As the Temple Turns, or Behind Every Master is a Padawan Running the Temple

by Susan Anthony (

Pairing: QG/OW implied, QG/X implied, OW/Maul implied

Archive: Master_Apprentice, my site at, anyone else, just ask

Category: AU, Humor, Drama, Q/O implied, Q/X, O/Maul

Rating: NC17

Spoilers: some for TPM, a tiny one for AOTC

Summary: How things really work at the Jedi Temple.

Feedback: Very welcome.

Warnings: M/M relationships, Unlikely characterizations and circumstances, this is not a serious story despite its pretensions to be one.

Notes: This story was initially inspired by an email from Emila-Wan Kenobi detailing what happened to failed padawans. I posted the first half of this story a while back. This is the finished product.

Disclaimer: The Boyz aren't mine. More's the pity. This story is for the pleasure of the readers only. I don't make a thing.

Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi hurried through the halls of the Temple at a stately pace. Perfecting how to hurry and yet still maintain the dignity worthy of a Jedi was one of the more difficult accomplishments of a padawan. Qui-Gon Jinn had been enormously pleased when his apprentice had managed it at the young age of fifteen.

Now the padawan moved with the perfection expected of a younger knight, graceful and uncanny. Many denizens of the Temple eyed the young man as he passed and wondered again why he hadn't been knighted before now. It had long been expected that Padawan Kenobi would be knighted even younger than his master had been.

It had seemed as if that expectation would become reality when Master Qui-Gon Jinn had called for his padawan's trials when the young man had been a mere two decades old and the Council had actually seemed amiable to the suggestion.

But shortly before the Council was to have declared Obi-Wan's trials had come the Florui Mishap. It was an Incident so vast in scope, that Master Jinn had barely averted a global war on a supposedly easy mission that was merely to sign a long-standing treaty between two ancient and benevolent Houses.

Obi-Wan had claimed miscommunication had led to an offer of his services for the evening, one that he'd flatly refused to follow through on. The Florui ambassador had claimed that one so comely as Padawan Kenobi would surely make a better Consort than Jedi and had been willing to make war to prove it. Master Jinn had claimed that if it weren't for his great affection and abiding confidence in his padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi would be farming oats right now.

In light of the Incident, which was still whispered of in the furthest reaches of the Temple, the Council had instructed Master Jinn to continue his apprentice's training and not to bother them again for at least two years.

Three years later, Master Jinn had been certain Obi-Wan was ready. The young man's academic scores were the highest in his class and his field ranking had worked itself higher that it had ever been, even before the Incident. Master Jinn had even laid long odds that the young man would make the perfect knight within two months.

So, the Tatooine Debacle - a slight mistake which placed the dignified Naboo senator in the hands of the Hutt for accidental disintegration - not only sent that worthy Jedi master back to the apprentice drawing board, it nearly bankrupted him as well. Obi-Wan had had to draw on the Force to talk fast enough not to be sent down to AgriCorps.

So at the age of twenty-five, Obi-Wan Kenobi was still one of the most outstanding padawans in the Temple despite the fact that everyone was certain he should have been knighted long ago. It was obviously the Will of the Force that he remain with Qui-Gon Jinn who still had much to teach the young man.

Now, however, oblivious to the eyes that followed him, Obi-Wan continued through the halls in his dignified haste, a slight smile on his face as he clutched the datapad he held close to his side. He had waited all afternoon to get away and Qui-Gon had finally allowed him some free time since the master had Other Things that needed to be seen to.

The padawan briefly considered what Other Things might be but as he moved into the less used portions of the Temple he pushed the thought aside. He had Things to see to himself and as he waited for a creaking old elevator to take him down into the depths of the temple, he wondered if he'd be able to put off his master's next attempt at knighting him. Every time he came down here, he wondered if it would be his last. Certainly, he had trained Desrin well to replace him but he would miss the camaraderie he found so easily with his fellow padawans.

The lift chimed as the doors opened into a darkened corridor. Obi-Wan glanced around as he moved into the shadowed hallway. Now he dropped into a stately lope that would make his master beam with pride if Qui-Gon could but see it.

After a few more moments, the padawan came to a halt before a rather rusted double doorway. He carefully placed his palm on the reader to the right of the doorway and held still as his palm and retinas were scanned. Then a soothing chime sounded as a gentle voice murmured, "Welcome Senior Padawan," and the rusted doors slid smoothly open.

With a grin, the apprentice stepped into a large, brightly lit and comfortable room. Several other padawans were seated at various computer stations across the room and all looked up and called out a greeting as their senior-most companion arrived.

Obi-Wan walked into the room with a relieved sigh. He loved it here. Not a single Jedi master or knight to disturb the peace. Running the Temple was a tough job and he didn't need any distractions here.

He stopped at the first terminal he came to and the padawan there glanced up.

"Hi Obi," the avion chirped.

"Jixi," Obi-Wan greeted it with a smile. "How is the Academic Committee progressing this week?"

"Very well, very well, Obi," came the chirping reply. "Master D'leri is working well in his placement there. You were wise to suggest him."

"Not me," Obi-Wan denied. "Desrin suggested him." He nodded once and wandered on to the next terminal. "Ches? How's the Housing Committee coming along?"

A dark-skinned young padawan frowned up at him. "Crowded as usual, Kenobi, but they are managing. Though it's a chore just getting the various sub-committees to get along! Those knights can be so stubborn!"

Obi-Wan chuckled and patted him on the shoulder. "I know you'll get them sorted somehow."

"Obi-Wan," another padawan called, and the new arrival nodded once to Padawan Ches and then wandered towards the one who called him. "Thank the stars," the young man said, relief heavy in his tone. "I'm glad you're here! I think we're going to need some intervention."

Obi-Wan made his way over to his friend's computer terminal. "What is it, Desrin?" he asked.

"Who is it, you mean," the padawan replied, rolling his golden eyes. "Knight Venah is trying to sleep his way onto the Discipline Committee again. If he gets an appointment there, we'll never get him off the planet." The young padawan snorted. "And Discipline will take on a whole new meaning at the Temple."

"Hummmm," Obi-Wan murmured thoughtfully. "Well, let's get him off planet. What do we have going on in the Mission Assignments Committee?" he asked, glancing over at another padawan. "Bant?"

The Calamarian apprentice tapped a few keys on her computer and pulled up the assignments currently in discussion. "There's a mission to Alderaan coming up. Guarding one of the minor nobles who's convinced he's a target for assassins."

Obi-Wan looked thoughtful but Desrin shook his head. "Last time Venah went there he almost caused an Incident. Remember that Dom and Sub ring he blundered into. 'Accidentally', he said?"

"Right," Obi-Wan sighed with remembrance. They'd had to move fast to correct that problem and the Temple still got messages for Venah from the high-ranking members of that ring. "What else is available?"

"Well there's a mission coming up to Naboo." Bant glanced over at Desrin. "There's some thought to sending you and Master Windu, Des, since it's your home planet. The committee is also discussing the Jinn/Kenobi tea since it's a diplomatic nightmare." Bant made a few more keystrokes, cross-referencing information and pulling up classified Council opinions. Her expression moved into a thoughtful grimace. "But there have been dark portents and visions recorded. Yoda has noted possible Dark side interference on the mission and there's also something here concerning that stupid prophecy about the Chosen One." She sighed, rolling her silver eyes and shaking her head as she made a few entries. "Don't the Jedi seers having anything better to do than make up prophesies?"

Obi-Wan snorted. "I don't know about the prophecies but I can guess as to the Dark side interference. That's probably Maul trying to follow through on Palpatine's Trade Federation plans."

"Great," Bant sighed. "Obi-Wan, I don't know why you left him free after you took out his master."

Obi-Wan tugged his braid thoughtfully. "I actually feel sorry for the guy. I mean he was stuck with Sidious for how long? And the stupid Sith did nothing to prepare Maul for a management position."

"Management position?" Desrin sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "The guy's a freakin' Sith!"

"He can't help how he was raised," Obi-Wan pointed out with a shrug.

Bant snorted. "Your master has rubbed off on you. Obi-Wan, you'd feel sorry for a rancor with a thorn in its foot. The guy's a SITH - as in the antithesis of JEDI. Not to mention that he's entirely scary-looking with all those tattoos."

"Des is right, Kenobi," another padawan said as he moved to join the small group by Desrin's terminal. "The guy is a freak."

"That doesn't mean he deserved to be stuck with Sidious, Bruck," Obi-Wan pointed out. He leaned down to make a few keystrokes on Desrin's computer and a picture came up of a sullen youth, about the age of 15, with dark hair and eyes. "And see? Before he got all those tattoos slapped on him, he was a very nice looking being. Not that I think the tattoos are all that bad." Obi-Wan studied the picture for a moment. "Maybe we could Turn him," he said, obviously thinking out loud.

"TURN him?" various voices questioned Obi-Wan's sanity.

"You think we could Turn a guy who's been trained as a Sith since the age of five?" Bant demanded.

"The guy is a LOONY, Kenobi!" Bruck stated.

"He is not!" Obi-Wan denied flatly, his lips pressed together angrily. "He can be perfectly reasonable when he needs to be."

Bruck, Desrin and Bant exchanged glances for a moment before they turned back to their friend with questions in their eyes.

"That sounded like a personal defense," Desrin noted rather calmly and Obi-Wan studied his fingernails intently.

"I may have run into him...once or twice...during the Tatooine Debacle," he replied, a reminiscent smile curving his mouth. Bant studied that smile intently.

"Obi, that's your 'I Got Laid' smile," she stated in no uncertain terms. "Did you sleep with that nutcase?"

"He's not a nutcase!" Obi-Wan defended, his lip slipped slightly into a pout, which immediately had his companions looking elsewhere lest they be snared by the Pout into agreeing with him. "Besides, Maul is not the issue here. We'll set aside the Naboo mission. What else is available for Venah, Bant?"

The Calamarian gave her friend a narrow look, which promised further interrogation later on the Maul issue before she turned back to her computer.

"There is one mission that might be perfect to get him out of the way," she said slowly. "A settlers' dispute on some moon called Endor. The settlers seem to be having problems with the indigent population."

Obi-Wan leaned over her shoulder and nodded. "That would be perfect. Let's send our suggestion via Padawan Calmas. His master is chairing the Assignments Committee at the moment, isn't he?" Bant nodded and Obi-Wan leaned back satisfied. "Good. Calmas is subtle and his master will never know the idea wasn't her own."

Bant nodded and made a few notations before she sent a special email encoded to Calmas to report for a Padawan Briefing.

"Now, are there any other emergencies?" Obi-Wan asked as he glanced around the chamber. When no one stepped forward, he grinned and pulled out the comp pad he'd brought with him from his apartment. "Good, because I have something to share. Come on," he said as he gestured towards the conference room.

Desrin and Bant shared a surprised look before they locked their computers and moved to follow their friend. Desrin grabbed another padawan who had just walked in the door. Bruck just sighed and moved after them.

A few minutes later, the five senior padawans were seated around a small table, a cup of sweet yistea at each elbow along with small plates of cream cakes and muffins. Obi-Wan settled himself at the head of the table and grinned at his fellow apprentices. They each warily returned his smile as the eldest apprentice set his datapad on the table.

"I'm glad you could make it, Saas-Li," he said with a grin at the newly arrived padawan.

The pale apprentice nodded. "I don't have long, though, Obi-Wan. I only came to speak with you on the matter of Knight Venah. It is rather an urgent issue."

Beside her, Desrin chuckled. "We've already settled that, Saas," he stated. "Obi-Wan has something else he wants to share."

Saas-Li looked curious and leaned back in her chair. "Very well. I have an hour before my master is expecting me."

"As I was cleaning up our living quarters this afternoon, I found a datapad that my master 'just happened' to leave lying about." The assembled padawans glanced at each other uneasily.

"And you just took it?" Bant asked in a concerned tone. Obi-Wan gave her a wicked smile.

"Somehow, I think Master meant me to find it," he said as he glanced down to read out the title. "'The Top Ten Council Approved Career Paths for Failed Jedi Padawans'".

Four jaws dropped and Obi-Wan snickered.

"You're joking!" Bant breathed as she scooted her chair closer to Obi-Wan.

"Nope," he replied as Desrin, Bruck and Saas-Li echoed Bant and moved their chairs closer to the head of the table.

"So, SHARE with us, Kenobi!" Bruck demanded as he twirled his slender white braid between his fingers.

"Are you sure you want to know?" Obi-Wan teased his eyes bright.

"Obi-Wan!" four voices demanded and the oldest padawan chuckled.

"Very well then." He cleared his throat and read the first item.

1. A failed padawan is allowed a fixed/unlimited period of time to keep trying again and again to pass versus being given one chance.

The young sentients around the table glanced at each other.

"Well that doesn't sound too bad," Bant ventured.

"Doesn't sound very logical, either," Saas-Li stated flatly. "But it would explain how Knight Joxer passed his trials."

"Joxer is a wonderful knight!" Unexpectedly, that protest came from Bruck.

"As long as he doesn't have to use his lightsaber," Bant pointed out.

"He is rather clumsy, Bruck," Desrin pointed out tactfully. The young man knew his friend was fond of Knight Joxer.

Padawan Chun merely crossed his arms and glared. "He's great with the initiates."

The silence hung there a moment until Obi-Wan cleared his throat. "Shall I continue?" he asked archly. Three other padawans nodded and a fourth just sniffed and mumbled under his breath. "All right then."

2. Failed padawan is euthanized and/or is encouraged to commit ritual suicide.

Another hush dropped on the room, this one a rather nervous, eye-twitching silence. Then Desrin gave a rather tense chuckle.

"You don't think they would really do that," he asked, his tone worried. "Do you?"

"I'm sure they don't," Bant replied, quickly trying to think of any unexplained disappearances in the padawan ranks lately.

"Not in this reality, anyway," Saas-Li said with a flippant wave of her hand. "They spend too much credit on us to just kill us. What's next, Obi-Wan."

The padawan at the head of the table gave Saas-Li a long look before he shook his head. Then paled slightly as he read the next choice out loud.

3. A failed padawan has his Force ability taken away.

Another silence, this one even heavier than the one before.

"Damn, they don't mess around, do they?" Bruck said flatly.

"I'd rather die," Saas-Li said, shivering. Beside her, Desrin wrapped his arm around her.

"It's not like we need to worry," he said, glancing around. "We're all going to be knighted when it's time." No one replied for a moment and Desrin snorted. "Stars, we're already running the Temple in our spare time! We habitually make certain Yoda doesn't eat the kitchen out of Tanasian Cream berries. How much more difficult can the trials be?"

Obi-Wan chuckled at that one and pulled the comp pad a bit closer. "True enough, Des," he said as he found the next FP option.

4. Failed padawan is given the option to join the other Force-adept services such as AgriCorps.

"BO-RING," Bruck opined as he leaned back and grimaced.

"Speaking as one who came far too close to that, I must agree," Obi-Wan grumbled as he continued with the next choice.

5. Failed padawan is lobotomized and used as a mindless sex slave.

"Ooooo, now that doesn't sound too bad," Bruck said thoughtfully. "Do you think you'd have to have the lobotomy?

"Well you already fit the mindless part," Saas-Li said tartly.

Bruck stuck out his tongue at the younger padawan and Saas-Li flipped him off. Bant made an obscene amphibious sound in Saas-Li's direction while Desrin snickered. Obi-Wan felt strangely reluctant to believe that this was the next generation of Jedi.

He cleared his throat and continued.

6. Failed padawan becomes teacher of the Initiates, temple librarian, security guard, janitor, etc.

He looked up at the gathered padawans and then rolled his eyes, "Oh yes, I'd certainly want you four training the initiates and taking care of Temple Security."

"Oh, come on, Obi-Wan!" Desrin bleated. "Just because that one Jedi fangirl got past me and jumped your master, that's no reason to think I couldn't be a good Temple Guard."

"That happened to you too?" Bruck asked in surprise as he looked at Desrin. "Sith! But those fangirls came be determined, can't they?"

"Well, we are talking about Qui-Gon Jinn here," Saas-Li sighed, looking somewhat glazed. "I can certainly sympathize with his fangirls. He's just so..." her voice trailed off and she started purring.

Bant watched her with fond silver eyes. "I must agree, Saas," the Calamarian added. "Master Jinn is the best looking human male I've ever seen. It's not surprising that he'd have fangirls. And fanboys."

"The word you're looking for is groupie," Obi-Wan stated the word as if it were another name for excrement. "And let's get one thing straight here. You may all look but don't even think about touching. Qui-Gon Jinn belongs to ME!"

The four padawans looked at their leader with various expressions of surprise. The first one to speak, however, was Desrin.

"YES!" the golden-eyed apprentice shouted before he smirked across the table at Bruck. "Ten credits due tomorrow, Padawan Chun."

Bruck turned an accusing glare at Obi-Wan. "Damn it, Kenobi! You couldn't wait until your trails?"

Obi-Wan just smiled smugly and licked his lips. "No."

Bant leaned forward curiously. "But what about Maul?" she asked and Obi-Wan waved her off.

"That was just a one-time thing..." Saas-Li cleared her throat meaningfully. Obi-Wan glared at her. "...Okay two-time..." Saas-Li coughed. "OKAY! That was just a five-time thing and that was IT!"

"Five times?" Bant squealed? "When did you manage to...."

"I don't want to talk about it," Obi-Wan growled as he picked up the datapad and stared at it. Bant gave her friend a long look before she turned to Saas-Li. The Calamarian gave her a 'you and I are going to talk later' look.

"Shall we continue?" Saas-Li asked in dulcet tones. Obi-Wan grunted.

7. Failed padawan is given important suicide mission.

Another flat silence fell until Bruck nodded. "As long as the suicide mission is to Castle Anthrax, I wouldn't mind," he noted with a wide grin. "Just a little more peril..." he mimicked and was pelted with muffins from around the table.

"You perv!" Bant grated.

"Monte Python was outlawed by the Republic for a reason, Padawan Chun," Desrin said firmly though it was obvious he was trying not to snicker.

"Just because they made a sketch out of Senator Palpatine's stupid parrot was no reason...." Bruck began heatedly but Obi-Wan cut him off.

"Let's not have this argument again," he said leaned over to touch Bruck's hand. "One day the Senate will see the light and legalize Python again. We have to have faith in the Force."

Bruck sat back with a pout. "Meanwhile, the Hutts are making killing off of black market Monty."

Desrin sighed. "I know that was your idea, Bruck. You knew you shouldn't have mentioned it to Cabola the Hutt when you were drunk."

Bruck sank deeper in his chair and growled under his breath.

"Well this one looks interesting," Obi-Wan said as he glanced over the next FP possibility.

8. Failed padawan's essence is absorbed into his master and/or a holocron, a Council member, an infant, a Kaiburr crystal, etc. and his body is either burned or ceases to exist, etc.

The five young Jedi looked at each other and then four pairs of eyes turned back to their leader.

"Are you sure that's what it says, Obi?" Desrin asked, looking perplexed.

"What's a Kaiburr?" Saas-Li asked curiously.

"What's a holocron?" Bant queried.

"I would think absorbing a padawan would give someone terrific indigestion," Bruck said absently. His four friends just looked at him. "What?"

"Ah-hem. Back to the list," Obi-Wan said.

9. Failed padawan is cut loose with admonition not to use the Force for evil and 100 credits plus his boots.

"Wow! One hundred whole credits?" Desrin asked, rolling his eyes.

"And we get to keep the boots!" Bruck setting his feet on the table and admiring his Jedi issued padawan boot. "Quite comfy, these."

"You are so easily amused," Saas-Li stated.

"And you are entirely too hard to please," Bruck replied with a sniff.

"Okay, on with the countdown," Obi-Wan interrupted the two. "And the number ten Council Approved Career Path for Failed Jedi Padawans is...."

10. Failed padawan becomes part of temple's Force-sensitive brothel for use in coddling foreign diplomats and influential Senators.

"I like that one too!" Bruck stated with a wide smile.

Saas-Li rolled her eyes. "You would, Chun," she grated.

"You know, I remember seeing a few former padawans in the senate halls when I've gone with Qui-Gon to testify before the Senate," Obi-Wan said thoughtfully. "They were certainly not dressed conservatively."

"Now that you mention it, I do recall Master Mace mentioning something about calling in the reserves when they were dealing with a particularly obstinate diplomat," Desrin agreed. "I wonder if they really..." His voice trailed off as the five apprentices glanced at each other.

"That would be impossible. We run the Temple," Saas-Li stated logically. "We would know if there was a brothel here." She snorted. "Bruck would practically live there."

"But it wouldn't necessarily be here in the Temple, would it?" Bant pointed out logically. The other four padawans looked at her. "Well, would it?"

"No, it wouldn't," Obi-Wan agreed. "But there must be a link we can find." He ran his fingers through his hair and then laughed. "This is all just a joke anyway. My master left that list to scare me into being good until my Trials are called." He tried to sound confident although he began chewing on his lower lip.

"I don't think it is, Obi-Wan," Desrin said, his golden eyes unfocused. When he glanced up again, he was pale. "What about that Senate sub-committee that we could never figure out? The one that only meets every now and then? And we could never get someone inside to find out why?"

"The Senate Acquisitions and Diplomatic Entertainment Committee?" Bant asked softly.

"That's the one," Desrin nodded slowly.

The five padawans looked stunned for a moment before Obi-Wan summed up their feeling.


There was a small stampede as five padawans ran from the conference room to the nearest computer terminal. Saas-Li got to the seat first and pulled up all the information they had gathered on the sub-committee. They all leaned over her shoulder and read the information available.

"That doesn't tell us anything!" Bruck snorted. "Afternoon Tea with the Senate and Diplomatic breakfast buffets."

"It says they are hosted by the Jedi," Saas-Li pointed out. "But it doesn't list any names."

"Can you get into their private information?" Obi-Wan asked intently.

The pale padawan looked at the screen thoughtfully and then shook her head. "Not without alerting them to our presence," she finally said.

Obi-Wan looked up and caught Desrin's eyes. "Could you?"

The younger padawan nodded and motioned Saas-Li out of the seat. He poised his fingers over the keyboard for a moment as he settled himself into a meditative trance. Then his fingers started to move over the keys at a high speed, screens blinking in and out as the apprentice expertly surfed through the best security in the galaxy.

"They weren't kidding when they wanted to keep sentients out," Bant murmured.

"Sentients in general or us in particular?" Obi-Wan asked, his eyes darkening. Then his gaze moved slightly to the left, absently taking note of the time. "Sith!"

The padawans around him jumped as he ran back into the conference room and picked up the comp pad. Then he was heading for the doors.

"I have to meet Qui-Gon in about five minutes. Des, let me know what you find as soon as you find it!"

Three padawans watched their leader rush out the doors as Desrin waved absently, his attention plastered primarily to his computer. Then the young man straightened.

"Got it!" he crowed as his eyes again focused on the screen and a list popped up. "A list of their hosts and assignments."

The padawans were quiet for a long while.

"I recognize some of those names," Saas-Li stated quietly. "That one - Elixa O'milin - wasn't she Master Os'rix first padawan?"

"But they said she turned to the Dark!" Desrin objected and then bit his tongue. Surely not.

"Scroll down, Des. I want to see the names at the bottom of the list," Saas-Li said, quietly breaking the sudden silence.

"I'm sure there are none that we know," Desrin replied. Saas-Li said nothing but gestured to the screen. "We don't want to know this," he muttered under his breath as he and scrolled down the list. Towards the bottom was a name all four padawans knew.

"Xanatos Chiyari," Bant read into the silence. "And what function does he host, Des?"

There was a long hesitation before Desrin touched a few keys. Another list appeared and the padawan sighed silently. "The Diplomatic Residents' Buffet," he said before he quickly touched more keys and the screen went blank.

None of them spoke as they gazed at each other with stricken expressions. They all knew Master Jinn habitually attended that buffet whenever he was on-planet 'to stay on top of information in diplomatic circles'. Obi-Wan had frequently mentioned being glad his master didn't demand his presence at the boring thing.

"Should we tell him?" Desrin asked, a hesitant tone in his voice.

"Of course, we should tell him," Saas-Li snapped. "His master is playing him for a fool!"

"But we don't know that for certain, Saas-Li!" Desrin stated.

"It seems pretty straightforward, Des," Bruck said as he sank into a nearby chair, his voice low. He'd always looked up to and respected Master Jinn, had envied Obi-Wan his legendary master. Now, if the evidence was to be believed, Master Jinn was betraying Obi-Wan.

"We have to tell Obi-Wan regardless of what we think is correct," Bant suddenly said, her tone uncompromising. "He will want the information and if we don't get it for him, he'll get it anyway and then see we were hiding it from him." The Calamarian shook her head. "We need to present him with the facts and let him do what he will."

Her companions didn't really have a response for that. Bruck tapped his fingers against the terminal and then heaved a long sigh. The others looked at him curiously.

"I was just thinking that maybe 100 credits and my boots wouldn't be such a bad bargain," he said softly.

Saas-Li crossed her arms and glared. "I think you should go with a lobotomy. It would really raise your chances to get a date."


Three Weeks Later

Obi-Wan watched quietly as his master moved through their apartment, gathering his robe and making himself ready to attend the Diplomatic Residents' Buffet. It was a function he attended without fail whenever they were on planet, usually two or three times a week.

And Qui-Gon looked good.

Oh, his master always maintained a dignified and well-turned out image but for the last two weeks that Obi-Wan had paid attention, the padawan had noted that his master took extra care with his appearance on the days he attended this particular function. His clothing was always freshly pressed and - Obi-Wan sniffed the air carefully - faintly scented with dark spiced cinnamon, something the elder Jedi had always scoffed at whenever his padawan dared to try it. Qui-Gon's boots were also buffed to perfection and his brown hair was mysteriously missing its usual distinguished strands of gray (marks that Obi-Wan prided himself in having put there).

These things weren't something that Obi-Wan had ever noted before. He'd always made certain he was absent on the days Qui-Gon attended the buffet, as he didn't want to get saddled into going. Early on in his apprenticeship, Qui-Gon had made his padawan come with him to the function and Obi-Wan clearly remembered the breadth and scope of the boredom he'd endured during that duty.

The next time Qui-Gon went, he'd offered his apprentice the choice to come with him or not and Obi-Wan had wasted no time in saying he had studies to see to. He had wondered at the time at his master's smugly pleased expression but had put it down to his master being glad Obi-Wan was studying. Now, the padawan knew there was an entirely different reason for that expression.

As Qui-Gon settled his robe into place a final time, Obi-Wan rose from the couch he'd been seated on, supposedly reading over his homework but watching as his master made himself ready to go out and betray him.

"Obi-Wan," the master had said with a gentle smile. "I expect to be back late this afternoon. We may have to postpone our sparring match."

The padawan just returned his master's smile. "Don't worry," he said in a calm tone. "I thought I would come with you and give the Diplomatic Residents' Buffet another chance."

Qui-Gon stilled as he watched his padawan's serene smile. "What?"

Obi-Wan just picked up his cloak from the couch and put it on. "You're always telling me how vital it is to stay abreast of current events," he replied. "I thought since you were so eager for me to contemplate my upcoming trials seriously, I might want to start making the connections a Jedi Diplomat needs for missions."

His master was doing a good job hiding the panic that must be coursing through his system at this point. Obi-Wan had never doubted his teacher's abilities to maintain his serenity even in the most trying of circumstances. It was why he had chosen Qui-Gon Jinn as his master in the first place.

"But Obi-Wan, you hated going to this event the last time you went with me," Qui-Gon noted as he settled his robe again. "So much so, in fact, that I allowed you to choose not to attend it again."

"I was fourteen, Master," the padawan replied with a sheepish grin as he moved turned and moved towards the door, his master following slowly in his wake. "Besides, I've seen how rarely a diplomat actually enjoys these receptions. It will be good practice for me if I'm to take up your path after my trials. You've often hinted that such a course would please you."

"I would never force you to do something you were not comfortable with, Padawan," Qui-Gon responded as he caught up to his apprentice in the hallway and took the lead as they headed for the lifts. Obi-Wan just laughed.

"What about that time on Hlithic Prime, Master?" the padawan pointed out. "You said having to attend the Youth's Triennium would be beneficial despite having to wear only feathers and a g-string as was 'customary'."

"That was different, Padawan," Qui-Gon said firmly. "That was for the benefit of the mission."

"I read the mission briefing you submitted, Master, and the Triennium wasn't even mentioned," Obi-Wan replied. "And then there was the time on Seibus 7 when the Holy Abbess wanted to borrow my services to polish all the silver bowls in her chapel despite the fact that she had scores of acolytes to do that chore. You can't tell me you thought that was comfortable. My hands cramped all that night. I couldn't even hold my lightsaber."

"I could hardly deny the Abbess her one request," Master Jinn responded calmly as the pair came to a halt before the lifts. The older Jedi touched the call button before he turned to his apprentice. "We had just witnessed her Ordination and it was beneficial to show her that Jedi apprentices were just as useful as her own students."

Obi-Wan's eyes narrowed just a bit before his face assumed his normally serene expression. "Of course you couldn't," Padawan Kenobi responded neutrally. "And if I remember correctly, while I spent my time so 'usefully' in the chapel, you spent your evening at a diplomatic dinner with food and....entertainment brought in from Coruscant in honor of the Master Jedi gracing the Ordination."

"Padawan, that mission was almost four years ago," Qui-Gon noted with a raised brow. "I had no idea you were still bitter about the Abbess's request. Perhaps you should meditate on that this afternoon rather than accompanying me."

Obi-Wan just shook his head. "I do not carry any bitterness about any of our missions, Master," he said quietly. "I have learned much from you during our time together and wouldn't change anything."

There was silence for a moment between them as the lift doors opened and Master Adi Gallia stepped off the lift accompanied by her padawan, Bant. The master's smile was sincere as she greeted her friend. Their two padawans stood respectfully silent at their sides.

"Qui-Gon," she said with a smile. "I am glad to catch you. I thought you'd certainly be going to the Diplomatic Buffet today."

Master Jinn nodded. "We are on our way there now," he replied.

"Oh, but..." Master Gallia began, a look of surprise crossing her face for just a moment as her eyes darted towards Obi-Wan.

The apprentice showed no expression as he realized that Master Gallia must know why his master attended the Diplomat's Buffet so regularly and obviously didn't think it was a problem. He wondered who else knew of his master's 'visits' to the function.

"Obi-Wan has requested to go with me," Qui-Gon said quietly. "With his trials coming so soon, he wishes to establish his contacts as a diplomat."

"I see," Adi said softly before he nodded to her friend. "Then I will try to speak with you later," she said. "Come along, Bant."

"Yes, Master," the Calamarian said quietly though her silver gaze held Obi-Wan's for a moment, her compassion and sympathy for him plain in her expression.

Then she was gone and Obi-Wan turned back to his master, indicating the open lift door with a nod. "Shall we go, Master?"

Master Jinn studied his apprentice for a long moment, "You are certain you wish to go with me?"

"Yes, Master, I'm certain I will find it very enlightening," Obi-Wan responded with no expression other than his habitually serene gaze. If Master Jinn suddenly realized he hadn't seen anything other than that expression for several weeks, he kept that realization behind his own peaceful gaze.

"Then come along, Padawan," he said as they stepped into the lift.

Obi-Wan would always remember his first sight of the supposedly Darkened padawan as Master Jinn walked through the doorways into the vast garden that surrounded the Diplomat's Buffet. Xanatos had been even more handsome than Obi-Wan remembered from the few pictures of him he'd been able to find in the archives. The man had aged very well with not a wrinkle nor a gray hair to be seen.

Xanatos stood, tall and serene, near the tables that held native food from the homeworlds of the guests present. He wore an outfit of red silk that fit him like a second skin covered with a voluminous open sleeveless robe of fine gold material. His black hair was thick and long, falling almost to his waist, and decorated with tiny beaded braids throughout.

But the image that would stay with Obi-Wan for long years to come was the man's expression when he caught sight of Qui-Gon Jinn walking slowly towards him. Xanatos' face lit up with a joyful look that Obi-Wan guessed he might have seen on his own face directed at Qui-Gon a few times in the past.

It was then in a sudden flash of insight, that Obi-Wan realized that Xanatos truly loved Qui-Gon no matter what his master might have felt for his ex-padawan. With a smile, Xanatos' hand crept up and his fingers twined around a single braid as he watched Qui-Gon walk toward him.

Obi-Wan hadn't been able to stop his hand from reaching up to touch his own braid, a mirror of the one that fell from just behind Xanatos' left ear and decorated with the same beads - gifts from Qui-Gon. He suddenly remembered the last time he and Qui-Gon had made love and his master's fingers wrapped securely around his braid. Qui-Gon seldom touched his padawan's shorn, russet hair but always, always held tightly onto that braid.

The motion of Obi-Wan's hand moving brought Xanatos' attention to the young man directly two steps behind and to the left of the approaching Jedi master. The apprentice watched as the host's eyes widened and then flickered back to Qui-Gon with a question.

Qui-Gon, however, just stopped a few steps in front of the host and gave him a half bow. "Xanatos," he greeted softly. "You look radiant as ever."

Xanatos returned his bow. "Master Jinn, you are welcome here," he replied, his voice a clear, smooth tenor. "I am glad to see you returned."

Qui-Gon shared a long look with the host before he stepped to the side and gestured to his silent apprentice. "This is my padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi," he said in an almost gentle tone as if he were afraid he'd hurt the man just with the words.

Another flash of insight hit Obi-Wan between the time his master uttered those words and the moment when Xanatos bright, oddly innocent, blue eyes met his again. Qui-Gon loved Xanatos and Xanatos didn't know about Obi-Wan's relationship with his master.

With a tight clamp on his emotions, Obi-Wan gave the man a brief, correct half-bow. "An honor to meet you," he said. Xanatos gave him a bright smile.

"And you, Obi-Wan Kenobi," the man replied, his tone almost child-like. "Qui-Gon speaks of you often and always with praise." Xanatos leaned forward as if he were sharing a secret. "I do so love to hear of your adventures when Qui-Gon gets back from his missions."

"I'm sure he likes to tell you about them," the apprentice returned with a smile.

"Will you both be staying for the afternoon?" the man asked with a glance towards Qui-Gon. "We can request a companion for Obi-Wan so that he doesn't feel lonely."

"That won't be necessary," Obi-Wan said quickly. "I won't be staying too long." He gave the host a reassuring grin when Xanatos' expression fell. "I have much to study back at the Temple."

"Well if you must," Xanatos sighed, reaching out to clasp Obi-Wan's hand briefly. "But I do hope you return soon. I would love to ask you questions about your journeys." There was a wistful, almost aching expression in the man's blue eyes but it swiftly disappeared, replaced by happiness as he let go of the apprentice's hand and turned back to Qui-Gon. "I have saved your favorite table and will be able to join you soon. Almost everyone who registered is here."

"That is good, Xan, thank you."

The former padawan beamed up at Qui-Gon and then bowed as the master Jedi led his padawan towards a table that was near the buffet but pushed back into a private alcove in the trees. The pair of Jedi seated themselves silently, each watching the cordial host greeting the newest arrival. The expression on Xanatos' face was nothing to what it had been on Qui-Gon's arrival.

"What happened to him?" Obi-Wan finally asked though he didn't look at his master.

"He was injured on our last mission, brain damage. The damage was irreversible by the time we'd reached help."

Obi-Wan finally turned his gaze back to his master, who was intently studying the glass of sweet wine that had been waiting for him when they sat down.

"Why is he here?"

Qui-Gon didn't answer for a long minute. Then his words were snarled. "The Council didn't want to waste any of its valuable training. Instead of sending him home, they placed him here."

"You love him."

The Jedi master finally looked up at his apprentice. "Yes. We were to bond on his knighting."

Obi-Wan blinked and he suddenly felt his hurt and anger clawing to get out from where he had pushed it down inside him.

"Then why me?" he was finally able to whisper.

"I love you too, Obi-Wan," came the soft reply.

"But not as much as him."

Qui-Gon looked resigned. "Obi, I love you both in different ways..." he began but Obi-Wan cut him off.

"You don't love me as much as you love him." It was a statement and Obi-Wan could see the answer in his master's eyes. He was just waiting for Qui-Gon to say it.

"No, I don't."

The padawan looked at his master for a long moment, all the hurt and anger and pain there in his eyes, plain to see. The all at once, that green gaze was blank and serene. Qui-Gon almost flinched.

"Thank you for telling me, Master," Obi-Wan said quietly as he stood.

Qui-Gon caught his hand.

"Obi-Wan, that doesn't mean I don't love you, it just means...."

"I understand, Master," he interrupted as he pulled his hand away. "Please give Xanatos my regards. I will see you back at the Temple."

And before Qui-Gon could say anything else, Obi-Wan was gone, moving across the garden with that uncanny grace he was legendary for at the Temple. The Jedi master watched his padawan go with a worried gaze.

Whenever he was sad or in emotional pain, Obi-Wan instinctively sought out the highest point he could possibly find. The higher the location, the worse the problem.

That afternoon found the Jedi padawan seated on a little used catwalk running between the highest floors of the Senate building and its nearest neighbor, the Roblex, a building which, while immense, held only the staff and equipment used to maintain the Senate.

The Jedi perched his chin on the thin railing and studied the infinite emptiness and traffic that flew past far below his dangling feet. He sighed deeply and wondered if he had finally reached a point where he didn't care if he were knighted or not. The Temple would take care of itself and he could go off on missions and never see Qui-Gon Jinn again.


Obi-Wan blinked a moment before he looked up in total shock at the smooth, honeyed voice behind him. He twisted to find Darth Maul towering over him in the darkness.

After a moment of silence, the figure stepped forward and sat down beside the stunned Jedi, swinging his legs over the catwalk and staring down into the Coruscant late night traffic.

"I thought you'd be here."

Obi-Wan was still staring at him.

"Saas-Li called me. She said you were upset," the Sith said. "You wanna talk about it?"

The padawan snapped his jaw shut. "Who are you and what have you done with Maul?" he asked flatly. His companion just chuckled, a dark, smooth sound.

"I have the ability to be compassionate. I just never use it," he stated. "Now, do you want me to kill Jinn or not?"

"No!" Obi-Wan yelped and then said it more quietly. "No. This is my problem. I'll deal with it myself."

"Your problem?" The Sith sounded mocking. "He's cheated on you the entirety of your intimate relationship and it's your problem?"

Obi-Wan stiffened and his hands fisted on the catwalk railing. "It's not like I didn't cheat on him," he finally replied.

Maul snorted again. "That was you trying to keep me sane," he stated. "They were pity-fucks, nothing more."

The Jedi heard the bitter undertone to Maul's words and turned to catch the Sith's chin and looked directly into his golden-rimmed eyes.

"No they weren't, Maul," he snapped firmly. "That was me cheating on my master with an extremely attractive partner." He jerked his hand back but held his companion's gaze. "I don't do pity-fucks."

Obi-Wan held Maul's gaze for a moment longer before he perched his chin back on the catwalk railing and stared out at the evening traffic. His lips twitched as he heard a slightly bewildered "Oh," beside him. That had to be the least confident thing the padawan had ever heard from the Sith.

"Why didn't you ever say anything?" Maul finally asked, his voice neutral.

"I'm a Jedi. You're a Sith. It would never work," he replied with a wistful tone.

"Why not? A Jedi is just a Sith in good lighting," Maul stated with conviction. "You don't need Jinn or the Jedi. You could help me take over the Republic. We could have a lot of fun together running the Senate. We could admit Jabba the Hutt as an official planet."

The padawan didn't look up. "I don't want to be a Sith apprentice forever, Maul, and I couldn't kill you to be the master."

"Who said anything about being an apprentice?" the Sith snorted and tried not to beam at the fact that Obi-Wan had obviously thought about it. "I was thinking equal standing. That whole Master/Apprentice thing didn't work out too well for me."

Obi-Wan did look up then. He looked a bit sheepish. "I'm sorry about having to kill your master, Maul. But he was trying to get into my pants at the time."

The Sith just snorted. "He was an old bastard. I was able to get all his passwords before the Hutts disintegrated him. He thought I was going to try and get him out." Maul ground his teeth and growled. "Like I would after he'd made the moves on you."

The padawan just rolled his eyes. "My hero."

Maul leered at him. "Can't say as I blame him though," he stated and while the expression would frighten children, now that leer just made Obi-Wan chuckle. He gave the Sith a half-smile.

"Thanks, I guess."

"Actually, I should be thanking you. When I checked his files, he was planning to get rid of me soon anyway. He was going after some guy named CooCoo next."

The Jedi looked up and snickered. "Darth CooCoo?"

"Yeah," Maul snorted. "Strikes terror in the heart, don't it?"

The two sat there a while longer, watching the traffic sail by beneath them.

"Thanks for coming, Maul," Obi-Wan finally said as he leaned his head against the metal rail and stared down at the endlessness beneath them.

Maul turned to gaze at his companion. After a moment, he said, "Kenobi, you made the last seven years livable. If it weren't for you, I'd be a lot more insane than I am."

"I hope you're not using Palpatine as your measure for sanity," Obi-Wan said, a sleek brow arching.

"Blast Palpatine! I'm trying to thank you, you stupid Jedi," the Sith growled as he leaned close. Obi-Wan didn't back away, but held his friend's eyes.

"You're welcome, Maul," he said softly. "You're very welcome."

"Am I?" came the soft question as dark-skinned fingers wrapped around Obi-Wan's hand and brought it to Maul's lips. The Sith gently kissed the back of the padawan's hand, then turned it over to caress his palm with another kiss before Maul settled his cheek in Obi-Wan's palm.

The young Jedi felt the feather touches of Maul's lips with a shiver and when the Sith lay his cheek in his palm, Obi-Wan couldn't help but caress the smooth, red and black skin. When he felt the Sith's hand at the back of his neck, drawing him closer, Obi-Wan didn't resist Maul's kiss. He just closed his eyes and fell into the amazing passion that always flared between them, a passion that called to the darkness that the padawan had never acknowledged until he was with Maul.

"Come with me, Obi-Wan," Maul whispered against his lips. "Let me show you things in the Force that Jinn never even dreamed of."

"Please don't ask me that," the padawan pleaded, "I can't come with you."

"Why?" he asked harshly as he caught Obi-Wan's face between his dark hands. "Because you think it's wrong or because you don't want to leave Jinn?"

"Because I don't want to betray the Jedi," Obi-Wan replied gently, his eyes bright. Maul could feel the conflict of Obi-Wan's loyalty to himself or Jinn but there was no negotiating Obi-Wan's loyalty to the Jedi.

Maul stared at him a long time before he pulled Obi-Wan into his arms. "Damn but you make it hard to be with you, Kenobi," he grated. "Jinn doesn't deserve you."

"He won't be having me anymore," Obi-Wan replied and Maul felt the padawan's arms twining around his waist as Obi-Wan's head rested against his chest. Gently, Maul ran his fingers through the padawan's short, red-gold hair. The padawan sighed and he realized that while Maul hardly ever touched his braid, the Sithboy loved to run his fingers through Obi-Wan's hair.

"You know, Kenobi, you'll be taking your Trials soon," Maul said thoughtfully.

"So?" came the muffled response. Obi-Wan wasn't planning on moving anytime soon.

"Sooooo, your master will need a new assignment, right?"

The apprentice went still for a moment before he leaned back and looked up at Maul.


Maul grinned suddenly and Obi-Wan got shivers down his back. With fear or desire, he wasn't quite certain.

"Well, what if his name just happened to be submitted to the Senate Acquisitions and Diplomatic Entertainment Committee as a possible Host?" The Sith gave a dark chuckle. "Or even as a Manager. It's completely Jedi sanctioned after all." He didn't mention that while names went into the committee, they very rarely came out.

Obi-Wan reared back, his eyes wide. "You know about that committee?" he blurted.

"Of course," his companion said. "Palpatine used to keep an eye out for disgruntled padawans as likely apprentices to keep me on my toes. He did have some favorites though. He'd sometimes maneuver himself into a diplomat's post so he could get into their exclusive breakfast buffet. It was hosted by an ex-padawan he was constantly trying to bed with absolutely no luck whatsoever."

"Xanatos?" Obi-Wan asked weakly.

"You know him?" Maul asked, surprised.

"Know of him," the padawan said with a weary sigh. Maul's lips pressed together as he put two and two together and got Jinn + Xanatos = Upset Obi-Wan.

"My master tried to recruit him any number of times," Maul continued, wondering if he could take out Xanatos without Kenobi figuring out he did it. But then Jinn might actually take an interest in Obi-Wan and he couldn't have that either. What to do, what to do...?

"He did?"

"Hummm, yes, but Xanatos was totally impervious to his Mind Whammy. Used to piss the old rancor right off." Maul grinned gleefully. "Besides, I've heard Xanatos absolutely loves his job."

"He does?" Obi-Wan squeaked, not able to imagine the child-like Xan he'd met this afternoon and the Senate Slut that Maul was describing.

"Oh yes. He's got a reputation for being the best lay in the Senate." The Sith leered. "Now I've never actually met anyone who bedded him but the reputation stands and Palpatine used to froth at the mouth whenever Xanatos just blew him off. And not in a good way."

Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes and glared. "You started those rumors, didn't you?"

Maul's gold-rimmed eyes widened with a look of innocence that totally failed. "I don't know what you mean."

"I can't believe you did that to your master," the Jedi apprentice said in awed tones. "Stars, the things you learn from a Sith," he finally said.

Maul looked at him with glee. "See? There is any number of things I could teach you."

The padawan glared at him. "Maul."

"So, what do you think?" Maul asked, hoping for a distraction. "After your trials, we get your master reassigned as part of the diplomat's buffet?"

Obi-Wan looked thoughtful. "Maybe as a Diplomatic Manager or something," he said. "Excellent idea, Maul. I can just set that little assignment in motion before my trails. I'll ask Desrin about it, see what we can come up with. Then Qui-Gon and Xanatos could be together and I wouldn't have to see either one of them. Cause Force knows I am not going to be a diplomat."

He beamed at his companion and then leaned forward to give him a quick, hot kiss. Maul held him tightly until the padawan pulled away just enough to look into those red-gold eyes. He grinned as he considered his master officially and permanently assigned as a Manager with his supposedly-turned-to-the-Dark padawan. It would drive Qui-Gon insane inside a year to be stuck on planet.

And Xanatos...well he'd just have to get used to having Qui-Gon around constantly. From the man's expression earlier, Obi-Wan didn't think Xanatos would have a problem with that.

Then with Qui-Gon out of the way - and not encouraging his padawan to diplomatic missions he hated - Obi-Wan could arrange to stay near Coruscant and keep his iron control of the Temple and its Jedi. With the padawans he had behind him now, nothing would happen that he didn't know about. He might even look into replacing a few of the more unbending Council Members.

Oh yes, he could handle that. He chuckled wickedly.

"That's it, my Obi-Wan," Maul purred as caressed the padawan's face. "Embrace the Dark side."

Obi-Wan scowled at him. "That's not funny, Maul," he snapped.

The Sith just shrugged. "Hope springs eternal," he replied.

Six Months Later

Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi moved through the Temple halls with the cunning and stealthy grace that drew eyes to his form even from those within the Order. Despite the fact that he'd had one of the longest apprenticeships ever recorded in the history of the Temple, Knight Kenobi was thought to be a credit to his very proud master, Qui-Gon Jinn.

Not only was he a shining example to padawans everywhere only having a few minor and forgettable Incidents in his past but Obi-Wan Kenobi hadn't even had to take his trials. The pure young man had been attacked by a Sith - a Sith - no doubt intending to extinguish the light of the Force that shone in Obi-Wan's clear green eyes. Instead, after a long and exhausting duel within the very halls of the Senate, the Sith had found itself impaled on Obi-Wan's bright blue blade.

Unfortunately, the black and red skinned being had died in agony before he could be interrogated but the fight itself had been ruled grueling enough to stand for Obi-Wan's Trials. Master Yoda himself had taken Padawan Kenobi's braid while his master stood beside them and announced that Obi-Wan was a padawan no longer but now stood within the honored ranks of the Knights of the Jedi.

Now the noble young man moved along the corridors with a stately grace that was the envy of many a knight and master that he passed. He obviously had business elsewhere if the serious expression on his handsome face was any indication. Indeed, Knight Kenobi seemed to be quite busy during the month since his knighting and many sentients wondered what could be keeping the young man from the social areas of the Temple. Some of the Jedi, frustrated with their inability to corner the comely knight, had thought to query his former master but Qui-Gon Jinn seemed to be completely absent from the Temple since his padawan's knighting. On a mission, no doubt, as Master Jinn was one of the most capable diplomats the Order had ever turned out.

For his part, Knight Kenobi was well aware of the stares he drew from his fellow Jedi but brushed them off as unimportant. He had somewhere to be and people waiting for him there so he increased his pace again - without seeming to, of course, one did not just run about in the halls of the Jedi - and moved into the more deserted parts of the Temple within a few minutes.

With a faint smile and a quick check of the area with the Force to be certain he had not been followed, Obi-Wan stepped into the old elevator that would take him into the underground areas long forgotten by the majority of the Temple. A few moments later, he was standing before the rusted double doors that led to the area where he now spent most of his time.

Carefully, he placed his palm on the reader to the side of the doors and sighed happily at the chime and the light, feminine voice greeting, "Welcome Junior Knight." Then the doors slid open and Obi-Wan walked into Padawan Central.

"Hi, Obi-Wan," called several voices across the room. He grinned and nodded at each speaker before he moved over to stand beside his second in command, Padawan Desrin Naberrie.

"Good morning, Desrin," the junior knight greeted his friend. The senior padawan nodded in reply as he finished typing and then glanced up with a smile.

"Hey, Obi," he replied as he leaned back rubbing his eyes.

"Anything happening that I should know about?"

The black-haired padawan shook his head. "Nothing much is really going on at the moment though we have had development in Knight Venah's situation on Endor."

Obi-Wan gave his friend a curious look. Desrin actually looked as if he were about to snicker and considering that Knight Venah had been kidnapped a few weeks before by a group of the indigent population that was somewhat inappropriate.

"It seems that the little furballs that live on the moon have decided to set Venah up as some kind of god and will agree to leave the settlers alone if they can keep him."

The new knight blinked at his friend's words before his lips twitched just the slightest bit.

"And what kind of god have they set him up as, Padawan Naberrie?" Obi-Wan asked, remembering the Dom and Sub fiasco Knight Venah had last been involved in.

"You really don't want to know, Obi," Desrin replied, his smirk finally overcoming his control of his expression. "But I suggest we send in a retrieval team before he permanently changes the Ewoks'...religion.

"If we must," Knight Kenobi sighed. "If you're certain we can't leave him there, send in Knight Ebakka and her padawan to get Venah. I don't think those little furballs will stand a chance against a wookie in her prime."

Desrin smirked again and then tapped out a few commands on his computer. "I'll let Bant know about the change of assignments for Ebakka when she gets here."

"And once they bring Venah back, have Bant assign him to Temple work for a few weeks. I think I'll speak with Qui-Gon about having the Senate Acquisitions and Diplomatic Entertainment Committee finding him a more suitable placement though would keep him out of trouble," Obi-Wan noted calmly. "With his experience, I don't doubt they'll find an excellent placement for him."

Desrin glanced up, one sleek, dark brow raised. "And how fares Master Jinn in his new assignment?" he asked as he leaned back.

Obi-Wan glanced away for a moment with a faint smile. "I believe Master Jinn is enjoying his stint away from planetary diplomacy," he said quietly. "I am certain Xanatos is quite happy with him being there."

The padawan studied his friend. "And how are you dealing with it?" Desrin asked softly.

Obi-Wan's eyes focused again on Desrin. "I find I am becoming fond of Xanatos," he said in a slightly surprised tone. "He is completely without guile, at least as far as I can tell, and completely in love with Qui-Gon." Obi-Wan leaned against Desrin's terminal as he continued thoughtfully. "I think Xan comes as close to giving unconditional love as anyone I've ever seen and after spending a lifetime negotiating conditions for others, Qui-Gon needs that. He's very protective of Xanatos."

The pair was quiet for a moment until Desrin reached out to gently touch his friend's arm.

"It seems to me that there's a certain freshman Senator from Naboo - the ward of former Senator Palpatine, in fact - that looks at you with as close to an expression of unconditional love as I've ever seen," he noted with a slight smile. "Though I don't think the 'completely without guile' part can really be used to describe him."

Obi-Wan felt his thoughtful mood fall away as he chuckled. "Nooooo, I don't think you could use that to describe Sevo in any way," he said as he straightened. "Are there any other matters you need me for this afternoon? I have a meeting with the aforementioned senator for a..."

"Debriefing?" Desrin asked with a snicker as he turned back to his terminal. "Nothing that can't wait until tomorrow. Saas-Li still wants to know where you got that Maul clone. Seems she has an idea to run past you concerning building an army for the Republic. Something about one of the padawan Seers having a vision about that DooKu nut."

Obi-Wan nodded absently, making a mental note to ask Maul...or rather, Sevo...if he knew the whereabouts of the man whom Sidious wanted to replace him with. Maybe he'd ask Qui-Gon as well. DooKu had, after all, been Qui-Gon's master before he'd left the Order.

"Ask her to meet with me tomorrow morning and bring the Seer in question," the young Knight replied. "We need to have a meeting of the senior padawans after that as well." Obi-Wan gave his fellow Jedi a knowing look. "It seems we'll have to address the fact that yet another padawan from our group is looking at their Trials."

Desrin blushed slightly. His expression wavered between pleased and worried. "Sorry, Obi," he finally said, biting his lip. "Master was talking about it last night and I hadn't had a chance to tell you." He glanced up at his friend, his golden eyes wary. "Do you think, maybe...?" His words faded and then he took a deep breath and started again. "I want to be knighted, I truly do. But I want to work here as well. What I do is important and I was hoping since you were able to stay that maybe I could as well."

The words tumbled out of Desrin's mouth in an uncharacteristic display of babbling and Obi-Wan just smiled as he reached out to grip his friend's shoulder.

"Breathe, Desrin," he said and Desrin quickly went silent, his eyes wide and worried as he met his friend's gaze. "I don't have any plans for letting my Second in Command go anytime soon, Des," he stated firmly. "That's what the meeting tomorrow will be for." Obi-Wan dropped his arm and glanced around the room he'd spent so much of his youth here since being officially introduced here by Yoda's last padawan, Th'ien, so many years ago.

"I think the tradition of being mind-wiped on knighting needs to be changed in some instances and we're the ones who will change it. It was useful when the Temple was young and the expected lifespan of knights was low. But now that's not a problem and we have too much time and talent invested here to lose it to what is 'traditional'." The new knight looked back at his best friend. "I think we should choose the best suited to running the Temple and keep them close. The Order is becoming stronger every day and the Temple is at the heart of that strength. With everything that is happening out there in the galaxy right now, I don't think we can afford to change that. What do you think?"

He looked down at his friend and Desrin's beaming expression answered his question. "I think you're right, Obi. I'll schedule the meeting for tomorrow after second meal."

"Good," Obi-Wan grinned at Desrin then nodded as he moved away. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Try not to get in trouble at the Senate this time, Obi-Wan," Desrin called after him.

Obi-Wan turned back to him with a pout. "That wasn't my fault!" he insisted as he'd been doing the last month. "Can I help it if I'm a Sith magnet?"

Desrin just laughed and waved him off.

Obi-Wan glared at him before he stalked off, muttering under his breath about horny Sith clones and having to fight them off with his saber...his lightsaber, thank you very much.

"Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi to see you, your Excellency," a voice called over the intercom and the newest Senator from Naboo grinned happily. He wasted no time in telling his assistant to allow the young man in. Then he promptly kicked out all his aides and told his assistant he was unavailable for the rest of the afternoon.

"And what do you plan on doing the rest of the afternoon, Senator Halmarin?" an amused voiced asked from the doorway.

Freshman Senator Sevo Halmarin of Naboo glanced up at the form lounging in his doorway and his smile curved into a leer as he stood. Then he sauntered over to the Jedi. He carefully curled his fingers into the pristine white material covering his Obi-Wan's chest and pulled the man into a long, hot kiss. The Jedi wasted no time in pulling his lover closer but Sevo let him go after only a few moments and stepped back.

"Something along those lines, I imagine," he stated in a husky tone as his eyes roamed over Obi-Wan's body.

The knight met Sevo's burning gaze with a melting one of his own as he took the man's hand and dragged him over to the oversized couch that had been installed in the Senator's office for just this reason. Obi-Wan sank down on the couch and pulled Sevo down to straddle his lap.

Instead of giving his lover another kiss, however, Obi-Wan ran his fingers along the lightly tanned skin of his face and into the thick, dark hair that now covered his head. He held his lover's deep, blue eyes and then smiled.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered and was delighted to see his lover blush faintly. Obi-Wan wondered how a man who'd been through as much as his Maul had could still blush at all.

"And you are so full of it," Sevo replied as he pressed his hips forward with a sigh. Obi-Wan responded by caressing spots near his lover's forehead where Maul's horns used to be. The man responded with a hiss of pleasure. "Obiiiii."

The knight moved his fingers down his lover's face again before he grabbed Sevo's hips and held them still.

"So, Sevo, how goes life in the Senate?" he asked with a straight face. The man straddling him gave him a look of disbelief.

"What?" he asked in a strangled tone.

"Well, I always forget to ask these things after we pound each other into puddles of flesh so I need to ask now," Obi-Wan responded with a smirk as his thumbs caressed the fabric encasing Sevo's hips which were quickly becoming tighter

Sevo glared at him. "You're a bastard."

Obi-Wan's thumbs caressed again as he looked up at his flushed lover. "Talk to me now, lover, and I'll scream for you later," he said in a husky tone. Sevo looked down at him, licking his lips thoughtfully as Obi-Wan added in a cajoling tone, "I brought some toys," he noted in a singsong tone as his eyes darted to the bag he'd dropped just inside the door. "I brought the bijmarian vibrating rings."

Maul stilled and closed his eyes. Obi-Wan could feel him drawing on the Force to keep himself from pouncing on his lover. When the man opened his eyes again, there was a thin ring of red around those deep blue irises and Obi-Wan shivered as Sevo leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"Can I tie you down and taste every inch of your skin?" he asked before he slowly licked his lover's earlobe.

"Yes," Obi-Wan gasped as he leaned towards his lover.

"Can I put that cock ring on you and lick you until you're screaming for me to let you come?" he continued as he ran his fingertips up his lover's rapidly hardening shaft. "Which, of course, I won't do until I'm buried so deep inside you even the Force won't be able to tell us apart."

"Yes, please," the Jedi squeaked.

Sevo leaned back and then nodded. "All right then," he said in a rather unsteady tone. "I'll wait."

Obi-Wan stared up at him with glazed eyes that slowly focused on the smug expression Sevo wore. Then he glared.

"I hate you."

Sevo grinned and moved over to sit beside his lover on the couch. "You're the one who wanted to talk."

The Jedi opened his mouth for a moment and then closed it. Now he wore something of a pout but he couldn't really argue. "Sith," he said with an affectionate punch.

"Of course," Sevo stated as he caught and held Obi-Wan's hand. "Things are proceeding nicely here," he began as he traced the lines in his lover's palm. "I've already procured the backing of the Trade Federation using Palpatine's connections. The Haryan Sector may be a small but there are a lot of rich planets there."

Obi-Wan looked thoughtful. "Don't let the Trade Federation get a foothold there or you'll never get them out."

Sevo gave Obi-Wan a look indicating the Jedi was an idiot. "Those planets are mine and I'd have to destroy the Nemoidians if they caused such problems. But I do need their backing and nothing says I can't tease them with the idea of that wealth."

"Of course not," Obi-Wan agreed with a chuckle as the hand not securely held by Sevo worked its way into the tunic covering his lover's chest.

"Other than that, I'm working to overcome the stigma associated with being a new Senator." Sevo rolled his eyes. "Evidently people think a new Senator is an idiot. I'm afraid I had to get a little rough with some of my peers."

Obi-Wan gave Sevo an apprehensive look. "How rough?" he asked but he wasn't sure he wanted to know.

Sevo just shrugged. "Most will recover," he noted. "But I won't be the newest Senator any longer and that's what's important."

The Jedi blinked for a moment and then bit his lip to keep from saying anything about Sevo's methods. The Sith noticed his worry though and wrapped his arm around Obi-Wan's shoulders, pulling him close.

"Obi-Wan, you know I want the Senate," he said gently. "You know my aim is the Chancellorship and eventually, I will get it. But don't question my methods. We agreed that I would have the Senate and leave your Jedi alone and you would have the Temple and leave my Senators alone. By the time I am Chancellor, you'll have complete control of the all the Jedi Temples."

"I already have complete control of the Temples," Obi-Wan pointed out.

"By then, I expect you'll be Head of the Council," Sevo stated calmly as he started undressing his lover. "And between us, we'll make certain the Republic is run as we see fit."

"But Sevo, what about...oh stars!" Obi-Wan gasped as his lover wrapped his fingers around his thick shaft and slowly pumped. He didn't even notice as the bag of toys he'd brought drifted over to the couch and opened by itself.

Sevo reached in and unerringly found the thick, metal ring he loved to see Obi-Wan wearing on his long, hard shaft.

"The time for talk is over, my Obi," the Senator continued in a low voice as the ring was snapped into place and slowly began vibrating. Obi-Wan's hands tightened on his shoulders. "Time for me to make you scream."

"Oh gods. Maul!"

"That's right," Maul said, his tone dark as Obi-Wan became lost in Force enhanced pleasure the Sith was funneling into his lover's body. "Never forget, I am Maul, not Sevo. I am a Sith."

Obi-Wan was vaguely aware of his lover's anger through the pleasure induced haze and said the only thing he could remember at the moment.

"Love you, Maul!" he screamed as he arched back from the tendrils of the Force that slid into his body, preparing him for what was the come. "Love you!"

The Sith watched, his eyes dark with want, as his Jedi screamed again but was unable to come because of the ring vibrating at the base of his cock. Maul loved to see his Obi this way, hard and screaming, begging to come, begging to be taken. And that would come.


But first he had to teach his lover not to question his actions in the Senate. He had plans that not even Obi-Wan would be allowed to interfere with.

And when my plan is complete, everything in the galaxy will be mine, including you, my beautiful Obi-Wan, the Sith thought as he pulled his lover closer.

I already belong to you, Maul, came a strong reply in his mind as Obi-Wan's hands burrowed into the man's tunic and found the smooth skin of Maul's shoulders. I belong to you even as you belong to me.

What...? Shocked eyes darted up to meet a bright green gaze for only a moment before they slid shut beneath the tide of ecstasy his lover was now focusing on him. Obi-Wan leaned forward and took Maul's lips in a harsh kiss as his hands pinched and caressed, scratched and soothed.

You think very loudly, my lover, the Jedi said, amusement lacing his mental tone. I don't understand why you'd want the whole galaxy, honestly. Seems like it'd be a bitch to run.

Obiiii, the mental tone was almost a whine and Obi-Wan smirked against Maul's mouth. Obi, I'm a Sith. And Sith desire power. It's the natural order of things.

Obi-Wan leaned back and studied his lover for a long moment. "It's the natural order of things for Sith to want to kill Jedi, Maul," he noted seriously. "Will you follow that as well?"

Maul closed his eyes and let out a long, silent sigh. After several moments, he looked up and caught Obi-Wan's gaze.

"The man who raised me taught me about anger, hatred and insanity," he replied in a quiet tone. "It was only when I met a Jedi, my enemy, the one whom I was supposed to focus that anger and hatred on, that I learned there was more to feel." He raised his hands and ran his fingertips along Obi-Wan's face. "But still, I am a Sith and eventually, I will take an apprentice and teach him the ways of the Dark Force. In time, he will rise up and slay me in order to take his place as Master. But I swear on my blood that for my lifetime, the Jedi are safe from the Sith."

Obi-Wan stiffened at the mention of Maul's death. He could only hope he, himself, was gone by then or else the Sith line would end very messily with the ambitious apprentice who caused Maul's death. Obi-Wan would see to that no matter his lover's destiny.

He held his lover's gaze for a long moment until he leaned down and placed a reverent kiss on his lips. "And until that time, know that you are safe from the Jedi," he replied.

Maul nodded slowly and then Obi-Wan watched in amazement as his lover's features slid into an almost adorable pout. He didn't know it but the expression was on par with his own most potent pout.

"So I would think that in giving up the option of slaughtering Jedi, you would at least, at the very least, not lecture me when I set out to take over the Senate," Maul stated in no uncertain terms as his lower lip jutted out.

Obi-Wan Kenobi, shining Knight of the Jedi Order, blinked several times at the sight of his Sith lover pouting. At that point, he did the only thing he could do.

He leaned forward and nibbled on Maul's lower lip before agreeing.

"Sure, Maul, why not."

Obi blinked again at the beaming smile his lover directed up at him.

"Wizard," Maul stated with a leer. "Now where were we?"

The Jedi in his lap wiggled closer and thrust against him with a growl. "I think we were right about here."

"Ah yesssssss."