Chocolate Dreams

by Sheyen

Archive - MA, All Others Please Ask

Category - Q/O, M/Yogs, Humor

Rating - PG to NC-17

Disclaimer - Lucas owns them, I just play with them. ;)

Feedback - Please, please, please!! I beg of you!

A/N - This hasn't been beta'd so all mistakes are my own.

"Master, why are do we have to do this again?" asks Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi as he looks at the clothes, or rather lack there of, that he is supposed to wear for the ritual.

Master Qui-Gon Jinn allows a slight smirk to appear on his face, as Obi-Wan's back was to him, before he replies, "You know very well that the Chocolate Festival is important here. The delegates of Master Apprentice specifically asked for Master Windu, Master Yogs, you and I to participate."

Obi-Wan rolls his eyes in as he says, "But why me? I'm just a Padawan. Surely Master Yogs, Master Windu or you are been better suited to this position then I am."

"Are you questioning the Council's decision, Padawan Kenobi? Surely you do not wish to disappoint the people of Master Apprentice?" remarks Master Mace Windu as he enters the quarters that Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are sharing.

Obi-Wan's eyes widen slightly at the sight of Mace, before he answers, "Of course not Master Windu. That would be rude and disrespectful. I would not want to offend the people of Master Apprentice or the Council."

As Obi-Wan says all this, Master Yogie Yogs enters the quarters unnoticed as she is smallest person and only female on the mission. With a mischievous spark in her light blue eyes, she says, "He is right. He would not want to offend anyone when he is going to be enjoying a particular sight." A bright blush floods Obi-Wan's face at Yogie's comment, as he slowly changes into his outfit for the ritual.

Qui-Gon and Mace both chuckle softly at Yogie before she turns on them with a smirk, saying, "I know at least one person who will enjoy the sight of Obi-Wan in the ritual outfit he is going to wear. I also know one person who will get in serious trouble if he even looks like he is enjoying the sight."
