Come on Down

by (c) Rogue 1999

Spoilers: Oh, lemme see, how do I wanna say this? "No!" - with passion. "No!" - with drama. "No!" - with cheery joyfulness. "No!" - with deep sadness. "No!" - with a hearty hi-ho and aw, who the hell cares? Let's just leave it at "No!", however ya wanna take it.

Rating: To be determined as soon as I can cattle prod my neural clusters into some semblance of coherence. Oh, no, wait, I know. It's NC-17. (turns to shout to someone in background: "What's that stand for, anyway?!")

Warnings: It's weird, it's sassy, it's an obvious flagrant and spectacular violation of high-octane caffeine ingestion! It's two, two, two Jedi in one! (Okay, not really, but dammit, I couldn't resist!)

Summary: Challenge accepted! What happens when two Jedi are abducted to perform on a game show that would make the Jerry Springer Show look like Mister Roger's Neighborhood in comparison? Read all about it!

Disclaimers: All together now! "Yea, though I walk through the shadow of the Valley of the Dark Side, I shall fear no evil, for our God-King, George Lucas, has created our glorious boy-toys that I have shamelessly borrowed for the creation of this writing from my whacked-out gray clay. Merciful, is our Lord Lucas, for having stated my intentions, I trust that he will not sue the pants off me, which would result in hysterical blindness for the planetary population, which means he would be responsible for destroying the world. And that would just stink. Amen."

Feedback: Would it be considered duress if I pointed a lightsaber in your general direction and demanded it from you, or should I just beg pathetically?

"Welcome, ladies and gentlebeings of the cosmos! It's time for another round of 'Galaxy Trivia' here on Black Rock Asteroid!"

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan stood in an arena, surrounded by a cheering, screaming, roaring crowd of spectators of every nameable species and some the young Padawan didn't know. Lights were aimed down on them as they stood at a double podium, chained to it, actually. And they were naked, to boot. Obi-Wan glanced up at his master, but Qui-Gon seemed as serene and unshakable as always. "Master . . ."

The venerable Jedi Master looked down at his apprentice and lover. "Yes, my Padawan?" His voice was a small pond of calmness in a raging sea of cacophony.

Obi-Wan gaped up at him. "How can you just . . . just . . . accept this without even trying to -"

"To escape, to break free? Possibly because we are weaponless, defenseless, and ill-equipped to doing so without severely injuring ourselves or dying in the process, Padawan. You were told the same as I, that if we just follow through with this, we'll be released unharmed. Considering the lesser of two evils, I am content to play along for now," Qui-Gon replied, grinning down at the younger man slightly.

Play along with it, he says, Obi-Wan groused silently to himself as he turned his thoughts back on the events of the last few hours.

He and Qui-Gon had been visiting a small planet in the Outer Rim of the galaxy called Liskasnea. The servant, who had escorted them through the governor's palace where they'd be staying for the duration of their diplomatic mission had upon arriving, had showed them to their suites. Then they had been served drinks that had tasted tart and sweet all at the same time. Not sensing anything untoward by the small, blue-skinned aliens, they drank the liquid and soon thereafter toppled over, drugged into a stupor before they could raise an alarm.

They had been carried onto a spaceship and flown out into the middle of the Asteroid Wastes to a large asteroid called Black Rock. There they had been placed in a cell, stripped of their clothing and all their possessions, and were forced to wait. For some reason, they had been unable to access the Force, though they had tried. Eventually, a large, reptilian guard with a long snout full of sharp teeth and a long, slinky tail, looking like a cross between an Alderaan Alligator and a Roscony Rat, had arrived outside their cell.

"Greetingssss, Jedi," it had laughed in a hissing, scaly voice. "I'm here to anssswer whatever quessstions you have."

"Quite obviously, my friend, we would like to know why we are here and what is to become of us," Qui-Gon had said calmly. Only Obi-Wan had known how concerned he was by the slight darkening of his blue eyes.

The reptilian had grinned at them, displaying teeth that Obi-Wan was sure he'd seen advertised as a kitchen-knife service complete with the handy Arm Slicer on Coruscant. "Well, Jedi, you have been chosen to participate in 'Galaxy Trivia'. Once the show is over and done with, you'll be taken back to Liskasnea."

"And when the Republic discovers that we are missing? What are you going to do then?" Obi-Wan demanded.

It laughed at him and hissed, "Aren't you the impatient one, Jedi-boy? I'm getting to that. The Liskasnea governor doesssn't know about your abduction. He hasss been led to believe that you are off taking care of sssome training exercissses before you begin your official dutiesss." It's tail swished back and forth along the floor lightly.

"Hmm. Now, if you could answer the first two questions, friend . . .?" Qui-Gon prompted.

"The name isss Rakasss," it said, grinning still. "And here are your anssswers. You're going to be guestsss on 'Galaxy Trivia'. You will be given twenty quessstions to anssswer againssst an opposssing team of two other people. The reassson for your nakednesss isss that each time you anssswer incorrectly, one of your opponentsss performs a sssexual act on you, and you do the sssame for them when they anssswer incorrectly. The team that makesss the opposssing team come off firssst wins."

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had glanced at each other. The younger had been slightly worried. They had no idea what to expect. Obi-Wan glanced back at Rakas. "We have to perform a sexual act? What for?"

"Becaussse it'sss the mossst honessst sssubmisssion you could give, Jedi-boy," Rakas laughed. "And in cassse you get any ideasss about usssing your Jedi powersss, forget them. Sssee thossse little creaturesss?" It pointed to a tiny, winged rodent that actually looked kind of cute. It was covered in a soft fur, looking for all the world like a Corellian squirrel, only it sported two large fan-shaped ears and a pair of tiny, strong wings that enabled it to fly short distances. It was rather cute looking, at least to Obi-Wan.

The two Jedi nodded in reply to the question asked them.

"Well, thossse are Iorasss," Rakas stated. "They sssomehow block Jedi powersss. The whole arena isss crawling with them. You won't get your powersss back until you're off Black Rock."

"I see," Qui-Gon said. "I suppose, then, that we have no other choice?" "You could alwaysss die, Jedi," Rakas hissed, grinning at them. To the Jedi, it was obvious that this whole thing was just one big joke to it.

"Again, I see. Well, then, it would seem that we'll be contestants on your game show," Qui-Gon replied quietly.

"Of courssse," it said as it turned and walked away, lashing its tail. "What elssse could you do?"

Now Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon stood in the arena and the younger man took the time to view their opponents. To his relief, they were humanoid. It was a pair of a man and a woman. The woman was tall and slim, yet possessed an impressive pair of breasts, long legs, and curvaceous hips that he frankly admired. While he did love Qui-Gon with all his heart, he wasn't exactly dead. The woman had a weird greenish-gold skin tone and her hair was the color of caramelized syrup. Her eyes were large, almond-shaped, and had no discerning pupils in their milky white depths. But Obi-Wan was certain she could see everything that was going on around her.

The man stood tall as well and Obi-Wan felt an involuntary shiver of desire roam through his body as he looked. Slim, yet muscular, and nicely proportioned, especially where his manhood was concerned. His skin was a bright orange with coppery-colored hair, and piercing black eyes. As he noticed Obi-Wan looking at him, he gave the younger man a lecherous grin and a wink that made Obi-Wan blush.

"Making friends and influencing people as usual, eh, Padawan?" an amused voice murmured in his ear, and he looked up to see Qui-Gon grinning down at him, and blushed yet again.

Qui-Gon chuckled as he looked down at his enticing Padawan, and then turned his attention to the announcer, which was a droid with a weird, pulsing globe of energy in the middle of its body that seemed to animate it.

"We have with us today, friends, four very spectacular specimens as our participants!" the announcer called out in an annoyingly cheery male voice. "A smuggling team from Kystra, let's have a warm Black Rock welcome for Shiradni Dulu and Jaycen Forlira!"

The crowds in the stands cheered wildly.

"On the opposing team, we have two special contestants. Give it up for those mystical magicians of the Milky Way, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his young Padawan, Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi!"

This time, the roar was absolutely deafening.

"Of course, thanks to those cute little critters from Naas, the Ioras, the Jedi will not be able to use their powers. But hey, with looks like those, it's not like they'll need 'em!" the announcer belted out, and the crowd in the stands laughed uproariously.

Obi-Wan cringed slightly and Qui-Gon chuckled. "Now, there's flattery for an old man to hear," the elder man said quietly.

"You're not old, Master," Obi-Wan stated in automatic defense.

"Not precisely young, either, Padawan. But thank you."

Obi-Wan nodded and then turned his attention back to their predicament.

"Each team will be given twenty questions, as usual, to answer. If they answer incorrectly, then a member of the opposing team will be chosen to tease and tantalize them in an effort to bring them off and win! All answers must be given in the form of a question." The crowd roared and both Jedi mentally prepared themselves for an exercise in patience and restraint.

"The smuggling team may go first. Question number one: What spice from the planet Jirini is poisonous if injected directly into the bloodstream?"

Shiradni and Jayce conferred for a moment and then Shiradni said, "What is the Illusion Spice?"

A buzzer sounded and the announcer said, "Incorrect! The answer is the Parla Spice. Penalty play is now in effect!"

Suddenly, Shiradni was being pulled by her energy restraints towards the center of the arena to where a series of bars waited. Her manacles were attached to the bars and then Qui-Gon was also being tugged around his podium.

"Master?!" Obi-Wan yelped.

Qui-Gon looked back at him and said, "Watch and learn, my Padawan. Watch and learn." He was led up to the bars as well and his manacles were likewise attached.

"Qui-Gon, that venerable Jedi Master from Coruscant, has one minute in which to do his best. Go get 'er, Master!" the announcer cheered.

The elder Jedi smiled comfortingly at the woman, who simply nodded to him. Leaning down, he swiftly kissed her lips, running his tongue over them. Then he bent and briefly suckled on her nipples, arousing them, and then he dropped to his knees before her, leaned over, and set his mouth on her.

Obi-Wan watched as Shiradni stiffened and then closed her eyes, obviously trying to endure as his master's tongue prodded and probed and stroked and flicked over her sensitive tissues. Qui-Gon brought his mouth to her pleasure center and sucked firmly and she shuddered, just barely restraining herself, and a moment later, the buzzer sounded.

"Ooohhh, so close, but not quite there! Good try, Qui-Gon, better luck next time!" the announcer commented, and the two contestants were led back to their stations, Shiradni walking a little shakily, Qui-Gon seemingly unconcerned with his stiffened erection on display.

Obi-Wan suddenly felt a very urgent need to be with his Master, but knew there was no chance of it while they were still on Black Rock. Steeling himself, he nodded to Qui-Gon as the elder man rejoined him at the podium.

Qui-Gon chuckled and said nothing.

"Okay, now it's the Jedi's turn! Here is your first question: What religion do the Booranis people of Cleed Five practice?"

Qui-Gon lifted one eyebrow and replied calmly, "What is Rudachas Zen?"

"Oooh, he got it! No torture for the Jedi this time around!" the announcer called, and the fans in the stadium either cheered or booed, depending on who they wanted to win.

The next few answers for both sides were given correctly and then it was the Jedi's turn again. "Question Four for the Jedi: What is the purification process of the water on Ylamin Two called?"

The two Jedi conferred with one another, neither one of them certain, and then Obi-Wan said, "What is Uisce Cleansing?" A buzzer sounded and Obi-Wan shut his eyes as he heard the announce say, "Close, young Jedi, but the answer is Fliuch Cleansing! Out you go to meet your destiny!"

Then, to his dismay, he was being pulled from behind his podium. Glancing back at his master, he heard Qui-Gon say, "Courage, Padawan. Remember your training exercises. If nothing else, try to picture Master Yoda naked."

Obi-Wan stumbled as nausea rose up in his stomach and he was led out to the bars and shackled to them. He watched as Jaycen was brought toward him and his nausea faded as he watched the handsome alien come sauntering towards him with a seductive smile playing about his mouth. Obi-Wan had the distinct feeling he was in trouble when he felt his own manhood harden at the sight.

Jaycen was shackled before him and the other man smiled down at him. Then, without preamble, Jaycen dropped to his knees and opened his mouth. Obi-Wan's eyes unfocused as he felt a wet, warm tongue lap at the head of his cock for a few brief moments and then his world skewed sideways when Jaycen simply took Obi-Wan into his mouth with one deep stroke, deep-throating him, and then twisted his head slowly from side to side.

The young Jedi grit his teeth and shuddered as he fought to keep from climaxing. Oh, Force, but that mouth was too hot, too wet, too good . . . He was never going to make it . . .

A buzzer sounded and the torturous mouth released him and he gasped, his eyes flying open. Jaycen was getting to his feet and grinning down at him, licking his lips, as the announcer said, "Jedi Kenobi is apparently too slick for that trick, because he held on right down to the sticking point! No points for the smuggler team!"

Then the two participants were taken back to their podium.

Obi-Wan stood shakily beside his master and then bit back a groan when Qui-Gon murmured quietly, "You did well, young Padawan. Perhaps, sometime, you'll let me know what it was like?"

The younger Jedi shot his master a telling glare and ignored the elder's rich chuckle as he muttered, "Just whose side are you on, anyway?"

"Next question for the smuggler team: What is the main export for the Hutts from their planet of Nal Hutta?" the announcer stated.

The smuggler team conferred again and then Shiradni said, "What is Kystrelli Spice?"

A buzzer sounded and the announcer chortled and said, "Good try, and one would think so, but wrong! The Hutts' main export from Nal Hutta would be the swamp mud from their bogs. The mud contains many chemical compounds that can be used by many different species for a variety of uses. Out you go, Shiradni!"

Qui-Gon was ready. He might not have been able to use his hands or his physical presence, but for the last few questions he had held Shiradni's gaze with his own and then used his eyes to caress her body. He knew he'd had an impact on her because she seemed a little hesitant to reach the bars this time around, less sure of herself.

Once he stood before her, he smiled at her again and dropped to his knees before her yet again. They had limited range of movement and could not use their hands. However, they could adjust positions. After using his tongue on her briefly, to get her wet again, he stood and whispered, "Turn around and lean forward."

Shivering, Shiradni did as he said and Qui-Gon eased forward, teasing her with his cock. He was mentally counting down the seconds and just when it hit the ten second mark, he pushed his cock into her all the way to the hilt. She stiffened against his invasion and he ground into her, stroking her inner muscles in a twisting movement, and with a helpless cry she came, climaxing around his invading shaft.

A wildly chiming bell sounded and the crowd roared with satisfaction as the announcer said, "Oh, yes! Masterful play on the nerve endings by Jedi Master Jinn! Guess it's true what they say, Jedi do know how to move fast!"

Qui-Gon pulled back from the heavily breathing woman and bent down, whispering in her ear, "There, my dear, you're fine. You did very well." Then he was being led back to his podium where his apprentice was staring at him in awe. He raised an eyebrow, grinning slightly, and said, "There is a reason I'm a Master, Padawan."

Obi-Wan gulped and then turned his attention back to the game.

"Okay, Jedi! Here's your next question: What animal, other than the Ioras, are able to block your Force abilities?" the announcer asked.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan glanced at each other. They hadn't even known that the Ioras existed and were capable of doing such a thing, let alone that there might be other creatures out there with the same ability. "Ummm . . . we don't know," Obi-Wan stated.

A buzzer sounded and the announcer said, "Well, I'm surprised! It would seem to me that the Jedi's would learn all about such things, and know that the answer they're looking for are the creatures known as the Ysalimiri! Time for your lesson, young Jedi!"

Obi-Wan was brought forward again, and again Jaycen sauntered up to him. As before, the taller man dropped down and took Obi-Wan into his mouth, sucking and licking him with a tantalizing pressure and pattern that made him shudder wildly. Just as he believed he would actually be able to control himself, however, Jaycen released him and stood, smiling at him. He pressed his hips to the Jedi's and began to thrust slowly and suggestively against him, stroking Obi-Wan's erection with his own.

With a strangled cry, Obi-Wan squeezed his eyes shut and shuddered hard as he came, his hot seed spilling wildly over his stomach, coating both his erection and Jaycen's, which throbbed warningly against him, but remained hard.

The bell sounded again and the announcer yelled, "Well, well, the tricks you can learn in Smuggler's School! Point goes to the smuggler's team!"

On shaky legs, Obi-Wan was led back to the podium where he stared down, not wanting to meet his master's gaze.

Qui-Gon leaned over and said, "It's alright, Padawan. Jaycen appears to be a highly skilled lover. I'm pleased that you managed to hold out as long as you did, and that there was no pain involved in the act."

Obi-Wan sighed. "I never thought I'd say this, but thank you, Master."

Qui-Gon muffled his laughter as the game commenced once more.

The next question the smuggler team was asked was answered correctly, and then it was the Jedi's turn again. "What do the birds and fish on the planet Zelcor have in common?"

Qui-Gon glanced at Obi-Wan, who shrugged back at him. He thought hard about it, trying to remember what little he knew. Finally, he hazarded a guess. "What is a basic similar genetic code?"

A buzzer sounded and he sighed. "Wrong-o, mighty, mighty, Jedi Master! The answer is air!" At Qui-Gon's surprised look, the announcer said, "Yes, that's right! The fish on Zelcor, as well as the birds, breathe air! Ain't that a hoot! Payback time, Master Jinn."

True enough, I suppose, Qui-Gon thought as he was led out to the bars and Shiradni was brought to him. The expression on the young woman's face promised gleeful retribution for his forcing her climax earlier.

Shiradni placed quick kisses to his mouth and chest before dropping to her knees before him and taking his erect cock into her mouth. She sucked hard at the head then deep-throated him, retreated slowly, then flicked the corona with her facile little tongue before sucking on him again. Qui-Gon shivered slightly and closed his eyes. He knew he'd be able to endure for the full minute, but he also knew he was going to be sorely tested in that time. He was aching and ready for release after watching, as had the spectators in the stands, his Padawan's stunning climax.

Finally, the buzzer sounded and the contestants were separated. When he reached the podium again, he shot a glare at Obi-Wan when the younger man grinned at him engagingly and said, "My, oh, my, Master, perhaps you'll let me know sometime what that felt like? After all, your expression was inspiring, to say the least."

"Pay attention to the game, Padawan," he growled, and followed his own advice, quelling his slight irritation at Obi-Wan's soft laugh.

The next few questions were answered correctly by both teams and then it was the smuggler team's turn again. "What four moons ring the planet Terotid?"

The two conferred quickly and then Jaycen replied, "What are Felk, Bealtha, Cyrmini, and Diograis?"

A buzzer sounded and the announcer said, "Incorrect, my orange friend! The answer is Felk, Bealtha, Cyrmani, and Diograis. Come out and play, tall, smuggly, and orange!"

Quickly, Qui-Gon leaned down and whispered in his apprentice's ear, "Padawan, listen to me. Jaycen is from a race of people who are known to have highly sensitive nerve endings in their neck and shoulder areas. Use that to your advantage."

Obi-Wan glanced up at him in disbelief as he was led around the podium. "In one minute?"

Qui-Gon smirked. "I did say highly sensitive, Padawan." And he quelled his laughter at the fiendishly bright glow in Obi-Wan's blue-gray eyes.

Obi-Wan walked up to where Jaycen waited and he borrowed a tactic from his master's book. Smiling at the other man, he said softly, "Turn around and relax."

Raising an eyebrow, Jaycen did as he was told, bending his knees slightly so the Jedi could reach him easily enough.

Obi-Wan grinned and then moved forward until the head of his cock was pressed against the entrance to Jaycen's body. However, instead of immediately entering, he focused his tongue and lips to the back of Jaycen's neck and shoulders. The hard shudder that rewarded him made him grin and when he felt he'd gone far enough, he gripped the sensitive curve between neck and shoulder firmly with his teeth and pushed inside Jaycen's incredibly receptive body, moving with a few short, vicious thrusts.

With a muted roar, Jaycen bucked back against Obi-Wan and came, his seed spurting over his legs and the ground, his muscles clenching tightly around the Jedi's straining erection. Obi-Wan grit his teeth hard, but managed to hold off.

A wild cacophony of sound blared through the stadium and lights flashed wildly as the announcer started yelling, "He did it! He did it! Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi has scored the winning point for the Jedi Team! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Let's give it up for the Jedi Team, Black Rock Spectators!!"

Obi-Wan slid from Jaycen's trembling body and leaned down to whisper encouragement in the orange alien's ear, and then he turned and flexed his arms as his manacles suddenly dissolved. As the spectators in the stadium chanted his name, he raised his eyes to meet Qui-Gon's, and shivered slightly, then grinned, in response to the blatant desire in his master's gaze.

This is going to make for an interesting report for the Council when we get home. Although they'll find the information on the Ioras and the Ysalimiri to be interesting, I doubt it's going to have as high an impact as the full description of this game show, Obi-Wan thought to himself as he and his master were escorted out of the arena and back to a changing room where they could get their clothing and possessions.

But I think I'll leave Master Qui-Gon's mention of his Yoda tactic out of it.