
by Ewankenobi (

Archive: MA . . . Any one else just let me know.

Rating: PG

Pairing: O/Maul

Category: A/U, Drama, Romance, POV

Warnings: None.

Spoilers: This is my universe.

Feedback: Welcomed.

Summary: Balance is restored.

Disclaimers: Lucas owns Star Wars. Padawan E still has no Ewan of her own.

Notes: Many thanks to Kalu. You are the bestest.

I am what you crave in the night and fear in the day. I haunt your waking hours, thoughts of you consume mine.

You, the Jedi Knight. I am Sith Lord.

How long has this bond been growing?

I remember how it started. You were a beautiful thirteen year old, I was fourteen. Your foolish Jedi Order was going to let you be a farmer. The waste. The idiot Master finally came for you at Bandomeer. We had already met and had become friends. My Master found me there. Over the following years we met, in secret. I became as I am, you evolved into the stunning man you are.

We kept each other from our real lives. We were just Khamier and Ben. Our Masters never knew.

When you turned eighteen you asked me to be your first lover. I was already in love with you. Memories and thoughts of you kept me sane. Your love kept me from being truly of the dark.

You came to me. We touched, kissed, made love. I looked into your eyes, the passion turned them stormy. You said mine were breathtaking. I fell in love again.

We kept meeting and loving.

You knew it was me on Tatooine; you kept silent.

I knew what your Master had done because of that child.

You knew it was a clone on Naboo; you kept silent.

When the Supreme Chancellor and the desert brat that caused your pain were found dead; you kept silent.

You came to me. You asked no questions.

I am watching you sleep. I will never let you go.

The Jedi think their Knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi died. He did.

Khamier Sarin and Ben Lars live.

We are neither Sith nor Jedi now.

Balance has been restored.