A Tern Tale

by The Rose (rosarocaminis@yahoo.com)

Title: A Tern Tale
Author: The Rose
Archive: M/A and my web site, http://www.sockiipress.org/~rose
Rating: R
Pairing: Q/O
Category: Humor
Warnings: Written quickly and un-betaed. Proceed at your own risk.
Feedback: *waves hand slowly in air* You WILL send feedback. Ah, come on! You know you want to! Either on-list or off to: rosarocaminis@yahoo.com
Disclaimers: George Lucas owns all things Star Wars and makes a fortune off of them. Me, I write for the fun of it and give it away for free.
Summary: I've been itching to write a short story. Sorry, that's all the summary you get.

Qui-Gon Jinn stood silently contemplating the small black, white and rust colored bird as she hunted for insects in the sand of her new home, the Callian Animal Sanctuary. He had found her only days before, one wing hopelessly broken. A touch of Force healing had aided the veterinarians, but the Russet Winged Tern would never fly again, and would have to spend the rest of her days here, in this net-enclosed copy of her natural habitat.

She paused in her hunting to raise her head, singing out a plaintive, repetitive cry. She was lonely. Russet Wings, he was told, mated for life, and she was obviously grief stricken over being alone.

Strong arms slid around the Jedi from behind, and he leaned into their touch gratefully.

"She's lonesome, isn't she?" Obi-Wan asked in a hushed voice.

Qui-Gon turned to brush his lips over his beloved's forehead. "She's heartbroken. I can understand her sorrow. To be separated from you . . ." He shook his head as his throat contracted, ending his ability to speak. Obi-Wan stretched up to kiss him, the soft touch of his tongue on the master's lower lip promising wonderful things to come.

"That will never happen." Then, Obi-Wan stepped back, his eyes twinkling. "I have something for you."

Qui-Gon let his eyes roam down the young, fit body in front of him, lingering for a moment over the slightly tented leggings. "So I see."

The padawan laughed. "No, no. Not that. This." He stepped outside the enclosure's door for a moment, then returned with a small wooden box. There were holes in the top that looked as if they had been cut with a lightsaber.

"What . . .?"

Obi-Wan smiled. Setting the box down, he lifted the lid, and a small black, white, and rust colored bird hopped out. Its gaze darted around the pen, then settled on the female tern. With a cry of acknowledgement, it raced to her on long, slender legs.

"Its her mate," Obi-Wan said softly, snuggling up against his master's side as they watched the pair gleefully begin their courtship dance. "I went back to the beach this morning and found him there, calling for her."

Qui-Gon felt tears of joy prickle his eyes. "Thank you, Obi-Wan."

A cocky grin appeared. "It was nothing, Master. I just thought that one good tern deserved another."

The End