And I Moved

by sidewinder

Archive: m_a, my homepage (

Pairing: Q/O (natch)

Rating: NC-17, I suppose, for somewhat explicit m/m lusting and sex

Warning: Argh! Song fic! Run for cover if that makes your skin crawl.

Summary: Just a little "First Time"(tm) vignette.

Series: not yet, not really, except as a further installment in my stories-written-while- listening-to-too-much-Pete-Townshend series. I've always thought this was one of the most beautifully slashy songs ever written...

Feedback: sure thing

Disclaimer: the boys belong to George Lucas. The song belongs to Pete Townshend.

/ And I moved... /
/ As I saw him looking in through my window /
/ His eyes were silent lies /
/ And I moved... /

Qui-Gon Jinn stretched out on the large bed in their guest quarters, allowing himself a deep, contented sigh. After fifteen days in the planet Grii's muggy, damp rainforests, tracking down a group of Force-sensitive sentients of whom the Jedi Council had no records, he had to admit there was something to be said for being back in the comfort of civilized accommodations. Showers, clean clothes and a place to sleep free of biting, buzzing and crawling insects indeed provided a pleasant change of pace.

After a few minutes of relaxation, he sat up to finish combing out his hair before it dried completely. This most recent mission with Obi- Wan had gone well; he would contact the Council in a few hours, when it would be morning on Coruscant, to let them know of their success. Grii was a large world on the outer rim, recently aligned with the Republic and home to several indigenous, intelligent races. The Jedi Council had learned that one of those races, the Oomari, possessed what might be an unusually strong sensitivity to the Force. Unfortunately they were a reclusive people, living deep within Grii's vast tropical belt with little contact with the rest of the world's populace. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had been sent to seek out the Oomari and hopefully begin a communication with them.

It had not been easy, as the forest-dwelling Oomari generally shunned others except when their habitat was threatened. But curiosity had eventually drawn them out to make contact with the two Jedi, sensing their shared understanding and connection to the Force.

"How is it you can speak to the Forest?" the Oomari leader, a female named U'al, had asked them. "How can you call to us in Her voice, when we are Her chosen people?"

"That voice you hear is not isolated to this world, this Forest," Qui-Gon had tried to explain. "It is strong here, in this place so rich with life. Only a few can hear it as clearly as the Oomari can. We come here to learn about your people--not to interfere with your lives. We also come to offer to teach what we know of this voice--what we call the Force-- if you will allow us an audience."

After several days in their company, sharing knowledge, proving their intentions were without malice, the Jedi had won U'al's agreement to accompany them to Coruscant to meet with the Council. One of the Oomari children would join them as well, and if U'al was satisfied, he would remain to be trained at the Temple.

Master Yoda and the others would be most pleased, Qui-Gon knew. And if it had not been for the physically uncomfortable conditions of the jungle, he would have loved to have stayed longer, learning more about the unique abilities the Oomari seemed to possess and their Force- rich environment. The forest had been so strong in the Light Side, Qui-Gon felt more refreshed and in tune with the Force than he could remember feeling in years. If agreeable relations could be maintained with the Oomari, he believed the Jedi would do well to establish a temple and training center here.

/ And I saw him standing in the doorway /
/ His figure merely filled the space /
/ And I moved... /
/ ...But I moved toward him /

A few minutes later, Qui-Gon heard the water shut off in the bathroom. Obi-Wan had been taking his turn washing away days of sweat, mud, and annoying insects that had gotten through the multiple layers of their clothes and made life as unpleasant as possible the past few days. The forest may have been refreshing to the spirit, but to the unaccustomed human body it was a trial Qui-Gon knew his padawan would be complaining about for weeks.

Obi-Wan stepped out of the bathroom, scrubbing his hair with a towel. "At last, I think I am beginning to feel human again," he remarked dryly.

"Looking forward to the comforts of home, I gather?"

"Home, here...anywhere except that miserable jungle. Though I'm certain there was some important lesson for me to learn through this experience, which you no doubt are going to explain to me now."

Qui-Gon smiled. After seven years, Obi-Wan seemed to know him quite well. "Only that you did well, Obi-Wan, on this very delicate mission. You did not let the discomfort of the rather...inhospitable environment interfere with your concentration, or influence your actions. The Council will be very pleased with our success at beginning a communication with the Oomari."

"They are a most curious people." Small, long- limbed, with chameleon-skin that changed color with their mood and for camouflage, the Oomari appeared fragile at first glance. But as Yoda was always quick to remind students, "Size matters not". The forest-dwellers showed remarkable strength and Force-enhanced agility, both of which helped them survive in surroundings filled with large predators and many other hardships. "I wonder, though, with their dislike for 'outsiders' and technology in general, whether they will not in the end refuse an ongoing connection with the Jedi--let alone sending any of their children to the Temple for training."

"That will be a matter for the Oomari and the Council to discuss. We only were here to open the door, give them the opportunity to join us, if they wish." As Qui-Gon spoke, he found his attention lingering more than he knew it should on Obi-Wan's body, which was only partially covered by the towel wrapped around his waist. There was no denying it--the boy had grown into an incredibly handsome young man, right before his eyes. The changes had been slow, and subtle with the passing had been the changes in Qui-Gon's feelings for his apprentice.

He turned away as Obi-Wan tossed the towel back into the bathroom and slipped his long nightshirt over his head. Qui-Gon did not need the additional encouragement of seeing the young man's naked body for his mind to fill with desires he knew--at his age and with his mastery of the Force--he should be better able to control. "I wonder if our companions next door are as uncomfortable in these sterile, cool rooms as we were in their native territory," Obi-Wan wondered. He sat lightly on the edge of the bed, taking a comb to the long, thin trail of hair that fell down over his shoulder.

"I sense they are doing all right," Qui-Gon told him, gently reaching out for the two Oomari in the room next to their own. The Force around them revealed unsurprising discomfort, but no distress. The young one seemed to be sleeping, and U'al was deep in contemplative meditation. He pulled back and left them their privacy, noticing Obi-Wan struggling with a knot in his hair. The way the young Jedi was tugging on the uncooperative strands, Qui-Gon thought he'd be sure to yank half of them out if he wasn't careful.

"I honestly don't know how you deal with a whole head of long hair," Obi-Wan grumbled, wincing as his comb caught in another knot.

"Would you like some assistance?" Qui-Gon offered.

"I'd be grateful for it," Obi-Wan answered, admitting defeat and handing the comb over to his master. He soon began to smile as Qui-Gon very carefully brushed through the long tail of hair, working out the tangles with delicate teasing instead of harsh yanks, not wanting to cause Obi-Wan any pain. "What is so amusing, padawan?" he asked.

"It's silly, really," Obi-Wan dismissed, "but I was just remembering how you used to do this for me when I was younger, and had very little patience for the task myself. I'd I rather enjoyed it."

"Nothing silly in that," Qui-Gon answered, separating the hair into three thin, equal sections once the tangles were removed. The strands felt so silky to his touch, freshly washed and smelling softly of the flowery soap favored by their Griian hosts. "There is much to be said for enjoying simple things, such as letting someone brush your hair. As I recall, you were the one who insisted that you were old enough, after a time, to do it yourself."

"True," Obi-Wan admitted. "Ah, the foolishness of youth."

Qui-Gon chuckled. "So wise, now, are you, just past your twentieth year?"

"Perhaps not wise. But not a child any longer."

"No, that you are not, my padawan," Qui-Gon agreed, even as he heard the undertones implicit in Obi-Wan's remark. He knew he was not the only one battling feelings of desire...a factor that made his own battles against the way he felt all the more difficult. The question hung heavy in the air these days as to what they were going to do about it. They both were perfectly aware of these changes, yet neither dared make the first step to act upon them.

Obi-Wan... The name lingered on his thoughts as a soft sigh escaped his lips. At times Qui- Gon's heart ached, feeling the pull to give in to these desires, hearing too clearly the echoing call of his padawan's heart. Qui-Gon knew that it was nearly an unwritten rule of being a master that you had to be ready to deal with your apprentice developing romantic yearnings for you. But this was no simple childhood "crush"--he had dealt with that before with his previous apprentices. This was different, too strong, this longing too powerful to be dismissed so easily.

It had never been easy to dismiss Obi-Wan, he thought with some amusement. Not his desire to become Qui-Gon's student, not his dedication to his master. Not the bond between them that begun to take shape the moment he had left Coruscant with the not-quite thirteen year old boy, even as he'd fought the pull of the Force, of fate bringing them together.

Is there any real reason to keep fighting it, after all this time? he wondered. Obi-Wan was a young man now, who Qui-Gon knew was well aware of the pleasures of the flesh and mature enough to not let them rule his mind. He followed his master as always, yet not blindly--Obi-Wan was enough his own person to not be afraid to question his master, and assert himself when he felt it was necessary. Why should he still resist this bond which had begun as that of padawan and master, and which seemed destined to end as that of lovers?

The Council would say this is wrong, of course, he thought to himself. Highly improper, something which somehow would tarnish the supposed sanctity and purity of the master/ padawan relationship. But such things mattered little to Qui-Gon. He listened to the Force before he listened to its supposed masters, for he knew they were just mortals not very different than himself--and mortals who, in his opinion, let ancient traditions dictate their actions too severely.

Over, under, over, under...his hands went through the repetitive motions of carefully rebraiding Obi-Wan's hair as his mind reached out to gently touch his padawan's. The young man's feelings were barely shielded, as if he was daring, waiting for Qui-Gon to just push a little and let them shine through. They had been dancing around intimacy for so long, waiting to see who would dare to take the lead...

Qui-Gon knew it would have to be himself.

/ And I moved... /
/ And his hands felt like ice exciting /
/ As he laid me back just like an empty dress /

"There..." he said softly after tying tight the completed braid. "Finished."

"Thank you, Master." Obi-Wan turned to face him and their eyes caught, holding longer than was appropriate.

"It was my pleasure, padawan."

He could feel Obi-Wan's silent plea not to turn away, not to keep fighting what they both knew was there. Qui-Gon listened for the Force to guide him, help him make this decision. He reached out, feeling the living Force all around them, the way it flowed between his apprentice and himself, harmonious and strong. And he knew, then, that it was right.

The Force did not just support this union; the Force demanded it.

And who was he to argue with the will of the Force?

He let go of the thin braid and reached up to lightly touch the cropped hair above Obi-Wan's ear. He brushed through it gently, affectionately, as he had so often contemplated doing and envisioned in his dreams. He let his hand glide slowly down, then, over the young man's temple, to his cheek, and he felt Obi-Wan tremble under his feather-light touch, heard the sharp intake of his breath. His padawan's light eyes were wide with hope, and wonder, a thousand questions and one continued plea, which Qui-Gon could hear as clearly as if it were spoken aloud.

Don't stop...Please, Master, tell me this not a dream...let me know this is real...

Qui-Gon caressed and explored with his fingers what he ached to feel with his lips. He ran his thumb lightly over Obi-Wan's bottom lip, then slowly across the top, feeling the heat of his breath escaping the slightly parted lips. Then he was the one to shiver and gasp, as Obi-Wan leaned into his hand and brushed his lips across Qui-Gon's palm.

"Padawan..." he whispered softly.

"Master," Obi-Wan sighed against his hand.

In two words, so much spoken.

Yes, I want this.

I need this.

Do not stop, do not deny this any longer.

I love you.

He could restrain himself no more. Slipping his hand behind Obi-Wan's neck, Qui-Gon leaned in and met his padawan's eager mouth, feeling the warmth of his lips, feeling it all the way to his soul. So right. Yes. Yes, this was as it was meant to be. Love washed over him, powerful, youthful, Obi-Wan...Hands tangled into his hair, determined to hold him close and not to let him get away.

But there was nowhere to go. Nowhere to be...except here.

/ And I moved... /
/ But a minute after he was weeping /
/ His tears his only truth /

Pausing for much needed breath, Obi-Wan dropped his head against Qui-Gon's chest. Emotions unleashed came tumbling out and Obi-Wan confessed in what almost sounded like a sob, "I love you, Master. I have wanted this for so long..."

"I know. As have I. My beautiful padawan..." Qui-Gon kissed the top of his head, and then his forehead, and then the bridge of his nose and Obi-Wan lifted his head once more, smiling, damp eyes beaming with joy. When their lips met again, there was no uncertainty, nothing but desire to share and celebrate their knowledge of each other's love. His hands found the edge of Obi-Wan's nightshirt and slipped under it. The brush of his fingers along the naked flesh beneath left Obi-Wan groaning against his mouth. By the Force, Qui-Gon sighed in return, as Obi-Wan felt so wonderful to touch and caress, his body so strong and firm.

Obi-Wan pulled back and ripped the shirt over his head, tossing it to the ground. His gaze filled with hunger, he looked to Qui-Gon and nearly growled, "Your turn, Master."

With one fluid movement, Qui-Gon complied, shedding his shirt even as he could barely draw his own eyes from the sight of his padawan's body. It was as if he had never seen him unclothed before, which of course he had many times, but never...never as this. Never with his chest rising with heavy breaths, skin flushed, his cock rising stiffly from a nest of soft- brown curls.

"Beautiful..." he sighed, reaching out to run his hands over the bare shoulders, down the slender arms.

"Not half as beautiful as you, my master."

"Half my age."

"Irrelevant," Obi-Wan dismissed, running his hand over Qui-Gon's chest. Qui-Gon pulled him gently closer, and down onto the bed, the long- ached-for press of their bodies together enough to leave him lightheaded. More kisses followed, each more desperate and filled with need than the last. Writhing, entwined, molding together... every touch was a new discovery, revealing something precious through a sigh, a gasped breath, or a wave of emotion that rippled through the Force and brought them closer together. As when together in combat, they moved now in perfect harmony, each attune to the other's every movement, what he needed, how the Force demanded it to be.

But passions long restrained could not be held back forever. Even as he yearned to spend all night slowly exploring Obi-Wan's body, teaching him everything he knew of how to bring pleasure to another, Qui-Gon could feel his padawan's control slipping, the sensations overwhelming him. He quickly slid down Obi-Wan's body, wanting--needing--to taste him, to drink in fully this first shared moment of bliss.

"Master!" he heard Obi-Wan's harsh cry as Qui- Gon took him into his mouth. The young Jedi thrashed against the sheets, twisting them in his fists as he fought the urgency for release surging through his body.

Don't fight it... Qui-Gon coaxed him with thought, running his hands along Obi-Wan's sides. Let go...come for me.

"Master..." a helpless, drawn-out groan this time, followed by a shudder that passed through his body, a burst of salty, hot fluid against Qui-Gon's tongue. He savored it, this essence of life, just as he savored Obi-Wan's climax as if it were his own.

/ And I moved... /
/ But I moved toward him /

He covered Obi-Wan's stomach and chest with light kisses as he made his way back up his padawan's body. Obi-Wan curled up tightly against him, his breath falling in ragged gasps onto Qui-Gon's chest. Qui-Gon shared in the joy Obi-Wan felt, letting his satisfaction and fulfillment wash over him, treasuring this precious moment and knowing he had made the right decision.

He could sense Obi-Wan's desire to simply drift asleep against the comfort Qui-Gon offered in his warm embrace, yet the young man was resisting, trying to find the energy to return the favor to his master. "Rest, now, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon soothed, stroking the smooth, slightly damp skin of the young man's back. "Tomorrow, we can continue what was begun tonight. There is no hurry."

"Yes, master," was the soft answer, murmured gently and with love. Qui-Gon pulled the blanket over their bodies and, not wishing to disturb Obi-Wan, he reached out with the Force to dim the lights for sleep.

/ I moved toward him. /
