Across The Great Divide 05: On Coruscant 

by Amy Fortuna ( )

Rating: PG

Category: Non Q/O, A/U, Q/other

Disclaimer: Qui-Gon belongs to George, Aragorn and Middle-earth belong to Tolkien, the positions I put them in belong to me and my demented mind.

Archive: master_apprentice, SWAL, Tolkien Slash, LitSlash; anywhere else, just ask, I won't say no.

Series: Yes.  "Across The Great Divide." 5/12

Warnings: We got Aragorn and Qui-Gon, *reallyreallyreally* attracted to each other. If this scares you, run away and don't stop.  This is a crossover between Tolkien's _The Lord of the Rings_ and SW Episode 1. If you haven't read LOTR or seen Star Wars, you won't get it. Also, I have been told that I need to include a spew warning on this one; it's got quite a bit of humor.

Summary: Well, well, Aragorn's turn to fly.

Feedback: Love the stuff!

The universe tilted; Aragorn felt himself falling, falling. And then his downward progress was impeded by something soft, some kind of cushion.

Looking up, Aragorn found himself sitting on a chair in a brightly lit room. This place was so strange -- what for instance, did that small white box with some kind of screen across the room serve? It looked like an odd version of a palantir. He appeared to be alone, so he ventured to stand. There was so much noise too, low hums, and higher-pitched drones -- something flying over his head?

He stepped toward the window, noting that even here, wherever "here" was, there were curtains, and windows behind them. He drew the curtain aside and looked out.

The sight made him dizzy; he moved back. Beneath him yawned a great chasm, not made of rock, but of metal. Light glinted off the surfaces, throwing sunlight into his face. The cliffs plunged straight down, straighter than anything he had ever seen before. Dots, some very small, some larger, moved about among them. They must be airships, he thought. Qui-Gon spoke of them once, said he was glad to get away from them.

As though that was a thought to conjure with, the door clicked and opened, moving not inward, but into the wall. Aragorn took a step toward it, hand going to his side, remembering too late he had no sword.

Qui-Gon entered, caught a glimpse of Aragorn's bewildered face, and smiled.

"I sensed you all the way in the Council meeting and came as quickly as I could," he said. "I hope my world hasn't confused you too much."

Aragorn smiled back, and they embraced briefly. "Well, yes, I am confused. Now I know how you must have felt in my world for the first time."

Qui-Gon laughed. "Your world is relatively simple for a trained diplomat. But, having seen your world, I know that mine may appear strange to you. It is quite unnatural, I know."

That remark brought something back to Aragorn's mind.

"Those cliffs, those straight cliffs which glint in the sun -- what are they?"

Qui-Gon smiled. "Buildings, my Aragorn."

The look on Aragorn's confused face spoke for him. "Can man truly make such things?"

Qui-Gon raised his eyebrows, trying hard not to laugh. "Yes, Aragorn. But that is a small matter."

Several hours and cultural explanations later, Qui-Gon and Aragorn found themselves laughing on the couch, joking about small things.

And in the midst of their laughter, there was a knock on the door.

Qui-Gon went to the door, opening it to reveal the small figure of Master Yoda.

"Master?" he asked.

"See who your friend is, I must," declared Yoda, thumping into the room.

Aragorn stared. "It talks," he said at last.

Qui-Gon leaned his head on the closed door, his whole body shaking with surpressed laughter.

"Talk, I do," Master Yoda said, stick held in the defensive position.

Aragorn brushed an errant strand of hair away from his face. "I never look like a small troll, but if Qui-Gon lets you in here, you must be Good."

Yoda whacked Aragorn once hard across the shins; Aragorn quietly drew his feet up onto the couch. "Good, I am. Of the Light, though padawans often believe this do not."

Qui-Gon, recovering from his fit of, errrr, coughing, turned round.

"Aragorn, this is Master Yoda," he said, as always, doing the introduction reversed. "My master, this is my dear friend, Aragorn."

"Your friend, is he?"

Qui-Gon nodded, guiltly.

"More than friendship I sense here."

Aragorn and Qui-Gon happened to catch each other's eye over the master's head, and they both burst out laughing uncontrollably.

And in that moment, Aragorn, remembering the quirky Gandalf, knew that wherever fate led him, the people would be the same.


I apologize for not having completed this series -- it's been over two years since I stopped writing it. There's more, I do just need to write it. Maybe someday I will. Until then, you could possibly motivate me by sending feedback?