The Blossoming of Knight Kenobi

by The Rose

Title: The Blossoming of Knight Kenobi
Author: The Rose
Archive: M/A and my web site,
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Q/O
Category: PWP
Warnings: Plant sex. 'Nuff said.
Spoilers: Only for Tem-ve's story, The Blossoming of Padawan Jinn, which you should definitely read first.
Feedback: <waves hand slowly in air> You WILL send feedback. Ah, come on! You know you want to! Either on-list or off to:
Disclaimers: George Lucas owns all things Star Wars and makes a fortune off of them. Me, I write for the fun of it and give it away for free.
Summary: Qui-Gon Jinn takes his former padawan to a garden.

My undying thanks and dozens of chocolate-covered Obi-Wan's to Tem-ve and Kalujinn for their thoughtful betas. This is a much better story because of their efforts. But, I tweek, therefore all mistakes are mine.

As Obi-Wan followed his former master up the carved stone steps to the colorful entourage that awaited them, he wondered once again at the reason for their visit. Qui-Gon had been unusually tight-lipped on the subject throughout the entire ten-day flight. There had been no Council request, no mission briefing. And why, he wondered, do I get the distinct impression that this is something Qui-Gon and Master Yoda concocted between themselves?

"Your Majesty," Qui-Gon said warmly, bowing before the young Queen who stood on the broad landing at the front of the palace. He turned slightly toward his companion and clasped his shoulder warmly. "May I present Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi."

The Queen flashed the master a somewhat conspiratorial smile that made Obi-Wan instantly wary. Her layers of brightly colored skirts billowed around her as she stepped forward to offer him her hand. "Welcome to our world, Knight Kenobi. I do so hope that you enjoy your stay."

Obi-Wan took her hand and bowed low over it, though he was loath to lose the contact with Qui-Gon. They'd been lovers since his knighting. Even so, such touches were few and far between unless they were in the privacy of their quarters. "I'm certain that we will," he said in his most diplomatic tone.

The corners of her highly painted mouth twitched as another smile nearly sneaked past her guard. Obi-Wan's suspicions escalated. "Master Jinn is something of a legend in the palace. My mother told me of him before she passed."

"A legend?" Obi-Wan shot a curious look at Qui-Gon, but the older man's gaze slid away a bit too quickly. Was that the tiniest touch of red tinting his cheeks?

The Queen's eyes twinkled. "Definitely a legend. The 'Jinn incident' has become the stuff of folklore."

"The 'Jinn incident'?" he repeated.

The Queen chose not to answer. Behind her, some of her lady attendants tittered softly, as if sharing a private joke. Straightening, he glanced to his left, but Qui-Gon's features were set in a gently amused mask that told him nothing. Ah well, he decided, I'll find out soon enough why we're here.

"I trust you'll be visiting the gardens," the Queen said, looking at the Jedi Master.

Qui-Gon inclined his head. "Indeed. I'm quite certain that Obi-Wan has never experienced anything quite like them."

The tittering came again, slightly louder and longer this time, and Obi-Wan's curiosity grew. Surely Qui-Gon hadn't confiscated a Temple ship and flown them halfway across the galaxy to look at a garden. Or had he? He looked at Qui-Gon again and tried to read the bond, which had only grown stronger since his knighting. But the master was tightly shielded against his probe.

"Well, I hope you find your time there rewarding and refreshing," the Queen said.

Qui-Gon bowed formally. "I'm delighted to be back on your lovely world, and I thank you for your gracious hospitality."

"Please, if there is anything you need, don't hesitate to ask," she added.

"We won't," Qui-Gon assured her. He settled one of his hands on the small of the knight's back and gestured toward the door with the other.

This touch was even odder than the first, since it probably did much more to reveal their relationship to the onlookers. Qui-Gon was normally such a private man that this public show of affection was very much out of character, but Obi-Wan said nothing about it. They strode side by side out of the palace, and not a word was spoken until they stepped out into the courtyard.

"Would you like to tell me now what this is all about?" Obi-Wan asked softly, unable to hold his tongue any longer.

A smile teased the corners of Qui-Gon's mouth, though he kept his gaze straight ahead. "No, not especially. Have some patience, my love. You'll discover my reasons soon enough. Come. Let me show you the gardens."

"Might we get a bite to eat first? I know how hard it can be to drag you away once you immerse yourself in nature."

For some reason, this caused Qui-Gon to chuckle. "Hopefully, you'll find yourself quite immersed in it, too. And no, we won't eat first. There are plenty of tasty treats to be had where we're going."

Obi-Wan was puzzled, but willing to be silent for now rather than to keep feeding Qui-Gon's rather odd sense of humor. He ordered his empty stomach to stop complaining, and followed his former master into the lavish riot of color that served as the palace gardens. Here, they stopped, and Obi-Wan looked around.

Plants and flowers of every description and color surrounded him, and a myriad of scents – fruity, earthy, and sweet – assaulted his senses. A light touch on his elbow made him turn. Qui-Gon stood close beside him, his eyes a seductive dark blue in the speckled shade of the garden. Obi-Wan blinked in surprise, and it took him a moment to notice that Qui-Gon was holding something. The palmful of fat, black berries glistened with dampness and were dusted with a shimmering veil of pale blue.

"Try them," Qui-Gon urged. When Obi-Wan hesitated, he smiled. "I assure you, they're perfectly safe."

Obi-Wan cautiously bit into one and felt his eyes widen in surprise. The rich, tart juice flooded his palate, and he had to choke back a grunt of pleasure.

Qui-Gon seemed to hear it anyway. "Good, isn't it?"

Obi-Wan ate the rest of the berry and licked the juice off his fingers, frowning at the deep purple stain on his skin. "Yes. Very tasty."

"Why don't we sit here and finish these," Qui-Gon said, indicating his handful. Without waiting for an answer, he folded his long legs and sank to the ground.

Obi-Wan glared at the berry shrubs with their spiky little barbs and sinewy arms, all of which seemed to reach for him like the claws of some unknown beast.

Qui-Gon chuckled. "What's the matter, don't you trust me?" He patted the ground beside him. "Come. Your robe will protect you."

And what will protect my robe? Obi-Wan wondered, still hesitant. Any misgivings he had, though, were quickly forgotten as Qui-Gon reached up and caught his hand, drawing him down into the dense foliage.

"Here," Qui-Gon said, and Obi-Wan noticed that he was holding out his berry-laden palm again. "Have some more."

Obi-Wan plucked two of the purple treats and ate them slowly, watching Qui-Gon out of the corner of his eye. His hunger was being satisfied somewhat, but not his curiosity. Just as he was about to risk asking another question, Qui-Gon pressed a plump berry to Obi-Wan's lips.

"Here, Obi-Wan. Relax and try another. Be in the moment with me."

Obi-Wan opened his mouth, savoring the saltiness and feel of Qui-Gon's fingers against his tongue almost as much as the tart tang of the berry. At Qui-Gon's request, he closed his eyes and let himself be fed berry after berry, until he was certain that the inside of his mouth was stained as deeply purple as his fingers.

After a few minutes, he opened his eyes to find Qui-Gon watching him, a fleeting look on his face that could only be described as . . . hunger.

Hmmm. Interesting. Obi-Wan accepted another berry, this time closing his lips on the blunt fingers and holding them prisoner for a long, satisfying moment. Qui-Gon's choked back groan sent a thrill of anticipation through him.

"Did you bring me here to seduce me, Master Jinn?" he asked with a sly smile.

Thick eyebrows lifted, and Qui-Gon answered in a deep, husky voice that made all of Obi-Wan's blood head southward. "And if I did?"

Quite deliberately, Obi-Wan ran the tip of his tongue slowly along his lower lip, savoring the taste clinging to that delicate skin. He caught Qui-Gon watching the movement longingly. He leaned forward for a kiss, but to his amazement, Qui-Gon pulled back out of reach.

"Not yet, my own. The time will come for that. But for now, there is still much left to see and experience." When Obi-Wan frowned, he stroked his fingers along one smooth-shaven cheek. "Please, let me share this with you. I came here as a padawan, and this place – became very special to me."

Obi-Wan drew in a breath and set his doubts aside. If it meant that much to his master, he would comply. He gave a slight nod.

Qui-Gon smiled and arose, carefully brushing aside tendrils that clung to him like tiny living hands. He reached to draw the knight to his feet.

Obi-Wan found the clinging barbs much more difficult to escape. One particularly stubborn one drew blood on the back of his hand, leaving behind a tiny burn. The burn quickly morphed into pleasure as Qui-Gon drew it to his mouth, gently sucking and laving the scratch with his tongue.

Heat settled in Obi-Wan's groin, and he felt his cock beginning to fill. But Qui-Gon turned and moved deeper into the garden, leading the younger man by the hand he still held.

Obi-Wan found himself slightly annoyed. Was this another lesson in living in the moment or in, Sith forbid, patience? If so, Obi-Wan felt himself long past the point at which Qui-Gon should worry him with such teachings. Still, he thought as he lowered his gaze to his former master's backside, the view from here was rather pleasant. He was beginning to feel like a horny teenager. Was there some mild aphrodisiac in the fruit he'd consumed, or was it that Qui-Gon was just incredibly sexy?

His musings were interrupted as Qui-Gon stopped before a purple-blossomed vine that twined sensuously up the slender trunk of a nearby tree. The trumpet-shaped flowers seemed to reach for the two Jedi, the scent subtle and earthy. Capturing Obi-Wan's eyes, Qui-Gon leaned in for a sniff . . .

. . . and the blossom closed around his face, gently caressing his skin like the touch of a lover.

Obi-Wan's cock throbbed. Oh to be the one to touch this beloved man that way, to steal his breath and make his eyes close in what was clearly delight. But Qui-Gon disentangled himself and stepped back, ushering the knight forward with an elegant sweep of one hand.

Obi-Wan stepped closer and bent to sniff the bloom. The delicate petals, drawn by his breath, closed around his nose and mouth. The interior smelled of musty, damp earth and the velvety softness of them sent a thrill of excitement coursing through his body. Yes, it was very much like a lover's caress.

He pulled away reluctantly to find Qui-Gon still watching him. He raked his gaze slowly down the broad chest to the bulge that was obvious at his master's groin, visible even through the layers of Jedi garb. Obi-Wan licked his lips at the thought of that massive cock, hard and aching for his touch.

Reaching out, he settled his hands on Qui-Gon's hips and went to his knees in the sun-drenched foliage. He pressed his forehead against Qui-Gon's leggings and heard him groan. It was a beautiful sound, low and throaty and entirely erotic. Obi-Wan slid his hands lower, cupping the firm butt cheeks and kneading them strongly, using his grip to pull the taller man more firmly against him. He fancied that he could feel the heat of Qui-Gon's arousal even through the layers separating them.

Hands settled in his hair, not pulling but merely holding him in place as the hips began to rock subtly. But when Obi-Wan reached to untie the leggings and free his prize, Qui-Gon caught his shoulders and drew him to his feet.

Sith! Was Qui-Gon planning to tease him all morning? He looked up through lowered lashes and flashed a sultry smile. "Why don't we take this back to our rooms?"

Qui-Gon shook his head slightly, his blue eyes illuminated by a streak of sunlight. Though thoroughly frustrated, Obi-Wan fall in love with him all over again.

"Soon, love," the master said as he eased out of reach. He turned and moved away, with Obi-Wan following obediently behind him. When they stopped this time, it was in front of a shrub bearing dozens of small bud-shaped structures, ranging in color from dark green to bright orange.

Despite the distraction of his throbbing cock, Obi-Wan was fascinated. He touched one of the orange ones with is fingertip. It was papery-thin and as weightless as a balloon, its skin slightly wrinkled and covered with tiny ridges. It was so delicate that it seemed to bruise under his feather-light touch.

"What . . .?"

Qui-Gon reached out, teasing the small opening at the tip with his nail, and the pod opened, releasing a cloud of peppery aroma. His finger dipped inside briefly before he raised it to Obi-Wan's lips.

"Taste," he urged.

Obi-Wan obeyed, and this time he did moan as he licked the sticky nectar from Qui-Gon's finger. "Delicious."

"Wait. That's not all." Carefully reaching deeper into the papery structure, Qui-Gon produced a hard, glossy bulb in the same shade of rich orange. He pressed this between Obi-Wan's lips and waited while he bit into it.

The subtle yet distinct tartness of the fruit made Obi-Wan's eyes widen with delight. He reached for the older man's hand and slowly licked every drop of the remaining nectar from his index finger.

"Careful, beloved," the taller man croaked, "or I'm liable to ravish you right here among the shrubbery."

Obi-Wan grinned lasciviously. "I could live with that."

Qui-Gon swallowed hard but gave his head a single shake. "I know you're impatient, beloved, but I have more to show you before that can happen." He led the way further into the garden.

He's trying to kill me, the knight thought, glaring as he fell into step behind him. Either that or he's trying to drive me mad. That must be it. He knows I'm already hard and aching, and he's enjoying having me at his mercy. Well, we'll just see about that!

He held his tongue, already plotting his revenge, as he followed the broad back in front of him. They soon stood in a patch of twisting stems and thick vines that lay in gentle mounds in the shade of the taller trees. They were covered with bristly hairs that caught at the fabric of their leggings as they moved carefully among them. Heavy blossoms, also spiky, were everywhere, and half hidden under the hairy leaves were a large number of gourd-like fruits.

Firm, thick-skinned and perfectly smooth, they ranged from fist-sized to half a meter across. In color, they were a purplish gray, with the larger ones tending more towards bright lavender. Obi-Wan's inspection of them was cut short, however, as he was turned to face his former master.

All thoughts of revenge vanished as Qui-Gon leaned in to kiss him, the touch so warm and exotic that it seemed to send an electric current through Obi-Wan's body, beginning at his lips and ending at his cock. He opened his mouth, inviting his master inside, and felt his breath leave him as a thick tongue filled him. It tangled with his own, mapping out every hidden corner, until Obi-Wan was left lightheaded and weaving on his feet.

With a slight smirk at his own prowess, Qui-Gon stepped back. Without a word, he began to undress the younger man. Almost trembling with anticipation, Obi-Wan forced himself to remain still and let the other do as he would. This was Qui-Gon's party, and the knight had no intention of interfering. Soon, he stood naked and shivering as a cool breeze caressed his bare flesh.

Holding Obi-Wan's gaze, Qui-Gon slowly sank to his knees. Obi-Wan caught his breath, feeling his knees go weak, as the same tongue that had recently explored his mouth trailed slowly up the inside of his thigh, ignoring his straining erection.

Obi-Wan gasped, reaching out to sink his fingers into his master's long, thick hair for balance as he spread his legs wider, though the wantonness of the motion brought a blush to his cheeks. Any embarrassment was quickly forgotten, however, as Qui-Gon caught and steadied the erect flesh so close to his face, then leaned closer so he could lap gently at the head of Obi-Wan's cock.

The knight groaned, the sound long and low as Qui-Gon took the first few inches into his mouth. Obi-Wan struggled against the impulse to thrust deeper, fighting the quivering of his muscles as his legs threatened to give out on him.

All too soon it was over. Cool air chilled the damp flesh as Qui-Gon got to his feet and took a step backward, his gaze locked with Obi-Wan's. The knight watched in growing anticipation as Qui-Gon slowly unbuckled his equipment belt. He lowered it to the ground, but not before unclipping the 'saber. Turning slightly, he enabled the blade and sank it deeply into the tough skin of a large, heavy gourd near Obi-Wan's bare feet. Juices inside the fruit sizzled as they met the white-hot energy, and Qui-Gon slowly moved the weapon in a spiral, widening the hole slightly.

"Perfect," he announced, his voice as soft as a whisper as he withdrew the blade and disengaged it. He dipped his index finger inside, coating it from tip to second knuckle in blue-gray pulp.

"Master, what . . .?"

Instead of answering, Qui-Gon reached around him, his finger tickling at Obi-Wan's crack. The knight's breath began to rasp in his throat as it breached his most private spot, pushing just barely inside before stopping.

"All right?" Qui-Gon asked.

"More than all right." Obi-Wan leaned forward and settled his hands on Qui-Gon's strong shoulders. He shifted his feet further apart, but couldn't resist a furtive glance around to make certain they were unobserved.

"You fret too much," Qui-Gon said, obviously noticing his discomfiture. The fingertip withdrew, much to Obi-Wan's disappointment, but it returned a moment later with a fresh coating of warm pulp. This time, Qui-Gon worked it in knuckle deep, pressing inward against muscles that seemed to clinch around it of their own volition.

Finally, the sphincter softened and Qui-Gon added a second finger, stroking in and out until Obi-Wan thought he would go mad from the slow repetition of it. He gave a little grunt of impatience and the fingers withdrew, only to be replaced by three this time.

"Enough. Please!" Obi-Wan panted, leaning heavily on Qui-Gon's shoulders.

The fingers slipped out of him, leaving him feeling empty, as Qui-Gon scanned the ground before bending to pick up a much smaller gourd. The bulb of this one fit easily into the palm of his hand, and the narrow neck was long and gently curved. He snapped off the spiny stem then held his prize. Running one fingertip appraisingly over the gourd's velvety smooth skin, he knelt and inserted the neck into the oozing hole in the larger gourd.

He twisted it slowly, coating it with pulp, then began to thrust it in and out in a slow parody of the sex act. Obi-Wan struggled not to giggle like a youngling at the rather ludicrous sight of one gourd fucking another. But when Qui-Gon looked up, his pupils darkened with desire, the knight felt his mouth go dry. His gaze flickered to the smaller gourd as Qui-Gon withdrew it, the slender neck glistening slickly. Surely he wasn't planning to . . .

Qui-Gon rose to his full height. A hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder urged the knight to kneel in his place, facing the holed-out gourd.

It took Obi-Wan a moment to make the mental connection. This time, he couldn't hold back a snicker at the ridiculousness of the situation. "You can't be serious," he said. "You don't actually want me to . .."

"Only if it pleases you." Qui-Gon dipped one finger into the hole and scooped out a measure of juicy insides. He caught Obi-Wan's erect flesh and smeared it with pulp that was still warm from the heat of his lightsaber.

It almost made the younger man come on the spot. Pushing aside the nagging absurdity of the situation, he hesitated only briefly before thrusting his penis inside.

Force, but it was tight! Tight and hot and as wet as the inside of a human throat. He groaned as the pulp closed around him like a second skin.

"Who knew the great Qui-Gon Jinn was so kinky."

He heard Qui-Gon's breath catch in his throat, and a bit of despair leaked through the master's tight shields. "If it's too much . . ."

Instead of answering, Obi-Wan withdrew slightly and thrust in again, grunting at the pleasurable sensation. He flashed Qui-Gon a lewd smile. "I hear that a little kink is good for the soul."

Qui-Gon gave a relieved chuckle. Then his hand settled on Obi-Wan's back and he bent the knight forward until he was crouched low over the huge gourd. The hand shifted to Obi-Wan's naked ass and spread him open. Obi-Wan groaned as the blunt end of the gourd pressed against his anus.

"Relax," Qui-Gon soothed, massaging the firm flesh as he pushed the gourd slowly inside. Slick with pulp, it slid in easily and filled him up as few lovers ever had.

"Oh, Force, Qui," he moaned when he had found his breath.

Qui-Gon's hand slipped around to the front of his hip, easing him backward until all but the head of his penis was free of the gourd. Still holding the smaller one deep within him, Qui-Gon leaned over Obi-Wan's back.

"Now, thrust," the master whispered into Obi-Wan's ear.

Forgetting to be embarrassed, the knight obeyed, gasping in pleasure as Qui-Gon held tightly to the smaller gourd, letting it slide nearly free. Not wanting to lose that contact, Obi-Wan shoved himself backward, impaling himself again.

Forward and back, thrusting into the tight, hot hole and back onto the slick neck of the gourd, Obi-Wan lost track of time. Qui-Gon's hand stayed on his hip, a warm and solid reminder of his presence. The gourd inside him shifted, and the knight groaned as it struck his prostate, lights exploding behind his closed eyelids.

"Don't come yet." His master's throaty whisper tickled his ear and sent a shiver of excitement through his all but melted brain.

He held on with all his might, wanting to obey, then gasped in protest as the gourd was pulled out. He was quickly refilled, however, by something much thicker, much hotter, and much more satisfying. Qui-Gon pushed halfway into him then halted, leaning over Obi-Wan's back and panting against his ear.

It was sweet, exquisite torture, and Obi-Wan thought he might die from it if Qui-Gon didn't move soon. As if his unspoken thought had been overheard, a second large hand curved around his other hipbone, and he was pulled backward so that Qui-Gon sank all the way inside. A second thrust shoved Obi-Wan forward into the warm tightness of the holed-out gourd.

It was too much. With a shout that echoed through the garden, Obi-Wan came. He collapsed onto the gourd as all of his higher brain functions were pumped out through his cock. He was thankful that its thick skin didn't crush under his weight as Qui-Gon set up a steady rhythm, pounding into him forcefully. It took only a minute or two before the master grunted, spilling his seed into Obi-Wan with a long shudder of pleasure.

Qui-Gon sank sideways to the ground, pulling Obi-Wan with him and drawing the smaller man against his chest in a warm embrace. For a long moment, neither of them spoke.

"Do you know how long I've planned this?" Qui-Gon said finally.

Obi-Wan shifted so he could look up into his lover's face, though he didn't try to draw out of the circle of his arms. "No," he said, somewhat surprised that he could still speak coherently, "but it shouldn't surprise me. I do have one question, though. Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why the elaborate set up? Why the long journey? We have some perfectly wonderful gardens at the temple where you could have ravished me much more conveniently."

"I know. But is it so selfish of me to want to share all of this with you?" A sweep of his gaze indicated the lush foliage around them. "I was young when I first came here. Young and oh-so-very proper. This place was something of a sexual awakening for me. I've planned for a long time to bring you here."

A tiny frown line appeared between Obi-Wan's brows, offset by a lopsided smile. "Are you implying, Master, that I qualify as oh-so-very-proper in your eyes?"

"Not any more, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon replied, his face almost perfectly straight. "You have been known to indulge in sexual encounters with members of the plant kingdom, have you not?"

"At my oh-so-proper former Master's express request!" Obi-Wan protested, then grinned. "It was a wonderful idea." He bent forward for a kiss, this one long and languid and entirely satisfying.

"I do love you, you know," he said when it was finished.

"And I love you, Knight Kenobi. Now, and always."

The End