
by oddjob103 (

Archive: M_A, the Nesting Place

Category: Angst

Series: No

Rating: PG

Fandom: SW:TPM

Pairing: Q/O

Spoilers: Nope

Summary: Qui and Obi hash it out. Eventual happy ending.

Warnings: I don't know what came over me. I am a fluffy, happy person. I was ambushed by the angst-bunny. So, it's not my fault. I need to read and write some good smut to recover.

Feedback: I admit, I'm a sucker for it. I even write back, if only to say thanks.

Disclaimer: They are not mine. After putting them through the wringer, I really don't think they'd want to be claimed by me. I had to promise hot and heavy sex for the next one.


Qui-Gon Jinn looked at his former Padawan with confusion. At first he thought his hearing had suddenly deserted him and he was hallucinating. But no, Obi-Wan confirmed what he had heard.

"I will be traveling the Outer Rim, Master Jinn. The assignment could conceivably take a year or two." Obi-Wan bowed respectfully. "I will not be able to assist you in training the boy."

The Jedi Master could not understand from where this polite stranger had come. 'Master Jinn'? He'd taken an assignment on the Rim? Qui-Gon had hoped that his former Padawan would help him with Anakin. He didn't understand the distance that suddenly appeared between them.

"Excuse me, Master Jinn. I must go and pack." Obi-Wan gave that little courteous bow again and quickly disappeared.

"Troubled you are, Padawan." Trust Yoda to announce the problem even before Qui-Gon sat down in the diminutive Jedi Master's quarters.

"Yes, my Master." Qui-Gon hesitated. "It's Obi-Wan. I...He's suddenly distanced himself from me."

"His Master no longer you are. Perhaps distance he needs?" Master Yoda casually poked his gimer stick into the rug under his feet. A little too casually.

A pang of hurt went through Qui-Gon's heart. "He needs to be his own Knight without his old Master hanging over his shoulder," he heard himself say.

"Do that he could without the Rim mission." Again Yoda said nothing directly.

"Have I done something? Is that the problem?"

Yoda sighed. "No. What have you not done, hmm?"


"Know your own heart do you? Know Obi-Wan's heart do you?" Yoda's piercing gaze pinned the tall man to the floor. "Go. Speak to him you must. Leaves tomorrow he does."

Qui-Gon found himself outside of his Master's quarters before he could get a word out.

What the Sithhell did the little green troll mean?

Obi-Wan lay on the bed of his Knight's quarters. He hadn't been here long enough to assert his aura on everything. And now, it wouldn't matter. He was leaving. Okay, he was running away. But he hurt. Qui-Gon chose Anakin for his Padawan before he could get rid of Obi-Wan. At least he'd been supplanted by the Chosen One, right? That counted for something, right? Fuck that.

Nothing could change the fact that Qui-Gon all but threw him away and in front of the Council no less. He'd always known that he wasn't good enough for any Master, especially Qui-Gon Jinn. Never mind that he loved his Master with all of his heart. He and his feelings didn't matter. His rather backhanded Knighting only confirmed this in his mind.

And to add insult to injury, his former Master wanted him to help train the boy. Although why Qui-Gon would want such a flawed Jedi to assist him was beyond Obi-Wan. No, he belonged on the Rim with the other misfits and unwanted people.

His communicator chimed abruptly.


"Knight Kenobi, this is Hardo Gisp, Captain of the d'Arc. We need to leave sooner than expected. Can you be at the landing bay in ten minutes?"

Obi-Wan grabbed his pack. "I'm on my way, Captain."

Qui-Gon stood outside Obi-Wan's quarters waiting. When the door did not open, Qui-Gon cautiously scanned the interior with a tendril of the Force. He found no trace of the young man.

A much longer search did not result in his finding his former Padawan.

The Jedi Master stood in the Meditation Gardens trying to calm his mind.

"Gone he is," Yoda sighed. "Apologize Captain Gisp did. Left sooner that expected."

Qui-Gon nodded. That was that. He would have to wait now.

Five years later.

Obi-Wan strode down the ramp of the trader vessel with careless ease. His years away and experience gained had melted away the last vestiges of the young Padawan he'd once been. His hair was longer held in a ponytail. He wore black tunics, leggings and boots. Only his robe remained the same.

His mere presence certainly gave the crew of the trader vessel a serious case of nerves. Sourly he thought they only knew rumors. If they'd known the truth, they never would have let him aboard.

The small form of Jedi Master Yoda waited patiently on the landing pad for Obi-Wan.

The young Knight smiled and bowed. He truly was pleased to see the old troll again.


"Old am I?" Yoda huffed as Obi-Wan rubbed at his stinging shin. "Pleased I am to see you, as well."

They entered the Temple proper Yoda taking the lead. Neither Jedi spoke but seemed content in silence. Eventually they entered one of the little-used meditation gardens.

Yoda motioned the young man to a convenient bench. "Tired of running are you?"

Obi-Wan grimaced inwardly. He should have known the ancient Master would nail him almost immediately. "I suppose I am," the Knight said surprising himself.

"Where is he?"

Yoda didn't need to ask if Obi-Wan meant his former Master. "There."

Obi-Wan followed the direction of Yoda's gimer stick. Through the bushes he could see the vague outline of Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan in meditation. His heart leapt at the sight of the man. Even after all this time, Qui-Gon still had a grip on that treacherous organ.

Master Yoda stared at the Knight for a moment, then patted him on the knee and walked away.

Qui-Gon Jinn rose out of his meditation when he felt the disturbance in the Force. Something akin to anger-tinged shame washed over him. He sought out the source and opened his eyes to see Obi-Wan Kenobi standing in front of him.

"Knight Kenobi," he said and nodded respectfully.

"Master Jinn." Glaciers weren't as cold as that voice.

Qui-Gon winced. Five damn long years and he still managed to hurt his Padawan. He'd had those years to figure out what Master Yoda tried to tell him. Obi-Wan loved him. He felt the same towards the young Knight. But Obi-Wan stayed away and Qui-Gon refused to abandon Anakin's training. The boy needed to bond with the Jedi as a whole.

So, this unresolved matter between them had festered.

"Forgive me. I am an old fool." Qui-Gon's hushed voice carried the weight of those years with it.

To his horror, Obi-Wan felt tears gather in his eyes. "Yes, you are," he blurted then wheeled around to leave.

Qui-Gon sprang to his feet and grabbed the younger man's arm suddenly angry. "Dammit, stop running, Padawan!"

A sob wracked the slender frame. "I'm not your Padawan. Sometimes I wonder if I ever was."

That shocked the Jedi Master out of his anger. "What does that mean?"

"You accepted me grudgingly. I know you didn't want me as a Padawan, no one did. Eventually, you couldn't wait to get rid of me. You had more important things to do." Obi-Wan gestured to a wide-eyed and momentarily forgotten Anakin Skywalker.

"That's not true!" Qui-Gon burst out. "There were plenty of Masters who wanted to train you. Yoda held out hope that I could overcome Xanatos and be your Master. He was right. I admit I behaved badly at first. But I did want you, Obi-Wan. You were ready to be a Knight. When I found Anakin, that merely precipitated your Knighthood. And now, you are one of the best Knights ever."

Tears streaked unchecked down Obi-Wan's face. He wanted to believe. But the insecure and unreasonable Obi-Wan hidden so deeply inside of the unaware young Knight whispered that Qui-Gon was his former Master and didn't want to be embarrassed by a failure. So, of course, he said those things.

Obi-Wan shook his head in denial and yanked his arm away. "You don't have to lie to me, Qui-Gon."

That blindsided the Jedi Master. "LIE! You think I would LIE to you? You young idiot, have you no sense of self-worth at all? Sweet Force, how did I fail you in this?"

"Y-you didn't. It w-was me," Obi-Wan stuttered in surprise.

"No, Obi-Wan, I was the Master and I failed you. I didn't see this self-doubt, I didn't see that you loved me, and then I let you go trying to figure out what had happened." Qui-Gon laughed harshly. "Then, I finally figured it out and you were nowhere to be found. I missed you, my Obi-Wan."

The last was a barely spoken whisper. It still managed to squeeze Obi-Wan's heart.

"I-I-I'm sorry, Master. I-Please..."

Years of doubt, denial and selfishness washed over both of them through their long dormant bond. This wasn't their training bond. That Qui-Gon dissolved when he severed the Padawan Braid. This was the lifebond that grew during Obi-Wan's apprenticeship. The bond they never noticed as its growth was unobtrusive.

Now they gave each other strength and healing through that bond. Problems still existed between them but now they could begin to face them honestly and together.

"Master Qui-Gon?" The unsure voice of Anakin Skywalker startled the two Jedi. "Are you all right?"

Qui-Gon looked into Obi-Wan's eyes and smiled. "Yes, Anakin. I believe we are."
