The Bookshelf Incident

by The Rose (

Title: The Bookshelf Incident
Author: The Rose
Archive: M/A and my web site,
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Q/O
Category: humor, AU perhaps??
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Nope
Feedback: *waves hand slowly in air* You WILL send feedback. Ah, come on! You know you want to! Either on-list or off to:
Disclaimers: George Lucas owns all things Star Wars and makes a fortune off of them. Me, I write for the fun of it and give it away for free.
Summary: Two Hallmark Jedi ornaments run into a bit of trouble. Consider this an early Christmas present to my dear listsibs. :-)

The two little six-inch tall Jedi had been sparring for days, ever since arriving in their new home. Frozen into their perfect poses on the top shelf of the bookcase, their plastic robes billowing out behind them, their little plastic lightsabers raised into parry positions, they were nothing more than Christmas tree ornaments.

Of course, that was only when anyone was looking. Once the lights went out, and their proud owner fell asleep, they became much more.

One night, during a rather intense bout of "tease and torture the Padawan," Obi-Wan tumbled off the shelf.

"Oooommmmpphhh!" he said as he landed.

Qui-Gon dropped to his knees and peered over the edge into the darkness. "Obi-Wan!" he called in a worried stage whisper. "Are you all right?"

"Yes, Master. I believe so. But, I appear to be - stuck."

"Stuck?" Qui-Gon echoed, worry knitting his brow. "Should I come down after you?"

"No," Obi-Wan said. "It's too long a drop. You might injure yourself."

"How, exactly, are you stuck?"

"Um, well . . ."


The Knight cleared his throat self-consciously. "It's my - lightsaber," he said finally. "It's sort of - wedged."

Qui-Gon felt his face go pale. "Wedged?" He sat back on his heels. He didn't like the sound of that at all. "Wedged between what?"

"Well, I landed in a box of books," he answered. "And, it's caught between two of the covers."

"Is anything broken?"

"No." There was the sound of grunting and shifting fabric. "No, but I'm not getting out of this without help."

Qui-Gon glanced at the sleeping figure on the bed nearby, then looked at the digital clock. "It's nearly 3," he said after a moment. "She usually gets up about this time for a trip to the 'fresher. Can you hold on until then?"

"Certainly," came the immediate reply. "No problem."

Not long after that, their owner awoke. She stretched languidly in bed, and Qui-Gon assumed his position, even though his sparring partner and bondmate was no longer there facing him.

// Do you think she'll notice that I'm gone? // Obi-Wan asked into his Master's mind.

// I hope so, beloved, // Qui-Gon replied in the same fashion. He reached out through the Force, sending a strong suggestion to the woman to glance at the shelf. She rolled out of bed and flicked on the ceiling light, yawning. A moment later, she was gone.

// Master, // Obi-Wan sent plaintively. // She didn't even look! //

// Perhaps when she returns to bed, // Qui-Gon said. // Are you still all right? //

There was a brief hesitation before Obi-Wan responded. // Yes. //

// But? // the older Jedi prompted. The sound of a soft sigh reached him.

// But, this is very uncomfortable. //

// That does it! // Qui-Gon told his lover. // I'm coming down there! //

// No! Please, Master, it's much too dangerous! Listen, she's coming back now. She'll notice this time, I'm sure of it. //

Qui-Gon frowned. // Very well. I shall be patient. But only if you're certain you're all right. //

// I am, Master. //

They waited as their owner shuffled back into the room. She stretched and yawned again, before switching off the light and crawling back into bed.

// Sith! // Qui-Gon swore into their link. He knelt on the edge of the shelf and used his Force-enhanced night vision to look downward. // Obi-Wan? If I can't get down there, you're going to have to stay there until morning. Can you do that? //

There was the sound of more shuffling, then what sounded alarmingly like a grunt of pain. // I'm fine, Master, // the Knight said hastily. // Nothing to be concerned about. //

// But I am concerned, // Qui-Gon sent. // And I know that you've tightened your shields. What are you hiding from me, my own? //

// Only my embarrassment, Master, // Obi-Wan said. // I'm a Jedi! You'd think I'd be able to use the Force to free myself! //

// You probably could, but I don't want you to try it. With your, um, *lightsaber* in that position, it would be too dangerous. //

Obi-Wan sighed again. // Yes, Master. //

// I wouldn't want you to do any permanent damage. //

// No, Master. //

// After all, I have plans for that *lightsaber* a little later. //

That brightened Obi-Wan's spirits, but only briefly. In the next moment, he moaned audibly. // Please, Master, // he beseeched. // I'm aroused enough already. Anything more could prove quite painful. //

Despite the seriousness of the situation, Qui-Gon chuckled dryly. // I shall try to keep that in mind, Padawan, // he said.

For the next few hours, they conversed back and forth, Qui-Gon reminiscing about missions they had shared, Council debriefings they had endured, exotic worlds they had visited. He did the majority of the talking, giving his bondmate something to think about besides his predicament and helping to pass the time. Gradually, the room begin to lighten, and thin rays of sunlight began to peek through the closed window blinds. Finally, their owner began to stir.

// How are you holding out? // Qui-Gon asked, leaning over for one last look at his beloved.

// Very - stiff, Master. //

Qui-Gon was too well trained to roll his eyes at his lover's odd sense of humor. // It won't be long now, // he assured the younger man.

// I do hope she'll be careful when she extracts me, // Obi-Wan said. // And that she doesn't notice the, um, *swelling*.//

// I'm just glad you weren't naked. That would have been extremely difficult for her to miss. //

// Yes, // Obi-Wan sighed in response. Then, they both went still as the bed springs creaked and their owner rose.

Qui-Gon, once again in his sparring position, had his back to the bed, and so couldn't see what was going on. Neither could Obi-Wan from his place inside the cardboard box. But, both of them clearly heard the gasp she let out.

"Obi-Wan!" Rose said. "What happened to you?"

Footsteps approached, and then a pair of large, gentle hands was digging into the box. One cupped the still figure carefully while the other shifted books. Freed at last, Obi-Wan felt himself being lifted to her eye level as she examined him for damage. To his great relief, she placed him once again on the shelf facing his Master without commenting on the tell-tale bulge at his groin.

"There. Now you're back where you belong," Rose said with a smile. "My, you two must have had quite a night! Qui, you're going to have to be more careful with your lovely young Knight. We wouldn't want anything to happen to him, would we?"

That said, their owner gathered up her clothes and left the room, and the two six-inch Jedi ornaments breathed a sigh of relief.

// That was close, // Obi-Wan said, lowering his plastic lightsaber.

// Yes. // Qui-Gon stepped forward and reached to cup Obi-Wan's *other* lightsaber in his hand, smiling as the young man thrust into his touch. // And now, beloved, shall we take up where we left off last night? //

Obi-Wan's eyes darkened with desire. // Oh, yes, my Master. I'm all yours," he said. // But this time, try to hang on to me a little tighter. //

The End