.

"Where exactly did you have in mind for this solitude?" Qui-Gon's voice had a hint of amusement to it.

"Somewhere on the outer rim." He kept his step lively, knowing that his saviour was close behind him.


They had travelled alone to one of the systems on the outer rim. The planet was uninhabited but calm and beautiful. Andrin had selected it, hoping to keep himself at ease and comfortable. Qui-Gon had landed the ship as Andrin had fallen asleep before they had reached the planet. Andrin had been allowed to sleep, waking up after six hours of sleep. He turned over in the bed to look at Qui-Gon who slept just beside him.

Andrin reached out with a hand to rub his hand over the other man's cheek lightly. He wasn't surprised when blue eyes opened to meet his jade colored ones. A smile touched the elder's lips as arms slipped around Andrin, pulling the younger against him.

Qui-Gon tensed visibly as the first kiss was passed between them. A dry sensation, yet filling both hearts with warmth and love. The next relaxed Qui-Gon, both closing their eyes as their mouths opened, accepting each others love willingly and devouring it as it was given.

The two men lay still against each other, their arms wrapped around each other tightly. The kiss had ended, their breath still shared by their closeness. No words were vocally spoken, but their eyes said all that needed to be said. The occasional soft sigh was emitted by both men, occasional soft kisses were shared.

Andrin wasn't satisfied with the closeness they shared at the moment, wanting to be even closer. He wrapped a leg around the others waist, pulling him tighter him. The elder smiled and wrapped a blanket around them, pulling the younger closer, accepting the leg where it was placed.

Andrin slowly slipped off to sleep, held protectively by his lover. He felt relaxed for the first time in years, able to have what he thought he would never have. He felt his newfound lover holding him tighter, lightly brushing his hair back. A smile came across his lips as he nuzzled his face to Qui-Gon's neck, breathing in the other man's scent in deep breaths. He snuggled closer in his sleep, feeling safe and protected.


After Andrin had awaken, the two left the ship to explore the land together. Andrin had to laugh as Qui-Gon was knocked down by part of the planets natural life. A rabbit like creature about the size of his leg had surprised them both. Andrin helped the other up and bit his lip to keep from laughing as Qui-Gon commented that he knew what was going to be for dinner.

"So let me get this straight. You get pounced on, and the offender is dinner?" He glanced sidelong at Qui-Gon, amused when the elder nodded.

"Yes. Quite so." He stopped as he noticed something odd. He was caught by surprise as Andrin pounced on him, toppling them both to the ground. He looked up at Andrin, who towered over him, smiling gently. He didn't struggle as Andrin apparantly wanted him to, but rather laid still, allowing Andrin to do anything the younger man wanted to do. He closed his eyes as Andrin's mouth found his throat, nibbling against the skin there. He felt Andrin's hands start to work at his clothing.

"Andrin?" He questioned. "We shouldn't. Not here."

"Hmm? No one is going to see us, Qui-Gon. Why not here?" He bit down on Qui-Gon's neck, causing a gasp from the elder.

"Andrin!" He wasn't able to keep his back from arching, his head from turning to allow the younger more room. "Are you certain this planet is uninhabited?" His words were somewhat slurred, his hands tangling his fingers in Andrin's hair.

"Quite sure, Master." Andrin's voice took on a teasing as he used the familiar term referring to the elder. He felt the shiver from the other man. "I want you to make love to me. I want to feel you inside me." He smiled at the sudden tenseness to hide the shiver that went through him. He was enjoying this, and he knew the elder was as well. He slid down the man's body as he finished undressing him, leaving him naked and prone on the ground, with only a soft bed of leaves and grass underneath him.

Andrin went limp against the elder, after both had spent themselves, causing a sudden fear to pass through the man. He carefully moved Andrin off of him, laying him down, smiling when Andrin looked up at him. The younger blinked, then blushed. "Did I pass out?" came the weak question.

"Yes, you did." He brushed Andrin's hair back from his face. "I love you, Andrin." He leaned down, kissing the young man gently.

"I love you." Andrin's arms wrapped around the elder tightly, pulling him down against him. He didn't argue as the elder started to dress him again, then dress himself. He watched with a pout as his lover's body was covered from his sight. "Why can't we just do without clothing while we're here?" He whined, causing a smile from the other.

"Because I say we can't." He winked, then glanced to the sky. "And it looks like it might rain soon."

"All the more reason to stay without clothing. Nothing to dry then except ourselves." He grinned, then watched his lover roll his eyes and groan. He felt hands tickling him and curled up in laughter to get them to stop.

A crack of thunder stopped their play and sent them scrambling to find shelter. Qui-Gon was the first to notice, having to jump over a hole as the ground caved in. "Careful, Andrin!" He shouted, though it was too late. The ground gave out under Andrin's feet, sending the younger tumbling into a cavern with a shout for help.

Andrin hit the ground after falling for what seemed like forever. He looked up and judged the distance at about fifty feet. He started to stand up, but cried out in pain. He laid down and closed his eyes to discern the damage. His left leg was broken in three places by the fall. He looked up again to see Qui-Gon peeking down and screaming his name.

"I'm here. My leg is broken. I can't get out." He called out. He watched Qui-Gon easily make the jump, landing on his feet next to Andrin. Immediately the elder went to work, checking and setting Andrin's leg, ignoring the scream of pain from the younger, knowing that Andrin would enter meditation soon and the pain would lessen. He glanced upward at the hole, a sudden shudder going through him as he heard the wind.

"Andrin, we have to get out of here. This cavern might flood if there is a storm. Can you jump?" He moved to look at Andrin, brushing the younger man's hair back.

"No. You go. Save yourself, Qui-Gon. Please." Andrin's eyes closed and from time to time he looked limp, ready to pass out.

"No! Andrin! You stay with me! I didn't save your life just to lose you. I am not going to lose you again." He wrapped his arms around Andrin, picking him up, again ignoring the scream of pain from the man. He closed his eyes and jumped. \par \par Andrin lay on the ground just outside the hole. Qui-Gon had managed to get him up there, but had fallen again. He rolled over and looked down at Qui-Gon. The man was catching his breath and looking up.

"I'm coming, Andrin." He took a deep breath and jumped again, making it up completely. He picked Andrin up and started moving again as the wind was picking up. He tried to keep Andrin as steady as possible, but was unable to keep him completely still, having to hear Andrin's cries and feel Andrin's teeth as he bit against his shoulder to stave off the pain. He winced as Andrin's teeth drew blood, grateful when he reached a small alcove in the rock. He laid Andrin down gently, removing his cloak to place underneath Andrin's head.

Removing Andrin's pants, he winced at the look of the leg. Part of the bone had broken through the skin, causing a bleeder. Moving quickly, he used Andrin's pants to bandage the wound, then used sturdy sticks from the area to splint the leg firmly in place.

"Andrin, listen to me. You have to meditate. Accept the pain. Only then will it go away." He glanced behind him at the fast coming storm. "It won't be safe here for long. You have to be able to handle another \par run." He brushed Andrin's hair back, worried when he recieved no response. He checked Andrin's eyes, wincing when he realised Andrin was unconscious.

Shaking his head, Qui-Gon picked Andrin up and started again through the forested path. Upon reaching their ship, he stopped, turning behind him for a moment. He narrowed his eyes, then dashed for the ship again. Managing to get on, close the door, and set Andrin down and strapped him down for travel, he was tossed from the cockpit by a sudden jolt. Something was wrong.

This planet had no history of seismic activity. He narrowed his eyes, feeling a disturbance. Dashing to the cockpit, he glanced out, seeing it clearly. Someone was there, someone with a lightsaber, someone who wanted on this ship. Warming up the engines, he had no time to run through a checklist, taking off immediately and heading for the stars. He set the ship on autopilot and headed for Coruscant. Leaving the cockpit for a moment, he went to check on Andrin.

Andrin slept soundly in the small cabin that Qui-Gon had left him in. He shifted his position once, his injured leg hanging over the edge of the bedding. Qui-Gon frowned as he noted the splint hadn't held properly. He debated resetting the leg, but chose against it, deciding to wait and let the healers do it. Sitting down next to Andrin's bed, he waited and \par meditated.


Andrin woke a few days later, glancing about him. He was back on Coruscant, Qui-Gon at his side. Smiling slightly he reached over both with his hand and with the Force. He was met by both.

//How are you feeling, Andrin?//

//Like I was just hit by an air taxi.//

Qui-Gon grinned, then shook his head.

//And how would you know what that feels like?//

//Just a guess. What happened?//

//We were attacked.//

A mental image sent from Qui-Gon into Andrin's mind showed him the identity of the attacker.

//The Sith!//

//Can't be. They're extinct.//

Qui-Gon watched Andrin a moment, then leaned back.

//I don't think so, love. I was drawn off by a Sith.//

//Think about it a moment. It was probably a Dark Jedi that told you he was Sith to impress you. Andrin, the Sith are extinct.//

//Maybe. Just maybe.//

Andrin closed his eyes and rested.




Andrin limped through the halls of the Temple. He silently cursed at his leg. It hadn't fully healed yet and the healers were paranoid about him leaving until he could walk without the limp. Hearing about Qui-Gon's new apprentice, he wanted to see for himself who this boy was. Qui-Gon had been acting a bit odd recently, not bringing the boy by. He was thanking the Force that his lover hadn't moved out. He couldn't help but notice that it had to be coming.

Finding the two together in meditation, he slipped up behind Qui-Gon, startling the Master. Sitting down, he smiled gently over at him.

//I came to meet Obi-Wan. You've not brought him by. I was sure you would have.//

Frowning at the look on Qui-Gon's face, he reached over and lightly stroked the elder's beard.

//Is something wrong, love?//

//No. I didn't think you'd want to meet him.//

//He is pretty. Should I be jealous?//

The question was meant in fun, but something in Qui-Gon's eyes told Andrin that the man had taken it seriously. A flash of betrayal and shock.

//No! I'm not in love with him!//

//Then why did you take that seriously? What is it?//

Andrin's eyes betrayed his concern, glancing to the young boy. He stood up looking down at Qui-Gon.

//I'm going home. I suppose you'll be there later tonight.//

//Of course I will.//

Sighing, Andrin limped out the door and headed back to their room.

//And make sure the healers take care of that leg!//

//Yes, Master.//

Andrin's comment was another meant in fun, adding an ironic twist to it.

//Why do you insist on calling me that?//

Andrin blinked at the response as he entered his room. Biting his lip, he went about his daily ritual of cleaning up. He picked up one of Qui-Gon's cloaks and hung it up. He closed his eyes for a moment, regaining a calm center before jumping in the shower. He didn't bother answering Qui-Gon's last remark.




Andrin lay quietly, glancing at the empty spot next to him. He held back the tears that threatened to flow. Qui-Gon hadn't been home recently. In fact, he hadn't come back since he returned from his last mission. There hadn't even been a hello. Swallowing hard, he tried to think about why.

//I was his first, Xanatos his second, shame that one, and Obi-Wan his third. So far, he's not had trouble. That's always good. Probably wants to spend as much time with the boy as possible.//

Accepting that explanation, he stood and dressed, heading out of his room to find Qui-Gon and the young Obi-Wan.

Not having to look too far, Andrin was shocked at what he witnessed. The two Jedi were sparring in privacy.

The two Jedi were working wonderfully together, Obi-Wan predicting Qui-Gon's moves before they were made. Qui-Gon had stopped a moment, smiling at his apprentice gently before starting the next round.

Andrin noticed the glances that meant there was a link there. One he couldn't hear. It wasn't fair! His lover was talking to that apprentice where he couldn't hear them! Jealousy raged through him as he watched the glances between Master and Apprentice. His Qui-Gon was in love with that Padawan! That is why they were being so secretive with their link! Clenching his jaw, he reached inside his mind, cutting off the link he had to the other Jedi. He spun around and left the room before Qui-Gon could react, but heard the vocal cry from him shortly after.

"Master?" The young Obi-Wan knelt next to Qui-Gon after the elder had cried out and stumbled to the ground. He had deactivated the practice saber and tossed it aside.

"I am okay, Padawan." The Jedi took a deep breath, then shook his head, his eyes loosing focus as he searched for something that wasn't there. Stifling another cry of anguish, he struggled to his feet. "I think that is enough for today." Without another word, he turned and left his confused apprentice behind.


Andrin leaned against the wall, tears in his eyes. He was fast losing his love to a younger man. If younger is what Qui-Gon wanted, then he'd be damned if he was going to stop him. He angrily wiped away the tears before hearing Qui-Gon's voice in his mind reminding him that anger led to the Dark Side. If that was true, then thats where he was going.

Footsteps made him look up. A dazed Qui-Gon was headed his way. Pouting, he turned and tried to look inconspicuous. He didn't notice until it was too late that Qui-Gon had noticed him and stopped to watch him. \par \par "Andrin?" The soft voice questioned. Andrin stiffened and turned to regard the elder cooly.

"What?" He couldn't keep the fury out of his voice.

"Why?" He touched his temple, then reached for Andrin. "Why did you sever the link?"

"'Cause I wanted to." He half sneered, then turned, bolting for the exit of the Temple and into the nearest air taxi.

Qui-Gon stared after Andrin for a moment before slowly making his way to his room. Sitting down hard he tried to meditate.

//Andrin, why? I don't understand. A bond is sacred. Why did you destroy what we have? I know I haven't been the best lover for you, and that I've been distant. I've been training Obi-Wan. You knew I was a teacher. You knew that I would eventually train another. You knew this. You were just jealous. I know you. You'll be back.// He hoped he was right.


Andrin found his way through Coruscant. He stopped outside the Senate building. He didn't know what had brought him here and wasn't sure he wanted to know. As he watched the people, he spotted a familiar face. Palpatine. Standing up, he headed over to the Senator.

Palpatine saw him coming and smiled. "Hello again. I had wondered what happened to you. When you didn't come back, I was certain you'd found your home."

"I thought I did." Andrin glanced around them. "Can we talk?"

Palpatine had taken Andrin to his own residence on Coruscant, showing him to a back room. After making sure his guest was comfortable, he went to get refreshments.

"What is on your mind?" The Senator handed Andrin a mug of what looked to be tea or coffee. Andrin didn't care at this point. Accepting it he sipped at it.

"I need to know the truth." He watched Palpatine over the rim of his cup. \par \par "About what?" Andrin could sense the unease from the Senator.

"Who are you?"

"I don't know what you mean." Hesitation. Fear. Realisation. The Jedi knew who he was.

"Yes, you do."

"I see. I am the one from before." The admission was quick and pointed.

Andrin only nodded. "Then I want to come back."

Now this was unexpected. Palpatine stared at him a moment, dropping his own cup, the hot liquid spilling into his lap. Jumping up he dabbed at his pants with a cloth. "Ahh, I see. If you'll excuse me a moment." The Senator dashed out of the room quickly.

Andrin sat there almost lifeless. He bit his lip swearing he wouldn't break down and cry. Not here. He glanced up as the door closed. There stood a Zabrakian. He raised a brow as he regarded the young man. Andrin noted to himself that the Zabrakian was close to Obi-Wan's age.

The man didn't speak, but moved to sit down. Shortly after, Sidious stepped into the room. The Senate clothing gone, the Sith moved over to Andrin.

"Coming back is not as easy as you think. There can be only two. You fell from grace, and I chose another."

Andrin blinked, then stood up. "My apologies then. I'll just go train myself to hate." He narrowed his eyes and glared at the Zabrakian.

The Sith Master raised a hand. "Wait. I think there might be an alternative. I will take you in, but I will not train you. I will give you pointers, but no more."

Andrin nodded. "It is all I can ask for."

"Now sit down and tell me what it is you strive for."

Andrin sat back down. "I will kill Obi-Wan Kenobi. He has stolen from me the one who's heart I so desired."

Sidious nodded and clapped his hands together, rubbing them lightly. "And to do this, you must be strong in the Dark Side. Use your anger and your hate. Feed them. Picture that one in your mind. Picture him, your love, and what they might do behind your back."

Andrin's eyes sparked in rage. "Don't do this to me!" He stood up and shouted at the Sith. He didn't notice the Zabrakian standing as well.

The Sith cackled gleefully. "You learn quickly. I shall allow my apprentice, Darth Maul, to assist you in your training."

The Zabrakian came forward to stand next to Andrin. Andrin looked at the Zabrakian for the first true time, taking in the tattooed appearance.

"Answer me one thing?" He half smirked as the Zabrakian raised a brow and nodded. "Did that hurt?" He motioned to the tattoos, then rolled his eyes as the Zabrakian growled.




Naboo. A planet that no one could understand why it had been attacked. The Trade Federation. Cowards, all of them. Andrin arrived on the planet, waiting for the right time. Darth Maul was there, treating Andrin little more than a slave. He growled more than once at the Sith Apprentice, recieving a backhanded blow for it each time. Wiping the blood away from the most current, he almost turned his lightsaber on Maul. Reigning in his anger, he reached out around him, gathering his strength.

//What was that?//

His mind screamed at him. A tremor. A familiar sense. Someone he knew was close. Sitting down, he centered himself as was so common to him.

//Qui-Gon! What are you doing here?//

Opening his eyes, he almost screamed at what he had seen next.






Darth Maul walked over to him. "The Jedi will not survive this. I will take care of them, but you are to remain here and destroy them should I fail." He pointed to a location on a schematic. Andrin nodded blindly, standing up and walking to the location. Sitting down just inside an air duct, he waited and meditated.


Qui-Gon watched as the Sith knocked Obi-Wan from the catwalk. He used that moment to force the Sith off as well. Dropping down he struck for the kill. Something distracted him. A familiar presence, yet filled with darkness. It gave the Sith the opening to block the killing blow. He staggered, then gave chase after the Sith, not paying attention to Obi-Wan's cry for him to wait. The nagging presence was closer than ever. Why now? Why here?

The field snapped up between him and the Sith. Kneeling down, he entered meditation.

Who are you?

I know you.



A touch.

A kiss.



Don't give in!

Fight it!

I saved you once.

Didn't I.

His eyes snapped open a second before the field cycled off. Flying into action, he attacked the Sith, prepared for the battle to continue. He saw Obi-Wan reach the final barrier before it blocked him off. He watched Obi-Wan watch him closely. He felt Obi-Wan send him the strength he needed to continue.

There it was again. That presence. That familiar presence. It distracted him just enough. The Sith used the Force to hit him, sending him off balance. Qui-Gon knew what was going to happen. He would die here. Obi-Wan would have to watch. The blow never came. \par \par //Master!//

In a blur, there was another there. Someone who had been there the whole time. Someone who had been hidden. Someone who took the killing blow in Qui-Gon's place. There was no sound. No scream. No pain. Someone crumpled to the ground.

"Andrin!" came the angered shout. Blue eyes stared at the Sith, then narrowed. Pressing forward, the attack came quickly. The field cycled and Obi-Wan joined in. Together, Master and Apprentice battled and defeated the Sith. Before even bothering to make sure the Sith was dead. Qui-Gon was at Andrin's side, lightsaber tossed away from him. Obi-Wan picked it up, moving away to give the two space.

"Qui-Gon, I couldn't let it happen." Andrin took a deep breath, then winced.

"Shh, Andrin. It will be okay." The elder's eyes teared over. A soft touch was on his lips.

"No. I took the blow for you. You would have died here." A pause. "Qui-Gon. He loves you. You love him. We weren't meant to be. The two of you /were/." He clenched his jaw as pain spread through him.

Qui-Gon shook his head in defiance. "No, Andrin. You /will/ survive this. You /must/. The Jedi need you. /I/ need you. I heard you again." He searched his mind for the link the link the two once shared.

"You always were blind to love. It is staring you in the face. Hold on to it." Andrin's eyes lost their focus, his breath rattled in his chest and he went limp.

"Andrin!" came the shocked cry. Qui-Gon cuddled the lifeless body to him. He glanced over at Obi-Wan, knowing his grief was showing. His Padawan stepped over to him, kneeling down. Arms were around him, pulling him gently.

"He was right, Master. I do love you." The words were whispered against the elder's ear. He waited til Qui-Gon had stopped trembling before slowly untangling his Master from the dead Andrin. Standing up, he pulled the other to his feet, then hugged him gently. The elder returned the gentle affection.

"Do you, Padawan? Was he truly right? Is it you I belong with?" He refused to meet Obi-Wan's eyes, instead staring at the ground. His eyes moved only to follow his Padawan's hands as the young man replaced his lightsaber to his belt. Had he thrown it away?

//Can't you feel it, Master? We are bonded. It was me you heard. Not Andrin.//

"Yes, Master. I do and he was. I've seen it when you look at me. Heard it when you talk to me. He was right." Obi-Wan took a deep breath and raised his hand to move Qui-Gon's head to be able to look in his Master's eyes. "I love you." Leaning forward, he captured Qui-Gon's mouth in a kiss.

//Obi-Wan. Oh gods. How could I have missed this?//

//You thought you still loved him. You were mourning over him.//

//I did. I do. But this... how could I have missed this?//


Qui-Gon stood alone, staring out at the Naboo forests from the balcony. His thoughts were on Andrin and on the sacrifice given. Andrin had been lost twice to the Dark Side and retrieved once. He had not tried for redemption either time, yet had been given it at the moment of his death. Even though he acted selfishly, his actions had given the two Jedi the opening they needed to defeat the Sith. It had been discovered that Andrin was there to finish up the job should the Sith fail. Even Yoda had once said that Andrin was a true Jedi at heart, despite that he had been swayed.

"Master?" He turned slightly at the familiar voice.

"Yes, Padawan?"

"Are you coming to bed?" He smiled at the sensuality in the voice, the promise of seduction. It would be their first time together, and he sure didn't want to keep Obi-Wan waiting long. Too long had he waited for this.

"I'll be there in a minute." He said softly, not sure if he was heard. Turning back to the scenery, he closed his eyes briefly. "Goodbye, Andrin. And thank you. For everything." He hissed in a breath as the wind passed over him, causing his hair to flip around over into his face. Brushing it back, he smiled softly, certain that Andrin was at peace.

Turning to enter the room and into the waiting arms of his Padawan, he had the sense of coming home.