All That I Am

by Anastasia (

Category: angst, h/c, drama, A/U, first time

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Q/O

Status: Complete

Archive: M_A, The Nesting Place, Jedi Hurtaholics

Warnings: None that I'm aware of...although I've been told that bits of this are sad... ::wonders if thereís a warning for THAT::

Spoilers: Yes, slightly, for TPM and the Jedi Apprentice book series -- also diverges from canon and goes A/U ( know...death thing...never happened here)

Summary: Sometimes only a Jedi can truly heal another Jedi...

Feedback: Well...if you like it, then yes, *please* respond! This is my first piece of fan fiction ever. In any genre. If you donít like it...well, then I never wrote this and you never read it... : )

Disclaimers: With the exception of the unpredictable yet charming Healer Turna, who is my own invention, we all know who these characters belong to (Thank you, Mr. Lucas!). And thereís no question as to whoís getting all the credit, money, attention, etc. for these wonderful men. (Hint: It's not me...) However, I *would* like to use them as props for a few story-telling bouts....and maybe one or two other things. Mr. Lucas, can Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon please come out to play? Thank you!

Note: // indicates telepathy

Acknowledgements: Thank you to Keelywolfe, my first beta volunteer, and to Esmerelda, Kat, Kaly, Holly, and Megan for all of their beta work, nice comments, helpful hints, and general cheerleading on the various parts of this. Thanks also to Michelle, whose wonderful Q/O story, "Symbiont Circle" (archived on the 'Master and Apprentice' site), inspired some of the 'midichlorian ideas' in my fic.


Trapped behind yet another of the deadly force-fields, Obi-Wan watched in horror as his master was run through by the Sith Lord's double-bladed weapon. He could feel it burning, white hot, in his own mid-section as clearly as if it were being done to him.

Desperately, he sought his master's face. As he looked into the eyes of his teacher, even at this distance, he could already see glassy dullness overtaking the blue...those beautiful blue eyes...eyes the color of a crystal clear lake...eyes Obi-Wan had fallen into everyday for as long as he could remember.

Silently, he berated himself. There were so many things he should have done. I should have been faster. Better. More disciplined. He should have kept up with his master, his mind told him. Should not have allowed himself to become separated from the older man. But it was too late for that now.

Too late. Obi-Wan's face flushed and his blood pounded in his ears with the shame of his actions. To his horror, he felt the hotness of tears threatening behind his eyes. I will NOT lose control!

Through the flickering energy fields, the Sith glared at him, standing like a hunter over a successful kill. Standing where Obi-Wan should have been...with the man who was the other half of himself. All that he did, he did for his Master. All that he was, he was for his Master. He knew no existence outside that of his life with his master. And now...

His stomach lurched and the floor beneath him began to spin dizzily as the all-too-real truth of the situation crashed down around him. He lived for his master...would willingly die for his master. But it had never occurred to him that his master might die for him. Because of him... Together they could have conquered the Darkness. He was certain of it. Now...Obi-Wan choked back a sob even as he struggled to drive the thought to the back of his mind.

He had done many things in his years as a padawan. Could it now be that something he hadn't done would lead to his master being taken from him? NO! But he knew with certainty that if something happened, it would be his fault, for not being at his master's side where he belonged.


His master's voice filled his head, a quiet sound that held such love and tenderness it threatened to bring Obi-Wan to his knees.


Desperate for his master's guidance, he reached out mentally. Tenuously, the young padawan's mind cast about, searching for its reflection in the older Jedi master. To his dismay, it took several attempts to find and grasp onto the signature that was distinctly his teacher's, and then Obi-Wan blanched at what he found.

Bits and pieces of his master's mind lay strewn about...thin wisps of half-thoughts, partially-completed sentences. Their bond, which had once been so strong, so beautiful...was now nearly impossible for him to sense and its essence was fading quickly.

//MASTER!!// The call came out as a desperate wail, a mind-voice he hadn't used since he was four, with his foot trapped in a grate at the bottom of the Academy pool.

//Listen carefully,// came his master's hushed tones. //Do not worry about me.//

//But Master! You are injured! I must help you...//

//Do not think about me.// It was a calm command from Master to Apprentice that left no room for interpretation.

Obi-Wan didn't know whether to be stunned at his Master's uncharacteristic thought...or hurt. Did he believe that Obi-Wan was not strong enough--or capable enough--to help him? Or was it that his master believed he was not worth being helped? Either avenue of thought made the apprentice's insides coil into a tight ball.

He fell back on ritual. //Master, it is the duty of every Padawan...//

//Listen to me!// From the normally reserved Qui-Gon, it was almost a mental shout. //Time grows short.//

Obi-Wan outwardly flinched at the reprimand. The words stung. He didn't know whether Qui-Gon referred to the time left before the force-field would cycle open again, or the time left before Qui-Gon's life ended, but the latter was too horrible to contemplate. His master would survive. He had to survive. Obi-Wan would be broken, incomplete without him.

// This must end here, Obi-Wan. You must defeat him. He cannot be allowed to leave this place. Of that I am certain.//

Obi-Wan's eyes grew wide at his master's words. His master did think him capable... But if Qui-Gon could not defeat the evil Lord alone, how could HE?

//You must...// Qui-Gon was tiring. His mind voice faltered as he concentrated on blocking the pain and continuing to breathe. // must allow the...Force you, my Obi-Wan. Do not kill in anger, but in defense...of this place...of these people. A Jedi must protect...those who cannot protect themselves...//

A sudden, searing pain ripped through Obi-Wan's chest, and he knew it was not his own.

Qui-Gon had little strength left to fight against the pain, but it hardly mattered. Sharp needles of it lanced through him, causing him to arc off the floor, helpless in its grasp, but he knew they would soon lessen. He was almost beyond it. His body was becoming more numb to it by the second and it was almost a blessing.

Obi-Wan struggled to listen to his master. He found himself straining to breathe for the older man, projecting a calming Force to sustain the life-energy that so quickly ebbed from him. His heart thudded in his chest. He knew Qui-Gon was near death and the thought was enough to emotionally shatter him.

There is no emotion. There is peace.

He knew not where the thought came from, but it was enough to provide him with a center. If he was to defeat the Sith and save his master, he would need full concentration. One part of his mind reeled at the consequences of losing this battle, but the other half shut out the thoughts and began preparing for what he would face.

//Your focus...determines your reality, Padawan...I see that you are remembering your lessons.//

Obi-Wan heard the pride behind his master's words, took an un-Jedi-like pride in being his master's padawan, but could not do more than let it all wash over him. His mind was elsewhere. That which had seemed like an hour, but was perhaps only a minute, had passed. The field cycle had completed itself, and Obi-Wan was once again free to move.

In one explosive movement, Obi-Wan erupted from behind the now-invisible barricade, Padawan braid flying behind him, lightsaber held high in front of him. And inasmuch as he thought he was ready to do what was expected of him, it took all of his self-discipline not to run to his master and throw himself down at his side. No he told himself. There would be time for that later. Right now was the time to make certain that there WAS a later.

Block. Kick. Spin. Flip.

Kick. Block. Turn. Step.

He grew weary with the effort it took to continue against the Sith. Sweat stung his eyes and his muscles burned fiercely with over-use. Wishing that the ache in his side would disappear, he could barely resist doubling over and allowing the pain of it to take him. It would be so much easier than the alternative. But the Dark Lord continued, unrelenting, determined to strike down both the master and his apprentice, and so the apprentice continued as well, knowing that he could not possibly allow that to happen.

Obi-Wan had been tired and desperate in the heat of battle many times before, and he tried to think only of how he had prevailed in those instances. But in every memory his exhausted mind could dredge up, he saw a much younger version of himself, in which he was more energetic and resilient than he was at this moment.

Almost fondly, he recalled fighting on Bandomeer, against the huge and powerful draigons. He remembered the soul-satisfying feeling of fighting at his master's side toward the common goal of saving the people of the planet. There he'd fought endlessly, until he was far past mental and physical exhaustion, with thoughts of nothing but the draigons, the end results...and of pleasing a man who was not yet his master.

Obi-Wan's train of thought somehow calmed him. He found himself with enough energy to pull the Force about his bone-weary form, wearing the Light like a cloak, feeling it shine so powerfully he could almost see it glowing around him. With a concentrated effort, he allowed his movements to come to him automatically, naturally. He reached out with the Force and let it do the work for him, just as his master had taught him to do so many times in their practices.

In a barely-silenced cry, Qui-Gon fought against a surge of pain. Immediately, he felt his apprentice's reaction to it. They were sensitive to each other, even moreso as of late, which Qui-Gon now found himself regretting. He felt the other man cringe in pain as the Sith Lord's 'saber made contact.

Obi-Wan yelped. Heat slashed through his arm as the Sith landed a burning blow to his shoulder. The smell of burning material and scorched skin filled the air around him.


Of its own accord, Obi-Wan's soul cried out for its other half, as if it had a life of its own. And perhaps it did. A Master/Apprentice bond was not easily broken...a mind-bond even moreso. He could also sense... something...something else...but could not put a name to it. Something...

You must not allow yourself to become tired and careless, Obi-Wan His master's teaching words came back to him. That is exactly what an opponent will be looking for, to gain victory

He was being careless! All outside thought ceased as his mind came back to itself and he found himself looking up into the snarling face of evil itself.

A very small part of Obi-Wan wanted to despise this red and black devil-incarnate. Wanted to unleash every bit of blackness he could call to hand, and incinerate the demon who taunted him. But that was not the Jedi way...was not his way... He must not hate. He would not hate. He would protect. Protect the planet. Protect the Queen. Protect her people. Protect his master.

Dragging several shallow breaths into already-ravaged lungs, he began his attack anew. They were perilously close to the edge of the walkway now, and Obi-Wan knew this was not the place to break concentration. He re-doubled his efforts, his graceful dance becoming even more complicated as he attempted to out-maneuver the Sith.

Grasping what he could of the Force, Qui-Gon wrapped it around himself, wishing only to die inside it, if that was the Will. His eyes, no longer seeing, remained open nonetheless, turned in the direction of his beloved. He could feel the young man's strength waning, and spared what energy he could to send stray tendrils of the Force toward his padawan.

He could not be the source of Obi-Wan's distraction. He mustn't be. Summoning the rest of his strength, the master began to systematically shut down his links to his padawan. First the master/apprentice link. Then the newly-formed bonding link. Finally, the barely-there life-bond ...which not even Obi-Wan was aware of yet. It saddened him to do it, but he knew he must. There could be nothing to take Obi-Wan's mind off his task...

In reaction to his other efforts, Qui-Gon's body began to shut itself down as well. His breathing slowed until it was an invisible movement beneath his chest. Sound faded away and eyelids closed over already unseeing eyes.

Suddenly, amidst the thrusts and spins, something changed. For a split-second, Obi-Wan froze in reaction to it, mis-stepping in his intricate footwork and nearly failing to avoid the other's weapon. Before he had time to consciously think about it, his training took over and he found himself leaping, feet clearing the floor and the red hot light of the other's saber.

But his full concentration was no longer on the fight. The bond that he shared with his master...the bond he had known for half his life...had closed down. To Obi-Wan it meant only one thing. His master was dead.

Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

In a move that was a credit to all of his master's teachings, Obi-Wan took all that he was feeling and allowed it to flow away from him in great, hurtful rivers. To hesitate now would be to die...and he wouldn't allow the Sith the pleasure of taking both of them. There was only the here and now and he had a job to do. He would honor his master's wishes and rid this place of the monstrous evil that threatened to overcome it. But afterwards...

Obi-Wan threw as many mental shields up as he could manage. It hurt too much to think about living his life alone...a life without his master, the Light of his life.

A tear slid from the corner of one closed eye, slipping silently down the Jedi Master's cheek as he sensed his Padawan's deep despair. Obi-Wan! The young man had provided him with more love and joy than he had ever known. He knew his death would adversely affect the young man; the severing of their bonds would be difficult for him. But pain and sadness and loss could be overcome.

Setting his regrets aside, Qui-Gon allowed his essence to drift, unimpeded now, into the open arms of the Force, knowing that he had trained his Padawan well and that, barring any unknowns, his apprentice would carry on, undeterred, to victory.

As the Sith's severed body fell backwards into the melting pit, Obi-Wan could feel only relief. As he turned back toward his master's fallen form, however, he was hit with myriad emotions that caused him to gasp and stagger under their weight. Stumbling, he made his way to the body.


Falling to his knees beside his teacher, he gently touched a now-pallid cheek, placed a hand on the now-still chest.


There was no movement; no reply. Barely breathing himself, Obi-Wan Kenobi lifted his master's head and shoulders, holding him with the tenderness of a student bonded to one's master...cradling him with the passion of a soul-mate bonded to one's lover. One last time, he allowed his fingers to brush through the flowing brown mane. Leaning down, he placed his lips upon the lips of his teacher...his friend...his love...his Light...and he sobbed.

Master Windu's dark frame cast an overly-large shadow across the too-small room. Back rigid, arms tucked deep into his sleeves like the proper Jedi, he stood in the doorway, listening. Neither all the way in nor all the way out of the tiny cubicle, he cocked his head and listened...for a flutter, a breath, a sigh. Anything that would indicate a spark of life.

When nothing was forthcoming, he moved soundlessly toward the solitary piece of furniture in the otherwise empty room. As he knelt beside the sickbed he towered over its pale occupant, even at his folded height. Running long fingers over tired eyes, he drew in a calming breath, which did not help in the least.

"Where are you, my friend?" he mourned aloud, eyes on the white-shrouded man before him. Windu's voice, deep on any occasion, echoed melodiously off the bare walls. At an earlier time in their lives and relationship, Mace knew that Qui-Gon would have found that particular sound erotic.

"I refuse to believe we've brought you this far, only to lose you," he said into the emptiness, determined to stay focussed on the present, instead of reliving the past.

His lament went unanswered, as he knew it would. The healers had done all they could, but were still unsure as to whether Qui-Gon would live or die. The physical damage had been extensive and the mental damage... Just the thought of it brought an uninvited shudder to Mace's stiff shoulders and re-filled him with a grief not even hours of solitary meditation had managed to assuage.

Laying a gentle hand on his once-lover's chest, he had a sudden urge to see for himself that the other Jedi still lived, breathed. It was disturbing to see him this close to death. And although Mace had seen the other man through danger and sickness and injury as the two of them had grown up and trained together at the Academy, this was different. Qui-Gon had so much to live for now. An apprentice, who had grown into so much more...a little boy who already admired him and looked up to him.

It still hurt to think of the last time he had seen Qui-Gon. It had been on less-than-friendly terms, with Qui-Gon speaking against the Council...again. With Mace arguing for keeping their attention on the present and Qui-Gon arguing for what the boy might mean for the future, the victory of finally convincing the stubborn Master to finish the current mission had been an empty one. And Qui-Gon had gone away to serve the Council, with his side of things still unsettled and uncertain.

"He saved you, you know," the larger Jedi told the unconscious man, bringing himself back, once again, to the present. "Anakin saved you both."

Shifting his weight so that it was spread more evenly over knees that protested the hard flooring, Master Windu rearranged his cloak about him. He wondered, fleetingly, where Qui-Gon's had gotten to, reminded himself to ask around. A Jedi should have his cloak, and its presence here might serve as a tie to the present for the injured man.

Out of habit, Windu touched Qui-Gon. It felt right to have that contact, and somehow helped to close the gap he felt forming between Qui-Gon and everyone in the outside, conscious world. He would not attempt mental contact yet, heeding the healers' precautions, but physical contact he would deny neither himself or the other Jedi.

One dark hand, beginning its movement by brushing a stray lock of brown hair away from Qui-Gon's face, ended up coming to rest on the other Master's shoulder. Fingers tenderly massaged soft skin, visible where the white med-robe fell back at the shoulders, and ran along the too-harsh outline of a collarbone which suggested too many days of not enough sustenance. Quietly, Mace began to speak again.

"He saved a lot of lives that day. Did you know that? The people of Naboo, the Gungans. No one knows why he did what he did, not even Anakin himself, I think. It might have been sheer luck...or he may have been led by the Force. We may never know. But I know you, and I know that you believe there is nothing which happens by accident; nothing which happens without reason.

"I'm not sure if I believe Anakin is the Chosen One, but perhaps he was chosen for the path he's followed thus far. All started by you, Qui-Gon, freeing one slave. And so perhaps that was the will of the Force as well. For you to help him...and then for him to turn around and help you. Because without his connection to you, Qui-Gon, without the attachment he formed in the short time he was with you, I'm afraid we would have lost both you and Obi-Wan."

The series of events was still so hard to imagine. A small boy, in whom no one needed to trust, managing to fire the one shot that could stop a war. Then, returning to Naboo, that same small boy insisting that something was not right. Insisting that the Queen send someone to an obscure, out-of-the-way location near the city's energy source, where no one would ever have thought to look. And Force save the Queen for listening when others might have turned a deaf ear.

The two Jedi had been missed, yes, but it had been assumed they were off together, somewhere, safe after the end of the battle. When they were found in the place that young Anakin had foreseen, Obi-Wan had been slumped, unconscious, over his equally unconscious and gravely injured Master. Left without medical attention for another day or two...or even another hour or two...their lives would have been ended just as surely as if the Sith had killed them with his own bare hands.

"Qui-Gon!" Mace murmured, unable to keep the pain from his voice as the all-too-vivid scenes, seen through Anakin's eyes, played themselves out in his head...again. With a final touch to the Jedi Master's cheek, he stood up, feeling too big in the little room. Annoyed at his own distractibility this day, he took a moment to gather his stray thoughts, stretching out his back and limbs like a large feline.

Transported to the Queen's medical facilities, the two men had been looked after, and the Jedi council had been contacted. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had been given the best treatment available, but it was not enough.

The Naboo medics had managed to keep the Jedi Master alive and to partially heal his wounds, but they could never have known that perhaps the greatest wound of all was a mind full of half-severed ties to his Padawan and a conscious decision to cease to exist. And in Obi-Wan they could find nothing wrong at all, save for some cuts and bruises and what they claimed to be physical exhaustion. But, then, they had no way of recognizing the signs of psychic shock in a bonded Jedi.

While not ungrateful for the assistance, the Jedi council and healers on Coruscant had had their work cut out for them in the days that followed. The external wounds, Qui-Gon's in particular, were difficult in and of themselves to heal. But the internal wounds, the wounds of the mind were proving a challenge, even for the Jedi-trained.

The two men had been through the equivalent of psychic hell. Both believed the other dead. Neither had the mental means to contact the other. Each needed the other's support to maintain/rebuild the multitude of broken links and severed mental pathways. But neither could help the other...and each was suffering greatly.

"The Queen's people did a commendable job treating your wounds, and those of your padawan," Mace continued, looking out of the window into the bright sunshine. "But it wasn't the same as having you here on Coruscant. Sometimes only Jedi healers know exactly what is needed to help another Jedi...and it is that delay of help which I fear most of all in this."

"Know, you do, where fear leads," came a voice from the doorway.

Master Windu turned, blinking several times to readjust his eyes to the normal room lighting, which seemed dark after staring out into the brightness of the day.

"Yes, Master Yoda," Mace replied dutifully, feeling all of ten years old again. "My apologies. I should have phrased that a bit more carefully. I am merely...concerned...for Qui-Gon and wanted to express that concern to him."

"Yes, yes," Yoda said with a nod. "Concerned are you. Concerned are we all."

Cane tapping the floor with each step, the old Master walked to Qui-Gon's side. Shoulders hunched, brow creased even more than usual, Yoda laid hands on the wounded Jedi. Muttering to himself, his green fingers skimmed a cheek, an arm, chest, forehead.

Eventually joining Mace at the window, Yoda didn't even bother to look up at the giant of a man as he spoke.

"Got them to Coruscant as quickly as possible, we did," he reminded the younger man. "And who is to say that sooner would have been better? Decides many things, the Force does. Works in mysterious ways, the Force does. Predict what will happen, most of us cannot. Second guess ourselves and our actions, we should not."

Now Mace did look down, and found the small Jedi Master looking up. "I just don't want our efforts...their have been in vain. Qui-Gon Jinn deserves better than this kind of ending."

He could just imagine Yoda's reply. "Trust in the Force, we must. Know what our futures should be, we do not. Who of us can say what we do and do not deserve?"

But instead, the small Master said only, "Tired you are. Go. Rest. Check to see that settling in to his new quarters here young Skywalker is. Stay with Qui-Gon, I will." And then Mace was being favored with the all-knowing look that was so entirely Master Yoda.

Torn between not wanting to leave his former lover's side and knowing that Master Yoda was wanting to spend time with his former Padawan, Mace gave in. With a last look at the still, silent, prone figure, and a thought to Qui-Gon to come back to them, Master Windu made his way slowly out of the room and down the corridor, searching out a hot meal, meditation, and clean clothes...not necessarily in that order.

Jedi Healer Miro Turna studied the distraught figure that was Obi-Wan Kenobi. Lying first on his back...then on his side...and again on his back, the young man tossed and turned almost continuously, never still. Mumbling and moaning, the distressed Padawan clenched and unclenched clammy, white-knuckled hands in the now-rumpled bed-sheets.

From her seat at his side, the healer reached out, laying a trained hand along a flushed cheek, a heated forehead. Despite her attempts to calm him with the Force and to cool him with damp cloths and towels, the young Jedi flailed in his sleep, sweat beading on his smooth face, sleep-clothes soaked through. Not for the first time, the woman sighed.

As Master Yoda entered the room, he took in the twisting, troubled form of the young Padawan.

"Any improvement do you see in him?" he asked, moving closer to the healer and her patient. If Qui-Gon was a picture of troubled tranquility, his counterpart was uncontrolled movement unleashed. The Apprentice fought his demons physically, while the Master's battle was internal.

"Not unless you count the fact that his temperature hasn't spiked high enough to send him into convulsions or a coma yet," the red-haired woman retorted.

She wasn't generally one for back-talking the Masters, but the boy had her worried. Turning her head, she went back to monitoring her patient before she said something else she'd regret.

"No improvement either is there in his Master," the small alien commented. "Hours have I just spent, sitting with him. Sitting. Sitting. Nothing more. As if there is nothing left, it is. An empty shell, has he become."

He seemed to be waiting for Healer Turna to reply, but she had nothing to say that would not get her into trouble.

"Help us to find Qui-Gon Jinn, his life-mate can," Yoda said.

"Help us to find Qui-Gon Jinn, his life-mate CANNOT!" Miro Turna exploded from her chair and faced the old Master. "For Force sake! Obi-Wan can't even find HIMSELF!"

Master Yoda nodded. "Mmmm, yes," he said, his forehead wrinkling. "Meant to be together they were. Not meant to be apart, alone."

"It could also be said," Miro countered, "That Qui-Gon should be the one to help us locate his life-mate."

Yoda's ears folded down at the sad irony of it. "Mmmm, true it 'tis." He took one last look at the apprentice on the bed. "Need help they both do. Need each other they both do. Heal each other, only they can. And so the problem you see."

Gathering his cane, the small Master made his way out of the room, still hmming to himself.

And had he not turned the corner, moments later, heading for Council chambers, Master Yoda would have heard Healer Turna frantically signaling for the medics as the young Obi-Wan lost what little control he'd had and went completely over the edge, his thin frame convulsing violently.

The Padawan's body lifted up and slammed back against the bed in sickening rhythm. Knowing the other healers were on their way, Healer Turna did what she could to stay the young man's movements. In his current state, he could little-afford to injure himself or re-open recently healed wounds.

One knee on the bed, she held Obi-Wan's shoulders with her small hands, closing her eyes as the wild onslaught of his emotions battered against her shields. Centering her thoughts on the undulating body beneath her, she concentrated on calming the young apprentice's mind and convincing his body that it need not do this.

It would have been easier to wrestle a wookiee. If the situation had not been so grim, the Jedi healer might have laughed. She imagined she was quite a sight at that moment, red curls springing in every direction, her slight build no possible match for the fighting figure of the trained and muscled Padawan. Feeling very much like a small, capsized boat in the middle of a great, storm-tossed sea, Myro Turna held on. Never one to give up, she allowed the Force to surround her like so many billowing sails, fervently willing some part of Obi-Wan's tortured mind to grasp the rescue buoy she was offering him.

She was saved further humiliation by the arrival of the first set of healers, who rushed to the bedside to assist. They were followed by three others who hurried in, concerned looks upon their faces.

"It's about time!" Myro exclaimed breathlessly, as two larger Jedi took over for her at Obi-Wan's shoulders. "What did you do? Fly in from Corellia?"

"We came immediately upon your call, Healer Turna," came the reply from a younger healer-in-training. "Not more than half a minute ago..."

Myro looked at the girl, trying to ascertain whether she was being impudent or merely truthful. The child's eyes, big as dinner plates as she watched the healers attend the other Padawan, told her it was the latter. She spared a second to flash the young woman a tight half-smile of approval, before joining the others around the bed.

"My apologies," Myro said aloud to anyone she'd offended. "Obi-Wan is in grave danger and patience is not one of my virtues."

Six sets of hands lay upon Obi-Wan Kenobi. Upon forehead, chest, shoulders, arms, face, twelve Healer-trained, Jedi-trained hands communicated peace, healing, well-being. The Force was a palpable thing, filling every corner of the room with an almost electrical current.

The combined strength of the healers would have moved a small mountain, if necessary...and yet it had little impact on the lone figure at their focus. Minutes ticked by as the apprentice was forcibly held down, urged to release his fear and uncertainty and pain to those trained to deal with it; coaxed back to the world of the living by quiet voices, gentle minds, soothing motions.

Suddenly, as if a switch had been flipped, the convulsing stopped. Harsh breathing rattled in dry lungs. Above pallid cheeks, paper-thin eyelids lifted, revealing shockingly green eyes. They blinked once. Twice. Horror flooded into them at the site of so many bodies surrounding him. As quickly as they'd opened, the eyes rolled back, revealing only the ghostly whites. Almost immediately, lips and mouth took on a blue tinge, and with one last horrific arch that threatened to snap the young Padawan's spine, his body fell limp and unmoving, into the hands of six helpless Jedi healers.

It didn't take Jedi senses to know that the young apprentice was in trouble. The Force presence in the room increased exponentially as each healer lent their strength to bring the young Padawan back. But even as they fought to revive him, it seemed as though Obi-Wan fought against it. His breathing had stopped and his heart would not be far behind.

"Great sadness I sense in this one."

Yoda appeared at the door, Mace Windu behind him.

"Without the other half of himself, lost he feels. No longer wishes to live, does he."

Had they not been trained Jedi healers, a gasp would have gone up. It was almost inconceivable that a gifted, young Padawan such as Obi-Wan would willingly choose death, for any reason.

"Ah, yes," Yoda said as he approached them. "But have a soul bond and the beginnings of a life bond with their masters, most Padawans do not," he said knowingly.

This time there were murmurs.

Yoda motioned for the tall dark-skinned Jedi to join him, and waved all of the others off.

"Leave us, you must," he said, sounding very heavy-hearted. "Alone with the boy we must be. Disturb us you must not."

Dutifully, without comment or complaint, the healers filed silently out, leaving Mace and Yoda to themselves.

Wasting no time, Mace quickly pulled back the sheet that covered the boy. Unceremoniously, he grasped Obi-Wan's sleep shirt and tore....ripping it cleanly down the middle. Kneeling, he placed large, dark hands on the Padawan's chest, over his heart, offering his own strength to keep the muscle functioning. Attuning himself to the now-steadying beat, he worked on brain function, nervous system, lungs, and soon had the boy breathing again...although it was Mace who did the breathing for him. Connected nervous system to nervous system, the Force would allow him to draw breath for Obi-Wan until the boy could be convinced to do it for himself.

Sensing that Mace had been successful in his resuscitation, Yoda settled both of his hands on the young apprentice's forehead, setting to work at rebuilding Obi-Wan's collapsed mind.

Through Obi-Wan's eyes, the aged Master saw and felt it all. The fight with the Sith...Qui-Gon's impalement...Obi-Wan's anguish as he felt his master withdrawing from his mind...his exquisite pain as the links to their bonds were disrupted, extinguished one by one. Such trauma for one so young!

Yoda explored the ruined pathways, mending them with care and patience. He soothed rips and tears in the damaged mental framework with soft mind whisperings the likes of which only cherished padawans such as Qui-Gon Jinn had ever experienced from him. The Force shown bright about him as he attempted to save the life of one who could help save the life of another.

Hours passed and strong as he was in the Force, Mace Windu found himself slowly tiring. Lending his life energy to the boy, though it allowed Yoda to continue his work, was exhausting. Concentrating his efforts, he put everything he had left into sustaining Obi-Wan, hoping it would be enough to let Yoda find what he sought.

//With you I am, young Padawan.//

Six and a half hours after his first contact with the boy, Yoda finally dared to reach out to him with his mind voice.

//As I was once a voice within your master's mind, so am I now a voice in yours.//

Yoda wanted the apprentice to feel safe. He wanted Obi-Wan to trust him enough to allow the help he so desperately needed, and hoped that thinking of him as his master's Master might steer them into familiar territory.

But again, as in the past several days, the mere mention of Qui-Gon threw the Padawan into fits. His thoughts turned to abandonment, being stranded in his own mind with no one to save him. No Master, who had always been there for him, loving him, catching him when he stumbled or fell. No soul mate who had believed in what they had become, who cared enough to want to bond himself heart and soul to a mere apprentice...

Muscles tightening, jaw locked, heart racing, Obi-Wan searched desperately, blindly, for a way to end the pain...a way to end it all. But his time Yoda would not allow it.

Bearing hope that his words would spark that which every apprentice feels--an obedience to assist and serve one's Master--Yoda held nothing back. They had been cautious since his return to Coruscant not to attempt mental contact or make mention of what had taken place on Naboo. But now was not the time for protection. Now was the time for truth.

//Alive your master is, young one.// Yoda's mind told the other's. //Alive he is, but very ill. Need your help to save him we do.//

//He is DEAD!// Obi-Wan cried out. //His mind is gone from mine, and I am left behind, hurt and bleeding, unable to follow him.//

//Believe me you must,// Yoda told him. //When you are well and able, take you to him I will. Need each other to truly heal, both of you do.//

//My master is...NOT...dead?// The voice was small, like a child afraid to hear the answer to a frightening question.

//Alive, Qui-Gon is.// Yoda assured him.

//But I saw him die!// Obi-Wan insisted stubbornly. //I felt our bonds break as he died.// Terrible sadness again welled up in the apprentice and it pained Yoda to share it with him.

//Only thought he died, you did. And thought he was dying, Qui-Gon did. But severed so easily, a life-bond is not.//

There was a long, shocked pause before Obi-Wan could answer.

//A life bond! A LIFE bond??//

//So surprised, are you?// The ancient one's mind voice held a hint of amusement.

//Yes! I mean...yes...!// The apprentice was surprised and could not seem to form a more coherent thought.

//Strong, your Master/Apprentice bond has always been.// Yoda reminded him. //And strong is the soul bond the two of you share. Surprise you it should not that such strengths would combine into something even more powerful between you, as the life-bond has.//

There was no response from Obi-Wan, only overwhelming shock and emotion over what his joining with his master had done. Something wonderful had been produced by their loving union. A life bond! The thought, still so new to him, made him want to sing with joy.

//Qui-Gon is in trouble!!??// Suddenly, the reality of the situation hit Obi-Wan hard. All that Yoda had been trying to tell him came to the surface of his mind with one gigantic crash. The panic again tried to set in, but now it was Obi-Wan who stopped it.

//How can I help Qui-Gon?// he asked Master Yoda.

//No help will you be to him like this.// Yoda said gently. //Much in need of a healing sleep are you. Return to tend you, Healer Turna will, and when your body and mind are rested and repaired, go to Qui-Gon you shall. Mend the broken links and complete the mind-bond, you shall.//

Obi-Wan wanted nothing more than to help his master immediately, but he did feel weak. Too weak to even open his eyes, let alone complete an unfinished bond with his master and lover. Bowing to Master Yoda's greater wisdom, Obi-Wan allowed himself to be led into a deep sleep, finally breathing on his own and ready to heal.

Obi-Wan awoke with a start, screaming into the silent night.

The healer was immediately at his side. "Easy young Padawan," she soothed.

He screamed again, as if he couldn't stop himself.

Concerned, the woman placed a small hand on his arm, squeezing it gently in a show of support. "Shhhh..."

The screaming stopped, but the look of outright panic remained.

"Take it easy. You're safe here."

Healer Turna's fingers swept over the padawan's hot, wet forehead, as if to brush away any remaining cobwebs of the nightmare. She could feel Obi-Wan's heart racing, running from whatever threatened his dreams.

"Qui-Gon..." The pull to be with his master was great.

"Is under Master Windu's care for now, I believe," the healer finished for him.

"He needs me." The tone was low, the possessiveness in it unmistakable.

"You need not worry yourself, Padawan," the healer assured kindly. "Master Windu is well aware of your connection to your master. He will do nothing to interfere with that. When you are ready, you will join Qui-Gon in completing the lifebond.

Obi-Wan attempted to sit up, wincing as he did so. "I am ready now," he insisted, even as his skin took on a sickly avocado shade.

Myro Turna couldn't hide her smile.

"So eager you are, young padawan." A cool, damp cloth appeared in her hand as if by magic, and she wiped away some of the heat from his forehead and cheeks.

"But I can tell that it's not only the physical aspects of the bond's completion that you so eagerly seek, which is most admirable. You are truly concerned for your master, your soul-mate."

The heat rose in Obi-Wan's already warm face.


"Yes," the healer said, puzzled. "I assumed you were aware..." Her voice fell away as she considered the apprentice's reaction. "To have forged a bond this intricate, you must have consummated your relationship with your master at some point...probably more than once..."

The magenta color spreading to Obi-Wan's neck and ears told the healer that she was correct.

"There is no cause for shame or embarrassment," she told him gently, the soft, wet cloth finding his face again. "That is the way of soul bonds. But you have the beginnings of a life bond with your master, which goes a step beyond.

"An incomplete life bond means only one of several things. The bonded pair wishes the relationship to go no further, one of the bonded pair passed on before its completion...or the relationship has not yet been equally consummated. In order to forge the bond for life, both partners must be equally responsible for creating it."

Myro paused, as she felt Obi-Wan's stress level rising. These were things that needed saying, but perhaps he was not yet healed enough in mind and spirit to bear them.

"Obi-Wan?" She waited for him to look at her, but his head was turned steadfastly away and he would not turn it back. She could feel, loud and clear, that he wanted nothing more than to disappear into the room's ventilation system.

"Obi-Wan," she began again, cautiously. "Master Yoda will instruct you in matters of the bond's completion, but..." Obi-Wan groaned audibly. "But I think it's something you need to prepare yourself for. Because until you feel you are strong enough to do this, and until I feel you are strong enough to handle it, you won't be allowed to go to Qui-Gon."

Now she could feel Obi-Wan's full attention on her. He didn't look at her, but his mind was focussed entirely on what she was saying.

"Will it be...difficult...?" he asked, his voice a small sound in the darkened room. "...helping to bring Qui-Gon back and...completing the life bond?"

"You will know what is needed when the two of you are together," she replied simply.

"Will there be..." he swallowed sharply. "...others in the room when we...?"

"Other than Yoda's instructions to you beforehand, there will be no one but the two of you in the room. We will be close by to assist, should there be any...difficulties...but you will be left to forge and seal the life bond yourselves."

Slowly, Obi-Wan rolled over, turning wide, mournful eyes upon the healer.

"I can't even feel him in my mind anymore," he whispered, half to himself and half to the healer. "I thought he was dead. I felt him die." A shudder wracked his thin frame. "How can we ever get back what we've lost?" Tears glittered on his eyelashes and spilled down his flushed cheeks.

Myro stroked her hand through the padawan's shiny, spiked hair.

"Don't worry," she told him. "You will know what you need to do when the time comes. Bonds such as the many you share with your master are not so fragile as you may think. Qui-Gon is merely lost and confused, as you were. He needs guidance to find his way back, and the love that you can surely provide. The two of you will have again that which you feel has been lost. That and much, much more, I assure you."

The pain radiating from the unconscious Jedi seemed to increase ten-fold with every passing hour. Qui-Gon Jinn was strong and stubborn, but Mace Windu wondered how much more even he could take.

"It shouldn't be much longer, now," Mace told the other Master, fervently hoping that he spoke the truth. Yoda proclaimed that the young padawan was healing and would soon be ready to assist Qui-Gon and complete the life bond with him.

Mace knelt beside the bed and lifted one of Qui-Gon's large hands into his own, tenderly stroking the cool, limp fingers.

"During the battle, I'm sure you did what you felt was right. When you sensed that death was inevitable, you sought only to assist and protect your apprentice, as a good Master would. But it seems the Force had other ideas. Death found neither one of you."

The larger man sighed. While he should have been relieved beyond all comprehension that both men were alive, the ramifications of what had become of them were devastating.

"This non-life you have found your way into is almost the equivalent of death." He spoke the truth as his heart knew it. "If you allow it to fully claim you, it will be much the same as giving in to the death the Sith wished for you."

For a moment, Mace held the cold hand to his lips, wishing only to give both himself and Qui-Gon. He placed a soft kiss on the back of it, lingering when he felt the skin warm a bit beneath his touch.

"You were always one to put others' needs above your own, my noble one," he said, fondly. "But if you die, I do not believe your Padawan will ever be able to truly comprehend your motivations."

More than anything, Mace wished that he could be the one to take away this man's pain. Not for the physical aspects of it, although the two of them had had some wonderful moments in their time as lovers, but for the mental relief that quenching this fire would bring to the entire Jedi Council, whose collective suffering was nearly as great. When one of their own hurt, they all hurt.

"This is what you need, my friend," he said. "Whether you realize it or not. You have trained your Padawan well, have taught him many things. I only pray that you can accept what he has to offer...the chance for the two of you to live the life you deserve, the life that would have been yours to create together freely and in happiness before the Sith's interference.

"Please allow him to help you, my love. Take what you need and remember that Obi-Wan is suffering too. To deny him what he so badly needs would be to crush something beautiful. It's love, Qui-Gon," he said, unable to deny the roughness in his voice. "And I can't think of anyone--least of all you--who doesn't deserve that."

"Time, it is." Yoda's small shadow filled the doorway, and Mace wondered just how long he'd been there, listening. The round, wrinkled face was a mixture of sadness and determination. "Prepared we are, for the next step."

Two healers followed the elder Master into the room. With Mace's help, they lifted Qui-Gon's body carefully onto a rolling palette, preparing to move him to a larger, more...accommodating room.

"Accompany Qui-Gon Jinn, you will," Yoda told Mace as the healers left the room, palette in tow. Talk to the boy, I will, and then together they shall be."

When Obi-Wan came awake for the second time, he did so with a greater recollection of who he was and what he needed to do.

"Good. You are awake." The healer smiled down at him approvingly, running a hand through her red curls. "And I see that you recall what was discussed earlier."

The flush of Obi-Wan's cheeks was not so bright as before. The young man was apparently becoming used to the idea of what helping his master would entail.

"I am ready to complete the life bonding with my Master," he told the woman as confidently as he could manage. "Will you allow me to go to him?"

Myro Turna could sense that the young apprentice was attempting to strike a balance between question and demand. Confused, he was, as to his place in all of this.

"It will be necessary for me to perform a medical exam to ensure that you are well, and then for you to engage in meditation. Yoda will take you to Qui-Gon when he feels you are ready."

The padawan submitted quietly to the physical exam, turning and sitting and breathing as he was instructed. When the healer moved across the room to obtain a soft mat for him to meditate upon, Obi-Wan swung his legs over the side of the bed, in preparation.

Just sitting up had dazed him, after so long lying down, and this new movement proved no easier a task. Head spinning, he clutched at the bed-side, willing his stomach to stop churning.

The healer spun around, mat in hand, and quickly returned to her swaying patient.

"Take things slowly," she said, one arm around his shoulders. "You will adjust."

A healing touch to his brow gave Obi-Wan some ease, and he prepared himself to stand.

"One step at a time," Healer Turna encouraged. "You have been a long time recuperating." She placed the blue cushion on the floor in front of him, assurance in her movements that he could take as long as he needed to get there.

Obi-Wan stood, legs stiff and wobbly by turns, eyeing the meditation mat.

Gingerly, he bent one knee, visually measuring the distance to the floor. Unexpected anger sparked. Why did he feel so weak? He had not been that badly injured. Disgust surfaced. If he could not even kneel down to meditate, they would never allow him to go to Qui-Gon. And if he could not go to the Jedi master...

The healer felt Obi-Wan begin to topple before he did so, but was unable to stop the much larger man. In a rush of guilt and anger, the padawan hit the floor, a solid weight against the unforgiving hardness.

The fall jarred both his knees and he cried out in pain, biting his tongue. The burning frustration he was already feeling doubled at his clumsiness and he found himself wanting to lash out at whatever...whomever...was closest at hand.

The look of self-loathing in Obi-Wan's ever-changing eyes stirred something deep within the healer. Carefully, she approached the fallen figure, hands held palms-up in front of her in the most non-threatening gesture she could think of. Even so, she was startled enough to take a step backward when the man on the floor growled at her with the anguish of a wounded animal.

"All will be well, young one," she assured him in hushed tones. "This is merely one step down the path to recovery...and every journey worth taking is laden with obstacles."

The red haze in Obi-Wan's mind cleared a bit at that. Qui-Gon had once told him something similar. Bowing so that his forehead rested against the cold, stone floor, arms out-stretched, Obi-Wan envisioned himself gathering strength from its cool, unyielding surface.

"Such desolation I sense in you, young Padawan."

If the floor could not open up and swallow him, then Obi-Wan wished it would at least absorb the tears he'd shed there so that Master Yoda would not see his shame.

"Leave us, you may," he heard the Master tell Healer Turna. For a moment, Obi-Wan wished she would stay, but she probably had more promising patients to attend to.

A sharp knock on the top of his head surprised Obi-Wan more than it hurt him. Startled back to reality, he looked up to see Master Yoda standing before him, walking stick in hand.

"Consume you, self pity can, just as surely as if it were Darkness itself."

Obi-Wan's blood ran instantly cold at the thought. He had fought the Darkness on Naboo--he had beat the darkness--and he would not allow it to be here, in this place, threatening his master or any of these people.

"Yes," Yoda said with a half-smile. "Understand, you do. Hard to see, the Dark Side is. Always in the form of menacing beings the Dark Side is not. Strike in our thoughts, in deeds, in thoughtless self-proclamations it can."

Obi-Wan shivered, both from the cold floor and the coldness in his soul.

"Come. Kneel," Master Yoda ordered. He gestured toward the abandoned blue mat that lay just out of Obi-Wan's reach. The mat slid across the smooth surface, stopping when it collided with Obi-Wan's legs.

Giving the small Master a grateful look, Obi-Wan shifted until his knees, blackening under fresh bruises, were upon the softness. Eyes on the other master, not knowing what was expected of him, he was shocked when the elder did not dismiss himself and leave the apprentice to his meditations. Instead, Yoda commanded a second mat into his hand from across the room, and knelt down across from the Padawan.

"Unsure, you still are," he said, not unkindly. "Wary of the future. And young you still are, in need of counsel, guidance." Yoda felt an almost electrical jolt go through the apprentice, as the words triggered an automatic memory response-picture of Qui-Gon.

Yoda held out his green, clawed hands to the hurting padawan and there was no hesitation as Obi-Wan grasped and held them tightly in his own, relieved beyond belief to have a connection to somethingóto someoneóat last.

"Meditate together, we will," Yoda told the apprentice, closing his eyes. "Then ready in heart and soul, mind and body you will be. Ready to join with your master."

Obi-Wan's meditations with Yoda went far into the afternoon. The Master had not expected to be that long with the young man, but fevered minds and troubled souls did not come with a time limit on them.

When the two of them finally emerged from Obi-Wan's sick room, it was to the sight of the sun beginning to set. Stopping suddenly before the large windows at the end of the corridor, Obi-Wan stood for a long moment, mesmerized by the simple beauty. Only when Yoda cleared his throat did he collect himself enough to continue down the hallway.

Instead of going straight to his master's room, as Obi-Wan had hoped, he was led to what looked to be some sort of meeting room. It was small, with a circular table in the center.

Seated at the table was Jedi Council member Depa Billaba, and Obi-Wan's stomach clenched at the thought of yet another person being involved. But he knew her to be one of the Council's newest and youngest members, and was not as intimidated by her presence as he was by some other Masters'. Perhaps that was why they had sent her instead of someone else. Where the Council was concerned, things rarely happened by chance.

"Do not look so dismayed, young Padawan," she said with a knowing smile. "We do not mean for you to be kept away from your Master. We merely wish to be sure that you are well-informed and have no questions before you begin."

Questions before you begin... For Sith's sake! It sounded like a test...or one of the many Jedi exercises. Nonetheless, he took the seat that Yoda indicated without comment or complaint, swallowing hard around the lump that was forming in his throat.

"It is our belief," Master Billaba continued. "That Qui-Gon no longer has a sense of what is reality and what is not. During the Sith battle, when he began to close down the links you shared, Qui-Gon very likely did so with the belief that the end result would be your victory and his own death. Because his conviction was so total, he may fight you, or he may fight the knowledge you bring--the fact that you still exist, that he still exists, and that the ties that bind you are still very much alive."

Obi-Wan tried very hard to understand and accept what she was saying, but it was overwhelming. How could he, only a Padawan learner, give back to his master all that the Sith had taken away? Feeling suddenly anxious and dizzy, he put a hand to his head and closed his eyes, willing the nausea to dissipate.

Master Billaba was immediately out of her chair, one of her smooth hands pressed against Obi-Wan's forehead.

//Relax, Padawan. Relax and be at ease// her mind voice comforted him.

He felt the soothing Force-healing flow through him and it was more of a comfort than he cared to admit. The spinning in his head stopped, as did a small amount of the worry and fear.

"With all due respect, Master," he managed to say. "I don't understand how we will be able to complete our bonding if my master is...unable to fully participate. I can't do it alone..."

The desperation in the padawan's tone was plain.

"It will not be so difficult as you imagine," Master Billaba said aloud as she returned to her own seat. "The bonds are already there, deep inside both of you. You will simply become the guide, the outlet, the conduit through which the bonds will find a way of reasserting themselves. You will lead Qui-Gon in this, just as he has led you so many times. And although you may doubt it now, he will follow you. His feelings for you will make it impossible for him to do otherwise."

Obi-Wan prayed that it was true.

"Doubts you must not have," Yoda told him firmly. "Do or do not. Total commitment you must have."

"The circumstances surrounding this may be unusual, Obi-Wan, but they're not impossible," Master Billaba said with conviction.

Obi-Wan wished he could share her beliefs. Feeling more and more uncomfortable, he swung one bare foot back and forth through the thick Temple carpeting and stared out of the window into the fast-approaching darkness.

"Obi-Wan." There was concern in the female Jedi's voice, making him feel guilty for having looked away. Breaking eye contact with a Jedi Master was disrespectful.

"Obi-Wan, look at me." There was no condemnation in the tone...only a sincere wish to help.

The apprentice turned a forlorn face up to her, working hard not to blink or shift his gaze.

"Do you love him, Obi-Wan?"

It was not a question he was expecting, as the crimson color rising in his cheeks illustrated.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi, do you love Qui-Gon Jinn?"

"Yes!" the padawan said with a sudden rush of emotion. "With all that I have and all that I am."

"Then all will be well, young one. Love does not conquer all, but it will conquer this. The Council has felt it. Just love him, Obi-Wan. Love him and show him the way home. That will be enough."

This time, Obi-Wan was almost able to believe her.

With a barely audible hiss, the door to the room slid open, revealing Master Windu.

"The healers are with Qui-Gon," he assured Yoda as he walked in, as if anticipating the question. "I will say my piece and take Padawan Kenobi to his master, if that is acceptable."

Both masters nodded in agreement and took their leave of Obi-Wan, waves of reassurance flowing from them as they exited.

"You are looking well, Obi-Wan," Master Windu commented, eyeing him from braid to bare feet. "Very much improved since I last spent time with you."

Knowing that Master Windu had risked his own life to save Obi-Wan's, the apprentice felt the heat rise in his cheeks again. Desperately, he fought it off, lest the master think him ungrateful. Out of respect he gave his full attention to the large Jedi, although every muscle in his body strained to go to his master.

"Thank you for saying so, Sir," he replied almost absently, his mind a million quadrants away...or at least several corridors away, at Qui-Gon's bedside.

The usually stoic master almost smiled.

"I sense your eagerness for this reunion...this union with your master," Master Windu told Obi-Wan. "And I sense your hesitation as well."

Obi-Wan blinked, wondering what else the master could sense from him.

"You are ready for this," Mace assured him. "Qui-Gon is ready for this--needs this."

Obi-Wan felt a wave of...something...wash over Mace and in that moment he understood all that the two men had once been to each other and just what Qui-Gon's recovery from this meant to his master's once-lover. And there was no jealousy in the discovery...simply an increased need to help Qui-Gon heal.

"Is he...still injured...from the fight?" Obi-Wan didn't know how to ask about the chest wound, but he wanted to know.

Master Windu tucked his large hands into the even larger sleeves of his robe as he considered his response. While he still considered Qui-Gon to be physically fragile, the padawan was almost as fragile mentally. And causing him undo worry would only assist in complicating matters. Mace chose his words carefully.

"Although he may still appear ill, Qui-Gon's injuries have been sufficiently healed. The scarring remains, but you should not fear that you will injure him."

The Jedi looked Obi-Wan over for a long moment. "You need to be aware, however, that Qui-Gon's midichlorian count is exceptionally low. The levels will increase during your bonding, but right now he will be extremely weak. Perhaps weaker than you have ever seen him...weaker than he has ever been."

The idea painted pictures in Obi-Wan's mind that made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

"He may not be able to call upon the Force as easily as he is used to. In truth, he may find he cannot grasp it at all. And that will cause him great anxiety."

A chill ran up Obi-Wan's spine.

"You will need to be strong for your master, Obi-Wan. He will not be able to assist you as you begin and so you will need to take the lead. Bonding is a natural process--you will know what to do when the time comes."

Noting the padawan's draining color, Master Windu felt a need to reassure.

"While you may start this alone, Padawan, you will not finish it alone. Rest assured, Obi-Wan...when you and your master walk away from the Med-Center, it will be together, as lifemates."

The warm glow the words sparked in Obi-Wan's chest soon grew into a raging inferno. The flames seemed to roar in his ears, and he nearly missed Master Windu saying, "Now go...go to your Master, Obi-Wan..."

As Obi-Wan entered Qui-Gon's room, the healers keeping vigil stood up, preparing to leave. The bed they attended more closely resembled a very large mattress than an actual bed. It was wide enough to easily accommodate three or four grown people and although it sat directly on the floor it was nearly half a meter high. As the healers passed him on their way out, Obi-Wan still had enough presence of mind to bow to them in thanks, but when they were gone, he fairly flew across the room and threw himself down at his master's side.


It was nearly as bad as he had feared. The once tanned and noble face of his master was drawn and pale, his chiseled, spirited features gaunt. The large man, his teacher in all things, lay completely still, unmoving against the emerald green bedding that someone had obviously gone out of their way to procure.

//Oh, Master...//

He'd been so convinced of his Master's death that seeing him here, alive, was difficult for his mind to accept. Kneeling, he reached out to touch Qui-Gon's face...the first time he'd touched him in what felt like forever.

"I love you, Master," Obi-Wan whispered, his voice breaking. He drew in a shaky breath, trying to curb his run-away emotions. //With all my heart, I love you.//

And then he was covering the slackened face in kisses, running his hands along forehead, cheekbones, nose, ears, all the while murmuring "I love you." He couldn't touch enough...taste enough...say it enough.

Upon reaching his master's mouth, Obi-Wan was at first content to stroke the lips, willing them to part under his fingers. When they fell open at his touch, however, he was overcome. Bending down, he placed warm lips against the Jedi master's unusually cool ones, unable to stop the groan that came from somewhere deep inside his chest as his tongue gained entrance to the familiarly moist cavern. Force, but he had missed that taste!

Somewhere, in the back of his mind, Obi-Wan had hoped for a miracle--or at least for enlightenment. Had hoped that the mere sight of his master, a kiss, would stir something in him and show him exactly how to proceed. But it was obvious that this wasn't some sort of magical fairy-tale. And if there was to be a happy ending, Obi-Wan knew he'd have to make it for himself.

As he eagerly explored his master's lips, tongue, and teeth, there was no reaction or response. Obi-Wan hadn't really expected one, but this felt he was taking advantage of his he was forcing him to participate in something he had no knowledge control over.

The pit of Obi-Wan's stomach felt like ice and he grew cold with the sensation. If he felt this way now, after one stolen kiss, how would he feel when they got to the more...physical... aspects of the bonding?

Pushing himself up from the floor, Obi-Wan began to pace. The Masters thought he could do this. He had to do this. He wanted to do this. So why was it so difficult?

He had never lacked independent thought or motivation, but as a padawan he was used to his master's input and guidance in his life. He was not accustomed to being by himself, doing things on his own--especially new things--without the ever-present reflection and feedback of his master.

//Master, help me...//

Returning to his master's side, he settled himself carefully on the bed. Resting his head on Qui-Gon's shoulder, he listened to his master's breathing with unfathomable relief. Long minutes passed, with Obi-Wan's only desire to hear the intake and expulsion of his lover's breath. But soon even that wasn't enough.

Ever so carefully, the padawan moved so that he lay chest to chest atop his master. A rush of familiarity hit him as he reveled in the soft, solid body beneath his own. This didn't feel like taking felt right. They had slept this way, so many nights, cheek to cheek, heart to heart...not in sexual union, but in a spiritual one.

Concentrating, Obi-Wan blocked everything else out of his mind but the sound of his master's heartbeat. Hesitantly, he touched the long, silvering hair. He ran his hands down Qui-Gon's arms and folded the cold fingers into his own warm palms. Cold. His master was so cold. Obi-Wan shivered in reaction to it.

All at once a small flash of an idea came to Obi-Wan. Getting up once again, he made his way across the room to the shelving units mounted on the wall beside the bathroom. They had been well-provided for and there seemed to be no end to the soaps, powders, cremes, and oils Obi-Wan found. Stepping curiously into the bathroom, he found the usual amenities along with numerous basins, myriad towels, blankets and several changes of clothing.

Back in the main room, the apprentice perused the shelf once again. Oil. Yes. Obi-Wan sifted through the many bottles on the shelf until he found one that suited him. Plucking up a soft towel as well, he ordered the temperature of the room raised several more degrees before moving back to the mattress.

Straddling his master's hips, Obi-Wan took a deep breath and opened the white sleep robe, pushing it back from the man's chest. He could not stop the gasp that came, unbidden, to his lips, nor the tears that came to his eyes as his gaze was drawn to the Sith's deadly brand upon his master's body.

Fingers trembling, Obi-Wan reached out, running his thumb lightly over the injury, tracing the rough border of the stark white scar. His hand shook harder as he realized that, should he turn his master over, he would find a matching mark on his back where the weapon had made its exit. Shuddering, the apprentice tried to remind himself of Master Windu's assurance that Qui-Gon was sufficiently healed.

//I'm so sorry, Master!// his mind cried out. //I would have stopped him if it were in my power. I would have taken his weapon into my own body, to save yours from this defilement...//

Cold. His master was so cold.

Without further distraction, Obi-Wan managed to untie and remove his master's robe, noting with mixed reaction that Qui-Gon had nothing on beneath it. Well, he thought with an almost-smile, it would save him the trouble of wrestling it off the unconscious man later. Next to hit the floor was his own robe and underclothes--he wouldn't be needing them for a while.

Taking the sweet-scented oil in still-shaking hands, he unscrewed the top and poured a generous amount into his palm. Setting the bottle aside, Obi-Wan rubbed his hands together, warming the cool liquid and slicking his fingers and palms for the job ahead. As an afterthought, he recaptured the bottle and drizzled thin trails of the oil up and down Qui-Gon's arms and in swirling circles across the broad chest.


Leaning forward, Obi-Wan placed his hands on the broad shoulders, and kneaded. For long minutes he concentrated on rubbing warmth back into the icy flesh and then on massaging stiffened muscles into soft, warm compliance.


Adding more oil to his hands, Obi-Wan moved down his master's body. From forearms and chest to legs and feet, the apprentice's hands worked magic, transforming something that had been untouched far too long into something begging for physical contact.


When he was finished, his master's body glowed. The renewal of life in it was pure beauty to behold. Qui-Gon had not yet answered Obi-Wan's mental calls, but he would. Obi-Wan could feel it. He had begun to prepare his master, physically, and with their first joining the mental contact would follow. Now, more than ever, he knew that.

Of all the places he had explored this night, one area remained untouched. Sliding away from his master's hips, Obi-Wan resettled himself between Qui-Gon's legs. Reaching out one oiled hand, Obi-Wan tentatively grasped the quiescent shaft that lay before him and squeezed lightly.

The reaction was immediate and unexpected. Qui-Gon arched off the bed at the small touch, groaning, going instantly rock hard. It was much more than Obi-Wan had hoped for. Tears of joy stung Obi-Wan's eyes and he felt the familiar ache in his groin as his body answered his master's. Qui-Gon was in there, somewhere. And he was as eager for this as his padawan.

Unable to resist, the apprentice knelt up and came down upon his master's thick arousal with his mouth. Tasting the creamy nectar already waiting for him there only spurred him on. Hands flat against his master's firm thighs, he swirled his tongue around the glistening head and swallowed his master to the root.

//You need this, Master,// he told the other man. //I need to do this for you. Come for me, Master, please,// he urged as he suckled.

Taking a breath around the fullness in his mouth, Obi-Wan relaxed his throat and took Qui-Gon deep down inside him. Tasting his master's readiness, tart and sweet on his tongue, only increased his need to bring the man to completion this way.

//Come. Just come,// he pleaded, but the Jedi master steadfastly held himself away from release.

Perhaps, Obi-Wan thought, there was a part of Qui-Gon that knew this was not the way to the bond's completion. Obi-Wan knew it, knew there was more that needed to be done, but he chose this way to begin. Everything else would happen, all in its own time. Now, to convince his stubborn master of that fact...

//It's okay to let go,// Obi-Wan promised the Jedi beneath him, flexing his throat to caress the swollen-to-bursting shaft. //We will each have our moments tonight. And I want this first one to be yours. You taught me the art of loving...this is only an extension of those lessons.//

His mental voice softened. //Let go,// he soothed, setting the gentle rhythm of his thrusting mouth to words. //Let it all go and allow me to do this for you, my teacher. Relax, Qui-Gon. Relax, my love, my Light. Relax and come...//

The words flowed from his mind as Qui-Gon's seed flowed into his mouth. Hungrily, greedily, Obi-Wan swallowed down every last drop, feeling the same renewal of spirit he felt every time his master's essence flooded through him.

Dropping in relief between the sweat-slick thighs, pillowing his head beside soft, brown curls and softening cock, Obi-Wan allowed the warm, satisfied rush he was feeling to overtake him.

Then, horrified, Obi-Wan lifted his head. He had thought it easiest to start this way, with this most basic of sharing. But it was supposed to have been Obi-Wan sharing his midichlorians with his master--not the other way around. Qui-Gon was already so weak. What had this release done to him? Obi-Wan's earlier joy disappeared, overcome by heavy, crushing shame.

//I'm sorry, Master!// His mind voice begged forgiveness. //It's just so much easier to look to your pleasure and release than to my own.// But even as he said it, he knew the time had come for action, not words.

//I need your help, Master,// he said. //Please accept what I can give you and be strong again...for yourself and for me. For us.//

Calling the bottle of oil to his hand, Obi-Wan coated his fingers liberally and took pleasure in pouring a great amount of the sweet-smelling liquid over his master's groin and into the crease below. Captivated, he watched as the slippery substance made its way further down, between the firm cheeks, to pool at his master's entrance.

They had not joined many times, but when they had, his master had insisted on being the receptacle, out of fear of causing his lover unnecessary pain during the learning stages of this most beautiful of acts. Qui-Gon had taught him well: how to begin with careful preparation; how to be slow and gentle and loving; how to be aware of the other's feelings, should there be a need or want for something faster, harder or more immediate. The two of them had engaged in both sorts of love-making, although the former was more often chosen by the master as the teaching tool of choice for his padawan during their sexual activities.

Gently, Obi-Wan inserted a fingertip and then a finger into his master, taking care not to hurt this man who had already suffered too much. Twisting and rotating the digit, he pressed in and withdrew over and over, until he was certain his master was adequately prepared. Then, allowing his finger to delve deeper, he stroked his master just so...there, where Qui-Gon had showed him. His reward was an almost-electrical current that surged through the body beneath him, raising the older Jedi off the bed.

Applying more oil, Obi-Wan inserted two fingers into his master, shivering slightly as he thought about what would be inserted next. His own erection was ready and waiting, hot and heavy against his belly. Scissoring his fingers one last time inside Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan prepared himself with a more-than-generous amount of the oil and slid fluidly into his master.

The young apprentice's breath caught in his throat. Slick heat. Hot, tight, slick, heat. Had it been so long since he'd done this, that he'd forgotten the sensations? He felt his buried shaft set to throbbing at the thought and although he'd feared not being able to give Qui-Gon what he needed, he found he could no more stop himself from thrusting than he could stop the moon from rising.

//Master!// His mind voice cried out as he entered his lover again and again. //Can you feel me? Do you feel me thrusting into you, Love? Touching you so intimately, just as you taught me?// Obi-Wan continued the mental conversation, hoping for a response from his master. //Does it feel good, Master? Having me inside you like this? Please say something... Please say yes...//

Feverishly, Obi-Wan pushed into the older Jedi. Gasping for air, Padawan braid tossing from side to side, he held his lover still against his pistoning hips and willed himself to come.

It was difficult. Obi-Wan had learned to see love-making as an interactive activity. Two people sharing of themselves with one another. But there was nothing equal about this. This was entirely one-sided and horribly awkward. Heart still pounding, Obi-Wan slowed his thrusts.

The Masters had known this would happen. They'd warned Obi-Wan of his role as 'leader' in this, had tried to prepare him. Only he could provide his master with what he needed. Only he could increase the depleted midichlorian levels and help Qui-Gon obtain the Force again.

For a moment, the task again seemed far too daunting for him to accomplish on his own. His master had been dead. He'd felt it happen so long ago on Naboo. And although he lived now, breathed on his own, the man lying so still, so non-responsive on the mattress was not the man Obi-Wan had fallen in love with...perhaps never would be again.

Emotionally exhausted and physically drained after his own brush with death only days before, Obi-Wan sank down into his master and collapsed, his head on Qui-Gon's chest. Buried deep within the man beneath him, he paused, gasping, to order his chaotic thoughts and catch his breath.


His mind cried out, but again there was no response. Only the slow, rhythmic beating of his master's heart against his ear. But nothing else. Concentrating, he followed the heart beat through Qui-Gon's body. Blood pumped. Oxygen circulated. Breath flowed in and out. But nothing else.

There was no flicker of his master's self here, Obi-Wan thought with anguish, not even a spark of the Force that had once flowed so strongly in him. There were only memories. Memories and the hopes of the other Masters that one Padawan would somehow be able to resurrect the man whose life meant more to him than his own.

Grief threatened to overcome Obi-Wan as he considered the implications of this...body...under his cheek. Would there ever be anything again? Hot tears of painful reality pooled in his eyes and ran in rivers down his cheeks. Would he and his master ever be anything to each other again? With an unsuppressed shudder, Obi-Wan lifted a trembling hand to wipe the sweat and tears from his face. Closing his eyes, he cast about in the Force, fervently hoping for guidance.

Mind relaxed and open, Obi-Wan found himself distracted by a hardness beneath him. Reaching down between their bodies, he found his master's manhood awaiting him, surprisingly hot and filled to overflowing. Tenderly, he ran his thumb over the crown, feeling flowing moisture that spoke more of his master's readiness than any words or thoughts.

As if on cue, Obi-Wan's own erection throbbed inside the tight, dark passage where it lay waiting, all but forgotten. As he tentatively began to slide his hand up and down his lover's hardening flesh, Obi-Wan thought about every time they had made love...every sensation his mind had logged. Qui-Gon's shaft jerked in his hand. As he pumped his master's shaft with greater urgency, he recalled every word of love his master had ever uttered...every time he had been held in strong arms, soft breath on his ear, hot semen on his chest....

With a helpless cry, Obi-Wan exploded, pouring his lifeseed into his master's desperate body, convulsing helplessly with the onslaught. Faster and faster he continued to ravage Qui-Gon's cock with his fist, and when it, too, released its thick, white cream, Obi-Wan felt himself coming again...and again. And with every spurt, every stream of himself that he emptied into his master, the padawan imagined that he could feel his master becoming stronger, more Force-aware. But was it only his imagination?

Releasing Qui-Gon's limp cock, Obi-Wan reached up to lay a hand upon his master's damp forehead. Reaching out with the Force, he sought the other's presence there and touched...something. Joy coursed through him at the discovery, and he centered his thoughts on Qui-Gon's body.

The much-needed midichlorians were making their way through his master's bloodstream, joining and multiplying as they went. Soon, he thought, Qui-Gon would surge to consciousness, unable to stop himself from reacting to the energy that pulsed through him, truly with a life of its own. Soon, he thought, he would have his Beloved back.

More than curious now, Obi-Wan examined their bond. The Master/Apprentice bond was there, as was the soul bond. The lifebond, which he had never even been aware of before, was present as well. But although Obi-Wan could now feel it, he could also feel that while it had been revitalized, it was still incomplete. And it would remain incomplete until...


//Master?// His master's voice in his mind knocked the wind out of him, robbed his lungs of all their oxygen. //Oh, Master!//

//Obi-Wan! My Obi-Wan!// The voice was indeed weak, and rough with emotion. //I thought I had lost you forever, my padawan!//

//Never, my Master. Never forever.//

//I thought I was dying...//

//It was not yet your time, Master.//

//And now it is our time, Padawan,// Qui-Gon's mind voice said. //I can feel that our bonds are very close to their final stages of development. Soon my love...soon we will be together for always.//

There were no words to express what Obi-Wan was feeling. Instead, he simply basked in the warm light that now shone brightly into the dark depths of his self-imposed despair. His master, his Light, was returning to him. There was to be a future for them after all.

Suddenly, the energy flowing through their newly-established bonds increased exponentially, as Qui-Gon's Force abilities attempted to reassert themselves all at once. A terrified scream tore through Obi-Wan at the unexpected surge. Held immobile by the power and blinded by the excruciating pain, a second scream and a third came, unbidden, to the Padawan's dry lips, as the midichlorian count in his master's body reached and then surpassed its normal levels.

Obi-Wan gasped, barely able to breathe. //Master!//

//Yes, my Obi-Wan...anything you wish...// Qui-Gon misunderstood his padawan's passionate request, and the fire of the re-asserting bonds burned brighter with the thoughts of his young lover.

Sweating, straining against the more powerful mind, Obi-Wan choked on his words. //Master, stop! Please...stop!// No longer cognizant of his surroundings, he slipped from Qui-Gon's body to lay curled in cold, naked agony on the mattress beside him.

Qui-Gon didn't stop. He didn't even appear to have heard his Padawan's desperate pleas. The joy of his return to the outside world and of the returning bondings blocked out all else.

Obi-Wan moaned. The pressure building in his head was so great he felt as though it would explode. Clutching alternately at his temples and the bedsheets, he tried to latch on to anything that would end the punishing agony. The pain was unbearable and as he felt his stomach begin to roil and wretch in response to it, Obi-Wan made one more attempt to reach his master.

Healer Turna took off for the sequestered med-room at a dead run. She, like the other Masters, had been monitoring the Force ripples carefully, awaiting the return of Qui-Gon Jinn and the inevitable union of Master and Padawan in the life bond. But something wasn't right. There were a lot of pains and adjustments associated with the formation of a bond, but the suffering she was sensing was inhumane. It could not be allowed to continue.

"Myro! Wait!"

The large, dark-skinned Jedi was closing the gap between them, but the healer refused to slow her gait. "No!" she yelled back over her shoulder. "I will not allow this!"

Although she had a head start, Master Windu caught up to her easily. Myro Turna's small stature was no match for his long legs. Coming up beside her, Windu grabbed the sleeve of her robe, effectively stopping her.

"This is not your decision," Mace told her, trying to ignore the fire flashing in her green eyes.

"The Sith Hell it's not!" she spat out, chest heaving from the exertion. "I am his physician and if I say..."

"A life bond is to be left to the will of the Force," Mace reminded her gently. "If the bond is to be, it is to be. If not, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon will discover that, and terminate their interactions accordingly."

"Terminate their inter...???" The healer sputtered, furious at being kept from her charge. "This is not some experiment we're talking about. It's two people in pain! Two lives in jeopardy!"

"You must allow the bond to form of its own accord, Myro," Mace insisted. "A bond tainted by outside interference will ultimately turn weak and unstable, as you well know. Would you risk that?"

Myro Turna sighed heavily, pushing a loose red curl back into position behind her ear.

"Okay...I will wait and see how it all plays out. But I warn you--if this level of suffering continues much longer, I will interfere. Bond or no bond, I will not risk any patient of mine in the name of the Force!"

Windu was not entirely satisfied with Myro's statement, but the older Jedi was at least accepting of the healer's opinions. Sending out a tendril of the Force to cool the fires of her blazing temper, Mace shortened his stride to match the healer's on the way back to the Council Chambers.

Trembling, on the edge of insanity, Obi-Wan shouted, "Master, stop!"

The words were wrenched from his throat as he began to sob. Heaving painfully, dryly, he closed his eyes against the onslaught and attempted, unsuccessfully, to close his mind as well. On his hands and knees, forehead to the bed, he rocked back and forth, trying to force the excruciating invasion from his mind.

In the throes of such suffering, Obi-Wan's fevered brain conjured up all sorts of ideas, not the least of which was the possibility that he would never have a life bond with his master. He could not take much more, and if this was what the bonding was to be like, his mind and body could not accept it. Could not!

As if to illustrate his point, another lightning bolt of pain struck Obi-Wan, doubling him up. Huddled in a ball, icy hands wrapped around his knees, the padawan howled piteously, this time in shame. Oh, to let his master down this way! It was one thing to know that he would never know the love and joy, the permanence and unsurpassed intimacy a life bond provided. But to know that he was keeping his master from such an experience was unthinkable, unbearable. Obi-Wan's entire body shook with his effort to hold the tears inside.

//Obi-Wan?// For the first time since they'd begun, Qui-Gon sounded fully aware.

A tiny bubble of hope floated to the surface of Obi-Wan's dark and murky pain.


When his master called for him again, in the same coherent voice, Obi-Wan felt compelled to answer.

//It...// Tears squeezed out through Obi-Wan's closed eyelids and his breathing was labored as he tried to stop the heaving of his insides. //it...hurts...// he whimpered. It was all he could manage. //it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts//

//Obi-Wan?// His master seemed confused. //Our bond is nearly complete. Is this not what we have both longed for?//

//YES!// and then //NO!// came the fevered shouts from the apprentice's mind, before he could prevent the words from coming out . //it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts// Even through clenched teeth, his sobs poured forth.

"Obi-Wan?" For the first time in weeks, his master spoke aloud, but unlike before, Obi-Wan no longer had the energy for a verbal reply.

//...hurts so...badly...hurts...// Obi-Wan thought back, his mind screaming in agony. The horror of this continuing until the bond's completion was too much to contemplate. //stop the pain. please. too much. make. it. STOP.//

Black spots danced before the padawan's eyes as he reeled towards unconsciousness. His last thought before he passed out, was that of death. More than anything right now, he wished for it to claim him, to end his suffering.

//Obi-Wan! No!!//

The master felt the apprentice give in to the blackness, heard his mental plea for death to take him. And knew that he could not allow it.

//Obi-Wan! Love!//

Qui-Gon opened his eyes for the first time in weeks, and they watered profusely, even in the reduced lighting. Blinking the blur away, he spared a moment to look about the room he was in, before all of his attention was given to his padawan.

Having rolled onto his back in an attempt to escape the pain, Obi-Wan's face was a mask of pure agony. Still holding his body taut, knees bent and hands clenched, he looked, to his master, very much like a defenseless, toppled tei beetle that could not right itself. And as it would for any frightened, injured animal, Qui-Gon's heart went out to his apprentice.

//Oh, Obi-Wan...//

Just opening his eyes and turning his head had indeed been great accomplishments for the renowned Jedi Master. Sitting up was something else entirely. Muscles, stiff and lethargic from non-use, protested fiercely. Pain shot up and down stiff limbs as he levered himself, first to his elbows and then into an upright position. Gathering his newly-acquired Force abilities around him, Qui-Gon covered himself in a blanket of healing until he was nearly pain-free and able to sit almost comfortably.

Drawing in several deep breaths, Qui-Gon reached his mind out to Obi-Wan.

//hurts hurts hurts hurts hurts hurts hurts hurts hurts hurts hurts// The pain-filled chant consumed Obi-Wan.

//Obi-Wan?// The Master called to the Padawan.

//hurts hurts hurts hurts hurts hurts//


His padawan's suffering was deep. Qui-Gon could feel that nearly all of the younger man's energy was being expended to shield himself against the pain.

//hurts hurts hurts//

Guilt hung heavily about the Jedi Master. He had done this to his apprentice. Indirectly, perhaps, but his actions on Naboo had led to this.


Qui-Gon's mind shout was a last effort to pull his padawan's attention back to the here and now. It was the Force equivalent of a mental slap and it worked.

//                //

It wasn't a true response, but neither was it more of the mantra. It appeared he now had Obi-Wan's attention.

//Obi-Wan...listen to me. I know you're in pain and I know you're frightened. But I also know how to stop those feelings.//

//        ?        //

// Will you trust me?//

The older Jedi felt another pang of guilt as he asked his apprentice to do something he knew would be difficult....for both of them.

// came the small voice.

Warmth rushed through Qui-Gon at his padawan's brave words, even in the face of the unknown.

//You saved my life, by selflessly offering your midichlorians to me, Padawan,// Qui-Gon began. //Our bonds are going to be stronger than ever, and I will have you to thank for it for the rest of my days.//

He could feel Obi-Wan's doubts and knew that he was holding himself back even though there were things he wished to say.

//My love, you are feeling the pain of an unfinished bonding. Our lifebond was only half-formed before the incident on Naboo, but it was forming naturally. With all that has happened here today, the bond has not only been reformed, it has been reformed more strongly than before. And it is out of balance.//

A sudden spasm of pain tore through Obi-Wan, and he screamed out loud as his body shuddered and shivered against the green bedclothes.

//Oh, beloved! How you suffer!// Qui-Gon touched Obi-Wan for the first time, unable to help himself. Levering the young man off the mattress, he pulled him into his lap as he had done so many times before. Automatically, his hand reached up to stroke the damp forehead and lightly brush the soft cheek.

//Don't. Touch. Me!// The anguished mental cry was almost enough to make Qui-Gon drop his precious bundle back onto the bed.

//Obi-Wan...// Qui-Gon hushed the padawan.

Obi-Wan writhed in his grasp, teeth gritted, eyes rolling wildly. //Your. touch. hurts. me.// he managed to gasp out. //hurts hurts hurts hurts hurts//

Qui-Gon knew it was time. Before things got out of control again, he had to put a stop to this. Skin white and taut over too-visible cheek bones, stomach rippling, fingers and toes clenching and unclenching, all spoke silently of Obi-Wan's great pain. Carefully, he laid his padawan on the mattress.

//Oh, Obi-Wan! I so wanted this first time to be special for you. I wanted it to be slow and gentle and beautiful. I wanted to be able to take the time to heighten the sensations until you were begging to be released and then to bring you to completion slowly...//

Qui-Gon had to stop as emotion overcame him. He took a shuddering breath to steady his next words.

//I promise you, my love, that when this is over and we are both sufficiently recovered, I will show you just how wonderful this sort of union can be. For now, I will be gentle, beloved, but you will have to be my brave Padawan one more time. I promise that once the lifebond is in balance, there will be no more pain.//

A whimper from Obi-Wan was his only answer. Qui-Gon's heart squeezed tightly at the sound of his apprentice trying so hard to control his response.

Procuring the nearly-empty bottle of oil Obi-Wan had abandoned on the floor beside the mattress, Qui-Gon began to prepare himself. The conditions for this were less than ideal and just the thought of what he was about to do nearly undid him. But fears must be faced, he knew, lest they grow into something Dark, and this was the only solution to their problem.

Touching himself sent shivers through his body, and while it was the last thing he wanted to do, Qui-Gon stroked his shaft until it was shining and hard in his now-slippery hand. Then, with the utmost care, he prepared Obi-Wan, thanking the gods that this would be the extent of his apprentice's participation.

During the several minutes that Qui-Gon's slickened fingers penetrated and prepared Obi-Wan's body, the Jedi master was nearly overcome by the mental cries of agony which accompanied his thrusts. Heartsick and weary, he forced himself to think only of the outcome. When he at last lifted the Obi-Wan's legs to his shoulders and pressed his cock against the small, dark opening, the apprentice's cries became harsh screams that threatened to deafen the older man.

//Bear with me, Obi-Wan,// he soothed. //Bear with me and it will be done. I know it hurts. I know it hurts. I'm sorry you're suffering so.// He took a shaky breath, tears welling in his blue eyes. //It won't be long now, I promise. Bear with me, Padawan.//

As he spoke into Obi-Wan's fevered mind, Qui-Gon slipped his penis further and further into the body beneath him. Using the Force as a shield, he took as much of the pain upon himself as he could. All he had to do was come, and the lifebond would be complete.

//You are everything to me, my Obi-Wan.// He told the younger man. //I love you and I will love you until the day that I am one with the Force.//

The thrusting became faster and deeper, Qui-Gon concentrating on Obi-Wan's comfort and ease. And although he had stimulated Obi-Wan with his fingers before, showing him the pleasure to be gained from touching a male in just the right ways, he knew his padawan had never before felt the sensation of another's cock inside himself.

Pulling almost all the way out, Qui-Gon readjusted Obi-Wan's legs and body just before he slid in one last time, buried to the hilt, internally stroking his beloved padawan.

//All that I am, my Obi-Wan, and all that I have, I give to you,// he said simply as he came in white hot jets inside his lover and now-lifemate.

The screams that issued forth from the young apprentice then were a mixture of pain...and joy.

Laying in sated relief, Qui-Gon settled Obi-Wan's silky head against his shoulder and cheek. Still breathing hard from the exertion, the Jedi Master pulled his padawan's limp body close, arms holding him tightly, and drew the bed covers up around them. Obi-Wan had been through much this night, but all would be well. The Force-energies were balanced in them now, and whatever was to come, they would face it together.

Allowing a very un-Jedi-like sigh to escape his lips, Qui-Gon took one last look at the man in his arms and allowed himself to join his lifemate in sleep.

"Qui...Qui-Gon?" The voice was no more than a rough whisper, but it was a balm to Qui-Gon's soul.

"Obi-Wan...I'm right here. I'm right here, my love." Reluctant to relinquish the grasp of the man held tightly in his arms, head on his shoulder, Qui-Gon rolled back just a bit, taking Obi-Wan's face between large hands.

Memories of past pain were still strong, and he felt his padawan flinch at the touch, and then relax into it.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, does it, Love?" the Jedi master asked, blue eyes looking deeply into hazel.

Obi-Wan took a deep breath, taking a moment to inwardly catalogue his thoughts and feelings.

"I can feel the bond between us," he said softly, in wonder. "It's alive. All I feel is...happiness."

Warmth and joy flowed through Qui-Gon. He stroked a finger along his apprentice's jaw. "Rest now, my Obi-Wan. We have both done enough for one night."

He felt, rather than saw, Obi-Wan's smile, as the padawan closed his eyes and nestled his face into his master's shoulder. The younger man was asleep again almost instantly, and within minutes, the older Jedi followed.

~ el fin ~
