
by kaiburr (

Pairing: Just barely q/o. More implied than anything.

Archive: M_A, please. Any others, just ask.

Rating: G (yes, yes, I hear the groans... Just read it.)

Category: PWP, technically.

Warning: Slight spoiler for TPM, spoiler for RoTJ

Feedback: This is my first actual story that I've sent to the list. If I don't get loads and loads of feedback, i may be traumatized for life. And could you really live with yourself?

Disclaimer: Not mine, just like playing with them.

Three figures stood in the darkness of Endor's forest. They were lit not by the flames of the funeral pyre nearby, but by a soft blue glow that radiated from them. Nearby, a young man stood, dressed in black. He failed to notice them, his gaze fixed on the remains of his father, now turning to ash, sending tounges of smoke into the night sky. They watched him and felt his sadness, but could do nothing.

Finally he turned, seeing the figures as if for the first time. Two men and an alien, dressed in Jedi robes, smiling at him reassuringly. And they knew, as he did, that he could finally come to terms with all that had happened. That he could accept his father, and mourn his father, and rejoice in the redemption his father had purchased with his dying breath. He smiled at his father, looking in death as the man had never known him in life. Without mask, without disguise, but simply as a man. A Jedi.

The man might have stood there watching the figures all night, but a girl came up behind him and pulled him back to the festivities. And the figures knew that this was as it should be, that the life and the Force must go on, and that the man could no longer dwell with the past.

And the figures stood in the darkness, watching it all. Not even they noticed when another figure joined them. A Jedi in his prime, with leonine features and long brown hair streaked with grey. He too glowed with the blue radiance.

The man with white hair and beard turned to see the newcomer. His smile widened as he finally realised what the father already knew. The son had been a redemption for all of them. This fourth figure was the proof of it. He embraced the newcomer, finding the peace so long denied him.

And slowly, all four figures disappeared, becoming one with the Force.