The Chastity Ball

by Van ( )

Rating: NC-17 (hey with a crackin' title like this, I have to throw in SOME redeeming features)

Archive: M/A please, thank you Sockii

Category: Unrepentant smarm and vacuous fluff, there was almost a plot but I ran it off

Warnings: Possibly a few misplaced commas, some dangling participles, two run-on sentences and a partridge in a pear tree. Caveat lector.

Spoilers: For what?

All-mighty disclaimer: Not mine, George Lucas, no money, yaddayadda

Feedback: All feedback cheerily replied to, all flames kept for later amusement.

I can be found easily at Van ( )

Notes: This is for Christy and Trinity who have been asking for a certain scene from me. No kids, this isn't the droid you are looking for but at least I'm writing! Also for BlackRose who asked for smarm last week. Qui-Gon sized thanx to Dev-Aki who successfully challenged me to write in another fandom, thereby making my Q/O muse jealous, and Obi-Wan sized love to her also for the ace beta and suggestions. Anything she missed is all mea culpa.

Summary: Obi is dejected and Qui cheers him up.

//this is Jedi mind-chat//

Twenty-eight sleep cycles and no sex; it was enough to make even a Jedi insane. Especially one as love-smitten and hedonistic as myself, I thought miserably. Again, I searched the vast hall for the familiar height of my lover and found him speaking to the Duke, nodding wisely to something that the young man had said. I suppose I should have been jealous after watching Qui-Gon chat with almost everyone else in the room, always mindful of the way others would either respectfully clear a path for him or casually block his way, hoping for a word with a revered Jedi Master. Instead of feeling anything negative, I could only sympathise with those poor people who looked at him with awe or lust or a combination of both since I knew exactly what kind of effect my tall, handsome, gracefu-

"Padawan Kenobi, care to dance?" Oh. Well, the Duke's Uncle, who happens to be the Mayor, was certainly gracious enough to take pity on the innocent bystander that I had become and I smiled at him briefly, noting how much less formal he seemed than the rest of the grand roomful of royalty. Everywhere I looked there were titles and wealth and archaic bloodlines, all embodied by mostly humanoid men and women. Very sexually repressed men and women at the moment, I reminded myself as I glanced at Qui-Gon once again. Hum, he still had his head together with the lovely soon-to-be-married Duke and I did start to feel a twinge of jealousy after all. It wasn't directed at fear of infidelity, no, not at all. Merely that someone else graced my lover's presence for far longer than I'd been able to this evening. Qui-Gon is, among so many other things, my bondmate and I trusted him implicitly with my heart every day as well as my life. He's an honourable man and at times cares for me as if I am made of airknit glass, taking great pains to ensure all my needs, emotional as well as physical, are met. At least until we arrived here at the small palace of Mobi on Alderaan to stand witness to a ceremonial wedding. I had been thrilled when he told me we were coming to this lovely planet at special invite of the kingship and would be attending in Master Yoda's stead.

Alderaan with its peaceful inhabitants and breathtaking vistas and temperate climes, cherished throughout this galaxy as a paradise. I had only been here a few times in my life and to return to this haven with my Master, who is now my lover also, where there was next to no threat of war breaking out at the same time? Well, it was a dream come true. Then I found out what part of the planet we were discussing. We would be enjoying the hospitality of the palatial estate of Mobi royalty, ensconced cheerfully at the southern edge of the northern polar cap of Alderaan, where the climate rivalled Hoth's warmest regions of slightly sub-freezing constants and blizzard conditions.

Hmph. No small wonder why Master Yoda had suddenly found pressing Council matters to attend to instead of this.

"I'm sorry, Mayor, but I must decline. I regret that I do not know these particular steps," and saw his mild chagrin at being turned down so I hurriedly added, "but if you'd like to wait for a moment I'm sure they will play another that I am familiar with. I would prefer to not reflect badly on your choice of partners in front of so many dignitaries." His sharp pale blue eyes twinkled mischievously for a moment and I relaxed knowing that a serious social misstep had been avoided, in more ways than one.

"Somehow I think you could be forgiven for a great deal, Padawan Kenobi. Can I interest you in a walk perhaps? It hasn't snowed for two cycles and it's a clear and fair night, or so I'm told. Our land bears as much beauty as the more moderate regions of Alderaan and these... less populated areas only enhance the natural splendour. I could prove it to you, the ice gardens are just outside." I've grown accustomed to being propositioned for sexual favours; they seem to have grown proportionately in number as my Knighthood trials approach. Yet, I felt nothing amiss within his thoughts as I touched his mind briefly with the Force, no ulterior motives or underhanded notions. There was only the simple excitement of showing off his home world.

"Of course, Mayor. It would be an honour." I pick up my lightly treefur-lined cloak that rests at my side, tucking it beneath one arm and using the other to add a flourish to my respectful low bow. He escorts me to the door while I look for my bondmate once again. He is still chatting with the same young man and I narrow my eyes at him when his gaze swings my way. He has the nerve to grin at me and act as if we have shared these past cycles joined at the hip when he well knows that we have scarcely spent more than an hour together on any given day since we'd arrived. I was wrong about this being the vacation that I'd assumed our mission would become, hoped it would become. Far from it and I was disconsolate.

Even worse, the monarchy had assured us, after our bonded status was confirmed, that we would not have to follow the local custom of temporary celibacy until the wedding night, but Qui-Gon had felt it proper to allow them to give us independent sleeping quarters. In completely different wings of the castle, I might add. Neither did my overly tactful Master want to offend the time honoured protocol by having someone catch one of us stealing into the others' rooms in the middle of the night, so I had grudgingly agreed with him that we should have patience with our own sexual appetites. And to think that we'd be remaining here until the wedding ceremony itself, another torturous twenty-eight cycles. I thought the answer to my melancholy would be found at the mid-point recess in this transient virtue; the Chastity Ball. I believed that we would have time for ourselves here, time spent together. As I watched my lover go back to entertaining his favoured company, I realised that I was wrong about that also.

All of this would have been far easier to deal with if I had more to do, of course, since our hosts didn't relinquish much responsibility to me. I spent a large part of my time in my room, studying the political intricacies of Kessel, practising my least favourite katas, meditating on my Knighthood trials, attending polite social sessions alongside other menial wedding guests. Any number of items to help pass the time, with the exception of leaving the castle, mostly due to the obstinate weather and occasional snowstorm.

Much to my own disgust, I had tried everything in my power to get Qui-Gon to go against our mutual decision of chastity, starting almost twelve sleep cycles after we had been shown to our accommodations. The only excuse I can claim for my deplorable behaviour was that I was missing him deeply and pleasuring myself had become a lonely, empty chore. I had given him scorching pleading looks to follow me to my own room after countless dinners, I had begged shamelessly for his touch whenever he was near me, I had surreptitiously bent at the waist to straighten a perfect boot loop when I knew he was behind me, I had kissed him with abandon on several occasions with such force that I succeeded in bringing myself embarrassingly close to completion after mere moments of our lips meeting, and all with mostly the same result. Qui-Gon, who was surely cast from permasteel, would touch his forehead to mine and sweetly ask in a thick, edgy voice that I not make this any more difficult than it already was.

He would kiss me lightly and tell me he loved me and then disappear on any of the endless local preparations that the wedding decreed and I would generally feel horribly guilty for being selfish with my own desires for him. That feeling would linger, be replaced by irritation that we had agreed to this monks lifestyle in the first place, and then that emotion would be chased off by shades of my own temper. The anger, of course, never lasted long. I am Jedi, after all. So usually after some small meditation, I would recognise what I was doing and be inundated with the requisite self-flagellation for giving into darker ways. I was hearing much of Master Yoda's voice, 'reason for everything there is, doubt yourself you may, doubt the Force you may not,' when feeling particularly low. It only helped to some small degree though and then I would see Qui-Gon again, sometimes briefly, sometimes seated at his side for a meal, and the depressingly hollow ache would gnaw at my soul again. The vicious cycle would begin anew and before I realised what was happening, it seemed I was trapped in an appalling cycle of nasty emotions and guilty lust. I had finally come to my own decision that I needed to stop focussing so much negative energy on our physical relationship and be content that I even had Qui-Gon in my life, that he returned my love for him. Thankful for all things, as Master Yoda would say. After more meditation on that, which had taken almost an entire cycle, I managed to convince the Force to take these emotions from me, and felt better for it. Certainly my mood improved to those around me and I'm sure my master appreciated the small favour of no more wayward attacks on his purity. That had been almost four cycles past and I had detected deep pride in his loving smile as we saw each other now. He was aware of what I had been going through and had me deal with it on my own, thereby showing his love for me by sacrificing himself as a lesson. We didn't speak of it though. We didn't need to. Two sleep cycles back, he merely walked me to my room after the evening meal and brushed my mouth with a light kiss while tugging on my braid and murmuring 'it's a wise man that trusts the Force,' then bid me a good sleep. I am indeed a very lucky man to call him lover.

My host leads me by my elbow and my breath is becoming more visible as we close on a wide framework of doors that probably exit to the garden path. He releases my arm, grabbing up what appears to be a thermal vest of some sort that hangs ready by the entryway and I follow suit, draping my Jedi cloak around my shoulders. Raising the cowl, I feel the soft tickle of short, fine down against one cheek before it settles about me.

My host and I step outside and down a few steps, the sharp drop in temperature making me glad that I packed our Jedi insulates. As we walk, I listen to the soft rustle of my own thin Jerba leather breeches mingled with the crunch and crackle of the snow and ice under my boots, then lean my head back to take in the sight of what is around me. We are on the second floor of the castle and had apparently come out to some balcony of sorts, almost an open-ended outcropping; an interesting addition to the olden style architecture of which the castle mainly consists. The evening was indeed clear and dark, stars and planets glittering brightly in the distance and the air, although brisk, certainly lacks the sharper bite that I thought would be present at this time of night.

Even though Alderaan had no moon to speak of, it does claim a sister planet named Delaya, which hovers off in the sky glowing mutely and easily garnering a good fifth of my field of vision. The partial luminescence that it bestows upon the valley stretched out before me is...glorious...and my breath catches in my chest for a moment as the dazzling beauty assaults me. The royal castle actually rests snugly in the hills above the tiny city of Mobi and I stared down the gently cascading slopes towards the twinkling lights that signalled life and heat and love and warmth. I hadn't paid much attention to the city itself upon arriving, slightly disgruntled Padawan that I was, but it made me smile like a child at the wonder of civilisation inserting itself in the most unlikely places. Although, looking around me, I could suddenly understand why some would come to such a remote area as this. Grandeur itself stared back at me as I took in the thick, lush blanket of untainted brightness covering almost everything around me for as far as I could see, rivalling the stars themselves in resplendence and glitter. Higher above and serving as backdrop to the palace were sharp mountains, themselves brushed with snowfall highlighted upon their craggy precipices, darker shades of shadow and rock visible in the deeper crevasses. I turned again and could see the edges of the polar sea in the distance, also glinting like jewellery, and I felt my brows climbing upwards at the marvel of it all.

"It's beautiful, isn't it." It wasn't a question but I somehow choked out some positive response anyway, probably unintelligible. Turning around to apologise for my inability to be well spoken, I saw that the Mayor's face was kind and humouring.

"No, no, don't worry, Padawan Kenobi, I understand your reaction very well. We have very few visitors here and they all seem to come with some ludicrous preconceived notion that nothing beautiful could ever be associated with a rock of ice and snow." The man was chuckling silently and I decided that I liked him, personally speaking and formalities aside. So many times in my life I had met authority figures that I respected but whom did not always earn my admiration as individuals. Rare, it seemed to me, when personal and professional respect twined together to form an unlikely partnership of someone who gracefully wielded strength of position and rank as well as strength of character. Rare and wondrous, much like this stunning landscape before me. Rare and wondrous like my own Master.

"I apologise, Mayor. I... may not have had the most pleasant of images in my mind before my Master and I came here," I couldn't help but say it with a wry grin as I pushed on, "but I will gladly admit that I was wrong. Very, very wrong." He smiled along with me and squeezed my arm briefly, guiding me towards the steps leading downward.

"Come with me then, let me show you our local art. It's a bit hidden off the well-trod path but I'm sure you'll appreciate it." For a moment, my senses whispered to me of something to come, something unseen, and I slowed, listening to it. The Force can be stubborn at times, balking when asked to surrender information and it said nothing else to me besides to pay attention. Acquiescing, I moved on to the ground floor of the gardens, still trailing my host closely but I pulled my cowl down about my shoulders and became more alert to my surroundings.

"We have tremendously talented people here but little in the way of natural resources. They've become very good at using what comes naturally. If you turn around and take a look at the balcony that we were standing on I think you'll see what I mean." I stopped at the edge of the large, in-ground pond that was surely heated by some unseen source to keep it flowing, turning back and raising my head to follow what the Mayor was pointing at.


The entire balcony was made of ice. As was the short railing that I had rested my hands on without realising that it was solidly frozen. I had mistaken it for natural granite or quartzite. It all looked to be chiselled much in the way as stone but the difference lay in the finished product. Instead of a rough-hewn appearance that would mimic the walls it was attached to, it all seemed to have the soft lustre of a type of thick glass, gloriously detailed with a burst of enhancing moulded pattern here or deeply carved etching there. Seeing it for a form of artistry, I suddenly felt badly for having walked across its surface, even though I knew that the form followed the function in this respect. In fact, inspecting even closer than before, I didn't feel worthy to be walking in the ice gardens at all. The steps that we had walked down and the pillars beneath the balustrade and even the low benches that littered the area around me bore the same spectacular elegance. It was amazing, truly. I would have to show all of this to Qui-Gon and soon. He would undoubtedly appreciate the aesthetics even more than I do.

I followed my host through a sort of ice maze that seemed to have some odd material added to the pathway to make it more easily navigable. I thought I should thank whoever planned this area or else I'm sure I would have embarrassed myself by now, but by the time we exited the labyrinth and came upon the back of the extensive gardens, I was awed by everything around me and giving little attention to the trail itself. I had to remind myself to close my mouth time and again but not even my own reprimands helped when the Mayor showed me the ice sculptures.

They are incredible; mostly creature statuary, life probably indigenous to this area, but others seemed to be freeform and quite enigmatic. They all bore delicacy not afforded in the other uses of the ice but I notice that many look incredibly clear as if newly made while others appear to have been here for some cycles, slightly covered in snow and frost and are not as vitreous. There's a stunning piece, about twice my height, of two waves that seemed to be crashing against each other, impossibly elegant yet exuding strength in the flow of the form. One wave was frosted and slightly covered with glittering snow while the other was lucid and sparkling. They were joined at the base but separating in the middle, showing completely different styles of handiwork as if done by opposing artists and giving it a airiness towards the centre. Then the two came together again at the pinnacle, the older parts of the wave twisting together with the transparent to form a spiralling woven tip that meld the differences and then they dissipate into nothingness. I was stunned and breathless and didn't even understand why as I stared at it. All I knew was that it moved me beyond words and I suddenly knew I had to show this to Qui-Gon also, and before another snowstorm took us and obliterated the understated quiet beauty of this form.

I turned towards my escort to thank him and tell him I must return to the Chastity Ball when suddenly something large and hard slams into my back, driving the breath from my body, and everything around me blurs as I am borne forward at an incredible speed. In the space of a single heartbeat and before I can react, my small journey is over and I'm thrown down onto some softly muffled firmness. I quickly flip to my back and would have jumped to my feet but I'm smothered by a different sort of smooth solidity and restrained easily by my captor who was using judicious use of Force and large hands to pin mine down. Surprise only lasts a moment before my lips are claimed with the demanding ardour that I equate exclusively with one man and I relax completely, only to break the kiss when I feel him trying to repress a grin.

"*What are you doing, Qui-Gon?" He was staring down at me, his warm breath puffing softly into the air and his mischievous smile refused to be held in check any longer.

"If it's not clear by now then whatever it is I'm doing is not being done very well, is it? Perhaps I should save this for another time, my lover?"

"NO! I mean... I meant to say... I was about to come-" That's all I could get out before he bent to devour my mouth, my cheeks, my chin. He nipped and nibbled his way across my face, the combination of rough beard, soft skin, and hard teeth leaving a trail of warming Padawan in its wake. He still holds my wrists above my head but his lips return to my mouth, kissing me so thoroughly my mind goes thoughtless. The heavy weight of him pressed deliciously against me, his hips grinding into mine, it all leaves me gasping and murmuring for more.

He stops for a moment, looking serious and breathing heavily.

"Did you think I didn't miss you, my Padawan?"

I didn't answer, trying instead to arch against his constraint and recapture that warm, beloved kiss that had leaned irritatingly away. He moves to hold my hands within one of his and lets the other drag roughly across my face and down my neck, a distinctly proprietary gesture and it makes me shiver and grin. Odd how not even the cold here has made me tremble the way my Master's hands do and I missed his touch, oh how I missed his touch. I can feel the callused pads until he shifts over to lay slightly by my side, one long leg thrown across mine, ensuring that I will remain compliant. My eyes are drawn to his hand as it presses slowly down my chest, long fingers curling to scratch at the hollow below my sternum and following the vee of my Jedi thermals, making a direct line for my groin. By the time he closes a fist around the leather there, I have already begun to surge against his palm and the not-so-gentle massage that ensues has me crying out in joy. Somehow, he gets my breeches undone and open with one hand, then thrusts it down inside fondling me roughly. The proximity of everything in there is very tight now that I am hard and sensitive and I should probably be feeling discomfort, but I'm not. Instead the pressure of his grip clasping my arousal which is pressing against the warm leather is so incredible, the heat and aggressive touch are conspiring to drive me over the edge already. If I only had the use of my hands...

"Please, Qui-Gon, free me."

Unfortunately, he gives me what I want, pulling my erection from the confines of my breeches and the cold air that I had forgotten about slaps it into submission with a jolt. I'm about to yell in frustration until I feel that he has indeed let my hands go as well and I reach for him only to find him gone. He's moved lower, my legs trapped beneath his as he kneels over me, the soft sound of his own leather breeches gliding against mine oddly sensual. His hands have gone to yanking at my trousers, tugging until my hips and flanks and slightly chill-wilted arousal are completely exposed, and letting my backside wriggle against whatever that velvety surface is that we are reclined upon.

I didn't bother to tell him to wait, knowing he needs this as much as I do, so I simply sink my hands into the thick silk of his hair and hold on. He swallows me whole without any warning and I can't help but wail then, or would have but one of his hands shoot up and covers half of my face, partially muffling the sound.

//Shhhhh, Padawan. You'll start an avalanche.// I could feel the humour laced into his thoughts but after I suck one large blunt finger into my mouth and wrap my tongue around it, mimicking what he is doing to me, all I can feel radiating off of him is desire. Love. Need.

He's holding my full erection prisoner in the back of his throat, swallowing around it repeatedly, tightening to the point of pain and my mind goes hazy while all I can focus on is heat, heat, slick tight strokes and more heat.

Suddenly, he leans back puffing on my length as it's pulled shiny and slippery from between his lips. The frosted air of his breath caresses the sensitive head cruelly and I half sit up, objecting loudly, and that man, my lover, sucks it fully back into the confining fire of his mouth after a wicked grin. He isn't making love to me, he's eating me alive but I don't care, don't care about anything besides that delicious pressure. I am lust-blind and all I can feel are the elements. The cold, his heat, our love, this need.

He retreats again, leaving me exposed to the chill, and this time I've had enough. I jerk my chin away from his finger in my mouth and, growling lightly, use both hands to tightly knot into his hair, straining to keep him from letting me loose again. I know I'm gritting my teeth, I know I'm near breathless from suppressed want, and I know I'm being demanding. I just cannot seem to stop. He stills his movements, carefully untangling my hands from him while I groan disapproval.

"Patience, my Obi-Wan." Frustrated, I can feel the Force linking around my wrists and I know this game. This man, my Master, my friend, my future. He's part Sith. He loves to torture me.

"No, no, not now, Master. Please, it's been so long, too long." My hands are being dragged back above my head by invisible but loving restraints. I am familiar with this position when he is in this mood.

"Sorry, Padawan. I'm feeling a little selfish at the moment." So all I am allowed to do is watch and be driven slowly towards madness by his ministrations. Out of love for the man, I decide to be a willing victim. To please him in any way, to make him happy, I would give him whatever he asked for, including myself.

He calls something to his hand in a blur of movement and I couldn't see what it was but I certainly feel it as he takes me into his mouth again, both of his hands securing my hips and there. There. Ice. A small jewel of ice, it had to be. He keeps me firmly in the back of his throat but pulls back enough to swirl his tongue around the head and caress my length with his lips, the faint hardness complementing the slick softness, the cold chasing the heat. Then he plunges back down and has the gall to tell me //shhhhhhhhh...//.

I was trying hard not to thrash about, trying not to beg, but it is a wasted effort. My body has a mind of its own and Qui-Gon is extremely talented with that tongue of his. He takes me deep again and I can feel him flex his jaw across the crumpled skin of my scrotum, the whiskers scorching the sensitivity there and all accompanied by the different textures and temperatures within his mouth. He has me babbling, somewhat incoherently, but I think I am apologising for every single time I have ever teased him. Does it work, does he take pity on me? Of course not.

Grasping me tightly at the base of my cock he sits upright, licking the taste of me off of his lips and then I feel a small push below me, like a finger dipped in gelcoat. He's using the Force to prepare me, loosening me to prevent any pain when he makes love to me but the waiting is agony, intensified by the lust in his gaze as he casually fists my cock. Thankfully, we are still mostly clothed, my breeches bunched around my thighs and he has somehow managed to get himself in likewise condition. The cold, natural commodity that it is, is not really making its presence felt to us in any great degree and for that, I am glad. But if my Master does not hurry I swear I will bring an avalanche down upon our heads to, if nothing else, cool this unbearable desire I have for him.

//Qui-Gon, PLEASE!//

Finally, he Force-bonds my boots together and swings them both up against his right shoulder, exposing me to him and I plead once more for him to release my hands, to let me touch him. In that instant when he shakes his head, he looks every bit the devilish rogue that the Council accuses him of being.

He grabs a handful of my bottom, spreading me, and finally, finally he is pressing in. After a few moments to allow me to relax around him, he begins a frenzied pace, one of his arms like steel around my knees and the other digging into my hipbone. With every stroke I can feel our bond pulse and my body is tightening like a bow, my cock painting my belly with every powerful surge. He pulls out, just the tip of him still inside and then slams into me again, over and over, and my world is tilting, the edges of the bright whiteness all around simply blurring into the colour of him above me, within me. He pulls my legs slightly higher up against him and angles more of my weight onto my shoulders, succeeding in burying himself even deeper, grinding himself against my prostate on every thrust.

I can't stop howling, avalanche or no, and he lets go of my hip to take my erection into his palm, smearing the abundant fluid already available at the tip and coating the rest of my length with it. He strokes me to counter the fierce thrusts and I am undone. Every nerve I have is on fire, electrified by him, by his love, our love, and his hand fisting me has closed the circuit. The energy runs rampant between us, revolutions of ecstasy coursing through our bodies, fuelling the blistering flame.

Where I was incredibly loud before, I am suddenly struck mute when the spine-snapping orgasm rips through me, my come gushing over my bondmate's hand in a fountain of heat, spattering my belly and chest. Dimly, I can hear Qui-Gon gritting out my name as he thrusts deeply once more and stills, my body still grasping at him in the aftershocks, and the Force bonds holding me dissolve along with his concentration.

I am gracious enough to give him a moment to enjoy his own peak before I pull away and have him pinned beneath me before he cares that I've moved. He dares to give me that throaty, deep chuckle of his and I swallow it greedily, sealing his mouth in a long, blissful kiss. We are both grinning fools when I come up for air and he is the most precious thing I have ever seen. He looks completely debauched in his current state, flushed and breathless, eyes glittering like the snow all around us.

I hadn't even considered that the weather would be such a non-factor in a session of lovemaking. Enhanced it, actually. It had been easier to feel the heat between us with the cold all around us and I turned away from him to look at our surroundings.

"It's beautiful isn't it." It made me grin that he sounded just like the Mayor.

The Mayor.

I started and sat straight up, casting about for him but, of course, he is gone. By the look on my Master's face, I suddenly knew that this had all been planned with our host's help, our current bedding being a clear spoiler. Now that I had a moment to see where Qui-Gon had whisked me off to, I glanced about as I straddled him. We were actually quite close to the ice sculptures, in a small clearing off to the side and what we seemed to be on top of was a bed. A huge bed actually, quite similar to the King's own if I remembered correctly from my tour of the Mobi castle. A monstrous headboard, boldly embellished with deep curving grooves flecked through with delicate spindling and such, except that it was all carved out of ice. Thick regal looking ice that disappeared into the soft snow around us in a faáade of a bedskirt. As lovely as it is, it would have been exceedingly hard if it weren't for the lush beast pelts that lay piled at least a dozen deep beneath us and covering the entire sleeping surface. They provided a thick cushion and necessary warmth and insulation from our potentially watery foundation. It was astounding, both the workmanship and the work that must have gone into planning this. How did I ever believe that Qui-Gon had not missed me as I missed him?

I suddenly felt a strangely ambitious desire to be completely naked with him here and I lifted us both with Force, yanking the uppermost two thick pelts of velvety fur from beneath us and draping them over us. Settling them down, I pulled off my clothes before tearing into his while he watched me with an amused expression. Afterwards, I returned to my favourite position of sitting on top of him, leaning close to his chest and nuzzling against his neck while he wrapped his arms around me, both of us warmly burrowed beneath the furs.

"I love you, Qui-Gon." Everything I felt for him was reflected back to me through our bond and it was a joy to feel him again inside my mind as well as my body. We had decided to not use the link much when we agreed to entertain the sexual fast and now that the fast was broken the return of his casual mental presence was so much like a homecoming it made me feel warm and sated and loved. But I realised that we had broken local protocol. Hadn't we?

"I love you too, Obi-Wan, and no, we did not break local custom." He would know what I was thinking whether or not he used the bond and laughing softly, I pulled the other furs closer about us with the Force. "The local custom is to celebrate love in the absence of the physical form, Padawan. Those among the wedding guests who attend with a lover are given the temporary chastity as a gift. It's a way to regain innocence, to revel in what real love is, to find that again if they have lost their way."

I had partially sat up and I suddenly wanted to smack myself in the forehead. Had I been that blind? I had wasted so much time lost in desire and despair when I should have been using those short moments together for other things, better things. Seeing my lover only fleetingly during all these cycles should have made me appreciate those glimpses even more, and instead they had only irritated me and driven me to distraction. But I had understood, ultimately. Actually, the Force had shown me the truth of my behaviour during meditation and almost too late. I wondered briefly if Qui-Gon would have come to me like this if I had not made the correction on my own, would he have acted as though the Chastity Ball were for the other guests exclusively? Undoubtedly, he would have been the consummate Master, content to let me wallow in my misery, leaving the Force to continue to hammer at me until I was willing to learn. That would have been a very long fifty-six sleep cycles. I couldn't stop the groan and my head dropped like a stone to my lover's chest.

"I understand now, Master. 'Luminous beings we are.'"

"'Not this crude matter.' Yes, my Padawan. My young, passionate, incredibly tempting Padawan. It's a lesson we all have to learn eventually." He dropped a kiss to the top of my head and surprised me again. "I've been here before, Obi-Wan. To Mobi, I mean."

I sat back up at that and looked down at him, cocking my head to the side slightly as if that would help me understand what he was trying to say. "Here? When?"

"When I was an apprentice. Padawan, try not to look so surprised that Master Yoda has been somewhere below freezing. I was much younger than you are now and we also attended a wedding. The ceremony of the current King and Queen actually. Although...I spent as little time as possible indoors," he trailed off, his crystal blue eyes moving to the crashing waves ice sculpture that was still highly visible nearby.

I was about to ask him something when I suddenly realised that they were not created to be waves at all, at least not in the literal sense. From this distance, it was obvious they were Force signatures. Ethereal art created in an ephemeral medium. And they weren't just signatures. They were bonded signatures.

I may not be the brightest student in the temple but I can jump to a conclusion just as well as any other. I laughed, astonished, and stared down at this man I am in love with, trying to grasp the idea that I do not know him as well as I like to think. Still at a loss for words, my reverie breaks when Qui-Gon says, "I think my Master felt we would benefit from the visit at this time, I think that's why he sent us here in his place."

"Because we spend too much time making love?" I asked, snickering.

"Because we needed to remember what it is like to love without the pleasures of the flesh hanging over us constantly." He surged upwards, catching me unawares and rolling me underneath him while keeping the furs tightly wound around us. Settling his weight without crushing me, he bent to tease at my lips lightly, whispering against them and staring into my eyes. "The Chastity Ball is also a gift, my Padawan. This is the time for lovers to return to each other, to appreciate what is usually taken for granted before the tradition continues on for another twenty-eight cycles," he was smiling against my mouth as he added, "and to enjoy what I've been missing."

"Mmmm...what we've been missing, my Master." And then my bondmate obliterated all remaining conscious thoughts for the remainder of the night, save one last litany. To thank the Force for bringing my Master and I here, for allowing us to enjoy the love of the other, and for letting us have this one night under the stars, wrapped in furs, on a bed of ice, surrounded by nature's majesty.

I've been known to greet great feedback with impromptu Riverdancing but since I will be on hols til 20 Dec., I will happily send out individual replies (along with chiropractor bills if the feedback is really detailed) when I get home. ;)


Feedback can go direct to Van( )